Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 09, 1896, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal
TUESDAY, JUNE 0, 1890.
Prof. F, W. Blackmarof the chair
or history and eocldlogy, Unl rcrelty of
Kansas, In tlio Forum.Jutie, J8SW, asks
the ntieatlen: Have nrumlMS of
iJt'inocracv been fulfilled? Ills ans
wer between the lines Is more than a
negative, ha snys In fact there Is more
than n suspicion abroad that, while
men huvo prophesied that ours would
prove a perfect form of government,
wo have been living upon sentiment
a iid seeing visions, and as the scales
full f rum thulrevas they observe that
this nation Is not saved from tlm
grinding poverty, the crfeos.lvo self
IsIiiiohs the dexixitlrtiii and corruption
of the old world.
Prof. Ulackmar shows that ;lf-gov-crmiicut
means something more than
going to tho K)lls to vote or attending
a primary. He says It means eternal
vigilance; It uieann dally watchful
ness of men and measures. Tho prom
ise that tho people Mould take an In
terest In their own government If It
were placed In their own liiitul has
not been kept. Ho Is astonished at
tho apathy and indilTcrcucc of the
voters who even fall to go to tho bal
loUbox. Many scorn to think that
Bclf-govenuubnt is a kind of parpet
u tl motion machine, tint It will run
Itself, It being only necessary to start
It once a year or once In two ynnrs
ami that II will run on In the mean
time without any further attention.
Hilt people In some of tho slat.es and
in sotiio of tho larger cities arc begin
ning to find that to make social life
tolerable mid existence possible and
la avoid a state, of anarchy Micro
must bo a combined and. constant
activity of tho best 'cltlroiiH and an
c location and uplifting or tho masses
of eltlwns to n higher conception of
tho duties of a common citizenship.
Ulackmar shows that an Insatiable
thirst for olllco has sprung up In
cent yenrs. Tho country from tho
Atlantic to the l'aclllc, from Alaska
to Florida Is Infested by a greedy
band of oWce-holdors, growing in
numbers and settling down on tho
1 1 ml like tho locusts in ICgypt, to de
vour tho products of tho toll or others
in tho naino of party loyalty and scr
yleo to the state.
The reluctance with which inch
woro drawn from Miolr private busl
iicks to tho service of tho state In tho
carllor years of tho century, has
given way to nn hundred hungry as
pirants pushing, crowding, lighting
for every place lu the gift of tho peo
ple. Tho man who morely goes to tho
polls and votes a straight ticket Is
uuxt seen standing in lino for his turn
at the public crib, and most of those
whOHiicceed In getting nn ortlco, have
neither tlio courtesy nor the good will
to retire, until forcibly ujecteil. This
Is tho dark ploture l'rof. Ulackmar
paints, mid well does ho descrlbo It as
Itomoorucyritn nind.
What Is Prof. Uacknuir'a romedyr
Ho admits that 'tho government has
been alienated from Tlio jwople, and
that It has gone into tho hands or
domageguus: nod onico-seekem. In
o including his article, .ho says there
is a way to again bring our govern-
incut Into vital touch with tho poo
pie. What Is iiia wny? Ho says tho
way logins with Increased popular In
terest In the caucus, tho primary, tho
election, "and tho service throughout
their term of the oillcers chosen." In
no other way can tho voice of tho pet.
plo bo heard. "Tlio safety nml reform
of all government rwta In tho power
of local units." Ho attributes tho
evil condition of u (faint to tho cure
I jmiicss or the. vgtcc and tho wlllsh
moss of the ortlco-holdcr.
Tho promises or Democracy huvo
not been fultllled, as Prof. Jllaekinur'
luvoluulurllv admits. Ho does, not'
ulatn n -in.l' In wlilcli l.lt . !.... '
...... ........ .v ... .....v.. mo xvuikiins
any Hope. Closer attention to the
wiucus has beon recommended for tho
,,jnH twenty yean.. It is not n remedy.
JttkJHf4tk ;iui skilled voter to en-
Itr wtitw-t (mmm in one or two years
with (Iks k(ttNi yoIUiciau, who hope
ii-HHviif4ijiko Interim, by
M Mtifity at- (he oauciu, the prl
wtf, tbecoeretitioflrHliprofeor
Una the right track.
In ulvni.cc- of most
Ife Is probably
... UUMIIJW- V ...V.'V a.......
men, wnci nil
I chairs of 'politic-it economy and socl-
ology In American colleges. They
teach beautiful theories to the rising
s' generation of cltlr.cns. When naked
! what Is the remedy for the multlplio
lty of evils springing up on every
hand, they tell the voter ho must play
his cards better In a game with cx
pcrtflj. where he Is sure to be beaten.
The college professor, like the ludgcon
the bench, has In too many instances,
won his position by a lucky play of
the cards, at the same game he Invites
the voter to take a hand In playing.
It Is plain to bo Been the people can
not wait for reforms, to proceed from
the ruling or educated classes, who are
holding olllces, though there be here
or there men among them who have
an insight Into the terrible decline of
American politics.
What Is the remedy? Tho school of
politics must Ikj established among
the KMipIc themselves. The restora
tion of the government of our coun
try to the hands of tho pconle, where
It belongs, must be brought about by
thepeople themselvesThe return into
their own hands of the wealth, the
lands, the privileges of this nation,
which have been wrested from them
by the present unjust system, can
only be accomplished by the applica
tion of the representative principle
In its original form, where the repre
sentative and public servant becomes
the absolute rellectlon of the expressed
will or tho majority and nothing else.
The man who railed in this respect
among our Anglo-Saxon forefathers,
when they established parliamentary
government In England, wasi received
on tho points of their spears, when ho
returned to them with broken or tin
oxocutcd pledges.
To Bo Given by S. V. Examiner
Pacific Coast Boys.
. The Hau Francisco Examiner Is pre
paring for a baseball tournament to
bo held during vacation' A hand
some $100 silver cupnnd a $r0 pennant
will be presented the winning team.
Mr. Jos. Luvcqtio, a practical baso
balllut of this city, and Clms. Illcly
are canvassing tho city for tho pur
pose of ascertaining how strong a
team could bo formed at .Salem. Tho
Albany colts have entered tho tourna
ment ami certainly Halcui, tho capital
or tho state, should bo represented by
at least one team. Tho following Is
clipped from Saturday's Examiner
which Is Heir-explanatory:
Letters are still coining to hand
from anxious managers who want to
know how much It will coa.t their
clubs to outer tlio big tournament and
who will pay the expenses of traveling
from town to town In tho meets be
tween clubs. Again tho answer Is re
peated; It doesn't cost a cent to outor
the tournament, nml no club will bo
called on to pay any travollng ex
penses. H .member though, only tho
very best clubs will bo called on to do
any traveling, and "Tho Examiner"
will look after their expenses. All
the competing clubs have to do now Is
to tlio their entries and get down to
practice. Team work is what they
want to perfect themselves lu. All
tho entries must be lu by Juno Ifitli,
midnight. Then the schedule games
will bo uiado out. Somowhoro lie
tween Juno 17th and Juno lilst tho
clubs will bo called on to begin play
ing olt the games. Duo notice will bo
given In Tho Examiner of tho time
and place to play. Tho clubs lu ono
town will bat It out with ono another
tlrst. In soiuo towns thero may bo
ten games played on tho saino day.
For Instance, over twenty clubs are
already entered In ban Francisco. If
the .udiedulo opened tomorrow twelve
games cou d bo played, or The Ex.,
amlner will sco to It that tho proper
grounds, scores and umpires arc pro
vldcd. Tncoma has twelve oIuIm en
tered, and It can easily play six games
on tho first day. The leaders will
como to tho front rapidly at that rate,
and It wont take long to decide tho
championship, lu towns where thero
Is only ono club duo notice will bo
given that club when and where to
play. Get down to practice now, ror
all tho entered clubs-arc in 0110 boat.
ami tho notices will bo sent so that
they will reach tlio clubs on tho same
There never was a tournament
whoro tho entries came In so oulcklv
ami with so much enthusiasm. Huh
your club Joined yet? ir its members
are tinder eighteen vtmnt nml aiv
I ll.Mllllltl Mt HIM It .. I..I.. l. .. .......
t.u.iw.xio iifu ivvnii juiii UIU VUllieSV.
Got your club in the race, ror thoro
never was such a ohanco for boy base
ball players to capturo glory mid tro
phies. Tho silver cup wilt cost $100.
the pennant W. ami It your club
bhould bo champions its oxpenscs will
bo paid by The Examiner whllo it
iravols about the state defeating
other clubs.
(The Salem boys will do well to
look out for that little word "If."
What James Whltcomb Riley Is to
tlic Hoosler state, Tacitus Ilussey Is
to Iowa. He has not gnlned as wide
repute throughout the nation, yet the
sweet music of his pootlo genius as
quickly nnd firmly grasps the heart of
Ills reader, more especially if he be
a native of Hnwkcycdom. The volume.
"The River Ucnd and Other Poems"
is a collection or the happy verses
contributed during past decades to
the literature or his stute by "Tar'
Ilussey, as he Is known at home, and
many n throb of pleasure will It bring
to the friends who have known the
author by his lines In past, as well as
to those who have had the pleasure of
a personal acquaintance. In keeping
with the kindly and beautiful spirit
of the music or this whole-souled
lowau, this volume Is printed and
illustrated In the most elegant letter
press, and on the whole is a most
creditably production. Iowa can
truly be proud or "Tac" Ilussey both
as a poet and printer, and If thero Is a
native or his state lu Oregon who
wants a rare souvenir or his home let
him send 81 to the author at Dcs
Moines, Iowa, (lock box 401) for tills
exquisite little book.
Hrandcr Matthews,, professor In
Columbia college, better known as a
magazine contributor, has compiled
a volume Introductory to the study of
American literature,' which has
somo merit. Only a chapter Is de
voted to colonial writers, another to
lien Franklin, and the remainder
nearly all to inoucrn writers, it is a
fair text book, with a good chronolog
ical table giving dates of Important
events, including the production or
noted lwoks (American Hook Co.,Kcw
"Old .Stories or tho East," by
James Baldwin, Is another publica
tion that could with profit be added
to school literature for young readers.
It embraces the leading events of
the bible told In etory form and de
void or tho awftilness frequently
presented both In text and Illustra
tions, (American Hook Co., New
The "Athenaeum Press" Is a liter
ary scries of great merit. It contains
works of English literature from
Chaucer to modern times, edited with
biographical and critical notes or
value Tlio latest addition to this
valuable scries Is the poems of John
Keats, prepared by Arlo Hates. This
youthful star In the literary world
will always boa favorlto with lovers
of poetic beauty. His lire or uncer
tain extraction was short, and his
productions not voluminous, but his
fame- Is still growing. Guiiii & Co.,
"Fairy Tulo and Fablo," by Thomp
son, Is an Ideal introduction to art
and lltoraturo for young children. It
Is In largo print, with beautiful half
tone reproductions from inastorpteces
or art. Tlio stories uro rrcsh; and or
the highest moral tone, without being
or tho "goody-goody" order. Tho day
wliou such books as this will bo intro
duced in our schools, will mark an Im
portant epoch In educational progress.
Now Ceiltury Educational Co., Hoston.
Tho Juno number orMcCluro's mag
azine devotes a pago to tho ''Rhymes
or lronqull," taken rroin tho recent
firth edition or tho poems or E. T.
Ware, or Topeka, Kansas. Tho author
lias ovldently seen conslderab'lo or
liro In Kansas, and his Impressions or
tlio Jayhawkor state arc well portray
ed m his cyclonic nights or philosophy
run and doggcral. Ho calls It a book
or moods, and It Is woll named, yot it
would bo unkind to attribute tho
range or Ids moodiness to the stato lu
which ho lives. Many or our readers
who have escaped front tho laud of
droughts, tornadoes and blizzards will
enjoy tho pages of lronqull ror tholr
force and freedom. Ho talks sense
most of the time, nonsenso occasion-
uUy, and with a good purpose always
lCrano Jb Co., Topeka. KtluZ 1
Tho July number of tho delineator,
Is called tho summer number, and Is
remarkablo on account of several now
depart tires. First and foremost is the
addition qf four superb colored plates.
Woman's opportunities are broadly
considered by Mary Cad wahulor.1 ones,
whlio tho pursuit of lltoraturo as a
JUUH-V3SIUU is kivcii experienced ex
position uy Agnes Heppller. In ad
dltlon ton paper 011 tho furnishing
and decoration or dining-rooms, by
Frances Leeds' thero are tho usual
well stocked departments devoted to
tea tablo chat, seasonablo cookery,
household sanltatlon.now books,faney
stitches and embroideries, laco
making, knitting, tatting, etc. With
tho added attractions of this great
woman's mugailne, Its subscription
price or 1 n year is moro than over a
BuckUa'i Arnica Salve
The best ixUv In th world for
"""I, "" "ccn, aau uncum, t-vr
tnd all letter. Chapped hands. Chilblains,
Bruise, Skin Lruptloos. and positively cares
Pile or bo pay rutred. It is guaranteed to
Uvtperfec tatistictlon or money rtfundev.
Price 35 cents a bo. For sale by Fr4 A.
Legg. - -
bores, Sores, Uicer. Salt Rheum.
. Indians arc picking strawberries at
Hood River.
Mrs. Maranda Cook, of Eugene,
died tin Saturday, at the ago of 77.
There Is now stored at The Dalles
wool warehouse 4,000,000 pountis or
The prellmanary survey is being
made for a railroad from Marshlleld
to Empire.
Jim McFarland, of Eugene, was ar
rested ror stealing household goods
from n squaw.
The work on the new wagon road
from Oakland to the Hohcinla mines
Is being pushed.
Win. Staats, of Crruk county, Is in
the valley buying up cattle to drive
to that county for the range.
Lawrence L. Lewis, or Illinois, has
been chosen ns principle of the Pen
dleton high school at $U0 per month.
There Is a report that the walls at
the Cascades arc beginning to give
away under t lie pressure or the high
The Indians on the Pmatllla reser
vation will celebrate in great style
this year. All previous efforts will be
The Polk county teachers Institute
which meets at Monmouth June 22
23 and 2t, will have as an attraction
a lecture by Joaquin Miller, the poet.
Pendleton will celebrate with bi
cycle races, toot races, a barbecue,
dancing, parades, a baseball game and
a torchlight procession on the Fourth
or July.
The Oregon Agricultural college at
Corvallls will begin the ceremonies or
Its 2(lth annual commencement June
10. The ceremonies will extend over
a period or six days.
W. J. Mctskcr wasarrested atPIeas
ant Valloy yesterday and brought be
rorc Justice W. II. Hentley, lor. pre
liminary examination on the charge
or mayhem says the Hakcr City Blade.
The teachers in the Roscburg pub
lic schools arc; F. H. Hamlin, Miss
Parrott, Mrs. Brown, Miss Hradloy,
Mrs. Hamlin, Mis Wlmbrley and
Miss Willis, with Miss Bailey super
numerary. The Sisters or the Society or tho
Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, of
Astoria, have purchased Judge Tay
lor's residence. The building will be
remodeled ror a seminary and will bo
ready ror occupancy about Sept. 1st.
J. P. Roberts died at Klamath Falls
last Monday. Ho was born In Mon
roevllle, Mich., April 7, 1820. In 1852
Mr. Roberts came to the Pacific coast,
and located In Rogue-river valley,
since which time ho has resided con
tinuously lu Oregon.
Oeorgo P. Hrunilleld died at the
homo or his daughter, Mrs. A. Strong,
in Eugene, last Friday.. Mr, llrum
llold was born In West Virginia, near
ly 81 years ago. lie crossed tho plnlns
to California in 1832, and moved to
Oregon lu 1887, settling near Eugene,
I). E. Pease, n pioneer resident of
this county, died at his homo nt Sklp
anon. Death resulted from enlarge
ment of tho llvor. Tlio deceased was
born In Orange county, N. Y.. In 1820,
and crossed tho plains In 1810, arriv
ing lu the fall or that year.
Condensed Testimony.
Chas, 1). Hood, Ilrokeraud Manufacturer's
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr.
'"'B, "tw wiscuvery wis no equal ns a
..ougii reins. ly. J. U. Urown, Prop of St.
lame Hotel. Vt. Wayue, Ind.. testifies that
he was cured of a Cough of two year stand.
n$, caueed by I .a Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. II. F. Merrill, llaldwinsville.
Mass , says that he has used and recmin1il
it and never knew it to fail and would rather
nave u man any doctor, because it alway
cures. Mr Hemming. 2 E. 251I1 St.,
Chicago, always keeps it at hrnd and has no
fear of Croup, because It Instantly relieves,
hree Trial bottles at Fred A. Legg's Drug
When IUty was alck, we gava her CastorU.
Wla the ww a Child, h cried for CastorU.
Whf n the twcmo Mta, obe clung to CastorU.
Whn the had Children, she tare them CastorU.
Reduced Rates.
Ihoso going east should call on or
address the Union Pacific City Ticket
onlee, M Third Street, Portland, ror
rates to tho rollowing meetings:
Hepubllean National convention,
St. Louis, Mo., Juno loth.
Democratic National Convention,
1 uiiuKii, 111., juiy uu
. People's Party Cc
People's Party Convention and
Pie.s Society of Christian Endeavor1
Washington D. C. July 7th to Kith. I
National Educational Association
meeting, luufalo, N. Y. July 3rd to
Encampment Grand Annv or the
Itenublle. St. l.nil. Min A,,i....;;
tj w 11 1 .,
J Always FIRST
f Gail Borden
I Eagle Brand
Z A PCBFrer pona pas Kiaiwra
$ "A Scorcher'N 5J
'obacco Dealers say, that
"BATTLE AX" is a "scorcher"
because it sells so fast Tobacco
Chewers say, it is a "scorcher" be
cause 0 cents' worth goes so far. It's
as good as can be made regardless of
cost For JO cents you get almost
twice as much as you do of other
high grade brands.
Of the Salem Florticultural Society
1. Best collection of tea roscs.uot. less
than 12 varieties, $5.
2. Best collection of tea roses,.! varie
ties. $3.
.1. Best collection or tea roses,2 varie
ties, 81.
I. Best collection or not less than 12
varltles or teas In bud, $3.
5. Best collection of o varieties or
buds, teas, 83.
0. Best collection or hybrids, S3.
7. Best specimen or rose bush in
bloom, not grown, and Introduced
In 189.VIHJ, $.1.
8. Best .specimen of roso bush In
bloom, pot grown, and introduced
In 'OJ-'Uti, $1.50.
0. Best collection of-inoss roses, buds,
10. Best collection of Polyantha roses,
11. Best collection or pink roses, not
less than 5 varieties, $2.
12. Best collection or yellow roses,
not less than 5 varieties, $2.
13. Best collection or red roses, not
less than 5 varieties, $2.
R i!e2: (llsPly of Bankslan roses,
15, i.so uoJf10 roso )f any vnr,etyi l8t
Special premiums will bcolfered for
tho llnest display of the following
named varieties or roses.
iuarecuni reii. visiniintna vnii--
stone. Papa Oontier, Catherine Mer-
iiiui.ounsei, .Mario van llouttc, La
.ranee, .Taeouenilnot, lUeno Marie
Henrlette. Wm
Homer Baroness
.anon iiicuanison.
Kothschlld, Bride
La Marque, Madame
Airred Carrier,
climbing), Nlphetos (bush or climb-
nist (sl)lay r rasos fro any
''Pwn outside of Marlon
county, ?.),
roses0-'"11""8 on other llowcrs than
?Mt,S!,1MH!8P!ay P' Palsies, 92.
lst.l nest display or sweet peas, 1.50.
2d. 1 inost display or sweet peas, II.
tw.VFst ""'"beror varieties or 11a
tlo Oregon ferns in pots, 31.60.
Best collect Inn nt .iii.i i
gathered by a child u.uW u 5
or J1WV mini. ,.-!... "" .7"o
Collection of twenty varieties of
Persons not wishing to enter for
The rules,
forgover nine Ttw r iLW'"?
adopted by
executive co. tli'i ,' DKt,M
men nf00"" I1?! and all adjust
action of the ov, 1 lorpuw'.sllcd
l.aUbe Ml t SVIIV'"00
ii.-i.fi;:..: . . "". wiuiuuu
111. on tl 0 tlrst Koi t00r K1 !'
.iV. ""l0."11 ,la of tho show will tw
1. 1 1..... .- ; . .- -""""'"cv.
lil received from 8 a.m. till 1 n.,
Jte fflWWMito
mo door, and
subjected to their
J?J :..??. lUev will be excluded f mm
7 NnnA nf ii.
cannot be
eel w BnK. r plani or "owor to re-
il4'e a pnnnluui. ,v
h 0o entry of any. variety. i col-1
-..........,..,im,aiiiu .ui.x-nn ocuwarts,
S?tCrl.,r 1 ster,Mndame Welchc.Isa'
ft 1 . :.?''K SlJJ't (!! or
AlMllllttlcnn Mmlnt..A 1.
vtauiiiLi.i. its 11: iittM .iTinnn iitiiiii
3 W&r yo
u Hon of named roses shall consist of
' s than three specimens, at least
ono to be full blown. .
10 All plants must bo owned by the
exhibitors and have been In their pos
M'vslon at least three months before
the show, nnd all cut llowcrs must be
giown by thoexhlbltors.
11 Plants and llowcrs cannot be re
moved uiUll the close of the exhibi
tion except by permission of tho
12 No llower shall be entered for
more than ono premium.
13 All llowcrs must bo labeled wlt.li
naino beforo entering.
m 1
$ioo Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at leajt one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in ail Its
tages. and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires n constitutional
trcarment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
intc nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disease and
giving llie patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in doing its
worh,. 1 ne proprietors have so much faith in
1 c,ur,al,ivc Powe" that lliey oflcr One Hun
dred dollars for any case that ii fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEV & CO., Toledo, O.
bold by druggists, 75c.
State Treasurer's Sixteenth Notice. .
Statkof Our.aoN.Treasury Dopt., )
Salem. May 28, 1800. f
Notice Is hereby given that there
aro funds on hand with which to re
deem nil outstanding stato warrants
endorsed by me "presented and not'
paid for want of funds' between tho
dates of October 8, 1805 and tho dato
or this notice, with the exception or
warrants drawn on the swampland
fund, nnd that nil such warrants,
properly endorsed, will bo paid upon
presentation at this oillcc, interest
nn?Ji:(iaslnB.froin' and after. tho
date of this notice.
r 00 , Phil Metschan,
fi-28-lw stat0 Treasurer.
To Water Consumers.
The Irrlc.it Inn ...in ....
inn.M..nfdTCOnt,nUO (1Ur,nK th0 f0Ur
'"nt,l3or Juno, July. August and
Wluber AU bllls duo ani. payable
inVJ l'M Anyono not satlsllcd with
AyW .'"K wiU P'easo leave
word nt the ofllco and their lots will
fm,nft"taasure(1, fwlRation hours
from 0 to 8 a. m. nnd from B to 0 p. m.
Salem Water co,
A. L. llnowN, Supt.
Call for Warrants.
County Treasure's )
Office, Marion County, f
fununn Ifn!1 e,r?by B''en that I avo
a ni i?ntanTditofayBU warrants Is
ontX?Jlh m und interest
WAIT wiu tuS& or
Dated Juno 8, aoTdw
oreor Oared.
Four oat of flvo who
"Uiier BcrfquantH;
ttontIworj7, attacks
of the bliuss," aro b ;
paying tho roaalty of
corly ezces3. Vie.
tlms, reolalia your
XQAnlirwl vt.l ..
ueaialr. Sui fn. rr.v nt.
d Proofs. J.n.w..ii.i
M'M0 ONTfiWRfg
Five Continents Reprcenled
KthnolOBlr.1 Com. , or Cntlo., Hm
rreentliiK many l'.xtrnonllnrrn.,L.
Features never before lit..Jf k .1Wlkl
.udlencc.. To e elU.er ofThlfh fitt .
uorth more limn to ne the lilL. . ln.E"riT
any other .how In ih ? ,vol" Th!' Sgg
earth liavlng a drove of i-erforml.S ,?"'
The only .Row hnvlht. nnnVJrSHui
Hone.. 'Two Oraiid irxmbi?0nf,i,5o.,w
ances Dally. Door, opulli"
?rom all account? thU model cotnblMtlon
will be -an impoitdnt era In the .,...,
annu ais of our community Tiere i ..
woids but praise wherever it hu tpiead iu
tenti, and is said to be a revelation in ilrii
seeing. Presenting so much that l( entiirly
new and original, the nre nf it. i
cities is laden with panegyrics, and m sunl.
tnoui in placing neail and ihouldcn ibott
and overwhelmingly superior to all otto
shows. It ii said hundreds attend Booi
Brothers' shows dally that are not in the
habit of going te circnsei. Knowing that the
unit. arc no 1 as uveiy as ot old the mtuce
ment of Dond liros. have concluded to redoei
the price ot admission 10 50c.
Hiss Ballon'. Soli
opened in
Will receive children from 3 years spvwct
Special attention to becinners. All dnireJ
branches for theolder pupils taucht, ioclod
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and tr
ust. c needle work, All work done on tie in.
dividual plan, in which each child it ad.
vanced according to its own capacitr. For
terms and particulars apply to Mlu O.Bil.
iou. Twentieth and Chcmeketa its.
Salem SteamLaundry
Please notice the cut in prices
on the following
Shirts, plain tocesU
Under drawers 5 to locentt
Under shirt 5 to 1 0 cent!
Socks, per pair 3 cnt
Handkerchiefs 1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3C""
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per doon,
and other work in proportion.
Flannels and other work in'
(elligcntly washed by hand.
Col. J. Olmsted Prop,
IMdiionary '
Tho Ouo Great Standard Authority,
So write lfim, H J, lire wr,
J luilo I 8. (tup. .mo Coon.
WSend a Postal lcr Specimen Pfi,tt.
f tl I' S-OortrrtJ;
a..ia(t.a llwIT H.J.'
1 mm. Court. a )
(in! ot onttyaU")
commence I
tr Suu .".wtotajj
without BiuuKr.
It U otf.y to Hnd tht word waaUJ;
It I. My to certain the V"
It Is ewy to tree the FtotJVr
It U mi to Itarn what a word
Tho aaa rranciscv -"'"J,S2rt'
Th5li no doubt Ui . tht t Tori" iJ f
... . . ll...laltir
k in llnllMI HLLXBi 1M II CL
.. . .. .-. IU-.!. .- I II III 1 1 I IH MH
. hi mini MtmiiAlJtnrfl lUl
' a Kk . iltfnirr tetf
) ..& vm unlll LtknM
nLJr eonntrlM. Dec. 11 "
SprlBgaeia, jtuax., "7-
jam prepared to do all kuld'hJ d
wood and iron. Repattinjt .
any kind or making and 'Vads
ten, tools and edgei tools of ?U
and repaired; wagons and bugP S
and new ones made to order. liZZS
the best that can be done in 0;.
made shoes. VUtcsimfw
Jully attended to. Call "t'Rslet
Chemeketa street, back of ew WK
In.ll tcvm and localities .?,.
United States. and Urntone to
aln Washer and Steam , weird
use. It saves i ""tCft
clothe? ia less than six moo . s H
w5J5fe.s - C i"vA
!5 Stat street.
P.fc A i. w -