Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 08, 1896, Image 1

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iri'L. 8- . -'.' .. , .
-znT iiinnnii lriunrnniinp
rur vanuLnDunb
NO. 17
" i t t i t ' ' ' i ' i i r
. i-n -
i i i i, i i . i i . i i t i i i i
, , , AT THE x ,
New York
Order of Railway Conductors.
i i i t i i i i r
Grand Excursion
To Salem Fair Grounds, ,
Sunday, Jime 14.
Excursion trains will run from Portland, Oregon
City, Woodburn, Natron, Silvcrton, Sheridan
and McMinnville 3C2CXXXXX''fXX
Good music, races of all kinds and other amuse
ments, Races to start at 1 p. m. Admission to
Fair Grounds 25c, Take,elcctric cars,3CA3CJ&
i i 'i COMMIiTTEE i . i i
C,RMUler,J,M.Poorman, P, R Tynan, "W. S. Conser and
W. R Glendeningr
The Willamette Hotel.
RKJuctd'ntM. Miiuoement liberal. lElectrlc ears leave kotel lor aWpubllc buildings
ui points ofjinterest. Special rtes will be given to permanent patrons.
Odrlwrwmjed.-Satisfaction guaranteed. StabU back ot'tate Insurance Jblock
" AY TOOLS JTJCV-6-V. i OiWO.j nu mi w..w-
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
r5J9s&: x-r-r. -o -
g " ariUKKLERS. 0-rtw-U.CJ.VX, ' jCV
Or Republican Tom Tongue
for Congress,
Details of the Situation Right Up
to Date.
: r Willamette Hot BuM4k
uWwTter emce apply foce. KU
K, in VdJance. Make
: Tr".t the office.
til . lbe no deduction In water fte
dtTIi ol temporary absence frm Uk
jwltts notice is left at U eftee.
"rettr water fnr 1.,.: m I- v
fcr HZT !? 'egulax cces&BMft wine vratw
jtofiBtic purpote. CwtMMMnitV Ot
jKfl Timr.'..S.i.. -
$, 7. Prompt ijiy..rt
A difference
of a day.
PoitTLAND, Juno 0. The olllclnl
vote or Curry county, received Satur
day night gives Tongue 283, Vander
hurg, 133. Tongue's 'plurality In the
district Is now 44 votes. Tho olllclnl
returns have been received from nil
but five counties and from these coun
ties complete returns havo been re
ceived. Unless the olllclnl count In
these live counties changes the result
Is that Tonguo Is elected.
The work on tho official count was
resumed at tho court house today, by
Deputy Clerk Allen and Justices John
son and IlayB of Woodburn. It Is
doubtful if any preclnts will bo
thrown out, unless an action Is
brought to compel tho canvassing
board to do so. In the faco of defect
ive returns,' tho fact seems to bo that
somo of tho ofllccrs wcro sworn,
although tho poll books do not show It.
All day Sunday and today tho Popu
lists and somo silver Republicans who
voted for Vandcrburg havo been in
tho city and aro enraged not a little J
at what they declare Is an effort to
countout their man. Populist leaders
say tho fact that they were not
allowed to name one of tho precinct
judges, and tho fact that all tho mis
takes discovered havo been on tho
side of tho Republican cnndldate, Is
ovidencoof Intentional fraud.
A petition was circulated for signers
Sunday to ask tho state officials to
not Issue a certlllcatc of election
until there can bo a recount of tho
ballots. If cither Tonguo or Vander
burg had 2,000 plurality tho little
mistakes discovered in footing tho
precincts by tho county boards of
canvassers would not havo been com
mented upon. As it ls,a great deal of
excitement Is caused by tho close con
Mr. A. II. Cornelius was In town
today and 6ald at tho Marlon precinct
election tho officers wero sworn Just
as they always havo been in tho past.
Ho says if thero was nny irregularity
it was unintentional. Sid Russell,
tho chairman, swore all tho other
officers and he was then sworn by one
of the Judges. The return Itself is
not sworn.
Editor Journal! If tho people
cannot get u fair count from an
official board of canvassers, they want
to know the reason why. All parties
ought to bo represented on that
board, and if the Republican party
will not give tho people u fair show
they will bo wiped out of power In
Oregon. Tho people will not stand
it to have their rights taken from
t.liAm. J n. M.
Editor Jeurnal: I seo by your
Saturday evening edition of, an at
tempt to throw out several precincts
on technicalities, In this, county, and
among them North Salem precinct
because tho Judges and clerks hud not
been sworn in. Now I happened to
bo there and know that the person
who made that assoratlon, cither was
misinformed or lied. If tlioy can And
a person to roako affidavit to tho
offect that tho board wero not sworn
in, I will dig np somo of my negatives
and give Governor Lord n chance to
pardon some one out ofthopen.
call for a mketino.
A call has boon issued for a public
citizens' mass meeting at Marlon
Square, Salem, Saturday, Juno 13th at
1 o'clock p. m. Tho call recites that
thero Is "amplo proof that a high
handed piece of fraud and trickery Is
being perpetrated under color of law,
whereby Hon. W. S. Vandcrburg, the
legally elected congressman for this
district, Is being unlawfully and
fraudulently counted out, and Hon.
Thos. H. Tonguo Is being, counted In,
contrary to tho expressed will of tho
majority of legal voters of this dis
trict. Therefore, wo call upon all good
and law-abiding citizens who bollovo
In honest elections iu an honest vote
and a fair count, to unite with ns In
public mass meeting duly and law
fully assembled, to tal'co Bndh lawful
measures as may bo ucccasary to pro
tect tho purity of tho ballot box, and
to utter our protest and indignation
against tho most disgraceful attempt
to defeat the will of tho people ever
attempted in tho history of our state,
and if allowed to bo consummated
would bo ai lasting disgrace to tho
namo of our state.
Therefore all good citizens arc re
quested to assemble at Marlon squaro
where good spcakors will address tho
assemblage." (Slgncdy citizen's
the signatures
arc mostly Populists and at 2 p. m.
wero as follews:
P. Mlnzcnmalor,
S. S. Williams,
James Vaughn,
James Mathews,
A. S. SUppey,
C. L. Barrett,
Geo. B. Jacobs,
Win. Wilklns,
Geo. D. Spraguc,
J. B. Stump,
D. 0. Howard,
Geo. S. Downing,
K. L.Htbbard,
uuiiii iu. x ajuu,
II. A. Peters,
Geo. E. Allen,
,M. P. Pynn,
II. A. Saulsburg,
A. P. Holt.
John Brooks,
G. S. Reed,
G. M. Hunter,
Geo. A. Jucobs,
It. R. Ryan,
L. W. Benson,
W. D. McGee,
It. II. Lcabo,
V. W. Allon,
Springfield, Illinois, Blown
and Drenched,
Elevator Burned by Anti-Chinese
Springfield, Ills., Juno 8. For
thrco hours last night, this city was
swept by one of tho most violent elec
trical and thunder storms, that over
occurred in this section of Illinois.
Many thousand dollars damages re
sulted. Tho first floors of many resl-
ilentsworo flooded. The city was In
darkness most of tho night. Several
alarms of llro added to tho terror of
the situation. Thousands of sparrows
cover the ground, having been drowned
by the deluge. Tho Sangamon river
has risen live feet, and Is still advanc
ing. Thoro has been great damago In
tho lowlands.
Mexico, Mo., June 8. A tornado
struck hero yesterday evening causing
destruction of houses, barns, trees
and crops. As far us known no one
was Injured. Rains fell In torrents,
fully six Inches covering tho ground.
Many residences wcro undermined.
Walla Walla, Juno 8. A large
elevator of Tacoma warchouso Co.,
was destroyed by flro at 1 o'clock this
morning. 1800 sacks of wheat belong
ing to Dement Bros., and a carload of
flour owned by QUbert & Co. stored in
tho warchouso aro a total loss. The
elevator was valued at $10,000 with
8400 insurance. Tho llro was of an in
cendiary nature. A fow days ngo no
tices wero posted about town Hhat If
tho pcoplo of Walla Walla did not
stop employing Chlncso tho town
would bo burned down.
Directed Upon Person's Prominent Before
tho Public.
T. T. Gcor was lost In the shuffle.
A "now deal'
now dealers'.
' docs not always mean
Go Mit over the Barllnstoo and
you will reach
f Owaba 17 boors sooner r
KauM City lo hours seoer
tiuatkcrotn who takes any
tor hoe. , ,
Possibly you doubt this, but
U b true just the same.
Get one of our folders, o en
I. Innl ilia man In it and
yon will understand why it l
Tickets and time tables at the
local ticket ofice. .
'- " Foitland,Or.
the sake of'
health usi
tBetter thn lard for
k verythin. ftS
IU Itt
J. A. Cavanaugh.W. D. Mattliows,
John Sinclair, E. O. Fling,
S. It. Burford.
Tho Marlon county canvassing board
completed its work today, and decid
ed that no precinct returns wcro.lloblo
to bo thrown out, nccordlng to law.
On congress tho vote stands as fol fel fol
eows: Chrlstonson,Prohl 1W
Myers, Dem 007
Tongue, Rep 2509
Vanderburg.Pop........ 2580
Vanderburg's plurality t
A private telegram from Thos. II.
Tongue, at Hlllsboro, Imforms his
friends that ho has 70 plurality, and
Is satisfied ho Is elected by a safo
If the leaders of the Republican
party In Oregon havo any sense left
they will quit ostracising men for
their .opinions, and seek to unlto all
elements of tho party. Tho trouble Is
the webfoot hog has an ubnormally
developed appetite for spoils, and very
little political sagacity. Ho needs a
gag put In his Jaws until he gets
somo sense.
Tho Statesman wants to weed tho
Republican party out, that is, tho
nofer element, who do their own
thinking on tho financial question.
Tho Statesman had better quit tho
weeding business. Albany Democrat.
Oil, don't stop 'em. Let them go on.
Thero are only two parties in this
atato now. That crowd and the rest
of tho people,
An Extromo Nervousness Is Visible
It Jumps Up and Down.
Trades of
Millions of
Chicaqo. Juno 8. Tho wildest
wheat market seen In tho year, is that
of to-day,tho fluctuations went sldo to
side with bewildering rapidity, Jumps
of nearly a cent at a time being fre
quent. July wheat opened 1-4 above
closing prlco Saturday, but was Jam
med down 3-4 in a short tlmo. Tho
bulls redoubled their efforts and soon
had tho market on-an excited boom,
tho culmination which was a rlso of
two cents ubovc tho lowest prlco pre
viously made. But on opening of
ridiculously small worlds vlslhlo de
crease, prices went down with a rush
to 00 7-8, a quarter below tho high
market session.
Buying was heavy, John Ctidhay
atone must have taken 1,000,000
busbies at top. Cudahy-was said to
have sold as miicli as tio bought pre
viously and his aggressive trading
contributed as much to tho break of
2 cents which occupied only liftcccn
minutes in it cuurse.
Mr. Tonguo received 204 votes 1cm
than Judge Benn In his own county.
By tho way, has anybody scon tho
Hon. Jefferson Myers since election?'
Of cqursc, Simon will bo president
of the senate. That will finish tho
What would havo boon left of tho
Republican party If tho peoplo had
been united?
Will bo on exhibition at tho next
state fair tho Statesman's f rco silver
candldato for congress.
Tho Salem bankers can manago the
Statesman and Jeff Myers. But tlioy
don't own tho rest of tho people.
Ed. Judd managed to glvo Vandcr
burg a majority In Lincoln prcctnot.
Did ho Join tho Populists himself?
Bob Hendricks Is trying to flguro
out whoso canvass ho managed the
better, Jeff Meyers or Tom Tongue's.
Since tho Statesman has been
managing Jeff Mover's campaign, of
course It Is the "only Republican
tlt Is tlmo Jeff Mynrs was getting up
another letter to tho people In the
back editorial room of tho Salem
Mr. Qulnn will not go to congress at
present. Ho should reserve the right
to not rofuso his Job as driver of that
laundry wagon.
Vnndorburg Is a butcher and Qulnn
a laundryman. Tlioy ought to bo
ablo to do Bomo business If thoy get
to Washington. Ex.
It was hardly necessary for any of
tho Albany convention syndicate to
bind themselves In advance not to bo
candidates for n second term.
Linn comity pcoplo say W. H.BIlyou
and J. K.Wcathorford did stump that
county for Vandcrburg, Jeff Myers's
organ at Salem to tho contrary not
withstanding. The Journal had expected to
unnounco before this tho arrival of
Dr. Cuslck's carload of silver. Hurry
up, doctor; silver Is going up; silver
men aro multiplying fast.
It looked at first as though Vandcr
burg and Qulnn woro elected to con
gress, and Mltcholl had a wtfo major
ity It) tho legislature. But later re
turns change this somewhat.
A gentlemun In Polk countj who
sleeps In Jo Simon's back office when
ho goes to Portland was not elected
to tho legislature He will probably
Iks on hand for a clerkship, however.
Old Willamette Second
.. . Corvallls, Third,, , .
Much Dissatisfaction With the
Roforoo's Ruling. '
Deficiency Dill Passed,
'ashinqton, Juno 8. The nefl-
TeiroefsTiAIbiny" and "Win. M. ilo c, tjjjj passei tho senate as t
Saturdays, at ii a. m arriving at iW Ca'from tho house. When tho an-
ue tame aay ai 5 p. w. ""ra'"JJ'UHrcment of tho passage of the
leave Portland same day as abore at 6V f ,v "
J,EDWjSUfl;CWE, Manager, Ccrralll, fo8 t() hoUM t ,:30p ,,,
tho members cheered. Blngley said
this assured an adjournment tomorrow.
Tho Albany Democrat Is
bany, Linn rounty, State of
a raairrmtaM.
Protection Like oil good things
begins ut home. For that very reason
hundreds of smokers take only tho
famous Salem made cigar, la Corona
Splendid costumos for eyery singer
In thccomlc opera, "Pinafore."
Children Cry for
for AI-Oregon
otid United States of America right
along. It proposes to stand by nil of
them and speak a good word for each
on ovory occasion possible. Good!
An exchango says: Tonguo had the
laugh on Hermann after tho conven
tion, and now it is Hermann's turn to
smile. Thero Is truth in tho old say
ing that "ho who laughs last laughs
Mr, Vundorburg hotter rely on tho
next congress to scat him, If thoro
turns won't do It. That congress
won't boltcpubllcun, Judging from how
tho present Republican house tails up
Cleveland's finance policy and votes
appropriations at random.
Banker Albert's proposition should
bo ucccptcd. Let tho sound money
men put up two Republicans and two
Democrats If they can find them who
will stand on that platform. Tho
rest or tho pcoplo will take care of
them in a bttnclf!
Tho second Intercollegiate field day
meet Is now n thing of tho past and
has been a valuable and practical
lesson In athletes to all participating.
From Saturday's events It is ovlddnt
that too much training Is equally as
not beneficial to tho athloto as too
little training. Also that each con
testant must take tho best posslbl
enroof himself.
As a result of Saturday's events
thrco northwest records woro broken
In the followluu events: 440 yards run,
220 yard run nnd 220 yard hurdle. The
440 yards run was won by Coleman (U.
O.) In S3 seconds flat reducing the
northwest record 3-G of n second.
Colvig (O. A. O.) now holds the north- -west
record for tho 220 run having re
duced tho tlmo from 24:Ki seconds to
23:2-5. Kuykendall (U. O.) will hold
tho northwest record for tho, 220.
hurdlo until somcono beats 20:2-6
seconds such tlmo having been made
by tho stato university man. Tho
former record was 27:3-6 held by E. E.
Morgan of tho M. A. A. O., of Port
land. It Is estimated that fully 2,000
pcoplo witnessed tho afternoon's
events. The athletlo association will
probably roallzo a handsome sum as a
result of tho Hold meet.
Tho mllltla drill was not conolded
until about .3 o'clock which delayed
tho Hold day sports considerable. Tho
Judgo's rendorcd tho following de
cision which was announced later in
tho afternoen: Out of a possible 40
K)lnts, Co. I., O. N. G. of Salem mads
10; Co. P., O. A. O. cadets 31.
Tho events in tho order which they
took placo with tho names of tho
successful contestants and times aro
as follews:
Milo Run-Burnott, (O. A. 0.) first;
Hanson, (P. U.) second; Macoy, (P. 0.)
third. Tlmo 1:68 3-6. The tlmo by
tho quarters as recorded by timo
kcopcrs was: 1:19 2-5: 2:30; 3:514-6;
4:58 3-6.
100 yards dash. Ovorholt (U. of O.)
first; Don Ray (O. A. 0.) second; Illg-
glns.(U. 0.) third. Tlmo 103-5 seconds.
220 hurdlo. Murphy (W. U.) first;
Kuykendall (U. O.) second; Tomplc
ton (17. Q.) third, Tlmo 28 seconds.
Tho tlo between Murphy nnd Kuy
kendall was afterward run off wltW
Tcmpleton (UVO.) first; Murphy, sec
ond. Time 201-6.
880 yard run. Bishop (U. O.) first;
Burnott (O. A. 0.) Bccond; Merrymon
(U. 0.) third. Tlmo 2:12 1-2.
Shot put.-Shattuck (17. 0.) first;
Ovorholt (U. O.) second; Tcmphjton
(U. O.) third. Greatest dlfitrtnco 35
fcot 11 3-1 inches.
120 hurdle. Kuykendall (17. O.)
first; Gulss (W U.) second; Blttner
(W. 17.) third. Tlmo 17 4-0.
4 10 yard run. R. Coleman (17. 0.)
first; Johnson (17. 0.) second; Cash
(P. C.) third. Tlmo 63 seconds.
Mllowolk. Do Lashmutt (U. O.)
first; Van Wlnklo (W. 17.) second;
Rusk (O. A. 0.) third. Tlmo 8:312-5.
220 yard dash. Colvig (0. A. 0.)
first; Illggms (U. O.) sccoud; Itoscu
burg (17. 0.) third. Tlmo 23 2-6 sec
onds. Hummer throw. Bodlno (0. A. C.)
first; Tcmpjoton (U, O.) second; Bab
cock (W. U.) third. Greatest distance
103 fcot 3 Indies..
Bleyclo raco. Moore (W. 17.) first;
Rlggs (W. U.) second; Oglo IW. U.)
third. Tlmo 0:37 3-6.
Polo vault. Lester (U. O.) and
Scott (W. U.) tied at 0 feet for first
placo and by" agreement divided
points. Baker (P. 0.1 took- third
High Jump. Davis (17. O.) first;
Ovorholt (U, O.J second; Newsomo
r" Continued on scond pg.
Hightftt of all la JLeavcaing Power. Latest U. S. GqA Report
Twenty-lire and 35 cents, Is all that
Is charged for choice reserved scats at
"Pinafore." i
, Children Cry for I
Pltohtr'9 CtorI, '
AmMNLtnrcitv mimc ,.
i :i