Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 01, 1896, Image 2

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    "toil '
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If tmi wuit a rare rtlUt
tianha luf .a
rVHCOCJK S Plaster
Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits And IraiU-
i"wi la a guvu a lire genuine.
Daily Capital Journal
MONDAY, -MAY 1,1800.
Continued from first page.
mercilessly torn epen: nnild tliclr
yells of fiendish laughter; to tet
tlo tlio question, when the wager was
paid, while biilM! mid tunthcr suffered
so and died, because hIic Ixiro the
name of Christ.
Huwr.mun ok inmocknth.
Another K-otie at Hntvoun which
rIvcs ua a glimpse of (hat awful nn-,
nlvnl of IicIIIhIi cruelty shown the il
dlera drunken wl'li their bloody de-,
. . ' ., .. ,,,,,
Christ an chlhrcti they could ki I at
. , ,
one stroke of tic sworn.
. . ...
"Ibol. you ten (Bliirukit I cuiirul
clcun throiitfh the necks of four!
. . . , ...
Christ Ian puppies at one stroke of my
, ' ,, '
uclmltar," cried one.
,.., ... . .
"I'uiic" simiHi'ii it crown Di i nrKivn
rcguliirst-as thuy snatched four ten
der children from the arms of their
frantic mothers and bound them
nnild hcart-rcndcrlng screams, -one
neck ubovo another,
The brnro Turk, who had made the
bet, touched the neck or the nearest
bubo with his steel, to meaRiiro Ills
' stroke. Ills bright scimitar Unfilled
for an Instant uhove them and four
little lifeless forms quivered In the
blood-stained dust, licfore tholr
mother' eyes, to whom such a death
Itself would Imvo been most unspeak
ably merciful than such an agonizing
sight. .
Turkish soldiers took delight In
placing long lines of Christian chil
dren In flics to bo tired at as targets
toweo how many little helpless, home
less, hungry Innocents they could kill
or wound or crlpplo forllfo with ono
cruel shot, while others were torn
apart by tholr limbs, and others had
tholr Juwh wrenched iibiuulor, and
still othow wero hold tip by their hair
to bo decapitated or deformed for life,
beforo their broken hearted mothors.
Many women, with babes unborn
wero ripped open and their babes car
ried about upon spear points In sport.
Ill ono village about sixty young
brides with tho most beautiful girls
wero crowded Into tholr Christian
church ami kept there for days to
sutlato tho lust of tholr tormentors;
till they wero dono to dcath.aud tholr
blood streamed from the doorway Into
tho street.
In another tho most attraotlvo
women or the place wero promised to
bo spared If they would deny tholr
faith, but pointing to tho dead bodies
of their father, husbands and broth
er before tliern, they roplled: "Why
hould wo deny Christ V Wo nro no
bettor than they I Kill us, too.'-
So thoy shared the sumo shameful
fata or thousands of Christian women
and girls or Armenia.
Tholr natural defenders huvlmr
boon treacherously disarmed by tho
Imperial Government in preparation
for this wholesale robbery, outrage
and slaughter, Christian women and
children wero hunted llko wild bonats,
after tho loss or their fathers, hug
bunds mid brothers, to bo turned over
by thousands In obedience- to Imper
ial orders, to servo tho brutul lust of
tholr Mohammedan persecutors till
tlieso wero tired of them, when tliooo
who had survived wero huoked to
death by swords and bayonets, or loft
to linger and die.
Hands of hundreds or starvlug,
nearly naked, terrorised womon,wliose
husbands, fathers and brothers had
been Imprisoned or slaughtered, and
homes destroyed, bought mercy or
commanding oftlcers of troop of the
tho Sultan In vain. In answer to
tlwlr tear and eutmitlcs, they were
ordered to bo outraged and then
l)Utckrcd (n droves, by tho demons
wlo had dollied them, when wearied
of t'r devllUh debauch.
fee mm ) tke luck, tide, chest, or
Hut this was better than Moham
medan captivity for Christian women
which Is and has been the common
lot of beautiful Armenian girls and
women for ages passed, when a Kurd
or Turk could take them alive.
One band of brave women, worthy
of the admiration of the whole world,
had defended their little ones, their
live, mid Minlr limwir. flnv ntwl n Iflil,
till overwhelmed by numbers, when,
with their babes upon their backs,
and their children by tliclr bides In
the light, finding themselves, sur
rounded, cut olf from all possible
chance of escaiK., they followed their
heroic leader, as she plunged over a
'precipice, with her b-ibc In her arms,
jto IkuIiisIumI to death.
Silently the chlldicn followed their
mothers like lambs to the hlaugh-
Itor, till the deep ravine was so lllled
.,.,, . ..... ... , ......
I with the dying and the dead, that the
. , ., . . , . . ., ..
last to leap fell unhurt upon the llv-
,,..,. , ,... ,
mi nun iiaiuTi lunun uvuuiiill UlUlll.
i "wm u women umi uniiurcii were
. , ,,,.., , ....
taken alive, but they boro their tor-
' . , . .
ituro bravely, and no amount of
AlKMt ICO women and children were
agony could compel them to deny
their faith or betray their friends,
faithful through untold toiturc and
agony, even unto death.
Thousands of Christian villages
wero surrounded, without warning, by
soldiers and Kurds, and Illei.illy wiped
oil tliofacoof tliu uailh by tho most
Infernal lluudlshucss Imaginable.
After all tho resources of robbery,
rapine, outrage and torture had been
exhausted, prisoners, pleading for
mercy, having boon killed or crippled,
wero bound andipllcd between layers
of brushwood, saturated with kero
sene, tho whole being tired, and living
and dead cremated together.
An Armenian Muleteer, who was
pressed Into service fur transportation
of troops, tcstlUed to facts which
Turkish soldiers boasted of openly as
to their awful butcheries. Whole vil
lages were laid waste with no living
being left, and tho stench from
tho uuburlcd or unhurucd bodies was
almost unendurable, thoturh thous-
sands had been burned or burled.
Hundreds of perishing people would
como to commanding otllcers and
throw themsclveH upon tholr mercy,
but each day after sundown they were
driven off together to bo slaughtered,
tholr cries tilling tho air. Ono long
lino of prisoners bound together, was
led to a trench, and there cut down,
ono after tho other In cold blood, to
tumbloilnto tho ditch and bo buried
dead or alive.
Tho larger Armenian cities wero
tho scones of Indescribable diabolism,
In ono liistauco tho soldiers requested
us many as 3,000 Christians to crowd
Into u church, protending that thoy
would bo protected there.
Tho doors and windows wero then
barricaded, to prevent escape, tho
building Hooded with kerosene from
tho roor, and tired only about sixty
persons escaping from this fearful
TUHKI8H TouTuiiKs.
Chrlstluns were crowded Into their
despoiled homes, and their houses
tired, while tho tlcuds without Hung
kick upon tholr bayonets, those who
v..v iv, .,, ..urn wiu mimes.
.... ,, ., ....
hllo tho cruel Kurtls prefer to kill
Imjopio with bullets and daggers, the
Turks delight In torturing them to splrucy.
death, cutting their veins open, goug-. If iloLm from tho Infernal regions
ng out their eyes, ,,nd pulling out could outdo tho diabolical torments of
tholr tongues, tearing oft their ears, Mohammedan Imprisonment, then
severing their hands and their feet, !,, ingenuity and Imagination
flaying them alive, branding and uiust bo Impotent,
burning them with red hot Irons,) too teiuuhus w tki.
touring out their teeth, cutting oil' Tho co-mlngllngs ot cries or ox
tholr lingers aud toes ono ut a time, qmslte anguish, and roars or devilish
slicing off portions at llesn, then leav- laughter, the slmrlnir of n, viincf
Ins to linger till relieved by death. ,
Ono witness testified to seeing n
Turkish otllcor bind nn agetl Armen-'
lan Ik nd downwards, thon slowly cut lentlal stench, tho putrid tilth ot reek
hlm tlirotigh with an axe, while rrom Ine offal and llvlnir vermin. n.n ,u.t.
the sjimo hiding place ho saw soldiers
louuring two priests, ono or whom
was his own father. After falllug to
force them to deny tholr faith, thoy
gouged out their eyes, then compelled
them to dance while they beat and
gashed them brutally, and nfterdcath
the body of one was found with
I neither eyes, nose, cars, lips nor skin
left upon his head.
Long trenches were dug, and hun
dreds of wounded dylngand dead were
Hung in together, to get them out of
the way, but dreadful as such burial
allvcHiust be, It was a mercy com
pared to n Turkish prison.
The most horrible death Imaginable
would be a delight and the most ter
rible massacre conceivable would be a
mercy In comparison to a Moham
medan trial or captivity for a Chrls-
taln prisoner.
The Christian 'conception of perdi
tion becomes u paradise when com
pared to the combination pestholes,
torture pens and dungeons of death
called prisons, Into which refined cap
tives are crowded.
Piteous moans of mangled beings,
with shattered arms, and broken legs,
and bruised and bleeding bodies,
agonizing groans and shrieks of the
tortured who refuse to renounce their
faith or betray their friends to the
same infernal fury, the demoniacal
laughter of the dull C3'ed bestial Turks
tormenting sonic Christian boy or
girl pleading in vain for mercy, till
these fiends actually outraged him or
her to death, tho dying dclirum of
some fever racked sufferer, and the
expiring gasp of some poisoned
pi Iboncr convulsed in death.
Sentry boxes lined with sharpened
spikes into which helpless victims nro
thrust to stand for days, motionless
without food or drink, uto bo revived
by brutal blows when falling faint
upon the bloody floor, till carried out
unconscious or dead.
Women nro dishonored beforo their
husbands, and daughters violated be
fore their fathers, and children out
raged beforo tholr parents, who nro
often bastinadoed till their agonizing
cries cause more nwful anguish to tho
tender loving hearts of dear ones than
physical agony could Inflict, as In tho
following Instanco of olllcial record.
The body was bound In tho shapo of
a living cross and so cruolly tortured
that tho victim tried to beat his
brains out against tho pillar to which
ho was tied, but was prevented.
Doing commanded repeatedly to be
tray his follows and renounce his
faith, ho replied:
"I cannot dclilo my soul with tho
blood of Innocent people. I am a
uurisiiani" Tlion n ncers wore
brought to tear out his tcoth. Amid
roars or incrolmcnt, his moustache
was plucked out ono hair at a time.
A red hot Iron was then held agalsnt
tho palms or his hands and applied to
his breast, back, race, rcct and other
Then they forced his mouth open
nnd burned his tongue with red hot
pincers. When ho fainted ho was
rovlvcd, but remained linn, nnd re
fused to recant or Incrlmlnato tho
innocent. When tho women and
children tried to fly for help, they
woro crushed back and compelled to
hear his hcart-rondlng cries till they
fainted, tcrrllled, but this was only a
cuso on record before tho massacres
began, In tho vlllagoof Seinal during
tho regular condition of atTnlrs, under
full olllcial control.
This cams Is contained In an official
report of tho llrltlah vlco consul of
Hmminm. nmiin ,,r w,i,.i, -.. .... ....
the diplomatic representatives or tho
poworsntConstantlnoplo.and occurred
ordlnary tlmes tll0 eat
ninssiirros Iwroin.
i.... .....
... "vb..n, uvvtutsu mis man
would nolthor renounm i.u fnui. .
f,,iM.K. ,,,,. ii,,ni..i.. ...... ,
songsof debauchery, drownlnirout tlm
death irronus and nravem nf ti, vi.
thus or theso awful onrrioss tii , i.
luted water and poisonous air, tho
fiery rover aud roul Inrectbn, tho
loathsome diseasesof lustful m.tr,.
more dreadful than loprosy. tho do!
illrlous ravings ofllvlng mid dying
victims, rendered maniacs by tinmen-j
tlonable crimes. !
Here wo niu-t stop with the hope,
fim -Pntfiuii liinvunce may never bo
defiled with de' Iptlons of such vile
ncv?, nnd that the Christian women,
men and children of the world may
never know or een dream of them.
But wholesale Imprisonments nnd
massacres may be more merciful than
the "normal condition" of affairs for
the Christians of Armlnla, as massa
cres unremitting must exhaust them
selves, while their constant persecu
tions arc continuous.
Unremitting robbery, ccaslcss out
rage, continual torture, until theories
of the ncrlshirig people vainly Implor
ed protection from the powers that
had rendered them defenceless to be
tray them to their tormentors.
The response this reign of terror and
era of extermination.
Dosnalr, desease, starvartlon and
death stalking through tho length and
breadth of the land, dreadful epidem
ics, sickness and famine finishing the
fatal work among the heart-broken
perishing but heroic remnant of their
Salem horticultural Society
1. Hest collection of tea roses.notlcss
than 12 varieties, &.
2. Host collection or tea roses,0 varie
ties, $3.
3. Hest collection or tea roses,2 varie
ties, $1.
I. Hest collection or not less than 12
varitlcs ot teas In bud, $5.
C. Hest collection or G varieties or
buds, teas, &).
0. Hest collection or hybrids, $3.
7. Hest specimen or rose bush in
bloom, pot grown, and introduced
In 1893-'U0, $3.
8. Hest specimen or rose bush in
bloom, pot grown, and Introduced
In 'aVfW, $1.50.
1). Host collection ormoss roses, buds,
Hest collection or Polyantha roses,
Hest collection or pink roses, not
less than G varieties, $2.
Hest collection or yellow roses,
1101 less man 0 varieties, 92
Host collection of rpl rnsos. nnt,
less than 5 varieties, $2.
14. Hest display or Hankslan roses,
15. Hest single rose or any variety, 1st
Special premiums will beolTcred for
the finest display or tho rollowlng
named varieties of roses.
Marechal Nell. Viscountess Folk
stone, Papa Gontler, Catherine Mer
mct, Sunset, Mario Van Houtte, La
France, Jacqueminot, Itleno Mario
Henrietta, win. Allen Richardson,
Homer Haroness Rothschild, Hrlde,
La Marque, Madame Alfred Carrier,
MalmnUon.Mudnme Joseph Schwarts,
Uoctcur rusteur.Mndamo Wclche.Isa
lwlla Grey, James Sprunt (bush or
climbing), Nlphctos (bush or cllnib-
iiK uvu uaeii.
Finest display of roses from any
UOlnt in Oregon oiltsldn of Mnrlnn
county, so.
Premiums on other flowers than
lst.Flnost display or panslcs, $2.
2d. Finest display or panslcs,81.50.
lst.Flnost display or sweet peas, $1.50.
2d. Finest display or sweet peas, 81.
Largest number or varieties or na
tlvo Oregon rcms In pots, 81.50.
Hest collection or wild flowers,
leathered bv a dillrl nmW u vonru
or age, each varlotv arranuort rimv.
unci, mi, it.ir;.; u; sz.
Collection or twenty varieties or
wild flowers, with correct botanical
names, 81.
Persons not wishing to enter ror
premiums nro Invited to display tholr
roses at tho ralr.
Tho rules, adopted by tho society
ror governing tho fulr nro as rollews:
1 The filltif rlnrnndont slmll i,.,.n
.....-!.: ,. . v .:. "
goncral chargo or the rose show.
--juuges suau 00 appointed by tho
executive committee, and nil adjust
ment not covered by rules or published
iij-'tloii or tho executive commlttco
shall bo rererred to that committee.
3 Exhibits not ut tho door by 1 p.
in. on tlm Hint, riuv nf tlm .imw m i,
debarred rrom competition. Exhibits
win uo reccivcu irom 8 a.m. till 1 p.m.
I All flowers must. Iv lm.win,i ,n
tho superintendent or nssistnnta ni.
tho door, and stiblootni in ti.ni.
B Uocentni'lpa fnr nrmi.l.i... il, ,....,
will bo furnished by tho superinten
dent, but flowers for display maybe
uiiiiiiKwii uj me unur.
It All Hnu-iiM n..,-.,.J I ...
.., o i.ii.Vi. .Y" " " iu.'. prennuniB
",,H w uiovmviujr iiunieu, 11 incorrect-
.:.nu!".,. tlly will bo excluded from
. jiwiiiuiiiih.
7 names or llowers cannot
vnangeu iiuur iney are entered.
8 No inferior plant or flower to re
ceive a premium.
U-No entry of any. variety in col
ectlon of named roses shall consist of
less than threo specimens, at least
ono to bo full blown.
10 All nlnntsmiicf. )vn mvr.,i 1... .i..
exhibitors and have been In their pos-
Bvasiuu ni. icjisv uirco months before
tho show, and all cut flowers must bo
grown by tho exhibitors.
11 Plants nnd flowers cannot bo re-
uiuiv-u unvii mu-ciosoor tiio exhibi
tion except by permission of the
12-Ko flower shall bo entered tor
more than ono premium.
13-A11 llowors must bo labeled with
namo bcrore entering.
Te bt Sulye in the woild foi Call
Sorci. RorM. tllrm s.l. ni...... r.
1 nd 11 JU CHapjxtl hinds, ChilbUlnt
uiuiKitiwinuiipuoM, na positively cure
Hies or no pay reouired. 1, U Butrantecd l0
Uve pcrfec MtisUctlon or money rtfmideO
rrf35 ctntt a box. ForttleWFredA
! WfiSI o$t
vnu r.
- '
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
ctMr. A Hints' materials, lime.
Unir. ri-Tiffnt and shinalcs- and
finest quality of ;rass seeds,
FOR RENT Three rooms suitable for house
keeping, with wator and bath tub. Rents for
tt.o. 100 Liberty St., one-half block north
opera hou'e. A. J. Basey. 2931
WANTED Position by competent nursery
Governess to parties come to the coast or
mountains; rcrerences. Address F, M. G.,
(hi AH. C i1 t
WAN1'EL)-A young man ol good liabUs.lalr
education, auic unu wining iu iukc care 01
tram ahd not afraid to work; references re
quired. Address 426, Journal. s 3S "'t
piniT.tr mpm pnr.TTiMAMs; ami uin
Iness houses can obtain all newspaper Infor
mation irom tne press 01 mo siaic, coast anu
country from the Press Clipping Uureau,
Allen's) Union Block, Port I ami. 12 2ot(
FOR SALEt Eight milch cows ana
year olds.
Inquiro of M J. Egan,
Ui'rv 1
2 24 tf
FOR SALE. 1'ioncer crockery and urocerj
store, established 1857; placo of business In
one of the best locations in the city; a capital
ot about $5,000 requlced; object of closing
business, on account of health. Jno. O,
Wright. Salem. 5:8 dim
FOR SALE OR REN'lV-40 acres land 5
miles out. Partly improved, wood and
pasture, good house, large barn, 2 acre
bearing orchard, lot of small fruit, good water.
Wood stumpage can be had. Box 145. Salem.
A. D. Smiths where you can find everything
in the artists line, canvas mounted and pic
ture mats made to order. Give him a call
for he knows just wlut you want with prices
to suit tho limes. 116 opera house.
PAPERS. Portland, Sacramento, beattle,
Tacoma and San Francisco papers on sale at
Miller's Postoffice block
FOR SALE. One house and two lots, sit
uated in Wheatland. Yamhill county. All
set in good fruit. For sale at a bargain. The
property is that known as the Wheatland
hotel. Price J150, Address, A, care Jour
? 4 2 tf
WE DON' r WANT boys or loafers, but men
ol ability . $300 to $500 a menth to hustlers.
State and general agents. Sala.y and com
mission, itacine Fire Engine Co., Racine,
4 23 4t sat
A difference
of a day.
Go east over the Burlington and
you will reach
Omaha 17 hours sooner
Kansas City 10 hours sooner
uirn me man who takes any
other line. '
Possibly you doubt this, but
it is true just the same.
Get one of our folders, open
1 u iuok ui me map in it and
you will understand why it is!
true. I
Tickets and time tables at tho
local ticket office.
I am prepared to do all kinds of work in
wood and ran P. n.t.i l,"u,n "I
an.. t : 1 ., f"'B "lacmnery 01
any kind or making and repairing stone cut
ters, tools and edged tools of an kind made
aud repaired; wagon, and buggies repaired,
and new ones made to order, lforseshoeinc
mfil1 ,h' p?n be done ln townhand''
made ahoes. Pftes and runninc shoes care
fully attended to. Call . myVandt
str reel' k f NYkRekrt
K. I. HERSCHllArir
, " "i
HaVO YOU Sftnn
th new ronoNt Vwr lloT Jt U riven
ilraehboxof Powde,. AsWorh
S tiH'l3$& $?M U '"'very $
9otth9 lMueiy the manufacturer 1
g uau ooruen Eagle Brand
Condensed Milk
Ml U V rv.j
You will And ono coupon
lusldo each two ounce bag
ana two coupons lnsldo oacli
Durham. Buy a bn? of this
colebratod tobacco and road
tho couponwhich gives a
list of valuable presonts and
how to set them.
Through Tickets
7 r
Jnion Pacific System.
Through Pullman Palnce Sleepers. Touris'
leepcrn and Fieo Reclining Chairs dally
Our trains arc heated b" steam1 and ":ai
lighted by Pintsch light;
Time to Chicago, 3 i.s. Jays
Time to New York, 4 1-2 days.
Which is many hours quicker than com
petitor. For rates, time tables and full information
apply to
Agents, Salem, Or.
General Agent
C. E. BROWN.""
Dist. Pass. Agent J
I3S Third Street, Portland.
ONt-HAU' egg op cox
I j1" tho JtandanJ for fortr year ana'
.. v. itvpuiur mj-u7 man ever oeiora.
1 1(V7.Y.mKi
I ll thn M1 AAmMa.lA. ,.
1 r.eXJ?.l?.clMu?r. healthful and Imnuleaa.!
- ", tuiwuio ptmccuon w ujo jace. i
Willi every box of lOZZOMtt a aK i
tuMceiit nooiu'm aoitU I'cre I
aa mien iroo or rnnrim.
AT DnuaaiBTS and panoy btores,
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in prices
on uic iouowingi
Shirts, nlntn . ..
Under drawerii",.',.)'5Vo 10 cents
j" " ,...5 to locents
S15?! Per pair 3 cents
Silk handkerchiefs V.V.V. . cenU
""" u piiiow sups 24 cents per aoien,
and other work In proportion.
Flannels and other work in'
telhgently washed by hand.
-oi. j. Ulmstcd i'rop,
it-? "t"wnl localities throughout the
li- u, Si.a,e and 'emtories to sell the Fount-
use t :Mm Cooke,'t the best in
.1V.V. i . "" " OW11 Pnce ln ue wear OI
clothes in less than six months. Sent C. O.
iBc2SiweprePJd'for3.50b in tinjfs
rr-t i parucuiats, address
.cfi ;,., . T B- BROWN,
156 Sut street. Salem, Oregon.
The Most Trvnj r
W01UD., ,,-
"" C0BU"b ReprW!
luisitK uugu D Bmii
Kthnolojlcicenrtj "J
EQVPTlii niDii """
., a.KTOjjig,,
audiences. titXSEM
only ifiow h.Tii;VtSrL&;
e. Two Cir.l J.?" rf 1
nccs Dally,
Daily. DoorVaTOV,
From all accounts thii noJel couV J
Will lv- fltl mM.l.ht .... . . wturfa
annuals of our community. Titti
tents, and is said to be a rcrcUtion gj
seeing.- Presenting so much that it aM
new and original, the press of it:
cities is laden with psnejjncj, imJutnl
mous in placing it head and ihotldci til
and ovrrwhfflminftlv ...... .. .n al
shows. It ii said hondredi tiieii
uiuuicra snows aany mil 115 t
habit of going te cirensej. Ktmut utl
timet are nnt si llvrlv f u .1. I
ment of Bend Bros, have concluded b 1
the price of admission to 50c,
Officei Willamette Hotel BuHfar j
For water service appWil'oSa,
payable monthly ia adruct. klutl
complaints at the office. J
There will be no deduction Ia witaa
on account of tempor7 sbsenct iral
city unless notice ii left at u of
Hereafter water for irrigation till nfl
lurmstieu to regular couumen wt r
for domestic nuroose. Contnctoo a 1
walks, brick work and plutcrajr3f
reau "under ouiiding parpostr w i;i
scneuuie 01 rates lor 1893. AppijKd
lor copy.
31I Commercial t. Cotde Blod
Successor to CM. Beck 4 &
Best meats in tho city, rrompt tun
lowest prlcesj
p n news STAND. Local Sobi
Fine atock of cigaia and cxfccuoocij.J
Miller. rroD. mi
Will receive children from J rein
Special attention to begiMcn. AU 1
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