Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 15, 1896, Image 1

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' mil niw
VOL. 8.
w York
H. ; Has a fine
for men, boys' and youths', Hats of fur and straw, of all kinds
and sizes, "Star 5 Star" shoes at greatly reduced prices, Hos
icry and underwear of all grades, Notions and gloves of all
kinds. Table linen, crash and towels. White and colored
shirts, and almost anythtng needed, All at very low prices,
Call and save money,
At the Red Lake Indian Res
ervation Just Open,
Many Vessels Smashed and Lives
Are Lost,
Crookston, Minn., May 15, The
fcllrst claimant who eutered tho United
States lundolllco today with an intent
Cto fllo on the Red Lake lands, came
throught tho transom over tho door.
jJIo held Ills papers aloft and said: "It
; is 0 o'clock, gentlemen; I am the tlrst
man." Bclnc two minutes too pre
vious, ho was ejected. He entered,
'however, with tho first four admitted,
hand his name, L. D. McCall, was the
(first recorded. IIo had been In lino
Kfour days. Tho'llne was two blocks
mg nfld contained not less than 400
Hull, May 15. The caisson of tho
Utentlon of St. Andrews fish dock
ere, broke suddenly today, and u rush
water swept ecry vessel In the
cks from their moorings, jamming
em Into hopeless wreckage. The
imago is estimated at 8500,000. It
feared there Is a serious loss of life.
Florence Nightingale
London, May 15. Florence Night-
agle, the famous Crimean war nurse,
rill bo congratulated today by her
tany friends, Including the queen,
i having reached her soventy-slxtli
frthday. While Miss Nlghtlngle
tows slightly increasing Infirmities
er features still remain finely
Jeled. She spends most of her
te reading. Her rooms nt her
ifortable home in tho west cud of
Dndon are beautifully kept and in
ery way show the modest way In
tolch she is passing away her old age.
Open for Settlement.
St. Paul, Minn., May 15. Tho Red
ike Indian reservation in this state
to be opened to settlement today.
te old principle all In sight will bo
ried out at this opening, as at
5rs, giving rise to wild scenes of
ttbery, murder, and all scenes in the
General Conference.
INSA8 City, Kan., May 15. The
eral conference of the Methodist
iscopal church will be held here to-
to the 29th. Deletrates from the
i and west will be present.
stock of
Ole Bull Monument.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 15. The
unveiling of the statue of Ole Hull,
erected in the memory of the great
violinist by the Norwegians of the
Northwest, will take place In this city
on May 17. The statuo Is of bronze
and by Sculptor FJeldc, shows tho
musician with his Instrument ready
for playing. The cost of It Is $8,000,
which has been contributed In small
amounts, so that tho testimonial is
really a representatively popular ono.
The statue had quiet an experience in
the studio. A piece of the clay form
ing the cast gave way, ruining a part
of tho face. FJedle started to repair
tho damage and had nearly completed
his work when taken 111. Mrs. Sarah
Bull, of Boston, widow of tho
musician, has been It, and says It Is an
excellent likeness.
Miss Caroline Boeckman, of St.
Paul, has been chosen to unveil thn
statue. Miss Boeckman was born In
Bergen, Norway, the birthplace of OIo
Bull. Her early schooling was re
ceived lu her native village. Sho
came to America while still u young
girl, and remained three years. Sho
passed her fourteenth and fifteenth
years In n Catholic convent In Paris.
John W. Arctandcr Is prcsldcut of
the Ole Bull Monument Association,
Charles Klttelson, treasurer, and T. E.
Nelson, secretary.
OlcBorncmann Bull was born at
Bergen, Norway, Feburary 5, 1810,
and died near Ihcrc August 17, 1880.
From his arrival In Paris in 1831, when
lie began to develop under the In
fluence of Paganinl, ho travelled from
city to city, playing with great suc
cess. He visited America five times
l)Ctween 1843 and 1870.
Officers Eluded.
Key West, May 15. Tho schooner
Gladiator eluded the vigilance of the
United States revenue cutters ut Fort
Meyers, this state, and Milled for
Cuba yesterday. It Is said that there
are on board 1,300 rifles, 1,400 mache
tes, 150,000 rounds of cartridges, a
quantity of dynamlto and four rapid
rapid-firing guns. It Is understood
that among the 85 men on board are
several Amerfcans,and that the leader
of tho expedition, A. F. Gonzales, Is a
naturalized American. Tho Ameri
cans aro supposed to be Washburn, an
inventor; G. R. Jones, an expert gun
ner; L. CStewart.a military engineer,
and two others who ore skilled In the
manufacture of gunpowder.
Struck Natural Gass.
Ardmorb, I. T May 15 While
workmen were engaged In boring a
well on the farm of J, S. Wheeler,
about 25 miles west of here, a strong
current of na lurid gas was encount
ered. When struck, It created a
noise like thunder, and when a match
was applied to the -mouth of tho well
it flamed up. The find will be developed.
of his provinces, tin lovely Isle or Cu
lm, the young king's tenth blrtlulny
Colorado Republicans Favor win be celebrated Muy. n wiiu con-
White Metal,
And Corporation Manipulators Arc
Made Delegates.
Pukiilo, Colo., May 15. It was 1:30
n. m. when the Republican state con
vention adjourned, having made the
following nominations. Delegates ut
largo Henry M. Teller, Frank C.
Goudy, J. W. Rockcfellow, James M.
Downing. The delegates are Instruct
ed to net In harmony with Senator
The resolutions as adopted aro
lengthy, but in them Senator Wol
oott'a name Is not mentioned and his
course Is condemned only in so far us
the Republican leprocntntlvvrt in
congress ure Indorsed In one parapmgh
by wholesale blessing. In the resolu
tions, Senator Teller is mado leader
of the delegation, and there are no
Instruction to delegates, except to fol
low his leadership In the first para
graph. It is declared that bimetallism
and protection aro vital to tho pros
perity of tho country; that Oriental
competition would render protection
futile with the gold stnodard. Demo
cratic free trade and the gold stand
ard arc declared to be the causes of
tho destruction of values one-half.
Bend Issues arc denounced, and the
blame for financial cond I tloiis is "put
upon the democracy.
in wyomino.
Sheridan, Wyo., May 15. McKIn
ley and free silver were declared In
separable political twins, by the reso
lutions or the Republican statu con
vention today. Tho commltteo on
resolutions had a warm session, last
lug until midnight. Tho platform us
llually reported, Is Intended to meet
till the factions, and therefore witls
lies none.
Everett, Wash., May IB. The Re
publican state convention today
adopted an emphatic gold plunk and
instructed tho eight delegates for-Mc-Klnlcy.
Tho convention was practic
ally unanimous for the Ohio man
The flnunclul plank consumed more
time than any other matter before
the convention. The gold men had an
overwhelming majority, but did not
choko oil debate, not wishing to
engender bitterness among silver del
egates. However, thcy refused to
compromise, and oven rejected tho
Ohio plunk, which McKlnley himself
Is said to have devised.
The delegates on tho slato formed
a week ago wero elected. A. F. Bur
leigh, receiver of the Northern Pucl
flc railroad and tho leader of the gold
standard forces of the state, will pro
bably bo spokesman of tho delegation
at St. Louis, and it Is likely that P.
C. Sullivan, of Tacoma, will bo chosen
national committeeman at St. Louis.
The greatest enthusiasm prevailed
throughout the convention, and tho
result wus precisely as had been plan
ned by tho party leaders. Tho plat
form declares aguinst tho A. P. A. In
politics, against the Immigration of
paupers and criminals from other
lands, for protection of American
shipbuilding, and for tho election of
United States senators by direct vote
of tho people.
The M. B. DUhopn.
Cleveland, O., May 15. Interest
lu the Methodist Episcopal conference
today, centered in the election of
First ballot for bishops resulted in
no choice. There arc fifty candidates.
The vote was as follews: W. W, T.
Bowen, (colored) 1470. C, McCabc,
141; Earl Cranston, 215; J. W. Hamil
ton, 107; Djr, Buckley, 72.
Alfonso's Birthday.
Madrid, Mry lS.lX'splte tJio
gloomy outlook for tin nlost bountiful
siiieruoio ceremony, unu uini sycopn-
urcy which iirtws rank round royalty
will do 114 utnioit to tnutiufncttirc u
display .of affection from his MibJecLs.
Kins Alfonso Istho son of AlfoHMj XU
lind was burn after" the tenth of liU
father. Ho first cuw thi light Mny
If 1UUI 11I.J mill lll.I Id Vl.lt III flu In.
line of Austria, under jjlwtf regency
tho affairs Of the Klngdo have lk.Mil
carried on. .IMrtgruiiupirtnts, KiujI
ii lino arniiicuis m .vsjk--, iirv si
living. Isabella Is tJiolmtorlotis wo
man whosfi. (ntrlcrtips mid iirmmirs
WubMit.t1ionl1i(.iir5tolholow..!,cr1omot,nI trlal trlp Wny, the
est obb.Atoiia time no sellj respecting
woman would bo scon nt it he palace.
Most onsubfcllu's life Is 'now spent
umld tho gayest surroundings or Par
isian life. Tho aunt or tho baby king
who takes tho title ot Alfonso XIII,
is tho Prlncwa Eulalle, vho visited
the World's Fair at Chicago In 181)3,
and was tho center of a great deal or
attention from the American people.
Ills other aunts aro Isabella and Ma
ria dclla Paz. Young Alfpilso has two
sisters, Maria do las Mercedes and Ma
ria Theresa. Ills mothers' conduct
has been such as to restore tho court
to its former-decency, and her admin
istration of tho regency has been
marked with considerable ability.
Those who hopo great things; from tho
king rejoice that his education is In
tho hands of bo capable a mothor
Aironso, like his predecessors, was
baptized In tho Roman Cuthoho faith
which Is the dominant religion of the
Howard Explains,
-JVasiiinoton, Muy.'JlOMfAt the
opening of the house today Howard,
(dem., or Ala.) caused a wild sensation
by arising to the question or personal
prlvllego to dentunco the public re
port made about three mouths ago
Unit ho had been drunk on tho floor
of the house. Ho explained that at
tho tlino of tho alleged 'occurrence ho
was desporately ill and had been 111
over since. Only tho day before yes
terday had ho been able to return to
tho liousc,
Tortured by Turks.
London, May 15. A news dispatch
from Berlin says:
Tho Constantinople correspondent
of tho Vosslcho Zeltung reports thnt
tho hultan'fl fears or assassination
havo led to wholesale arrests or Ar
menians, who arc barbarously tor
tured to force confessions from them.
Double Hanging.
CiucAao, May 15. Today, ror tho
first time si nco tho execution or the
Haymarket auarchlsts,u double hang
ing took place In tho Cook county Jail.
Tho condemned men wero Alfred O.
Fields, a negro.auil Joseph Wandrcth,
a German.
Matabcles Repulsed.
London, May 15. A dispatch from
Buluwnyo, says Captain Napier's
column, on Tuesday, while on tho way
to escort Cecil Rhodes' column, had a
skirmish with and repulsed tho Mata
bcles. Congress of American Republics.
Dondon, May 15. The Times Rio
do Jnncrlo dispatch says the presi
dent's message on tho opening of con
gress supports tho Idea of a congreM
of American republics.
Admiral Evans Dead,
Washington, May 15. Rear Ad
miral Thomas N. Evans, of tho Uni
ted States Nuvy, retired, was found
dead In his bed at Rockvllle, Md.,
this morning.
New York Democrats.
XkwYork, Muy 15; The Demo
cratic state central commltteo today
decided to hold the state convention
to select delegates ut lurgo for tho
Chicago convention, at Saratoga,
June 24th.
Children Cry for
ditcher' Castorl.
Makes tho Best Record
the World
She Makes lQ.35 Miles In An Hour
Santa Uauhaua, C'al., May 15. In
battleship Oregon covered (12 knots,
onicltil government course, lu thrco
hours and forty minutes and forty
eight scconds,muklng tho magnificent
average speed for the lima oyer tho
course of HI. 78 knots, or 10.35 miles In
an hour.
This speed places her lu tho very
front rank of ships or her class In the
navies or tho world, beating tho
Massachusetts, tho pride or the
Cramps, which had a record or 10,15
knots, and tho Idlunn, with a record
or 15.01 knots.
Tho contract or the Union Iron
works with tho government calls Tor
$2.,000 ror every quarter or a knot
about 15, and by her great perform
ance today tho Oregon lias earned ror
her builders a premium or 9175,000.
Tho Oregon Is ono or thrco similar
battleships, tho other two being tho
Massachusetts and Indiana. In tho
Massachusetts, Indiana and Oregon, It
Is believed that tho United States po
Bcs3 fltlng ships that have row equals
and no superiors, They uro deslgnat
as coastlluo baltlc-shlps, which
means that they are primarily Intend
ed ror tho defense or our coast and
their greatest lighting elllclenoy is
expected to bo under conditions likely
to arise In sticn defense. To allow ac
cess to a largo number or harbors, tho
mean drum has been kept down to 21
feet, considerably less than that or
vessels or llko tonogo abroad.
X. N, Steeves Has Something More to
Say Qeforo Going Away,
X. N. Stcovcs has been removed to
Hlllsboro, Washington county, whoro
ho will remain until his second trial
for mauslaughtca will come up. Said
ho before leaving:
"I would much rather bo tried In
Multnomah county than over In
Washington. I would bo tried hero if
I could get u Jury of fair men to hear
the evidence. I would lx willing to
lako a jury or moo who will como to
tho Jury box with their minds fully
mado up against mo and let them
hear the evidence and then let them
decide whether I am guilty or not. I
tuiy their minds may lie mado up
against me, but they must not ho bit
terly prejudiced.
"On tho first trial tho Jury was
lutensley antagonistic to me. Thoro
wero men on that JiirV who siieiit part
or their time In tho Jury-room abusing
mo--actually cursing me, as certain
persons know, Was thut a fair
minded Jury? Could they try mo
fairly and Impartially under such cir
cumstances as tlioc? Jurors wero
overheard ut that trial abusing mo
roundly as if I had done them wuiic
personal Injury. That this feeling
manifested Itsolr was plain to a
spectator at tho trial. Therefore I
say It is Importable to find 12 men lu
this county who could honestly try
my case.
Dnpont Case.
Washington, May 15. At 2 o'clock
the Dupont case was (taken up In tho
senate, and Piatt continued his
speech, A vote will bo taken at 5
Tho Fossil Journal takes coyoto
scalp as pay for subscription at face
lH", J i ii in
The Sclo creamery mudo its first
shipment of butter thU week.
What the Oregon Delegation In CongttM
Has Accomplished.
Vashinoton, May 1,'t.
The liver and harbor bill passed the '
senate today. Tho house appropri
ation for Portland to tho sen was In.
pritniAil fnuii lm iw i. aiin iw t:n .
000 Of wliloh l to ho uwl below
ToiigUQ point by way ot tho south
channel In front of Astoria, IV tho
d cades, meliiaiUff milulry Civil bill
1100,000 ami tiilllitirlzliitf tho contract
for $2,010,000. The Cuqiilllo river $20 -
Wkl. The upper Coqulllo $12,000. Tho
Coos rllor S5,000. Tho Alsea river
!l,000. The Ncstiicca river $0,000.
Tho Willamette and Yamhill $10,000,
and authorizing the contract aggre
gating $200,000 ror the Improvement or
tho yvillamcttcuud tho construction or
locks on tho Yamhill. Sluslaw $27,000;
entrance to Coos bay, $(5,000; harbor
at Coos bay, $1 1,31)0; Yuqulna bay ,$25,
000, and authorizing contract for $t,
000,000 additional; Tillamook bay nnd
bar $17,000; upper Columbia, $5,000.
Tho total for Oregoiij Including
amounts to do contracted for, oyer
$4,000,000. In addition, surveys
ordered for Tualatin, Nehalcm, Tllla
mook bay, bar and entrance; PortOr
rord harbor; Clatskanlo rlvor to the
town of Clutskanle, on tho Alseu
river; Yuqulna rlvor, Long Tom rlvor
to Monroe, harbor at Capo Lookout,
with a view of constructing harbor
reruge on tho Sunt lain river at Jeffer
son, to tho Willamette, Umpqua rlvor,
Sllotz river, Scappoose river. By all
odds tho best river and harbor bill ror
Oregon over passed by tho senate.
John II, Mitchell.
In Session.
Wabiunoton, May 15. Tho session
of tho Htipreino council or tho A. P. A.
mooting today, was devoted mainly to
tho consideration or commltteo re
ports. Flvo congressmen spoko boforo
tho council during tho afternoon.
Among those woro Linton, or Michi
gan, and Hllborn.'or California. Tho
report of tho commltteo on agitation
took tho ground thnt agitation with
out education Is dangerous to tho
cause. The commltteo recoiunlonded
tho bureau Information to bo estab
lished to consist or the supromo prcsl
dcut and ono member or each fltuto
Miners Convention.
Dknvkh, May, 15. Tho western
federation or miners nio lu a commlt
teo or wliolo today, rovlscd tholr con
stitution and discussed tho establish
ment or a homo ror disabled minors.
Court Decision.
iNDiANAi'OLis, May 15. Tho su
premo court today rovorscd the legis
latlvo apportionment act as uncon
stitutional, Tho decision leaves lu
forco tho law enacted by tho Demo
cratic legislature or 1885, and tho
election or members to tho legislature.
Good Rki'aiuh. Work has boon
begun repairing tho concrete stir face
of tho court house. John Holdcckor
has tho job, anil It will bo a substan
tial Improvement. After that Is dry
tho entire building will probably bo
painted. When Mr. Terrell was com
missioner years ago ho had thu pres
ent painting done, and may have the
mny oi ordering it done again as
county judge.
At Silvkhton. On Friday May
tho 22d tho Woodmen's picnic at
Sllverton Is to como off and each
Iiolltcul party Is to bo represented by a
speaker on the money question. Mr.
Sovereign Istosiwak ror tho Populists,
ox-Mayor D'Arcy of Salem for the
Democrats and sotno ono for tho Re
publicans. PmMAiiY Politics. Tho new book
on tho reformation of tho American
primary system, Is now
l)carlorn's book store.
on salo at
ruT ui rout's wnui Konworthy
.. -. ni.-ja. . mm .. I
x ueoigo's restaurant docs tho best
meal for 15 conts oyer served any-
w .
HiShtJt of all In Leavening Power. Latest U,S. Gov't Report
Amhowmx mjmk
. ,
Makes an Argument for People'
Donouncos Cleveland's .Wall Stnei1
and Banking Conspiracies
?" ?m hui '" Hall, with
iiutot's, assembled tn Hear Jas. R,
ib0vereKUi muster- workman or the
itniglits or Labor or the United
States. He Wjlrt Introduced by chair
man It. It. Ryan or thO Peoples party
contingent of this city. Mr. SoVur
elgn locked his hands In front of him
and proceeded to tnako hlmsolf at
home. Ills throat was soro and his
voice was husky as a result of speak
ing and riding In storms. Ho said
the great question was chean nven and
dear dollars, or dear men nnd clwap
dollars. Tho issue was between freo
coinage or gold and silver 10 to 1 and
abolition or national banks, or the
single gold standard with more bond,
moro national debt and more national
banks. He stated this Issue In Its
various forms and referred to tho Bal
timore banking plan. For each $00
or tho old greenbacks $200 or bank
notes woro to bo Issued by banks. Ho
read a circular Issued by tho Ameri
can bankers nasochttlon surreptitious
ly Issued and that.recltcd tho neces
sity or Issuing $500,000,000 bonds, nnd
to havo tho banks redeem nil tho
paper money now outstanding. Tho
licoplo wero most determinedly op
posed to this. They woro opposed to
contraction of tho currency at all
times. Tho banks not only Issuonll
tho money but also wanted to havo
tho power to redeem all tho money
now Issued by tho government ot our
country, There was n popular oppo
sition to tho further destruction of
non-lntercst-bcarlng money.
Ho showed up tho operations of the
sound money club ot Now York and
now It was supplying all tho so-called
"sound monoy" .papers with editor
I als.
Opens nt Turner, Marlon and JciTerson
At 10 n. in., May 10th, tho Republi
cans opon tholr campaign at Jefferson.
All tho county candidates nrooxpected
to bo thoro.
Tho Democratic county commltteo
has stolen a march on tho Republicans
and hired tho halls at most pluccs.
As a result, they will bo In possession
(A tho speaking places, and forco tho
tho Ropubllcuns to meet clsowhcro or
meet with them.
Just what arrangoinonts will
mado Is not certain. Tho Democrats
seem to havo an aggrcsslvo campaign
mauagoinent, and seem determined
to forco tho fighting.
Tho feeling Is improving In favor of
tho Republican tlckot. The soreness
which always follows a convention Is
wearing off and oven becoming luke
warm and friendly In spots whoro It
was chilly, and hostile a few weeks
Mr. Davis tho county commltteo
man will accompany tho candidates
about tho county. Secretary Frank
Daveywill also go along und will bo
called uikhi to spcuk at many places.
Other speakers will also bo called up
on Ut asslHt.
ThkJouunal will report tho county
canvass at Uh opening Saturday.
A Peculiar Accident. This after
noon, near the court house, the horse
of O. L. Furrous took u strange run
and nearly wrecked sovoral vehicles,
Between tho brass band and tho
electric car Mr. Farren's horso lw
enmo frightened, throwing him to tho
ground with great force, rolling him
about a rod on tho street, Then tho
horeo Jumped with his foro feet Into a
buggy occupied by Rev. I. B. Fisher's
daughter, breaking tho same badly.
but not Injuring tho young lady,
Next tho frightened unlmal Jumped
unto tho Basey express wagon, strik
ing on tho double-tree, from which ho
was boon extricated and cscaocd.
Mr. Forrenshad h skueo bad v hurt
but no bones broken and astdo from
that no harm was dona exeunt to tlia
- - - - - -p r-t - r r