Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 28, 1896, Image 4

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    "' "WlUKtTJJn-
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Daily Capital Journal.
TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1800.
gaaBeaMu4i'iu mniWiwy rritriinrii rn
Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6.-4S a.m. 9:00a.m.
Salem, 7145 a. m. I"5 a'm'
Independence, 6130. m. 6oa.m.
Cutck time, regular jiyrvice and cheap
... f fttcs ...
t n nltnltllkl
Agent, Salerri.
MIm Minnie Hunt, nlccc of Miss
Winnie Fennell, of the Cook hotel,
returned to her home at Gervals today.
Mia? Joalo Watklnds, of the State
1 ..
r ' " Agent, Salem. Ij
iMiss E, A, Stewar t f
2K a; a; a: j
lVlli,JLUNiK I ,g
a a a; cm
J All grades of goods, ttom In"5 a k
hi loircii prices, 10 111c n icsi mc j iy
?rai tn!trbi nffnrilf . ) r
S94 State St,LJ
r ... . . . 1 1 1 n
Ex-Senator Duwtfon, of Linn county,
Is In the city.
County Clerk Elilcn hud business at
Aurora today.
Irof. Parvln inude his usual trip to
Albany totlay.
Hon. A. Iiush wont to Portland on
morning train.
Sonator I. L. Patterson Is In Port
laud today on business.
(). II. Uylund, attorney at law, was
up today from Hubbard.
W. .1. iJ'Arcy was a rortlanu pas-
rrtiKoron this morning's train.
Web Holmes came up from Portland
this afternoon on tho steamer.
.7. II. T. Tuthlll whs a passenger for
Portland on tho morning local.
F. P. Talklugton started this morn
lug for Chicago, to be absent several
Supt. It. J. Hendricks of tho Stato
llcform school Is In tho city today on
ofllclul business.
Rev. .7. 8. "Wlitto of St. Joseph's
church, Is at Albany today, on n
friendly visit.
Iinnlcur A. T. Gilbert went to Al
bany today to attend tho Congrega
tional association.
llov. Loppertand wife, tho revival
ists, went to Albany today, whero
thoy hold a two-days' service.
Albert Jcssup, of Salem, Is lu tho
city, and will study dontlstry under
Dr. .7. J, FInlcy. Eugcuo Guard.
Frank Feller, of French prairie,
Democratic candidate for county
commissioner, was In town today.
V. W. Holllsof tho lluren & Ham
ilton furnlturo house, returned last
evening from a visit at Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs Warren Cranston and
King L. lllbbard of Wlllard Congro
guilonul church, wont to tho Albany
association today, us dolcgates.
Nov. K. S. Holllnger, Congregation
al minister, at Astoria, went up to
Albany today to attend tho association
Mrs. Holllnger Joined him at Salem.
A. H. llrasllold left for Portland
this morning to resumo his old nosl.
tlon with Stolubaeh & Co. Mrs. H.
accompanied him, hut will return in
a few days.
Nov. A. A. Kngulbart or Tucoma,
wasaguostof his wife's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Wonger or this city.
Ho went today to attend tho Albany
aHoelatlon of his churches.
Blind School, returned today irom
Astoria, where she assisted In an
entertainment or musical character.
Mrs. J. S. Kenyon and two young
sons stopped In Salem today to see
friends. She Is returning to Burns,
Hnrnov couutr. having spent tue
winter at Eugene with two daughters
and a son at the university.
Antonc Metschan, son of State
Treasurer Metschan, has ncccpted a
position as salesman in A. Klein's
boot and shoo store. "Tony" is a
steady, Industrious and cortcous
young man whose many friends will
be pleased to learn of his engagement
with Mr. Klein.
A delegation of the Salem Knights
of Pythias went to Sllvcrton this
afternoon to assist in instituting a
lodge of Pythian sisters ut that place.
A happy throng gathered last night
and Invaded the homo of Hon. and
Mrs. A. y. Gilbert, on Liberty and
0 lenicketa streets, tho occasion being
tin anniversary of their wedding.
Tha guests spent the evening In con
versation and games until u late hour,
after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
many pleasant returns of tho day.
m -
O. N. G. News. Orders have boon
Issuscd from Col. Yorun to have Com
pany "I," of which Percy Willis was
captain, placed under Lieutenant
Evans, Capt. Willis having been pro-
moled to the rank or major of the reg
iment. Orders have also been Issued
for the election of a captain to (111
tho vacancy, to be held nt tho armory
In Salem May 7. Tills election will
also 1111 what other vacancies may ex
ist In tho company at the time. An
election will bo held this evening to
fill the vacancy caused by tho resigna
tion of Captain T. P. Welch of Com
pany "B," Mr. Welch, having gone to
Los Angeles, Call. In Company "1"
Lieut. J.A.Evnus will probably be the
only candidate, while In "B"Co. there
are several aspirants.
Cheese Factoiiy. Jacob Wengcr
and Fred Wengcr have commenced
work ab their cheese factory on tho
Louis Fleck place two miles from
Hebo P.O., Tillamook county. It Is
five miles this sldo or Woods. The
building will bo 18 by CO rcct, and
nbout$o00 of machinery go In. They
have tho milk of 120 cows pledged, or
about aooo pounds a day, far which
they will pay 00 cents a 100. Llm
burger and brick cheese will be made
tlrst. Later tho genuine American
swIss will bo put out.
Dead House.-A valuablo gray
carriage horse owed by K. It. Ityan
died nt tho stables last night or con
gestion or tho stomach. Tho nnima)
was live years old and was highly
prized by tho family. Dr. Mitchell,
vetcrlnnry, attended the animal but
could uotsavo It,
Tlie White Ribbon Women In Session
In This City.
The annual convention of tho
tVoman's Christian
Salem for two
Union is In session
Delegates wore received at the asso
ciation rooms on Court street.
An elegant lunch wns served from
12 to I p. in. to which nil the local
workors, the delegates and members
of tho press were Invited.
The first tablo was presided over by
President Itobb. A bouquet of panslcs
nnd narcissus ornamented the center.
Bouquets In vases, principally- of but
tercups and dogwood were arranged
about the room.
present this afternoon were: Mrs. L.
E. Cathcy. Woodburn; Mrs. M. II.
Ogle, Woodburn; Mr. Crocker, Mrs.
Jonos, Turner; Mrs. E. Snell, Snlcm;
Mrs. Cook, MissPerkin8, Mrs. Claik,
Brooks; Miss Clara Watson, Turner.
Mrs. It. M. Itobb, Salem, president;
Mrs. Cornell, JefIerson,trensurer; Mrs.
Huwke, Jefferson, corresponding sec
retary tlieso three lifdles constitute
the ollicial county board.
Following are some of the Snlcm
ladies who are giving their time and
services to make the convention a
success: Mrs. T. L. Davenport, presi
dent Salem union; Mrs. C. W.
Scrlbcr, Mrs. Vnnderwcrt, Mrs.
Ramp, Mrs. Mntthcws.Mrs.Pcntlnnd,
Mrs. Bowcrsox, Mrs. Ityan, Mrs.
Small, Mrs. Elizabeth Holvcrson,Mrs.
Rhodes, Misses Fuller, Scott and
Mrs. Hells, tho geninl matron, of
tho hull, is ubiquitous, and makes
everyone feel at home. The Indies
owo much to her disinterested devo
tlon to the cause.
On account or being out of the city
at the funeral of Mrs. D. II. Looncy,
Mrs. Cornell, the county treasurer, Is
absent today.
at the tho First Presbyterian church:
Introductory exercises by Mrs. Itobb,
county president.
Loyal Temperance Legion, quartet
of reform school boys.
Address by Mrs. Elizabeth Ilolver
son. Itesponso by Mrs. Hndley of Marlon.
Gold medal contest by six young
ladles. This will be a Demorest and
W. C. T. U. elocutionary contest.
Recitation by Miss Mabel Carter.
Presentation of medal.
Temperanco doxolojry and benedic
tion. The convention re-convenes Wednes
day, at 0 a. in., at tho Court street
The water In Mill creek was lowered
again by the fishermen, Hlcn and
Lou Gregory Is moving uuc or Sher
man Swank's houses to tho John Mott
uddltion to Aumsvllle.
Tho school meeting called to con
tract for wood and tho buying of four
lots adjoining tho school building, mot
Friday. The people refused to ouy
the lots. Ben Louden & Co. agreed to
furnish the wood without pay. This
took the people by surprise at first,
but when It was remembered Hint
two of tho company were candidates
for olllce at tho coming election, a
smile went around. If some other
candidate will buy the lots and glvo
them to the school, It will make him
solid with the Aumsvllle voters.
Aumsvllle is, on a tallow candlo
basis this week. No oil for a week
the only time In history that Aums
vllle light did not shine brightly.
Ed. Gregory made a very quick trip
to Stnyton last Friday.
G. W. Merrl field, of Whitcakcr, Is
staying over Sunday with his daugh
ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Milt
Passing down Harrison street we
could not help noticing the conven
ient nnd commodious oflice and home
of our paper, the Aumsvllle Record.
The ofllco Is well stocked with every
convenience to do a good Job of print
ing. The Itecord Is on a good foundn
tlon; no rent to pay, and willing to
work nt hard times prices.
Our new drug store has opened up
In tine style.
Our ticket agent has been giving
away a good many cigars the last
week. All wish Mr. and Mrs. Pearson
continued happiness.
Tho young men who havo their best
girls say that the tallow candle is nil
right. No X rays about It.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary in 189.). A
large host or rrlends mourn her loss.
Died. In our city, Monday, April
20, 1800,at 10 o'clock Mr. Fourtiu,over
60 years of age. Deceased leaves a
wife and family. Tho funeral was
on Wednesday, at the Catholic ceme
tery. Mr. and Mrs. Paine, of Bcllvlew,
were our guest Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, of Port
land, were In our burg this week.
McK. Mitchell, of Gervals, was talk
ing politics in our midst last week.
Rev. Father Crocket, of Grand
Itonde, was tho guest of Rev. Father
Fable Friday, returning Saturday.
After Pneumonia.
"I have taken Hood's Sarsaprllla
for rheumatism nnd ns u blood and
liver nicdlclnc.nnd It has done me more
good thatanythlng else. My brother
has taken It after recovering from
pneumonia nnd It built him up and
made him strong and well In a short
Gervals, Or.
Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills.
Tomof r ow 2 Wednesday,
Special $
Wo have a fow well-known bramla t.im ,., .
wish to conflte ourselves to our own bniniiq 5ol.nR.01,tof n .
tomorrow at tho following Tjrlcns: a,1Us' 80 will 0ff
CENTEMltl, former prlco $1.50 and $1.00. now "
ESKAY, former price $1.60, now '
JOUVIN, rornler prlco $1.2,:, now. "J
All oilier brands In tho Barao proportion! ' "bo si'iii'.' 7 l4
wnra an,. l
tago or this sale, ltcmtlar (roeds:
1-.nt1l1U A 1. .- "
u 1 ujxo, uos6 i osier
nNothlng but ladies goods kept ut
Holvorsons. Whole tlnio and utc.cn
tlon triven to ono thing, pleasing the
ladles. Seen the new bicycle Jerseys?
257 Commercial street
Special This Week,
BoitN.-ln Vow Park, Saturday
night, April 20, 181MI. to Mr. and Mrs.
John Abbot, a son. Tho nutorfiimlliiiu
Is proprietor of tho cigar storo next
door south of Fry's drug storo and Is
in muciiHi at present.
Phbv Lead. 0. Johnson Si Sou
iww have tho llmt stock or clothing
TO 'T"K " 1 ho city. Just drop n
ni lliqlr Stato sttvet storo and so"
their I'xroUoiiiciMHh and low prices.
1 R? ,,,o.-Hra?iM)ii CV. have
been branching out until thoy havo
the finest stocK ,,! HOt tho brat uro.
wW 0,UM "U kcaUR0 "'"
New Sawmill. H. N. Hoove r and
Brothers or Salem are bulldlnir aluriru
sawmill at Detroit. Mr. Hoover went
up today, accompanied by John Mc
Crnekcnnnd sou S. P. McCraekcn,
carpenters and builders.
Hospital MEBTiNo.-Thcro will bo
a inectlug Wednesday ovenlnir nt tlm
Salem hospital or tho board of control
or mat institution.
L?.w 'OB'-It never comes to Ken
worthy tc George's restaurant. You
always got tho sanio high grade meals
i or ! ecu is
Eveu Thus. Ho bought ono of
those 1.75 working men's suits and
went away happy. . Johnson &
Oi.u SMoiCKits-lTkoTho beginners,
thoy a I prvror la Corona cigars. Thoy
aro Salem made and always tho same.
Shad, shad, shud-at Doty's.
The U, S. dov'i Reports
show Royal Baking Powdv
i cwrter to all others.
James O'Farrell, or Gale, Klamnth
county, and Benjamin Hayman, or
Rock Point, Jackson county, were to
day appointed notaries.
Martin Foard, or Astoria, has filed
his acceptance or appointment as
pilot commissioner. He Is a Dane by
blrtlvand was rccontly appointed by
Governor Lord.
Tho rush or men for appointment
on the state sower Job continues una
bated. Tho demand for work Is slm
ply enormous and tho superintendent
and stnto olllcors are bored nearly to
weather forecast by tho govern
tuent report is showors Tuesday night
propably clearing Wednesday and
1 ho following letters remain lu
tho Salem post oillco uncalled for.
llioso calllng.ror tho same, pleaso say
Anderson M M Bulger Win
1 utior John Burgoon Not
Bourcher Jus Beomor A O
1 oil Win Bell Jns
Balrd-North Co CrnvclJ D
Crosby Maud Miss Carson A M
Campbell H A Dork Tlios
Dennis M P uwt.n. i,,..
T...1I l in.. ,-, l " """
mi milium .mss
Lilesey Jacob
McCornaclc.1 L
Myers Jos Mrs
Itonco Kate Mrs
bliaw Mary
Thomas Wesley
Mt'Cornack AV W
McAllister Minnie
Martin P
Powell A L
Shaw W
Juno Smith E E
Schmidt GB Mrs
Wurner AV J
B. F. Bonham, P. M.
Some Good THinos.
Step into Sonncmann's Groy .
eery and look at thoc elegant 1 Mush! Mushl Musll!
Jardlncrcs of thclfamous OhU " musn
Terra Cotta. You will want
oe,ure. The lakt is the conv
tinea jars and JedestaWnotlv
m of the kind ever seen In
H. G.
Grano, the new preparation
for breakfast mush, beats all
and other choice taUckadcs.
124 State Mrttt O V
Eldku Bahklky.-Hou. H. L. Bark
ley, or Woodburn. returned (mm i.
east last night and was In Salem to
day, in conreroneo with leading Ho
publicans. His acceptance or his
nomination ror representative on the
Republican ticket was placed on
fllo this afternoon and he will ninko
the canvass for tho Republican ticket.
PltOMINKNT MAN.-Thn nlnnnn'
"' I'niiier anil U(KI Fellow, A. G.
"ailing, died at Portland Monday
JilBlit. Tho deceased was grandmas-
erHjlectortho Oregon Grand lodge.
His funenil takes placo Thursday t 2
P. ui. In Portland.
Rev. Osborne of Monmouth occup-
plcd the pulpit nt the Babtlst church
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Blair or Sllvcrton, was a guest
at tho homo or her sister, Mrs.Magers
a Tew days last week.
Messrs. B. P. Taylor nnd Keen, were
Salem visitors last Saturday,
Miss Minnie Miller of San Francisco
Cab, Is the guest of Miss Susie Kerns
this week.
Mr. Charles Magers of Dallas, was
through our city last Tuesday in the
Interest of the Artlstlans Lodge.
Bert Keen is slowly recovering from
his recent Illness.
Mr. and Mr.-U'urthynmnof Watson-
vllle, Oil., who havo been visiting
relatives and friends in our little city
for tho past two weeks, left for Port-
laud Saturday from whence they will
return to their homo.
News has been received from Thos.
Crabtrcoto tho effect thnt ho has
bought land In Idaho and will return
for his family in i short time.
Miss Esther Robertson Is home from
Salem for a short visit with her rela
tives. Mrs. Elden and hor daughter, Grace,
aro quite Hint their home on Fifth
miss oiiio Robertson returned from
Salem last Saturday where she had
been visiting with rrlends ror the
past wcelc.
Oregonian readers aro opposed
to Barkley. Or courso, a single gold
standard wouldn't support a poor
man, however, tho people will support
II. L. Barkley all tho same.
A storm of hall passed over Sat
urday afternoon. Tho drops of hail
wore tho largest over witnessed hero
and tho storm was heard a half mile
distant. Probably u slight damago
was none to fruit but to no extent.
mum uiu 1 mi uacKwnra 10 navo nny
elfect on them.
James Coloman.of Saloni.camo down
Monday to attend tho funeral of his
mother which will tako placo Tues
day, perhaps.
Mrs, Coleman, wife or Jnmes Cole
man, died at a o'clock' April .20, after
8 weeks illness. Tho deceased leaves
her husband nnd 12 children, seven
daughters and llvo sons, all living.
25c Letter Tablets for 15c each.
F, S, Death it ris Book Store,
!.. Small, choice, jW J
V heat.. soc per bu.. n,.,t..tL "I
Oats..i826c. - ?
$6"y.. Baled, cheat. Hyl
.uur. .m wnoiejae Ion i. .
3,20; bran, bulk tt.oo? ' A5Ht
...oris. .oo,3.oo! chop ,4
rouItry..Chitkenj, 7c; dock l,
3raeistr;,u,k '
Hoes.. Dressed. iA
Live Cattle.. 22.
.Sheei...Ltve, 2.50!
Wool.. Be, iaj5"J
f.Bgs..Cah. 7c.
uuuer..l!est dairy, loc;' fcr
15c '
ueose .14c.
90J shoulden, 5c.f ' ' '
Onion . . 1 Vic
One of the health-giving; ele
ments of HIRES Rootbcer is
sarsaparilla. It contains more
sarsaparilla than many of the
preparations called by that name
HIRESthe best by any test.
UUt cslr hj Th Cblrlll E. HltM Co., rhllUelpU.
A iH, ptckii mill t U1ei. B14 mrjwtitrt.
' Chlcajo Stock Market.
OaiOAOO, April 27. Hogs Light
$3.4G3$3.7 i; heavy M.lfi3.B5. Cat
tle Beeves, ').20&M.l5&ow8 and heif
ers $1.G03.80. Sheep-Quiet.
v-mcago, April 25 Wheat, cash 6jfc
Every reader of- TiiEnJounNAti
should look up tho list of premiums
given absolutely frco with this paper.
Tho Weekly Jouknal at 81 a year Is
tho cheapest paper on the Pacific
coast, yet with It wo glvo yearly sub
scriptions to any of tho rollowlng
valuablo publications, each known to
the world as a standnrd In Its Held:
The Toledo Blade,
The Queen or Fashions.
Tho Farm News,
Tho Child Garden.
These valuable publications care
each worth a $1 a year, yet wo glvo
you your choice, ono year free, for n
81.50 subscription to The Journal,
cither tho Daily for six months or
tho Weekly for eichteon months.
Seethe list, nnd don't neglect to prollt
uy it.
Don't bo deceived Into paying for
so-called premiums offered with high
priced papers at n slight advance.
Remember The Journal Is tho
rhcapest newspaper on the Pacific
coast, and it gives you high grndo
premiums without additional chargo
May (iy
nfcrlor 3
York, April 2?. Silver, 66fc: lead,
3 30.
San Francisco, April 25. Wheat,
vooi..ureeon, choice, a)ioo;
5c, valley, 0(2) 11c
Hops Quotable at 3c.
Potatoes 60 to 90c per sack.
Oats Milling. 75(0)82.
Portland, April 25. Wheat valley, 60a
Gt; Walla Walla, 57358.
Flour Portland, 53.00; Denton county.
3.00J graham, $2.65; superfine. $2.25 per bbl,
Oats White, 2526c; grey, 2223;rolled
In bags, $4.2505.25, barrels, 4.5o7.eg:
es, 3.75.
Potatoes.. Oregon, 25(3)300 per sack.
Hay.. Good, 6o per ton.
, Wi"Vfl,,eyi 9iocj Eastern Oregon,
Millstufls..Bran, $11.50(0)1300; shorU,tfl2.
1 ouary- mcKens, mtxed, 33.5o; broil-
z.5(2J3'5; oucks, 5ao; neesc, 5;
ri. uo??n's Arnica Sain
..is ii o.uve m tnewotu U r I
Sores. Knret ni-n u.i. ni... . -'1
and all Tetter. Chapped hand., OflbbJ
llrulses, Skin Lruptiom, nd posiilTtljoa
Piles or no pay required. It is purjuid 1
Live per tec satisfaction or (hone; itfow
Price 25 cents a box For tilt lr Frdl
C. T. Doty has everything kept in
ilrst class fish market.
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair,
Aledal, MldwlHter Fiilr.
xwIV "TnwRer Klrkor tho
vtUlXirv Co. Is liwin,, ,. n..
on Tute street near tho ,
jmnindS. It Is ll good mnmJi
x vTn
(Most Fcxfc UiA.
Big Forger Captured.
Pittsdoro, April 28. News has
been received here of tho capture In
Guatemala, of John S. Cowan, of this
city, who disappeared last February,
leaving creditors $200,000 short. Ho
wns In the lumber business. The
forgery was note raising and othor
forms of swindling nro charged against
Brmsh Victory.
London, April 28. Tho Mnshonn
land agency hero received tho follow
ing dispatch from Buluwayo, dated
April 27:
"Big engagement this morning.
Three Impls surrounded us. Defeated
and routed with great loss."
Road to Be Sold.
Milwaukee, April 28. A decreo
ordering tho salo of tho Northern
Pacific road and all properties, Includ
ing stocks, bonds and lands, was
signed by Judgo Jenkins this morn
ing. The salo is to take placo In West
Superior, Wis., within sijfty days.
Chinook, shad and halibut at Doty's.
To My Friends.
i'leaso speak to mo a week before
you want your paper hanging dono, as
I am very busy,
24,31 E. K. Hall.
Primary Politics. Tho new book
on tho reformation of the American
primary system, is now on salo at
Dearborn's book storo. a 17 t f
Children Cry for
Pitcher'! Cmtorl.
crs. 2.50(0)3.50; ducks, 5a(
lurKcys, llvo. Kc: dressed, ifiaire.
Hides.. green, salted 60 lbs 5c; under
00 lbs 44c; sheep pelts, io7oo.
Hops. .Oregon, 2 to 3c, according to qual.
Butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 25(3)355
fancy dairy, 25; fair to good, 15(2)17:
Cheese .Oregon full cream, 14(0)15,
f-ggs.. Oregon, ncperdoz.
Ueef..Topsteers, 3.00(2)3.25 per!b;i fair
to good steers. 2;2 3.5c; cows, 2ji2c;
dressed beef, 4 $:. .
Mutton ..Ewes, 2.75; dressed,45c
Hogs.. Choice, heavy, 3.2S3.5o; Hghi
and feeders: 2 75; dressed. 4c per lo.
When Baby was tick, we gyi her Cutcrfc
When she was a Chill, she- cried (or ChuA,
When sho becamo litis, tho chug to Outorfi
When tho had Children, the gut tloa Cuto)
Through His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
Reed's Opera House.
PATTON BROS., Local Mmujw
Everything New ThisJScaMfi
Famous Georgia
Tiaveling In their own lo,wo 11
Billy Kersandi. Moore & Kemp, ib 9
Talvan, Marsh Cialc Hillmn& Wr J
O, Terry, Jas, S. Lacy, Crew"! CWA"
tet, and all the old favoriteJ. W?
grand parade at 2:30 P. .hS
50c. No higher. Now on wle t n581
WIDULY known Wisconsin publUfcw,
wno rctiaes at Qreen Bar. writaa
March 6th. 1SU5. as follnwi;
"Flvo years ajo I becamo so nervous that
mental wo was a burden. I could not rest
at clshs on account of sleeplessness. My
attention was called to Dr. Miles Restora
tive Nervine, and I commenced to use it
with the very best effect. Since tbea I
have kept a bottle in my house nnd use it
wnenover my nerves DepnmBiin i,i.
. - ,-.w HHH 0
always tho samo good result. My sob also
takes it tot aerroasaeas
with like aerer falling
success. I bays recom
mended it tosoaayaact
It cures thesa. AU wb
su3or iroa nerve
trnnhli.a .liniilfl i
It is Uta from narcotics, perfectly harm
less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Do.
Miles, through his Nervine is a benefactor
to thousands.- A.O.LEIIMAN,
fcuitor and proprietor of Dm Iuvobuak.
Br, Miles' Nervlna is sold oa guaraaWe
Irst bottle will bonoflt or ssoaey rtfuatat.
In all towns and localities
umtea states ana icmw"" - lku
aln Washer and Steam Cof,i
It saves Usownpn;C.a
clothes in less than six iww. fi
u. by cxpr?, picj'-i"! jy,
la copper. For partienUiiJg
Dr. Miles'
Successor to C. M. &L i
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