Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 25, 1896, Image 1

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    stP- Tp-T W3P
VOL. 8.
NO. 10
lesume of the Week's News
by Our Correspondent.
. . .
Jfflcers of Literarv Societies Are
Elected for Jinsulng Term.
The Y. W. anil Y.M. C. A. meeting
rill be led Sunday afternoon by 11. B.
Tho young ladles Athletic Associa
tion Is preparing to give an exlilbi-
ion In tho near future,
Holland Matthews has decided it is
(heapcr In tho future to reserve his
File of (?) until church services have
ccn dismissed.
. .- ...1... ri.. .. ......l i .. i....
, ask one in liiu irficiuir atuueuts now
kisy it is to recite, with that com
pete (?) vocabulary in the back of
heir recitation books.
J. R. Fllzhugh departed Wcdncs
ay for ills home in Eastern Washing-
9ii. Ills many friends regret to see
Mm depart, but hope to see him again
ext fall.
1 Smiley, the Hunter, Is still at his
Dst of duty and Is succeeding ndmlr-
Lly In his oniclal capacity, but wo
eg to Inform the young gentleman
hat Oregon Is not Utah.
!MIss D. Gans has resumed her
jtudles again, after an absence of sov-
iil weeks on account of sickness.
lor friends say slio has almost rocov
red from tho overdose of Cicero the
Bung lady received last term.
p'or several days Mr. Phil Mctsehan
Iwcn testing his new Fowler
liccl quite vigorously. Several times
has been seen spinning cast onAsy-
i Avenue at a rate of speed credit
le to a professional wheelman.
Jliapel visitors the past weok were:
rs. J. P. Frlzzell, Mrs. It. II. Lcabo,
IlssesMlna Huelnt. Rose Woodruff
blllo Clark, Elizabeth Ilolvcrson,
lanche Kantner and Charlotte Bcn-
Several interesting rhctorlcals were
Even In chapel this week, as follews:
jesday, recitation, II. W. Williams;
siy, James Shlvcs; Wednesday, cs-
fcy, I. II. van Winkle; essay, Ernest
Hlson; Friday, recitation, Miss Car-
At a Joint meeting of the Y. W. nnd
M. C. A. societies, Miss Rebecca
Udarco was elected treasurer, to sue-
ed Miss Nelllo Clark, who has been
Mlged to sever her connections with
e university on account of 111 health.
: Heretofore ono of our young lady
udents has been quite favorably cits
osed toward the donblo standard
reposition, but slnco tho occurrence
the first of the week, she declares
rseir positively In favor of the sin-
standard only.
slnco onterlng Caesar, "Our Little
.an" has sprouted considerable
svlng added long pants to his wear-
apparcl. It Is also noticed the
krusal of Caesar has u tendenoy to
igthen out the faces of several of
i members of tho class as well.
connection with tho school for this
year, hoping to return In the full.
The March Issue of the Collegian,
published by the young gentlemen
students, with I. P, Calllson In the
editor's chair, has been Issued, nnd Is
a creditable number. Tho April num
ber will bo published by the young
lady students, with Miss Myrtle
Marsh at tho throttle, as editor.
Tho following Is taken from the
Eugene Guard: "The class of '00 of
tho University or Oregon has elected
Will E. McClure class orator and Miss
Maud Sharp class poet. President
Smith has appointed Miss Jennie
Beattlc, L. G. Hulln nnd II. S. Tem-
pleton a committee to sccuro souviner
invitations for commencement.'
Tho Phllodoslans elected olllccrs
Friday afternoon for the ensuing
term as follews: President, Miss
Myrtle Marsh; vice president, Miss
Mattle Beatty; secretary, Miss Bessie
Shopard; assistant secretary, Miss
Grcata Strlckler; treasurer, Miss
Alice McFadden; sergcant-at-nrms,
Rita Rakcstraw; custodian. Dcane
Kitchen; librarian, Alice Laycox.
A large delegation of the young wo
men of tho school went to Portland
Friday morning to attend the Y. W.
C. A. convention In session In that
city. Those going were: Mrs. W. C.
Hawloy, Misses Bessie Burkhart, Ida
Harris, Lulu Gordon, Ferno Bentloy,
Joslo Balsley, Cora Lltchllcld, Jessie
Scttlcmlcr, Rebecca Baldarce, Esther
Collins Oskie Matthews, Myrtle
Marsh, .itelon Matthews and Prof.
The essay oil a "Fishing and Hunt
ing expedition' ty.Jnines Shlvcs and
read in chapel Tuesday morning was
a humorous production. Like most
other expeditions ofthc same kltul,
it resulted quite unsatisfactorily to
tho participants whoso 'nppeUto was
so much increased by the mountain
air, that they devoured all the fish
that they succeeded In catching'whlch
tho young sportsmen thought was a
sufllclcnt reason to account for not
producing cither game or llsli upon
their return home.
the election there were no evidences
of "rotten" primaries or caucus bolt
eis as everything passed oIT Mwoothly.
The greatest contest nppeared to bo
for tho oillco of secretary for which
ofllcc there were live candidates. Tho
sixth ballot resulted In the election of
R. W. Williams over R. B. Wllklns, a
very elo second. The subject for
debate next Frltlny night ls"Rcsolvcd,
That the United StnlesShould Rccog
ulzo Cuba as a Belligerent State."
The nlllrmatlvo will bo
represented by Messrs. C. K.
Brandenburg, Rex Davis nnd II. A.
Sharp. Thoso who will speak on the
negative arc .1. G. Calllson, J. W.
Cochran and Max Miller.
It Will Probably Remain a Three
Cornered Affair.
A strohg effort Is being made by
leading Populist. Democrats and
silver! tea to arrange "a fusion against
Tom Tongue, tho Republican nominee
iur congress.
lion, .leir Meyers, Democratic nomi
nee, is working hard to bring out an
Indopcndcut-Republlcan candidate
with ex-Governor Pennoyerand other
leading silver meu. Ho is working to
have all candidates withdraw. Hon.
II. L. Barkley and Hon.J.B.Waldo.of
Marlon county, arc their choice as
Independent candidates.
Elder Barkley, of Woodbnrn. Is ex
pected home lu a few days. He nor
his friends are understood to favor
running him as an Independent silver
candidate. They hay that having
asked that he lie given a place on tho
Republican legislative ticket, ho Is
morally bound to till thnt position
and make tho canvass for tho Repub
licans or Marlon county, who have
twlco honored him.
Scnntor Vanderburg, of Mnrshlleld,
Populist candidate for congress, was
In town today and took tho afternoon
train to Portland. Tho wnv Mr. Vnn.
dcrburg expressed himself, ho has no
iiiiciiuoii oi nulling on ine ucKot.but
will make the canvass against tho
- i
Deadly Duel With Pistol and
Messrs. W. P. Matthews, C. J. At
wood and C. G. Nicklln, from the
Phllodorlan literary society, went to
Eugene this morning where they will
have a Joint debate with the Lauren n
literary of tho State university this
evening. Tho subject for discussion
is "Resolved, That the Present Sys
tem of Electing U.S.Scnntors IsPrefer
ablo to n Direct Vote by the People."
Willamette will nssumo the uegatlvo
and we hope victory may crown their
efforts. President P. L. Campbell, of
Monmouth normal school, will act as
Phc fourth term of school opened
uesday morning, after a vacation of
kreo days, which was greatly enjoyed
the students nnd the faculty. A
imber of students have severed their
Soino very ridiculous, as well as
ludicrous mistakes uro encountered by
teachers at each examination, and the
regular term examination given last
week, was not an exception to the
rule. One pupil In Natural Philos
ophy gave air, land and water as three
universal properties of matter, while
another bright student designated
vegetables, wood and water as threo
characteristic properties of matter.
An unusually bright pupil in the An
cient History examination, com
menced an outline history of Martin
Luther with the following sentence:
'Martin Luther was the sofi of a
At the regular meeting of thePhllo
dorian literary society last ovenlng
ofllcers for the ensuing term were
elected as follews: President, W. P.
Matthews; vice president, G. II.
Tucker; secretary, R. "W. Williams;
asslst.sccretary, Rex Davis; treasurer,
E. T. Stafford; censor, I. II. Van-
Winkle; librarian, John W. Cochran;
scrgeant-at-arms, I. P. Calllson. In
That Joint Debate.
Messrs. W. P. Matthews, C. S. Nlek
hnand C.J. Atwood, of tho Phllo
dorlan literary society of Wlllamctto
university, went to Eugene on tho
Roscburg local this morning nnd will
debate this evening with tho Lnureau
literary socloty or tho State university
nt that city. Tho subject for dis
cussion is "Resolved, That the Pres
ent System or Electing United States
Senators Is Prorcrablo to a Direct
Vote by tho People." Wlllamctto
will nssumo the ncgatlvo side of tho
question. President P. L. Campbell,
of Monmouth state normal school,
accompanied tho debaters and will act
as Judge. Wc hope old Willamette
prove successful In tho debate.
Committed. Yesterday afternoon
Miss Carrie Ewcll, aged 22 years, was
brought to tho city from her homo
near Jefferson nnd cxnmlncd licforo
Justice Johnson for Insanity, Prose
cuting Attorney Condlt and Dr. J. C.
Smith, conducted the cubc, and upon
their (hidings Justice Johnson order
ed the unfortunate young lady com
mitted to the asylum. Her enso Is
lxsllovcd to be temporary.
New Residence. Win. Cospcrhas
recently bought tho half block known
as the Hilly Wright place, on Ferry
street between Thirteenth and Four
teenth, facing tho soap works. Ho
expects in ino near ruturo to build a
grod residence on Fourteenth streot,
Wonderful Display. In tho win
dow of John G. Wright's pioneer
6tore can now bo seen tho latest direct
importation or seml-procelaln. It Is
equnl to Havlland china In unpenr
nnce, nnd tho price is so far below
that all can afford these elegant
wares. Slnglo pieces or sots can be
The Occasion of ?. Splejidid
tary Pageant,
Buda Pkhth, April '2Twr duel has
been rought between BaroiiJFeJorvany,
minister for defense, utlu Doptity
Bernal. Pistols were lltstfused, shots
being exchanged without effect. The
duel was then according to conditions
continued with sabres until Deputy
Bernal was relied with a soverecut
across the temple. j
Brooklyn, April 2."). Uillon League
f1llli nnimut rlmi lattlt.lln ITIiruna G
Grant was unveiled thlsjaftcrncon.
The bronze statue, which Is tho work
or W. Ordway Partridge, is colossal,
measuring rrom boor of horse, where
it rests on tho granite pedestal, to
the top or tho hat 15 feet 8 Inches.
The dedication today was mado tho
occasoln of n splendid pageant, 10,000
soldeers. of the United States army,
tho National Guard of New York ami
sailors and marines from tho navy
yard, being in line. General Horace
Porter delivered tho oration.
Tongue In Dallas.
Dallas, Or., April 2.r.-Hlon. Thos.
II. Tongue, candidate for congress
from the llrst district, addressed the
citizens of Dallas and vicinity Friday
night upon tho political Issues. Ques
tions of public Interest wcro discussed
in a forcible ana masterly manner.
Ills speech was the .most practical and
effective, as touching tho fanning In
terests, ever delivered In Dallas. Ho
showed conclusively that the protec
tion question Is tho leading Issuo,
and that the money question finds
Its solution In the proper adjust
ment or the tariff. That, If
all the Idle hands In th United States
could bo given employment at re
munerative wages and paid In cash
each Saturday night nnda cash pur
chasher furnished "Tor tho sill-pins
product of our Industries It would
go farther toward solving tho llnnii
ctal question than any other one
Missionary Is Safe.
Constantinople, April 2.. now
Geo. I', Knnpp, tho American mis
sionary, rccontly expelled from Rltlls
by thoTurklsh authorities, has been
handed over In good hcnlth to tho
United States consul at Aloxnndrettn.
Cripple Creek Afire.
Denver, April &. A speclnl to tho
Times frqin Cripple Creek saymi II ro
which started at 1 p. in, In tho Cen
tral thcatro on Merrick avoiiuo and
Third street threatens to burn tho
entire cast tna or town.
Insurgents Defeated.
Madrid, April 2.1. A dispatch from
Havana says that 2500 Insurgents be
sieging Fort Zanza, near Manznnlllo,
with artillery, woro defeated by Gen
eral Mancz. Tho Insurgents faro said
to have lost 100 killed.
Dead Veteran.
Aukoka, Ills., April 2.1. General
Nicholas Gruezel, a veteran or tho
Mexican war, n hero or Stone river,
Corinth and Murfrccsboro, died today
ot cancer.
Oi All Three Parties In Session
patgn Plans for lOgG.
Tho chairmen areas follews: Geo.
W. Davis, Salem, Republican; Win.
Hcndershott, Buttovllle, Democratic;
King Hlbbard, Wlllard, Populist.
Republican: Ross E. Moores, Thos.
Holman, Geo. Rogers, A. T. Wain, A.
M. Clough, J. Frank Culver, W. J.
irwin, !. ii. savage, scott Rlggs,
Louis Webert, Win. Bushoy, Charles
Lcmbacke,John Hoofer.S.W.Mlnturn.
G. B. Miller, J. S. Richie, Dr.J.S.
Stott, W, 1). Gehrmaii, M. A. Mc
Corkle, J. L. CalverUAJ. Shoemaker.
Clevo Evans, F. L. Pound, A. J. Illn
shaw, W. L. Sltnoral, K. A. Barrlck,
E. E. Knight, S. T. Hobart, F. R.
Blackorby, Lemuel Hobson, James L.
Cook, II. Shellbcrg, W. T. Riches, L.
G. Barron.
At tho Republican headquarters
there was a good crowd or party lead
ers and workers. The names or A. A.
Lee, Louis Stlnson and Frank Davov
were pressed for the oillco or secretary.
Chairman Hcndershott called the
Democratic committee to order
shortly artor 1 o'clock, lu tho banquet
hall over Strong's restaurant. Eugene
Willis, secretary, kept the minutes.
DemocraticJohn Gray. A. AtMll
ler, J. Baumgartuer, C. Van Patton,
F. Vnn Patton, James Coleman, W.
W. Johns. G. O. Savniro. Chna.
Yannke. J. R. Fairbanks, W. Il.Egan,
L. 1). Smith, W. E. Flnzer, A. Coyle,
Dr. Glcsy, J. P. Feller, F. M. Coleman,
W. R. McKay, II. G. Eldrlcdge, J. J.
utichholt, Geo Cuslter, James Madi
son, F. W. Diirbln, W.V. Hurst, John
Wlttschcii, M. Ostcrhouso, A, B.
Huddlesou, W. W. Elder, H. Parker,
('has. Work, Nat Bowman, B. II.
Hester, Jns. Simpson, N. Lambert.
John II. McNary secretary, aud
then a proposition for a Joint canvass
rrom the Populists was read and re
rused. Nearly all the candidates and
committeemen woro present.
The Democratic committee ap
pointed P. II. D'Arcy, J. D. Fry nnd
W. O. Wcstacott to confer as to a
Joint cahvass of tho county, but the
proposition was not received with
An executive commlttco wns ap
pointed as rollews: Davis, chairman:
J. S. Richie, Seotts Mills: It. E.
Moores, A. Gesner, T. R. Bliickcrby,
Motions were mado for appointment
of committees on dates and assess
ments of candidates.
Tho committee nnd candidates
then met to set tho dates or canvass.
King Hlbbard, chairman ot tho cen
tral committee, called to order at 1 p.
m., R. II. Lcabo master of tho rolls.
Populist J. M. Payne, R. II. Lenbo,
J. B. Stump, I). Jo. Jornian, F. J.
Beaty, C. L. Weaver, J. P. Robertson,
A. M. Bllnston. T. LoLond, F. T.
Maybum, II. L. Eborhurd. G. W.Vcd
dor. B. T. George, 0. W. Weeks, Geo.
A. Roff, N. Morris, J. B. Kossfcr, S.
Brown, T. Y. McCJellnn, K. L. Hlb
bard, J. 1). Darby, J. P. Murphy, Dr.
L. W. Gulss. O. W. Dlnilck. M. II.
Spear, Chus. MillurSr.
Tho Populist headquarters wiih inoro
crowded than any of tho others. W.
S. Vanderburg gavo a short talk about
tho situation, and stated he was wil
ling to leave tho question of his with
drawing aud a fusion or forces to tho
Populists themselves.
As this report closes a llnd Is being
raUcd by tho Populists, $0.00 to 910.00
In a precinct. Tho commlttco Is still
in scssoii.
You Get Interested
in your work when you clean with Gold
Dust Broilers, boilers, pots and pans,
skillets, kettles, buckets, and cans become
clean at a touch, soot is quickly removed,
grease dislodged when you use Gold Dust
is indispensable for cleaning kitchen uten
sils, paint and woodwork. Gets the dirt oil
Nothing in it to grit Sold everywhere.
Made oaly bf
St Ud. tdf, H Twfc, t . tmlM. Ua FttmU.
A Spiiained Knee'. Iii Jumping
from his wheel Friday morning, Cor
oner A.M.Clough slipped and sprained
his left knee quite badly, and It Is
only with the assistance of crutches
that the gentleman can navigate.
Summer. It may boa trlllo slow,
but It is coming, nnd If you don't be
lieve It Just step into Chas II. Lane's
tailoring rooms nnd see thoso late
novelties In summer suitings. To (see
them nnd learn tho price means to
place an order.
How It Curls. You can't always
tell by tho way a man's hair curls
how much he knows, but when you
see a man smoking La Corona cigars
may know ho knows a good cigar.
To Live Well. That Is what most
people like to do, when they can af
ford It. If he will take meals ut Ken
worthy & George's restaurant ho can
get the best for the least expense.
Ladles' dining parlors up stairs.
Never Fails. The place to got
the only fresh vegetables and tho only
pure groceries Is to go where they are
had. If you will try Branson & Co.'s
you'll always be satisfied.
i . M 0 ii.
Eighteen ounceall woo) clay worsted
suits Imported In sacks and frocks
only 910. Johnson & Son.
i. m
TakeyourSunday dlnneratStrong's
No Free Alcohol.
Washington, April 25. A motion
to take up tho bill to repeal "tho free
alcohol In arts" clause or tariff bill
was defeated In tho senate today by a
A New Ciiannel.-TIio recent
high waters have caused the Willam
ette river to cut a now channel nearly
a mile long In the vicinity of the
mouth of tho McKenzle. This new
charincl Is yet full of snags and has
never been navigated. By reason of
tho change In the river tho old chan
nel has been rendered unnavlgablo
and tho steamer Gypsy has not been
here since last Saturday. At that
time the water was high enough so
the boat could make tho run through
Meek's slough. Eugcno Guard.
A line Sunday dinner at Strong's
tomorrow for 25 cents.
Tor the Battle Ship,
In response to a rexuest from tho
Portland chamber of commerce, tho
governor yesterday appointed tho fol
lowing named persons as supplement
ary to the committee to secure funds
for a testimonial to the battle ship
Oregen: L. D. Cole, R. W. Mitchell,
A. II. Devers, Paul Wcsslngcr, D.
Soils Cohen, J. P. Marshall, S. C.
Spencer, B. S. Pague, Frank Motter
and II. E. Mitchell.
For Rent. Six acres of land with
house, barn, well of soft water (pump).
Three acres small bearing fruit. Bal
ance Kood new potato ground. Small
cash rent. Inquire at 3.M Front
street, near Center.
What Oregon needs more than nuy.
thing else Is the application of good,
sound, economic business methods . to
her public affairs.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cat tori.
"Return of the Prodigal."
A few weeks slnco two youths, aged
about 10 years each or two dlfforcut
families In East Salem, having become
tired of homo rule, determined to
strlko out for thcmsolves and accord
ingly left homo without tho knowl
edge oi their parents. Having an Idea
what had become of their sons, tho
parents decided to remain Indifferent
and await results. A dirty face and
disheartened "Weary Willie" camo up
irom rurunnu on one or ino ooats
a day or two slnco and returned to his
fathers house. It has not been asccr
ccrtnlncd whothcr the fatted calf was
slaughtered or not; but It is supposed
a good rawhldo whip was used, lu tho
application of which considerable
energy wns expended.
Tho returned lad reports his "nal"
near Portland in n bad llx "dead
Hereafter tho boys will probably bo
able to sing with a will, "There's no
place like home."
River Excursions. Steamer Al-
tona camo down from Iiidopendcuco
about 8:IJ0 o'clock this mornlnir with
a great many Independence excursion
ists on board for Portland. After tak
ing on a few passengers at Salem sho
steamed away for Portland utOo'clock.
Steamer Elmoro camo down from Cor
vallls about 10:30 o'clock with nearly
sixty Cocvallls and Albany excursion
Ists for the metropolis. Only a few
Snlcmltes took advantage of the un
usual low faro and enjoyed a rldo on
tho Willamette on either tho Elmoro
or tho Altona. two most commodious
nnd best equipped steamers on tho
Willamette. Scarcely a score of Sa
lem people wont to Portland this
morning on the two bouts.
Creamery. Tho meeting held nt
Rickey school house lust night lu tho
Interests of a co-operative cheese and
butter factory for this neighborhood
resulted In the subscription of twenty
seven shares of stock.
A committee was chosen to draft a
constitution and bylaws and report at
next meeting. A solicitor will visit
all the farmers in the vicinity to
hecure tho remaining iiecesscsany sub
scriptions of stock. Tho next meet
, log will be held nt Rickey school
house May 2, 7:30 p. in.
J i
A Hundred Fruit Growers Participate In
a Lively Discussion.
This morning there was a goodly
number at tho Stato Insurnnco hall to
participate In nnd listen to tho points
of Interest brought out at tho meeting
of the fruit growers held thero undor
tho auspices of the county hortlcult
urnl society. The opening remarks or
address of wolcoino were made by the
president or the society, Judge J. R.
Falrbank. He was rollowcd lu a re
sponse by J. R. Shcpard, of Zena, and
hot Ii of these gentlemen spoke in gen
eral terms. Tiioy agreed thnt fruit
raising for domestic comfort was a do
clded success, and pointed out tho
necessity for closer attention to the
matter of making a tlnaiiclal success
of tho Industry.
The tlrst paper presented was that
of Pror. V. 11. Hedrlek on the "Rela
tion of Stato Experiment Stations to
tho Fruit Growers" Ho showed that
experiment stations are or recent ori
gin, and gavo those present a general
Idea of tho workings and bonollts or
tho work done at such.
Tho paper or Prof. A. B. Cordloy on
"Fruit Pests and Their Remedies"
was a very practical affair, discussing
tho pests better known to tho fruit
growers nnd tho mnnrtnncn nf
eradicating them. He cautioned rnut
men to he careful not to trot adulterat
ed chemicals, suclias Paris green and
London purple, as thus they might
loso the ontlro vuluuof their spraying.
Tho extermination or bugs, lice, ct.,
Is no longer looked upon with disre
spect, but Is acknowledged a part or
every rrult grower's business. Ho
should look to this as much as to the
cultivation of the soil or the handling
i his crop, xihs paper was Highly
Stato Horticultural commissioner
ii. j-;. uoxciigavo un interesting ob
ject lesson by presenting samples or
the apple canker nnd tho pear crater
blight. Tho remedy offered ror both
Is to cut out tho affected parts and
treat with a strong solution of bluo
vltrol. A very Interesting discussion
followed which brought out tho points
that tho crator blight, black spot and
npplo canker nro closely related If not
tho Identical disease In different forms
Mr. Dosch brought out tho vuluablo
points that these diseases woro most
provalout In low or wet places. Ho
also recommended very highly tinder
draliingotud said if ho were again to
plant nu orchard on clay land he
would dynamite It ten feet deep to
break up tho hard pan. Ho Bays ho
would under-draln his orchard land
from threo to four fcot deep, placing
tho tllo rows Just above tho fiard pan,
and then plant his trees directly over
tho tiles.
Upon being asked tho vnluoof whlto
washing trees Mr. Dosch Bald It was
not u good practice, as It "closed up
tho poreB of tho bark and prevented
rree breathing as It woro. Ho thought
It was much llko putting a coat or tar
upon the human skin. H whlto
washing Is done nt all it should lo lu
the rail when tho rains will gradually
wash It off and thus sorvo as a cleans
ing process.
To tho olllccrs of tho local society,
and nspeclully to Mrs. Wnnds, the sec
retary, great credit is duo for the
successful outcome of tho meeting.
A good attoudancoor the most Intelli
gent fruit growers of tho county was
present, and without a doubt the
actual good that will result from this
meeting will bo of untold vnliio,
Man Kills a Woman and Her
Two Children,
Sovon Dead Bodies Removed and
40 More Imprisoned,
Probate Court.
Eugene McCornack today settled
his dual account us guardlnn for an
Insane chinamen, who has been dis
charged nnd Is to bo returned to
China Ixiforo ho dies.
Henry L. Bents or Buttovlllo was
apnolntcd guardian or the cstato or
Edward P. Brents, nu Insauo man
who has property to the umoiint or
who has property
about $2,fi00.
, Graduating Exerciser. Rov. J.
Bowersox, or tho United Evnngcllcnl
church or this city drove over to Ln
ltnyotto this artcrnoon where ho will
attend tho graduating exercises, or
the United Evangelical Somlnary
situated at that place, f tako place
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday or
next week.
Rockvillk, Ind., April 23. Pete
Eglwrt, a carpenter, 22 years old,
unmarried, this morning, wttnout ap
parent provocation, shot and In
stantly killed Mrs. Herman Hasket
and two children, ncxtdoor neighbors.
Ho reUmdcd'hlsKUii.Rolng up towu shot
and killed Sheriff W. M. Mull and
Deputy Win. Sween. Egbert then
escaped to tho fairgrounds, Just out
sldo of town. Fifty men armed with
fhot guns,rllles and pistols surronnded
tho grounds.
Egbert refused to surrender and
wnsllred on. Ho ran Into a stable
and sent a load of buckshot Into his
breast, dying Instantly. Egberts sister
at tho samo hour died of typhoid
rover. Young Egbert onco was con
lined in a lunatic asylum, but wns dis
charged as cured. No reason Is knowu
for the terrible killing, except that
tho man Is Insane
St. Louis, April 25. A special to
tho Post Dispatch, from El Paso says:
The Santa Eulalln mines, of Chihua
hua, caved Inycstorday. Seven minors
were taken out dead, 13 wounded and
forty four othors are still ln mines.
Housq Program.
Washington. April 25. Tho house
program for next week was considered
today, by tho commlttco on rules. It
wns decided to let tho debate on the
ponsun bill, continue a reasonable
time, and thero may bo several night
sessions for speech making. No rule
to limit dobato will bo proposed by
tho commlttco, but tho house may
mako an ngrcomont to vote at a cer
tain time. After tho pension bill the
bankruptcy bill will probnbly bo In
The Zton Evangelical ohureh of
Cams, Clackamas county, today tiled
articles ot incorporation with tho
secretary of stato. Tho property of
tuo cimrch is valued at $000 nnd tho
trustees are 0 K. Grayboll, Loronz
Hornschuck and John Kalbllolch.
Articles of Incorporation were also
tiled In the samo oillco bv tho Orciton
conference of tho United Eangollcal
church. Tho location of the princi
pal oillco or tho corporation Is Salem,
although business may Ixi transacted
whorovor Its annual meetings are
Held. Tho trustees are: Rov. 0, 0.
Poling, A, L. Kcenan and Rov. J.
Jnmcs Mo. I. Wood of Portland, was
today commissioned a notury public.
Tho ladies say that Holvcrsons
"standard" waJsu ore line. The
ladles know. Qualities up to $250.
The Best Cathartic.
South Salem, Ore., March 20, 18W).
Wo are greatly pleased with tho
paper dolls which were sent ror ono
trado mark from Hood's Pills nnd ton
cents I u stamps, I have derived great
bonotltfroiu tho use of Hood's Pills.
They are tho best cathartic that I
have over tried.
Mrs. James H, Watson.
Hood's Sursaparllla Is tho ono truo
blood purltlcr.
All Parties There. The tables
at Strong's restaurant today wcro
crowded with groups of politicians
from all over tho county. While tho
Democratic commlttco scorned to havo
tho banquet room, tho whole houso
was packed with Republicans nnd
PonullstH down stairs. "Ulllv Westa-
cott" scorns to bo running nil the par
tics no fur iih catering goes and hit
ticket Is emlnontly satisfactory to the
paluto of all regardless of politics.
Preachlmr at tho W. (J. T. U. hall
this evening and Sunday nt 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Solomon's
Tnninln." TCvnrvnnn Invltorl hiiu.
dally Masons and anti-Masons.
To My Friends.
Please speak to mo a week before
you wunt your pnpor hanging done, us
I am very busy.
2Mt K. K. Hall.
Primary Politics. The new book
on the reformation of tho American
primary system, is now on sale at
Dearborn's book store. a 17 t f
Did Vou Ever,
Try Electric Uliteri remedy ror your
troube? II not. get a bottle now and get
relef. Tbtt medicine ha been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure ol
all I'cmale Compla'iiti. exert a wonderful
direct Influence In giving itrength and tone to
the organs. If you have lot of Appetite,
Constipation, Headacho, Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled wild Dlrsy Spell, Electric
Hitters is the medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guarcntced by Its use. Fifty
cents and i.ooit Fred A, Lrgg,s Drug Store
A. D. Smiths where you can find everything
In tho a lists line, canvas mounted and pic
ture mats made to order. Give hlw a call
for he knows Juit whit you want wltk prlcM
to suit the times. 1 16 opera house.
Highest of all In Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report