Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 20, 1896, Image 4

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    '"WWT',Wil7WiW'iripMP -
'tffli 5li5!JMKMr't
Daily Capital Journa
MONDAY, APKIL 20, 1800.
'Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6145 a. m.
Salem, 7145 a. m.
Independence, 6130 a. m.
9:00 a.m.
10115 a.m.
6:00 a.m.
A A A a A A ft
I Quick time, regular tervlce and cheap
I rates ...
Agent, Salem.
Miss E A, Stewart
it s -
v .&
All grades of good, from the
lowest price, to the fineM the
market afford.
Hewitt Holding on Adjourned
Term of Department No a.
Barr & I'ctzol vs. P. J. Eldrldgo.
foreclosure of iiiccIiiiiiIc'h lien, decrco
on the pleading and tlio complaint
H111110 case as demurrer, demurrer
sustained -a ml cause dismissed.
F. W. (Jodfrey ct al vs. GorvalH
Milling Co., order continuing cause
recalled and causo reinstated on the
docket, and a decrco rendered dlsolv
Ing the corporation and directing tho
sale of all properties, receiver to gjvo
notlco by publication cause to bo con
tinned as to receiver.
Dorruiieo Lumbering Co., Insolvent,
Francis Keller, assignee; causo con
tinued. (Jeo. W. Dlmlek, ct ul., vs. J. H.
Fletcher, ct ul., ciiulty; causo contin
ued with leayo to answer by Juno Ifi,
Pugot Sound National Savings bank
vs. Clms. Moshborgor, foreclosure;
W. M. Wirt vs. Oregon wholesalo
Nursory Co., receivership; on trlnl.
Tin? Fihst Dioyclb Jliw. A
company of llvo or Salem's promising
young whcelmoii viz: Zadoo Klggs,
Boyd Hlcliardson, Phil Motschan,
Albert Ollloy and Chester Murnv
enjoyed tho llrst blcyclo run of tho
season this afternoon. They left tho
Y. M. O. A. rooms soon after 1 o'cock
with tho Intention of visiting Inde
pendence, Monmouth and Dallas pro
viding tho roads woro In a lit con
dition, Such short runs are both en
joyablo and bcnollclal to a wheelman
us uis inusclo and stlck-to-ltlvo
Is tested thereby.
Miss M. E. Sperry, the artist, was a
Woodburn visitor today.
Miss Sadie Foley returned to Water
loo this morning after n visit with
Salem friends.
MlssCallsta Moore went to Port
land this morning to enjoy i short
visit with friends.
Miss Nclllo Starr left today for
Eddyvllle, Lincoln county, whore she
will teach school.
MissMinnlo.DcLong is III at her
home in Mornlngsldc, her ailment be
ing malarial fever.
Miss Anna ilester left tills morn-
for a visit with friends at -Gates on
the O. C. & E. railroad.
Miss HI ta Rakcstraw came up from
Chcinawa this morning after a vaca
tion visit with her parents.
Miss Charlotte Hcllcnbrand Is mak
ing her home at tho residence of Dr.
L. S. Skiff on LI bcrty street.
MlssCella Loomls, of Eugene, re
turned home today after a visit over
Sunday with tho Misses Van Wagner.
Mrs. W. E. Calkins was a passenger
to Eugene by the Itoscburg local
where .she will vlslt friends for a
Mrs. John Ilolman went to Albany
this morning for a short visit with
Mr. Ilolman, who Is manager of the
Albany Iron Works.
Mrs A. L. Allyn, of Seattle, who
has been visiting Miss Lcnoro Kay,
left for Turncrnnd Albany this morn
ing to continue her visit with friends.
Councilman W. T. Illgdon and fam
ily enjoyed 11 pleasant drlvo nbout the
country east of Salem, enjoying n
visit with Turner frlendsalsoSunday.
Miss Dean W. Kitchen returned
m 111 a 111
ironi oiayioii mis morning niter n
pleasant visit with her parents, and
will resunio her studies at Willamette
University tomorrow.
Miss Mlnnlo Dunnlvln, who has
been tho guest of Mrs. Tlios. Burrows,
of this city, and Mrs. Dr. Kcsslcr, of
Portland, arrived In Salem yesterday
via tho Elmore, and this morning left
for Albany on the train.
Mrs. Frances Fuller Victor, tho
talented authoress Is now located In
San Francisco. Sho Is librarian of
thcPaclIlo Coast Womans Press Asso
ciation. Mrs. Victor has many
friends In Salem who will bo pleased
to learn she carries kindly remem
brances of tho capital city, and Inn
letter ton friend Mrs. Victor says sho
"wants to hold foot to her Oregon
Police. Court.
One John Dee drunk paid a
mis morning,
Nottlo Gray, a woman of easy vlr
tup, paid a lino mid costs amounting
to $18.70 Into tho city treasury this
morning fur assault and battery on
tho person or another damsel or her
night fair: Tuesday fair and
There U more Catarrh In this section or the
cwmtiy , , aii olllrr ,,,,, pS "ok,!,""
m uruil the .t few year. J, ,Z lo
J incurable. For a great many yean doc!
!or pronounced It a w,i .11...' ' "J
M.11M local remedies and by constat, I y
fading l cure with local trcitmeT n o
1'ouuc.J ,t Incurrable. .Sclcnc
euril..i be a w,n,W dl.ia e' and
1111 Catonh Cure, manu actured by V 1
Uiuejr&Co., Toledo, Ohio I, ,hc oi.y
mMiinUoii. cure on the market I l" taken
menulyln .low from lod.o ,to a tabic
poonrul. It actt directly on the hli 1
mwwii, surfaces of The . e.? ThSoflS
tlw for any caul, fail, ,0 cure. Send &
l'culan. and testimonials. Address,
v. 1 1 , .J'1 J; C'NKV & Co., Toledo O
ld by Drugglm, 7J cenf 0,f U(r u
Tho Firth Musical or tho Albany
Conservatory or Music under ProL
Parvln, assisted by Miss Alderson,
was given at tho college last night.
Tho class or 'IKJ consists or Messrs.
A leers and Luudell In vocal music nnd
Misses Maud llulburt and Edith
Smlck, or this city, and Misses Carrie
imcncior, Lucia Cochran and Llllv
Stolner, or Salem, In vocal mid Instru
mental music. Tho program was
made up entirely from tho composi
tions of Beethoven, tho Shakespeare
of composers, whospoko in notes that
never sounded without 11 meaning,
and Handel, who has never been
equalled as a composer of. dramntlo
"""'""I'lm .uiHoiwi" ocingn per
fect examplo in this Hold. Besides
tho entertaining program essays wero
read on tho composers of tho evening
by Miss Cochran and Mr. Lundell.
tiio education or tho public taste
ror the classical In musio Iscoininond-ablo.-Albany
Democrat, April 18.
A wedding occurred at thnrosbinn,.
or Row Elwood Scott In Highland
yesterday. Mr. Win. A. Pearson, sta
tion agent at Aumsvlllo, and Miss
Anna V. Alderson, daughter or Row
Alderson, or Portland and formerly of
this city, drove to tho Friends' nr
sonngo Just after the closo of tho Sun
day morning service, and wero united
In marriage. Mr. Pearson Is forinorly
m 11 utiiana, nas splendid business
abl Itles, and Is well ciualllled ror the
position ho now occupies. Mrs. Pear-
run ims won teaching ror somo tlmo,
and Is now engaged at school tenchlnir
at Aumsvlllc. Tho good wishes of tho
community go with thorn.
Dr. Parrlsli, of Monmouth, Is In tho
JB. J. Sharp transacted business at
Marlon today.
Win. Stanton left this morning for
North Ynkitnu.
Tlios. Kny returned to Waterloo on
tho morning local.
Thos; Eeynolds returned from Port
land this morning.
Miss Alice Balslcy returned from
Stnyton on the 2:20 local.
Clms. Hellenbrnnd, Jr., returned to
Albany on tho morning local.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bard, of Aums
vlllc, were In tho city today.
Attorney Win. II. Holmes had legal
business In Portlnnd today.
County Clerk L. A. Ehlcn spent
Sunday on his farm, near Aurora.
Walter Ilolman returned to the
Quartzvlllo mines this morning.
Billy Miller, salesman at tho White
Corner, spent Sunday In Portland.
Jordan Purvlnc returned this after
noon from a short visit at Albany.
Superintendent Early, of the deaf
mute school, was in the city today.
Secretary of State KIncald was a
Portland passenger 011 tho 2:20 local.
Rev. W. Reynolds was a Portland
passenger via tho Salem local today.
C. Snowden, returned this afternoon
from a business trip to Southern
Attorney J. A. Carson returned
from Albany on tho early train Sun
day morning.
J. W. Cox left for Oregon City and
Portland this morning, on a short
business trip.
Secretary of State II. R. KIncald re
turned rrom Eugene, on the overland
this morning.
Assistant Secretary or State C. M.
Rockwood returned from Eugene to
tho nftcrnoon local.
Banker J. S. Cooper, of Indepen
dence, was n Portland passenger on
tho afternoon local.
Geo. Irwin, assistant In state super
intendent's nice, went to Eugene
this morning on business.
C. A'un Putton returned toChemnwa
this morning, having spent Sunday
with relatives In this city.
Walter Lyons, local correspondent
to Oregonlan, spent Sunday In Eu
gene, returning on the early train
this morning.
Virgil Conn, representative In the
last legislature from Klamath and
Lake counties, has been renominated.
Ho Is nn able, conscientious nnd gen
tlemanly legislator.
Superintendent F. N. Derby, or tho
Motor Railway Co., Is about today ror
tho llrst time nrter a week's slego of
tho cast-Iron grippe.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Glesy and little
son, returned to Poatland this nrter
noon, nrter a pleasant visit with
Judgo and Mrs. J. J. Murphy.
ProL and Mrs. F. S. Dunn returned
this afternoon, from Eugene, where
they havo enjoyed a short vacation,
granted to tho faculty and students
or Willamette university.
Hon. David Craig, or Maclcay, was
In tho city today and Jlled his accept
ance or tho Republican nomination
ror representative. Mr. Craig says
tho outlook ror the Republican ticket
Is very encouraging.
Tho nomination or B. P. Taylor or
this city ror renrescntatlvn w tim
Morrison's Grand Production of "Faust"
at The Opera House
will bo the attraction at Reed's opera
house Thursday April 23, the follow
ing is from the St. Louis Globe Demo
crat. Morrison's "Faust," has held sub
lime control over the emotions of
largo nudlences this week. Truly
cnough.it would seem tho devil is not
as bad as ho has been painted. Ills
followers have been many and from all
ranks and conditions of life. Tho
evil one Is only evil In disguise, hois
the embodiment of mlrthfullncss and
hilarity, suiting himself to the dis
position of each and all. He Is, In
his own diplomatic way, all things to
men so that by any means ho may
gain some. Who would be led away
from the paths of righteousness by a
morose, ungainly, disagreeable personage?
To those dissatisfied with the livery
of Mephlsto, Is there not full compen
sation In the moral developed In all
Instances of temptation? Does the
tempter permit Faust to enjoy long
the pleasure of sin? Does he not al
ways ordain that they, shall bo bitter
swecls In the end?
Tho scenic effects where church and
saloons exists In such closo proximity
arc admirably suggestive of the truth
"Whetevci God erects n house of prayer
The Evil always builds a chapel there."
Globe Democrat, St. Louis, Mo.
Svnoosls of Morning Service Church
Seeking a Pastor.
Rev. F. H. G wynne, formerly pastor
of tho Presbyterian church of this
city, delivered two eloquent sermons
in that church Sunday. The subject
for the morning address wns taken
f rom Jnmo's G-17. "Elijah was but n
Elijah was unlike a man in many
respects: First his appearance. Ho
came into this world more like an
angel than a human being. Ho ono
knew his early history. Ho intro
duced himself onto tho stage of action.
Socond Ills manner oftalk. 'There
shall not be dew nor rain theso
ycaifl but according to my word.' Ho
spoke as ono of authority. Third
Power to perform miracles. Fourth
Manner of dying. Elijah passed from
this world as mysteriously as ho ha d
appeared. He passed Into heayen In
But Elijah was like a man. First
Ho heeded Jezebel. Elijah heeded
the threatcnlngs of Israel more than
he trusted tho promises cf God. As
long as Peter kept his eye on God Jho
could walk on the water, but unless
he did his faith failed him. Second
lie wished to die. Ho lied from Zacza-
pbcial Sal
Black and Light Colors, All at reductions,
257 -Commercial street
Did You Ever.
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
troube? If not, get a bottle now nnd get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of
all Female Compla'nts. exert a wonderful
direct influence in giving strength and tone to
the organs. If you have loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
arc Nervous. Sleepless. Excitable. Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spell, Electric
wuicrs is mo mcuicineyou neeu. iicaitn ana
Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty
cents and $i,oot Fred A, Legg.s Drug Store
m 1
In a Nbw Fikld C. M. Epplcy,
who was for several years well known
as a member of the Court street
grocery firm of Clark & Eppley, Is now
nicely settled as proprietor of the
Electric grocery, on East State street.
Tho entire concern hssbeen renovated
and tho stock cnlnrged. Mr. Eppley
proposes to do nil In his power to
plcaso the customers In his now Held.
f fW ftPS .sWl SVS
n.i iJ,!r MARKER
May-oVr' Apm ,0.
New York. Anrii .. .... 1
'"-", J
3 30
Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
bores, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Ithcnm TVv.r
anu an letter. Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Hrulses, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to
Live per fee satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents a box. For sale by Fred A.
A Happy FAMiLY.When the
father showed his newly purchased
suit from Johnson & Son's
clothing store for $1.75 his wife and
nil tho family wero supremely happy.
a 1
Combined. It seems combinations
are tho order of tho day, but none
yet Intrduced In Salem pleases so
many people as the grand 15 cent
meals at Kcnworthy & George's restaurant.
The best, pure Maple Syrup ever
brought to Salem, Could get only
icn. gallons, but it is extra choice,
Everybody invited to taste it,?C2C
P, O, Grocery
Potatoes-fw to ooc S .t
OaU-MllllnB. If"
6oi Walla WK, 57.5?."'
:'"",Tior"anq. .ooiiu.
In bam. u.itrTktX WW
cases, 3.75
Clouds op Smoke They are not
so very olTcnslyo If they are from good
tobacco, but .when they como from a
la Corona cigar they are supremely
Holycrson has an all-wool
forSl 25UtlC CaP' pInkcdcd8M'
well nnnlltliMl tnr Ifo .1,,, 1 i...,.i ,.. I
-" 'wuiimra milium no
bo elected. Stnyton Mall.
E. Koppe, foreman or tho Thomas
Kay woolen mills at Waterloo, re
turned to that city on tho Roseburg
local, having spent Sunday with his
family In this city. Mr. Koppe ex
pects to bo transferred to tho Salem
mills when they start.
R. B. Conover, editor of tho D.ivtnn
Herald, spent Sunday at his family ,
homo here. Mr Conover exnpnia i,iu
State Treasurer's Fourteenth Notice.
Statu Op Oregon, )
Tkeasuuy Department. S
Salem, April 15, 1890. )
Notice Is hereby given that there
are funds on hand with which tore-
outstanding statn warrants.
uv inn "rmisontnl nnd ,rf
..-..." .f.:-r..vv.i . " nuu
unuui uiiuis" oetween tlie
Ctnlwr fl 1R!).ri nrirl Wi'imlu...
10,1895. both dates Inclusive, with tho
exception of warrants drawn on tho
onuiiipjiiiiu iunci, anu that all such
warrants, properly endorsed, will bo
paid upon presentation at this oillco,
interest on tho same ceasing from
and after, tho dnto of this notice.
State Treasurer.
Democrats will bo good news to many (,ccm n1' 0l,t
Stnyton citizens. Mr. Taylor Is nlSWJg.
'twill iiiiiiii ii-iipr 1111 rr aim .... -. - - vuuiill.ii iiiiit
w..v....... ,,,.,, u, UIU millor unci, dates of Oetnhfir SlRnr, nmi v.,i,:
mioii- 1...H 1 . . . aim uhuui
Mkmiieks op Sedowick Relief
Corps Are requested to bring their
contributions ror thC'Old Horse Sale"
Monday nftcrnoon. i8-2t
Full dress whlto shirt worth $1.50
uio Kopuoiican tlckot. lie says tho 1 foods cheap for cash. ntf
Republican ticket In Yntnhiu i,..
which Is to be nominated tn,i,v f. I Wanted
u good one, and that It will bo elected strecU
over 1110 union bl-metalllc
tho Held.
Fat Hens At 04 Court
ticket In
For the finest fruits is not j
necessary to go to the
tropical regions.
Oranges, Bananas and
"err-.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 -t - -, wwwv
can always lind the freshest vmku '.y mcrs, You
served as well as its S 8 '" Ur s,orc' A child
?4 $ta(e street,
Miss Portia Knight, oldest (laugh
tor or Col. N. n. Knight or Klamath
iius, inougii nut a recent acquisition
to tho American stage, has gained tho
enviable position of a stnr. ,.,i ic
gaining much favorablo comment as
"miing. iatiy in Frederick Wanle's
Compyny, .which Is now filling an en
gagement at tho Tacoma theatre -Exchange.
I ho lecture or Dr. Gregory Kniinet, '
at the opera house last night wasi
greatly appreciated, savs tin, iwJ
Crat. "Tho ILvtrr. nf .....,. . I
--- ...... v u. ikiisaiit" IS t
Bujector Intense Interest, and as pre
-.... , r. ivunnet, with actual
lowsof the country talked about, Is
0110 that leaves n atwinirlnmnvwinn
tho listener and observer. ni 1,
un,..ln...1 ' """"
vmiv-iiui country and tho
"iioiiin kuow more about
lll'llliliill,. ..!.,. t .
....x.v... uuu uiniisiied some oxcol
lent muslo for tho occasion.
Holverson has in children's
and misses reefers from $150
up, .
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
bol and'asked God to take u.vay his
life. When God's people wish to die
theynrcln tho least lit condition to
die. God nnd a Christian Is a match
enough to conquer sin, llesh and the
devil. It Is not to be wondered that
Job and Solomon hated their lives.
Third Hiding In the cave. Like
Adam wo lay the fault on some one
else. Fourth Thought ho was the
only. Christian loft. Wo our
selves think so too sometimes.
In tlmo of afllctlon Chris
tian people reveal themselves. There
arc thousands of peoplo in tho United
States who have never Identified
themselves with nny church, who
would suffer nt the stake rather than
deny Christ, should tho church be
persecuted. Best men are meek.
Fourth God uses unlikely means to
carry out his purposes. Fifth Tho
path of duty is tho path of safety.
Occurences In Elijah's llfo stained his
character, ir wo want an unblem-
isneti cnaractcr, keep In tho path of
duty, a All Christians will be saved at
death If found In tho path or duty.
In the evening Dr. Gwynno deliv
ered a missionary talk, In which ho
revealed many startling facts regard
ing tho preaching of tho gospel in our
own state. In Eastern Oregon there
are six counties in which tho gospol is
not preached at all.
Proceeding the smornlng serylec
Misses Albert, Woodln and Davis sang
n beautiful selection, and Mrs. E. B.
iucuowcu sang a very beautiful solo
In her usual pleasing manner In the
At a meeting of tho session of tho
First Presbyterian church, April 10th,
tho followlng.self explanatory resolu
tion was passed:
Resolved, That-tho clerk of the ses
sion call a meeting of tho congrega
tion on xnursuay evening, April 23,
after prayer meeting for tho purpose
of appointing a commlttco to look- out.
.for a sultablo pastor and provide In
the meantime for n temporary supply.
(Signed) J. m. Martin,
Clerk of Session.
ASHENFELTER. - Two miles east
of Turner on Wednesday, April 10,
1890, to tho wife or J. B. Ashen
fcltcr, a girl.
O'KEEFFE.-At tho residence of Mrs.
S 'B. ori1, at 0:12P- m- Sunday,
April 10. 1800. .Tamos 0Kffn n1
28 years, of consumption.
The parents of the deceased reside
at Waterford, Iowa, and a brother In
San Francisco. Last December ho
came to Salem from tho poor farm
ana nns since stopped at Mrs. Fords,
no has resided In and about Salem
for about thirteen years.
Funeral services were hold at the
residence of Mrs. Ford, corner Chcm .
uKum anu i ront, this afternoon at 3
o'clock, burlal-at county poor farm.
ItOBINSON.-At tho popr farm near
1800, Thos. Robinson, aged 52
jeure, or cnronic ciinrrhoea.
Mr. Robinson lived on thn Prnisnn
place south of Salem for several years
but has beennn Inmato of tho poor
house for about four years.
Mr. Robtnson has no relatives In
the United States k-nnw,, tn ,
officers of tho poor farm. The funeral
was conducted Sunday afternoon,
uijiu in mo county cemetery.
Wanted Fat
Potatoes. . New Oregon Kflw
Hay. .Good, ifta? Eki M
IV 'l ..; . -07.H' m
vHiiiii.iiriii. tr rrulu . r-tm
and not wanted; dVk,r MS!J;
turkeva, live I4kc. 1ww'0,Pe'il
lly. '""'' .sc.mcomiisj&j.
Butter.. Oregon fancy creanerr. ri
fancy dairy, 25; Wr to ?
common,;t52oc. K S
v-neese .Uregon full crura, hSh
Eggs. .Oregon, 11c per dot
iieer..iopsteers, 3.oo3. w&,kl
to nod t..r. nlszZ. .r. . . ."il
dreedUeUSc.'' M'
andfeVder2VSS JSfi
Vcal.jjmall. choice, ffifr? !. s..i
,r IK ' - -rtwi
Wheat.. Soc perbu., market fin.
Oats .i&Yca2oc.
Hay. . Baled, cheat, 5.ocj.jo; tsk
nour. .in wholejale loU, jx;ci
3.20; bran, bulk 11,00; tickd. ux
shorts, 12.0013.00; chop fail, It5
Poultry.. Chickens, 7c; dacU j.nj
Voal Dressed, a1,.
Hogs.. Dressed, 3.
Live Cattle.. ifa1..
Sheep.. Live, 2.5o3.
Wool.. Best, izyic
Hop..Best, 45c.
Eggs.. Cash. 8c.
Butter, .Best dairy, iocj hujotuxfl
Cheose . lac.
Farm Smoked Meats. Bacoijc; la I
40 ; shoulders, 5c.
Potatoes.. I5c,perbu,
Onions,. 1 y.c.
New Notaries. James OSjtM
of Clifton; Jolm R.OatmaD,cf Pi
land: wore commissioned noUriei
Hens At 04 Court
Will Not PcrformMiracIes
But It Will Cure.
It. Tho
(Most Perfect Made
Perfect Wisdom
Would give us perfect health. Because men
and women arc not perfectly wise, they must
take medicine to keep thern perfectl heal,
thy. Puro. rich Mwil i. .t.-i..:.- '-1:
health Hood's SawMlIaUftaOne T?2e
Blood Purifier. It itIvm nn,l ikiT J. ..ub
j It builds upon the true foundation-pure blood
LX ?)!.!! ! "S?" vegetable, perfectly
- ". iwy reuaDie ana beneficial.
Take Notice.
1 urn Inst riif tod in.ti,n.n hi
tho city councllon f,oniV,r"" ,?,?f
to seo that tho alleys of the city nnd
sundry nuisances of which Z
o complained bo cleaned up.
lfiot A,C;; DlLLEY,
w, .'tuiaiiiii.
7 ww
Cnrnnj.. -
m ---.,i., .luiiiivtirin irni.
...in r ". iito, j
goou program
one, come all
The d
00 Riven. Como
O. UOV't Ppiwipc
i" nqyai Baking PewOtf
to mil others.
euros nervous prostration. Notml
raculously, but sclontlflcall y, by first
removing tho germs of dlseaso, and then
upplylns healthy nervo food, increasing
the appetite, helping digestion ana strength-
rL ,? C,ntlr Jraiem' Pte cases
require- prolonged treatment as shown by
wrltesi "As tho roauitnf n n.i ' ,.
paralysis, my limbs would all dmw t
. -..,.
wouia uavo throbblnga
in ray chest that seemed
unendurable. Forthreo
months I could not sleep
" ior inreo weeks did
not closo my eyes. I
nfnvnrl am -1
Mt ttotlf relief did not com; ' wo'uld be
deader Insane. I took Dr. Miles' Restora
tive Nervine and tho second night slept two
hours and from that time onmy neaUhlm"
IV? I t0ok ,a aU i0 "Iw. and I cannot
te7, "' and haT0 takon n medlcino
f?r.?I?r f?ur months." Dr. Miles' N0rvi
Tr Mllao
Reed's Opera House
Thursday, April 23,
Scenic and Dramatic
Production of
With its wonderful Sccmo
Electric and Calcium
The marvelous -fcocja
scene, with genuine tif J
lightning and the magjc ftf
fi. Pm.tced herewJ
tlretv under the local tt?
ment of the Patton BVo.
Seats now on sale,
! nrtl? Kn A , .
u :Z rS???!" on suaranteo that first
n.i, i. money refunded.
M?d7ckaf8oh,e'ltkSSrdt.TnrdV.esrreo' Dr'MU"
f?r srSsWirfSrS
set In rood fruit. For !'&!!!
property Is that known ".sj
. JJ- Jt J!l lUUtU'"
noiei. iaarc, o, vv -
rv-iW CATP On house Wd .
tvuMiuMti w- ,-:mi. ;
acres of land, In goal cuit
onchilf m le louth oi vw -' .
one-half mile south
tery. J, Hart,
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is. '