Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 17, 1896, Image 2

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4s' f, J
Daily Capital Journal
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1890.
Representatives, .
DR. J. N. SMITH, of Snlem,
II. L. UAIUCLEY, of Wooduuru,
v. w. nu Ai'MAN. of Brooks.
DAVID CRAIO, of Maclcny.
County Judgo,
OROVE P. TERRELL, of Mcliama.
County Commissioner,
J. N. DAVIS, of Silvcrton.
County Clerk,
L. V. EIILEN, of Butteville.
F.. T. WRIGIITMAN, of Snlem.
F. W. WATERS, of Salctn.
' ' J. W. HOUART, of Garflcld.
II. H. IIERRICJC, of Yew Park.
JASPER M1NTO, of Salem.
School Himcrlntendent,
GEO. W. JONES, of .Jefferson.
A. M. CLOUGH, of Salem.
For Justice of tlio 1'citco Snlem Dlst,
For Constable,
Help pet tluwc flags on our public
Tlio now
will win.
deal In Portland politics
Protection and blmctallsm must go
hand In band.
The platform of 1892 Ih good enough
If given the western Interpretation
Salem has an Illllieo club. Can
tlio Illlhces go to work and get Salem
n postolllco building.
Tito pcoplo of Portland never had a
better mayor than W. S. Mason, tho
nominee for that olllco on tho antl
Slinon ticket.
Tiik Jouhnal, Is up to date. It has
u woman's department, a youth's de
partment, and a practical farm do-parlmcnt.
If tho state would publish a hortl
cultural text book for tho public
schools It would at least demonstrate
that tho American Rook company
was not n necessary ovll.
0. 11. Moorcs' argument, that tho
Republican party Is, was and over
must bo tho single gold standard
party, Is copied Into all tho Populist
A MoMlntiYlllo papor says: 'George
Jllnglmm of Salctn, Is credited with
tho defeat of James MCaln for prose
cuting attorney." Mr. Ulngham was
not u dolegato and was not at tho
state convention. ,
The Minnesota state convention for
good roads began Its eewlon on Tues
day. No positive plan was promul
gated at the the time the convention
assembled, but the deliberations or
tho assemblage were clearly In favor
of definite measures to bring about
reforms to relievo business and tho
farmers from tho annual curse and em
bargo laid upon trade every year by
tho reason of bad roads.
In discussing tho sublet or good
roads tho WorlcMIcrald.has called at
tention to tho enormous losses to tho
farmers because no decisive action has
been taken by the municipal and
state authorities to relieve trndo and
the farm from this Incubus that Is n
dead weight to the Increased prosper
ity of tho farmers and tho business
One estimate places the annual loss
to the farmers of tho United States
at $000,000,000 by reason of bad roads.
Another authority places tho cost of
hauling from the farm to the railroad
station at 30 cents per ton per mile
over bad roads. This is equal to
$3.00 per mile for twelve tons, or
$1,800 for 2-1,000 pounds from Omaha
to Chicago,
At a rough calculation there is said
to be 000,000,000 bushels of corn Still
in tho farmers' hands. Tills is equal
to about 1,704,445 tons. At tho rate
of"30 cents per ton per mile, It would
cost $529,333.50 to move this one mile.
To move it COO miles tho cost would
be nt tho rate of $150 per ton, or $204,-
000,750 for transportation between
Omaha and Chicago. Tlio cost of
transportation at this rate between
tho two cities would bo about 41 cents
per bushel.
In vlow of these enormous losses to
tho farmer and the business interests
of tlio country, Is it not tlmo to give
the demand for good roads not only a
state but a national Impetus?
Why not havo such u convention at
Omaha? It Is a vital question and
benrs upon every farm, every town
and city In tho United States.
Tito Minnesota convention formu
lated a system by which It is pro
posed to havo a Btnto system, abolish
ing tho old ono by counties, providing
for tho building and repair of good
roads by a stato tax and passed these
resolutions among ethers:
Resolved, That it Is the sense of
this convention that tlio question of
tlio Improvement of country roads Is
ono of tho most Important stato ques
tions now awaiting solution, and dc
careful and serious con
100,000 feet of logs were lo9tbythe
Trent saw mill company.
There h $3000 hung up for tho Eu
gene races, to conic off in May. The
20 and 23 being the day.
C. W. Harney, of Chicago, has
bought 10,000 head of yearling ewes
in and around Prlnovlllc.
There were 1,400,000 feet of logs lost
in the frcsltctt in Fall Creek, owned
by Fall Creek Improvement Co.
J. Durkliclmcr, of Burns has started
20,000 head of sheep from Harney
county to the shearing grounds near
Eugene has six saloons, live drug
stores and one beer Ibsucd this far,
this being tlio smallest amount of li
cense ever Issued In one year.
It is reported that 15 inches of snow
fell the last week over in Lone Rock
country, says tho Ileppncr Gazette.
Many sheen wero In the t midst of
lambing and the cold snap has proven
very disastrous to this Industry in
In that section.
Tlio Northern Pad lie railroad com
pany has just paid into the stato
treasury at Olympia, $105, 404.35 for
tide lands at Tacoma. Tills will be
put into circulation quickly, as ar
rangements have been made to pay
out $120,000 within the next ten days.
Tho prlEonors In Astoria jail were
very badly shaken up ono day this
woek whllo scrubbing the jail floor.
Tho floor had been flooded and the
Following Is the report In full of
the committee ton platform, In tho
Republican state convention of Ore
gon, which was adopted and is the
party platferm: j
The representatives of the Republicans of
tho state of Oregon in convention assembled,
call attention to the condition of Industry ,
throughout the country, as a proof of the
necessity of returning to the policy of the Re
publican party under which there was general I
prosperity during thirty years. I
Wo reaffirm the mincioles of the RepublU I
can national platform ol 1892, and assort that
the results that have followed the change de.
creed by the election of that year have justi
fied our protest against the national policy
adopted by the Democratic party.
We believe that the government should
have an ample revenue, with a sufficient sur
plus over ordinary expenditures to provide for
coast defences, for the steady building up of
the nivy, and for the constant reduction of
the public debt. We believe that the present
tarilt, with its lowered rates ana its destruc
tive and dishonest svstem of undervaluations
and discriminations as to localities, should be
replaced by one framed on protective princi
ples similar to that of the McKinlcy bill and
arranged to give amplo protection to Ameri
can wages and American industry, and to re
Morn the reciprocity policy of James G.
We have always given protection to our
Miipmillclers. In late years we nave negiecica
to protect our shlnow tiers. We bclUve tho
time 1ms come to reftorc to the policy of
aslilngton and Hamilton, which, by dis
criminating duties in favor of American bot
toms, secured 90 per cent of our carrying
tiadc to American ships, and which, if now
restored, would again revive our shipping and
cause American freights to be paid to Amerl.
'I he Amerlcin people, from tradition and
nrrllf aw 2
Dear Sir:
You ore entitled to receive
FREE 'rom yur wholesale dealer,
"BlaekwolTs Genuine
Durham Smoking
TOBACCO yoti buy. Ono bar
of soap Frco vith ciicli pound,
whether 16 oz., 3 oz., oz., or 1
a oz., pacKagcc.
Wo havs notified every whole
sale dealer In (ho United States
Unit we will supply them with soap
to glvo yen FREE Order a Reed
supply of UbNUl.Nfi DURHAM at
once, aid insist on getting your
soap. Oito t;sr of Soap FREE with
each pound you buy. Soap I
offered for a limited time, so order
to-day. Youra very truly,
ii you iiart any mmcuity in procuringynur nniniinf
oD. cut out this notlco and fiend It with M II
your order to your wbaleula nlr.
Who Retail
mmg J7
Tho Capital
l'rihllr, n
vetojhU!Cai ciuj1"
n. i,AN
. V .. . Wl
interest, favor bimetahsm, and the Republi
can party demands the uso of both cold and
silver n standard money with such rettrict-
...i,.. ., .... ....... i.ki.,.. ......... ...i.nn ions and under tucli provisions to bedeterm
liMDunuianuiu bwuu.mhk .., mien neti by legislation, as will
all of a sudden all began dancing and
Jumping and screaming and patulam
oniuin reigned supreme. It was found
that an electric light wire had crossed
a car wlro and charged the Irou works
of tho jail. The evil was soon rem
edied. Tho prisoners thought they
were to ho electrocuted.
Tho Douglas county editors con
tlnuo to make llfo a hurdon to eacli
other. Tlioy cannot expect tholr
readers to have any hotter opinion of
thorn than they seem to entertain of
each other.
Tlio Youth's Department by a Salem
fchoollxiy Ih a now feature of The
JauitNAU-Saleiu Jouitfui..
We noticed an Improvement in The
Jourai.'h editorial columns of late.
Itosehurg Itovlcw.
Mis. DliumieU has lion Harrison
Rifely landed us her husband. Tho
next thing is to get him into tho
White llouw). She will do it If any
body can. Hlio is a smart woman and
Iiiib tho proper crcaso in her bloomers.
The Dlicovery Hived Ills Llfa
Mr. G. Citllouite. Drueeitt, Ikavcrsvllle,
111., sayij ..TuDr. King'. New Diicocrv
oweruviih Wat taken h Ith U fJilppe
and tried all the pit) ilclans for miles about,
but of no aval and was given un and tolj
1 could not IIV. lbving l)r,KinB', nVw
discowry in my store I sent for a bonk aid
bci'in In iw an I fr.... .k. ,.. .... . . ""
Rttbetcr and TftiV '."". "T"'0
up ami about again. It ft worth Its ii.,
,..-, ., , ,vu n-
B better and after
up ami about a
in gold. We
tl! Drug Siore.
Hnve you examined tho llrowiiBhoo
Company's "Htarfi Star" shoes? Tho
Now York Haoket has Just received
a lurgo lot of them, and they huvo
marked them all down according to
the great reduction In tho wholesale
market, All Kinds for niou, women
and children. Call and. see how low
they sell all lines. w-NUit
serves tho
sldoratlon of all, and especially tlioso
oniccrs who have to do with tho con
Btruetlonof roads and with tho pass
ago of laws looking to hotter loads.
That wo recommend that all
country roads bo divided Into three
classes according to their Importance.
That tho llrst class, to lw known as
state roads, bo under the cenoral
supervision of a state board, so far as
io (loiermlno their cliaractor.locatlon,
etc. Tho second class to bo under the
oxcluslvo control of tho county boards,
who shall also havo tho Imnicdlato
supervision of building and repairing
state roads. That tho third class bo
under tho supervision of local boards,
such as to township or small district
That section C, article U, of our stato
constitution, should bo amended so
that a stato fund may bo established
for tho Improvement of our public
wagon roads, which fund shall bo dls
trlbuted to the sovornl counties of tho
statu In proportion to tho amount
they shall oxpoiul upon stato roads,
and which shall bo built as designated
by tho stato authorities and accepted
by them.
That if necessary to Increase such
stato road fund, that a general tax
uiHin all tho taxable property of tho
stato bo levied and applied to such
That wo approve of a law taxing
K"iiii wimempiauou of death tuu
iiiiieruances, and resolved that tho
otllcers of tills organization aro ro
quested to advocate tho passago of an
net to that effect by tho noxt lrglsla
tlvo assembly, and to urgo upon tho
leglsturo tho propriety and the Just
ness of dovotlng tlio proceeds of ...ni,
ft tax to the comtructlon and main-
luimui-u ui goon roads.
wiTJn XW Sl!!t0 H,10Wco-operato
Willi tll lT.inn.Mil ,.,,.. .
vMi v,""".uiincin m pro-
... mij iinn means for Investl-
gu oiis as to qualities and location of
materials useful for rond hiiii,un
oui-vniueniung W 8Uch WBR0-
Mitchell for Senator.
At the caucus of the republican del
egates on tho evening before the reg
ular county convention, the question
of tho "favorlto son" for successor to
Senator Mitchell was discussed. A
vote was taken, and nil but four of
the delegates voted for Mitchell.
This without doubt commits tho re
publicans of Qllllaui county In favor
of Senator Mitchell, rather than to
ex-Senator Dolph or any other man
who might aspire to Mitclell's scat.
This being tho case, will not tho pop
ulists of Gilliam county endorse the
republican legislative ticket ?
Of course, there was no attempt to
unfurl the Itcpubllcan Hag In the Re
publican breeze, but tho leading Pop
ulists are in favor of Mitchell. It
happens that tho Republicans of Gil
liam are In harmony with tho views
of tlio Journal in this matter. While
wo do not ngieo with Senator Mitchell
on tho colnago of silver, wo think ho
should not bo turned down for his
views on that question, when ho Is
voting tho Republican platform that
ho was last elected upon tho ono
passed six years ago In Oregon, declar
ing for free and unlimited silver at
tho ratio of 10 to 1. It will bo tlmoto
hold him up for voting that way,
when tho party quits juggling with
this Important question, and tho state
Republican convention for tho ilrst
tlmo passes a nionctaiy resolution
fairly and squarely contrary to that
passed then.
Aside from tho silver question. Sen
ator Mltcholl Is right on all the na
tional questions, and ho Is able and
olllclent, tho peer of tiny man in tho
United States senate. And ho is
right on ono question of national importance-
wlioro Dolph is wrong. Sen
ator Mitchell Is tho champion of tho
measure providing for tho election of
United States senators by direct vote
of tho people. Senator Dolph opposed
mat measure. Thoifact Is,. had It re
quired a popular voto of tlio people,
Dolph never could havo graced tho
United States senate, whllo Mitchell
could linyo been elected nt any tlmo
by tho popular vote. Tlio peoplo
wanted Mitchell when Dolph was
oiected tho ilrst time, but tho Oregon
legislation, as will secure the main
tenance of the natitr of values of the two
metals, so that the purchasing and debt-pay.
ing power of the dollar, whether of silver,
gold or paper, shall be at all times equal.
Tlio Interest of the producers of the country
its farmers nnd its workingmen demand
mat every dnllnr, paper or coin, issued by .
the government shall be as good as any other I
Resolved, That wc earnestly endorse the
proposed amendment to the constitution of
the United States, nrovidlnu for the election
of United States senators by popular vote,
recently reported from the committee on
privileges nnd olections by Senator Mitchell
and now pending consideration in the United
State (senates.
Resolved, That tho application of the Ore
gon delegation in congress to the president of
the United States and now pending before
him. praying a modification of his procla
mation creating the Cascade forest reserve, is
hereby earnestly approved, and wc appeal to
the president to grant the prayer of our dele
gation in congress.
wc reauie the importance and magnitude
waterways to commerce, and we denounce the
Hllberallty ol ilemocrnlic party In these Im
portant matters.
Respectfully submitted.
T. E. Fell, Sol. IIirsch,
Secretary Chairman,
Following is the minority report, which
was defeated by a vote of loS to 129:
We, a minority of your committee on plat
form save nnd except the section on finance,
for which we submit the following as a sub
Resolved. That we favor the use of both
gold and silver to the extent which they can
be maintained in circulation nt parity in pur
chasing and debt paying power; but we are
earnestly opposed to the free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the rntioof 16 to I for the
reajon mat It would destroy such parity,
enormously contract the volume of currency
by forcing gold out of circulation and imme
dlately place the country on a sliver basis.
Uclleving that the efit-ct of international
2tt Comnnrcil st u.i
Eitl5 upwards. Vsm ji"0
On farm I...I ..
rotes on lar " Scial
consldetcd without delar "
A. D SMITH. Furniture repaired and re
varvished, picture .frames and mats made to
order, canvas stretched, upholstering. All job
work done on abort notice. 4 2 im
WANTED ,A man or woman In every coun
ty to soil the best paying books on the mar
ket: $3 to $4 made every day: address box
449, uregon city, ur.
HUIE WING SANG CO. Japanese fancy
goods, matting, dressing gowns, illlc goods,
ornaments, imported teas, baskets, chinnware,
screens, etc., at lowest prices. Lndies" un
derwear made to order in the store. 11a
Court st. 42 im
FOR SALk-Eicht milch cows and
year olds. Inqulro of M.T. Egan,
Bush Rank building.
On city or farm property,
Over Hush's Bank,
two 2-
224 tf
The Roya
106 State itw. N; ,1N1'
guarantee the best meal h i?,
rcosonable. One trial will ,. J' f"
rouage. Private rr &? ""
demonetization of silver can be overcome
only by International remonctization ol thai
metal, the Republican part) nl Oregon most
earnestly favor such measuics as will accom
plish that purpose.
Claud Gaich, Charlrs S. Mixito Inlir
Combs, I. II. Moore, W. W. hicirr, l)ur
win Brlstow, W. II. Conyrrs, V. 1. 1 omia
Every reader of Tm: .Iou.inal
slinnlfl lnnlr im tlm Hut nf f....l.i...ci
wc realize tnc importance and magnitude -"" -i- " " " i""1""""
of the fishing industry on the Columbia river given absolutely frco with tills paper.
The Weekly Journal at $1 a year Is
CARPET I'AI'ERLarge lot of heavy
blown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Just
the thing for putting under enrpots. Call at
journal oiiicc.
incss houses can obtain nil newspaper Infor
mation from the press of tho state, coast and
country from the Press Clipping Bureau,
(Allen's) Union lllock. Portland. I2.20tf
I. O
Agency for all
nnd magazines
Fine atock of cigam and confectionery. F. W.
Miller. Prop. 1J4 tf
PAPE1S Portland, Sacramento, Seattle,
Carpenter, Builder and Jobber.
" -- hhic prices always.
p .i .-::.,; . """' ""1
t uLuma mm aan rinncisco Dancri on nai or
Miller's rostofficc block
and would recommend that some provisions
uc raauc tor a siaie naicnery lor artiiiciai
propagation, and that the laws regulating the
closed season be rigidly enforced.
That wc endorse the efforts of our reoro
sentatlves in congress to secure repayment to
the settlers cf Oregon of the excess of Jr. 25
per acre wrongfully collected by the governt
menton lands located in the limits of the
unearned Northern Pacific railroad land gran
now forfeited.
The construction of the Nicaragua canal is
of the highest importance to the American
people, both as n measure of national defense
and to build up and maintain American com
merce. It is moreover of special Importance
to our Pacific states and wc demand Its
completion as speedly as possible by the
government of the United States.
We hereby endprse the action of our sena
tors and representatives in congress in their
endeavor to secure grants of pensions to
Indian war veterans.
We pledge the Republlcanl party to a rigid
economy in the expenditure of public money;
to the reduction of cxcesslvo salaries: and the
aoonsnment ol the lee system whenever
possible, and of all useless commissions; and
bclicye that no appropiiation should be made
to nny school or charitable tntllnnlnn m
under the control of the state; and oppose the
i ,i v , "ll "1C Gc"cra appropriation
bill of Items for the expenditure of public
money not authorized by law.
Wc demand the enactment of rigid restrict
ions on foreign immigratlon.both for protection
or our country against illiterate and vicious
Clauses from loreirn lands nml far nrniiiilnn
of our labor and preservation to our own
people of the remainder of our national
We commond tin policy of the Republican
party in relation to internal improve
ments, and in particular in opening our
the cheapest paper on the Pacific
coast, yet with It wo give yearly sub
scriptions to any of tho following
valuablo publications, each known to
the world as n standard In Its Held:
The Toledo Blade,
Tho Queen of Fashions,
Tlio Farm News,
The Child Garden.
Tlicso valuablo publications aro
each worth n 81 a year, yet wo give
you your choice, one year free, for n
vx.w nuuauripiiiuii 10 J.IIE JOURNAL,
cither the Daily for six months or
tho Weekly for eighteen months.
See- tho list, nnd don't neglect to profit
by it.
Don't UO deceived into tinvlncr fnr
so-called premiums offered with high
priced papers nt a slight advnnce.
ucnicmucr the Journal is tlio
rheapest newspaper on the Pacific
coast, nnd lb gives you high grado
premiums without additional chargo
Meeting Called.
Tho county Republican central
cominltteo and tho candidates 011 the
Rcpubllcnni ticket aro hereby called
to meet nt the hall over tho post onico
In Salem.nt 2 p.m.,Saturday, April 25.
G. w Davis,
'10 td Chnlrmnn.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists1 materials, lime.
hair, cement and shingles, an.d
micsi. quamy 01 grass seeds.
Lcyal Jilan k Publisher,,
Bush' New Brick over the bnV r.-rt
Meets nil mall and passenger tniai E
gage and express to all parti of tie S
Prompt service, Telephone Na 70
Will rccoive children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for theoldcr pupils taught, Includ
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and ar
tistic needle work All work done on the in
dividual plan in which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity. For
iswnsuim particulars apply to Miss O, Dal.
lou. Twentieth and fhemeketa sts.
"TOfficci Willamette Hotel BaBtV,
For water service apply at office. Mi
payable monthly in advanc. Mil. .1
complaints at the office.
There will be no deduction in witem
on account of temporary absence fna it
ciiy unless notlco is left at tie o&t
Hereafter water for irrigation will onlytc
furnished to regular consumer! micj 11a
for domestic purpose. Contractors & s&.
walks, brick work and plastering ill fins
read "under building purposes" page t; l
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply to6t
for copy.
V?,wV?iu$.tcomPIotcla new feed yard
one-half block south or the court house,
I'lcase give us a call. Team 10c.
Miss May Wilkins,
and Sewing,
All kinds of work done in the most spprorti
style, and promptly. Call at room tj, Put
hurst block, Salem.
-.vw.v,. ..v ... wim, mm uio uregon-1 Many years ago Dr.
Ian and inaehliio politicians caused a consulting phyafciau to
deadlock, not that tlioy wanted Dolph, SSSmfflPiwl .I.llSV.t,te :
hut any ono to beat Mltcholl. ffi LTw 1 lIc "cc
R. V. Pierce, chief
the Invnllds TTntol
deadlock, not that thov wnntrvi llnlni. ond s.urF'?al Institute, Buffalo. N. Y.. com-
but any ono to bent Mitchell. Tin VffiSlF
peoplo know nothing of Dolph unto ftom.?c,u. aml, liver' rousinsr the onrana to
rrieiul of Mlthchell, and when tho ,owch and the nerves are supplied with
latter could not break4 tho deadlock- r''j,tllcywlll"ot?odutywltl1outlt
lim.abn.i i.i -1 ',. uchuock, any more than a locomotive can run with-
""T"' '" il-iius 10 compromise omcoai. you cauuot Kt a lastiug cure of
on Dolph, Dolph finally grow Into SKiW' .r ,Il'dIRs"on. v taWnsr nrtl-
a nood sonntnr tiim,i. . i, Cc,'ahy digested foods or pcpslu-the atom-
111 mmot though nover tho nch must do its own work lu its own way.
brilliant man that Mlcholl Is. "Wo D9, u,ot Put your ucn-es to sleep with so-
arc for Mitchell, not that we love a2&ti
Dolph less, but that wo lovo Mitchell 5C? otuc food they require. Dyspepsia?
more. Fossil Journal. I J" , BMtio"' WUousness and Nervous Af-
--"VM-. puvu us aiccmcsanrss niiu wair
f,eni? feelitBa arc completely cured by
the 'Discovery" It puts 011 healthy flesh,
Attention, Woedmen:
rAll n,1? of Salem Camp No. 118
W. O. W. and visiting neighbors aro
renuested to be present nt their hall
Friday evening nt which tlmo tho
canm will entertain Salem Grove No.
3, Goodman circle, this being their
anniversary. 10 "l
"When Baby was alcV, wo gave- her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When ahe became Miss, aha clung to CaatorU.
When sho had Children, the gTO them Caatori.
State street clothiers.
JS 8M0KB-TI ft"oiw 10
cent La Corona oiL-np i,,, ...v. ...
stnoko. Hut tl,r."s, ..",. .v,u.8,u
1. :. ; . nu ,a i,, t
Workliiginen'a suits, llrst class. onh
Statasti.HntMn . the cwtiKoof ltandUneverrcLTr.ttft,ji...
"II I me ono who emits It. '
briup refresUhiff sleep and Invigorates the
whole system.
Slowly iMiMioviNo.-Wnltor Kin
ney tho yoiitiu man nvMiti
S.lln, ul,n .... .......".- ""
::":.;:." "v? """""en a serious i m. K.iiwM.ofAV.&iivWMJif-irfrf'a.
lucmeni, last January whllo working menf.'"! wri.,c "x rctU y iapro?:
wiui a grubbing machine whorcby ho rs.nar MueS
E'iSl5!,. ? the leg .M
inK although onirS:,
poto recovery, the attending physl-' S&SSl? IfJISfe'
dan feare tho young man will be do- KirfSJ
priVeUOfthO USO Of tho inaWf. tnUrWrfSSTEX
The Reason
probably n year.
uso 01 1 no member for Snw ua 1 u
ojrpepi. Ni
. "5 couM
Txini, . . r
-., riK.vre,imrrltt Now, ner
. T ---...4o 10,-1 nirrm now, ner two
Lawrence, the enterprising P. 0. H,i&crn,'t,s
Croeers. urn n.nl.i.,,. . ,ft w K."4 of xay
improve- s"- Mypr-
z.-"- tiLTiirni t
B..o, ,uu IllUKItlL' BOUlO
nicnta In their coiyoftlce,
Uu, nsancs.
'taUrS!' bwwto "
the Burlington makes the fastest
time to Omaha, Kansas. City and
at. Ixuis Is becan U l .k.
shortest as well as the best built
line to those and ATT. r vtiido
Southern and &utheastern cities.
ifltett or Inquiry addressed to
Jrompt atttention.
Poitland, Or.
32I Commercial st. Cottle Block!
Successor to C. M. Beck & Co.l
fowes"'"'"."'0 Cty' Pfmpt dcllY"y at
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in prices
on the following!
Ife i,hIn 10 cenu
iTn T ii 5 to 10 cenU
""dber Wrt; 5toiocents
SnteE::::::::: ;'
Silk handkerchief .V.V.V3 cents
and other work in proportion.
Flannels and other work in'
telUgcntly washed by hand.
Col , Olmsted Prop,
Makes a sp'-laltyoffine repair woik, Sri
Thomas clock, etc., 215 Commerciil Smtt
Ilorseshoeing a specialty. Pilces as low as
the lowest. Hand made shoes to suit the
SS?.e,i 1 tf . Dise"ed such as corns, con
tracted hoofs or Interfering horses correctly
attended to. Just give me a trial, loo Chcl
meketa. street, back of Ni va,i- !,..
store, '
I ha been till, jtandard tor tottTJ" ,,47
. U more popular tc-aar uuaeiw ""
1 dita'I'S
I . ,,.. !... 1 MmnlaTMn TAlf llSP bBUij' I
refrtshlng', eleanlr, be10irul art J1, L
I Adellcau. InvUlblo prottttlon MiMiK i
. WltheTety boxolOMari
taAnf killl'a GOLi) r"
'"xv:...-.. i(iwi i
Tako Your WIfo
oneof thoia handjome Poom PunT,
They irarinr..i,. T. ,xw,"xi
I ill I v,w-n box ol powde
W0LZ k MIESflF. Prnn.
Dcalarsin all kinds of fresh and salt rneaU
kw- iu sausage a specialty.
Capital Transfer Co,
Ft harry town, prop.;
.lnnf"' b?2a?e 1 all kinds cf work
done promptly. leave orfm a, p
store. n
In all towns and localities
United States and territories M N
ain Washer and Steam CooV. w d
use. It saves its own price ca
clothes in less than six n"."; K
D, by express, prepaid." Wj
in copper. Forpartlcula.i.J
..a o....,k ' Saleo.0
IJ ?im ,vv.
not trlwi
ui. null
" 71 -.
lrHti:MjCHilC4 1( br nli
icwniii.uisHi.r M in rrvi w
br wr'TUiCrie.
- ' --- -
- . jfe-J iM ttfty'-"- t.