Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 16, 1896, Image 4

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    "W"ywy rwvwpi,,iwyiyini v
Daily Capital Journa
Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6:45 a. m
Salem, 7145 n. m.
Independence, fisjo a. in.
9:00 a. m.
10115 a.m.
6o a m,
(ulck time, rctilar service and cheap
... rates ...
Agent, Salem.
S Miss E, A, Stewart
. J m " w
K -iu. ttj
' All grades of goods, from the i
h J lowest prices, to the finest the (j
i- & market affords.
I 94 State St!
TI10 Altonu will arrive up from
rortlnnd and way points this evening
Tlie Thitli left for CorvnlllH ntul way
points liiiincclliituiy after making Iter
lauding at Salem.
Tho Houk pnHscrt down tills morn
ing with n rnfl of logs In tow, bound
for Oregon City.
The Elmoro left for Portland at 7
o'clock thin morning with usual load
of freight and largo list of passcngcra.
Steamer llamona came down from
Independence thin morning nntl left
for 1'ortland at 7:45 a. in. with the
iimial amount of freight and number
The Iltith and Albany had nnother
race on tho lower Wlllamctto this
morning. Ilotli boats left 1'ortland
together, but tho Until reached the
locks In advance of the Albany.
The river registered 17.5 feet this
morning Indicating a fall of (1 Inches
slnco Wednesday. Tho river did not
reach n milllclcnt high stage to cause
tho locks to bo closed. Tho recent
rain occurred all south of Salem and
did not effect tho stago of Yamhill
river at all. Had It rained north of
Halom as It did hero, tho locks would
110 doubt liavo boon obliged to close.
Tho Albany left ahead of tlmo this
morning with a big passenger list
from Corvallls and Albany, and
crowded with freight, most of which
consisted of (100 head of mutton sheep
using Bhlpped from Corvallls to Port
land market. They will bo taken olf
at Oregon City and driven around tho
locks to Portland, thus saving 10
cents a head. Albany Democrat.
Wednesday This lxmt arrived up
from Portland early this afternoon
and steamed away for Cnrvalll.
Dlxii: Steiii: lloiiiii'.u. Gibson &
llurch, proprietors or tho Itlckcrall
store, this morning discovered that
their place had been entered during
tho night, and that a small amount of
money and some goods had lccu taken.
Tho burglar entered by prying a panel
from tlto back door, and made his es
eaiK In the same way. it Is not known
oxactly what goods were taken, nor Is
thotv any clue to tho perpetrators.
Vacation.-Kxamlnat Ions for the
third term wore conducted at Wllliun
otto University Tuesday and Wednes
day. School was dismissed for the re
M'llmlor of the week. Studios will
not bo resumed until next Tuesday,
Monday Iwlng devoted to registration.
This was douo by tho faculty In order
that tho students might enjoy a short
vacation before entering upon tho
labors or tho fourth term, which will
closo tho latter part or .lime. Many
students Imvo returned tothelr homes
that they may enjoy a short visit with
rr 1 1 i 1 1 1 t i i i
While our special crockcryjand glassware sale is
still oil, our friends should remember thas we
have the finest line of teas and coffees ever
brought to Salem. Our Javas and Mochas, and
our pure teas cannot be equalled Wc keep no
dest or poor stock, Always have the best line of
lruits and vegetables on earth.
'.L4J,ju I ,; .1,
t '
' .. 124 State street. .
Miss Mabel Jones visited friends In
Woodburn today,'
Itcv. J. Bowcrsox returned on the
afternoon local from Corvallls.
Dr. D. A. Paine left yesterday for
Eugene. Ills brother Is very 111.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Schafcr were
passengers to Portland via the stcnnicr
Dr. L. F. Griffith returned last
evening from a hurried trip -to Port
land. J. B. Glcsy, deputy county clerk, re
sumed his work todny after a short
lie v. J. S. White went to Albany
this morning for a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Gray went to
Newport this morning to enjoy n
short vacation.
Mrs. J. K. Davis returned thlsaftcr-
noon from 11 visit with friends at
Junction City.
Mrs. K. V. Osbtirn and little daugh
ter returned this afternoon from a
visit with Eugene friends.
Itcv. J. E. Day passed through Sa
lem on the afternoon local on his way
home to Woodbtiru from Eugene.
Prof. F. S. Dunn of Wlllnmettc, ac
companied by Mrs. Dunn, Is enjoying
a short vacation with friends at L.U-
Mrs. N. A. Ulodgett went to Salem
today on a visit with her daughter
Mrs. Otto Lee. Albany Democrat,
Mrs. It. S. Wallace returned from
Eugene this afternoon where she at
tended the sessions of tho Willamette
Mr. and Mrs. Adams came In from
tho state farm yesterday, for tho pur
pose of attending the reception of the
Illllieo club.
Itcv. V. 11. Qwynnc, D. D., and
Elder J. M. Martin returned this
afternoon from the WUlanictto Pres
bytery at Eugene.
Mrs. A. O. Condlt and Miss Helen
Matthews returned this afternoon
from Eugene, where they liavo been
attending Willamette Presbytery.
Dr. I). A. Paine returned this after
noon from Eugcno whether he was
called to see his brother who was quite
111, but we arc pleased to say his con
dltlon Is Improved today.
Mrs. llcsslo Utirkhart, of Willam
ette University, Is liomo on a vuca
Hon. Albany Democrat, Wo beg to
Inform the Democrat that the young
lady Is still enjoying "single blessed
Mayor and Mrs. Walter L. Toozo of
Woodburn, came to tho city yesterday
evening, and attended tho Illhco club
reception. Tho mayor returned this
morning, Mrs. Toozo remaining In tho
city with friends.'
Yesterday morning there wcroseen,
winding their way eastward, along
Hue of young men and women. They
proved to bo the students of tho Busi
ness college, going to visit tho state
Insane asylum. They did so thor
oughly and felt well icpald for their
Miss Mary Mcft'ichols returned to
Portland this morning, having attend
ed tho funeral of Miss Mlnnlo Foley
or Waterloo, which was held rromtho
Catholic church Wednesday afternoon
conducted by Itcv. J. S. Will to.
Misses Lllllo Stelncr, Carrie Batch
elor and Lucia Cochran, wore passen
gers to Albany via tho steamer Albany
this afternoon, where they will partic
ipate In a musical recital, to bo given
Friday evening.
Lust evening witnessed 0110 of tho
most brilliant social ovouts ever ex
perienced by our people, In tho ocour
renco of tho first public recoptlon ten
dered by the llllheo Club of Salem.
This was In fact tho dedication of the
club's elegant new quarters, and In
auguration, as It were, of tho club It
self as 0110 or tho roremost social In
stitutions or the capital city. Nearly
llvo hundred or Salem's best people
attended this happy event, and tow ir
any but passed Judgment or the most
llatterlug character upon tho elTorts
of tho club to entertain their friends,
as well as upon the planting or this
Institution In our midst.
Tho company weio received at tho
head or the stairs by a courteous com-
. . .
1 t r 1 t
' ' t t t i . , . 1-7 7-
I mtttee of members, who assisted tho
! ladles and gentlemen to their respect-
Ivo dresslnc roomB. after which they
I were shown- through tho various npnrt-
' ments by tho members, and nil en
j Joyed a most delightful evening.
' Tho Salem orchestra discoursed pleas
ant mnslc, and tho entire company
was highly entertained In an Inrormal
manner. The spacious hallway and
rooms were elaborately decorated with
palms and floral offerings, and tho
magnificent electric lighting system
added greatly to tho splendor and
appearance or the ensemble.
As Is well known, tho rooms of this
new organization are In the Burko
block on Commercial street adjoining
tho post ofllco, and they hnve been
most elegantly arranged and furnished
to meet the needs of the Illlhces. The
club has about ono hundred members,
all or whom have keys to the main
door, but others must touch the elec
tric bell, which Is answered by Win.
II. Cook, tho gentlemanly steward,
and tho entrance landing finds modern
conveniences for hats, coats and um
brellas, tho stairs and landing being
handsomely finished In Oregon sugar
maple, natural wood llnish, light and
cheerful. Without attempting to
describe each room It may bo stated
that there Is a pleasant olllcc, a large
reading room aud parlor divided only
by portlcrs a spacious billiard hall,
three good-sized card or conversation
rooms, the steward's room or side
board, lavatory and closets. There Is
an entire system of call bells and of
electric lighting, cacli lamp having an
Independent switch and all being con
trolled by one switch In the steward's
room. The rooms arc richly, sub
stantially nnd comfortably furnished.
Every chair In the reading room and
parlor bespeaks case and comfort, nnd
the lights aro so unusually nrranged
that you can go nowhere In the rooms
without having a light by which to
read. Tho electric light furnishings
aro very handsome and serviceable,
tho electroliers being or bronzo nnd
tho switches or tho most approved
patterns. There Is nothing cheap or
flashy In tho whole arrangement, but
ovcry thing has the stamp or userulness
and respectability.
Below Is given a list of the members
or tho club as well as the otllcers and
standing committee,
Governor William P. Lord, Secre
tary or State II. It. Klncald, State
Treasurer Phil Mctschan, Chief Jus
tice It. S. Bean, Justice F. A. Moore,
Justice Chas. E. Wolvcrton, Major
Frank E. Hodgkln, Judge J. J. Mur
phy, Major Willis S.Dunntway, Frank
K. Lovell, Senator I. L. Patterson,
Hugh H. Thompson, F. Tt. Anson,
Mayor Claud Gatch, Geo P. Hughes,
Geo. B, Gray, Chas. I). Gabrlelson,
Chas. A. Gray, Gen. W. II. Odell, E.
P. McCornnck, J. II. Albert, Anthony
Klein, J. M. Wallace, Hal I). Patton,
J. J. Dalrymplc, Ed. M. Edes, Geo. G.
Bingham, W. O. Knighton, Dr. A. B.
Glllls, Sherni W. Thompsan, A. N.
Gilbert, Werner Brcymau, Wm.
Brown, Squlro Farrar, Eugene Brey
man, Frank Meredith, Dr. I). A.
Paine, Dr. W. T. Williamson, Dr. T.
O. Smith, Jr., Win. T. Gray, Dr. It.
Cartwrlght, E. M. Lafore, Addison C.
Dllley, Max 0. Buren, L. V. Ehlcn,
John G. Wright, W. J. Culver, A. N.
Moorcs, County .judge W. C. Hubbard,
Sheriff John Knight, Dr. L. F.
Grllllth, Dr. W. W. Contrls, Geo. W.
Davis, Fred W. Steusloir, Dr. J. A.
ltlchardsou, Ernst Horer, .13. C. Gllt
nor, II. S. Jordan, II. J. Ottenheliner,
W. G. Westacott, Stato Printer W. II.
Leeds, Hon. Edw. Hlrsch, J. A. Car
son, Geo. F. Rogers County Treasurer
Jasper Mlnto, J. A. Baker, S. T.
Richardson, G. L. L. Uaskett, J. W.
Holand, George Collins, Dr. W. II
Byrd, Flnley C. Perrlne, II. Hlrsch
berg, Richard W. Caroy, II. S. Belle.
G. W. Putnam, Dr. W. B. Morse,
Frank C. Baker, ox-Mayor P. H.
D'Arcy, W. M. Miller, G. L. Glenn,
B. 0. Shucking, Attorney-General C.
M. Idleman, Judgo William Waldo,
F, S. Dearborn.
President, Phil. MeUchnn: vlco
presldont, E. P. McCornack; score
tary, C. 1). Gabrlelson; treasurer,
Claud Gatch; trustees, 1. L. Patter
son, G. P. Hughes, A. Klein, W. T.
Orny and F. R. Anson; household,
committee, E. P. McCornack, W. T.
Williamson and S. W. Thompson.
S. M. Chllders and family arrived
from Oklahoma Monday. Mr. Chlld
ers will perform the duties of farmer,
and his wife will perform the duties
or assistant matron. Wo wish t hem a
happy stay and a success In their
Arbor day was observed at tho
Tlwlltttt Diilmnl ...lit. ..
p.iunii iwi annronnato oxor.
cues, boveral trees or different vari
eties were planted and iinmiui nftnr
men prominont In tho Indian service.
Mrs. C. Wooden, or Salem, was a
visitor at the school Monday.
Bandmaster McEliov ml.i iiU nni
visit to tho school Monday attomoon.
o aro sorry to hear of tho ii.nrii p
Mrs. T. M. Thompson, tho wlfo nf nnn
of our employes. Mr. Thomnson has
for a long time, been a creat fnvnrito
among tho boys, and ho has our sym-
tij in wunng up ins severe loss.
bupt. Potter Is awav on n iuii....co
trip to Southern Oregon. Ho desires
to lncreaso tho attendance of tho
school to nbout 300 before Jumylf
possible. Tho attendance at present
Is about 260. Until ho returns the
school will bo under the management
of Principal E. C. Nardcn.
James Martin Is vlsltlug In Eugene.
Win. Ynntls went to Portland this
morning on the Ruth.
Geo. W. Davis was a passenger to
Portland on the afternoon local.
County Judgo Hayes camo up from
Oregon City on the morning local.
Hon. Geo. S. Downing went to
Roscburg on the Roscburg local today.
Attorney John A. Carson was called
to Independence today on legal busi
ness. II. J. Ottcnhetmcr, the hopbuycr,
transacted buslncs In Aurora this
Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody was a
Portland passenger on the Salem local'
this morning.
Banker J. S. Cooper, of Independ
ence, was a south bound passenger on
the morning local.
Prof. C. Van Patton, of the Harri
son Instltuto returned to his dutlesnt
Chemawa this morning.
II. Pohlc, the wagon maker, went to
Corvnllls this morning on business,
expecting to return Friday.
Deputy county assessor, Chas. P.
Strain, of Monitor Mills was in town
today on ofllclal business.
Attorney James W. Hamilton re
turned to Roscburg this morning nftcr
a short business sojourn In Salem.
W. G. Westacott went to Portland
tills morning on business connected
with the Pacific Vinegar company.
Chauncoy M. Lockwood, of Salem, a
nephew of Mrs. II. R. Klncald was an
arrlvnl on the afternoon train. Eu
gcno Guard.
Chas. Brlggs, a delegate to the
Marlon county Democratic conven
tion, returned this morning to ills
home at Ale.
Al. Scovell, formerly bartender at
the Fun saloon, left this morning via
Salem local to Portland, for the gold
mines at Cripple Creek, Colorado.
Editor Wm. J. Clarke, of the Gcr
vais Star, and Representative Candi
date McKlnloy Mitchell, of Gervnls,
attended the llllheo club reception
last evening, returning home this
Capt. O. C. Applegatc, of Klamath
Falls, the Republican nomlnco for
Joint senator for nearly one-third ot
the state, Is In the' city. He Is a noble
son or tho sage-brush, a graduate or
Willamette university, a lawyer or
ability and a man of untarnished
reputation. Ho will ir elected become
ono ot the party leaders In tho legis
lature. Mr. Applegatc Is visiting
friends in the city.
Old Resident Dies. Chas. Stow
art, an old and well known resident
of Gervals, died at his home, two miles
cast or that place, on Tuesday even
ing, at (1:30 o'clock. He had been 111
tor several months with heart trouble
and rheumatism. Ho was 02 yeiirs ot
ago, leaves a wire and two children
Geo. D and Jennie F. Stewart. The
funeral took place at ten o'clock to
day in the Presbyterian church at
Gcrvnis and tho remains interred In
the Bell Passo cemetery near Wood
burn. Ho was a member of no frater
nal order but held membership In tho
church mentioned.
At the Penitentiauy. All shops
connected with tho stato penitentiary
will bo closed Friday, and no visitors
will bo admitted or shown through
the main building, out or respect to
Second Warden Sherwood, whoso wiro
will bo burled In tho arternoon.
An Insane Man. Ono C. B. Mc-
Pliorsoti, was before County Judgo
Hubbard todny on a charge or Insan
ity. Tho young man Is an epileptic.
He was examined by Dr. Bradshaw,
and Deputy attorney A. 0. Condlt,
and committed on their findings.
Acceited. Tlto ticccptanco of
Judge Burnett, of Tho Dalles, as
Democratic candidate for congress In
tho second district, has been Hied with
tho secretary of state.
New Notawes Commissioned to te
day: R. Bentlkofer, G. B. Cellars,
Portland; J. 0. Colcord, Newberg.
Incom'ouated. Articles or the
Forara Grocery company of Portland
nave been filed.
t'U u uress white shirt worth S1.50
ior oo cents nt .inlinsnn Knim TCam.
goods cheap for cash. ntf
Worklnginen's suits, llrat class, only
S4.75 at G. W. Johnson & Sons tho
btato street clothiers. tf rr
"Standard" waists In latest effects,
detacheblo collar, at Holvcrson's.
WBATHEK Forecast. Fair Thurs
day night and Friday; warmer.
m .
DHolverson will discount nuy quota
tion you bring him on domestics.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Pw4e
CWNM.to.tf .
Being Made in SalemBulldlng Notes
and News.
Front street, between State and
Ferry streets, Is being reduced ton
level with the rcninlndcr or that
srteet. The real estate being removed
is used to an adyantago by Contractor
Mason In filling up the holes beneath
tho. old sidewalk about tho court
house, preparatory to constructing a
cement walk. This will prove a grand
Improvement to that part of Front
street, which has heretofore been nil
'oyc-soro1' to property owners on that
S. L. Miller has recently remodeled
his cottngc on Winter street, near
Union. The appearance of the house
has been greatly Improved, and It Is
now a desirable residence.
The shingling of tlto woolen mill
roof Is rapidly nenrlng completion.
The rain of the past week has hinder
ed tho work somewhat, but with
pleasant weather for n few weeks the
outside work will bo finished. The
Insldo work Is also progressing nicely,
and the building will soon bo ready
for the erection of the machinery,
which will arrive In the near future.
"W. It. Anderson has the greatest
Special This Week
25c Letter Tablets for 15c each,
F, S, Dearborn's Book Store,
amount of cement sidewalk about his
various business hotiscsand residences
of any other man In Salem. In all
181 feet or cement sidewalk surrounds
Mr. Anderson's property.
The cement sidewalk fever has evi
dently struck Salem property owners.
During the past year Mr. A. Bush has
laid a 12-foot cement wnlk about tho
the Wlllametto hotel, ndding greatly
to tho apparanco of ono of tho hand
somest business blocks In tho city.
Several hundred feet has also been
laid along our principal business
streets, exclusive of what has been
laid about residence property.
Now, the county court has awarded
a contract for tho construction of a
sidewalk about the coti rt house square,
also from each corner to tho cast or
west steps, respectively. Although
apparently rather expensive, a cement
sidewalk proves In tho end to bo an
economical expenditure.
All the dead trees about tho court
house should bo removed, and possibly
somo ot the llvo ones. At least tho
greatest caio should be exercised not
to liavo tho now cement wnlk now be
ing built destroyed In the next decade
by the upheaval ot tho roots of the
two rows of trees about the square
The truth is, Salem ought to liavo a
sidewalk crusade this spring. We
have too many poor wulks and not
enough good ones. Salem has been
fortunato In not having any damage
cases in tho past, but with tho present
condition or many old walks wo can
look for that kind of a luxury almost
tiny day.
G. T. Walt, a cousin of T. B. Walt,
or this city, Is having ground broke
for tho building or a dwelling houso
on Twentieth street, one block south
or asylum avenuo. Mr. Walt Is a
prosperous farmer and has resided for
several years near Zenn.
Gov. Wm. P. Lord has been making
a few substantial Improvements nbout
his residence property In SouthSalem.
Besides repairing the fence several
beautlfnl nrbors liavo been formed.
Mr. 0. Mnrsh lias recontly placed n
brick foundation beneath his resldenco
on South High street besides making
other Improvements about his home.
Mv. John Hughes has had a forco
of men working on South High street
ior ien aays at his own expense and
tho work accomplished will bo greatly
appreciated by teamsters who travel
on that thoroughfare. Tho street has
been widened and a gutter provided
for drainage. Heretofore the road
was very narrow, hardly room enough
for ono team at a time.
"Savage and Rled are trimming tho
largo tuapel trees about their resl
dence pooperty, corner Front nnd
Marlon streets.
Attention, Woedmen:
,U "Rubers of Salem Camp No. 118
. O. W. and Vlsitinrr nnlirKhnro .-.
SvEed t0 Present at their hall
Friday ovenlnc at whlnh t.im luX
Pfltlin IV'lll nnA-.l .-! -"' -
o vCrVLY" v"lc,rii oaiem urove No.
3, Woodman clrclo. t.iiia hin m.y:
clrclo, this being their
- V
Owing 10 the inclemency of
Special Sale of Muslins and Sheetin X
X2X(ot two daycA) !
Wednesday and Thtafaj
New Today. ,,
Shirt waists of all descriptions. Dimity sh' '
with white collars and cuffs, and shirt waists JlS
lacnauic couars, in wane ana colored, and all th 1
effects and colorings, Call and sec ttirrr, e
257 Commercial street,
Phone 112.
Appreciated by Parents, School Teachers
and School Children.
No feature ever added to this paper
has attracted so much attention ns
"The Youth's Department" which
appeared In our Daily and Weekly
It lias brought out the universal
comment thatllteraturo for tho young
pcoplo has been too much neglected
by the general newspapers. Wo have
left the generation of American oltlS
zeus who aro in knickerbockers and
short dresses ontlrcly to tho Hash
publications sold by tho newsdealers,
or the other extremo of books and
papers of tho Sunday schools.
Such a department as tho one re
ferred to, published as a regular
feature for our dally and weekly
readers cannot but prove profitable
nnd Interesting to nil our readers.
Wo bellovo In elevating andcducntlng
tho youth of our country through tho
public press. 10 tf
Tho Discovery Saved Hio Life
Mr. G. Callloutte, Druggist, Beaversville,
111., says; "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Wns taken with La Grippe
and tried all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and was given up and told
I could not live. Having Dr.King's New
discovery In my store I sent for a bottle and
began its use and from the first dose began to
get better and after using three bottles was
up and about acain. It is worth its weight
in gold. We won't keep store or house
without it." Get a free trial at Fred A.
Legg's Drug Store.
Have you examined the Brown Shoo
Company's "Star C Star" shoes? Tho
Now York Racket has Just received
a largo lot of them, and they have
marked them all down according to
tho great reduction In tho wholesale
market. All kinds for men, women
and children. Call nnd seo how low
they sell all lines. w-f&wlt
Meeting Called.
Tho county Republican central
committee nnd tho candidates on tho
Republican ticket aro hereby called
to meet at tho hall over tho post ofllco
in Salem.at 2 p.m.,Saturclay, April 25.
G. w Davis,
4-15 td Chairman.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Pair.
iMost Perfect Mad.
tA M1 la1 t
the weather we will
lf,-Whe.;uA ,
New 1
cw orK, April toSil a,,
3 3
' 7.E
W'mai ':
San Francisco,
"H'H lO.-WU ...
.. 77" '!
l'ORTLANn KIiiivm
Portland, April 16. When n.
60; Walla Walla, 57458. ""''- S
Flour-Portland. 3.oo; m
3'S Bfcm. $2.65; wpttBne ,"
Oats-White, 2S26c; grey gS5
In bags, J4.255.25. baU gg
cases, 3.75. ' W?;?;
Potatoes,, NewOrecon 2cft, ,
Vool..Val.ey, 9,oe, Bute
Mllhtuns..Bran, ll.ScMo;W
Poultry.. Hens, Scj toe to ,K
and not wanted; ducks, 4,,g
turkeyB, live I4l5c, f
rJ feR?"'. ".s6? '"ft
Hops. .Oregon, 2 to 3c, accord-oj m
liutter. .Offrnn finw ...
fancy dairy, 25; fair to Kxi,M
common ia?nc ' M''
Cheese .Oregon full cream, iifflie
" , 'i-jr-"1
Hecf Topsieers, 3.ooj.j5 jlb,s,
to good steers 2j2 3.5c; cow, jjfljjv
dressed beer, 4 Ji5c. w,n
Mutton. .Ewes, 2 75; dressed,
Hogs Choice, heavy, s.ij&fltt
and feeders; 2.75 dressed, 4c per In.
Veal.. Small, choice, 5fc; Iwt.tJi
per lb. r
Wheat, ,50c per bu., market firm.
Hay.. Baled, cheat, l5.ocO5.50; tor,
! lour.. la wholesale loll, 3.00; retrl,
3.20; nran, nunc 11.00; sacked, 1:
shorts, 12.0013.00; chop feed, 11.
Poultry., Chickens, 7c; duels, fj.j
3.50; geese, 5.oo6.oo; tutkeju, jglc.
Vnal nrtMfld. A-..
Hoes.. Dressed. V.. 1
Live Cattle.. 22.
Eccs..Cash. 8c,
Butter.. Best dairy, loc; fine; trtwej
Cheose .14c.
Farm Smoked MeaU-Bceo,jcj ki
4o; shoulders, 5c.
Onions,, 1 yc.
Arnica SiItj .
Tlto lu.f 3a1v
in the world w W
Sores, Sores, Ulcers, Silt Rim f ' I
and all Tetter. Cluppea rurai, wi
Bruises, Skin Eruptions, and positireljcM
Piles or no pay required. It U pwawj
Live per fee satisfaction or rooner w
Price 25 cents a box. Forule ty'11'
Lege -
Full Details Gladly Giro,
A Railroad Official's Expcria
N0braska.wrttes:-WTB"-- rf
and palnod mo for 19 Jo
broath was tho constanl -
symptom. Intense, eicrucu""
hunger without any appotlWi"1-
madomeclutcb my b"$$$i5
that often staggered " ?
were frequent "Jii
would turn black 1 Z,
posturoqulckly. OWJfwifjS
Dr. Miles' KEfrfji
Heart Cure SSajgg
Restores ff3
Health . vSSSS
Dr. Mile' circulars f j !
AT. A t nm BOW WeM rll-aMi V
viuni " - - '-1.. kAirt --
avarff nnA 1
tw Dr. Miles' xem.
mo personally, I ""!
..mil.. Oregon, choice, flu,..
v-1 r "
l5c vaiiey, oMiic. ' j
Hops Quotable at 3C
Potatoes fio to 90c per sack
vi HiiiiiiiLr. li.llv.Bl
Jjheeti..Live, 2.50(03.
Wool.. Best, l2Mc.
I lop.. Best, 45C
P. O. Box 65. 'VSlBfeS
Dr. MUW neart jlfS
10 2t