Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 09, 1896, Image 2

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If you want ci sure
IlffiM, um a
AllCOCk'S Poster
BEAR IN MlHO-Mot one of the
tions is as gooa as tne genuine.
Daily Capital Journal
Dlt. J. N. SMITH, of So cm,
H. L. 1IAKKLEY, ofWoodbtirn,
B. V. CHAPMAN, of Brooks,
DAVID CHAM, of Mnclcay.
County Judge,
GItOVK P. TEHUI3LL, of Mclinmn.
County Connnlsaloner,
.1. T. DAViS, of Silvcrton.
County Clerk,
L. V. EHLEN, of Htittcvlllc.
F. T. "WIMOHTMAN, of Salem.
tF. W. WATEHS, of Snlcni.
J. W. IIOUAIlT, of Qui field.
B. II. IlEHIlICIv, of Yew Park.
JASPER M1NTO, of Salem.
Selionl Superintendent,
OKO. W. JONES, of .loUVreon.
A. M. CLOUOH, of Salem.
Tor JiiRtleo of llio Peace Salem Dint.,
For Constable,
Congressman Ellis's rouomlnation
In the second congressional district
was a great victory over the sccrut
combination of Imiikorsnud ring poll
tleluns to down any man whoHtands
with the people on any question.
Ho won over Ma Icolih Moody, The
Dalles national banker by one vote,
and ho will bo triumphantly re-elected
by tho people of the second district.
Ho Is n clean man with tho courage to
stand by tho right. After awhile tho
people are going to say to these bank
ers who aro trying to dlclato tho poli
tics of tho whole coimtry.iis Fcnnoycr
said to Cleveland:' You nttond to your
business, nnd vo will attend to ours."
Tho Republican party Is the party
that protects and promotes the busi
ness Interests of llio country, Includ
ing tho banking business. Rut It can
not bo prostituted with safety to ad
vance any one Interest nlxivo all
xjthcrs. Tho producer comes tlrst,
If the Republican party of this
stuto does not sit down hard on the
rotten Portland primaries It will
inako a great mistake. Tho mass of
tho people still regard It as tho party
of Intelligence, morality and clean
methods. It cannot by Its silence or
ncccptiinco of tho results of fraud and
iutlmldatlon retain Its good rep
utation In tho minds of thinking
It( Is (jnlto likely that tho convent
t Ion will 1)0 so packed with Roltlsdi
spoils mon that they will stand in
with the Portland corrupt lonlsts,
houlngtogotolllcos at their hands.
They know tho nation will go Ho
puullcan In Novomlwr, and tho man
who stands In will have pull on tho
mnohlno for federal unices. Rut tho
people who merely vote don't havo to
uphold such methods.
Results Tell the Story.
A vast mail ol direct, unimpeachable tetll.
monyuroves beyond any possibility of doubt
that Hood's Sdtuparllla actually dot per
fectly and permanently cure dlteases caused
by impute blood. In record of cum U un
equalled and these cures have often been
accomplished after all oilier preparations had
Ilogd's Villi LCUrealTiTver ilia, blllloune.
Jaundice, alck headache '
Children Cry 'o
Utohar'ti Catorl.
Mtatt vt Lot Maafce4 should send at
full wanly yln-i
easily, quick!.
and pertum-nutl
rtori. Jxotnaa
auRKrlnv (torn
) can af.
tlwoly ndv'ce.
Jk lolls Law
relief forffltuila thebacklaldfvcheit,or, y
hart of counterfeits and Imita
A communication of special Intorcsb ,
to Iowimh is puoiis.icu in ""-" ,
York Christian Advocate of March 2fl,
It Is of special Interest to the people
of this state because It relates to
hlmctallsm, with which the prosperity
of ugrlculture Is Interwoven, and be
cause It Is from the pen of Hon.
Hiram Price, formerly and for several
terms a member of congress from an
Iowa district, but now a resident
of Washington. It is needless to say
to the older generation or Hawkcycs
that during nnd after the period of
the war Price was a Republican, an
ardent friend and champion of the
union cause, nnd one of the most
vigorous and effective public speakers
In tho west. He was against human
slavery, Ills broad sympathies have
l.'d lilni to Identify himself with
numerous church and moral move
ments for tho upllftincnt of his kind,
and now, prompted by his sense of
Justice, ho advocates tho free and un
restricted coinage of both metals not
withstanding thnt In a pecuniary
sense such coinage wouiu uo to ms
personal disadvantage. After stating
the amounts of sliver money In Eng
land, Ocrinany and Franco, and de
claring that If tho United States has
ns much sliver per capita as Franco
wo could safely carry twice tho
amount wo now have, Mr. Price says:
When any measure of governmental
policy, llnanclnl or otherwise, Is based
on mere opinion, where the test of
tlmo and trial havo not been had, men
inav and do honestly dllTcr. Rut
when theso tests havo been made nnd
the results, published to tho world, it
Is not wlso to Ignore them. It Is an
undisputed fact that whllo we wero
coining tho product of our Bllvor
nllncs business In this country In nil
legitimate branches was very prosper
ous. Rut In an ovll hour wo listened
to and adopted unwise counsols, placed
silver on the retired list, and thus de
prived thousands of honest laborers
of employment, and tilled tho land
with an army of tramps and lieggars.
In view, then, of all the facts which
confront us as a nation, is It wlso to
coutlnuo this hght against stiver?
The gold gamblers In Europe nnd
America aro loud In their applause
and approval of our present sliver
policy, becauso thoy aro fattening on
the results, whllo tho honest tollers In
tho shops and Holds of this country
aro reaping tho sad and bitter fruits
of this unwise policy,
in expressing these sentiments I
must not bo understood as viewing
this question from an agrarian or
communistic standpoint. What llttlo
of this world's goods or property I
havo Is mostly In cash Investments,
mid therefore my Individual pecuniary
Interest would bo best subserved by
uiuKiiiK money scarco, unci conse
quently dear. 1 view with alarm,
however, tho Btrong tendency among
corporations and somo Individuals to
centralize tho money imwer, notably
In our largo cities, regardless of the
consequences to tho common people,
who compose tho tolling millions of
the nation. It ought not to bo for
gotten, however, that while a very
largo majority of those who iH-rfurm
the common toll are honest and well
disposed, yet there aro those among
them who would rojolco to have some
plausible excuse for Inciting riot, pit
urge, hihi oiooasuea. .Many pages of
the world's history Iwar evidence of
this fact, and It is therefore tho part
or wisdom to heed and profit by the
history of the nasi.
The production of silver Is ono of
our Industries. It gives employment
to thousands of our jKioplo, and Is to
them victuals and clothes nnd Itouso
and home, and tho Biker they produce
Is by our constitution and lawspart of
ino com money of the country.
Whllo wo were coining It we were
prosperous, since we ceased to coin
It we have had trouble all along the
labor Hue. While wo wcw coining It
u were paying our. national debt.
Since wo ceased to coin It wo i,.v,
been Increasing our debt wry bouror
Tery tlavThese. BtatemeuU aro not
J mere theories"; tliey tire Solemn facts
M-'of the .'most rttubbnrn ty'lnd. If
Ipubllcdebt Is n public blessing, as
' some pothouse politicians pomettmes
declare, then we are now rapidly ap
proaching it degree of national llnau
!clal happiness that ought to satisfy
1 the most wild and reckless operator
- In puts and calls. Sober-minded and
'careful business men laugh at one of
Dickens' llnanclnl heroes, who was ul-
way Joy f ully i,nppy when he succeeded
paying nn old note by ulvlni? ii new
one. mil our wise iiuuuwu if".
....III l...il Avaint
financiers seem to be extremely Jubi
lant when they succeed In borrowing
a hundred millions, not even to pay
an old debt, but to create a new one.
farmer who constantly borrows and
never pays eventually loses his farm. ;
The same rule, If closely roiiowen, '
will bankrupt n nation. j
As our dispatches Indicate there
will bo an Independent ticket in
MoMinnvillk, April 8. A meeting
looking taward independent political
action was held at Grange hall today.
A central committee was appointed
and a call Issued for primaries, to bo
held April 10, the county convention
to bo on tho 18th. There were 182
present at the meeting. They adopted
a platform favoring free coinage of
silver and u protective tarllT.
All this results from tho high
handed methods of the close corpora
tion ring politicians of McMlnnville
throwing out tho Sheridan delegates
for Guild, and about thirty followed
r,Tho farmers have been trampled
upon onco too often by the selllsh
county sent ring nnd there threntens
to be a solid uprising of a non-partisan
character that will snow under
tho unAmcrlcan primary mapiptila
tors. All party lines will be thrown
down nnd gen ul no Mitchell men will
be nominated and elected.
Tho votes 111 this congressional
district on secretary of state in 1801
Btood as follews:
Republican 21,(171
Democratic 10,200
Populist 14,017
Prohibition 1,080
Totals 25,087 21,071
It will bo seen that tho autl-Repub-Head
majority was 1,31(1 votes In the
district although Harrison R. Klncald
ran ahead of his ticket.
This Is a fact the Republican man
agers In this district must not over
look. They havo put up a candidate
for congress who Is an able canvasser
and If there aro three or four candi
dates in tho Held the contest will w
uneasy victory for tho Republican
First District Congressional Committee.
Tho composition of tho congressional
committee for tho ensuing two years
Is as follews:
Renton-S. L. Kline, Corvnllls.
Coos-I. Hackett, Empire.
Curry A. II. Crook.
Clackamas-G. F. Horton, Oregon
Josephine II. R. MIller.GrantsPass
Jackson-II. e. Ankcny, Jackson
ville. Douglas-L. Lougherty, Roseburg.
Klamath-G. S. Nlckerson.
Lanu II. L. Rami, Junction.
Lluu-J. A. Wilson, Albany,
Lincoln F. Carter, Elk City.
Mnrlun-H. J. Hendricks, Salem.
Polk-R. D. Cooper, Indcoondonco.
Tlllamook-L. P Smith, Woods.
Washlngton-J. Wlthcombe, Hills
bom. VilsiililU j. W. llobbs.McMlnnvllIo
Lako-A. Snyder, Lakcvlow.
R. J. Hendricks, President.
J. A. Wilson, Secretary, Albany.
Anniversary Celebration.
Washington, April o.-Tlie depart
ment of tho Potomac, G. A. R., will
celebrate tho anniversary of General
Leo's surrender at Appomattox this
evening with a reception and camp
tire In honor of the veterans now in
congress. Speeches will bo mado by
several veterans from congress. Tho
prominent persons expected to bo
present lucludo General E. AV. "Wlilt
taker, Major S. U. Strattan, General
leorgo W, Getty, General Ratcholdor
and the following members of the
bonate: Wolcottof Colorado. Tinwim,
of Connecticut, Palmer -of Illinois,
. v..u. . jviiiisKiu, narrows or Michi
gan, Allen of Nebraska, Sewell of
Nevada, Price of Ohio. Ounv nf
Children Cry for
Itohor1 CMtorla.
t -i ...
Give ifs nnAmerican tariff system,
.but not ii RrltJsli money system.
Mayor Gntch has again paid his ie-
spects to KulikeT Albert.
.Win. it,, Ellis, pf Eastern Oregon,
certainly liiuTn fair chairman of the
convent Ion.
The national bank candidate for
congiess In the second district did not
Protection and bl-mctallsm(notone-metallsni)
must and shall go togethor,
gentlemen. j
Judge Rean will bo renominated by
acclamation. That .Is the way Judges
should be chosen. I
The state convention today should
bend Jo. Simon as a candidate to
Alaska put him on Ice. i
Hush of Salem docs not believe In
political bunking. He receives public
money only as a special deposit.
Galbralth and Monies, elected Re-.
publleaiylelcgates at Albany to the
national convention are goldltcs.
The people of Oregon should hold
mass meetings and-express their con
demnation of the Portland primaries.
That little ring of bunk and court
houso politicians will find they can
not even run things In Yamhill
Gen. Geo. II. Williams said both
sides were wrong at Portland. Roth
sides used money. He probably told
the truth.
We want a protective tariff to make
our country prosperous; not the single
gold standard to keep It from liecom
lug prosperous.
The swollen and festering hand of
corruption has a grip on Portland
politics as noycr before. And what
will you do about It?
The people would liko to get an
"X-Ray" photoghaph of those Port
land primaries. They are the skele
ton behind Oregon politics.
Wliat we want Is a dollar "sound
anywhere in Ycwrupl" It matters
not whether It Is so sound nobody can
get hold of one in America or not!
T. T. Geer deserves something at
the hands of the Republican party.
We havo always said so. Now give
hi in the fat otllcc of presidential
Tho people of Yamhill county arc
not going to stand it to have a few
warrant scalpers and professional
otllce-strlppers run tho politics of that
county. Mark that down.
The Statesman cordlnlly Invites the
Rlugcr handshakers to stand In. Of
course, they will, dear Statesman;
don't alarm your Democratic, soul on
that score.
Gov. Roles of Iowa Is a queer man.
He will not be a delegato to tho na
tional Democratic convention If tho
Iowa Democrats approvo the present
financial policy.
A. Rush will got a bitter dose of
freo silver at the Democratic state
convention. Tho Salem banker Is a
Hard Work and Indigestion go
Hand In Hand.
Concentrated thought, continued m. robs
the atoiuacu of necessary blood, and this is
also true of hard physical labor.
when a five horse-power engine is made
to do ten horse-power work something U
going to break. Very often the bard,
worked man coming from the field or the
office will "bolt" bis food in a few min.
utes which will take hours to digest. Then
too, many foods are about as useful hi the
stomach as a keg or nails would be in a
fire under n boiler. The ill-used stomach
reruses to do its work without the proper
stimulus which it gets from the blood and
;,el7M-, V? "erves are weak and "readr
to break," because they do not get the
nourishment they require from the blood,
finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide
awake when the overworked man at
tempts to find rest in bed.
me application or common aeuse in the
treatment or the stomach and the whole
system brings to the busy man the Hill eu.
Joyment of life and healthy digestion when
he takes Dr. Pierce's Vleasant Pellets to
relieve a bilious tomacu or nTter a too
S?a!l7 11,'' nua Dr' Fierce" Golden
WeU cal Discovery to purify, enrich and
vitalize the blood. The" relicts" are Hity
ugar-coated pills made or highly coucen.
trated vegetable ingredients which relieve
lite stomach or all o fiend I nor matters easily
and thoroughly. They need only be taken
for a short time to cure the biliousness,
constipation and slothfutness, or torpor, ol
the liver ; then the "Medical Discovery"
should be taken In teaspoonful doses to In.
crease the blood and enrich it. U has a
PC"U" effect upon the lining membranes
or the stomach and bowels, tonlug up nnd
strengthening them for all time. The
whole system feels the effect of the pure
Wood coursing through the body andthe
nerves are vitalized ond strengthened, not
Ueadened, or put to sleep, as lie so-called
celery compounds and nerve mixtures do
but refreshed and fed ou the food ther
need for health. If you suffer rroui indf.
rf,u .',. ff'"' nervousness, aud any
jne,ills which come from impure bM
ana disordered Klnmaph T.m. ... .
JOMnwith Dr. Piercc'a Golden Median
ghjcovery which can be obtained at aar
tt in the eouatrv.
1 Ai
Itras rolled io.to puofTc favor
HsU -si sSafsWy
The largest piece of
GOOD tobacco
ever sold for io cents
Cleveland man. Ho will support n
sound money Republican before he
will a silver Democrat.
Mr. Vencss, of Polk county, Repub
lican nominee for representative, told
the bystander lit Albany that ho was
! n Mitchell man, expected to go before
jtho people as such, and If elected
I would vote for lilni. Mr. Vencss Is a
man who looks as If he meant what
ho said.
What is tho shining mountain of
hope to which tho eyes of the toller
' and producer arc turning? It is the
silver-topped mountain of genuine
bl-mctnllsm. And Mahomet must
.come to tho mountain. The silver
yoto will not go to the politician for
revenue on a gold basis.
TINTYPES Natural and everlasting llnUhed
in five minutes, All for to cents Croupe,
etc same. No monoy in advance. At the
tent, Asylum avenue, one block cast of East
school. g
WANTED A man or woman in every coun
ty to soil the best paying books on the mar
ket; $3 to $4 made every day; address box
449. Oregon City. Or.
WANTEDTwo or thicc full blooded Jersey
heller calves, between five and ten weeks old.
Address J. M care of Journal. 4-t:3t
A. D. SMlTIk-Furniture repaired and re
varnished, picture frames and mats "made to
order, canvas stretched, upholstering. Al
job work done on short notice. 421m
HUIE WING SANG CO.-Japanese fancy
goods, malting, dressing gowns, rilk goods,
ornaments, imported teas, baskcti.chinaware
screens, etc. at lowest prices. Ladies' un'
dcrwear made to order in the store. 112
Coutt st- 42 im
COW FOR HAUi:.- A good Jersey, young,
fresh hi milk, Keiule, and a supefb family
cow. Call on D. C. Serman, 24th street, near
"2L 3-3i.ll
I;OR SALL-Ihree acres of land in Yew
lark, with good house and barn, 100 fruti
Hew. all rich garden land, for sale cheap
Apply to Lewis Pettyjohn. 3 ,4 ,m
miiES-Pruned nud sprayed. Top grafting
a speciality, also bees transferred or put in
good shape. Call or addresjno. 'carr,
10S Commercial street. .l2 , ,,, r'
FOR SALE OK TRA DE.-The best hav
trade ,?r grocey .riffll
guireat this office. U.A.H.' ' 3 Ti ,m
run SAUi
. liiglit milch cows and
year olds,
two 2.
inquire 01 Al 1
. Egan,
i,w,n .;. 'CI " " r'.B .,0'. i ncavv
IM 'h . I ....... .-.
.)iMn Yv . Pcrlor sale cl'"P. Just
JourS8oflUl,mg UndCr """ CA -!
Z?tS "nob'aiH newspaper infor
mation from the press or tha slaw coast an 1
ta.ik. Sin. SpAll,"
Racine, Wis.
h...v V.U.,
die oJ .V.lb.u-A JouiKor mid
W, 7i;r.i ."'.", "" l0Ut c'"l"n can secun
can secure
Mary Mathorn.'
19th. Misj
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of -grass' seeds,
Hiss Ballou's Seta
Will receive children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for the older pupils taught, Includ
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and ar
tistic needle work. All work done on the in
dividual plan. In which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity. For
terms nnd particulars apply to Miss O. Hal
lou, Twentieth and Chemeketa sts.
We have lust cnmnlnlrrl a new ceil vnrd
one-half block south of the court house.
Please give us a call. Team 10c.
Notice is hereby given that the county court
will receive sealed bids for building a cement
walk around Ihc court house block. Said
walk to be built as per plans drawn and open
for inspection at the office of the county
judge. All bids must be filed at my office on
or before April 9, 1896, at 12 o'clock a. m.
One lmnd cd dollars must a'ccomnanv each
um as security of good faith. The count
court lurther reserves the right to rejoct eacl
aud all bids. L. V. Ehlen,
3 30 iwil County Olerk.
32I Commercial st. Cottle Wock
L"cccssor to u. ju. tieck a: t;o.l
Host meats in tho city, Prompt delivery
lowest prices.
Salem Steam Laundry-
Please notice the rut in mAm
on the following
Shin,, plain loccnts
Under nravvir . .-. . i.
Unir shl"s 5totocnts
SWj' 3 cents
Handkerchiefs cent
Silk handkerelilers .' , ,7.7.3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per doxen,
and other work in proportion.
Mannels and other work in'
tclligently washed by hand,
Col. J, Olmsted, Prop.
P. O. NEWS STiwn r .. . r. ......
An.n... r --'-tta' ouoscnption
)i?,J y. f?ra,u ,"owspnpers and magaalnes.
J me atock of dgais and confectionery. F, W.
aiiller. Prop. : ,. tr
t..T. 11?.,' i3'cramenior Seattle,
lacoma and San Francisco papers on sale a
I'Al'KKS lr,rlU.l t. ..' '..-
'iitr s t osrornce block
0,7lnn 9.neofirh Cnwt animals bred in
-"econ. Tcrmi i m.i, n.n .. -u . 1
Miy, on Railroad ind b sr WSrS
Commercial Streci, Coraer
'-tie.. CaU1
C. H. LAMu
an Commercial it s,i.
BTSuUi $lS upward,. Van, J" ,
" " "T"!
On fatm land securitv : .
rates on i i" W
considered without delay
Hush nankbulldln"AMILTON4MOl
On city or farm property.
Over.Buih's Dank. T- K. FOO I
REST Al TK A xin.
106 ,Stn lUeei' Neff M4 mV I
guarantee the best meal in the citrV?
reosonable. One trial will iniare m f?
rouaee. Private rooms for ur,.. '
Carpenter, Builder and Jobber.
4i Winter street.
151 lard times prices alwayi.
IMOI CC ro HUtlM nrr IV. r ...
bids will be received at the office cf&attB
of State, Salem, Or., until 1 o'clock p, I
ctllicauay, IJJI1IO, IO9O, Wf (He (,
and completion of a hospital boiUan
koseburir. Or., nernrrlitm innl... -J
n. -i --W- ...k iw j....., .won
lions, etc., now on exhibition at the e&n
ueioi u. ncer, architect, 133 fmt is
I'ortianu 5 state home, Salem, Or j anj u &
soiuiers'tiome, ol Koseburg, Or. AHU
mutt be accompanied with a ceitified tld
drawn to the older of S. I). Oraubj.ib
nun uuaiu ui inuiees, urcjoa aolsa
Home, in a sum equal to 5 per cent of k,
the same to be forfeited and and apply
the boldlers' Home fund Inuwih-lm
or accepted btdder falls to enter teto costs;
with acceptable tends, In the turn of it U
amount of contract, with at leut two rasa,
within 10 days after the awtrd of cocac.
All bids mutt be addressed to
"Care Secretary ofState S!era,0r,
"Tender ol (mime) lor liasis!
at Soldiers' Home."
The right to reject any and illttl
hereby reserved. Ily order of the forii1
trustees 01 tne soiuierv nome.
Attest: S. U. OH.MSUV. Chmn.cfBri
book and ,1 nin
l.vtful litunfc fubltthr
Hush's New llrlck over incUsnk Coals
Meets all mall and paiJencer Unci h
gugeand express to all pirti cfiMej.
Prompt service, 1 cU0M.um
Officei Willamette HotdBuM
. 1.. .1 x u
payable monthly in adrance. ft-
complaints at the office. . .
Oben sDlcket to Prevent fttcnttP
Kor water service appir "". .
lively prohibited. Care shoaU to
irin danger of freezing w - 3
waste gate closed seo section i.fS
ulation. No deduction in WIi
lowed for absence or for any caase
unless water is cut of from premises.
Horseshoeing a specialty. "- 4
the lowest. Hand made sno.J nrtf
hordes foot.
Diseased ieeiiot"--y
traded hoofs or
attended to. lust give 7
meketa street, baelc 01 i --
171 LU.U...
n !i.l Toncfflr W
uauuai nai.-jiv
done promptly
"l"' ".k"1 .... order '.7
Miss MavVVilKins,
All kinds of work deatf
yle, and promptly. C"
iirst block. Salem. -
-r TJT A ASl
vt.v... ialtyoffise iSL-iiirl
The Roya
It. 1
ws ui
L-f, '
Pnetor 39d&-VimlThomasc
homas clockv, "'
m . tjmlit