Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 09, 1896, Image 1

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    ri- jr
5 NeW York Racket
IIiih Just received from New York a
large lot of line
Fedora .A Hats
i -
- of latest style.
Also luces, ciubroldcrlcs.lace curtains,
ladles' shirt waists, corsets, gents'
laundrlcd and unlauiulrtcd wlilto
shirts, and launbrled percale and all
kind of work shirts, suspenders, hos
lery.nnd n Hue lot of ladles' and gents'
summer underwear. All kinds 'of
notions. All sold at racket prices.
Clothing X
for men. boys and youths Is fino, while
our stock of the "Star G Star" shoes
Is unsurpassed, and all reduced to the
lowest profits. Call and save a lnrgc
per cent.
" "-
General George H. Williams
lo Trouble to Show You Thr ough and Give Prices. -v
dware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
ic our large and complete stock Always prompt and
courteous treatment
I of the Willamette Oniversify.
m methods. Un to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
kut the best is. cood enouuli f:r becinnc-M oh well as for more advanced pupils,
V , W. C. IIAWLEY. President
It. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Invlrumcntal Director.
odale Ltintbff Company
trda on Twelftlx and Trade Streets
icep the most complete 6tock of common, dimension and finished lumber
id and sell on the most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles
Mir stock Ib made at our own mills, of tho best lumber.ln thestnU'.
ie Willamette Hotel.
leduccd rates. Management liberal. Electric car leave bo;el tor all public buildings
oints ol interest, Special rates mu ue given io pcnrwweni pauuui.
Said to Be FavorablQ to the
Simon Faction,
The Convention Will Probably Be
for Free Silver.
I horteiiuial, JStisfction gtunntee.!. Sublo bicU of State Intorancc block
Portland, April y. Tho Republi
can state convention was called to
order at ll:l" by Chairman Steel, of
state central committee, at the expo
sition building. General George II.
Williams of Portland was elected
temporary chairman by acclamation.
On taking tho chair General Williams
thanked the convention for tho honor
and said:
In my rulings 1 recognize no fac
tions In tho Republican party. I
assume that you are all Republicans."
S. B. Eakln of Lane county was
elected temporary secretary, and Otis
Patterson of Morrow assistant secre
tary. Tho chair then appointed tho
following committee on credentials:
J. M. Patterson, Wasco; II. B. Clin-
ser, Baker; Judge Magcrs, Yamhill;
S. A. Dawson, Linn; E. M. Brattaln,
Lake; Claud Gatch, Marlon; 3 J.
Taylor, Clatsop."
The following committee on order
of business was appeinted: J. E.
Magcrs, Yamhill; K. L. Smith, Wasco;
A. J. Johnson, Lane; C. E. Woolcott,
Jackson; W. II. Connor, Columbia. A
motion was mndo that when tho con
vention takes a recess that It meet
again in tho chamber of commerce on
account of tho exposition building
being cold. The motion was lost. A
motion was also made that the chair
appoint a committee on resolutions,
but tho chair ruled It out of
order until after tho credentials com
mittee reports. The convention then
adjourned till 3 p. m. Tho light be
tween the delegates from .Multnomah
county will borcnowed this 'afternoon
on tho iloor of tho convention. Tho
commlttcoon credentials, as made up,
Is favorablo to Simon but a minority
report will be presented.
Portland, April 0. Tho Demo
cratic state convention was called to
order at 10 o'clock this forenoon by D.
W. Sears, chairman of tho state cen
tral committee. J. K. Weatherford
of Linn placed P. II. D'Arcy of Ma
rlon county In nomination for tempo
rary chairman. Ex-Mayor D'Arcy
was unanimously chosen. In his
speech -D'Arcy said "the time had
come when tho Democratic party must
take a stand on ono of tho most vital
questions before the people. If the
Democratic party would survive, It
must declare lor free and unlimited
colnago of silver." Georogo Nolan of
Clatsop was unanimously chosen tem
porary secretary.
The following committee of Ave
on credentials was appointed by tho
chaif: J. N, Teal, Multnomah; 0. P.
Coshow, Yamhill; O. IT. Wood, W.
N, Gatens, Multnomah; David Miller,
On order of business the chair ap
pointed G. G. Green, Multnomah; J,
II. Smith, Clatsop; D. A. McAllister,
Eugene Willis, Marlon; 0. F. Hyde,
Baker. After this came tho fight of
the morning. Floed, of Douglas
county, moved that each county name
a delegate on platform committee. T.
II. Crawford Jn belialf of the free
silver element moved tto amend by
giving the chair power to name tho
committee. Aftr a parliamentary
struggle, Crawford In tl Interest of
harmony, withdrew tho amendment
and Flood's motion wns'ad'rvpted. Tho
convention took a recess till 2 p. in.
Ahot ilcht is anticipated over tho
adoption of tho platform. ,
It Is plainly evident though that
the free silver men arc largely In the
majority and not only will tho plat
form contain a declaration tor silver
but all delegates to tho national con
vention will be for silver. Tlio sound
money men arc cndeavorlngto have
tho convention declare that tjioy will
abide by tho platform of tho Rational
convention what ever It may x?.
Spanish Cruelty.
London, April 0. A Paris dispatch
r to the Dally News says:
"A French resident of CubatovrlUng
tothcSoIr, draws a lamentaulo pic
ture of tho character tho- war has
assumed under Weyler. Ho believes,
however, that the rebels wlllj event
ually shako oil tho Spanish rm. IIo
fitates Weylor nllows tho troops to
shoot and bayonet villagers sufpoctcd
or harboring Insurgents. j
" A Tew days ago, ho continues, 'a
band of volunteers, Infuriated by tho
resolutions of tho American senate,
shot six som of an American firmer
at Casigues. Tho United States consul-general
Is Inquiring Into thq mat
ter.' " ' j
In a Burniug Mine.
Butte, Mont., April 0. Informa
tion reached Butte late lust, night
from Basin, 30 miles from Butte, that
tho shaft of tho Hope mine was on
lire, and that six men working below
were undoubtedly suffocated. ;Tho
men said to bo below are Ed. Mo Ar
thur, Barney Wall, Will Bcldeh, 11.
McKcown, Martin Sullivan, John
Buckley and Pat Buckley. Tho tiro
caught in tho hoist, and the bullying
was soon destroyed, tho Haines com
municating to tho shaft, cuttlifgrolT
nil hope of escape for tho mon. Senator
Thomas Carter Is tho principal owner
of tho mine.
Over Malcolm Moody of the
The Dalles
Dclcgatos Instructed for McKinley
for Presldont.
Poutland, April 8. W. It. Ellis, of
Hcppnor, a frco-sllvor man, was re
nominated for congress, Inst night on
tho third ballot,- by tho Republicans
of the second district.
Wallace McCammant of Multno
mah and C. W. Parish of Grant coun
ty, sound money men, were elected
delegates to tho St. Louis convention
and Instructed for McKinley.
Ellis' nomination was brought about
by a combination of tho Ellis men
with tho anti-Simon delegates from
Multnomah county. AVhen tho con
vention met yesterday morning and
elected C. W. Fulton or Clntsop
countv, chairman and A. W. Pattor
son of Heppner, secretary, It was ap
parent that tho antl-Slmon men
would at least havo a representation
In tho convention,
Committees were appointed on cre
dentials and order of business and the
convention adjourned until 4:110.
It was nearly tt o'clock lwforo the
committee 'on credentials reported.
Tliero were three reports submitted, a
majority and two minority reports.
Tho majority report favored seating
tho antl-Slmon delegation and tho
second minority roport presented by
Fi J. Taylor, of Clatsop, favored seat
ing General Geo. 11. Wlllllams nml
Hon. Sol. Illrsch, who wore then on
both tickets, and giving ench sido ono
half of tho remaining forty-six dole
urates. . . . ,
Sovoral speeches wcro on both sides
and finally tho convention called for a
statement from Gen. Williams, an to
the Justice of tho claims of each sido.
IIo reluctantly consented and In a
brief speech gavo his views. He said
both sides wcro wrong; that botli had
used money at tho primaries and that
a great majority of respectablo citi
zens wero crowded away from tho polls
by hirelings and prevented from vot
ing nt tho primaries. IIo said tho
most satisfactory solution would bo to
glvo cacli sido one-half tho represent
ation. A vote was taken by ballot by
tho delegates from all counties except
Multnomah on tho ndoptlon of tho re
port of tho committee on credentials.
Tho voto resulted 37 to 20 In favor of
Taylor's minority report, giving each
side one-half tho representation. Tho
convention then adjourned until 8 p.m.
When tho convention reassembled,
tho Multnomah county delegates wero
allowed to ca8t 23 votes each exclus
ive of tho votes of Williams and
Hlrsch. Nominations for congress
man woro then declared In order.
Brown, of Morrow, pjaced W. It. Ellis
on nomination. It 'was seconded by
Beltz, of Umatilla, Htimo. of Mult
nomah, and Allen, of Columbia.
E. L. Smith, of Wasco, then placed
In nomination M. A. Moody.of Wasco,
C. A. Johns, of Baker, named J. L.
Band, of Baker.
Tho tlrst ballot resulted: Fills, 61,
Moody 10, Band 1 1, Caples J. Necos
sajy ao a cholco 68. Tho anll-Slmons
cast 23 votes for Ellis; tho Simon
faction cust their 23 votes for Moody.
Tho second ballot resulted: Ellis
67. Moody 62, Band 0.
Third ballet: Ellis 63, Moody 63.
Tho next order of bulsncss was tho
nomination of two delegates to the
Republican convention. Joiiathou
Bourne, Jr., of Multnomah; 0. W.
Parrlsli, of Grant; Wallace McCam
mant, of Multnomah; Fred W. Hdnd
ley, of Umatilla, wero nominated.
Tho ballot resulted. Bourne 60,
Ilendley 60, I'arrlsh 69, McCammant
Paxton, of Multnomah introduced j
a resolution Instructing the delegates
to tho national Republican conven
tion to work for McKlnley first, last
and all tho tlrrlo. The resolution was
adopted with a yell. Bourne and
Ilendley wero elected as alternate del-'
cgates to thefiatlonal convention.
Crack-a-Jack of the Willamette. W. II. Parker was chosen u member
Don't bo fllmflamed Into boardlmr a of the congresslonol committee from
slow steamer when you can travel on Clatsop county. Tho antl-Slmon peo
the 0. C. & E. new and beautiful ' I' hUia "arch on tho Simon fac
stcajner "Albany" at tho name price. ' Jlon by securing tho voto of Williams
Leave for Portland from "Altona" i"'.Yi ,V',"V E aTO " N S,,sur
Statehood Dills.
Washington' April 0. Tho house
committee on territories voted In
favor of reporting tho bill for tho ud
mission of Now Mexico as a state.
Tho Arizona statehood bill was laid
asldo at the request of Murphy, dele
gate of that territory, and will proba
bly bo taken up at tho next session of
the committee.
Mrs. Maybrick Again.
Washington, April 0. Tho house
ndoptcd a resolution calling on the
state department for Information re
garding Mrs. Maybrick.
Arbitration Committee.
Aluanv, April 0. Tho Arbitration
Committee of tho Bar Association will
meet hero today. They will consider
tho memorial which Is to bo sent to
President Cleveland asking him to uso
his Influence to bring about tho ap
pointment of an international tribu
nal, to which all disputes of English
speaking nations shall bo referred to.
Is Rhodes Dead?
London April 0. There were
rumors on stock sxclfango today that
Cecil Rhodes, formerly premier of Capo
Colony, had died of fever In Matabola
Land. The rumor caused a decline In
the company's securities. Officials of
tho British chartered company dis
credit tho ruing r,
A Convention.
Hartford, Conn., April 0.A con
vention of Connecticut state league
of Republican clubs will bo held here
today. Governor Griggs, of New
Jersey, amUJovcrnor Caflln have been
Invited to attend and will mako ad
dresses. Fast Day.
Concord, n. il, April 0. To-day
will bo observed throughout tho State
as fast day. The Governor has Issued
a proclamation asking all people of
the State, In some man tier and form,
to -express their Individual faith.
thank you most earnestly, most sin-1
ccrciy, tor mo iiistinguisncd honor
you havo shown me. In thlaycarlEOO
it Is an honor to oo a Republican. It
Is a doublo honor to bo In a Republi
can convention, and it la tho liluhcst
of nil liquors to bo called to preside
over a Republican convention. At no
time In tho history of our country
has a man had a greater right to com
pliment himself on tho fact of his
bolng a Republican. Four years ago
tho Democratic party gained control
of our government. It possessed every
cxeoutlvo branch, and, as a re
sult, today wo enjoy tho prosperity
that tho Democratic party has
given to us. Then tho country was a
humming bcehlvo of Industry. Tho
Democratic party started where It
had loft otf In 1800, and almost tho
ilrst thing It did was to haul down tho
American Hag which had been raised
at Honolulu. This douo, camo tho
Wilson bill, and with it tho funeral
of hope and prosperity. The work
shops wero shut up. Every American
Industry was prostrated, and since
thon wo havo enjoyed In Its fullest
senso Democratic prosperity. In this
tlmo of profound peace, wo arc called
upon to witness a secretary of tho
treasury calling foe bonds to meet tho
expenses of tho government, and to
day our indebtedness has Increased In
tills Democratic administration nearly
$00,000,000, and this In a tlmo or
peace. There Is a wave of protection
rising, starting from tho grand old
state of Ohio. (Cheers.) It Is sweep
ing east and west, north and south,
and on tho foremost wavo, on tho top
most crest, Is Inscribed McKinley and
protection.' (Great cheering.)
"Let us, all or us, Join In Insuring a
lusty republicon victory. Lot us
march under ono banner, with ono
purpose In view to glvo to the people
tho grandest government on earth.
"Wo must riso above all factional
feeling, all factional strife, and a man
who cannot do so Is unworthy tho
namoof a republican. Lot us start
tho ball rolling toward victory; Lot us
unite all our forces In ono grand effort,
not to light among ourselves, but tho
Mr. Fulton's remarks woro well
received, antf as ho closed, they wero
loudly' applauded. When tho "cheer
ing had subsided, ho asked, "What Is
your pleasure, gentlomen.?"
Early Fruit Destroyed.
Poutland, April f). Tho amount
of damage done to tho fruit crop by
tho last frcczc-up has been pretty well
ascertained, and It Is moro serious
than at ilrst supposed, but not so bad
as It might havo been. Practically,
tho entire peach crop of tho state has
been destroyed, In tho vicinity of
Medford tliero may bo a tenth of a
crop, but to all Intents and purposes
tho peach crop Is douo for. Early
cherries arc also completely destroyed,
and 60 per cent of early prunes woro
killed. Early pears wero also Injured
to koiiio extent.
Thcso facts are obtained from Mr.
M. O. Lowusdalc, who has carefully
looked into tho matter. IIo says It
was not a frost that did tlio Itijuiy,
but a regular frcczo-up, the like of
which so lato In tho spring has not
been known hero slnco tho state was
settled. Tho only consolation fruit
growers have Is that tho trees on
which tho fruit was killed will havo a
rest this season and will mako an ex
tra growth. No ono need bo alarmed
about n scarcity of fruit, as there will
bo plenty of lato cherries, pcars.plums,
apples, etc.
Aniioit I)AY.-Tomorrow will bo
observed as arbor day by tho public
schools of tho city. Beginning at 2
o'clock p. in. a program will bo ten
dered at each school, mitdo up of mu
sic and recitation. Trees and shrubs
will bo planted and those nlready
planted will lie cultivated. Tho
grounds at all the buildings have been
cleaned up for the occasion and all
patrons and friends of tho schools
will lw made welcome.
FllKflll dltAl'r.H. A vnri' nniiaiml
I lpllfMM'.V lit. Mllll VSHIUflll if lllA ttun lu
.... wrf w .. uM.n... w VMM JVtli ID
fresh grapes, but Branson fc Co. have
some very choice ones fresh from the
Straw Hats, Oo to the Now York
Racket for all styles of straw hats, for
men and boys, which thoy havo Just
received direct from Now York, and
are soiling at racket price, atop In
and kuvo money. d2t-wlt
Six Mon Lost, but tho Craft
May Be Saved.
Five Man Killed and Five
Badly Injured.
San Francisco, April 0. Tho
British ship, Blalmoro, anchored In
Mission Bay, In tho southern part of
tills city, capsized this morning, turn
ing completely over, In which pol
tion sho Is In ut 11 o'clock, although
tugs aro trying to right her. Six men
wcro known to bo on board, last
night. These cannot bo found, and It
Is supposed they wcro drowned when
tho vessel capsized. They arc first.,
olllccr, sallmakcr and four seaman
Tho ship camo hither two months ngo
coal laden from Now Castle. Sho was
In ballast when sho capsized in a
squall this morning. It Is probnblo
tho ship will bo saved.
Tho list or drowned is as follews:
Thomas Ludgato, Ilrst onicer; T. R
Ronabaum; salliuaker, II. Synstrnuv,
ablo seaman; Henry F. Clarke, nblo
seaman; Saniuol Kenny, stoward,
Roland Enill Sleglcshlp'sapprentlce,
aged 10.
Ooden, Utah, April 0. A tcrrlllo
explosion, entailing tho loss of soyon
lives and tho wounding of severol
others, occurred shortly after 0 o'clock
last evening In tlio canyon four miles
from-tiits-TJlty. Tho men were era."
ployed by tho Pioneer Power Dam
company, and wero about to prepare a
blast, when a prematura explosion oc-'
curred. Tho following Is a list of
thoeo killed:
Dan Morcan; of OgdonjB. ICIrkntitn;
of Ogdon; George Weaver, or Ogdon;
Nate Kcinpton, of Provo; Samuel
Hatfield, of Proyo; JcfT Ruby, f
Huntsvlllo; and Mlko Leanan, or
Tho wounded aro Andrew Sprowes,
Alfred Ellington, Geo. Slater and sev
eral others.
A report was widely circulated lato
lust night that there woro over 20
men near tho scouo previous to tno ex
plosion and It is gonerally believed
tlio loss of life was far greater than at
Ilrst reported.
Ooden, April 0. Tho accldont at
the electric power works lato night Is
not as serious as was at first reported.
Five men woro killed and flvo injured.
At Rickey Schoolhoube. Frank
Davoy and George Allen discussed
tho tariif question at tlio Rickey
schoolhouse Wednesday evening. Jay
Bowerman presided, and vocal music
was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Humphrey, Misses Myrtlo and Muude
Dubolso, Misses Mlnnotto Ashby and
A. A. Dubolso. David Glgor wtuf a
Populist bolo, and Frank Gunnison a
Republican solo. Mr. Davcy will dis
cuss the Initiative and referendum
with the Popullstsat their next moot
ing. Acceitanok Filed, Sonntor W.
H. Vonderberg, of Mnrshflcld, today
tiled his acceptance with the sec
retary of the state of tho Populist
nomination for congrc.
Tiikv DuAW.Whether the city
tiro engine draws or not, La Corona
cigars have u drawing way about
them, and every smoker prefers them
for llavor and quality.
lurid, was
-Ethan W. Allen, of Port
today appointed notary
dock at 11:16 a. m. Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays; up river points at
urdays. '"mH 4-3 6t l
for Carey which
ng his election.
chairman fulton'b
speech, tiiujih-
of tho
conventien: I
Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Amsownaw mimn
l4Kl vt Mil 111 .UC.IYGUU1 iUR