Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 06, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal
MONDAY, APRIL 0, 1890.
. -. -. --? . i"gji.-gxzaagaWJWfcX S
1 1 are'? ii-iiifiTt P-j- b- -
'Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6:45 " ?' a m'
Salem, 74S ". 'J?'1 a,m'
Independence, Co n. m. w "
Quick time, regular service nnd cheap
, , . , rnio
Agent, Salem,
wwwWvwvT' "'-' - - - (iX
... . v.
Miss E ,A, Stewart Jtf
say vr " sr ) ?
94 State St
Thos. Kay, Is In rortlmid on business
"Win. Ilor, of ntittevlllo, wasaSnlcm
visitor today.
Secretary Kincald today returned
from Eugene.
' Frank Tnlklngton, was n passenger
to rortlmid this morning.
Attorney-General Idlemun came up
from the metropolis this morning.
Architect Clias. Uurggrnf, came
down from Ashland Sunday morning.
Thos. Kay, camo down from Water
loo on tho early train. Sunday morn
Inc. J. 0. Ooodalc camo down from Eu
gene today on his regular monthly
Casey Martin, of secretary Klncnld's
olllcc, returned from Eugene Sunday
Horaco "Willis has gono to san Fran
cisco, with it view to entering tho
naval scrvlso.
Mrs. E. n. Piper and two children
are visiting under tho parental roof
of Leo Willis.
E. I Rogers, affablo genial passen
ger agent or tho Southoru l'aclllc, was
transacting buslncssln thoclty today.
N. J. .Tudah Is out today after a
longstcgo of la grlppo, and ho con
cludes that he has had enough of It
A. A. .Icssup, who has liccn studlng
ut tho Chicago Collego of Dentistry
returned homo Saturday night. Ho
will spend tho Sunday In Salem Ixlforo
returning to his studies In tho windy
A largo number of delegates and
others went to Albany this morning,
among them Oeo. 0. lllngham, W. A.
Cuslck, 0. W. Davis, E. J. Davis,
Capt. H. 11, Ormsby, Ed. Hlrsch, L. V.
Ehlen, J. M. Kccno, L. It. Stlnson,
John Knight, M. E. Toguo, 1). C.
Sherman, P. W. Hollls, 1 A. Waters,
J. 0. Johnson, Warren Trultt, Win.
Waldo, Jacob Voorhees, E. E. Mc
Kinney, D.D.Colfoy, E. M. Cretan,
Thomas 11. Tongue and 1). W.
Mathows. Of course, they are all for
Ford I
Marvelous Keaulta.
From a letter written by Kev. J. (Junder.
man, of Dlmoiidalc, Mich., we ore permitted
to mile this extract) '! have no liciitatton
In rccomending Dr. King's ntw discovery, ni
the rem ti were almost marvelous In the case
?i..lntfc,fct )hH,,."M PwoflheIUp.
Hit Church at Ulves Junction she wasUouchl
dawn with Pneumonia succedlng La Grippe,
terrible paroxvanis of coughing would fast
hour with little mteruptlon and it seemed ai
If the could not survive them. A friend reco.
mended Dr. King's New dl.comy; It wa
quick n ill woik and highly satisfactory in
result." Trial bottle, free at Vied A, IaW?
If" Store. Uegular tlte so cent., .nd Ji.oo
Fjkk Lawns. - The" mammoth
lawns at tho B. 1 passenger dojKit are
now receiving tbolr spring drawing,
feoreumn l'runty has his Celestials
mow tho grass after which ho goes
over their with n lino tooth comb.
Ilo Is bound to iiwko them a thing or
beauty, and proiwyjH to demonstrate
tho valtto of elbow greas to that end.
Th V, S. Gov't Reports
Mrs. S. A. Jones, who bus been
spending a month at San Francisco,
returned last evening In the best of
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Waltccamc
over from Newport today, where they
spent about two weeks, nnd arc both
very much Improved in noaiui.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Craven, who has
been sojourning In San Francisco, for
fim t,nt. j.wn weeks, returned homo
yesterday morning on the 11 o'clock
Miss Grace Dlnsmoor was n passen
ger on the Itutli today for Portland,
wiipm Rim will Hend the summer.
She will be with her brother, Wlnflcld
r,. Dlnsmoor. who has gone into tue
dry goods business on the east side.
Tomorrow eve. April 7, there will be
given an nrt social at Mr. J. M.
Martin's, under the 1'resuytcrian aiu
Society. All friends of the church
and congregation cordially lnyltcd.
Admission 10 cents.
Mrs. Peter Cook, of Needy, who has
!uin vlKltlnir with her two daughters,
Mrs. Jake Fetzcr, of Independence,
and Mrs. O. D.Ilcnnle.or Soutii aaicm,
returned to her home this nfternoon,
accompalned by her nelec, Miss May
Price, who has been nttendlng school
at Independence.
Itcv. Geo. Hrny, or Aurora, Jicor.,
gave an nddiess at the men's meeting
nt Y. M. C. A. yesterday nfternoon,
taking forhIssubJcct"The Command
mcdts." Walter S. Colo sang a sweet
solo entitled "Swce,t Tcace for the
Weary." Tho orcheatra also rendered
a pleasing selection.
The charmingly successful nctrcss,
Miss Maud Hoffman, arrived yester
day morning on tho Union l'aclllc
train and left at 8:30 ror Corvallls,
Denton county, where her mother re
sides, her father having recently been
killed by an accident. She has been
playing In London, as leading womnn
In Wilson Barrett's theater, taking
such parts as Juliet, Ophelia, Pes
demona and othors. Four years ago
sho left Oregon to study histrionic art
In Doston, where sho mado her ilrst
public appcarcuco, but has been play
ing In the city of London for more
than a year.
Supper at C:30 to 8 o'clock at Chan
nine hall Frldny evening, April 10, to
bo followed by entertainment with
now fcitturcs. d-Mon&Thur
The members of tho Junior Guild of
St. Paul's Episcopal church will re
ceive their friends at an Easter tea,
Wednesday, April 8, from 2 to R
o'clock p. m., ut tho resldonco of Mrs.
Lownsdalo, on EastChomckctn street.
Out of courtesy to tho Presbyterian
women's missionary societies' north
west convention, which Is fixed for
the samo dnto as that of the W. 0. T.
U. county convention, tho exccutlvo
commlttco has changed tho date for
W. 0. T. U. convention to April 27
and 28.
X. M. 0. ft. UYMNARIUM.
Saturday night tho Y. M. C. A. had
n very good program but n small at
tendance owing to other excitements
and attractions. Secretary Page, as
conductor, with able assistants. Tho
program was really better than tvyear
ago. Fred Itoss, dressed as a colored
gentleman, and Will Evans, ns clown,
mado sport for tho occasion. Thoso
who took part were: Dr. E. M. Hurd,
HollloSouthwIck, Joe Evans, Albert
Grccly, Chester Murphy, E. T. Pres
cott, Ed llaker, lloy Hlicklnghnm,
.Too Kaufman, Albert DIsque, Will
Hodgkln, John Wlnstnnley. Tho
events were a wand drill by a class of
twelve, horlzouiil bar, pandell bars,
tumbling, hitch and kicks, bar vault
l"gi pole vaulting, borso work, baskot
ball game.
young people ot St. Joseph's church
will give an entertainment this Mon
day evening at tho society hall on
Chomekota street, It will bo a play
"The Great Catastrophe,"-a light
comedy In which seven or tho mem
bers tako part ns follews: Messrs.
Otis, Hucksteln, Leonurd Sprague,
GusMolsan, David Cruise, and Mkses
Van Avery, McGulro and McCnbo.
Lots of fun at 8 p. m. Admission
-." ots. Children 10 cts.
Tin: Statu Skwek. About im men
have already applied for work on tho
state sewer Job, which will begin
about April 10, or as soon as a permit
in uiivii mo BiTvei is granted by the
city council. One crow of moti will bo
employed to !egln with, wli c h wRl
only require 30 to W men and a row
New Every Day,
While we're continuing our special
crockery Kilo wo ore putting out tuo
tlnest, stock of groceries In tho city
all fresh nnd cloan-noold stocks be
lug picket! up.
H, G, Sonneman-
124 State strttt.
Creamery Meeting.
An Interesting meeting of dairymen
was held at the council chambers on
Saturday. Mr. Bernard addressed
them on the subject of dairy fartnlnir,
showing thorn that tho day. of
prlvnto dairies wns passing away, and
tho advantages to be derived from tho
concentration ot their products In tho
establishment of creameries, and illus
trated tho same by referring to tho
business imnsus In Portland In 1857,
which nt that time were each doing n
general merchandise business; butono
by one concentrated their capital Into
one line. Allen. So -Lewis Into grain,
11. W. Corbett nnd Falling & Son Into
hardware. Lavlcr & Humsldc Into
Hour, nnd others Into boots and shoes,
dry goods, etc. So general fanning
must be divided up according to soil,
.llmnln niwl t.inrtrnta Intn snppllll llnOS.
At i W.......W ........-.. w -j
Brown, Dr. Chauncy ! dairying, fruit raising, grain nnd veg
Is every smart man who ctables. A committee of three was
appointed to secure pledges or cows
for two years and report next Satur
day, namely, M. L. Jones, Silas
Fletcher and Sam Capllnger. It was
conlldently asserted that the number
of cows required could be obtained.
Ben Harrison has got his medals
and hlswlfc.
Tho people have no rights tho
hungry polltlclnn Is bound to support.
Millionaire Cornelius Vnndcrbllt Is
In California. His pictures are quite
Guild who Is lighting the gang In
Yamhill county asks: "Ilavo you
found any gold on your farm!"'
Did you see the Easter girl at Sa
lem Sunday. She was numerous and
the bystander thought quite pretty.
It Is Dr.
Denew, etc.
sells himself to the' devil dubbed Dr?
Mr. Delegate to -the state conven cenven conven
teon: Hold onto your vote tightly.
You can sell It to tho Portland ring
for a federal olllcc.
Elder Barkley Is a delegate to tho
Republican state convention. He
will not compromise with the rotten
Portland primaries.
The farmers arc saying some or the
eggs rrom Editor Fletcher's fowls
won't batch. Ho should get n Re
publican rooster.
On the street one hears but little
talk of voting straight tickets, but a
great deal ot threatening to scratch,
In favor of tho Pops.
Ed. Hatch won't have to go to Tort
land three times a week If he's elected
to the legislature. He'll Just go down
and slccpln JoSlmon's back. olllcc.
John II. Mitchell, Hermann nnd
Ellis: Your doom Is scaled by the
machine. It has packed tho county
nnd state conventions against you.
Tho Republican state convention
will havo to endorso tho rotten Port
land primaries or sit down on tho
man who has mado them what they
Tho bystander admires one thing
about tho Dally Momglng liar. It
don't play second fiddle to tho Oregon
tan when It comes to lying about Hermann.
wr.ur Ttmnnr.A netltlon wns filed
with the county clerk Saturday signed
by seventy-two residents of that
vicinity, asking the county court for
tho construction of a 150-foot span
bridge across tho west branch of Deer
creek at a point on tho road between
the Hunt placo nnd the premises
owned by Robert Whitney, bolng on
the Ruttcvlllc-Hubbard road. The
matter will bo placed boforo tho court
on Wednesday next for consideration.
Okowino. Rev. Farmer's First
Baptist church is growing. Sunday
night he added four members by Immersion.
Gccr and Ford
Evangelical Conference.
On Saturday evening the Keystone
Lcamic of Christian Endeavor of the
United Evangelical church held a
meeting at their church on Cottage
street. The meeting was led by Pror.
D. M. Mclzgor, or LaFayctte, who
briefly outlined the work of tho socie
ty. T. L. Weaver then spoke on tho
object of the K. L..C. E., II. L. Pratt
on the motto nnd B. J. Kelly on the
pledge. C. C. Poling then spoke on
the Junior Endeavor work.
Bishop 11. Dubbs, of Chicago, deliv
ered an eloquent sermon Sunday
morning In bnnnony with tho occas
slon. The Bishop also gave nn Inter
esting missionary talk in tho evening
after which subscriptions amounting
to several hundred dollars was obtain
ed to assist in furthering the mission
ary work.
i in- I. ..--.
The new woman made a good show
ing In the election nt Tremont, Me.,
n few days ago. In several towns In
Maine this year there were women
candidates for places on the school
boards, and In most cases they wcro
not encouraged strongly. But In Tre
mont, though party lines wcro drawn
closely In tho case of other candldntcs
all united to elect a woman member
of tho school board, and sho went In
nt the head of the poll.
O. c. & E. R. R.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and unnll the last few years was supposed to
be Incurable. For a great many years doc
tors pronounced It a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constantly
falling to cure with local treatment, pro.
nounccd It incurrable. Science has proven
catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and
therefore rcuulres constitutional treatment.
Halt's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. I.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken
Internally in doses from lo drops to a table-
spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. They oflcr
Jloo for any case It falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
F J. CmcNBY & Co., Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
Special Sale
HlRT waist:
Our line is very large and complete, and
at reductions tomorrow.
uu uipietc, and wc wai ofc
Prices ranging from 50c uo
Phone 112,
257 Commercial street
latest thing in eastern hard soap, Try it, you will be
pleased, We still have 20 oz, World Beater for 5c,
P. O, Grocery,
Treasurer's Notice.
County Theastoer's Orm i
Salem, Or.. MarrhTs.
Notice is lmrnhi ;,iS5"ff.tH.ai
1805. and ntfr "Wi . M
same from date of this notlS '
Jap Mm.
t-S-2W Count TV,...?
"When Baby was slclc, we t her Cukri,
When she was a Child, nbo cried for Qtok
When she became Miss, the elant to Oiak
Wbea she had Children, she jtu theaQutrt
A Gkkat Suit. The w
suit, nt u. w. Johnson &
Sod's kl
sacks, each dressed In his best suit of
clothes nnd took tho Sunday local for
Albany. Tho question will bo de
cided Tuesday which will go to congress.
their grip-, Corvallls to Portland In One Day.
I lleglnnlng "Wednesday, April 1, the
, new steamer "Albany," elegantly fur
nished, Including new piano, will run
between Corvallls and Portland on
tho following schedule:
i Down river: Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays. Leave Corvallls, 7:00
a, in.; leave Albany, 8:10 a. in.; leave
lluena Vista, 0:15 a. m.; leave Inde
pendence, 10:20 u. in. ; leave Salem,
11:30 a. in.; lenvet Newberg, 2 p. in.;
arrive Portland, 0:30 p. m.
1 Up river: Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays. Leave Portland, 0
a. in.; leave Nowbcrg, 10:30 n. m.;
leave Salem, 3:30 p. in.; leavo Inde
pence, fi; p. in,; leavo llucna -Vista,
7:30 p. in.; leave Albany, 0:20 p. in.;
arrlvo Corvallls, 11 20 p. in.
The abovo schedule means no more
lay-overs at Salem. Fastest tlmo and
a delight rul trip. Portland dock,
toot or Taylor street.
Edwin Stonb, Manager,
Corvallls, Oregon.
Jly all means: Municipal reform
cheaper county government, nnd
abolition ot sinecures and commission
must come by putting the Portland
primary manipulators In charge or
the ltepubl lean party In state and
Worse things mlglit happen than
that the Ohio boy who commenced
preaching In a little school house on
the Ablqua ten yenrs ago should bo
nominated tor congress. He at least
has tho courago or his convictions and
Is not afraid to express them.
Jack Cooper Is a true blue Republi
can, an old soldier, a man who Is not
afraid to express his sentiments. Re
publicans adopt honest Jack Cooper's
platform ut your state cenventlon. It
Is far better than tho long-winded
stulT somo Jnck politician will get off.
And you can tell what It means.
With Kov. Dr. Driver, of Lane,
Presiding Elder Uarkloy, or Marlon,
Rev. Loggan, or Ronton, mid Jo
Simon's pious rcrormcrs from Multno
mah all on tho ticket, Isn't there
danger of the Republican party get
ting too highly moral? A regular
moral wave has struck It.
Tho Chronicle 1h showing up tho
Examiner for mulcting tho S. P. rail
road company out or $1,000 n month
to keep still about tho funding bill.
That Is nothing now. If Mlko Do
Young Is not doing tho samo thing
Its n caution to snakes. Tho Portland
Oregonlan trcts ton tinnw ti.nt ,,,.,i.
fJimi the Icorporntlons to dictate the .tnit0i 8treet (,ock Wednesday
politics or Oregon. Yet the people oc,ock,UI"-
tako the paper, pay tor It cheerfully
and what Is worse read It, bellovo It
and act upon Its ndvlce. "Wo aro a
great pcopio I
Crack-a-Jack of the Willamette.
Don't bo tUmilumcd Into boarding a
slow steamer when you can travel on
the O. C. & E. now and beautiful
steamer "Albany'' ut tho same price.
Leavo for Portland rrom "Altona"
dock at 11:15 a. m. Mondays, Wednes
days nud Fridays; up river points at
J p. in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays. 4-j (it
Cheap Rates to Frisco.
Tho cheap rates or llvo dollars cabin
and two-lirty steerage including meals
nnd berth tiro still In oUcct on tho
O.K. & 1. Co's.. steamers rrom Port
land to San Frnnclsco.
Steamers leavo Portland cvory llvo
days. 3-0-1 m
Dki.koatks. To ncconiiiiodato nil
going to tho Republican nnd Demo-
UrilMn nl.'iln pnnvnntlniio l. l)nn.....i
tho steamer Altonn will Wvn ii
at 0
TheSaloin lawyer who wants to re
tain nbout 81,600 us his teo ror collect
ing 9,000 delinquent taxes ror this
county rrom tho Oregon Pucltlosnys
this has been tho custom for twenty
years. It has mado a few men who
practice this custom wealthy. Such
men llvo In luagiilllccnt residences
become bankers as It were, but oven
that does not make It right. Such
customs, If they exist, should bo
wiped out root and branch.
OPENINQ :Up.-o" AV. .T,c.. r.
fcon are today unpacking a vast stock
or now seasonablo clothing. Their
stock will bo oue of tho largest in tho
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Pair.
(Most Perfect Made.
The Original 25-cent Squirrel Poison.
4 Aill BSSrS JMim 1
In I -pound cans. Guaranted. Thousand
of farmers from all over this state have
at 2, cents Is as good or better than more
expensive foreicn brands of uncertain
i - .. f .
sircncm. rry-s istiie ecnutne ana most re
liable poison. Use no otlirr. For ale by
Oeo. L. Iaskctt, Fjcd A. Igg, G.- W.
Putnam, and Slciner Drug Co. , dniRgists, Salem.
Every render of Tm: Jouhnal
should look up tho list of premiums
given absolutely free with this paper.
Tho Wkkkly JouitNAi. ut $1 a year Is
tho cheapest paper on tho Pacific
coast, yet with It wo give yearly sub
scriptions to uny of the following
valuable publications, each known to
the world ns a standard In Its field:!
Tho Toledo Hlade,
The Queen or Fashions,
The Farm News,
The Child Garden.
These valuable publications nro
each worth n 81 a-year, yet wo give
you your choice, one year tree, ror n
81.50 subscription to The Journal,
either tho Daily for six months or
tno Weekly fnr niiitnnn ,,.,n,
See the list, and don't neglect to profit
Don't bo deceived into paying ror
ow-tiiuuu premiums ouercU with high
priced Papers at a slight advance.
Remember The Journal is the
meanest, newspaper on tho Pacific
vuaai. Kim ib gives you li gh grade
'premiums without addltlonnf chargo
Important to
A medium sized black leather hand
grip, containing letters, pension papers and
other articles, including bottle' it beaV's
Will 'w iVi i '" . p0rt t0 'hls office.
M1I pay liberal reward. ,0.tf
uu,NN-RUTLEnlAt the resldonco
a' e chelating clergyman, SafoS
Sai& ovenJng, April 1890
tA,!m rt ?imn of Salem and Sarah E
Tho young couple go to housekeep
ing forthwith In Yew Pnri- n,i '
Jo tho congratulations of lmata
f ntnniln
e test!.
Results Tell the Storv.
A vast mass ol direct. unlmr,,,,.ui
imasS.!""""' "".
Children Cry for
Wtohr' Cattorla.
Wnkclec'8 Snulrrol Extarmlnntfir
tho original and only nrtlclo or It,
kind giving complete satisfaction.
ixow reduced from r0 to U0 cents por
can. i'or sale by Stcltier Drug Co.
Lunn & Brooks and G. W.Putman,
balem.Oregon. 3-4-lm
THE markets.
Chicago. April 6 Wheat, cash
May 66 y, .
New York, April 6 Silver, 66c;
San Francisco, April 6 Wheat. .oj
Wool.. Oregon, choice, iooj inferior 3
Sc, valley, 9ric.
Hops Quotable at 3e,c.
Potatoes 60 to 90c per sack.
Oats Milling. 75082.
Portland, April 6. Wheat valley, 58a
59! Walla Walla, SSas6. '
Flour Portland, $3.15; Iienton county.
3.k; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.25 per bbl.
Oats-White, 2426c; grey, 2223;
in bags, $4.2555. barrels, 4.5o7.eo:
cases, 3,75. ,"
Potatoes.. New Oregon, i53oc per sack.
;,,';, 510.50 per ion.
:o?91,,Va,ley 9ioc; Eastern Oregon,
Millstufls..Bran, Sll.5oi3oo; shorts,$i2
Apples. 40c.
roultry..IIens, 5c; rocsters, 1.80 per doz;
and not wanted; ducks, 3.50(4.50 per dor.,
turkeys, live 89c ' -
Hides, .green, salted 60 lbs 5c; under
60 lbs 444c; sheep pelts, io7oo.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 6c, according to quab
nutter. .Oregon fancy creamery,
fancy dairy, 30; fair to good,
common, t7Vic.
Cheese .Oregon full cream, I4I5,
Egg.. Oregon, 9c per doz.
Ueef Topsteers, 3.oo3.25 per Unfair
d0reaff4t3SC!COW, C!
Mutton.. Best beef, 2.oo2.2?: choice
ewes, 1 .25 5 dressed, 4tf 5c.
ogs, .Choice, heavy, 3.25(33.50; light
and feeders; 2 75; dress U, 3Wper!b.
per?b.' m 56c; ,arEe34c
Wheat. .sMc per bu market firm.
Oats .17c.
$6!io!',Balca,Cheat 4.55.o; timothy,
iiZ V n "n?esaIe 'ots, 3.00; retail,
XhnrL ".,' J : ",0i sack?d "Wi
1200 ""w,i'i cnoP eed, ii.oo
Poultry.. Chickens, 3.0033.50 per doz.;
fc 3-5o4 50; geese, ftfoolftoo; tuii
IIocs.-Dressfrl iiy
Uve Cattle.. 22ji.
TINTYPES-Natural and evttlwiar fcil
In five minutes. All for 10 emu Coal
etc samr. No money In advacce, lit I
tent, Asylum avenue, one block tut iUM
scnooi. Tin Aim
WANTED ,A man or woraw In Tret; I
1 iu sun mc ireji paying Doom on lie ttl
Ket; 3 to 14 made every dty; iddn
449. uregon city, ur.
WANTEDr-Two or three 11 hhcM
heifer calves, between fire and tea ntui
Address J. M care of Journal. t-n
ATb. SMlTH-FurnitBre repaired uit
varn.shtd, pxlure frames aRd mu eiitl
order, canvas stretched, upholstery &
job work done on short notice. 41a
goods, matting, dressing gownr, till pi,
ornaments, Imported teas, bisken.ckure;
screens, etc. at lowest prices, Ltia'a
derwear made to order in the s!. it
Court st. 41a
COW FOR SALE.-A goodJersij.F,
fresh in milk, centle, andanpertaq
cow. Call on D. C. Serman, atasweia
State. Hi
FOR. SALE 'three acres ot land is 1
Park, with good house and bin, lot hi
trees, all rich garden land, lor sale oaf
Apply to Lewis Pettyjohn. KB
TREES Pruned and sprayed, loppl
a speciality, also ueei traniienea w ?
good shape. Call or addrcs Jno. W, Oz
105 Commercial street. I"1'
For sale or trade.-Re w
fruit and stock ranch In 0(en. (
200 acres. Will sell cheap, oae;W
trade lor Grocery stock. For pirticua
quire at this office. II. A D. lg
FOR SALE-Eight milch co sal w
year olds. Inquire of M I. Eg".
Vt, 'JZ.
CARPET PAPER-Urge lot ct W
brown wrapping paper for sale dnp. p
trie tiling lor pulling unacr w -
Journal ollice. nr
pUulic mEN. ToLrixilAils 7SS
Iness houses can obtain all newspaper""
mation from the press of the sU.c
country from the Press Clipping, R
( Allen'sl Union block. Portbaf.
men of ability, feco to oo 1 1"
hustlers. State ana gwij. ---
and commluion. Racine Fire Ef?
Racine. Wis. tf.
.. r,.n o.Mn r-il &bso?
I". U, IXU1TO Jlftliw.-w. .
Ar7neu fXr nil nAWlDaDtrS IBa ",
Fine atock of cigais and confecticeoT-f '(
Miller. Prop.
Sacrtmew' (
. L.. .1 .. 1 .
i'A )i'M 1'nrtiann. oau""-. .t..i
'" .w. .-...-;--, ,-! JW 1
1 acoma ana an r uncww r-r-
Miller's Postoffice blocs
JERSEY ULU-i-urcDrcur.v ,
service, une 01 me ''rTt ute
Oregon. Terms i cash. CjH " f
Dairy, on Railroad and D it. ffi,
M..UIVC. 2. 0.
Wool.. Best, I2?c.
l-BCS..Cash. 8c.
Butter.. Best dairy.
20c. "
Cheese .i2i3c,
farm amnWori r....
4io; shoulders, 5c.
Potatoes., uc per bu.
Onions., ic.
15c; fancy creamery,
, Baccn, 7c; hams
Prl'c Oncfa Moo
Miss Grade m
And herown musical lewgT
Presenting the Itt wlw
T..Jr. Aoril 71
AUbsuwl " -
xrrAA. Annl
Under the marugeoent
Price-,50 cenU, anf S
... c.-f. n sale "
;. iSgiteBBk-.
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