Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 02, 1896, Image 1

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toii s.
ft New York Racket
Has Just received from New York a
largo lot of flno
Fedora JSl Hats
of latest style.
Also laces, embrolderles.lnce curtains.
Indies' hlrt waists, corsets, gents'
lnundrlcd and ' unlaundrled white
shirts, and lnunbrlcd percale ami all
kind of work shirts, suspenders, hos
iery.and a line lot of ladles' and gents'
summer underwear. All kinds of
notions. All sold at racket prices.
-X Clothing J
foi men. boys and youths is fine, while
our stock of the "Star 5 Star" shoes
Is unsurpassed, and all reduced to the
lowest profits. Call and save ft large
per cent.
v No Trouble to Show You
'dwat e, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
line our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment.
of the Willamette Onivepsify.
lern methods. :Uu to date. Same as in
: but the best Is good enough fur beginners
fj. 0. GOODALE
loodale Ltintb?r Company
ird on Twelfth and Trade Streets
liKeep the most complete stock of common, dimension and finished lumber
hand, and sell on the most favorablo
FOur stock Is made at our own mills,
he Willamette Hotel,
.Reduced rates. Manscement liberal Electric cars leave boel for all public buildings
points of Interest. Special rates will be given
I horeeiiutcl. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Through and Give Prices, A)
the eastern and European Conservatories
a well as for more advanced pupils,
w. u. tiA.WL.CY. rrestuent
It. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
terms. . Luth and Shingles,
of the best lumber In the state.
to permanent patrons.
Stabla luck of; State Insuranco Jjloek
The Battle Is Now On Up
In Linn County.
Mr. Hermann Seems to Be Stil
in the Lead.
The Republican county convention
Is held today (Mar.2) and will bo one
of the most exciting In history. The
Albany Herald April 1 has these edi
torials on the congressional situatien:
An ex-federal ollico holdci who has
Just returned from a fat Job up north,
threatens the republican ticket In
Llnn county with utter annihilation
this year unless he can dictate who
shall be delegates to the congressional
convention. The republicans of Al
bany and Llnn county will tolerate no
such dictatorship. As farnMlefcating
the ticket Is concerned, the opposition
of sucli a so-called republican is bettor
than his support. Intimidation and
bulldozing may work among the bush
whackers, but not In Llnn county, Ore
gon. The will of a majority of the
delegates to the convention will deter
mine the question of candttatcs and
all good republicans will abide by
that decision.
A big medicine man fresh from the
Alaska Indians, wants to bo dictator
of the republican party In Llnn coun
ty, whoop!
Who Is referred to, wo do not know.
Ed. J.
The Republican county convention
will be held tomorrow and It looks as
If the "Regulars" were on the Inside.
Albany Democrat.
Hermann's managers feel sure of
part of the vote of Linn county, but
do not know how much. Thoy claim
the above positively in eight out of
the sown teen counties In the district.
That leaves only eighteen votes to
get and only Ford Intervenes. It Is
probable that Hermann Is second
cholco in several comities, so that he
will get the required vote.
Tn Llnn county tlio adhorents of
the old Portland ring havo takon ad
vantage of the opportunity to pack
the convention against a Mitchell
legislative ticket and in favor of a
gold 1 to for congress. They will bo
resisted by the Independent clement
In the party. The Albany county
seat ring politicians seem to bo with
the former.
Roseburg Flalndealcr, April 1; A
stranger reading dispatches from
Roseburg concerning the primary
meetings last Saturday, would think
somebody had lied, and truly they
may, for there Is a Hat contradiction
in the dispatches to tho Orcgonlan
concerning it. D. S. K. Rulck states
that tho delegates are for Hermann
and Simon Caro says they were
against him. The fact Is they are for
Hermann. Mr. Caro, the only man
opposed to Hermann originally,
pledged his honor as a man that if
chosen a delegate he would not oppose
Mr. Hermann, and on those assurances
he secured votes enough to elect him.
RosEiiuiWJ, April 2. To the Edi
tor.) Tho Oregonlan contains a dis
patch from Roseburg signed by D. S.
K. Rulck, in which It Is stated that
Douglas county Is solid for Hermann,
and that Hermann' delegates were
elected in that town. They may Iks
Hermann delegates, but they wcro not
supported by Mr. Rulck, or the other
managers of Mr. Hermann. Mr. Rulck
was appointed consul to Lonneburg,
in Germany, by the last administra
tion through tho Influeuce of Mr. Her
mann, which fact may, in a measure,
account for Mr. Rulck's .enthusiasm
for Hermann. Tho enthusiasm for
nermann Is confined almost entirely
to Ithose who expect something If
nermann is re-elected. Mr. Rulck Is
the same gentleman who nominated
Mr. gllermann, of Salem, two years
ago, and assured Mr. Tongue's friends
that Mr. Hermann would not be a
candidate at this time.
If Mr. Rulck gets to Albany to
nominate Mr. Hermann, ho will get
there on a proxy.
A Delegate.
Indications are that tho primaries
are for Hermann first, Ford oti second
The following resolution was passed
by the Republican primary of Soap
creek precinct and voted to send a
copy to each of the county papers:
Whereas, Owing tdthc general de
pression initio finance ofi the state,
and the low price of coittPiqdltlcs Bold
to pay taxes nnd the unjust, principle
of taxing the whole for th'dediientlon
of the few. Therefore bo'lfc
Resolved, That no innril money bt
paid to state normal or high school
of any description from tho treasury
of tho state, nnd bo It f urthbr
Resolved, That no moref money bo
paid to any benevolent or sectarian
school within tho state, 'flieso reso
lutions are not Intended wioffect ap
propriations to common schools of tho
If Mr. Gccr were a rlcUjnan, he'd
be treated mora respectfully
T. T. Gcer Is at least valhanlo to
the party as. an object lcssofii
)bJcoL lesson,
rawSenutgf Mel
rPlirt fYrti-f te rlroiv Qitniitflr ATi ItrMn
-a hi; villi v v uiuii wuiimvt 'iiiuw
into the fight on Hermann will not
Thos. Tongue, Alaska 'Jjrultt and
Ranker Vawter will eacl make a
strong pull for congress.
. .
Harry Miller, of Grass Rants, Is the
"6oii ml money" candidate Mr congress
and will have a big following In the
Albany convention. )
The Statesman's usual rgnino or
Jumping up a dark horse candidate at
tho last moment will not work in the
congressional contest.
. . f
Governor Fletcher Is not going to
Boise. He Is putting In nil his spare
time exercising a rooster that so far
has given very unsatisfactory results.
The Marion county and state Popu
list conventions sat down hard on the
"for revenue only" fellows in their
party. It Is a hopeful sign for tho
It is thought by some, Judging from
his method of getting hlsfco nut of
tho Oregon Pacific taxes, that Lawyer
Rlugham is ono of tho old Hogg re
ceivership crowd.
Judge Hubbard had no business to
treat public business from the stand
point of tho taxpayer. Ho might havo
known ho would incur the displeasure
of tho Statesman nnd Its nmnngcrs.
Up to tills writing Mr. Reed has
exactly 48 votes to Mr. Morton's (II
and Mr. McKlnlcy's 154, out of 345
delegates. This shows a falling ofT
in the leading candidate who had a
clear majority a few days back. .
Tliero will bo somo moro Orcgom
Pacific dellnqunt taxes paid over to
Marlon county soon. Will tlioy bo
paid tho Sheriff Knight as tax col
lector, or will they first bo "milked"
for fifteen percent through some good
financier's private bank account?
Governor Lord, Secretary Klncald
and Treasurer Mctschnn did well in
fixing wages at $1.80 on the state
sewer and hiring all free labor. Now
let laboring men who need tho Job
bo given a first chanco at the
A correspondent at Eugene writes:
"A number of persons are laboring
under the impression that tho dofcat
of Senator Dolph and tho defeat of
mo rortiunu cnaricr out wcro nccom-.
Ellshcd by the same means, and possl-(
ly by tho same sack." This "impres-
l..ll l ,.l,l l. .Inannnln. .10 I. I ..
DIWIJ In B.1U4 vu liu liuuinjiuu);, un llj in
recalled how means were found by
sundry persons to pay debts, mako
Improvements at hand, or to take
long trips abroad.-Oregonlan, April 2.
Harvey Scott would no doubt like
to have ttio "impression deepen."
Why don't tho Eugene man sign his
name? Why don't Harvey Scott name
the men ho Insinuates got tho money?
Tho antl-DoIph men are well known.
If any of them got money, It should '
1)0 published wtio.
Mr. Reed lias written a letter to a
friend in Pittsburg, declaring that lie
would not think of seeking support '
for tils candidacy In a state which had
a candidate of its own for the presi
dency. Tills reminds us of the retort ,
of tho small boy whoso sister tried to
get him to desist from walking on the
sldowulk on the palms of his hands
with his feet in tho air. "Johnny,"
sho expostulated, "I wouldn't do that
if I were you." "No, because you
could't," was tho unbrotberly re
sponse. Mr. Reed's boom is not of tho
stalwurt description which Invades
states pre-empted by "favorite sons."
All his clever manipulation of con-'
gress, which ho lias brought to so fine
a point that members of tho house
6tcp to his desk and ask for leave to
offer u motion to adjourn, has gone
for nothing. ;
Weatiiku Forcast. Fair Thurs
day night and Friday.
Hottest Fight Ever Known in
Multnomah County,
A TerriBI6,v.$trugglo to Defeat
Senator1 John H, Mitchell.
Portland April 2. Republican pri
maries today give promlso of being
tho most liotlv contested fn the lilstnrv
of the country. Thcroiiriwo tickets
In the field, Simon and .Mitchell.
Tho Simon ticket Is headed "for low
taxes." The Mitchell ticket "for J.
H. Mitchell." Tho Simon forces have
control of the polling places, while
others have control of the pollco and
tho special deputy sheriffs to the
number of four hundred.
Should any underhanded, work be
attempted serious troubls. 1h thrcut
.cued. A noticeable thing is the pres
ence of a large number of strnngo men
In tho city, who It Is charged mivo
been brought here for tho solo pur
pose of voting, early and often. Roth
sides are contldeut and determined.
Poutland, April 2. Among tho
placards on tho many bucks at the
polling places, "Taxpayers Agiilimt
Taxcators," Is tho most conspicuous.
Long beforo tho polls wcro opened, a
motley crowd of intending voters
gathered. At somo polling places ob
jection was mado to somo of the
Judges, but without avail. Tho
Simon men would not yield. Tho
polls opened at 1 o'clock, and the
strugglo began,
At 2 o'clock an attempt was made
by tho pollco to arrest Larry Sullivan,
a sailor boarding house keeper, who
was Intimidating voters in tho sec
ond ward. Tho polling place Is lo
cated in tho Sullivan boarding house,
nnd when tho officers approached
Sullivan ho retreated to the uppor
story of his "Castle," and securing his
shot gun, announced that tho
first man who ntlomptcd to arrest
him would t)o killed. Ho took a scat
in tho second story window with a
shotgun in his hand nnd surrounded
by several of Ills heelers watched ttio
proceedings. In tho third ward Pete
Grant Is directing nlfnlrs for tho
Simon faction. Tho crowd Is lined
up for a block nway and it is probablo
that many voters will bo kept from
tho polls.
Principal points of Interest on the
west side of' tho river aro at the
second nnd third wards. Hero voters
are lined up for about two blocks,
waiting their chanco. Voting Is very
slow, owing to numbers of challenges
and n manifest attempt to keep voters
from voting.
In tho lines aro all conditions and
classes of men. Business men are
sandwiched In between morphlno
fiends and hobos. No attempts at
rencatlmr lias been discovered vet.
Simon Is conducting the light In tho
second ward in person.
Voting was suspended In cloventh
wnrd (Alblnn) late this afternoon by
arresting ono of tho Judges
Rumor of Qomez' Death.
Havana, April 2. The rumor of
the death of General Gomes Is still
current here and Is being added to by
alleged details of his alleged demise.
The latter aro that tho Cuban leader
is said to have expired somo days ago
of hcmutysls at the Socorro planta
tion, In the provlnco of Matanzas.
No dates arc given, and there aro no
facts forthcoming to confirm tho re
port of Gomez' death.
Private news of a reliable character
received here through other than
official channels states that Maximo
Gomez passed six days since by
Crusces and Santa Clara, going to
ward Puerto Principe. These advices
assert that Gomez1 health Is very
much broken, and that ho desires to
return to Santo Domingo.
A Heavy fire Lota.
HitUNBWioic, Gu., April 2. Bruns
wick nnd Western Wharf caught tire
about 1:30 p. in. and within forty min
utes the entire dock property Includ
ing two warehouses, was almost com
pletely destroyed.
The vast property of the Downing
company, dealers in naval stores, has
caught fire and cannot be saved. A
portion of tho town is In Imminent
danger. 'Unless the wind changes
quickly tho loss will be more than
Talk of Lynching at BuUeviUeNo
Foundation For It.,
Wooomuhn, Or., Apjlf 2. --Word
was brought here last Ught that tliero
was much excitement and bitter feel
ing In lluttevlllo over the killing of
Frank Kclley Monday by Jus. Dozler.
There was- tnlk of a lynching .party
being organized last night to punish
Dozler. Some fecllng.exlsts against
Cdroncr dough, because ho hold a
secret Inquest Monday. It lias also
been learned from pretty rellablo au-
horlty that a warrant will lie issued
Thursday for the arrest or Dozlor on
u charge of murder. Mr. Dozler. was
at his work yesterday plowing, nnd
did not feel uneasy as to his safety.
At the funeral of Kelly Dozler was
denounced as n cold-blooded murderer
by tho speaker. Tho feeling on tho
part of tho Catholics against tho A.
P. A.'s In Butlovlllo Is very 'bitter,
nnd many fear that more blood will
bo shed beforo the trouble Is ended.
The statement that Kelly played
with tho baseball team at Oregon
City last year Is a mistake.
The ollicers from Salem wcro scon
In regard to tho matter but said there
was no foundation for the report of
threats of lynching. The people In
the north end of tho county are not
of an easily excitable nature. No
apprehensions for tho safety of
Dozlor aro felt by any or his friends
Preidw.:t Diaz Upholds Us in the Vene
zuela Matter.
Mexico, April 2. Tho most Im
portant part of President Diaz' mes
sage, delivered today, If an allusion to
the Anglo-Venezuela controversy, and
President Cleveland's messago to
congress. This part of tho Moxlcan
president's messago is us follews:
"With our northern neighbor, our
Intercourse Is of tho sumo friendly
and cordial character as our diplo
matic and other rolatlons havo been
for some years past. Naturally, Invo
cation of that doctrluce which con
demns nil attempts at European
usurpation, nnd tendencies to modify
Republican Institution of tho New
World In a monarchical direction,
aroused great enthusiasm' among the
f rco nations of this continent.
"Invitations of International char
acter wore not wanting that tho Mox
lcan government should nt once stato
its opinion In so grave a mat tor, but
tho oxccutlvo considered that haste
was not proper In expressing an opin
ion on a subject which Involved not
only tho Monroe dncrrlno but also Its
application to tho controversy between
Grout Britain ami Venezuela. As
we wero not acquainted with tho
question us well, perhaps, as tho
United States, wo wore not In a posi
tion to asstimo that the claims of
Great Britain necessarily constituted
atuittcmpt nt usurpation. Nor could
wo consider that ovcry lxuiudnry dis
pute afforded ground for appli
cation of tho wlso doc-
trluo In question. On tho other
hand, tho simple fact that Eng
land had refused to submit to arbi
tration herclnlms to a part of tho
disputed territory, whllo accepting It
for the rest, was not, in our opinion,
sulllclent ground far unfavorable pre
sumptions, seeing that tho Mexican
government has declared on moro
than ono occasion that .It will not
accept itrbltiatlou for certain terri
torial questions, especially affecting
tho honor of the nation. For these
reasons, I declined to mako any pub
lie statement to fho question that
affected the Interest nnd the most
dellcnto betitlmonts of threo nations
equally entitled to our respect.
"Now that, happily; tho crisis has
passed which scorned to threaten war
between tho two great nations Into
which tho Anglo-Saxon raco Is divid
ed, and now thai our sister ropubllc,
Venezuela, Is carrying on at Washing
ton peaceful negotiations with Its
powerful adversary, It may not Ira out
of place to acccdo to tho desires of
those, persons who have rcducstcd the
Mexican government to stato Itsopln
Ion with regard to tho Monroe doc
trine. Oerman Stockholders.
Rerlin, April 2. At n meeting of
!Y .'ZrarV0'. " "rwhou you want a strictly flrstclass
motisly resolved to aceopt tho rcor -
gantzatlon plan.
Higbtst of all ia Leavening Towers-Latest U.S. Gov't Report
For Admission of Arizona
and New Mexico.
Giant Powdor,-and Oxon OfT for
Washington, April 2. Today's
lncctlng of the house commlltcoon
territories was devoted to a discussion
or tho Arlzouu and New Mexico state
hood bllK- No voto was taken. Dele
gates Murphy and Cannon asserted
that tho opponents or statehood were
doing talking mostly as a filibustering
move. Consequently tho meeting was
a rather warm one.
Milwaukee, April 2 The snow
which has prevailed throughout
Northern Wisconsin for several days
still continues, and train service on
all the railroads Is sertuusly Impeded.
A freezing tompcraturo bus covered
tho snow with n heavy crust.
Pout Townbend, April 2. Tho
steamer Yaqulna loft hero for Alaska
this morning with 103 tons of ginut
powder and six yoke of work oxen
which are taken as au experiment in
freighting. If not succccsful tltoy
will bo killed for beef.
Immigration Meeting.
Rocktohd, 111., April 2. Tho Ex
ecutive Committee of tho Illinois
Afro-Aiiiorlcau Lcaguo will hold a
mooting here today to dccldothe tlmo
for tho state convention, which Is to be
hold hero In Juno. Tho Rov. Jesse S.
Woods, the state president of the
Afro-Amcrlcan League nnd national
president for tho Northwestern stntcs
Is thoroughly organizing the colored
.voters of tho stato.
Rhode Inland Republican.
Providence, R. I., AprllL'. Nearly
complete election returns show that
out of a total voto of 50,592, as against
41,110 In 1805, GovornorLlppItt, (Rep.)
rccolvcd ti plurality of 11,278, an In
crease of 407 over his phunllty n year
ago. Last ycar'sdomocrntlc minority
of nlno In tho legislature Is reduced
to six this year.
New Post Office at Chicago.
Washington, April 2. This Is tho
day set by tho supervising architect
of the treasury to open bids for tho
razing of tho post ollico at Chicago.
Postmaster Hcsslng will begin moving
out on April 11. Tho work of razing
the building must 1m finished within
six months.
To Deliver an Address.
CmoAao, April 2. Prince George
Wolkouskl of Russia, will deliver tho
address at the university of Chicago
convocation, to be held at the audi
torium this afternoon. Prince Wol
kouskl was ono of tho representatives
of the Greek church at tho World's
Parliament of Religious.
Qenesee River Flood.
Rochester, N. Y., April 2. Water
In 'the Gcnesco river has failed but nn
Inch slnco lust night. Ten steam lira
engines nre pumping water from
collurs of largo buildings. Great plies
of merchandise aro In tho principal
streets. Hermann.
The Postal Union.
Pekin, April 2. Tho Clilnoso
government has decided to outer tho
postal union.
Sewer Laiioheiis. The mombora
of tho state board of public buildings
commissioners, Messrs. Lord, Mots
elmn and Klncald, will select tho lab
orers who will be employed on the
new stato sower. Men with families
will 1)0 given tho preference, and thoy
will be selected from various parts of
tho state.
Smoke and Fire. .Where there is
much smoke there must be tire, and
l8""'1"' vou Hliould call for La Corona,
' the best cigar mado la Oregon.