Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 31, 1896, Image 2

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If tou want a sure renei ii?r p
AllCOCk'S Piaster
,M MiND-Not one of the
tions Is as good as the genuine.
Dally Capital Journal,
TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1890.
DR. J. N. SMITH, of Salem,
II. h. BAltKLKY, of Woociburn,
E. W. CHAPMAN, of Brooks,
DAVID C'HAIO, of Mnclcay.
County .Itulgo,
GHOVE P. TEKIIELL, of Mctiatnn.
County Commissioner,
J. N. DAVIS, of Sllvcrlon.
County Clerk,
L. V. EIILEN, of Biittcvllle.
V. T. "WMOHTMAN, of Salem.
F. W. WATERS, of Salem.
J. W. HODAitT, of Garllcld.
Surveyor, .
H. I). HEltRIOIC, of Yew Park.
School Superintendent,
GEO. "V. JONES, of JclTcrson.
A. M. CLOUOH, of Salem.
Tho pcoplo want tho best among
the Republican candidates for con
gress. They have a right to Itavo the
Republican convention at Albany
put up tho best man for tho pcoplo,
and the ucoiilc aro entitled to the
best services of that man after ho Is
elected. This Is tho platform or the
pcoplo and tho people aro going to bo
heard this yenr. Politicians who are
trying to Income congressman In this
district simply because they want the
ofttcc, or becausn they represent thlB
Interest or that, or becauso some
faction oftho party wants them,
reckon without tholr host. Thoy
Igooro tho great fundamental repre
sentative principle, which our Anglo
Saxon forofathors established In tho
forests of North Germany. Armed
with lthls principle they drove the
Romans out or tho English Islands
and established u representative gov
ernment, tho most precious herit
age of the American people.
A superhuman cllort Is being made
to send natli mil bankers and corpora
tion lawyers to the lower house of con
gress. Is this douo out of lovo for tho
people, or to protect special legisla
tion for special interests V Let tho
Republican party In this congress
lonal district beware how far It pros
titutes tho party organiza
tion In this direction. The
masses of tho pcoplo have yet some
rights which tho "special interest"
politicians cannot trample upon with
Impunity. Give us a candidate for
Congress. In this district who Is n Re
publican of the peoplo and for tho
pcoplo, nnd ho will bo elected by the
Tub Jouiinal prints further re
turns from tho congressional situation
lu this district today. It believes tho
tight Is narrowed down to a choice
between Ford and Hermann, for tho
slruplo reason that these men have
records on state and national ques
tions of legislation that tho peoplo
Tiik Jouunal Is not the .organ of
any faction. It demands tho best for
tho peoplo. It seeks to bceuro -the
best possible results In tho public
service at the bauds of tho public
ofilclttls after tlioy me elected. This
Is u platform of fiilrnessund justice to
tho people and to tho parly. It Is a
platform of true Republicanism as wo
understand It,
VkUew e! Lot Manhood iliould frvt at
onro lor lioos
iuU uuuljr vli
i rilly, qulcShr
ttUtl lerui&ucbUr
iwicvm. fomaii
wawiilcM co af.
"ely aJo.
pxi tolla low
rail (trctuih. d
tcwmmm n una aro ininarttd to vrv
JortUm ttt Ika fcoJy, 8ut with noalUtv
KOonW)r to aar tttanonuppUcAlluu,
W, chest, or jl I
host of counterfeits and imita
t- t iLa (ubI
The Hluglo gold standard Is demand- 1). II. Looncy made a cood light, and
cdln the name of "business prlncl- may well be proud of his big vote nnd
. i. i.,.- r lnrt frtnnrla.
pics." There arc tilings more snercu
nt.t.n A...nrl.Mn tiooiilo than "bust-
- ... .1..1..- it iilli.dtMncn nrlni-l.
ness pniiBijiici. "'"' - ."" -
pies" are good, but just principles, speech as the one delivered by him
sound principles and moral principles' Immediately afaer his nomination,
arc better. Bimetallism cannot be In brief, he Informed the delcgrtes
cried down by the 'business principles' that If they framed a platform to suit
cry, any more than the abolition him ho would stand on it; If they
movement could. In both Instances ' didn't get one such as he wished ho
tho "business" cry has Its origin In '
the greed of Wall -street money
changers. Tlic demand for bimetallism grows
out of tho deep conviction of the best
men and women in the world that
gold alone will not sulllco for the re
demption money of the world, that
tho adoption and continuance of the
Single gold Htandard has been a blind,
crushing, grinding force, squeezing
the lire out of business, production,
labor and enterprise, nnd that ono
turn more of tho gold standard screw
will bring tho debtor clnss to the
point where revolution begins.
Tiik .TonuNAi. believes In the rights
of property and Investments to tlc-
inand a sound currency. Hut that
rlirht docs not extend to destruction
of values and confiscation of all but
Mm nrnnnrtv and Investments of cold-
holders. There Is not one-tenth gold
.., ,. ,v.v ti.n iiAiwHtm in thu!
Kinks nnd .savlnirs banks. The i
Tho '
hanker himself should stand by tho t
....--. .-. ,. -
tender character of tho silver
dollar, and ho prepared to receive It
and pay it out on equal terms wnu
gold,lnsteadof discriminating against
It nnd crying It down as n flO-ccnt
dollar. The sooner they como to an
honest, recognition of honest bimetal
Ism, the only honest money system,
tho better for nil concerned.
The coming congressional and state
Republican conventions In Oregon
cannot bo drlvon to endorso gold-
monomctallsmoither by tho character
of their candidates, or tho platforms
they adopt. They cannot bo driven
to abandon blmetalism, tho money of
tho people. Thoy will not go to tho
Popullstlo extreme of Hat money of
uuy kind; neither will thoy bo driven
to tho Clevcland-Carllslo-'Wall-strect
theory. Llko free trade, tho slnglo
standard Is a beautiful theory, but It
Is not practical. It works bad. It
will nevor bo accepted by tho people.
If tho Republican party follows the
late Democratic party on this wo
might as well set up a monarchy at
Mr. Ulughain, as attorney for
Marlon county, Is entitled to a rea
sonable lawyer's reo Tor collecting the
97,331.15 recovered ns delinquent taxes
from tho Oregon Pacltlo railway. A
subscriber wants to know what thcro
Is wrong about him retaining his fee? J
o do not believe Mr. Rlngham Is A canvass of the delegates present
entitled to retain JHU7.42 without showed a largo majority In favor of
ever rendering a statement to the i Til Ford for congress, and MoKlnley
county court, or llllug a bill for his ' for president,
services and having it audited and '- s
paid In tho regular way. Tho Judg-' For Sunday closing,
mentof tho court was for delinquent! Independence, Or., March 31. A
taxes duo Marlon county of I)l33l.l3.jiimss meeting was held at the Audi
That sum should have been paid over' torlum Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
to tho county treasurer of Marlon1 by tho Woman's Christian Temper
county, and Mr. Illngham's bill for anco Union, for tho purpose of having
u-giii ht ices aim oilier expenses paid
uubuiiuocuuiiiyireusuryon a war- on Sunday. The meeting was called
rant, properly audited and ordered to order by Mrs, S. A. George, presl
paid by tho county court In the,. regu- ( dent or tho union, and tho object or
,n'wwJr Jtho meeting stated to the clrcu-
No man doing business ror the pub- lutlon or a petition demanding
Ho has a right to audit his own bills that city onlolaU enforco the
And pay himself off. Mr, lllngham state and city laws regulating Sunday
should bo paid a reasonablo reo and observance. Rev. S. A. George or
hlsexnbutlotltbedonencconl. the Presbyterian church, then pro
ngtohm. As It Is, he would bo open sented tho subject from a religious
tO tha oll!ri'i Unit. . l,.l ....,. ...... .v.ihiuun
'" -u untuoeuuu
He should, at least, comply ,WUU tho
ormalUy or rendering pwperly
emUd bill, and the court .hould go
hrougmh.fonimlUy of auditing it,
hat tho county book, may.showhat
- ..rmeni, What Tlte
Democrats Will Do..
The Jefferson Review, edited by mi
Independent man who Inclines to re-
"form, says of the ticket: (
The legislative ticket Is solid for
John JI. Mitchell.
Everybody nround Jefferson knows
Jt N gnjrt Uld ,1C win gct ft big
vote here.
mrgc numuui ' bhb "
Uarkleyhas heaps of cheek.
It is
tnw tiion wllfl WOUld HUlkc SUCll
would build a platform of his own and
riiuon that. Barklcy is an earnest
free sllvcradvocatcand will be elected.
M'wfinf tlin "noble thirty" were re
Jefferson gets her usual portion of
Roup. If Geo. Jonc3 had hinted that
he had lived here ho would have got
'left. George Is a good boy.
and in
every respect competent to
1111 the
Tl wnu miip.li fllKSnUsfllCtloil CX
pressed over part of tho legislative
Frank Wrlghtmaii.s friends arc
jubilant over his success. No ono can
question Wrlghtman's ability for the
position. In tho dlfechargo of hlsduty
ho Is always most courteous and nc-
Phil Fret, made n splendid
run for
assessor, nnd was only
defeated by a
peculiar turn of events at the eleventh
hour. Hut Phil Is too good a man and
lias too many
bas too many friends to stay down
wnucwomuy nover imvu mi-
omcr opportunity to mii.pu.u
Frote for a public position, wo do not
expect to vote for any bettor men
JupMlntofor treasurer Is too well
known throughout tho country to re
quire any Introduction to tho people.
Ho has made a good otllclal, and will
without doubt continue to do sons
long as ho tills the position.
L. V. Ehlen, county clork, has filled
the position very acceptably and Is a
much stronger candidntc today than
ho was two years ago, because of tho
hundreds of new friends he has mado
during his term of olllcc.
That there Is a large Republican
majority in tho.county Is certain, -but
that fact docs not liisuro the election
of the entire ticket. It is possible
that some of tho ovcr-conldent ones
may come out a little short.
Tho work of the convention was
linlshcd about 3 o'clock a. m. Wednes
day, after which a banquet was given
tho delegates by MoKlnley Mitchell.
There wero members -of all parties
crowding the galleries and evincing
great Interest In tho procecedlngs.
There wero 247idclcgatcs In tho con
vention. A number of prominent Democrats
watched tho proceedings to And weak
places In tho ticket, to thoy might
stand a bIiow to work In a stray man
or two. It Is not thought now that
tho Democrats will nominate more
than two or three candidates.
the buslnoss houses of this city closed
sianuiKiint. Kov.W. T. Fleenor of
the Baptist church, presented th
moral side or the sub ect XT
H. QI of Uw irtX Su
read the state a,u 1 T'
Petitions were then
the audience, and geiSt S
make a house to house canvass of the
cjty, for signatures, and tho petition
VvIlU.bc presented to the council at Its
next meeting.
Heavy Appropriation.
WABHWQTOM.Mnrch Ill.-Cunnon,
chairman or tho house committee on
appropriation's, says that tho appro
prilitlon's, for this session of eongfesT
could fall below $500,000,000.
In conclusion, Cannon said tho pub
lic service, In his opinion, could not
be provided for for two years for less
than a billion dollars. Now, however,
the government was borrowing money
to pay current oxpenscs, and In view
of this fact, ho appealed to the house
to keep down appropriations and be
content with caring for the public
service ns it existed and not enter up
on any new expenditures while this
borrowing was going on.
The "Saturday Night" philosopher
of tho Albany Dctnocrnt has the fol fel fol
eowing: "Tho man who runs for ofllce
must bo philosophical. He must
remember that he has no more rights
than liny body else, and that his
opponent Is built politically just ns
well as ho is. Ho must keep com
posed, and not ily off on a tangent at
every occasion that Is distasteful to
him. The candidate must expect to
get shown up If ho deserves It. It
Isn't right to throw mud, but It Is
right to give facts. So when facts are
set forth, oven though disputed, why
just contradict them If you please,
but don't get mad, for It's a part of
the business, nnd the man who Is not
willing to tnke things as they come,
had bettor stay out of the lights."
Deafness Cannot be Cured,
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portions of the car.
There Is only ono way to euro deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
lnllumecl condition of tho mucous
lining of tho Eustachian tube. When
this tube gets lnllamcd you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,
nnd when it Is entirely closed deaf
ness Is tho result, and unless tho ln
llammntion can bo taken out and this
tube restored to Its normal condition,
hearing will bo destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten aro caused by
catarrh, which Is nothing but an in
llamed condition of the mucous sur
face. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free.
CiirSold by Druggists, 75 cents.
Among tho Mexican populace there
Is an Idea that tho lizard warns men
of the approach or n serpent.
The very poor of Berlin aro better
housed than those of any other large
city In tho world. Tho German cap
ital is really without "slums."
There aro seven surnames In Aslian
tee corresponding to tho days or the
week, as follews: Kwalsc Indicates a
man born on Sunday, Kudjoo on Mon
day, Kwablna on Tuesday, Kwnku on
Wednesday, Yao on Thursday, Kolll
on Friday, and ICwnmlna on Saturday.
They aro all accented on the final
In Malta dueling Is permitted by
tho law, but under certain restric
tions. Tho combatants tiro bound
under the most severe penalties to
desist and sheatho their swords at the
bidding ofn woman, a priest or a
knight or tho Order or Malta.
recovering front
llie illness at
tending child
birth, or who suf-
ffer from the ef
'I fects of disorders,
and displace
ments of the wo
manly organs,
will find relief
and n permanent cure in Dr. Plerce'a
Favorite Prescription. Taken during
pregnancy, the "Prescription"
by preparing the system for parturition,
thus assisting Nature and shorteuiug
"labor." The painful ordeal of child
birth Is robbed of Its terrors, aud the
dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both
mother and child. The period of confine
ment is also greatly shortened, the
mother strengthened and builtup, and an
abundant secretion of nourishment for
the child promoted. If
be delicate, run-down, or overworked, it
worries her husband as well as herself.
This is the proper time to build up her
strength aud cure those weaknesses, or
ailments, which are the cause of her
trouble. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescrip
tion dispels aches and palus, melancholy
and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep
and makes a new woman of her.
'LllOil iflBUIXCU Wb
(UDcrtnr Irom ulceration
raldani around here
anil they save me up aud
auld there wa uo help
AtUjt.almoit lUscour
ltd. I beian taking Or.
Htrce'a Favorite Pre.
Kriolion aud took fir
kpltles. It ta three yeara
lince and I hare not had
iw return of the trouble.
1 Kl
it verv irratpfiil and
i aici, owe you my lire.
. g-- .
iui r um. j.iun.
m I do not think I should have been alUeuow
ana KUllnorol the womb,
tot tereralyeart, or atoce
Ihf birth or my youugttt
l-MM. IconiullFitalftlie
m nmH
d not taken your medicine."
ZWytc WVMf.WVw
i i.-ia ii unnrxiv ru -v 1
tes'ffliothgrJhing N '
you cant
HB A mL iB yam
The largest piece
of GOOD tobacco
ever sold for
FOR SALE Three acres of Ian 1 h Yew
Park, with good house nnd barn, n) fruit
trees, all rich garden land, for silo cheap.
Apply to Lewis Pelt joliti. 3 14 im
TREES Pruned aud sprayed. Tot graltlng
a speciality, also bees iratuferred 01 put i n
good shape. Call or addrcsjno. V Carr,
KS Commercial street. 3-12 I 111
FOR SALE OR TRADE.-The best hay
fruit and stock ranch in Oregon, containing
300 acres. Will sell cheap, on easy terms, or
trade lor grocery stock, l'or particulars in
quire at this office. II. A I). 3111m'
FOR SALE, Eight milch cows and two 2
year old. Inquire of M I. Egan, Gervais,
Or. 224 tf
CARPET PAPER Urge lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap, lust
the thing for putting under carpets. Call at
journal office.
incss houses can obtain all newspaper Infor
mation from the press of tho state, coast and
country from the Press Clipping Dureau,
(Allen's) Union Mock, PortUnd. 12 2otf
WE DO NOT WANT-Iloys or loafers but
men ofobilhy, $300 to $?oo n month to
hustlers. State and general agents. Salary
and commlislon. Racine Fire Engine Co,,
Racine, Wis. e o s 4t
P. O. NEWS STAND.-Local Subscription
Agency for all newspapers and magazines.
Fine atock of cigats and confectionery. F. W.
Miller, Prop. 1 14 tf
LOSTr-A package of dry goods on Court,
Church or State street. Finder leave at Rig
don's office, 109 Court street and receive re
ward. 28 3t
FOR RENT CIIEAP.-A nice 8 room haid.
finished house with hot and cold water, bath
and barn within six blocks of business center.
Apply to Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 State street.
PAPERS Portland, Sacramento, Seattle,
Tacoma nnd San Francisco papers on sale af
Miller's Postoffice block
JbKbbY HULL Pure bred Jersey bull for
kivicc, unc 01 me nnest animals ureu in
Oregon. Terms $1 cash. Call at Englewood
Dahv. on Railroad and n o A 1)11, .,.
prietor. , I0 d&wim
Makes a spo'talty of fine repair work, Seth
1 nomas clock, etc., 215 Commercial Street
onc-hau am oc box.
G0HP1 FYinu onunrm
I K KMn it,i . " Mil 1
u mor. vS&Zpft iffisSfgS"
M& TW-!tC hrixm -
Dealer in p;roccrics, paints, oils
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
32I Commercial st. Cottle Block
Successor to C. M. Beck & Co.
Host meats in tho city, Prompt delivery at
lowest prices.
Capital Transfer Co.
Express, baggage and all kinds cf work
done promptly. Leave orders at Patton't
store. 12 -3-
W. A. Cusick J, H. Albert.
President. (Cashier.
Transact a general banking business.
oil's School
Will recolve children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for theolder pupils taught, includ
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and ar
tistic i.eedle work. AH work done on the in.
dividual plan. In which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity. For
terms and particulars apply to Miss O. Hal
lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts.
German Lessons
Given by a qualified teacher, a native;
of Germany. Classes for children on
Saturday at Channinp Hall.
Mrs. Rapsey. 463 Contre S .
Given on reasonable terms by an experienced
teher. w. A. RAPSEY,
463 Centre st.
We have Just completed a new feed vard
one-hall block south of the court house.
1 lease give us a call. Team loc.
Notice is hereby given that the county court
will receive sealed bids for building a" cement
wak around the court house blSck. Said
walk to be built as per plans drawn and open
for lnsnwlinn .. it,. m -r .t T
Miss Ba
judge. All bids must be filed at my officeon
OnhurSdA9n,896'i,t ,20'cIk
340-iwd Countyle'rk.
lirC.ul l'tinllng fornm
moved to that Ucatlon CM r '
TVl i I I , ..
pf H. LAN
ill Cim n;rchl t 11,1. ,
On fatm land security. Sw.i
rate, on large loSSt, TSJ
consldeied without delay "
Bush lUkl,ulldln3.AM,I'TONa0l
tPn city or farm properly,
Overallmh's Bank, T' K' rW
PIOT Alt,. . ....
106 Suite street. New and M .
guarantee'the. best meal in H,e ctlr V"
reosonable. One trial wilt imure m T
rouage; Prlvafu rooms for ladiei
Carpenter, Builder an I JoMif,
4S1 Winter llierl
tellard time prices always.
Notice tf Building Contractor!-Sald
GjdifrwHIJje received t the, office of Scadm
orStotb.'SalemTOr., until 1 o'clxk p 1
Wednesday,' April 8, 1896, for th trai
and completion of 11 hospital boiHu. c
Roscburg, Or., according to plant, spec-ia
lions, etc., now on exhibition at the o&j i
Oelu; D. Neer, architect, 133 Fint tag.
Portland; state house, Sjlern, (Jr.; and it tie
Soldiers' Home, of Roscburg, Or. All l
rami be accompanied with a certified eltd
drawn to. the older of S, B. Omub, tin
man board of trustees, Oregon Sollsf
Home, in a sum equal to 5 per cent a' U,
the same to bj forfeited and and applied 1
the Soldiers' Home fund In case the lorn
or accepted bidder falls to enter Into cottna
with acceptable bonds, in the sum of tie U
amount of contract, with at least twonwn,
within 10 days after the award of oxsa
All bids must be addressed to
"Care Secretary of State Salem, Or,
"Tender of (name)- for Honial
at Soldiers' Home."
The right to reject any and allUiii
hereby reserved. By order of the Hodi
Trustees of the Soldiers' Home.
Attest r S. B. ORMSBY, Chain, of Bod
Lcyal l$lankPubltsheri,
Bush's New Brick over the bank CornlrJ
fitted all mall and nassencer trains hi-
gage and express to an pans oiukuij.
Prompt !, Mqto.ay.
Office! Willamette Hotel Id'.
For water service apply at office. Wf
payable monthly in advance. M
complaints at the office.
Open spicket to prevent fcS-i
lively prohibited. Care should U ' uw
If in danger of freeilng to hre Hop"
waste gate closed see section 3 rules um
ulatlon. No deduction In biUi.
lowed for absence or for any cause "
unless water is cut of from premises.
To Our Subscribers.
We take subscriptions, at a clbrW
heMagailnesin the country, a coooefl"
with the Caplial Journal. . jy
Among tho higher Priced and eU e
publications is the Iew England
which, with all the features of X
erest o'r the Other great illMWtef J
has, besides, Its own specialty la rt
..nJ.11,,1 As Its namelBiph?iir.!i
art, history and literature of M P I
To those of New England J S '
therefore, It Is est-eciauy wTT ftw
subscription makes a perfect pr
ever else you yourself take, Jrj
New England Magazine. iiFWL
bed with this TV&iffiffit
t I HjA!
I have rertoved my shop to J. h j,
late place of business and PHd,ol
al)kVnds of first class JtmM
work. I Will be plel t0'7
loo Chemeketa sUeet.
Dealars In all kinds of fresh ujJJ
The Roya
mm mi'
t-d VI 4 .
?' ?
.. p it M
Jf '