Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 31, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 8.
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2s Ne YdpR Racket
Is always in the lead in styles as well as in prices
About a year ago there was a general advance in
rioc;all Jkttf heavy shoes. The New
orkiRackct ws fli last to advance their prices,
Now that the price have declined, especially on
heavy shoes, they arc the "first to reduce their
prices, Our customers will find all lines of
heavy work shoes down to abou. t the prices that
prevailed before the advance. Our line of men's,
r ,.
f -r?f
is full and fresh from Chicago. We can fit any ? ,
one froto a 3wM&vTd to a No, 46. Prices very
low. VcaoM no" profit onV account -of bad ao ,.vs
counts, 'as wehavei none, -ook- of all kinds
arriving every few days direct fiooL .New York, v a
tke lowest LWt fail to
15 to 25 per cent.
X No Trouble to Show You
i -
Haf dwai e, Tinware, Bajjsed Wife
macxsuuui ouppucs,
Examine our large and compksfcek, Always prompt and
courteous uatment.
' "-ir - "
of ilbe Willamette Onivepsify.
Modern method. Up to date. Same as in tlie eastern and Luropean Conservatories
None hut the best Is cood enough for beginners bh well as for more advanced pupils.
V. C. HAWLEY. President
R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, bivtrumcntal Director.
Goodale Uimb?r Company
Yards on Twelfth and Trade Streets
Keep tlio most complete stock of common, dimension and finished lumber
on lmnd, nnd sell on the most favorable terms. Lath and Shinnies.
Our stock Is made at our own mills, of the best lumber In the state.
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates. Management liberal.
and Sint, of fntere'st. Social rates will be
OtUWodhonIait4.S.lWMUcsel- SM. back olj Suie Usance block
"5 lj
call, as we will MvuyoukL
' I
.' ?. -' $
ThrWghvan4''Give Prices. X
Electric caw leave ho,el tor all public building,
given to permanent patrons.
The Situation Makes Ford or
Delegates "to State andJ District'
Speclil.to Tllfr iiSi
ln nillM4nAXIat
.jipruian b'S
managers Heregiva
voMfe la the eongrcsslonnl
ait stands nresent:
tWkarnliPfBSt of 12) 0
Marion (ouvm iuj
i. I. -i M
I .... ft -....
'IJlIMMMIl... -V.. . ..I.
r.iTn - .... : .ir..v..
LkiTo .".....
n..,...r..,. .
Wftw' V
Emit kf(l :
Uoosrt Wi.A... 4
ToUi....;.;... ........ 44
Required to'nomlnatc. . ,r. . .& 02
Hermann' managers feel sure of
part of tho vote of Linn county, but
do not know howjnuch. They claim
tho above positively In eight out of
the seventeen cotlntlesJh tho district,
ford l tho-jgn.ljr man they arc
afraid of.
RosKinma, Or., March 31. Re
ferring to n dispatch from Roseburg
to the Salem Statesman, In which the
writer states that tho Roseburg
delegates to tho county conventlou
are nntl-IIermann andhat Douglas
will send aa jtnU-Heruianh delegation
to tho district convention, etc., the
Plalndenler today says:
"How disgusted tho Statesman w 111
be when It learns that directly tho
opposite arc tho facts In tho case.
Tho facts arc that to secure nn antl
Ilcrmann delegation from Douglas
county, or any precinct In It, would
be simply Impossible, and nermann's
namo was only used for electioneering
purposes for local candidates."
From Interviews with dolcgatcs
hero and reports from other parts of
the county It seems that all tho dele
gates urc firm supporters of Hermann,
and tho delegates from Douglas
county to tho district convention will
be solid for Hermann.
D. S. K. Hoick.
Roseuuko, March 31. The Itepub
llcau iprlmarlcs hero Saturday wcro
well attended and exciting, on ac
count of an effort to select a Her
mann delegation. Mr Hermann's
light was under tho personal super
vision of his son-in-law, Dr. K. L
Miller. Tho election resulted In the
defeat of the Hermann ticket In each
of tho four precincts.
Simon Cauo.b
lake county.
Tho Republicans of. Lake county
met in convention at Lakovlow and
placed tho following county ticket In
For sheriff, John McElhlnnoy, of
Lakevlew; clerk, W. A. Masalnglll, of
Lakeview; treasurer, Harry Bailey, of
Lakevlew; assessor, William Barnes,
of Paisley; commlssIonor.CharlesTon
nlngsen, of Plush; school superin
tendent, J. J. Monroe, of Lakevlew;
surveyor, P. M. Currey, of Lakevlew;
coroner, A. Lcsalng, of Lake v Jo w.
Eugene Journal, (Dem.) Tho A. P.
A. organliatlon demonstrated that
they wielded much strength at tho
Republican primaries throughout
Lane county Saturday. Tiiey win do
able to dictate niany, if not all, of tho
nominations next Saturday.
There are two candlates for con
gress who may aa well be considered
out of the fight. They are Hermann
and Ellis. Oswego Ironworer.
Tho Oregonlan and tho Statesman
cross lire on the money question. The
big dally it out-spoken in favor of tho
single gold standard and tho Salem
dally doesn't want the money quesi
tlon "monkeyed" with at all. Tho
monstrosity suits its taste exactly.
Brethren should be reconciled to one
j another. Independence Enterprise.
Marlon, county 1L Il.Condlt, F. W
Hollls, A. F. Blackerby, J. H.Roland,
Geo. Khlcn, tYm. Fry, jJ. H. MoNary,
Louis Stlnson, R. J. Hendricks, C.
Uson, Prince Byrne, .t. Voorhees, J.
0. Johnson, A. J. R chardson, Jap
Mlnto, E. E. MoKlnniy, Wm. Bushy,
0. D. Hartman Win. Waldo delegate
at large. K"
Lincoln county C. ll.Crosno, R. A.
Bonsai, E. J. Davis. 4
01ackamu8 coUnty-M. W. Moldrum,
G. W. Prosser, T. . Ryan, J, M.
Tracy, Geo. P. Hortoh'JS. M. Ramsby,
T. b! Thomns, J. L. 'Kruse, II. S. C.
Phelps, J. S. VniiRhii,jK.M. Hartman,
.f . R. Morton.
1amhlll W.:Chrlsnnin,C.A.BuH,J.
P. Irvine, J. W. HobbM.O, H. Irvine,
A. Detmcrlng, M. O. uLownsdule, D.
P. Trulllnger and Gc'&Vgo W. Blbce.
Linn. Anril2.
Washington, Aprll,2
' llntitiin AnrllJ
wJnekson, April 4.
rfffle, April 4.
I'olK, April 4. h'
. -ift
Waoco1. G Day, M) T. Nolan, .1.
M. Patterson, 13. LiSmlth, V. W.
Jones, George Johnston tuid A. E.
Gllllam-S. G. Hawfioh, W. W.RIol
wcr and G. B. Dnkek. j
Yamhill A. J. Appctbon, .1. M.
Crawford, J. F. Magers, T. N. Graves,
AV. T. Vinton, A. iMckourn, J. E.
Hubbard, Henry Hcwft.
Union-W. T. Wrlglit, .1. 11. Foncl,
J. D. Casey, Chas. Hallgrath, J. B.
Thorson, J. M. Church", S. O. Swack
hammor, M. B. Rces.
Morrow A. Andrews, J. N. Brown,
J. W. linger, T. R. Howard.
Marlon Wm. Hlllcary, II. G. Son
nomanu, II. L. Barklcy, D. S. Kain,
W. B. Brown, J. H. Rlohes, R. E.
Downing, Thos. Bruce, Mark Skiff,
W. J. Hadly, Win. Chorrington, J. T.
Ross, James L. Cook, F. C. Perrlne,
'D. 0. Sherman, AdamOhmart, Claud
Gatch, J. A. Shaw; Wm. Waldo, ut
large. !
r- Josephine W. T. (Joburn, C". O.
Bigelow, R. A. Booth, Charles Decker.
Coos. R. S. Llttleileld, W. Sinclair
and C. W. Olive.
Laku A. C. Auldon, E. M. Brat
tain and A. Snider.
A Simon Squeal.
Walter L. Lyon has the following In
today's Oregenlan: "It leaked out
today that worthless characters are
to bo snipped from Salem to Portland
to bo used as "repeaters" In tho pri
maries Thursday. Tho "repeaters"
are to bo used In tho interest of the
IIume-Fruuk-Mlnto combine. It Is
said n Salem olllccr Is using tho power
given him by his olllclnl position to
advance the whemo."
Chanoino Name. Supplemental
articles of Incorporation were filed
ycstciday by C. .1. Bartruff.J. Bower-
sox. C. C. Worlck. Mrs. I. M. White
and Mr. J. Kncrr, trustees, changing
tho namo of "The Independent Evan
gelical Church of Salem," to "Tho
United Evangelical Church of Salem,
Marlon county. Oregon." Original
articles wcro filed by tho Mills City
Purchasing Association, for tho pur
poso of engaging In general merchan
dising; capital stock 1000; Henry
Joort. J. M. Wadsworth and Joiin
Shumachcr Incorporators,
A Rusiiinq Firm. Branson & Co.
nro certainly an enterprising firm of
grocers. After building up a good
business, they reached out by buying
the Van Eaton business, and consoli
dating their own business with It In
.larger quarters. Now thoy have made
another stride and absorbed tho
McCall Bros, stock, on Court Btrcot.
Tills gives them three stores In one,
and no doubt their business de
mands It.
Removal. Tho otllce of tho Oregon
Fruit & Produce company has been
removed from 177 Commercial street
to the Wallace warehouse, on High
Btrcet. This location will afford much
more room and better facilities for
handling their growing business.
An Eabtek Tea. Give your friends
a pointer, and show them tho supcb
quality of Sonnemann's high grade
teas. No dust nnd -no trash allowed
In his stock. Only tho best, clean
Bucklen'fl Arnica Nalvo
The best Salve in the world for Cuti,
Sorei, Boiei, Ulcer, Halt Rheuw. Fever
and ail Tetter. Cuapped liandi, Chilblain,,
UfulKJ,Sldn Eruption, and potitively cures
Pile or no pay required. It It cuaj-anteed to
Live ir fee aatWfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 centi a bo I'or aale by Fied A,
Children Cry for
Pitcher' 0trla.
James Dozier Shoo.ts Frank
A Coroner's Inquest Is Now Being
Tho first nows of a shocklnir murder
committed at Buttevllle, Mnrlon
county, at 7 o'clock, this, Tuesday,
morning, March 31, reached Salem
by a telegram to Coroner dough. Tho
train had gone south and ho immedi
ately went by team to tho scene of
tho crime.
Tho first nows of the murder was to
the offect that Frank Dozlcr, a tenant
on the farm of A. E. La Rocquo, ad
jolng tho town of Buttovlllc, had
shut and killed uno Frank Kolly, a
laboring man nged nbout25 years, em
ployed by La Rocquo as a man about
the house.
Tills nows was brought to 'A mom by
the mall carrier on the Aurora and
Buttovlllu line. His namo Is Wool
worth and his statement Is as follews:
Kelly at tho probable Instigation of
La Rocquo has for sometime past
been annoying and Irritating Dozlcr.
La Rocquo last fall let his farm to
Dozlor and aleaso was signed up. Soon
after It became known that Dozlor
was an A. P. A. and this man Kelly
being bitterly opposed tho A. P. A.
has been used as a tool to force Dozlor
to throw up lils lcaso and lcavo the
La Rocquo farm.
This, Mr. Woolworth thought, led
up to tho crime. He said Kelly had
been warned ropcatcdly by Dozlor to
keep oft his premises. This mdrnlng
ho roturncd to tho Dozlor dooryard
and threatened Dozier with violence,
as ho had done on previous occasions.
This Dozier resented, nnd only a fow
words passed between them. Kelly
called Dozier a d d A. P. A. son-of-a-b
, and also threatened Dozier
with vloleuco, when Dozlcr shot him
with a 38-callbro, long-barreled Colt's
revolver. Ono shot only was firod,
when Kelly foil dead, shot through
tho heart, and never moved.
Woolworth considered Kelly a man
of vlolcnco mid had trouble with him,
and Kelly hod within a week threat
ened to shoot him. Kelly Is a recent
arrival in tho Buttevllle neighbor
hood. Kolly had created a disturb
unco In tho recent Republican pri
mary, where ho appeared with a band
of la Rocquo's dogs, and used violent
languago when requested to remove
tho dogs. That was In the presence
of a hundred or more people.
Tho above Is tho substanco of Wool
worth's statement mudo at Aurora
this morning.
dozier'h statement.
James I. Dozlcr arrived at Aurora
ut 8:30 this morning, and offered to
give himself up to Justice W.S.Hurst,
the Justice for tho Buttovlllo-Hub-bard-Aurora
district. Hurnt refused
to put Dozier uiidcrnrrcst without In
structions from tho coroner who had
l)ccn telegraphed to hold an Inquest.
Dozlcr's statement corroborates that
of Woolworth as to tho commission of
tho crime. Dozlcr was naturally
deeply excited but would talk hut
little. Ho seemed to Impress tho by
standers favorably, and ho will be
given tho benefit of any doubts In his
favor, by those who heard and saw
He Is a mau of forty, has a wifo and
six children. He has lived at Butte
vllle on tho La Rocquo place slncp
October, having come from Clacka
mas county, on Mark's prairie. Ho Is
a southern man who camo to Oregon
ten years ago. He Is master of tho
Buttovlllo Masonic lodge, and a mem
ber of tho Commandry ut Oregon
City. It Is claimed that ho Is a mem-ber-of
the American Protective Asso
ciation ut Buttevllle. Ho has a good
reputation as n citizen. Tho only
statements ho mudo at Aurora wcro
of regret over what ho had done, and
broko down In tears repeatedly.
Is a son of .a noted pioneer, a man
about 30, and prominent In the French
Pralrlo country as rancher and Demo
cratic politician well known in tho
county. Public sympathy is quite
strongly In favor of Dozier bo fur uh
his shooting Kelly is concerned, but
Mr. La Rocque Is not held personally
responsible for Kelly's actions toward
Dozier. Thero is considerable excite
ment at Buttovlllo as thu parties are
all well known, nnd thero has been
quite n bitter feeling In that neighbor
hood growing out of politic.
Ready for Service.
San Francisco, March 31. Thu
builders of tho battleship Oregon have
given the last tap of tho hammers on
tho big vessol, and sho Is now ready to
establish her record nnd take her
placo among the commissioned
warships of the navy. Sho Is now
practically In tho charge of navy
oillccrs, but It has not been decided,
when the olllclnl U In will bo made.
Tho ship':) big armor-girded hull Is
filled with n mass Of machinery,
Intricate In Its workings, but slmplo
to control. It Is described us a big
lighting machine.
War hi Africa.
Cave Town, March ni.'-lt Is tllllt
cult to obtain any accurate Infor
mation regarding tho progress of
tho rebellion of tho natlvcs'of Mnta-
bclnud. Tho authorities ate with
holding all Informal Ion possible, ns It
would bo umdo use of by the uemlcs
of thu British rulershlp of Africa. It
Is not denied, howovor, that tho situ
ation becomes darker every day. and
that a very strong forco will lo neces
sary to restore order.
Family Asphyxiated.
San Fuanoisco, March 31. Tho
asphyxiated bodies of Mrs. Ogla Dotiss
and hor three llttlo children were
found this morning by her husband,
who Is 11 prosperous Jeweler. It Is
said, that ho hnd been out to lodge
last night,. returning about daylight
today. Mrs. Douss left- n noto to hor
husband Indicating her Intention to
commit suicide, nnd that hor children
mustdlo with her, Tho marital ro
tations of tho pair had lately been
Short Living In Alaska.
Port Townhend, March 31. Tho
steamer City of Topeka arrived this
morning from Alaska.Whcu the steam
er loft, a blizzard was raging. Juneau
Is overrun with men with no means
of support, enticed north by glowing
accounts of mines. Tho result Is that
petty living Is the order of tho day.
It Is estimated there will bo ton thou
sand minors In Yukon and Cook's In
lets districts by tho middle of June.
Insurgents Strangled.
Havana, March 31. Never In mod
ern times lins there been a mora sick
ening spectacle than that which to
duy attended tho public execution of
11 vo Cubans, condomncd to death by
Garrotc, "as murderers, violators and
Owing to tho uwknrnncss of tho ex
ecutioners tho victims died by slow
strangulation emmlttlng most dis
tressing cries.
Cascade Locks.
Wabiiinoton, March 31, A reso
lution was adopted by tho houso
authorizing tho expenditure of $20,000
of tho unexpended balance of tho ap
propriation for thu Cascades of tho
Columbia river for tho construction of
tho protecting walls necessary to
opening the canal to navigation.
The Markets.
Chicago, March 31. Reports of the
frost from California had but llttlo
effect on wheat today, It opened a
shado firmer for May, at 03 lu against
03 I at yestorday's close. It advanced
to 03 ion the reported snows In the
Dukotas, but shortly fell buck to open
ing prices.
Appointments. Gov. Lord today
appointed as commissioners of tho
second Southern Oregon district Agri
cultural Seciety: T. B. Walt nnd D.
R.SIiambrook, Douglas county; Frank
P. Morton, Coos county; Dolos Wood
ruff, Curry county. All for two years.
THE FAIR for bargains. 3-fi
Highfat of all ia Ltaveoing Pawer.
Clarkson Says Allison Is the
Second Choice,
Chairman Carter Says It Is a Roar
ing Landslide.
St. Louis, March 31. James S.
Clarkson Buys: "Nobody will enter
tho convention with votes enough by
about 100 or 150 to nominate him on
tho first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, .tuyenth, olghth, ninth or tenth
ballot. The nominee, therefore, will
bo a second choice man. McKlmVy
Llen(1, , n,e ,llultor of irruptions,
and will hold this lead. Allison Is
the strongest second choice, mid u 111
gain In strength right along. I there
fore predict Alllson'H nomination.
"I have Just returned from a trip
through tho west. Tho people of the
Pacific coast and mountain states re
discussing -tho great Issue, that of
money, nnd not men. They will send
to St. Louis In Juno eighty or 100
delegates, lustiiicted solidly for silver,
without reference to tho views of any
man on this great question."
J. II. Ilnuley was mora reticent
when his attention was called to the
latest estimate of MoKlnky'8
strength, In which the Ohlonn was
given 355 votes on tho first ballot out
of n total of 372 delegates electa! p
to Saturday night. He studied th
figures for a long time, and then Mid:
"This only shows that thoy are still
claiming. They can claim all they
want. What wc want, and are going
to huvo, Is votes."
Senator Carter, chairman of the Re
publican national committee, whs
asked: "is It truo that you havo dis
cerned tho premonitory rumblings of
a boom fjr Don Cnthoron in the
Northwest?" "It Is more than a pre
monitory rumbling. It Is n roaring.
It Is believed ho will get tho vote, not
only of Montana and other north
western states, but that tho votes of
the west gonorally will come to him
reed or m'kinley.
Concord, N. H., March 31. New
Hampshire republicans held their
stato convention hero today. United
Stntcs senator Chandler presided.
His mention of Thomas B. Reed m)
the nation's cholco aroused great eu
nthuslasm. Tho platform say: w
rccognlzo as most conspicuous among
picsldontlnl candidates, New Eng
land's noble nnd Illustrious son, Hon.
Thomas B. Reed, or Maine, and that
puro, nblo statesman and champion of
protection, Hon. William MoKlnley
of Ohio. Wo will glvo tho electoral
vote of Now Hnupshlrotoany nominee
who worthily represents tho party,
but wo prefer ono of these because
cither Is of himself a platform.
Election Frauds.
Ciiicaoo, March 31. Tho Hoard of
election commissioners today declared
15,000 370,000 voters registered for the
coming spring election as fraudulent.
Ninety Per Cent.
Of all tho people need to take k
course of Hood'H SaroiipurlUu at this
season to prevent tho rundown and de
bilitated condition which Invites dis
ease. Tho money Invested In half a
dozen bottles of Hood's HamaparllUi
will conio back with largo return in
health and vigor f body nnd strength
of nerves.
Hood's PIIU are easy to buy, easy to
take, easy to operate. Cures all liver
Ills. 25c
Weather Forecast. Wedidy
fair and warmer temperature.
Latt U. S. Gov't Rport
hi 4