Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 30, 1896, Image 1

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    WC-W"JFf -V'
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rOL. 8.
-W-y-v Tjr T"TTV "Y" A -w
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k iW "C?7
." -TJiJ
"'HELLO ! "
"275jCommcfcial st
How is it that you
are now getting in so
many nice goods in
Status, of Second Congres
' sibiial .District,
tese hard times V
Details'bf the Situation in All 'the
"Why, my dear sir, we are selling
tern every day and the trade have long
ice learned that anything neat and new
the shoe line can be found at
No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices, X
Eardwafe Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
ie our large and complete stock. Always prompt1 and
courteous treatment,
off the Willamette university.
fodern method. Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
He but the best is good enough for beginners an well as lor more advanced pupils,
ij- y, v. iivvi-,c, i rcjiucni
k. a. iiKKiiAuc, vocai uirecior
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
loodale liimW Company
'ards on Twelfth and Trade StreetsH
K.K fr.. A1.A . . .L .A.hlAiA fltnut a AMMttn 1lmAnflWin nnrl ftnlclfwl llimhnr
n.anrt sell on the most favorable terras. Lath and Shingles,
Our stock is made nt our own mills, of the best lumber In the state.
he Willamette Hotel.
I R,w.rf .. M.mnrmant libenL Electric a leave bcl lc aH public buildings
I points of interest. Special rates will be git-en to permanent patrons.
iyspxlboiwittsti.JStMfKHoRirnteed.3PtabIo baekof.' State UWIMl Week
The result of the primaries and con
ventions held up to Saturday night in
this congressional district leaves tlio
light Tor tho Republican nomination
Ht Albany April 7 between Ford and
Following telegrams arc condensed
from the Orcgnnlnn and can bo taken
for what they are worth.
Mcminnville, March 28. Tho Re
publican county convention elected
tho following named delegates to tho
district conventien:
William Clirlsman, C. A. Butt, J.
P. Irvine, J. W. Ilobbs, 0, II. -Irvine,
A. Dctmcring, M. O. Lownsdalc. I).
P. Trulllngcr and Gcorgo W. Blbce.
They nro supposed to bo for .Tongue.
Tlio Republican conycntlon rejected
the Guild delegation from North Sher
idan precinct, by a vote of G7 to CO,
whereupon soveral delegates went out
with tho Guild delegation.
Grants Pass, March 28. Tlio Re
publican county convention was held
in this city.
The delegates to the state conven
tion arc:
W. T. Ooburn, C. O. Blgelow, R. A.
Booth, Charles Decker.
Tlio delegation will favor $, B. Mil
ler for congress.
It does not appear .from tho abovo
who arc tho district delogatcs. Ed.
AsiIland, March 28. Tlio Republi
can primaries hero today were tho
most warmly contested over held in
Ashland. Two tickets were In tho
field. .For delegates to the county
convention ono ticket was headed
"Mitchell and Hermann Delegates,"
and the other simply "Republican
Delegates." Of tho eighteen dele
gates chosen for tho three Ashland
precincts, only two straight Mitchell
and Hermann ticket men wcro elected
and tho rest nro unlnstructed. Two
of tlio threo precincts received, with
out objections, motions declaring tho
sense of tho primaries to bo favorable
to Mitchell and Hermann, but West
Ashland precinct voted down by a
laivo majority, a resolution to in
struct tho delegates for them. The
delegation elected is considered con
servative ns a body, with a preponder
ance of sound-money men.
Medford, March 28. Republican
primaries wcro held in North and
South Medford precincts today.
Tlio election is considered a great
victory for the Hon. W. I. Vawtor,
whoso name has been mentioned quite
favorably as a possible successor of
Hon. Blnger nermann, and from re
ports from outsldo precints, which
have also chosen delegates who will
support Mr. Vawtcr, the outlook Is
very encouraging. Tlio victory Is
considered greater on account of tills
being one of Hermann'sstrongcountles
In past elections. Thcro is no doubt
that Mr. Vawter will have the entire
Jackson county-delegation In t lie state
Eugene, March 28. The Repub
lican primaries In all of the precincts
in Lane county wero held, and more
interest was manifested than ever
before m any primary election in this
county. Tho contest did not pivot on
the question of tho general policy of
the party, but all wires wcro worked
for or against individual candidates.
Every man seemed to be worked for
certain delegates, but now that the
delegates are elected, nobody seems to
be able to tell what ticket they will
Eugene Guard: Republican primar
ies are largely attended, and from two
to four tickets are out in each pre
cinct. The main ofllccs contended
over aro senator, sheriff, county clerk
and judge; then, gold and silver is
playing an important hand. It is
stated that tho A. P. A's. aro taking
a live interest in the fight. Each fac
tion have voted a few Democratic
Albany Herald, Sunday; The Re
publican primaries were held yester
day throughout Linn county. The
icoln county C. B.Crosno, R. A.
il, E. J. Davis.
ckamas county.!. W. fMeldruni,
r Pressor, T. F. RyAn, .7. M.
whole numbcrof! delegates elected in
the county Was 215. Tho. delegates
appear" to bo tfjdoly scattered on tho
congressional nomination rind will not
bo solid for rtliy caudldatc.
Salem Statesman spcelal:
Rosedcrg, March 28. The anti
Hermann tlckot for delegates to tho
county convention carried tlio four
Roscburg precincts by overwhelming
majorities. In n total vote of 330
Hermann's candidates received less
than 100. Tlio anti-forces arc headed
by Simon Caro. Roscburg casts
twenty-ono votes out of tlio ninety
nino in the while convention. Doug
las county will send an nntfHcrmanu
delegation from present Indications.
Marlon county II. B.Condlt, F. W.
Hollls, A. F Blackorby, J. H.Roland,
Geo. Blilon, Vm. Fry, J. Hj McNary,
Louis Stlnsbn, R. J. Hendricks, C.
llsun, Prince Byrne, J. Vrjorhecs, J.
C. Johnson, A. J. Richardson, .lap
Mln to, E. E. Molvlnncy, win. Bushy,
C. 1). Hartman, Wm. Waldd delegate
at large. 1
Lincoln county C. B.Crosno, R. A.
G. W,
Tracy, Geo. F. Horton, S. Msltninaby,
T. U. Thomas, J. L, Kruse) II. 8. C.
Phelps, J. S. Vaughn, E.M. IJart tiinii,
J. It. Morton.
coos COUNTY.
Mahshfield, March 20.-fTlie Re
publican county conycntlon was held
March 27. f
The following delegates were elect
ed to attend the state conventien:
D. L. Watson, R. S. Llttlejlcld, W.
Sinclair and 0. W.Olive. !
Tho following resolutions were read
and adepted:
Resolved, That tho delegates to the
Republican convention rcnfllrm our
adherunco to tho platform1 of 1802,
and of thestato convention of 1804.
At .the close of tho convention a
resolution was carried amldrcat en
thusiasm requiring thq delegates to
tho congressional convention to sign
a written promise und leave the same
with tho clerk of tho convention,
agreeing to yoto for Hon. B Hermann
for congressman as long nshfs tiamo
was before tho conycntlon.
The convention ndjourncd with tho
best of feeling, and it was noted that
there was not tho least dissatisfaction,
and nono scorned to bo disappointed.
Linn, April 2.
Washington, April 2.
Ronton, April 4.
Jackson, April 4.
Lane, April 4.
Polk, April 4.
Eugene, March 30. (Special to The
Journal.) The blmetallsts licat the
slnglo standard men In tho city by
getting 30 out of GO delegates to tho
county convention. In tlio county
tho delegations aro solid for that kind
of legislative ticket and congressional
delegation. Baker or Driver will bo
named for senator.
Macleay, and Tllmon Ford of Salem
as candidates for congress, It would
seem that Mr. I lor maim will havo to
seek for the nomination at Albany
Instead of it having to tumblo over
everybody to reach him. Especially
Is this so, when any of tlio nbovo
named gentlemen, in point of Intel
lectual ability, aro hlscqual. Albany
Great New York Fire.
New York, 30. Four pcoplo wero
killed, and two injured in n flro In tho
tenement at 174 Hudson street today.
Tho following Is n list of tno dead.
Thomas Malhoy, 23 yours old, lire
man on tho steamship St. Louts,
Archlbald'Grogan, 35 years old n
waiter, suffocated.
Mary McMahon, single, 22 yea re old,
Margaret Ryan, GO years old, slnglo;
died on tho way to tho hospital, from
injuries recoivcd by jumping from a
Tho Injured are:
Kato Hlgglns, 35 years old, leg frac
tured by falling; Edward Waluh, 20
years old, internally hurt by falling
from a ladder.
Tlio burned building is ono of a row
of three-story structures, owned by
the Trinity church operation. Tho
ground floor was occupied by John II.
Eggcrs, a dealer In eonfcoUoncrd' sup
plies, and the two upper Hours by fatu
ities as dwellings. Tho second lloor,
Immediately over tho confectioners',
was occupied mostly by tlio fainilly or
Thomas McManus. Tho McMiuiub
family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Manus, two sons and two daughters.
Twelve other rooms on that floor wcro
used by the family of McManus, while
tho rear rooms wero occupied by a Mr.
and Mrs. McMahon and tho young
man Mallpy, tho steamship llrcman,
who was' boarding with them. On
the third lloor wcro a number of fam
ilies. It was in tho apartments of tho
McManus family that tho 11 ro origin
ated, so far as tho police and the fire
men aro nolo to dotcrmlne. Nicholas
McManus, ono of tho sons, who slept
In a back room of tho suite, was
awakened by'thoBinoll or smoker He
turned in an alarm, and awakened
the tenants.
It was apparent that tho lives of
many wero in dnnger, for tlio smoko
had permeated cvory part of tho
house, and tho (lames were burning
briskly. All of tho McMiuiuses wero
nblo to mako their way down tho
stairs to tho street, before exit In that
direction was cut off by tho flames.
Nicholas McManus succeeded in help
ing several of the pcoplo by carrying
them down tho stairs through the
blinding smoko into the hallway.
A Crisis Said to Be Near at
The News Sent to Avoid Any Press
McMinnville, March 30. Special
to the Journal. Tho delegation to
thccongrcsslonal convention from this
county is not pledged, but Is against
Hermann, and supposed to be for
Tongue. However, If Mr. Hermann
gets a strong vote on tlio first ballot
many of these votes will coumto him.
If tho Guild delegates had been seat
ed tlio congressional delegates would
havo been for Hermann solid.
The committee on credentials left
the seating of the Guild delegates to
a vote of tho convention, -not includ
ing themselves, hence they wero voted
out and reversed the results.
press opinion.
The Marlon county delegates to tho
dUtrletconvcntlonnt Albany nro solid
for Tllmon Foid for congress. Silver
ton Appeal.
The indications at the present time
seem to warrant tlio prediction that
John II. Mitchell and Blnger Her
mann will be their own successors.
Tlio peoplo of Oregon could easily go
farther and fare worse. Brownsville
The indications now aro that tho
Democrats of the first district will
have to defeat Mr. Hermann for con
gress. Tho republican papers navoall
ready proven that ho should be defeat
ed, and since he appears to have the
inside track in the race for nomina
tion, It will devolve upon some good
Democrat to snow him under. Tho
Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
With T. H. Tongue of Hlllsboro.W.
I. Vawter of Medford, C. B. Matron
of Ashland, C. A. Sehlbrede of Rose
burg, A. 0. Woodcock of Eugene, War
ren Truftt of Dallus, T. T. Geer of
Children Cry for
fitohtr'f Ctrla.
Supreme Court Decision.
Washington, March 30. An
opinion was given by tlio supreme
court todny In a long and short haul
cusc, Involving tho validity of tho
provision of tho Interstate commerce
act prohibiting a higher charge for a
short than for a long haul, appealed
from a decision of the circuit court of
appeals of tho fifth circuit. Tho ap
peal was taken by tho railroads. The
decision of tho court below was
ilrtiMtiiAil I t Mm tiinlit Attn ihlnlnti
holding that In cases of shipments 1
from ono state to another or through
billing railway companies could not
exempt parties and glvo them special
rates. Justlco Brown delivered the
opinion in tho case of Thomas Pear
sail vs. Great Northorn Railway com
pany, holding that tho Great Northern
could not, under Its charter and In
opposition to tho act of tho Minnesota
legislature of 1874, bo consolidated
with tho Northern Pacific, as was
sought to bo accomplished. Field and
Brewer dissented.
Shot By His Wife.
San Francisco, March 30. As
John Martln,drivcr of a patrol wagon,
was sitting In a wagon In front of
police headquarters at tho city hall,
today, his wife came up behind him
and shot him three times with u
pistol. One bullet passed through
Martin's body and he will probably
die. Mrs. Mnrtin gave us a reason for
the shooting that Martin had not
been homo for several nights and last
night was drinking hard. Slio added
alio was tired of his neglect und de
termined to punish him. Hho shows
no regret for the shooting,
Shot by Landlord.
Seattle, March 30. 0. D. Daniels,
who runs the Hydo Park house, In
South Seattle, was arrested this morn
ing for shooting Pat Dougherty, a
machinist, In the back. Daniels also
bent Policeman Frank Krebs nearly
to death. Tho tragedy culminated ns
tlio result of a row at Daniels' saloon.
The latter is a well-known character
here, and Hydo Park house is u notor
ious resort.
Sent from Havana, March 28, to avoid
press censorship.
Key West, March 30. Twonty-ftvo
thousand Insurgents, undor Gqneral
Macro, aro swarming over thq prov
inces or Havana and Plnar del Rtrt,
destroying property, ripping dp rail
ways, and tearing down telegraph
Hues. Forty-llvo thousand Spanish
soldiers nro In tho same territory, nnd
more aro coming. The lusurgonts are
well equipped and havo plenty of
ntnuultlon, nnd are rnpablo of giv
ing tho soldiers n Warm reception.
Tho activity notlcablo about tho
palace of Genoral Woyler seems to
bear out tho Idea that a crisis Is near
at hand.
Havana, March 30. Colonel Mon
ceda, while rcconuoltorlng In tho
vicinity of Slguana, Santa Clara, be
come engaged with the insurgents,
who lort eight killed' and llftcon
woudncd. Tho Insurgents nttacked
tho vitiligo and port of Sumldoro,
provlnco Dol Rio, mud wore repulsed
with a loss of eight killed. Insurgent
leader, Agulrcx, after burning Pet)
Adonlo, was engaged nenr Panlao by
General Mlloulzo. HIh cavalry
charged on the Insurgents, and killed
25. Tho troops had two olllccrs and
live soldiers wounded. Tho Insurgent
loader Segucra was shot this morning
In the fortress of Cabanno. Ramon
Sorpa, on Insurgent leader, was killed
In an engagement near Sauctltiplrltus,
Santa Clara.
The Pittsburg Primaries.
PrrrsnuRa.March 30. Complete re
turns form tho Saturday primaries
show that tho comblno, or McKlnloy
supportors.cnrrlcd Pittsburg, whllo tho
Quayltcs swept tlio county, securing 2
national and 14 stato delegates
out of 27. Representatives W. A.
Stoneand Robort McAfee wcro elected
national delegates on tho Quay ticket
lu tho 231 district, and 0. L, Mngco
and Wllllum Flynn, McKlnloy mon,
In tho 22d.
Three Prisoners Coming.
Special to The Journal,
McMinnville, March 30, 'J? ho
shorlir of Yamhill county-started for
Salem today with threo prisoners for
the penitentiary, and will arrlvo there
this evening. They aro P. Lafforty,
an Iudlan, threo years, for manslaugh
ter; one Donoy, two years, for assault
with a deadly weapon; ono Graco, two
years, for larceny of a China house.
Tho Steamers Sunk,
Oakville, Ont., March 30. Ice on
Sixteen river broke up lust night nnd
caused tho biggest Hood over known
hore. An attempt was mado to pre
vent tho destruction of steamors In
the harbor by chaining them but the
Lucclln and Mascot sunk and a half
dozen othersdlrvou Into Lake Ontario
and disappeared,
Texas Delegation,
Galveston, March 30. Webster
Wilson, ono of Cunoy's trusted lieu
tenants, Is authorized by N. W. Cunoy
to state that tho complexion of the
Texas delegation to tho St. Loulscon
volition Is i I for Allison, 10 for Reed
and six for McKlnloy.
Cut His Throat,
Portland, Or; March 30. Max
Friendly, a liquor dealer on Morrison
street, cut his throat this afternoon.
Ho will probably die. Friendly for
merly lived nt Corvallls, where he was
engaged in tho lumber business.
Not long ago ho had trouble with a
man named Long, whom ho shot,
slightly woundldg him. No cattse
has yet been learned for his at
tempted suicide.
Gets the Medals.
Washington, March 30. Tho house
today passed the senate resolution au
thorizing Ex-Presldont Harrison to
accept certain medals, presented him
by the governments of .Brazil and
Spain. Tho house went into commit
tee of the whole nod took np tho sun
dry civil bill.!
Steamer Agtound.
, NeW York, March 30. Steamer
Paris, of tho American line froia
Southampton, la nground near the
placo whore tho Now York, of the
same lino stranded last month. She
will probably bo lloatcd at high tide.
A Portland Suicide.
Portland, March 30. J.M.Bartsch
n shoemaker of Alblnn, committed
sulctdo this morning on Goycrnmeut
Islnnd, by shooting hlmseir through
tho head. Financial trouble is the
Chicago Fire.
Chicago, March 30. A furious flro
Is rnglng In u four-story brick build
ing on Wnbash nvoiuie, nenr Audito
rium Inn..
Arizona's New Governor.
WABHiNaTON.March 30. Tho presi
dent sent senate nomination to Benja
min J. Franklin, of Arizona, to be
governor of Arizona.
Bank Suspension.
Morris, Minn., March 30 Tho
First Nntlonal bank of this plnco sus
pended this morning. AH depositors
will bo paid In full.
Fletoheu Winb. Tho findings and
decree of Judge llowltt, In tho esse of
"G. W. Dltnlok, J. W. Jory, J. B,
Hcnnlngcr, L. II. McMahon in behalf
of themselves and such other stock
holders of tho Independent Publishing
Co. as may wish to come In, plaintiffs
vs. J, II. Fletcher, AmosSttong, Geo.
T. Ollno nnd tho Independent Pub
lishing Co., defendants," were filed
wlth.tho county clerk Saturday. Tho
court llnds for defendants. Tlio suit
was to set aside n salo of tho company's
newspaper plant mado on Maroh 31,
1804, to J. II. Fletcher, which plain
tiffs alleged was fraudulently done.
Tho conclusions of law aro that tho
salo was regularly mado and tho title
to t(io property passed by tho terms
of tho salo to Mr. Fletcher and that
lie is now tho owner und holder there
of; that plaintiffs' .complaint should
bo dismissed and defendants recover
co9ts and disbursements. Tho decree
confirms the salo.
Carpenters Strike.
Chicago, March 30. About 300
carpenters struck today. Tlio strike
Is expected to spread until 13,000
carpenters of this city will have
ceased work. Tho troublo Is about
tho eight hour day agrcotnent be
tween bosses and their carpenters.
In The Swim, Ring tho blue
boxes or telephone for a bloyclo mes
senger. Lockwood Messenger System.
Funnlo Boles, respondent, vs. Free
Lovo Delay otul.,uppellant; judgment
alllrincd upon stipulation.
J. M. Foster, appellant, vs. 0. M.
Henderson & Co., respondents; appeal
from Multnomah county; argued nnd
Ordorcd that Wm. 0. Bristol be
admitted to practice as an nttorney lu
the courts of this state, upon certifi
cate from the supremo court of tho
stato of Washington, for nine months.
Recommended by Judgo W. W. Lang-
horn of Washington, Attorneys Chas.
F. Lord, T. 8. Potter, Thos. Green
and A. King Wlllson.
For Portland, Salem Gardners
Savage and Fields aro shipping by ex
press about a ton a week of cnull
Mower, lettuce und rhubarb. The
express on these articles in 35 cents n
Remkmiier Tho emigration meet
ing at tho council chamber Monday
night, and bo sure to attend.
New Notaries. Wm 8tewurtt
Halsu'y; J. M. Jordan, Salem; I. Gold
smith, Portland; wero commlsslono
Cheap Rates to I'risco,
Tho cheap rates of tlvo dollars cabin
and two-lifty steorngo Including meals
and berth are still In effect on the
O.B. & N. Cq's., steamers from Port
land to San Francisco.
Steamers leuvo Portland every Hve
days. 3--l n
Highest of all la Leavening Power. LateU U. S. Gov't JRcpwt
Amtvwnmt wvmx