fTPnsir i yr- 7 .- r -g-.W - ,,- tVT4 f" r'7iiv"Kw "" r ' f 3--FV"1'"" " rifmw- V" 1" --r ;ensure of bayard Vnm thfi SflBGCh of Hon, R. G. Cousins, in I0USE OF REPRESENTATIVES, slivered on Wednesday, 18, 1896, March tMr. Speaker: It Is a matter or great ,'rct that tho nation should bo ; Mined to sutfer tho humiliation that i jecessarlly ensues rrom any Inquiry the congress Into the conduct or fecial character or a prominent rep-j ,,,,., t m, tentative of the government. The lsure 01 it Illgll UIIIUHU 19 IWU Ulliy llsapproval of his misconduct bub Is kcwlse a confession to tho world ilch reflects somewhat upon the Ivernment which Is obliged to make Nevertheless, tho -duty to dlsap- 9vc a wronir must not bo shirked for mere sake of avoiding the huml- on which may possibly attend it. o subject having been brought to i attention of this body, It must In ie manner be disposed of. Either must approve or we must dlsap- yc. i' or my pari, i wouiu very sell prercr that it had never become eessary ror this subject to be pro feted Into congress. To bo obliged kmakc a public record of an excep- ial perrormance so out or color and Pj iplng witn tno nigu cnaractcr tuat heretofore characterized and been intlancd In our representation at i court of Great Britain is for mo a Iter of profound regret. Hien wo recall tho names of tho sy and uistlngtiisucd reprcscnta- who in times past have rcpre- ed this republic of St. James, wo that the succession or honor and ity and ability had not thus been 2ii. But this deliberate and un- itiplcd breach or diplomatic di tto this ungrateful, unprovoked, . unbecoming Insult to a majority the people or America, to her ills- julHhed Hying and to her honored k1, by one who bore their conll- ce, their mission, and credentials tust not bo loft unchallenged, since Has entered the annals or our diplo ic history. Tho charge on which resolution rests is not denied. It hn fact, admitted. Tho answer or president to tho Inquiry of the use of representatives contains th speeches of Mr. Bayard that are aplaincd of. riio first speech delivered nt Boston, gland, is reported in the Boston rdlan and the Lincolnshire Inde- Klcnt of August 10, 1693, under the iwlng headlines: iston, East and West Tho Amerl- n Ambassador visits the Borough peech mv at tno Grammar Jhool Complimentary Dinner- Presentations of An Illuminated address. Nils account of tho address is au- itlo, because Mr. Bayard attaches Ho his letter to tho secretary of to, Mr. Olney. Ills only explana- of the silly a flair is that he spoke Itliout premeditation," that every- g was "Impromptu," and that "a sorous postpradlnal tone" pre- led, and that tho reporters failed 'catch his words, sometimes in tin, and confused them. Laugh- 1 fills authenticated account goes on y that his excellency (Mr.Bayard) accompanied by his worship the for, who woro his "robes and chain nice," and that several of the best ens were present. It also informs iliat Mr. Bayard's lineage can be ed back to tho same family as that io "ideal chivalry," the Seigneur rro du Terrall de Bayard, the valler sans pcur ct sans reproche. Jghter. laving thus laid a substantial nidation for the social standing of i American amoassaaor exiraoruui- rand plenipotentiary among the imar scholars of Lincolnshire, tho unt further says that: ir. Bayard's acknowledgment wa3 irked by a depth of feeling, asin- ty of tone. m, whether It was "humorous postprandial" or with "depth of feeling" and "sincerity or tone," the confusion. Mr. Speaker, Is no doubt satisfactorily explained by the news paper account of the ambassador at tached to Ills letter to the socrotnrv of state, nnd which says that borne of those which took part in the evening proceedings lietraycd a lack or appreciation or tho Import ance of tho guest, otherwise they would not have Interrupted his re marks by tho cracking of llllberts. Great laughter. ( Iain not quite sure, Mr. Speaker, that we should hold an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, etc., strictly responsible ror his "post prandial" Latin jokes delivered to a grammar bcIiooI or English pupils while cracking filberts. It Is possible) that some future generation of' ! Lincolnshire pupils, In a more serious and thoughtful mood ana in more . .. ... . . . i I , , . i solemn, environments, may translate , ""-'" """-,'0i """""', Miu .Lriiiiiii oi ino minister inu genu- h English Of courso it la a terrible thing to perpetrate a joke that may He dorm nnt In an English community for a generation until tho pupils who cracked filberts during Its delivery in Latin have grown old and passed away, but, as Mr. Nye suggested, "even arter that it Is liable to break out on their posterity." Laughter and applause. And so time may eventually vindicate the Latin por tions or Mr. Bayard's address, and reconcile his own and the English re ports and appreciation or It. Passing oyer Tor tho present cen tuiy, Mr. Bayard'sracctlous acknowl edgements, we como to tho evening speech, which Is mostly in English, and about which there Is no confusion and which caused so much or cheer ing In England and so little lti Amer ica. Laughter and applause.' Responding to the toast "The President of the United States," among other things he said: lie stands In the midst of a strong, self-confident and oftentimes' violent people men who seek to have their own way, and men who seek to haye that way rrequently obstructed; nndl tell you plainly that It takes a real man to govern the peoplo of the Uni ted States. Fortunately In this case there Is a real man to govern tho peo ple of tho United States and hold their highest olllco. Ho may dis please a great many, he may dis appoint and obstruct u great many, and I hope ho will continue to do so, etc. Then he proceeds to assuro his Eng lish audience that tho life of the president Is "an open one" and "straightforward," and that "his honesty has never been questioned," and that-"little children cluster around his kneo" laughter; and that for four years of his duty to sco Mr. Cleveland "In the morning and at noon and at midnight, in the house hold and out of It," every day, and that he saw him In times of trials and of pleasure, .and that he was al ways "true and steady and manly and just." Anasojie loauieu to mo uouoen Club and tho school or Manchester and to his prejudice, and told Great Britain that protection In America had "banished men or Independent mind and character from its public councils." When ho knew that the list of Its Illustrious advocates, begin ning with thodlstinqulshcd names of "Washington, Madison, and Franklin, had never ceased to grow where progress marked tho way until It had recorded in tho register of Independ ent mind and fame the names of Clay, or Jackson, or "Webster, or Lincoln, or Grant, of Garfield, or Randall, and or Blaine. Loud applause on tho Re publican side. And he knew that al most on tho very day he uttered ;that Indictment, the list or Independent minds that champion thedoctrlno of protection In America had grown to the greatest and most significant ma jority that ever spoke their Independ ence at a popular election. Applause on the Republican side. He knew when he uttered that libel on the memory or the greatest states man of America that If you Bhould Jjlot out the list of names Identified with the doctrine of protection In our history you would leave It a literary desert a insignificant and barren of achievement as Disraeli's grandfath er's Chapter of Events that never took place, Laughter and applause. With a band of Iron in either band March April, May are most emphatically tho months for taking a good blood purifier, because the system is now most In need of such medicino, and becauso it moro quickly responds to medicinal dualities. In winter Impurities do not pass out ot tho body freely, but accumulato In tho blood. April Tho best modtcino to purify, enrloh and vitalize tho blood, and thus glvo strength and build up tho system, Is Hood's Baraa parllla. Thousands tako it as their Spring Medicine, and moro are taking it today than over bof ore. If you aro tired, " out of May , sorts," nervous, have bad tasto In tho '. .., or riI, hMll "! morning, aching or dizzy head, sour siomacn ana reel nil run down, a courao . of 1Iood,B Sflr8aparlIln w)u put y;u body In good order and mako you strong and vigorous. It is tho Ideal Bpring Medicino and true norvo tonic, becaubo Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Wood rurMer. AUilriiscNtt .!. Prepared only by C. I. Hoodft Co.. l.cmrll. V,i Hood's Pills rc imri'ly wih ri fulljr prepared. ,vhm it started at tho Orient and with Its ( Hiiitibllmcund determined face toward i the west It took un Its contlucnal march. It would not stop. Where It could .not find a place ito stand It spanned with Iron. It laughed and tolled and hurried on 'until at last it found tho Occident. Applause. Then it becamo a moiling, tireless spider and wove tho desert Into a web of commerce. It stopped at every station and took the produco or tho farm and left tho product of our own Amsrl can factory. It looked into the child hood faco or citizenship and studying Its tendency or faculty or genius, opened a thousahd doors of virions and dllTcrent enterprise and said: "Denizen of tho free Republic, tako your choice." In short Itsct Amorlca to worklind at tho highest wages over paid In any land. Applause. nARD TIMES FACTS. GOOD niUDINQ FOK THE FAMILY CIRCLE. Every reader of tTiiE Journal should look up tho list of premiums given absolutely freo with this paper. Tho Weekly Journal at 31 a year Is tho cheapest paper on tho Pacific coast, yet with It wo glvo yearly sub scriptions to any of tho following valuable publications, each known to the world as a standard In Its ilcldO Tho Toledo Blade, Tho Queen or Fashions, Womankind, Tho Farm News, Tho Child Garden. These valuable publications .aro each worth a 81 a year, yet wo glvo you your choice, one year Tree, for a $1.50 subscription to The Journal, either tho Daily for six months or tho Weekly for eighteen months. Seethelist, and don't neglect to profit by It. Don't bo deceived Into paying for so-called premiums offered with high priced papers at a slight advance. Remember The Journal Is tho rheapest newspaper on the Pacific coast, and It gives you high grade premiums without additional charge When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wbeu she had Children, she gave them Castoria. POLITICAL. EVENTS, Polk county Republican primaries, Friday, April 3. Polk county Republican convention at Dallas, April 4. First congressional district Repub lican convention at Albany on Tues day , April 7. State Democratic convention ut Portland April Oth, Republican national convention meets In St. Louis, June 10. Democlatlc national- convention meets In Chicago. July 7. National Populist convention, St. Louis, July 22. fo uuia wi ucuo As a remedy for all forms oi iiexlaclicf Electric Hitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headache yeilds to Its Influence. We urge all who are afllic'ed to proiure a bottle, an! give (his remedy a fair trial In cat: of habitual constipation Elec tric Ditters cares by giving thi needed (one to the bowels, and few case long resist the use of this medicines. Try It once. Fifty cents and !,oo at Fred A. Lens's Drug store. Children Cry for PtAhr's Oastoria, CALL. FOR CONVENTION. A Republican convention for the state of Oregon Is called to meet liv tho city of Tortland, on Thursday, April 0. 1800, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose or nominating candidates ror the presldontnl electors and state ' nml district olllccs, except congress- mru, and of electing four delegatesat liuo to tho Republican national con vention, and to transact such other uslncss as may properly como before che convention. IMie convention will oimlst of 217 del egates chosen by tho evcral counties as follews: Baker G Benton G Clackamas.... 12 Clatsop 7 Columbia 6 Coos 4. Crook 3 Curry 2 Douglas 0 Gilliam .'I Grant 5 Harney 2 Jackson 7 Josephine '4 Klamath 2 Lake 3 Lane 10 Linn 10 Lincoln 3 Malheur 3 Marlon 10 Morrow 3 Multnomah 48 Polk 8 Sherman 3 Tillamook 3 Umatilla 0 Union 8 Wallowa a Wasco 7 Washington ....11 Yamhill 0 Tho samo being one delegatc-at-largo from each county and one dele gate for every 200 votes and for every fraction over one-half thereof cast for tho Republican cimdldato ror governor at the election held In this state on Juno 4, 1801. All voters In favor or tho Republi can principle or protection to Ameri can Industries and American labor the unbuildlnc or a home market, a sound financial policy and a patriotic enforcement of tho Monroe doctrlno aro cordially Invited to unite with us. George A. Steel William Kapus, Chairman. Secretary. Portland, Or., Feb. 5, 1890. DISTRICT CONVENTION. A tltcmibllcau convention for tho first congressional district, or tho state or Oregon, Is hereby called to meet In the city or Albany on Tues day, April 7, 1800, at 3 p.m. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for congress and two delegates to tho national Republican convention. The convention will consist of 122 dclo gates to Iks chosen by the several counties, us follews: Benton f Coos 4 Curry 2 Clackamas ....12 Josephine .... 4 Jackson 7 Douglas 0 Klamath 2 Lane 11 Lake , . 3 Lincoln 3 Linn 10 Marlon 11) Polk 8 Tillamook 3 Washington ....11 Yamhill 0 Tho samo being one delegate at largo for each county,and one for each 200 votes, or fraction over one-half thcreor, cast ror tho Republican gov ernor at tho election held Juno 4, 1801. The commltto recommends that the primaries and county conventions bo held In accordance with tho recom mendation or tho state central com mittor Thos. II. Tongue, President. J. A. Wilson, Sccrotary. Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portions or the car. Thoro Is only ono way to euro dear ncss, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition or tho mucous lining or tho Eustachian tit bo. When this tube gets lufiamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, und when it Is entirely closed deaf ness is the result, and unless the In flammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will ho destroyed forover; nlno cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an In limned condition of the mucous sur face. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred JDollars for any caso or deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot ho cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sond for clr culurn free F.'j. Chennev &Co., Toledo O sjgrSold by Druggists, 75 conts. Lost. A medium sited blacky leather hand Crip, containing letters, pension papers and other articles, Including u bottle of bear's oil. D. L. McLain. Report to thisollice Will pay littoral reward. lo-tf "DR.MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Ben efactor to Thousands." " V a WIDELY tticjirn YYi cn publisher, who roiue tt P'o:o Uay, writes March eta, lsW. os folio- "Plro years o;o 1 bo-am m nervous that mental worx waj lKiru- I cou.ii wot reel at night on suvouut of uovpU-t-autm. My attention was calUd to It lllo lltor tlve Nervine, aud I tciatnonccd to una It with tho very teat eCor.u t'uw tnen I havo kept ft tottlo Ju my auu.u &od woK wbenovcr ray nones Ucimio unst run;, wlin always tho 1 vao good results, 5ir Kii Uo Dr. Miles' ttKts 11 zor iiervouMii with liko never lolling tacces. I baveiccom tended it to tnauy and it cares them. All who suZer from norvo troubles should try ii. Nerviue Restores Health It Is free from narcotics, perfectly Winn ie, and yet soothes sod strenciheos. ls Miles, through his Nenrino u a, benefactor to thousands." A. O. LHnjlAK. Editor and propriiior of Den Iukdsiux, Pr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on gusrnnte st bottle will benefit or money refunded. 1 Was sM- '.Mryiwr LtfcKI W h for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Knowh,. Batenian'a Drops, Codfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soolhlnff Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? fto Vni Know that opium and morphine arc ttupefylnff narcotic potions? o Von Ksnw that In most countries druggists are not permitted tostltnarcottes without labeling them potions f o Von Know that you should not permit any medicine to he clvea your child unless you oryour physician know of what It is composed? Ho You Know that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparaUon, and that a list of Ma Ingredients is published with every bottle r o Von Know that Castoria is the prescription orthc famous Dr. Bumuel tttcher. That It has been lu use for nearly thirty years, aud that more Castoria Is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined? Po Von Know that the Talent Office Department of the United Blatcs, and of other countries, have, issued exclusive tight to Dr. rllcher and his assigns to use the word Castoria and its formula, and that to imitate them is n state prison oOense? Io Von Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection ts because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely liarmleHH? Io Von Know that 33 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 39 cent b, or cue cent a dose ? o Von Know that when possessed oflhls perfect prepa ration, yourchUdrenmay he kept weU, and that you may have unbroken rest? Well, tlieac tUUigw are worth knowing. They are facts. Tlte fac-ffttnlle faf55T wlgwatnre Children Cry for TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST Ss nu J Scvvlco aud Scenerj Vnetjmillcd TnoufjJi Palace and Tourist Cava Trains leave Portland and Seattle dally for the East. Tickets, reservations and baggago checked to all points. For comfort in travel take'tlie Great Northern. BOZORTH BROS., Agents. R. C. STEVENS. G. W. 1, A.. Seattle, Wash. A. 11. C. DENNISTON.'T.C. 1'. & T. A.. Portland Oi. Through Tickets TO THE EAST ! VIA THE Union Pacific System. "" Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourls Sleepers and I'reo Reclining Chairs dally between JPOJtTLAND to CHICAGO Our trains are heated by steam and .tr lighted by Pintsch light. Time to Chlcano, 3 1.2 days Time to New York, 4 1-2 days, Which is many hours quicker than com petitors. For rates, time tables and Misinform ton apply to JIOISIH tO JiAliJUM, Agents, Silem, Oi, R. W. BAXTER, C. 11. WINN, General Agent, DIst. Pats. Agent ' 135 Third Street. Portland. OREGON CENTRAL ,AND- Eastern R. R. Company YAOUINA BAY ROUTE. Connecting at Yanulna Hay with the fa'ao Francisco & ysqulna my Bteamihlp Co. STEAMER "FARALLON," a 1 and firit.clsis In every respect. Sails from Ysqulna for San Francisco about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or polntt west Jo Ban Franclscoi Cabin, $13; steerage, $8; cabl round trip, good 60 days, $18, For sailing dates apply to II. IJ.VALDEN. Agent, Albany. Or. CIIAS. CLARK. Corvallls, Or. EDWIN HldNr;, Manager, tXrvalliJ, Or, A. J. CHURCHILL, Local.' Agent. Salem. PennYroyal pills Itn4i mmZlMmmJ U U4 4 U " nr tiif.iwy - m u, tulul aiik Uu tUWa. Tak n' 4HMV o"jriVSTj,. l tumut M MrtlMlv.. UfUU. ui 4MMHW HHw.wm tt (A SbB If X m p In oh every wrapper Pitcher's Castoria. 1 urn m ROUTE. Dlntnjf and Buffet- TMmiry Curn I WllMfcUssmwsssfsjsfcsyssitlii4ii.si" w . runs; Pullman Sloopim Cars Elegant Dinln Cars. Tourist Sloopino- Garb ToSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, targo, uranu runes, i.rooxsion, Winnipeg, Helena and Hutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Wathlngton, Philadelphia, New YorK, notion, ana all roints East and South For Information, time-cards, maps and tickets, call on or wrllo THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, ""., 2G5 Commercial srrcet, Salem, Or. A, D. Charlton, Ant. Gcn'l. Pass, Ant., Morrison st corner Third Portland, Or. 0. R. &, N. CO. E. M'NElLL, RECEIVER,: TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF Two. Transcontinental 1 Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis St'l'aul and Den ver Omaha and Kansas Ciiy,aLow rales la eastern cities, OCEAN CITIES. Portland San Fjanclsco, Steamers leave Aiusworth dock, Portland, March 33 and 28, and April 2, 7, 12, I7,,'l snd 281I1 at 8 p. rn. Fare Cabin, ft steerage, ti.so. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION, Portland Eugene. Steamers Elmore and Ruth leave Salem for Eugene and Corvallls Saturdays, Sundays Tuesdays and Thursdays at about 5 p. rn, Iave for Portland Mondsys, Tuejday, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a. m, Lowest freight and pastenger rates, Round-trip tickets vera cheap. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points wlth6ut extra transfer charges. F01 full details call on ltolte & liarker, agents, Salem, Oregon, or address, W. II. IIURLIIURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full detain call on or address G. M. POWERS, Foot of Trsdest. Locsl Agent. Have You teen th newr Pouoni Put Box! It is given fro with each box of Fowdsr. Ask fur it. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- Shasta Route. OF '1I1E Southern Pacific Co, California Express Train Run dai, between Portland and San Francisco. South North " T Portland si. lv Salem (v. ar. Sun Fran, lv, ,.11:00 p.m. I 0145 a m' Above trains stop at Eaut Portland, Oregon City, Wo dburu, Salem, Turner, Mai ion, leflerscn, Albany. Albany Junction, Irving, Eugene, Cresw.ll, Dtain, and all stations from Roseburu tu Ashland, inclusive. RO3KB0HO MAIL UAW.Y. South , I North :3U 11.111. lv.rortlniuliir. 4:40 p.m. 11:00 n.m. lv. Sitlcm lv. 2:20 p.m. r:!i0l.w. I :ir. Itocb'g lv. 8:30 u.m. BALKM l'ABSKNQBlt. South 1 I North" '4:00 p.m. lr. I'ortlnntl nr. 10:03 n.m. il:ir p.m. I nr. Salem lv. 8:00 n.m. DINING CARS ON OODEN ROUTE PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS aud second-class sleeping cars attached to all trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, llclNseen Portland and Corvallls, dally (ex cept Sunday. 1 7130 a.m. Lv, Poitland. Ar" Ar. Corvallls. Lv 6120 p. in 12:15 pm '351' '" At All.antl (liifl fVirvflllli ffirtni.', urltl. tru.ns of Otegon Central & Eastern Railroad, Express train dally except Sunday 4145 1- 7125 p. m. iLv. Portland Ar I Ar.MoMintill.;Lv, Iv7 SS5T 6:50 a. THROUGH TICKETS to all points In the Eastern Stales, Canada and Europe can lie obtained at lowest mtci from W.W. SINNER, Agenl. Salem. E. P, ROGERS, At. G. F. & P. A.. Purtlaiix! Or. R, KOEIILER, Manager. go, Miiwara h Si. Paul Ry.. :glance at this map. Of the Chicago, Milwaukee Jand St. Paul Railway and note Its connection with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha, and rumember when going east that Us trains are lighted with electricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is tupcrb. Elegant Duffel, library, smoking and sleeping cars, with free recllnlrg chairs. Each sleeping car lieitlihas an electric reading lamp, and Its dining cars aro the best In the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above lux urlous accommodations. There are sufficient reasons for the ponularltyof "The Mllwsu. kee." Coupon ticket agents in every rail, road office will give yon further Inclination, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Tray. Pass. Agent. Portlands TRAM MAStlt. MIWM lATKNTt For Information and tn Ksadbooh writ Sa MUWN A: CO., Ml Uaaiowsv. Maw Vomc. OIJms burtau for mcuHm suat la Am.rics. Kirr rtnttVaooutlr WU trouht tplon Ut pttLUa tiy a uoUe aim fr ototiars M but Sf timmis mttim tArytt eivi'a" nntfnr rrfnttrorrrlnl W . ' . Jr t .J(rl'. wriffiwilB, vi m r.Br nfKWMHM Ut HHUMWiawil uim s .bk la ttmr tM mmir&i free SpKUtlrsnivuvlUnltrMf luil.Uul UMtwltwIliih UwhMllAl,'UMllkMwiMlPMM- llMt)w.lh. Mse.'.roa. KfrMrlt4m w 0. 0. H. ftnt Mnii l-'nwCuBPusslllltVHIS MMjablhMsJk SI liiafcM I wammmmmmmmmmmm sibssssibs 1 Hljr ti sea puhMos, rnowMly fur Uoniifrfcu, 'lil, titrmaiarr(aa. WbitM, uuulurl etisrso or r iuHsaut lluu, liriiviiuu wr ulcr. Hon of 11 a nils iwtao r Itui l rUla wnMH, if.ll. v twSIW. J... ,lli SM i -wlMi Tfc Your WH onottllMhadomI,ooJn For . Tbty are flvea free with each Vo ot poni. ill ' unica (11T1H BBOTAStlj j9j ITY "llwwl,lH j L i ' - mm r''-ssfm Vl".ss k.Lis ssssssrXfVsssssssNn Ui ' ssssWsssC. NT Mt I u S Ut. tSn V MJKIUf. S frniMU H.U.U. wSS mlmi fof siewGa. lSjkSMMMHMri,0.JBp ssssW p- " 'Jm 'M