Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 28, 1896, Image 2

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ieiiiiiitt "
III IITI - '" ' " IIIMMjUM '
f5VTufrreIlr for pftlw ia the back, sld, chest, or
limb, h an q ,
AIlCOCK S Plaster
Bear IN MiND-Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita
tions is as good as tne genuine.
Daily Capital Journal
SATURDAY, MAKCH 28, 189(5.
Bit. J. K. SMITH, of Salem,
II. L. llAUKLKr, of Woodlmrn,
E. V. CHAPMAN, of Hrooks,
DAVID CRAIG, of Macleay.
County Judge,
OIIOVB V. TBUUELL, of Meliatna.
County Coiimilswloiicr,
.1. is'. DAVJW, of Sllvcrton.
County Clerk,
L. V. EHLEN, or Huttcvllle.
V, T.'WMOIITMAN, of Salem.
V. W. WATERS, of Salem.
.1. W. IIOIJART, of Giirllelcl.
IJ. 15. HEKRIOK, of Yew Park.
Scliool Superintendent,
0 KO. "V. JONES, or Jcrfcrson.
A. M. CLOUOII, of Salem.
"Tlio Spigot,' fitato organ or tlie
Liquor and Cigar Dealers Association,
lias following "Items Unit Imvo leaked
W. A. Clclutid thinks ho Is slated
for municipal Judge on tho Simon
Judgo Henry McGinn realizes the
hard row ho has to hoo for re-election.
II. F. Gulllxson will take anything
in tho lino or political crumbs loft ly
ing around loose.
District Attorney Htimo Is think
ing of starting a paper In order to
hold his own with tho Orcgonian.
Chief of Police Mlnto will go back
to Salem K tho nntl-Slmon faction Is
vanquished at tho Republican primar
ies. Tho hottest light for tho ofllco of
district attornoy Is bolng made by
Air. A. Sears, Jr., candldato of tho
Simon faction, and John Hall, candl
dato of tho antls.
Ucnoral Kapus wants to bo county
assessor bccjuiso ho worked n short
tlmo for AsschSorGrconkuf uiul knows
all about tho onico, but will tako tho
rccordcrshlp or circuit clerkship If ho
can't get anything else.
During tho past fowiiiontlis.liirtcctl,
Hrltlsh trade has shown a '.decided If
not u very great Improvement. Tho
llrst half or 18o; was not encouraging,
but In tho second luiir not only for
eign commerce, but domestic Indus
tries, mado great gala. Thore was an
Inereaso of 28,000,000, or nearly fi per
cent, in tho value or exports and and
Imports; bank clearings Increased ror
tho year over 1,250,000,000, or closo
upon 20 por cent', rallrord tmillo re
ceipts Increased mora than 1,000,000,
and tho total tonuago of vessels
launched wus 1,000,078 tons against
1,070,470 tons In"l80l. Tho most con
elusive proof of tho better condition
or tho pcoplo at largo Is found in tho
consumption of tea; eolTco, cocoa, to
bacco, wines, spirits and lecr, which
reached the enormous nmountof 2il,.
800,000 pound or tea.2U82.000 pound
or cocoa, Oi,:W7,O0O pounds or tolmcco,
11,030,000 gallon or wine, 30,011,000
or spirts uml 32,20(1,000 luirrels or leor.
This was not duo to any rise in ti0
rates of wages, but only to the greater
total amount paid kvaiiso or tho
greater number or the employed. A
more convincing proof of tho growing
prosperity or Great llrltaln Is found
in tlw Increase or 8,003,000 in tho
savings bank deposits of 1805 over
i!.,0mUH,nKft,nst 'nereaso
xi ..,.8UI ?wr. 3 ot UW.O0O.
0 18SQW Muh,l,aU ,n T,, w. March
Adopt a County Platform on Various
We arc In favor of the present exist
ing laws being amended so as to com
pel all foreign emigrants to reside In
the United litatcs a period of seven
years and to bo able to read and write
tho English language before being
granted the right of franchise.
Wo ask our representatives and sen
ator to use their best endeavors to pass
alawtoglvo the voters of each pre
cinct the ptlvilegoor electing 'their
road supervisor. As the salaries of
ninny ftate and county nlllcers are
out of pioportlon to what the tax
payers are making since the good "old
Democratic times have come, wo ask
tho legislature or this state to lower
all such salaries no that tho burden of
taxation may be reducd to conform to
the Income of the people that have to
pay them.
Wo arc In favor of tho voters elect
ing the United States senators by a
popular vote and wnnzd request our
representatives In congress to vote for
an amendment to the constitution so
that the will of the voter may not be
disregarded and the state may not bo
We will not vote ror anyone for rep
resentative unless he will plcdgo him
self to work to abolish tho railroad
commission and also to lower tho faro
and freight rates on railroads.
We will not vote for anyone for tho
olllcoof representative unless he will
plcdgo hlinself to vote against appro
priating any money for normal or any
other school (the public uchool ex
cepted) as we bcllovo It Is not right to
tux tho poor to educate tho children
of tho rich.
Wo pledge our candidates for tho
legislative assembly to favor the In
itiative and referendum by doing all
In their power to can so all Important
state questions and local laws to be
referred to tho vote of tho people In
tcrcsted so far as It can Ixj done under
our constitution.
Wo demand tho enaction ot a law
or laws whereby those Indulging In
law suits shall bo mado to bear tho
burden or said sults.ias fees charged
by tho officers for tholr services, and
tho odlccrs to turn tho samo Into tho
county, and to bo held strictly ac
countable ror tho same. We requested
those representing us In our legisla
tive bodies to vote and .work for wild
It Is the sense or this convention
that tho county court, at Its next ses
Ion bo petitioned and instructed to
restore wages to a basis or not less
than $1.50 por day for each man and
$3 a day for a man and his team em
ployed on county roads.
The state Is over a million dollars
In debt. Tho threo asylums are over-
Dtonchitia Cutcd,
Maclkay, Or., Jan. 30, Mw. After
laving tho grip va left with rliou.
inatlRinand bronchitis, Tho doctor
cured the rheumatism, but my throat
wm ailll In a Ivul condition. My
mother, had been using Hood'uSnrsai;
arilU Biul l thought I would try ft.
After 1 had taken ono bottle of tills
Mljoino tny throat was all right.
ar.Kuiiua(l,Smertil. KM
"I'lUW-uw biliousness, indl.
drawn and tho banks have refused
them further credit. Tho schools arc
without funds and tho treasurer Is
uuablo to pay any of the claims of tho
members of tho legislature except
tholr mlleagoaud stationery expenses.
Industrial Leador.
Tho abovo Is a sample of tho stuff
that appears In some of our Populist
exchanges. It may bo trim of some
other state but It Is nottruo or Ore
gon. Hut It will bo swallowed bv lots
or Innocent and ignorant people.
. ' ' 1 n
Wo all know that any tired muscle
can bo restored by rest. Your stomach '
Ik a museln. ni-Mtwrwln u ,,.,.,.,.
or saying "I am tired. Give me rest."
iu rest, uio summon you must do ts
work outside or tho body.
This Is the Shaker's method or cur
ing indigestion, and Its success Is best
attested by tho fact that these people
are practically free from what Is with
out doubt tho most prevalent of all
tl season. Tho Shaker Digestive Cor
dial not only contains digestive food
which Is promptly absorbed without
axing tho tired digestive organs, but
It Is likewise an aid to tho digestion
of other fowls In tho stomach. A 10
cent .bottle will convince you of Its
merit, and Uicms you can obtain
through all druggists.
if.fixl l8. tUo bcst "icdlclno for
children. Doctor rvconnuend R m
placo or Castor Oil. " '
RKMEMUKU Tho cinlirniMmi i.,.,.
lug at tho council chamber Monday
"Wit, and bo sure to attend.
in .UIIHlllMUj i,, I ! i.yi
mn wl Nervous Debility.
Wind, Kltfct ox Error
Lfc"(M,1." OM or
.. . liooutt. Noblo
Happenings Noted at Old Willamette
By Our Correspondent.
Prof. F. S. Dunn will conduct the
Joint Y. W. and Y. M. C A. meeting
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Lcgg was absent from school
the past week owing to sickness' of his
brother, F. A. Lcgg.
Mlsi Dean Kitchen spent Sunday
with her parents at Stayton, return
ing to school Tuesday.
Review for the third term of school
commences Mondny, preparatory to
tho regular term examination, three
weeks distant.
Sweet Williams do not appear to
thrive beneath the university dome,
although they enjoy an unprecedented
growth beneath the state house dome
From what took place In the labora
tory u few days since, it Is evident
that Mr. Carter still holds tho
Kitchen, a valuablo apartment of the
The Improvements to our campus,
before mentioned, arc about, com
pleted, and old Willamette's athletes
will soon commence regular training
for Held day.
Hon. and Mrs. G. M. Irwin, Mrs. J.
U. Sharpe, Miss Tlllle Rest and Miss
Parrlsh, of Monmouth, Misses Allle
Davl9 nnd Ermine Riishticll and W.
O. Paige were chapel visitors this
Chapel rhctorlcals last week were:
Monday, recitation, Helta Field;
Tuesday, essay, Rebecca Baldarcc;
Wednesday, recitation, lit. Gulss;
Thursday, recitation, Ida Harris,
Friday, essay, F. E. Drown.
At a recent meeting of the Y. M. C.
A., olllcers were elected as follews:
President, C. J. Atwood; vice-president,
Prof. F. S. Dunn; recording sec
retary, S. P. Early; corresponding
secretary, F. E. Drown; treasurer,
GuyC. Miller.
About a dozen fellows enjoyed a
'cross country run Friday afternoon.
Ed. Carter and bis men, F. E. Drown,
Carl Drown, Murphy, Wllklns, Rich
ardson and Shlves formed one party,
and Hal Hlbbard and Ogle, Aschen
brenner, Llvcsay and Winn formed
tho other. Very good time was made,
but owing ton mistake mado by the
timekeepers, It was called a tic.
At tho regular meeting of the Phllo
doslan society Friday nrtcrnoon an
excellent program was given. Owing
to the sickness and resignation or
Miss Pauline Durcham, president or
tho boclcty, Miss Myrtle Mnrsh was
elected to that olllcc. Miss Dessle
Shcpard was also named to succeed
Miss Agnes Drown who is absent from
school on account or sickness.
Tho membership contest between
tho two literary bocletles is still
progressing witli unabated energy.
as a result, several new members are
bolng received Into each society. Tho
outcome Is hard to predict, as both
societies are doing their best. How
ever, tho contest will provo a great
benefit in increasing the number ot
members and tho Interest In the work.
Heretofore one or our most Indus
trious you ni gentlemen students has
been of tho opinion that tho nearer ho
got to tho realms above, tho better he
could commit his lessons but he has
boon obliged to dismiss such Ideas and
will hereafter probably study cither
at homo or in his session room. It
happened thus: Ono sultrv afternoon
during school hours not long slnco
tins young gentleman, uccoinnanled
by a follow (?) student passed up to
tho fourth floor of tho university
ostensibly to study his lessons, but an
unexpected visitor put In his appear
ance and as a result our student
mourns tho kindness of tho faculty
ror awarding hlni "ono demerit for
ubscucu from session room during
study Hours."
At tho regular meeting of tho Phllo
dorian society last evening four young
gentlemen wore initiated and appll
cations from four others ror member
ship were favorably acted upon. A
good musical and literary program
was given tho last number beluga
debate which proved quite spirited.
Tho subject for dobato was: "Re
solved that tho United Stntes notes
should lie retired." Tho aulrmatlvo
was well represented by Messrs. Carl
Nlcklln, C. J. Atwood and Ernest
Wilson, while I. P. Calllson, P. L.
Drown and A. O. Garland presented
some strong arguments for tho nog
atlve. Howover tho aulrmatlvo won
tho day mld great applause.
Comer of Center and High streets.
n. A. Denton, pastor. Morning ser
mon at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at
12 m. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m.
Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 p. in. Tepic:
"Things That Keeps Us From God."
Lender Dose Woodruff. Evening ser
mon at 7:30. Subject; "How to Hun."
Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.
in. Morning subject. "The Sublime
Christ;" evening subject, "What the
Dook of Esther Teaches Its Message
to Us and Ours." A choir of male
voices will lead the singing. Sunday
school at 12 m.; Junior Edcavor at 3
p. m.; Y. P. S. O. E. at 0:30 p. in.
Services at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p.m.,
Sunday school at 11:JG, Row W. E.
Copcland pastor. Subject or morning
sermon, "What Unity Church Stands
for in Religion." Subject of evening
historical lecture, "John Calvin and
Rev. Geo. Dray, of Nebraska, will
again occupy the pulpit. Subject of
morning discourse, "The Growth of
J-lUYi:. ill tllU UUI1IIH, wuillVi uu-
Jcctlons to Christianity Answered."
Sunday school and Y. P. S. C. E. as
On Cottage street, J. Dowersox pas
tor Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 to
morrow. Sunday school at 12. K. L.
ore. Endeavor at 0:30.
Regular services tomorrow at 10 and
11 a. ni. nnd 7:30 p. in. P. S. Knight
in charge.
y. m. c. A
Jas. A. Dutnmetto of Portland will
address tho men's meeting at 4 p. in.
There will also bo special music.
Services nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.
at their hall corner Liberty and Court
Services at 10:30 a. m., instate In
surance hall. All welcome.
"test it anv
way you like.
Tho Discovery Saved His Life
Mr. G. Callloulte, Druggisti lieavcrsvllle,
111., says; "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe
and tried all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and was given up and told
I could not live. Having Dr, King's New
tlUcovery In my store I sent for a bottle and
began its use and from the first dose began to
get better ai)d after using three bottles wns
up and about acnin. It Is worth its weight
in cold. We won't keep store or house
without It." Get a free trial at l-'red A.
Lcgg's Drug Store,
Emi okatIon Movement. Tho com
mlttco appointed to work up a perma
nent organization for the Northwest
Emigration board have decided to call
a mass meeting of citizens at tho
council chamber Monday evening,
March 30, to subsmit tholr report.
The gentlemen have been thoroughly
investigating the proposition, and
commended It heartlly,as a movement
that will cost us practically nothing,
yet bring good results. This Is what
Salem needs. By tills co-operation
with tho head board at Portland,
can get the benefit or a vast amount
or work and money expended in tho
Interest or tho Wlllmuctto valloy.
Over $00,000 will bo expended by this
board In Eastern advertising and
work, much of which can bo made to
accrue to our Innnedlato benoflt.
Salem's citizens should come out to
this meeting and assist In tho matter.
It Is considered an upright and
thoroughly business proposition.
Como out and get a better knowledge
of tho work to bo done. Help Salem.
and all dtmngemtnts of the
Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Of all druggists.
A Reception.
New Yokic, March 27. Tho Manu
script Society Is announced to glvo a
reception to Theodore Thomas today
at the Mendelssohn Gleo Club hall.
Leading lights or tho musical world
will bo present.
Mow la KnUrw a cut
VilSXl.J 'o.Mlpn of
3'T. . AD
oiuuir nn.
"ic"11 ."t tvrtua
Ran.l Ll.
Cheap Rates to Frisco,
a ho choap rutea ot the dollars cabin
n'J two-nfty steerage lnclud lug meal"
OR W r? 8U. ,n cff o the
JJ.u. & , Co'8 steamers from p,
land to San Francisco. u l ort
btcamera leave Portland every tivo
uu8, 3-0-1 m
Children Cry for
Itohtr't Cattorln.
a vigorous body and
robust strength fol.
low eood health.
But nil fait when the
viiai powers arc
weakened. Nervous
debility and low of
manly power result
from bail habits, con.
traded by the young
through Ignorance
of their ruinous con
sequences, tow
pints, melancholia,
impaired memory,
morose nr lrr)fSl
?r miaA r?sult from 8UC Pernicious prac
uces. All these are permanently cured by
tm.y,d "eh?l of treatment without the
pauent leaving home,
rfc..meidlc1 treaU" written in plain but
l. language, treating; of the nature,
symptoms anT curablllty'of such disease!
retnrl& 8e? ,,ed in, &U,a cnvelopeToa
IS?.?fU nofce,wlth locents in stamps.
ay Mbdicai Association, Buffalo, N.y, I
iri Tl '-lrirf " -sgsiiriviiftMTiiittMwmiiiiwMiiifiiinriiiii '"Mhm,
A. "On. irwni U i OB W T m Ml
- ' ir.M ( . ,ww am w m i
Jh Coiniiii;rcialSli'cH,CWWs11
P $ 1i";tC,hIt i,tnli
iff 1 mnvi.fl i., it,,, i . h fDari i.
,t jf ( 'ca,l0n- Call oj t'-1
Sjt ''CsVVg?? IwssLKassis?1? a
Measure iFURew it
and you will find
is the
piece of CiOOD tobacco
ever sold for 10 cents
Treasurer's Notice.
County TiiKASuitr.H's Okj-uce, j
Salkm, Or., March 2."), lSOfl. f
Kotlco Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has money on hand to pay
nil warrants stamped up to April 1,
1805, and Intercut will cease on tho
samo from date of this notice.
Jap Minto,
3-2o-2w County Trcnsurer.
ItKMBMHKK The emigration mcct
Idg at the council chamber Monday
night, and bo sure to attend.
OLD MANURE And plenty of It.
Salem Truck & Dray Co. H-lfKlt
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window class, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
ii Oimnii-ciil st .i
RrSuluinimardI. ii5U.'B '
, J . V'MIP
On farm land son..!... ..
rnlnu ." ONCul
rates on Lit... i.... '
conside.cd without .I,!,.
'Hush lnk buUain"AMILTONl'0t
On city or farm property.
OveriHush's Dank. TK.rj
The Roya
REST A 1 liOAv..
' I'oC State stiett. New tBj ' '
Buaraniee the best meal In the cu, V'
rcostmabli. On. idi ...sit .. ''' "t
rounge. 1'rivato looms for ladies. "W
Cartjenter, Builder and Jobb
UT'IIntd times prices alajs.
Notice to Hulldmg CoplrMtonr-ta
bub will be received st the office of SS
of Suite, Salem, Or., until l o'clock i.
Wednesday, April 8, 1896, for the ti
and completion of n hospital boiliri.
Koseburi, Or., according to plans, mfc
lions, etc., now on exhibition at the dat
weior u. ixcer, nrcnitect, 133 Fmtfc.
t'ortlandj state house, Salem, Or.; id 11 4
Soldiers' I Iomc. of Koseburi?. O. A m
FOR SALU Three acres of land In Yew
Park, with good house and barn, loo fruit
trees, all rich garden land, for sale cheap.
Apply to Lewis Pettyjohn. 3 14 :m
TRLKh Pruned nnd sprayed. Top grafting
a speciality, also bees transferred or put I n
good shape. Call or addres Jno. V, Carr,
Iji Pninmiirniiil clraAt
wj ,mimn.n.im atliv.1. J'l- I III
FOR SALU OK TKADli.-Mhe best hay
fruit and slock ranch in Oregon, containing
200 acres. Will sell cheap, on easy terms, or
trade lor grocery stock, l'or particulars In.
quite at this office. 11. A 11. 3111m
FOR SALE Eight milch cows and two 2
year olds. Inquire of M , J. Egan, Gervais,
Or; 2 24 tf
CARl'UT PAPER Large lot of heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Just
the thing for putting under carpets. Call at
Journal office.
iness houses can obtain all newspaper infor
mation from the press of tha state, coast and
country from the Press Clipping Bureau.
(Allen's) Union block, Portland. i22otf
WE DO NOT WANT-Roys or loafers but
men or ability. J300 to $500 a month to
hustlers. State and general agents. Salary
and commission. Racine Fire Encine Co..
Kaclne, Wis.
Engine Co.,
Reed's Opera House,
Tuesday, March 31,
32I Commercial st. Cottle lllookl
Successor to C. M. Heck & Co.
Best meats In tho city, Prompt delivery at
lowest prices.
Capital Transfer Co.
Express, baggage and all kinds cf work
done promptly. Leave orders nt Patlon't
storo. I2v
mint be accompanied with a ceitified eta
flvAlliH 1 ftltjft a1ah aS? O 11 t I a
drawn to the older of S. B. Omubr d
man board of trustees, Oreoa Scfa
Home, in a sum equal to 5 per cent iti,
the same to bo forfeited and and ippUt
the Soldiers' Home fund inctKibelcn
or accepted bidder falls to enter into we
wun acceptaDie oonus, in tne sum 01 ttx
amount of contract, with at least tvomns,
within to days after the award of ecus i
All bids must be aduressrd to
"Care Secretary of State Salem, Or
'Tender of (name) for lloipal
at Soldiers' Home."
The right to reject any and 1IIW1
hereby reserved. By order of the Eotdtf
trustees ol tne bolsters Home,
Attest: S. B. OKMSDV, Chmu.offoi
BOOK AND .101) I1!
I.Nll.- U
Lcfiul JSlanJ:Fuhltshen
Bush's New Brick over the hank Comla"
W. A. Cusicic " J. n. Albert.
Prchldent. (Cashier.
Capital National Bank,
Transact a general banking business.
Hiss Balk's Schoo
Will receive children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for thenlrter nnnllo tatmlit !t.ltirl-
ing drawing-, modeling, music plain and ar
uanu i.ccuic worK. Aii worK uone on tne in
dividual nlnn In ivht1i ...I. .I.II.1 I. .l
vanced according to its own capacity. For
Htm uiiu iiaiucumrs apply to Miss U. iiat.
lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts.
Under tho nusnlces of tlio board of
offlcew. O. -k. Q i the UeiStl.
fill drnnm In live nets,
Twixt Love and Duty,
.3 Menery. Sixty noonlo nn
KVon k;
German Lessons
Given by a qualified teacher, a native!
of Germany. Classes for children on
Saturday nt dunning Hall.
Mrs. Rapsey. 463 Centre S .
Given on reasonable terms by an experienced
teache'. W. A. RAPSEY,
. 4G3 Centre st.
We have iml l-nmnl.f.,1 . --... 1 .1 .1
one-half block south of the court house.
. .cc K1VC us a can. Team 10c.
Makes & rnu.tali..r:H t . r ..
Tk :-r. -"" c repair worx, bcio
Ihomasclocksetcats Commercial Street
Meets all mall and passenger Irauu J?
gage and express to all parts of ties
ftoP,l, MTfc-jjjfmB
Office! Willamette Hotel BuM'.
For water service apply t office. M
payable monthly In advance. WiM
.nmnlntnl. fll ll. nfRre.
bVlllklHIIll. ..." w...--. 1
Open splcket to prevent freewg, I
tively prohibiteu. i-arc uuuw -
if in danner of freezing to hare iW
waste gate closed see section 1 nto
ulatlon. No deduction In mZ
lowed for absence or for any caaw i1
unless water is cut ot irom premu".
To Our Subscribers.
We take subscriptions, at a cbbrale
he Magazines in the country, ia com""
with the Capilal Journal. ,. m
Among the higher nnced andu
publications Is tne ijew Englaad toj
Lunh wiiii nil the eatures ofRenu.l';
erest of the other Eieatllltra'd
nas, oesircs, iu uwhj ,- ,!,.
unrivalled. As its name iop1'"-
art, history and literature fWjfU
To those of New EnBJST.SS
therefore, it is especially ?
subscription makes a perfect V, N
ever else you yourself W'J., 0
New England .-uagsiinc j r ..
bed with this Wl2ijM
LnCvN,SI?'-: Subscription
p.n ;.T i "H"l'uF una magaiines,
,'f of c,ea's and confectienery: F. W,
Miller, Prop. (j,4 tf
ViRSIllaiJ. Sacramento. SeatUe.
4-tomaonasanfiancIsco paper on sale a
Miller's Tosioffipe M.u r '
serliceYf?ULVTPubre1Jey bull for
S pneor'ne fit animals bred in
Daifv ;nRe.!i"S$iCaSJhCan at Englewood
trie tor d a"d D "' A' Kl Pro
v 3 '9 dftwlw
. -1 1 lUiV
. I have moved myj OTJ5 ,,!
late place ot Business - -ry jjjHj
all kinds of first- class bUc
work. I will be pleased to see 7
100 Chemeketa street.
...if rW
Dealars la all kinds of I ftc j,
cwFresli sausafe JTr
SI? ?
171 COMMtR"""