Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 28, 1896, Image 1

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    a -ry-,rn.wM,
VOL. 8.
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VJMli 3t
New York Racket
Is always in the lead in styles as well as in prices
Dout a year ago there was a general advance in
? rices on all lines of heavy shoes. The New
ork Racket was the last to advance their prices,
Now that the prices have declined, especially on
heavy shoes, they arc the first to reduce their
prices. Our customers will find all lines of
heavy work shoes down to about the prices that
prevailed before the advance, Our line of men's,
Fanned, the Flames of
Mr. Geer's horses-also nm nway with
him. l
Dr. Smith's running qualities will
Itrt flnrtrfulntn1
Mr. Geer Is still kicking n delight-
f til occupation!
Chapman mid Mil
nil over the county
shell will run well
is full and fresh from Chicago, Wc can fit any;
one from a 3ycatvold to a No. 46. Prices very"
. low. Wc add no profit on account of bad aev
counts, as we have none. Goods of all kinds
arriving every few days direct from New York,
Our Fedora Hats arc the latest in style and prices
the lowest, Don't fail to call, as we will save you
15 to 25 per cent,
X No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices, A)
Hat dwaf e, Tinware, Barbed Wire
, Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
But Ignored the Vital Issue of Protection",
The rop state convention hud
much U'Ren In Its platform.
Examine our large and complete stock. Always tprompt and
courteous treatment,
of fbe Willamette University.
Modern methods. Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best is good enough for becinnm oh well as for more advanced pupils,
W.C. II AWLEY. President
It. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMU, L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
Goodale Urailw Company
Yard'ion Twelfth and Trade Streets
Keep the most complete stock of common, dimension and finished lumber
n,nnd eellon the most favorablo terms. Lath and Shingles
Our stock s made at our own mills, of tho best lumber In the state.
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric car leave bo;el lor all public buildings
and points of interest. Special rates will be glvtn to permanent patrons.
OftlyfM fcwttslaieJ. fiitWietion gtaraatsed, ISuWo tuckof State tarancJ block
-THK'JounxAL wants the ear of In
telligent men rcgnrdlcssof party, lor
General "Weaver's great speech at
Rced'B opera house was a complete
failure In one respect. It was n dem
agogic appeal to distress and calamity
without showing the people how to
better themselves.
He showed up some of the evils of
tho present finance system, and proved
that the Cleveland gold bond Iniquity
was tho worst of all, and tho Demo
crat party a dead duck.
Hut he never assailed the Ropubll
cnti party's cardinal principle tho
necessity for a protective- tariff as a
prerequisite of revenue and financial
The fundamental weakness of Gen
eral Weaver's speech, and Indeed tho
fatal weakness of all tho fchronIc re
form movements up to date, Is their
Ignoring tho tariff question. Tho
party or statesmanship that ignores
protection to American Industries as
a vital Issue, a fundamental princlplo
of American prosperity, simply makes
ltsolf Impossible.
Why? Any school boy can tell you.
We have tho greatest undeveloped
producing country on tho face of tho
earth. Wo have seventy millions of
loyal, industrious, intelligent, God-
sfearltisr people. Wlmtrfiwrt? What
is the noxt factor in tho problem of
national existence, peace and prosper
ity? It Is simply this: With a rich
country and n grand ncoplo, still
those people must be employed. They
must have wtfrk.
All American industries must bo
thrown open to tho employment of
American labor. Not one must bo
crippled or neglected. Wo must quit
importing wool and Iron products and
hundreds of millions of dollars of pro
ducts of pauper Ialor, and employ our
own labor, thus putting money in em
ulation among poor people who must
spend It to live and thus inako a de
mand for American products.
What General Weaver said about
tho money question and tho evil ef
fects of tho British money standard is
all Important and in great part un
answerable. Hut no matter what tho
money system, it cannot alone pro
duce prospcrlty.when American labor
Is unemployed and tho American
homo market is destroyed by tho freo
trade Wilson bill.
General Weaver's union of reform
forces on tho Blnglo platform of freo
and unlimited coinago of silver will
never make a national party while It
ignores tho question of adequate pro
tection to all American Industries.
That Is the keystone in tho arch of
American prosperity and tho jwoplo
will not iw deceived by the silver cry.
Tho Oregon Populist platform con
fessses that American labor cannot
complete with tho pauper labor of
Europe and Asia. Put the Populist
politicians, who arc mostly free
traders, had not tho courage to tell
tho people that tho only way to obvi
ate this destructive competition Js by
fearless application of the principles
of an American protective tariff as
advocated by tho Republican party.
A Kicker Speaks.
Editor Jeurnal: I 6ce by numer
ous hand bills scattered through tho
city that tho famous Beauscant's
French mediums are going to
be at the opera house, Bundiiy
night. I am personally acquainted
with tho Vcauseants, and I know
there are tricksters using their name.
I also know how a great many of
these so-called manifestations are
produced. I shall attend this bcance
and expose theso people if they are
not the genuine licauseants. I shall
force myself on tho stage rather than
tricks shall be called spiritualism.
By giving tills space In your valuable
paper, you will benollt and oblige a
TnuB Spiritualist.
McKlnlcy will be nominated and
will not owe It to the bosses cither.
Mitchell and Hermann aro tre
mendous workers. They aro still at It.
Lincoln county Instructs for Her
mann. Poyal A. Bcnsell heads tho
Bets aro even on Barkloy and Craig
getting the biggest Vote on the ticket
In Marlon county. ,
T. T. Geer Is about to publish a
Volume of poems entitled, "How to
Keep Out of Office
The editors of tho Salem Statesman
were both delegates to the Republican
county convention. While they had
nothing to do with nominating any
one, of course their presenco knocked
Judge Hubbard out of two votes.
Governor Fletcher, wlthhlseustoin
ary fair-mindedness, shows the real
ropullstlc outoropplngs or his nature
by n fling at tho Oregon National
Guard. The O. N. G. affects n Popu
list politician llko shaking a red rag
at ahull.
Little JO Simon who boasts that .ho
has made $800,000 out of Oregon
politics, Is trying to catch onto tho
skirts of Old Bill MoKlnlcy's popu
larity. Llttlo Jo Is always hanging to
some one's roattalls for what thcro Is
In It.
Completes lu Sessions n the Capital To Be Improved With Cement Wal
City and Adjourns. j rjwa Wanted. '
"'"vMi.MUMHuuuuiiivuiiiiiMM -iillll.(y J llOgO ilUUlxml llnS tJl
ll'irtv lino numiilnlii.t ICj lii,..- r,.,.l ,.....!... .i ..... ,
J! .V :,""",,-,, " "'"" "'"' , -"'i"h-,u lor improvement of tl
.iiijuiiiiiru. ii muni- iimiiiiwmiMis us Winn limine wjuare. Cement
follews: 'are to be laid all around im
For supreme Judge, Joseph Gaston I grado of the streets, 17,505 squall) fl
of Multnomah; congressman first ells-T of surface in nil'. There will !
trlct, w. S. Ynnderbttrg Of Coes: dele- 1331 cubic yards' of till f tvm,riu .
.., -. 1 . .1 . ,.-.... .-. " s..Mn
Buiua-ut-iuiKu i iinuunui convention,
THE FAIR for bargains. 3-5-cod
The U. S. Gov't Reports
fc, tttftchc ait
Harvey Scott has gone crazy on the
money question and ;wants tho Uc
publlcan party to go a)oug with him.
What's tho matter Jwith John P.
Robertson V Ho hasn't got onto a
single ticket this yean, I But It's curly
W. T. Hume, of Portland, Is not a
candidate fonauy olllce; he proposes
to bo a freo lance In tho coming cam
paign. ' '
Somo or the men taping about tho
Republican legislative, ticket are a
case of ftho pot calling the kcttlo
Tho Oregonlau seems determined
to split tho Republican' party on tho
moncy'tpitlfii5 It hTall'apllt up the
back ttseirr
T1)A' people of this congressional
district breathe easier. Hon. Gio. C.
Brownell no longer rattles around as a
congressional possibility.
One ticket: C. P. Huntington for
president. FrfO passes for all tho
office-holders, nnd office-seekers and
their families.
It is gohiK to bo a happy, good
natured Republican year. It is almost
Impossible to make anybody mad.
Tun Journal has tried and failed.
It Is thought Hon. C. B. Moorcs
will take part lu tho campaign long
enough this year to tell nhout tho
mule that died at Maclcay lu 1801.
The Republican party dosu't want
Foghorn Watts, Racehorso Apperson
and old man Caplcs all good men In
their day appointed receiver In
Dr. Foghorn Watts seems to bo
"managing" things In Yamhill. Why
don't they resurrect a few moro Rip
Van Winkles to corral tho young
Two thousand people of Portland
aro asking Pcnnoycr to become mayor
of Portland. Before hols Inolllcoa
year more than that will v& asking
him to quit.
In Lane county the cry of tho old
politicians Is anything to down Baker,
Just as lu Marion county It was any
thing to down Barkloy. But both
will get there somoliow.
New Jcrocy has Just reduced all
salaries of state officials. That Is a
very unpatriotic movement to
Inaugurate against the poor office
holders theso hard times.
It docs one's heart good to read of
such men us Harvey Scott, Jo Simon
and Henry McGinn posing us reform
ers. Thoy must have been at one or
Elder Barkley's prayer meetings.
Editor Fletcher, or tho Post, has
been In deep consultation with Editor
Goodhue, or tho Poultry Journal to
ascertain somo lino points about
breeding fowls .Like somo of his
puiibicui prouuciious, iney giyo no
satisfactory result.
Populist politicians aro squealing
nnd abusing tho Bystander because ho
made fun of tho shape of their heads.
That don't change the almpo of tho
professional hat -passer's head. And
It won't stop on the Bystander mak
ing fun or tho professional politician
In whatever party ho finds himself.
In reply to why didn't you mnko a
platform, a prominent Marlon county
politician mud, "Wo didn't want any.
What wo want Is tho offices. Politics
Is business with me." Too many pco-
plo aro trading tho franchises of their
constituents for olllce. This kind of
Republicans aro going to find that
thero will beta platform made Tor
them, both in Oregon and St. Louis,
and tho pcoplo will make it. It will
bo hot stuff for Just such men as tho
TiieJouhnal. man's most ardent
editorial admlrorGovernor Fletcher,
of tho Postsays, "Ever since Col.
Hofcr fallcoordecllid tO'treton
tho ticket, he la twlco as good a Re
publican as he was before, . Adversity
generally brings out tho best qual
ities or a man." Tho abovo is a com
pliment that any truo man ought to
appreciate lu polltlos. It will go far
toward making tho erstwhile governor
of Dakota governor of Oregon.
Hon. Ed. T. Hatch, national com
mitteeman to Alaska, makes regular
trips to Portland, to see that no im
portant mistakes arc made In Polk
county poll tics.
What has becoino of John P. Roll
ertson'u pollysylablc popullstlc pro
fundity? Populist conventions play
ing to crowded houses for four days
and no endman work from Robertson!
Its Elegant Headquarters Thrown
to the Members.
Thursday evening tho members of
the Illlhco club enjoyed tliolr first
informal gathering nt tho club rooms
In tho llurko block, first brick south
of tho postolllcc. About 100 members
wcro present In the courso of tho ove
nlng, Including a few guest friends
from Portland. They wcro experi
enced club men, nnd spoke highly of
the now Salem. club.
As tho first tiling or the kind at tho
Capita) city, tho projectors and char
ter members reel cry much gratified
over tliolr cozy rooms, elegant furnish
ings, and tho general character of tho
membership. Tho rules aro not yet
completed, but tho management will
bo of tho highest character.
Thcro Is a largo parlor, with an Im
mense open hearth, billiard room with
two tables and a third to bo added,
whist room, smoking and reading
room. All comfort and conveniences
for rest and refreshment nro provided.
There is a hulTet with a supply of
cigars In charge of W. H. Cook,
steward of tho club, Frank Albright,
assistant. The rooms aro opened to
mombers at all hours, each having a
private key.
The house committee aroE. P. Mc
Cornack, Sherman V. Thompson and
Dr. Williamson. There aro other com
mittees and otllcers and a formal
opening of the club will take place at
an early day. As tho first stop In tho
evolution of club life In our city tho
Illlhco club is to bo congratulated on
Its choice of u home and officers.
A detailed description of the club
rooms and tho club organization and
rules or anything of Interest to tho
publlo will uppcar later on, us thero is
nothing secret about tho Illlhce.
Drinking, gambling and politics are
strictly prohibited within tho club.
W. 0. T. U. Fror. Howard C.Tripp,
or Iowa, the noted temperance evan
gelist and Hold lecturer, will speak at
W. C. T, U. tomorrow at 4 p. m.
J. C. Luce, L. A. Ward, J. S. McCain
and Nathan Plcrco; delegate rrom sec
ond Judicial district, R. P. Caldwell;
delegate rrom third Judicial district,
Harry Watklus; delegate rrom fourth
Judicial dlstrlot, S. 11. Rlggon; dele
gates rrom tho second congressional
district. A. P. Nelson and J. J. Rlur-
glll; Judge or tho fourth district, F.J.
Jodon; district attorney, Newton
McCoy; district attorney of the second
dlHtrlct, J. M. Upton or Coos; of the
third, C. IL Dalrymploof Llnnjboard
or equalization, second district, F.
Ward or Douglas.
Presidential electors-Henry Wat
kins, W. D. Haro, W. II. Spaugh, M.
it. uimstcd. Members of congress,
second dlstrlct-Martln Quinn.
First Judicial district Prosecuting
attorney, J. A, Jolfroys; national dele
gate, A. Axtel. Fourth district
Board or equalization, IX. W. Butler.
Fifth Prosecuting attornoy, I. B.
Smith; national delegate. IraSaylnr.
Sixth District attorney, Win. Par
sons; board of equalization, O. V.
Peoblcr; national delegate, Win. Par
sons. Seventh Nntloual delegate, A.
M. Craft. Eight-Judge IU J. Slater:
attorney, II. E. Courtnoy; board of
equalization, Odell; national delegate,
J. F, Johnson. Nlntht-Board of
equalization, O. W. Plorco; national
delegate, 1). L. Grace.
Joint Senators. Coos, Curry and
Josephlno, W. 0. Edwards, Grants
Pass; Umatilla and Union, 0. Tool;
Washington, Tillamook and Colum
bia, John Hansen. Joint representa
tives Coos and Curry, W. Nosier;
Grant nnd Harney, C. S. Dustln, Lin
coln and Benton, A. L. MoFadden;
Yamhill and Tillamook, John GUI.
Chairman state central comml,tteo
jrJ.jDj.Ypung, of'Baker cohiUy.
This distinguished gentleman Will
spoak at Albany on theovenjngor the
30th, at Silvcrtou on tho 3tst, at
Woodhurn on April 1st, Oregon City
on April 2d, Portland on April 3d,
Astoria April Ith, McMlnnvlllo on
April Oth. Tho Dalles on April 8th,
Sunday ho will lecture In Portland oil
tho "Political Economy or tho Naza
recti. "
A collection was taken lu the con
vention Friday to raise a sum ror use
lu defraying tho expenses or Gon.
Weaver during his courbo of fifteen
lectures In Oregon. Tho sum or
'10.40 was donated. The general re
quires his traveling expenses and 910
ror each lecture.
ror mo walks. Tie walks will Iw
four sides. Three sides will i ih
f6t wide and one side nine feet wM
it win do a nrst-ciass concrete ceuietj
improvement Instead of the collect!
or out loose rotten planks that hi
Judge Hubbard will mli-m-fia
bids on tilling for the alks alone ai
ior construction of the walks,
niis purpose sealed bids will be
ni.lt'nrl AMtttt n.1. tMlti.. i.
"-'"-" !'" Will. I'lilinir Lllfi MIH
j house grounds may also bo done, CI'
luigineer culver has iuimIo tho iI
and thoy Include walks from the fori
corners to the east and west appr
10 i no court house. This Improv
iiiont uas long Dcen needed nnd It
bo highly appreciated when done.
What It Coat to Collect the
Who Got It.
J no reimrt of Heferoe Wooden
allowed Marlon county back tuxes
mo uregon Pacific railroads to tM
amount or 0,3.n.ifi.
too amount paid ovor to Court!
-Liiuniiiui iuuuo mis wenic wi
'j. no total expenses or collectind
theso back taxes Is therefore 51.487.4J
inquiry or Jtidgo Hubbard showed
tuat no rooort had been Illcd bv At
tornoy Bingham, or Salem. He slmplj
gave Treasurer fliinto his porsom
cuccic or 37,bgo.7.'I on tho Ladd & Bun
bank, rotaining ror his fees and
penses ,1,407.42. Ho has Hied
Mr. Bingham was seen by a ren
this nrtomoon, and says he will-
pare a statement if the court aslco
one. He claims tliat by a rounder
ing with n former county court M
was to got 15 per cent for eoltotli
mu lummy, uui me otrter-WM ne
entered of record.-
Upon and Held up by
Kingston, Jamaica, March !&
a uu Hciiuoucr wunam touu ntnyt
hero from Mobile, Ala. Captali
(jampocii reports that tho sohoont
mis urea on oy pauisu uunoonte ofl
the Isle of Pines. Ho hove to, at
tho vessel was boarded and search
Tho Spaniards did not find nnytlilni
rale gilv
The beU Salve In the world foi Cuts.
Sore, Boici, Ulcer, Halt Kheuni, Fever
and all Tetter. Chapped handi, Chilblains,
' UruiK Skin Kiuptlom, and ponittvely cure
Pile or no pay required. It U guaranteed to
live ir fee istUfactlon or money refunded.
Price as centi a box. Foraile by Fitd A,
Of Companies Ii and I. Drama
Home Talent.
Friday evening was a great oven
Ing for companies Band I of thoO.
N. G. Regular inspection and a re
vlow wore conducted last night, pro
ceeding which was tho grand march
In which tho two companies and tho
old Second Regiment Band, which
kindly proffered tliolr services for the
evening, participated. An effort Is
being made to have tho band rejoin
the regiment. Tho review was ie
cclvctl by Major C. E. Roblln, of the
brlgrade stair, and Lieut. Col. M. W.
Hunt or Governor Lord's stair. Then
followed tho muster and Inspection
conducted by Major Percy AVIUIs.
This was followed by a batalllon
drill. Tho affair proved very enter
taining to the largo crowd that had
assembled to witness the exorcises.
Grand preparations are being made
for tho rendering or that beautirul
llvo act drama: "Twixt Love and
Duty" to bo given in tho opera house
Tuesday evening. As the best or
tho home talent will bo represented
on tlic rolo of character the perform
ance will no doubt bo given bororon
full house.
Populists FiLLKU.-After a hard
siege In tliolr conventions this week,
the Populist delegates enjoyed noth
ing ho much as filling up on those rich
meals nerved by Koiiivorthy & George,
and it cost only 15 cents.
In Accordance With an Anci4nt
PiULADKLi'iiiA, March 23. The tt
tlcshlp Iowa was successfully launch
from Cramps' shipyard thlsafternoonJ
Miss Mnry Lord Drake, daughter ol
tho governor or Iowa, named the bis
naval baby. Tho bottle alio broke
tho great Iron prow contained chain
pague, not water rrom either the
Moines or Schuylkill rivers, whlcl
somo Hawkeyo state prohibition
wanted used.
Oxford Ahead.
Putnkv, March 28. Tho Oxfor
crew, to tho surprise of almost every
body, won the llfty-thlrd boat rac
between tho universities of Oxfordl
and Cambridge by about a third of J
length, ufter a most exciting finish;!
Thus oxford has won 30 races of i
series to 22 won by Cambridge. This.
is tho seventh year In succession that!
Oxford has defeated Cambridge.!
Timo was 20:01,
Two Men Sentenced,
MoMinnvillk, March 28.PeterTal
forty was sentenced to llvo yeaw U
the penitentiary for manslaughter
George Doncy was sentenced to ou
year for assault with n deadly weapon
on Fred UOCK.
U, II. Chukcu. Rev, P. B, Wil
liams, of Portland, will conduct tb
services at 11: a. m. also at 7:30 p. iu.
Sabbath school at 10 a. in, and Y.
P. 0. E, nt 0:30 In the evening WJ
Reynolds, pastor.
SwiKTANn Sunn-Are the Wti
messengers o5 the Lockwood
gcr system. Ring blue box or
phono 40.
Highest of all ia Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gevt &pMt