w. V. rv Ml. A B i fa ,. Daily Capital Journal. BY HOKER BROTHEHS, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1890. MjiwiaKA"'s:w?r DAILY LINE TO PORTLAND. STEAMERS Altona and Ramona LEAVE DAILY. SUNDAY. Portland, 6:45 m 9100 m Salem, 7MS 0. m. 5S " Independence, 6130 a. m. 0:00 a.m. ftck time, regular service and cheap .. rates ... Al. 1'. BALDWIN, Agent, Salem. POP. STATE CONVENTION. ! ''.Jl" rM yggj,ij &&3g&g VI k 9 ffiffiss E A Stewart W ft so" v . " V J ?iW ',r''l IVULJLUNCK I , 94 State St trmn-mnm SOCIETY CHRONICLE. KINNIOAN'S HALL is undoubtedly tlto best comic com pany that will appear in tho capital city this season, therefore n large liouso will undoubtedly greet tlicm nt tliclr pcrrorninnco nt tho opera house on Thursday evening next. To Bccure good scats you should cull Inimcdlately nt Dearborn's bookstflro and get them reserved. T1IK IIOYH IN ULUK. Next Tuesday evening the play, "Twlxt Love and Duty," will bo pre sented nt Reed's opera house under tho auspices of the boatd of ofllcers, O. N. 0., In that beautiful drama In live acts. Special scenery. Sixty peoplo on tho stago. Full orchestra. Now mu sic. Gallery 2.'c. Reserved COc. Scats on Palo at Putton Ilros. or by tho lwurd or ofllccrs. COMING 8PI1UT8. Tho appearance of tho famous spirit medium, M'do Bcauscant, at tho opora houso Sunday nlght,Miircli2uth, Is altrnutlngn great deal of attention among Hint very class or peoplo who nlwnys like to dcnl with tho super natural. M'do llenuscnnt'fl cnrlv success was niado In England, whoro alio for three months withstood tho searching Investigation or tho Royal Sclontlllo Society, tho account of which was published In tho Quarterly Tournnl or Science, and which Is In every puuno library throughout tho world. Recently M'do Jleauscant has made a tour of tho world, whoro sho has again met with tho samo success as on hor previous visit, appearing In Rorlln, Vlonna, St. Petersburg, Paris and other largo cities throughout Europe, before tho nobility as well us iiiosciciiiuio societies, who acknow ledge hentH handling the subject she represents In a thorough und nblo manner. Showlll no doubt meot.witii 1110 same success us In other cltl03' . largo John James' Kstatk.-Ih tho es tutoof Johij Juiues, deceased Febru ury 10, 1800, who left a widow and a daughter aged 10, loiters testamentary wore Issued todtiy to Alleo James, hla wife, as executrix iiumed In tho will Property is loft to tho amount of about .WOOO. FiNNUiANH Hall-AL Reed's opera on next Thursday night Isonooftho runniest shows on earth. Don't miss It, Scats on sale ut learboru's book-store. IIkukmiiihi-tIio emigration meet ing nt tho council chamber Monday mght, nnd bo bui-o to attend. The U. S. Oov't Reports i w ReyMt Biking Pew&r - aiMrkte fe Mil BtkHS. Proceedings of Their Session nt the Opera House, March aC and 27. COMMITTEES APPOINTED. fin rmler of bus ncss: II. A. MUr- phy, G. A. Snnford, D. E. Swank, O. Huffman, C. I. Stcnrn. On platform nnd resolutien: W. J. Simmon, J. C. Young, R. S. Graham, J. S. Cain, L. A, Ward, W. S. U'ltcn, Frank Williams. J. W. Jory, C. II. Dr. Hrookhart, Dr. Emery, Win. Far sons, Geo. Rceder, W. II. Spaugli, John Olll, J. T. Johnson, W.J. Ho wards, L. Henry, J. C. Luce, J. S. Smith, II. Denllngcr, 0. P. Ruther ford, W. It. King, Chester Skcel, A. O. Hrown, Mnrtin Qulnn, J. 13. Grir iith, J. C. Oliver, A. Baxter, G. R. Huff, II. Caldwell. On party organizatien: F. Helnst, Ira Wakcllcld, Chas. Fitch, J. J.Stnr glli.O. Teal. TUP. DELEGATUS. Tho list or delegates and proxies were imported for feats In the con vention as rollews: Uakcr-W. R. King, T. II. Huds peth, F. A. Rowen, by J. J. Sturglll proxy, M. L. Olmstcnd, J. J. Sturglll proxy, II. E. Courtney, by J. J. Stur glll proxy, Fred Duncan nnd W. N. Oardner. by J. C. Young proxy, J. U. Young proxy, .J. C. Young, L. M, itoblnson. Ronton C. A. Skeels, Jas. Culvert, C. M. Vnnderpool, James Bruce, John Whltakcr, by Calvert proxy. Coos--Jas. Matheny, .T.J. Stanley, W. D. Marshall nnd Win. M". Hull by Jas. S. McCain proxy, J. S. McCain,!!. D. Sanford, Dan Giles by Sanford proxy. 'Olatsop-N. J. Svlndsoth, Silas B. Smith, J. K. Hcckard and Clius.Mort Inson by S. R. Smith proxy, John Swing, Thos. Qhlnn by Svlndscth proxy, Patrick O'llara. Curry J. H. Upton, John Clawson by R. D. SanTord proxy. Ciacknmas II. Kruso, J. C. Suiter, Geo. Drown, Geo. Ogle, M. K. Shipley, J. R. Abbott, J. Evcrhart, D. W. Smith, G. Lazuli by J. D. Stevens proxy, W. II. II. Wadp, T. R. Hawk ing, W. S. U'Ren, James Shaw, W. A. Mills, C. A. Fitch, E. C. Cooper, R. T. Dribble, C. 11. Miller, G. W. Grace. Columbia -G. It. Hlgglns, II. T. Cruell by R. Sessman proxy, S. M. Rice, Geo. Fowler, R. Sessman, A. S. Graham, Ira Taylor, G. 0. Fowler. Douglas Carl Hoffman, M. Lemur by Carl Hoffman proxy, L. A. Kent,!. C. Kent, and A. McCall by L. A. Kent proxy, II. Martin and J. Green by A. P. Rurkhart proxy, A. P. Uurkhart.J. T. Gazelly nnd Joseph Ryson by Carl Hoffman proxy. Gllllam-W. J. Edwards, Louis Mil ler nnd R. F. Mooro by Edwards. Grant J. C. Luce, Henry Murphy, E. 0. Olllccr, C. S. Dustln by J. C. Luce, J. D. Kirk by Henry Murphy. Jackson--S. II. Holt by Ira Wake Hold proxy.J. A. Jeffrey, S.M. Nenlon, Ira Wakefield, Geo. A. Jnckson.Frank Williams, W. II. Rradshaw, Ruins Cox.G. F.Smlthllno, A. S. Rarlus by Frank Williams proxy, J. W. Wiley by Ira Wnkofleld proxy, J. W. Marks bury, J. W. Thomas, E. E. Phlpps, by Marksbury proxy. Josephlno-A. Axtell, W. C. Ed- wnrtis, Jiugono Jlorrlll and N. Rey nolds by A. Axtoll proxy, D. W. Mitchell, F. 0. Day by Win. Alfred proxy, Win. Alfred. Lnko-S. P. Moss aud L. A. Caustor by J. 0. Oliver proxy, J. 0. Oliver. Llncolu-J. W. Parrlsh, Thomas Stukely by Parrlsh, II. Denllngcr, A. L. MoFudden. .11111 11. F. Rump, 11. F. Chllds, J. A. Mcllrlde, J. J. Heard, Thomas Thompson, W. R. Wyatt, T. M. Holt, J. 0. Clem, J, F. Hendricks by Ramp, John Bryant, 1). W. Harding, 0. 1). Stein, J. S. Smith, T. L. Dugger, M. Downing, A. G. Prill, J. L. Hill, R. Humphrey. Laue-R, Robertson, W. II, Spaugh, 1. C. Sparks, Geo. 0.. Knolls and David Eby by R.p. Caldwell proxy, J. B. ROUSO. R. 1 Pnlilvv.,11 T rn a ...... Geo. Milan, A. 1). Burton, P. N. Koiii wanner Jerry Atkins and J. r,. aih.,u by J . 11. Spaugh proxy, A. M. Sweeny Marlon-R. R.RyUll, T. J. Clark, F. A. Meyers, J. W. Jory, B. Shaw, T. J. muiiury, unns. Miller. Sr.. I). F. owuiiK,iv. 1 illbbard, Henry Bruer, Q.. Vcddcr, G.W. Dlmlck, Geo. T. Y. McC'Iol 1111. L. W. nnia. 11 r sharp, 1, M. Wagner. Mnllieur-Johu Dorun by W. R. j-n Spring Day-?- I i King proxy, G. J. Gray, nnd J. II. Lamberson by John 0. Foster proxy, and Foster by King proxy. Morrow-H. P. Caldwell, W. C. Metier, L. W. Lewis, J. L. Swift, all by Cadwell. Pelk Max Haley, J. D. Kelty, J. M. Dennis, T. V. EnibrJo, J. K. Senrs, R. II. Chopin, Kenneth Campbell. Tillamook-O.R.IIuff, P. F. Brown nnd J. W. Hastings by John Hanson proxy, John Jlnnson. Yamhill M. E. Johnson, M. V. Booth, W. R. KIrkwood, B. B. Bran son, 11. nancy, 11. it. Murray, m..i. Wood.O. Gill, W. L. Hcmbrle, Geo, Olds, W. L. Gllson. Klnmath-J. B. Grlfllth, W. s- Wls- ner, M. II. Daggett, Robt. Casey, all by Grlllltli. Multnomah-W. G. Balland, It. II. Fny, by J. II. Robb, W. E. Henderson, J. II. Robb, W. II. Roscbrook, Thos. Hans by II. McGlll, W. C. Johnson, S.S. Long, byL. A. Wood, A. T. Ncnuct, II. E. Glrard, R. Bulkofcr by Paul J. A. Lender proxy, Paul J. A. Lender, S. B. Rlggen and R. G. Pad dock by A. P. Nelson, L. A. Ward and 0. II. Barker by W. W. Sproul, W. W. Sproul, W. F. Bragglns, L. S. Shorlller byS. Lair, W. Tibbetts, D. Hengst, Geo. Bailey, Val Brown by E. Kroner, E. Kroner, J. S. David by E. S. Lamb, R. Harper, II. W. Parker, D. W. But ler, C. E. Deal, 0. 1). Choran, A. Cliff, P. B. Whlttlesy, John Osborne, L. L. Carter, A. P. Nelson, M. Qulnn, and W. A. Wheeler by A. R. Reed, J. C.F. Brown, J. White, S. L. Cravens by L. A. Wnrd, S.E. Evans by E..T. Rlckcrt. Sherman Geo. L. Mcadcn, O. P. King, A. D. Cralt. Umatl Iln Nathan Pierce, A. B. Stanley nnd P. J. Kelly by Nathan Pierce, Win. Carsons, 0. Teal, C. S. Prindle, R. M. O'Brien, Geo. Pceblcr, J. S. nay, 0. C. Hendricks, J. B. Des- paln by J. B. Berry, proxy, J.B.Bcrry, A. O. Henderson. Union 0 II. Marsh, Justice Wade, A. V. Oliver, J. E. Reynolds, J. L. McKlnulsby, A. V. Oliver, J. C. Chandler, J. W. McAllister, by Rey nolds, L. Oldenburg by W.Wesslcy. J. V.Woodell, Chns. Ncssley, J.W.Whlto by B. F. LcwIb. Wallowa J. F. Johnson, J. A. French, J. A. Burleigh, S. F. Pace, Win. Green, J. B. Olmstead, all by J. F. Johnson proxy. Wasco L. Henry, J. M. Roth, J. II. Alrlch, Scth Morgan,!). C.WIngle, Robt. Black. "Washington Jos. Bucher, A. O. Brown, 0. A. Sanrord, W. D. Hiiro, V. B. Swlnnoy, Max Burgholzer, J. Barnes, B. G. Lcedy, J. J. Scaton, Ward Slope, John Zimmerman, G. W. Kelly. OltDKIt OF llUSINHSS. The committee on order or business submitted program rollews: 1st. Tho temporary olllcers be made tho permanent ones; 2d. Report of committee on cre dentials; Id. Report or committee 011 plat form and resolutions; 1th. That the manner or electing candidates bo by ballot and tliatu majority bo necessary to n choice; Ctli. Nominatiens: Supremo Judge. Four presidential electors. Five members of tho stnto executive committee Seven delegates to tho national con vention to be held at St. Louis. Two congressmen. Judges and prosecuting nttomoys of tho sovernl Judicial districts. CONVENTION N0TU8. John P. Robertson was n signifi cantly silent dolegato in the state convention or tho ghost party. Col. Olmstead to "Senator" John Jery: "ir you nln't got intclllcent enough to voto on it, sit down." "Tho Democratic- party, ir thoro bo such n thing In oxlstonco," was a Joko perpetrated at tho Pop stato conven tion. Two kinds or physiognomies were prominent, among tho politicians in tho Pop. stato conventien: Men with broad foreheads but narrow between tho oyes; men broad between the eyes but with narrow sloping foreheads. Either combination Is inclined to bo cranky. I. M. Wagner, the Populist cnndl date ror county Judgo, has been a Populist over slnco ho couldn't get onto tho Republican legislative ticket in 1801. Mrs. Wagner Is u grand woman who rustics In a wnran tiMu m uinii irucK ocroro most peoplo uv uiu in ucu, jiio would run well. THE POP CONVENTION. Continued from first pace. THE BTATE PLATFORM. We, your committee on platrorni, beg leave to subtil it the following rc- Prfc: , 1 1. Wo reninrm tho rundnmcntal principles or the Omaha platrorni and Instruct our delegation to the na tional convention to rcadlust any de I First of the Kind. I Clearance sales are a common . enough thing In dry goods nnd cloth- ll !.. I... I cn1.1mn If nvnr. lms tills city had a clearance sale In crockery, glassware, queonswnrc, lamps, .'etc. Such a sale is now running nt tho Pioneer grocery nnd crockery house of John G. Wright nt 227 Commercial street. The largo crockery stock, the s tails, If possible, In such rorm tnntnli;jaret cyer ijr01K,t to Salem, direct Ke" 'V ffifir,,B im,ir Urom nuiiiiinieliireM, will bowlrt nt farm nnil nnn nnt.lfinnl ticket. 2. Wo favor changing our national constitution so as to provide somo form of direct legislation, nnd tho early admission of Important nationnl questions to the people J. wo recommend turn- our imuuimi convention dcvlso some plan ror the effective protection or American labor from the ruinous competition or Asiatic and European cheap labor, in cluding ricld restriction, nnd exclu sion, ir necessary, of foreign Immigration. STATE AFFAIKS. 1. Wo denounce tho Republican party ror Its entire failure to perform nny promise it made to the people of Oregon in tho year 1804, and hold it wholly responsible for tho reckless nnd extravagant waste or tho tax payer's money by the legislative assembly or the year 1803. 2. We plcdgo our candidates ror tho legislature to voto Tor the abolition or all useless commissions and boards, ror tho salary system or paying public olllcers, ror n state appropriations 0111 nrovldlm; onlv for the constitutional salaries and the economical support or necessary state Institutions anu against any appropriations ror sec tarian institutions. 3. Wo demand the reduction of olll clnl salaries to correspond with the reduction in the wages of Inbor nnd tho prices or products or labor. 4. We renew our demand ror the speedy nbolition or all fish traps, llsli wheels, nnd a stringent regulation or seine and net fishing. 5. Wo demand the re-inactment or the mortgngc tax law. 0. We favor an amendment to our state constitution providing for the Inltlativcand referendum. From this resolution the convention ordered tho following words stricken eut: "In its obligatory rorm and un til that Is possible, we pledge our can didates Tor tho legislature to do all In their power to cause to bo rcrerred to tho legal voters or the state tho ques tion or enacting or repealing nny state law that is demanded by petition, signed by 10 per cent of tho legal voters of the state, the next session to act In accordance with the majority vote. "As to any new local or special law for a town, city or county, our candi dates shall voto ror it to bo referred to the voters interested bcroro it takes effect, "ir ten percent or the lecrnl voters or any county, cltyor town, shall by petition demand any local law, our candidates will voto ror tho enact ment or such law, providing that it shall be rcrerred to the voters inter ested and take effect only when ap proved by a majority of those voting thereon. "With each proposed law, there shall bo printed and delivered to ovory person entitled to vote thereon so far us possible, a short statement of the reasons for and against tho law as given by Its friends nnd foes." RESOLUTION ADOPTED. we protest against tho policy or inc government in patenting to rail road corporations lands along their lines, or which in many Instances mineral lands arc natnnted to uiid corporations, to the great injury to 1110 miners or ourstatc. Wherefore, wo demand Mint, nil mineral lands in tho stato be exempted rrom tho grasp or such corporations and reserved ror the use nnd benefit or tho miners and tho best Interests or the state. OTHER MATTERS. Tho W. C. T. IT. resolution was "re-, fcrcnduin." Ono ravorlngsenators elected by the licujiiu was luiupicd. One favoring a deduction for debt nnd a corresnondlng credit passed. cost for cash. Mr. Wright contem plates making a change In ills stylo or business, and In order to do so will re duce the stock. Hero Is a splendid chance for thoso who tleslro to pur chase goods in his line, to buy what tiicy want, and save money by doing so. The largo stock or groceries will, during the continuance of this sale, which will last 30 or 00 days, bo also sold nt n great reduction. The time to buy Is early, while the stock Is yet full nnd complete. 27 d.'it wl Bucklon's Arnica Salvo Tlie best Salve In the world for Cuts, Sores, Bores, Ulcers, Sale Hlicutn, Fever and all Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains, Urulscs, Skin Eruptions, nnd positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Live per fee satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by Fred A. Legtr. FECIAL Satl -TOMORROW. -SATURDAY- HOSIERY- Bargains in this line, Do not msss this sale, STOCK'S Phone 112, 257 Commercial street, Ye l-CLfllRETTE SOflP-t The latest tiling in eastern hard soap, Try it, you will be pleased, We still have 20 oz, World Beater for 5c, HARRIOT LAWRENCE P. O, Grocery, FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON IMPKOVED-CONCENTRATF.D. The Original 25-c-nt Squirrel Poison. -- 41 . Keeds Upera House, One Night Only, Sunday Night,Mar,29 The Celebrated Medium I Im LJIa. .... ( T) ji a xciirie Deauseanl iandv Mme, Beauseant, Assisted by a number of powerful. (llutiiH developed lor tho Z purpose or deuionslmtfiT spirit power In full -gas light.- Materialization I ifSS1 siitttfag &m s 1 IMSn&X&'I&'v? .trJ44i555Wii!!W' szzzm$zrm' in l-pound cans. Guaranted. Thousands 01 larmers irom all over this state have learned that FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON at accents is as good or better than more expensive foie en brands of nnriin strength. Fry's h the genuine and most re. liable poison. ILe nn mhir v.v, ..u 1... Geo. L. ilaskett, Fed A. Legg, G. V. 11111.1m, onunicinrr urug Co., drugistf, Sa "Icm. THE Chicago. March May 61 i. New Yc MARKETS. 26 Wheat, casli foe, 3 30. Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local applications, as tlioy cannot rcaCll tllC (HsenKPfl nnrtlnna tt li .. There Is only ono way to euro dear- ness, ami mat is by constitutional remedies. Dcarness is caused by an 11 miiuu comuiion or the mucous inliiK or tho Eustachian tube. When tills tube gets Inflamed you hnvo a rumbling sound or Imperfect: hearing, and when It is entirely cloied dcar ness Is tho result, and unless tho ln lainmatlon can bo taken out and this tuuu n-aiureu 10 us normal condit on. hearing will bo destroyed rorover nlno cases out or ten aro caused by ii... i ' ' r ,a "UL"'ng oui nn in llamcd condition or tlio mucous sur- Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars ror any caso or dcarness (caused by catarrli that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrli Cure. Send for clr culars, Irco. Kv.iil c"enney &Co., Toledo O 3TSold by Druggists, 75 cents. The United Evangelical church will holds Its annual conference in tills City. TllO SOSSlnn cnnvnunatlm mucr part or next week on street. ork, March 26 Silver,C6cj lead, bAN FRANCISCO MARKET, ban Francisco, March 26. Wheat, 1.07V Vvooi..Oreeon. chntrv Ji.n. i(..i: ' 5c, valley, otic. J Hops Quotable at 3sc oiatoes (to to 90c per sack. Oats Milling, 7Sfi2. PORTLAND MARKET. Portland. March 2c Wlirnt -iiu,. r.. Walla Walla, 57. ' " "' Flour Portland, i1.1i;: Benton ,n. l.IC' nMhflm A. . ji " "'"i ,u3 ui'iinc, z 2c pcr bl)i Oats-White, 2426c;Erey,2233; ' in bags, J4.2SS.25. barrels' Y.i&l-, . "'.-WIV Oregon, cases, t.7S m vl0er ' ?ew RfoeB0n' '53oc per sack. Iiay..Good, 5(38.50 per ton. wool.. valley, 9,ocj Eastern o8Jc. M'tuni..Bran, $ii.5oI3ooj shorts,i2 .n1inul!ry,J.Ie."si sc.! rocslers & Per dez: TO4WAiK, um,er .v,.,. .Oregon, 4 10 oc, according to nual. iir 1 ,ImPortan to Farmers. m. . . 1 S(l,rrcl Exterminator tho original and only article or it, kind giving complete satlsraction Now reduced rrom CO to 30 cents per (f;n J 8fi? Htclncr Drug 0. Linn & Brooks and G. W.Putman, balem.Orcgon 3I4.1 , ' rn. ,ChCaP Rate3 t0 isCO. nnd n?!.ra,tes of fl.vo dol,ars cabin n 1 V;iIfty 8teer.aB0 including meals nl F? 8tl" ln effect on the in.i - o 9S 8- steamers from Tort- .wmi ku (3uu i'mncisco, oteamers leave days. Portland every live 3-0-1 m icy creamery, fair to Reed, 35C W Cottage 140; )20J Ity. , Uutter. .Oregon fane lancy dairy, 30 common, I7&C. Cheese .Oregon full cream, uiOA Eggs. Oregon, 9c per dor. iA' ioi:.Cw-e3.oo3.aS per lb; fair dre&7aAafc:WC5COW, 2A2 Mutton.. Pest teef, 2.ooraa'c' rhn! ewe,, ,.2S; dressed, 4JSSc. S' " Ilogs..Chotce. heavy, 3.250-i.co' llohr and feeders; 2.75i Am&. JtSV&hf eai,,bmall. choice. efSifJi. 1. .'. II. " JV"I '"igc, 3(, per lb. 34c "T T u cry tie portment and the eii 11s iiiq lowest prices, ' t 1 1 -r gro. er lest l'iwIu i. uwl exacting servlco. as our store popular. make H. M. BRANSON & At the old J, A. Van Bon store, coM Not a C.i)iUATK,-Tho report or thO Popilllst COUntV COIlVnnt Inn v.. .i,... ...,,. .: , ""' .v.,.,, n.jK.rivii 11. a. jory as a candl ditto ror county recorder, it should have been II. p. Jory, as his undo, H. b., was a candidate ror no oftlee. Tho Discovery Saved nu T.if- IUMtt?.'. Cn ''i0,1' versville, 111., uys. To Dr, King' New Discovery I Wrsflff iawftaysB Ucovery in my store I sent fw a b?tfk and get be ter and tfttr usine tliree h1 ? ,UA"1 bout again. ItfswcSh lu i"S ia gold. witnoi H' .. . IK HlHI 1 iH llnm . I. -.. oat I) ' f!. - ,-' .TV "I. ow lCC' Drug Store. t VredA. Awarded Highest HonorsWorld's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. w CREAM MNNfi POWDfR iMost Petfsct Mi.de, AoYeantheSUptUrd, 3.20; shorts, 12.00, SALEXt MABVMi Oatt",iVS3C P"bU" marketfinn' Hay.. Baled, cheat, J4.5oS.oo; timothy, Hour.. In wholesale lm. , . bran, hulk , .' , re,a,. . , 'r: ."::, i. 1 "vj.jj cnop feed, ouiiry..v-nicKens, 3.ooa7.c0 ducks. ii.Kot rn.'-.r.ir?:50 keys, o,oc; dreKedrii', VoaI..Dressed, 4. V-M-'C Uve Cattle.. 22J. Sc; fancy creamery, Treasurer's Notice. County Treasuhek's OPFifaE, ) t, Salem, Or., March 25, 1800. f <i horcby plve that i,lo un erslgned has money on hand to pay warrants issued and outstanding up to April i, 1895, and Interest on tho samo will stop on that date. ., o- o Jap Minto, 3-2o-2w county Treasurer. OLD MANURE-And plenty or It. Salem Truck & Dray Co. 3-10-3t Reed's Opera House, Tuesday, March 31, 00; II.OO r doz.: 6,00; tur- p..i.ive. 2.co. Wool.. Best, I2fic. Il0M..Best. Attic V, EKSS..Cash. Sc." nutter.. Best dairy. 20c. " Cheese .i3Mi3c. tarm bmokecT Meat sBacca 7c 4jo; shoulders, 5c. ' ' ?c lotatoes. Kcperbu. Onions., t Jc. Salem Home Dramatic Club, Spirits ily through tlie air. Thtj aro seen by all persons. They cot verso whii you as in lire. ThersuK hands with tliclr friends. A table arises four or live feet In mld-ilr. Spirit hands and races are plalnft seen and recognized by friends. A guitar Is played and passed around tho room by lnvlsiblonowcr. Flower nro brought and passed by the audi- onco by liands plainly seen. Mi in rung. ITarps aro played and otber tests or spirit nature tako place Ii tho presenco or these wonderful ra diums. Spirit Brido Leveo, startlltf and bewildering. Bell without belfry Transit or tho tambourine. A pl' carpenter. Gravitation Is Ignored. Wonderful holding test. Pbllosopb- ors mystilled. Scientists astonlswa Clergy amazed. Scholars are dnmfj founded. The unexplained wonder of tho nineteenth centnry. Marvels spiritualism. Comprehensive thiw ors baflled. Doors open at 7. Seana opens nt 8. Tho expenses defrayed w a small feo for admittance. 1 Reed's Opera House- One Night, Thursday, April 4 Tho Twentieth Century Comedians, MuttayXmiX JOCMack Presenting that whirlwind of Irish fun u.l..ul..UU.tt I yLUyyVlV-1 hams A medium Lost. sited blacia leather hand crip, containinr. Un. ." , W!li2;fcJS"!-l, 'o thisoffice! Under tho auspices ouicers, o. N. or HlO board nf nitl. acts, f.,iAl,-u:U8Wsautl uiaiuu in nvo t pay lileral reward. lo-tf Twixt Love and Duty, tlSSSfi. SSS7-.SlxtJ People on sic. Gollcrv S rjno ira-, ew " on sale it bitten Iw80rvcdWc' Seats board of offlceS B?03 or ie xxxx X OTrVTKTnriAlSl'S wSs Jis Jm J. Jyt J J A T T TheBamum ofJJAL Farce Comedies,! A bo Itching bovy oj 'emlnlnW A cotcrio or clever comedian, A contingent of dazzling dancer A bunch of jolly spubMttea And fun from start to flniw Seats on salo at Dearborn $ store. mm m lyFREE DElERy' WOLZ k M1ESCKE, fjg Dealars ia all kinds of fresh MdW 171 COMMERCIAL ST f ? -JtMfe fL