Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 27, 1896, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journa
In whatever state of incertitude lb
pleases Governor McKlnley to leave
his position upon the money question,
1L nrovs raoro and more clear with
" . . ii.. 4ltf If un
.. .f iti in vmi.ii in liiuui
PTiTTiAY MARCH 27, 1890. shall 1)0 nominated for president at
FRIDAY, maiwu , st Loug h(j wJU stnnd upon a fl.
""" jnoncy platform; that Is, upon a plain
COUNTY republican ticket. K0d.sUn(nr(i platform, distinctly
Irtwulnmnlnir free coinage of sllvcr.and
1 susceptible of nd such double meaning
I .. -.. ..., Mm nlnt.fnrm of 1892.
ua wiia yuv uyuii " !"
DR. J. K. SMITH, of Salem,
II. L. RARKLEY, of Woodburn,
E. V. CHAPMAN, of Brooks,
DAVID CRAIG, of Macleay.
County Judge,
GROVE P. TERRELL, of Mchatna,
County Commissioner,
J. N. DAVIS, of Sllverton.
County Clerk,
L. V. EH LBN, of Ruttcvllle.
J?. T. -VRIGIITMAN, of Salem.
P. "VW WATERS, of Salem.
.1. W. IIORAHT, or Garfield.
fl. 11. HERRICK, of Yew P.uk.
School Superintendent,
GEO. W. JONES, or Jeffcrfcoii.
A. M. CLOUGH, of Salem.
Jo. Simon Is chairman of the Mult
nomah county central committee. As
chairman he calls the primaries, ap
points the Judges and clerks, llxen the
hours and places, and they are to bo
conduced uuder his own law to rettu
lute clly primaries, passed In the leg
islature on 801.
ti"Vlth all theso advantages In his
favor; with a law in Ills hands that
does not require his offlceriyif prlmar
Ins to nicscrvo the ballot; with a law
that makes any list or voters certified
or list of delegates elected final, and
gives tho citizen nojrccoursc, ho goes
Into a light for tho political contiol
or that city and county, and through
that means to rorco himself to tho
head of tho delegation to tho national
Tho light in Portland, Thursday,
April 2, will bo watched with interest.
Yet tho platform plank on money
of 1802 was reported by Harvey Scott
as chairman- of the Oregon state Re
publican convention of 1894.
It was good enough to win the
greatest Republican vicioiy every
won In Oregon. Now It Is"susccptlblc
of a double meaning." Whatever
other things It could be construed to
mean, It did mean blmctallsm and
did declare for the use of both gold
and silver us standuid money.
There will be nearly two hundred
contesting delegates In tho national
Republican convention. These con
tests grow out of corrupt manipula
tion of the primaries and conventions
finm Now York to California, the
gnu est evil of our national life.
From New York there will bo a
complete setof contestants Piatt nnd
McKlnley delegates. In Texas and
other stutcs bloody battles have been
fought over the delegations. The end
may bo bloodshed and disruption or
the convention.
Tho contestants will bo seated by
the national committee- composed of
ono from each state. A scat and a
vote on that committee- Is worth a
fortune. Tho battle will be fought to
a finish, and will demonstrate that
tho greatest national Issue Is puri
fication of the primaries,
Close 6r Senator Mitchell's Great Speech
In the Senate, March 4-5.
In conclusion, Mr. President, nnd
begging pardon for having trespassed
m long upon the patience of tho sen
man Joe ntc', I qonfldently submit this caso to
tiic caltii, deliberate Judgment of the
L.nfiln tmaflnir nnfl hello VllltT. UH I
do, that the Judgment rendered will
fully vindicate the Integrity of that
,..., f A.nrlmltl rWt.rltin. Wllldl rCCOU
. . - - .. i 11 I ,.n n UW1'V"'"''"V "
gub b the deffercnt departments of the gov-
ermnents of the several stales, ana 01
Where nre tho Woodburn twin poll- the United States as well; and the
tlclans now? Supporting thestralght mtIon aml pcrpctulty or which,
ticket, of course. against all undue encroachments or
Marlon county has no boss.
Rov. Belknap had been in the legis
lature once too orten.
Elder Rarkley is one
Simon fears In Oregon.
The Statesman has beaten Mr,
Hermann. No one else did It.
Rev. Harry Rattlebrain Watklns-a executive power,
arc so essential to
good fellow will tell stories at Reed's tj10 preservation and pcrpctulty or
opera house tonight. political and individual liberty in
, , ,' this country. If, unrortunately, the
Good men who secure a nomination BB",uuy ' ,,,,.,
on a good ticket no longer need to hire day should over come when In an un-
guarucu moment uio buhuiu m v
United States should give its sanction
to a relaxation or the restraints
which hold in proper subjection the
executive prerogative, and which In
a newspaper to elect them.
Elder Rarkley won a big victory at
Woodburn over the single gold stand
ard and single boss crowd.
Farmer "Whitney and Barron and the Interest or liberty and good gov
Corby In town taught the Woodburn eminent disunite executive and lcgls
polltlclans a much needed lesson. latlvo powcnJ nlui Bjve its consent to
,.. r, 1 ru ' a unity or exercise In the same person
It Is whispered that Gardener 1 ones """'' U1 ,, , ,. , ...
and Tailor Lane had something to do or the respective functions of two or
with maklnir un the Republican more of what arc now and ever should
ticket. be the independent departments or
, , . . national and state governments, then
Jap Mliito made an honorab e light Hio
for a Mitchell legislative ticket. 110, .,,...,1,1.
is also a county treasurer without any cadence of political and Indl Idual lib-
strings on him. crty in this country.
The strife for tho extension of ex
ecutive power on the one hand, and
1 for the curtailment of constitutional
for Nothing
on, ir you ratrtn,
Inside each 4 ounce buc of
"ouMRial Stacel, Cnmt U
Tl" Capital r,min
moved to that Ucatloii. Call M
c- H. LANe, '
2ti Coinaisretiil si ,i
isr-Knli. t.r .. r'J weoOr
- "3 j'wrai, t'tntt .: ,
- ""l".!!
Send coupon! with name and address to a
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. W
l "tfff f
The political battle In Polk county
Is red hot. The Portland ring slate
Is Smith or Mulkcy for senator, Ed.
T. Hatch, of McCoy, and Mr. Van-
ItaiiiMl marked feature Is tho absence C9S. (,r Independence, ror reprcscnta-
or all fair play,the presenco of Simon's
cinch methods, his un-American and
un-Rcpubllcan stylo or bosslsm. It Is
The Statesman Is kicking about
ntnrrer Ifnrmnnn uslnir his frank. So
long as It brings
brother, don't cry.
good news, dear
limitations and restraints upon the
power or the people and tho people's
General Weaver's gospel or tho poor renresentatlvcs on the other, has been
sounds well coming rrom n lawyer who ' R contC8t longcr ln duration than that
or any war of either ancient or mod-
has always
worked for a
lived well
and never
Joe Simon, of Portland, Is running
tho old game of politics with .loaded
dlco and tho people bo d d. And not
i'lifciicwspapcr in Portland to show up
inon's villainy.
It looks now as If the Republican
state convention might go for freo
silver. Jackson county has started
tho boom that way, and Marlon's con
vention Indicates a similar tendency.
Tho light on behalf of Senator Mitch
ell, at Woodburn, led by Rev. Rarkley
resulted In u pronounced victory over
tho Dolph faction led by W. L. Tooic.
In almost overy contest tho silver
men carried tho day. Roseburg Re
view (l)etn.)
Tlloro will bo no freo sliver light In
tho Republican stato convention, nor
any antl-Dolph light. Tho stato con
volition will not on tho other hnnd
endorso tho slnglo gold Btandurd, nor
6oiul goldlto delegates to the national
convention. It will bond a delega
tion favoniblo to sllvor, to genuine
bluiotalUm, to represent Western R
IliibllcatilMii aggresslvoly,
lives. Ed. 'P. Hutch is nutlnnul com
mitteeman ror Alaska, and as a sena
tor was a staunch Jo Simon man.
Somo or theso men prorcss to bo
Mitchell men. Thoy aro secretly ror
tho old ring, ror Dolph. They woro
all at Salem last winter lobbying ror
Dolph. Tho people or Polk county
should turn out at tho primaries and
keep them at home. Put ring men
on tho ticket some other time.
ern times. It has been the contest or
ages, extending Into all nations nnd
tho nrlmiirlcs down there lust as his snrcadlng throughout all Christen-
henchmen wanted them run at Sa- (jomt it m3 i,ccn tho contest of 11b
lcm but It didn't work. It Is pre- crty ngninst prerogative; of the strug
d ctcd t w 11 not work-theatre. , ; , , , t, , , ,
'gle for legislative Independence
There Is still an opportunity left 'against tho grasping tendencies and
for Mr. Dolph to move to make Mr. unwarranted encroachments of cx-
MitcheH's election unanimous before
itlsdonoby the people. When did
Mr. Dolph do a gracious or graceful
ecutlvo power; a contest which at
times, as wo havo been told, has
"written tho history of a whole ago of
blood," destroying with its consum
lug II res the brightest and best hopes
of myriads or the host or freedom, nnd
wrecking upon Its devastating Hoods
County politics nio so hot In this
county among tho Republicans that!
there will bo no light ror congressional
delegates. "Hands oft" has been or
dered, and that will adjust Itself
afterwards. Tho delegation will He
between Hermann and Ford hore as It
will on tho 7th. Ono will bo tho
nominee. Tho Democrat predicts
Hermann. Should It bo Ford, as ho is
as ardent a freo silver man as Her
mann, though silent now, what will
tho Oregonlan wiyV Albany Demo
Judging by the nolso In tho news
papers, State Land Agent Davenport
Is rccovcrlnir millions of acres or school
linulo fn tlin iwnn1. It, vn t hotielit, '
i.vu,..itiiiit. .Tni iVArr,v i..hi Lmr, tho worthiest and loftiest aspirations
away with all there was. J of tho rrolnds or individual and pollt-
I leal liberty.
Christians and white men ln Ore-! To hold that the governor or a
gon politics. Isn't Elder Rarkley a stato can exercise simultaneously tho
moro decent man to senci as a (icicgaio functions or oxecutlvo and legislator
iu uio imuuiiui nuimuiiuwi cuincu- u. iinfnrt.mmtolv. tn nrrnv t.lin snnnfA
-I "- -rf - j -- .
test. Such n decision would, In my
Mnn t.lmii Hint, imtnrlnim enrnnrnt Inn
trickster Jo Simon, or Portland? , ? f,,0Z ffiP,' "'!? AfhK '
"i ...
Every reader or TiiecJouknal
should look up tho list or premiums
given absolutely free with tills paper.
rp. AVtMMfT.v JnimNAL at 81 a year is
the cheapest paper on the Pacific
coast, yet with it wo give yearly sub
scriptions to any of tho following
valuable publications, each Known 10
tho world as a standard In its Held:
The Toledo Rlade,
Tho Queen or Fashions,
The Farm News,
The Child Garden.
These valuable publications 'arc
each worth a $1 a year, yet wo give
you your choice, ono year Tree, for a
$1.50 subscription to The Jouknal,
either the Daily ror six months or
tho Weekly for uighteon months.
See tho list, and don't neglect to prollt
Don't bo deceived Into paying foi
so-called premiums otTeied with hli'h
nrlnnl minora lit. :i fUllfht IKlV.UlCC.
t?ninnnihr TlIC JOURNAL l tllC
rheapest newspaper on the I'.icU'C
coast, and It gives you high guide
premiums without additional charuo
Polk county Republican primaries,
Friday, April 3.
Polk county Republican convention
at Dallas, April 4. . . .
First congressional district Repub
lican convention at Albany on Tues-
Stato Democratic convention at
Portland April Oth.
Republican national convention
meets In St. Louis, Juno 10.
Democratic national convention
meets in Chicago. July 7.
National Populist convention, St.
Louis, July 22.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window ffiass, variusnes, ana
ihe most comolctc StOCC of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality ot grass secos,
TVuen Baby ru sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Costorltu
When she becamo Hiss, the clung to Castoria.
Wtan the had Children, the gate them Caatoct.
Tho Marlon county Republican
leglHhitho ticket means ono thing;
Economy In tho stato government,
economy in the county government.
Tho men put on that ticket stand
pcrhonally pledged to that,
Mchhrs. Smith, Harkley.Cralg.Chap
tnnntnnd Mitchell win bo round a
A private telegram received rrom
Ringer Hermann announces that ho
has succeeded In putting Ynnulna
Hay and Yamhill and Wlllainetto
river Improvements under tho contract
system. This means much ror tho
Wlllainetto valley, as it Insures lm-
mediate completion as recommended
by tho engineer ror theso Improvements.
J.IICH lei S send Hilt). luduiiinnt,. ho n rlnnfirt.nro from nun of
I tho great fundamental principles or
Tho moro opposition Ringer Hor-'Ropubllcan mid Democratic govern
iniinn him tho lmnlpr hn works Hn ,Hent an unwarranted ooncessloii to
maun in sine harder ho works, no tho over-grasping claims or cxecuctlvo
should bo called Reaver Heimann. power over the rights or tho niassas ot
Rut tho shaking up ho lins got In Mar- people and tho peoples representatives
inn poimtv will hurt, nnthincr. it. lins and adaiicerousstabat tho very vitals
already not tho Willamette river un- r tno Kmxt doctrine upon which our
I r" V V ltttV4 UV fV I V IIIIIVII V3 '
tho boveral 6tates rest that or tho
comnleto lndcncndcnco ot thoir lecls-
latlvo, executive, and Judical departments.
I Tho Salem Statesman Is a big, In
lliientlal paper, but It has yet to learn
unit on nil question of moral pro-. Umt ltc,mt at both a popular man
gross, economy reform and vital Issues anl no,ulnato ,,ls successor, too.
Id tho Interest of tho people.
Thoy aro men of ohamcter whoso
one auililtlon will lw to mako a good
record for themselves and not oppress
Mioiwonlo wltlijoubciy or oxtrava-
Hurey Scett: You can't down a
mnn In tho Republican party because
ho Is a silver mnn,
i: mice
Llttlo J(fl Simon
luold Marlon.
was sat on hard
V' Villi tla tvorl.l nnn&
aafiS'fcssniwjiw Rt) r a
L w q.-"r'f -MWllUr
Li 'r"0 i
Bronchitis Cured.
AiAOLUAY, Or., Jan. 30. 189o.-After
havluu tho urln I wnt Utt. win. ,..
ANCriMOHBInkry ,""1M"1a,MJ uohlil. Tho doctor
'!" f wuru,SKX)0 v",' w louuiuiisni, l
iu gretttojt, urand
j; nn luoti uts
tcMful curator Ms
vul vreaVucM anit
lrul iliMomv, ht
butmv thnvit
.. i--
couuitlon. My
toting tat
mother hud ixen using Hood's Sar&nv
arllla and, I thought 1 would try It.
rtiicr i imuiak'en ono bott o ot llil's
uiedlclno my throjit was all rig t.
Mrs, Emma C Slmoral. fc '
geiK Vm cu"lUous", ludl-'
tier tho contract system.
General Weaver lias not yet re
covered from his old carelessness in
handling llgurcs. Ho mndo many good
points, but marred it by saying that
a quarter or a billion or bonds have
been Issued to supply a deficit or ?37,
000,000 in tho government icvenues.
General Weaver's contribution to tho
cause of lalwr has been to raise a son
who Is a sharp corporation lawyer In
tho city of Des Moines.
An old fanner wild to a young Sa
lem lawyer the other day: "If 1 woro
in your place I'd keep out of politics
about ten years. Don't oven mention
tho word. Stick close to your profes
sion for that tlmo and you will legalu
your reputation lu tho community,
your standing In tho profession, tho
respect of tho lieoplo, and your really
great political talents can bo used to
better tuhantage. You havo been In
too many Jobs, and you'll bo hanging
around tho next legislature for
Governor Rudd or Callfornln has
broken the record for nepotism. ll
has now eight of his relatives on tho iZ'dcast
, .... ,.,v.v,.,o. a. inn, uv-iiiH bume
"ti" luii'iu. it is in no rtmnrk-oii it. ........ . . . .
that Governor Lord has appointed Tno u,,,yqWa.cM,q.ic. mu
relatives to olUco; neither mKuZ ntM Constipation, Coated Tongue, roor
oald, as his assistant secretary, Mr, C. PP611 Dypcpk and kindred derange
M. Lockwood, Is his Wife's uophow,' menta f the Stomach. Liver and Bowel.
hut had a claim on tho place by light' Dim apt tome substitute said to bt
lug his way Into tho county coiwen- "just as good."
tlou, and having been instrumental n substitute costs the dealer less.
hi helping to nomlnato Mr. Klncald. ' II tosts )vu ABOUT the same.
epotlsm is a corrupt influenco in the ' HIS pnfit is in the "just as good."
public service. Men should win their WHERB IS YOURS?
wL ?JTX0Un U '"erltatldby AJdrea. for FS tUMK-s.
theirpartasmeuiu poetical t r ktuc
I N. 43 Mthi St, BUFFALO, k K
WAN lT.D,-To buy a bicycle, Tor cash, nt
the tintype tmt, south Commercial st. Apply
Tuesday or Wednesday, as I Intend to re-
move soon. 3 23 3U
FOR SALE-Three acres of land in Yew
Park, with good house and ham, loo fruit
trees, all rich garden land, for sale cheap
Apply to Lewis rcttyjohn. 3 14 im
A Sample Package (4 to 7 dam) o!
Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
7b any one sending name and address to
us on a postal card.
Hence, our object in sending them out
in West Salem, Larce house nnd barn: 1
acre variety bearing fruit trees, plenty of
smau iruit ami grapes, good garden land,
ncre timber land. Will mako a good
poultry ranch. Box 145, 3.1611
WANTED Situation by man with first-class
certificate, competent to set up and keep in
repair the Westlnghouse air brake equip
ments complete. Address II, C, Branden.
burg, Uoerport, Ky. Box 57, 3 13 6t
WANTED Au honest, active gentleman or
ladv to travel far rrllnlilr r,n1ill)ii1 Ui.
Salary $780, payable 515 weekly and ex
(1CIUC5. ouuauon permanent. ;tteierence-
The Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Build.
Inrr flitnn ..
bi "'""ij". j. 35 im
TIlEES l'runed and sprayed. Top grading
a speciality, also bees transferred or put i n
good shape. Call or addresjno. Y. Carr,
i uummcrciai street. 3.12 1 m
I-OR SALE OR TRADE.-'I he best hay
fruit and stock ranch in Oregon, containing
200 acres. Will sell cheap, on easy terms, or
trade lor grocery stock. For particulars in
quire at this office. II. A B. 3 u im"
FOR SALli Eight milch cows and two 2
year olds. Inquire or M . Egan, Gervais
Or. uitf'
UAKl'KT l'Al'ER-Large lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Just
the thing for putting under carpets. Call at
journal office.
t'OlJUC MEN, 1'ULlrciANti AND BUS",
iness houses can obtain all newspaper infor
mation from the press of the stace, coast and
country fromthe Press Clipping Bureau.
(Allen's) Union Ulock. PortUyTd. jj 20tf
P.O. NEWS STAND.-Local Subscription
Agency for all newspapers and magaiines.
im? a,k ' c,2a,s ai"l confectionery. F. W.
Miller, Prop, 1I14 tf
PAPERS Portland, Sacramento. Seattle.
Tacoma and San Fiancisco papers on sale a!
Miller's Postoffice block
JERSEY BULL-Pure bred Jersey bull for
service, One of the finest animal, bred in
Oregon. Terms i cash. Call at Englewood
Dairy on Railroad and D st. A. Rich,
32I Commercial st. Cottle Block
Successor to C. M. Beck & Co.
Best meats in tho city, Prompt delivery at
lowest prices.
I have a very simple home treatment uhirh I
will send free in nil suffering women. Cuies
fimaleiioubleaul every nature. Mot won
ikrful remedy ever known
The half lia-t nr.vcr been told;
For could ur wit . Ink the ocean fill,
Weie every blade of grass a quill,
Weie ihc wlwli world of parchment made
And every ituicui a scribe by trade
To tell ihe imiiisuf Balm of Figs,
I would drain iheoceiin dry.
Nor would the scroll contain the whole,
Though strcichcd from sky to sky.
Address Mri. J. W. B., box 96, Tollman,
Linn county, Or. 2-12-imt
Capital Transfer Co,
Express, baggage and all kinds cf work
done promptly. Leave orders at Patton't
storo. 12-3.
J. II. Albert.
Offnl National Bank,
Transact a general banking business.
Miss Balk's Soiioo
Will receive children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for theolder pupils taught, include
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and ar.
tistic needle work All work done on the in.
dividual plan in which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity. For
terms and particulars apply to Miss O. Dal
lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts.
German Lessons
Given by a qualified teacher, a native;
of Germany. Classes for children on
Saturday nt Channing Hall.
Mrs. Rapsey. 463 Centre S .
Given on reasonable terms fcy an experienced
teacher. W. A. RAPSEY,
. 463 Centre st.
We have iust completed a new feed yard
one-half block south of the court house.
Please give us a call. Team 10c.
Makes a spialty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clock, etc., 215 Commercial Street
'GOHPLEXMll DnwnfcB!
1 rateSsto tt's'AS;
, BXir""-u? 'UffJF
On faim laml 1.,...!... ..
rate, on lame loan,.'C
consldeicd wtihout A.-u.'
Bush IUnkbulldin"AM,LT0NH
On city or farm properly.
Overillusli's Bank. T K Fl
The Roy
.;;-.::.- virr-"?"." m.u
reosonable. One tiki will insure Li
rouage. Prlvato rooms for ladiei. K
" '" S..1KUTO, p
Carpenter, Builder and Jom
481 Winter street.
IIard times prices always,
Notice to Bulldlni? Contneinr,.-
bids will le received at Ihe office of Seas
of Slate, Salem, Or., until 1 o'clock 1.1
Wednesday, April 8, 1896, f fa
and completion of a hospiul tnlbi
Roseburg, Or., according to pliai, rsti
lions, etc., now on exhibition alike o5ai
Helos D. Neer, architect, lftx. Tat, us
Portland; state house, Salem, Or.; ulcl
Soldiers' Home, of Roseburg, Or. Alk
must be accompanied wllh a ctuiti cc
drawn to tne omer 01 b. 11. Onmty, cc
man board of trustees, Orejoa idk
Home, in a sum equal to c, per cent t(k
the same to bo forfeited and and iv&ii
the Soldiers' Home fund IncasciSic
or accepted bidder falls tocnttrhtot
with acceptable bonds, in the tamof tkki
amount of contract, with at least tvo or.-
within 10 days after the award of cul
All bids must be addressed to
"Care Secretary of State Salem, Or,
'Tender of name) for Ityall
at soiuiers' iiome," 1
The rlalit to reject any and illiil
hereby reserved. By order of lie Mil
1 rustees ot the Soldiers' Home. I
Attest: S. B. ORMSBY, Chnn.cfUl
E. M. WAITElJllKTffiOrt,l
Legal BlankPuhUshtn.
Bush's New Brick over the banlc, Coal t
ucrui lauili
.r .. .11 n.!l .nr1 n...nirr trim Lfl
niccis Mil iimu im .v.'bv. - - -,
gage and express to all parti oftieaj
Prompt service, Telephone Kao
Office) Willamette Hotel BuMi'.
v, ... !.. .n.l. ll Cft I
jor waier khks fKv " vr,. jl
w mnnihW in adranct. a""!
complainU at the olKce.
Open splcket to prevent freewji
.1...11.. nt,'.K!tl Care ahoaU H
.r,'.. f c-.ln In litre It'
II in BnRct ui """B.,:: : riid
waste gate ciosea see sreiiw r'--jrk 1
ulation. No deduciionln billi!
i fnrnli-nee or for any ciase ""!
unless water Is cut ol irom prc-
To Our Subscriberel
nni?rii i iNhr.iv.
We take subscriptions, t dw I
he Magazines in the country, u cwi
wun me vp j""" . . ..iflt
publica rols tie &AJ
which, with all the fea lures rfi
erest of the other great ui" ,
has. besWes, its ownipeeUtti JTi
?...ij a. t name IfflDUCi rr 1 j
unnvaucu. ; -- f , Ftp
art, history and literature of M j
To those o( New fttfj JWJS
suDscnpuou !" k,',.i. m r"
ever else you yourself Jfll
New EnEland P- St
..t r
I have removed my 'b.PiBLfWJ
late place or business al4
all kW of first-class U
work. I will k p. -
loo Chemeketa street.
wnixs IP
Desdan in all kinds &
Jaaisxa vanoybtob8. I
171 COMW
Mj rfaJrMitaiiSMfciiit,''