DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, l r ji l- ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY. r2C SALEM, OlTKftON, tfltTDAY 3tAKOII JJT, I8. --1 .No. T r a r I'M Jfc-ij" wa ViW 1 ? ,jT3 .v -a i VJR-SwJ'v Mur "HELLO:!" "275jCommercial st. How is it that you are now getting in so 4 ' many nice gooas in THE POP CONVENTION i! Endorses the- Old Omaha Platform, THE RIGHT OFiS PETITION lese hard times ?" "Whyf my dear sir, we are selling fern every day and the trade have long ice learned that anything neat and new f the shoe line can be found at RAUSSB Denied by a Vote of 97 to 54 tho Convention. in Bros No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices, X dware, Tinware, Barbed Wire Blacksmith Supplies Stoves and Machinery at BROS. line our large and complete stock. Always prompt and courteous treatment. jLVUrTL. X DLLEGE OF MUSIC of the Willamette university. INDER NEW MANAGEMENT.- Jerri methods. Up to date. Same as (it the eastern and European Conservatories Rbut the best is good enough for beginners as well as for more advanced pupils, u. v. iwnvt.u.Y. rrciiucni R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director EMIL I,. WINKLER, Instrumental Director. C. GOODALE C. G. SCHRAMM U odale Hiuibv Company OF SALEM Lrd on Twelfth, and. Trade Streets tcep tho most complete stock of common, dimension nnd finished lumber ,nnd sell on tho most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles hir-stock Is made at our own mills, of thebest lumber In the state. C. G, SCHRAMM, .Manager. e Willamette Hotel. LEADING HOTEL OF THE CI I luced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel tor all public buildings wits of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER FlllDAY FOHUNOON. Col.Oluistcad presided over tho con ference to hear plans for party organi zation. The morning was spent on routine business; a complete scheme of organization was adopted. Tho I committee on platform now reported. Mr..W. S. U'Rcn or Mllwauklc read the platform. Trior to this General Weaver of Iowa and J udgo R. P. Holso of Salem were invited to tho platform and each got a hearty reception from the convention. Tho reaffirming of the old Omaha platform was received without a murmur or hand clap. The proposal of a union for all reform ele ments Into n national party, was loudly applauded. So was tho refer ence to state reforms. Tho plank op posing all appropriations for sectar ian purposes got a big hurrah. Tho limited referendum In sJLnto affairs was loudly applauded. Against fish traps and flshwhcels was not well re ceived by tho Eastern Oregon men. A delegate moved to adopt. King of Baker amended: to adopt by sec tions. Lost. On question of adop tion, a delegate moved to striko nil after tho word "obligatory" in the state platform after tho word "refcr erondum." Tills was tho provision giving tho people tho limited referen dum in local nnd state matters. It was Mr. U'Rcn's pet Idea. Various points of order wero made, but Dr. Kent of Douglas was allowed to ex plain his objection. Ho showed It was an effort to pledge members of tho legislature to do things which thoconstltutlon forbid tho legislature doing. Tho national part of tho platform was adopted. nr. uuten now proceeded to ans wer Dr. Kent. Tho committee on platform had labored all night and had carefully considered tho constitu tion of Oregon, and tho platform gavo tho people all tho rlglitn to pass on legislation that could possibly bo se cured. Under this plank 10 psr cent of tho voters could, by signing n peti tion, compel tho legislature to unb uilt any important question to them. Dr. Kent now renewed his objec tion to tho last clause, making it binding on a succeeding legislature. Ho parted from his friend U'Rcn on this point. No legislature could bind its successor. It would not bo mor ally binding. If wo carried this state without tho referendum, tho party would bo at the mercy of tho office suckers just like tho old parties. Ills friend Weaver had suggested all de tails bo left out. Cut off all after tho words Jnltlntory and referendum. It would avoid confusion and would not put tho party on tho defensive. Mr. U'Ren said referring matters to a vote of tho people was only copying a Republican Idea. That party had re peatedly referred Important matters to tho people, like the question of freo bridges iu Fortland. Tills convention could not do less than tho Republicans had done. It was time the members of tho legisla ture obeyed tho -voice of tho people instead of thopeoplo obeying them, Applause.. No matter could bo referred to tho people because the next legislature would bo Republican and Jo. Simon would Ira president of the senate and ho would permit no reform legislation except for partisan purposes. Ono man's vote had defeated a con stitutional convention in tho last legislature. The town of Buckley, Wn., hud adopted this .plan. It was practical and feasible. Senator King, of Raker, now op posed tho report. Tho committee on platform had 6truggledall night until they reached tho tariff question and then all went home. Laughter. IIo objected to going before the peoplo on tho Initiative and referendum in tho little bill. IIo got an amendment be fore tho house to striko out tho word 'Obligatory" nnd mako It "optional." Applause. Jeffries of Jackson now made a strong plea for harmony, to lay down all differences ns to details open to differing construction. Ho favored the optional method. Tho best Popu list brains In the stnle were hero nnd they differed on this. Then how could tho peoplo understand it? They were standing nt a crisis in .the pon tics of tho state nnd nation nnd har mony must prevail. A compromise on this must bo mado or failure was before us. Tho young mani plead for simplicity of context. Long plat forms had killed more than ono party. Mr. Ward, of Portland, now sjMiko In opposition to King's motion. An effort was mado to adjourn Jmt It was voted down. Jy Mr. U'Rcn now moved thq previous question. i King's amendment to strike out "obligatory rnrm" was carried by a rising vote. Dr. Kent now renewed h s demand for a short platform. U'Rni made a spirited plea for the right of petition. It was a xacrod right of Mm peoplo and this convention had n right to vote down tho right of tho'jicoplo to ask by petition for local And state legislation nnd to have flint right respected. Applause. j Itcprcsentatlvo Young, Tif Raker, now arose ana snm a nurricnno was sweeping over tho land nml If thoy wore shrewd mariners they would sail into aiharbors of victory. I o wanted no long platform. ; U'Rcn mado tho sharp r tort that the thrco men opposing his reso lution were already members of tho legislature. Laughter. L A rising voto was ordered in Kent's nmendmont. Jeffries counted IKS. U'Ren counted 70. A now count wns ordered. It showed 07 votes. Thoso who stood by tho right of petition were counted ns 54. The right of petition wns snowed under. Mr. U'Ren Jumped up nnd declared: "Tho Clackamas Populists may as as well resign from tho ticket after what you have dono. Tho Republicans will sweep tho county." y Tho report lis amended was adopted. A resolution against corporations grasping mineral lands wns added, and tho convention adjourned for dinner. Continued on fourth page. WEAVER'S MEETING, He Pleads the Cause United Reform. of a PRESENTS SILVER ISSUE The Peoples Party Candidate for tho Presiooncy at Salem. Will Bo Shot. Paris, Texas, March 27. At Roggy Court Ground, Choctaw Nation, Charles Holmcs.a full-blooded Indian, has been sentenced to lw shot loday On November 2, Holmes went to tho house of ills Kou-ln-lnw, Wilson Katla- tubbl, living near Sprlngtown, nnd while ho and his wlfo wero in bed asleep, crept Into tho hottso with an axo and then forced his wife to go with him, threatening to kill hor If alio escaped and told what had hap pened. Holmes wanted to plead guilty, but tho court would not allow him. Ho has refused to tako nn ap peal as he wants to die. Dress Rehearsal. NkwNork, March 27. The dress rehearsal of llerr John Most's theatri cal troupo takes place today. It will open at tho Thalia Theatre tomorrow, Tho arch-Anarchist Is tho backer nnd chief actor of the "Freo Stago of Now York," started in Imitation of tho Theatre Libre of Paris and the Frcle Rtichneof Rcrliu and Vienna. The opening play will bo "Tho Skinning of tho Robber Knight." Most says ho can act consistently In this, us ho has been advocating tho "skinning" of monopolists for years. 1 obligatory form. IIo was willing to . have tho peoplo pass on an any bill k-x7-- tt OTr"C QT A"RT "FT umt iney wanica to ve Buumiitca r-vOJLOXv-JrC. w L Jr.IZ lsx!"" to them. Ho was opposed to com- i polling tho people to pass on every B. C, Hansen, managbr. rrioreeVmsed. .&tUfactioq guaranteed, Stable- back'of State Insurance block Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A Non-Partisan Meeting. Nkwaric, Del., March 27. A call has been Issued for a non-partisan muss meeting to bo held hero today, to discuss tho election of delegates to tho constitutional convention. Tho call for tho meeting Is signed by S. Mlnot Curtis, Jninca Hosslnger, John Pilling, E. R. Frnzcr, R. M. Donnoll, Dr. Henry and others, Democrats and Republicans. Hearing of Joint Traffic Association. Nkw YoHic,-March27. Tho hearing upon tho motion of tho United States against the Joint Traffic association will come up in the United States circuit court today. Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla. Hon. J. R. Weaver, or Iowa, was Introduced by 11. It. Ryan to an audience last night that filled tho Moor and gallorlc9. Ho talks as easy ns ho breathes. Ills stage prcsenco Is easy and prepossessing and ho always warms up his audlonco to tho pitch of harmony nnd cnthuslnm. On the platform sat Nathan Plorco, K. L. Hlbbnrd, T. J. McClcary, Row Harry Wntklns, Judgo John Rurnctt, D. E. Swank, John Rryapt of Linn county, G. It. II. Miller or Clnckamns, Mcs daines Ramp, T. W. Davenport, Mrs. J. R. Stump, Miss Ida Harris, Miss Ida Cox of Jackson county. IIo got his first laugh out of:a -reference to tho aged reformers who had silver In their hair nnd wished thoy had more In their pockets. IIo stated that tho Whig parly had died wlill" In power, rorgettlug Hint tho Whigs passed awny when tho Republican party wiped both It and tho Demo crats out of existence under Lincoln In 18G0. Ho argued that a political party always passed out of cxlstcneo when It no longer had n test of membership. Tho Whigs nnd Demo crats wero committed to tho pro slavery Interest because- they could either of them contain mombors who wero for slavory or against It. Rut tho abolitionists could stay In neither. IIo charged that llkothe slaveholders, tho gold power had captured tho con trol of both parties ns far as their machinery was concerned. Four years ago tho triumphant Democracy had gonolnto power but it was a barren victory. Rut as he had predicted thoy had .broken every promise they had made tho peoplo and thoy had gono Into power merely to stand Htlll and perish. Tho Domocrnts had simply adopted tho Republican positions of tho past, and there was not room for two Re publican parties In tho United States. Thoy wore too nearly alike Your parties have no tost of politics and tho money power had no test of poll- tics. IIo had been asked to dcllno parity. It meant that there was to bo no more difference In tho treatment of gold nnd silver at tho mints than there .-8 between tho Republican and Demo cratic parties on tho money question. Grent Applause. Tho general now introduced tho calamity features of his lecture but quit in time to prevent a general stampede. IIo showed that tho big Iowa corn crop of 1805 wns worth $-17,-000,000 less than tho Uttlo corn crop of 1874, whon tho stato produced over a billion bushels less corn, wore those who undertook to this on tho theory of tho law of sup ply nnd demand. Tho.junn who had very llttlo to demand It generally took very llttlo to supply him. Thore wns a great difference between de mand and deslro or want. Demand must bo backed up by tho ability to buy nnd pay for It. Without money demand was merely want and misery and tho country wns full of It. Ho showed that consumption of cereals had fallen oil one-half In 1803 com pared with 1885. Ho charged that tho country was suffering from too much money in tho banks. How to get it out and get It Into circulation. With an international money system wo must como toun international prlco lovel nnd nn European scalo of wages. Tho general told a number of good stories at tho expense of Governor McKlnley of Ohio, and his position on tljo money question. Tho Populist party was going into power and It was going to restore constitutional govern ment to tho peoplo of this country. IIo said thoy wero going to restore tho freo and unrestricted colngo of silver. Great applause. Thopeoplo of Eu rope would novor dump their sliver Into this country. It was all coined 15 to 1, or 15J to 1, anil our coinage was iu to l. it could not bo spared from any European government to send hero if the theory was true. He read from the Republican campaign textbook to show thnt there was no possibility or. dumping silver In our' country. Ho argued that tho only fllcpnilllf. kll Alnni.ln..H iillt.AM .1.11n J '"""" " iuiauwui ninui milium In Europe under any circumstances would lw the expense or shipment. His nrguinont became very wenk In this respect, because, ir the valuoor the silver dollar Is not now main tained by the gold reserve nnd by be ing mado Interchangeable according to law with gold, thou tho wholo argument that tho single standard depresses values rails to tho ground. ' Ho read tho Stanley Matthews reso lution that passed the somite In 1875, declnrlng thnt all bonds Issued by the government or tho United States wore payable lit gold or silver. Tho Clovo laud administration should bo Im peached and turned out or ofilco for Issuing bonds to buy gold In plnco of paying out tho silver lu tho treasury. IIo closed with i peroration Iu de nunciation or tho Cleveland adminis tration, which ho denounced us in famous, nnd robbing the unborn generations by a profit or $10,000,000 on the late bond Issues. At times ho was continuously Interrupted by laughter and applause. UPRISING IN AFRICA. Widespread Disturbance Be tween Factions, FIFTY SETTLERS' KILLED. Native Raldors After tho White Ranchers In Neatepo. Bay State Republicans. RoaTON.Mnrch 27. Th oRopubllcan stato convention met today with 1.851 dolegates present. Congressman Sum- hoi w jHcuau wns marto pormanent chairman, who In his address urged the nomination or Reed ror president. T1IH PLATKOKM. Tho platform adopted says tho pres ent tarlll should bo replaced by ono Trained on protoctlvo principles and to restojo tho reciprocity policy or .lames G. Malno; It Is entirely op posed to rreo and unlimited coluugo or silver, and any chango in tho existing gold standard, ex cept by International agreement, opposed to tho unsound anddangorous system or stato banks, supports tho national banking system; says there should bo a restriction or Immigra tion; declares tho United States should adhere strictly to tho Ameri can principle of tho entire separa tion of church and stato, Appropriation or public money ror sectarian schools should not bo permitted: bclloves lu a foreign policy at all times firm, vigorous and digni fied; Mouroo doctrluo must bo always upheld: sympathizes with tho Cubans lu their struggles for Indopcndonco; dcclnrcs a preference for Thomas R. Reed for tfio presidency. HKLKQATUS CHOSEN; Tho following dolegates to tho national convention wore chosen by acclamatien: Henry Cabot Lodgo,W. T. Murray Crane, Ebon S. Draper, Chas. Gould Jr. 8KNATOK LODOR'S THKKAT. Whllo tho tellers wore countlmr Mm ballota ror delegates ut largo, Sonator Lodge, pursuant to n request or unuirman iMccall, addressed tho con vention. Ho said: SOLID FOK M'KINLKY. RuBJiKOW), Minn, Mnrch 27. Tho filrst district Republicans elected McKlnley dolegates to tho St. Louis convention. This makes Minnesota solid for McKlnley. "Every right-minded man must know that a freo silver bill will novor pass congress. Tho day of concessions Is past. Wo hnvo been very easy with tho sliver men, but tho last fow mouths they hnvo taken tho tariff bill by tho throat, a bill which had no silver question lu It, and strnnglcd It. jiuiico wo musii iuko a tho question-" firm stand on MMinrn explain PERSONAL. M. Kllnglcr went to Hubbard this aftcrnoom. J. E. Murphy, tho tilo king, was at Marlon today. Hon. J. K. Wenthorfoid, of Albany, Is in tho city. Row O. R. DnvlB, of Woodbnrn, was u tho city today. Geo. W. Davis caniQ ovor from Lin coln county today. Elbcr John Parsons went south on tho morning train. Capt. J. T. Apporsou, came up from Oregon City this morning. Dr. J.C.Smith, of Jefferson, camo down on tho afternoon train. Mrs. W. E. Dunn, of Portland who has been visiting tho family or Capt, J, II. Lowls, went to Albany today. Dr. J, L. Hill, delegate to tho Populllst convention, returned to Albany today, whence ho was called by sickness in tho family. Jutob Kloctsch, or Stay ton, was In tho city this morning, en route to Wisconsin, where lie will spend sovcral months visiting with old tlmo friends. John Knight went to Portland this afternoon to perfect final arrange inonts for tho organization of n lodgo of Elks In this city. A party of tho fraternity will como up from Portland soon to Install tho now order. ' Capi: Town, March 27.-Dlspatclios from Ruluwayo, Matabolo Land, In dicate that tho uprising In that part of tho colony Is very eerious. The disturbance Is widespread, and Is be coming hourly more alarming. Tho revolt may spread to other parts of South Africa. Natives nru rultllnv farms and killing white settlors In tho Mntcpo hills. Rumor has It that over fifty nro slain. IN THE- TKAN8VAAI.. London, March 27. A Pretoria dispatch to tho Times says the situa tion Is serious. Prcsidont Krugorhns con-duded a now olfcnslvo nnd de fensive alllanco with tho Orange Freo Stato Presldont Stoyu, or the Orange Freo Stato, nnd tho Transvaal executive council strongly ndvlso Presldont Kruger not to go to Eng lannd. Tho Transvaal wants Its Inde pendence guaranteed by England In connection with tho other powora. Tho Doers nro arming In tho Orango Freo Stato and In Capo Colony. Tho Influx of thu Germans has been drafted Into tho pollco and Hrtlllery. An editorial In the Times comments upon tho gravity 6'f the foregoing, facts, "which," says tho Times,"enia nato from a trustworthy prlvato source. If theso are truo, it Indicates a powerful coalition against England, Tho arming of tho Roors can liuvo but ono aim. England, howovcr, will do nothing by way or guarantco.or other wise, to glvo a power tho right to in torfcro with tho South African ropub-lie-" Stage Htalion Robbed. Pinom:, Cal., March 27. Tho stage station was entorcd by thrco marked men early this morning, Agent Thompson was taken from his bed room, ndjolng tho office, and was or dorcd to open tho safe Tho robbers secured W0 of railroad and express monoyuud$70 belonging to Thomp son. Thompson was taken to his room, gagged, and tied to his bed. Tho Btntlon is nn Isolntcd spot, nnd has been robbed six or seven times within tho past fow years. A Plan of Merit. Minnkavous, Minn., Mnrch 27. Tho supporters of tho Plngreo plan meets hero tonight. Tho organiza tion will hereafter bo known as "Tho Farm and Garden Aid Association of tho City of Minneapolis." The Idea of tho socloty is to place tho vacant lots lu tho city within reach of the poor for raising garden truck. TeaciikiuY Mkktino. The princi pals of tho Salem schools meet at tho East building Saturday morning nt 10:30 for conference. Monday nt 3:30 p, m., there will ben regular teachers' meeting for professional work, All teachers should attend. ItKMEMHEii The emigration moot ing at the council chamber Monday night, and bo euro to attend. Rkmkmiiku Tho emigration meet" Idg at thu council chamber Monday night, and lo sure to attend. Llttlo Jo Simon In old Marlon. wns sat on hard Highett of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Royal Baking rUwifUKm: rmmm AaUWEK,Y K?X lfll