WVto DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. ? ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY. VOL. 8. SALEM, OKEGOK, TUESDAY, atAItOII 24, 1896. JSO. Ji? New York Racket! Is always in the lead in styles as well as in prices About a year ago there was a general advance in prices on all lines of heavy shoes. The New York Racket was the last to advance their prices, Now that the prices have declined, especially on heavy shoes, they arc the first to reduce their prices, Our customers will find all lines of heavy work shoes down to about the prices that prevailed before the advance. Our line of men's, ...CLOTHING... is full and fresh from Chicago, We can fit any one from a 3yearold to a No. 46, Prices very low, Wc add no profit on account of bad acy counts, as wc have none, Goods of all kinds arriving every few days direct from New York, Our Fedora Hats are the latest in style and prices the lowest, Don't fail to call, as wc will save you 15 to 25 per cent, E.T.BARNES. No Trouble to Show You Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at GRAYBROS. Examine our large and complete stock. Always .prompt and courteous treatment, COLLEGE of the WillanReffe University. - -UNDER NEW MANAGEMEiNT,- Modern methods. Up to date. None but (be bM is good enough J. 0. GOO DALE Goodale Uiuibv Company OF SALEM Yards on Twelfth and Trade Streets Keep the most complete stock of common, dimension and finished lumber n tlio city, and sell on the most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles. Our stock Is made at our own mills, of tho-best lumber In the state. C. G. SCHRAMM, Manager. The Willamette Hotel LEADING HOTEL Reduced rates. Management literal. Electric car leave bo.el for all public buildings and point of interest. Special rate will be given to permanent patrons. -EXCELSIOR B. C. HANSEN, OnlJgxj4 honsJttvsJ. SUfcttoo guaranteed. Through and Give Prices, 2C OE MU SIC Same a tn the eastern and Euiupean Conservatories fur becimurs as well as for more advanced pupils, W. C. HAWLEY. President K. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director KMILL WINKLER, Instrumental Director. 0. 0. SCHRAMM OK THE CI A. I. WAGNER - STABLE- MANAGER. Suble back of State Insurance Hock BIE j Called to Order by Chaiaman Crolsan. ALL WORKING SMOOTHLY Mitchell Men Are in Full Control of the Convention. At 10:10 a. m. Chairman Crolsan called the convention to order. He briefly stated its object. ' J. C. Johnson nominated "Win. Waldo for temporary chairman. Ho was elected with a cheer. Geo. F. Rogers, the state book binder, was nmdo temporary secrcfary. C. I). Gabrlclson was mado assist ant secretary. Ex-Senator Loonoy moved a com mittee on credentials. Jimmy Culver moved a committee on order of business. Geo. G. Bingham moved a com mittee of five on apportionment of delegates. All the motions were carried with out opposition and gavo the men naming them tho chairmanships. The chulr appointed the follewing: TUB 8TANDINCJ COMMITTEES. Credentials: John 11. Loouey, Dan II. Tarpley, Henry Souncimiun, M. A. McCorklc, Alonzo G. Perkins, Order of business: W. J. Culver, Clalro B. Irvlno, A. A. Lee, Hadlcy Ilobson, J. H. Riches. Apportienment: Geo. G. Bingham, Win. M. Bushey, John II. McNary, Geo. Ehlen, 0. B. Hartman. The convention adjourned half an hour toglvo thecommlttcos time to make up their reports. On reassembling, Flnloy Perrlno made a motion that a committee of three bo uppolntcd to procure a flag. Chair appointed Mr. Porrlne, Geo. W. Davis and Edward 0. Glltnor, a grand majoUtsoldjQr!Ihls,occasIpnecigrc)a cheors, and was a happy ending of tho forenoon session, for Immediately a resolution was put and declared car ried to adjourn to 1 p. in. AFTERNOON SESSION. The convention met at 1:J5 p. in. and tho report of tho committee on credentials was read. But few proxies were shown and every delegaao was present or represented. The committee on apportionment of delegates reported through Geo. G. Bingham following appointment of STATE AND DISTINCT DELEGATES. Englewood ono delegate to each con vention. Woodburn one each. Lublsh and Gorvals Ono each. West SJlverton and Garfield ono each. Jefferson and Marlon one each. Mchaiua, Ilorcb, Elkhorn and Brcltcnbush one each. Yew Park and East Salem ono each. Lincoln and Turner one each. Buttevllle, St. Paul and Hubbard one each. Abiqua, Aurora and Fairfield ono each. Salem No. 2 and Maclcay ono to each. Salem No. .'I and North Salem one to each. Salem No. 4 and Champoeg ono each. EastSllvcrton and Sublimity one each. South Salem and Stayton one each. Salem No. 1 and Howell one each. Prospect and Silver Falls, one each. One delegate at large to each con vention. On motion of Senator Gcsner tho temporary organization was made permanent, THE CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH was heartily received. Judge Waldo said this was tho most Important clectioti In many years. The term hard times was unknown under Re publican rule. It took but ono year of tho Democratic party to prove that fully. He closed with a cheer-brlng-Ing remark about Wm. McKlnley of Ohio and then said the convention was ready for business. The report on order of business was read and adopted. ORDEH OF UUSINKSS. Jas. Culver reported following as order of business. 1. Report of committee on cre dentials. 2. Election of permanent otllcers. 3. Report on order of business. 4. Election of district and state delegates. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 5. Election of precinct committee men. 0. Nomination of five representa tives. 7. Nomination of county clerk. 8. Sheriff. I). Rcconler. 10. Assessor. 11. Judge. 12. Surveyor. 13. Treasurer. 14. Superintendent of schools. 15. County commissioner. 10. County coroner. 17. Justices and constables. 13. Election of chairman county cen tral committee. 10. Resolutions which shall bo re ferred to a committee of live, to be appointed by the chair. Tho report was adopted. ELECTION OK DELEC1ATE8. This election was conducted by tho precincts that wero thrown togothor for that purpose, amid considerable confusion. Following could alone bo located exactly: DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION. Wm. llllleary, Turner. D. S. Kaln, Roscdalc. B. W. Brown, Gcrvals. J. II. Riches, Sllvcrton. R. E. Downing, Subllmlfy. Thos. Bruce, Salem. Mark Skiff, Salem. W. J. Hanly, Marlon. Wm. Chorrlngton, Salem. J. T. Ross, Mt. Angel. James L. ook, St. Panl. Wm. L. Slmcral, Maclcay. F. C. Pcrrlnc, Salem. D. C. Sherman, Salem. Adam Ohtuart, Salem. Claud Gatch, Salem. J. A. Shaw, Mill City. DELEGATES DISTRICT CONVENTION. H. B. Condlt, Tnrner. F. W. IIollls, Salem. T. B. Jones, Gcrvals. A. F. Blackcrby, Sllvcrton. J. II. Roland, Jefferson. Geo. Ehlen, Buttevllle. Wm. Fry, Hubbard. J. II. McNary, Salem. Louis Stlnson, Salem. R. J. Hendricks, Salem. C. Wilson, Sllvcrton. J. C. Johnson, Salem. A. J. Richardson, Stayton. Jap Mlnto, Salem. E. K. McKlnney, Salem. Wm. Bushy, Mehama. C. 1). Hartman, Scotts Mills. Wm. Waldo delegate at largo for both district and state convention. HOW TWO I'RECINOTS VOTED. North Salem and Salem No. 3 wero put togothor. Bob Hendricks, chair man, Culver and Brown, tellers. Vot ing on district delegates was first. Culver was mado clerk. Result: IllrschO, Hondrlcks 10, Stlnson 17, Skill 2, Glltnor 1, Bruce 1. Vote on two delegates to state con cen con venteon: Bruce 10, Gcsner 13, Skill 15, Hlrsch 1, Glltnor 1, Olazo 1, Pat ton 1, Culver 2. THE OFFICERS. Geo. Rogers proved a good secretary, calling off thonamesof precincts with great distinctness. Ho had n good assistant In Chas. D. Gabrlclson. Tho presiding olllccr was also tho right man in tho right place. Tho tellers wore Claud Gatch, Ebcr Laforo and F. F. Toe vs. THE NOMINATINO SPEECHES. Created considerable enthusiasm at times, especially the mention of Woodburu's favorite son, Hon. II. L. Barkley. Tho nominating speech 1... dl.... ,1 Slnti.il nf 11.. T "M (J. ..1.1. Ujr ItlUU VflilVVIl ML -IS1. u. Hi 7llllvll was both eloquent and liluhlv comnll mcutary. Afox La Follctto grow elo quent as few supposed ho could over tho namoof E. W. Chapman. Tho other names presented wero J. M. roormun.iJ. li. ueiKnap. uavm uralg, G. B. Cornelius, J. . u. Wright, u, w. Vrlght. D. V Matthews, John W. McKlnnoy, JS. M. Crolsan, Wm. II. Armstrong, McKlnley Mitchell, E. Hofer, L.J. Adams, Lot L. Pearce, Geo. P. Litch field. Mr. Hofer was on the platform as reporter and asked respectfully that his name bo withdrawn, that ho was not a candidate. Tho first ballot was completed at 3 o'clock ond the tellers proceeded to count. Tho first name called olf was E. W. Chapman of Brooks, a silver man and John II. Mitchell man. COUNTING 11ALLOT8. A controversy arose overcounting the ballots. W. II. Smith of Sublim ity and Dr. J. N. Smith of Salem had been nominated. Ballots contained tho mimes of both, and tho ballots wero also plain Smith. Soon tho Crolsan men smelt a mouse and ob jected to counting all tho Smith votes the J. N. Smith and tho Dr. Smith votes for ono man. John W. McKlnncy moved that a new ballot be taken. Lost. Gideon Stolz moved that tho Smith ballots bo recounted as cast. Carried. This was done, and tho Smith votes and Dr. Smith votes wero counted In sepcrate columns. LaCrossc on Fire. LaCrosse, Wis., March 24. A lire which threatened to destroy tho en tire north side of the city broke out today In the lumber district. At 2:45 the tiro was gotten under control. A hundred thousand dollars worth of lumber, owned by the LaCrosso Lum ber Company war burnsd. THE FAIR for bargains. 3-6 -eod Minnesota for McKlnley. Minneapolis, Mrrch 24. At tho Republican convention today the following resolutions wero adopted by u rising vote: Resolved, That tho well considered and pronounced preference of tho Re publicans of Minnesota for tho prcsl dental standard bearer for 1890 Is William McKlnley, tho emphatic growing choice of tho Republican vole throughou tho land, and this conven tion expects its dolegatcs and alter nates at largo to bo elected by it to do all In their power to honorably from now on until that object Is accomp' llshed to blrng about promptly the nomination of William McKlnley for president of tho United States. Stole for Love. Boston, March 24. Literary Bos ton Is astounded to learn that Charles S. St. Zclzkl, a bright young lltcrateur of Polish ex tract Ion, was the notorious burglar who had plundered Back Bay Hats of Jewelry valued In tho thou sands. He sald ho did It to avoid starving. The pollco say he did It to satisfy tho cravings for money and Jowelsor his land lady, Mrs. Frank L. Tupper, who within a fortnight separated from her husband on his ac count. Now tho wife Is suing her husband for a divorce on tho ground of. cruelty, whllo tho husband will retnlluto In kind, naming St Zclchl ns co-respondont. Mine Verdict. Olenwood Sprinos, Colo., March 21. Tho coroner's Jury In tho Vulcan tulno explosion mot here, and con cluded its labors, returning tho fol lowing verdict: "That said Edward Welch and 48 others camo to their death by an ox ploslon of gas and coal dust In tho Vulcan coal initio, tho morning of February 18, 1800, at 11:27 o'clock; tho Immediate cause of Igniting tho gas and coal dust Is to thojury unknown." Holmes' History. Philadelphia, March 24. Efforts. aro being mado by several publishers to Induce II. II. Holmes to wrlto tho story of his llfo, Including a full con fession of hlscrlmcs. A Now York papor Is tho highest bidder, having offered Holmes $7600 for such story. Tho condemned man has lately dono a great deal of writing, tho character of which ho has concealed, and It Is not known whother ho has accopted any of tho numerous offers. The Jameson Trial. London, March 24. Tho trial of Dr. L. S. Jameson and his folii.v-prls-oners, charged with violating tho for eign enlistment act, In making a raid. Into tho territory of tho South Afri can republic, was resumed at tho Bow stiect pollco court this morning, Al though there was a full attendance, thero was less excitement. Thero was no demonstration when tho prisoners wero ushered Into court. Senator Davis Withdraws, Minneapolis, March 24. Just be- foro tho stato Republican convention was called to order this afternoon, It was announced Senator Davis had wired Congressman Tawney, with drawing from tho presidential raw, owing to tho refusal or tho Minnesota Democratic conventions yesterday to endorse his candidacy. Minnesota's 18 votes at St. Louis will bo for Mo Klnloy. NIcarauguan Revolt. New York, March 21. A local paper says: Tho revolution In Nicaruugua, ac cording to Intelligence received through private channels, Is more serious than the dispatches from that country would indicate. Tho strict press censorship established by Presi dent Zoluya renders It Impossible for news of any character, except what Is favorable to the government, to bo made public. Showing Mercy to Indians. Wabiunqton, March 21. Tho sen ate today passed a bill amending tho law prescribing death penalty for Indiana convicted of rape, and leaving tho punishment discretionary with the court. Mill's Cuban resolution was then taken up. SPANIARDS MISTAKEN Royal Troops Charged Upon as Insurgents. MANY SOLDIERS KILLED. Tho Mid-Day Mistake Will bo Open to Court Martial. Havana, March 24. Two columns of Spanish troops, commanded by General Gcdoy and Colonel Holguln, at Santa Rosa plantation, nearEspor anr.a,provlnco of SantaClara, mutually mistook each other for Insurgent forces, owing, It Is said, to tho thick ness of tho sugar canes. Each de tachmont opened lire, and for ton minutes shots wero exchanged, result ing In the kllllngof.soventcen soldiers, among them bolng LloutonantColonol Fuenmayer, of tho Nuvas battalllon. In addition five ofllcors and eighty; four soldiers wounded. Two of the latter havo slnco died, and six others aro tnortnlly wounded. Thirty-two aro Borlously Injured, Owing to tho fact that tho mooting between the two columns took place at midday tho oxplahatlon furnished by tho Spanish cqmmandors Is considered unsatisfac tory, and o court martial will follow. SPANIARDS WHIPPED. Tampa, Fla., March 21. A letter from a Spanish sourco gives n report or an engagement at Candclarhi, the 17th Inst., when Macco and Bandera, with 0000 men, attacked Colonel Fran cis! Tho Spanish loss, the-loiter Rays, was J100 soldiers, rour captains and eight lieutenants. Franeb surrend ered, glvTngTp All "IiIb' hrnM'aiid ii'tiT munition. This, It Is said, Inconscd General Wcyler, who announced thnt Francis would return to Spain on the next steamer. Another Trial. San Francibco, March 21. Tho trial of Mrs. Mary A. Davidson, charged with having extorted $500 from tho Row (J. O. Brown was begun In tho superior court. Attorney for tho defenso moved fur a contluuauco on the ground that Miss Mattlo Overman and Mrs. Tunnell, necessary witnesses for thd defense, wero ubscnt, ono in Mexico, and one near the Mexican border. Counsel said ho Intended to prove by these witnesses that a con spiracy was formed botweon Dr. Brown, Mattlo Overman and Mrs. Tunnell to falsely accuse and convict Mrs. Davidson of blackmail. Ho added thnt tho absent witnesses wero bolng supplied with money by Dr. Brown to absent thcmsolvcs from thin city ut this time, All these statements were supported by allldavlts of Mrs. Davidson after wards filed. Tho court denied the motion for a continuance, stating that the absent witnesses wore be yond his Jurisdiction and would not probably como within his Jurisdiction. Defendant objected to tho decision ijiid tho rest of the day was occupied with an attempt to secure a Jury. Naval Appropriation Dill, Washington, March 24. Tho naTnl appropriation bill Is completed. To tal amount carried by the bill la $31,01 1,031, or which 812,770,133 is for an Increase of the navy appropriation, an Increase over tho amount of the last bill of alxnit twenty-nlnoauoonc-third millions. Highest of all la Leavening Power. $m AMwmnv kjmk THE TRANSVAAL HOSTILE. Open Preparations Made Against Groat Bntian. New Yoric, March 24. A WorM dispatch from Capo Town says: The Transvaal .Is being 'fortllled. The burghors aro arming to tho teeth, and other warllko preparations are bolng made. Eight forts aro bolng built at Pretoria. Emissaries havo been sent to tho Orango Frco Stato and to Cape Colony, It Is reported, to stir up race feeling. Germany, Austria and France, It Is said In Capo Town, will guarantco tho Independence of tle Transvaal, If necessary. President Krugcr will not go to England after all. He desired to ac cept Colonial Secretary Chamberlain' Invitation to visit London, and con fer with tho British authorities with loveronco to tho Transvaal affairs, It Is asserted, but the Hollanders or Boors objected. Krugcr left the quws tlon to bo decided by tho yolksrand (legislature), which refused to grant him permission to go. This action has caused consternation on the Rand.' Tho Capo Town Star, In a leador, speaks of It ns "Trickling the English government." Sir Phillips and othersof tho Johan nesburg reform club, arrested on a charge of treason, aro still under sur- Tdlllnnco at Pretoria, not being al lowed to go to tho Rand. Oeet-Sugor Factory, oodhurn, March 24. Tho cltl zons hero arc qulto enthusiastic over an effort to establish a, beet-sugar factory. About 82,000 has been pledged and tlvo ncrcs situated In tho city limits, lin vo boon offered as n bontw. A gcnolcman hero Is In correspond ence with an agent of Claus Sprockets, In California. It Is understood that this Biigar king will put In two plant for tho manufacture of beet sugar somowhoro In tho Wlllamotto valky. If s,i!ch bo tho oasel Woodburn will mnkott desporuto pull for It. This town Is as wolllocatod for a plant of this kind as any in tho vulloy. Tho hopgrowers hold a meeting Saturday and let a contract for their hop twlno. During the meeting It davoloped that a good many yards will bo plowed up this spring, whllo other yards will not bo cultivated unless thoro should bo good prospect of bet tor prices. New York Republicans, New Yoric, March 24. Although tho Republican state convention had been called to meet at noon, It was half un hour later when tho gavel, in tho hands of Mr.- Htickett, chairman of tho stato committee, called the members to order. A few minute earllor ox-Senator Piatt entered the hall, tho delegates and spectator cheering wildly and tho band playing "Hall to tho Chief." After tho roll call Chairman .Hackott culled upon Senator Cornelius R, Parsons, of Rochester, to act as temporary chair man. In his speech tho candidacy of Governor Morton for president was strongly urged. At 1:15 tho Republi can stato convention adjourned until 7 o'clock this evening. Against Capital Punishment. WASHiNUTON.March 21. Tho house passed n bill abolishing tho death penalty In certain cas In which It prescribed In federal statutes and allowing the Jury to return a verdict qualified "without capital punish ment" In case of rape mid murder. 'Pirn vntn tvni I'M in ftft A ,. f W ,1 .., ,W ill WW, Further Conference, Wabiunoton, March 24. The house has agreed to further iv confer ence asked for by the senate on the Cuban resolution, Latert U.S. Gov't Report Baking urns. rwvfucr