Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 10, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal
TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1890.
lAltona and Ramona
DAILY. Portland, 6145 a. m.
Salem, HAS "
Independence, 6130 a. m.
9:00 a.m.
10115 a.m.
EjrFreight received up to 10 p. m.uEl
f Quicklime, regular Vervice and cheap
, . , , raics ...
Agent, Salem.
Type ,
, , Writers'
, , , Supplies
Underwood's typewriting car
bon paper.
Little's typewrl'ing carbon pa
Underwood's typewriting rib
bon. Little' typewriting ribbons.
Full stock T. V. paper.
Typewriter' oil.
Typewrite"' erasers.
See my new Star Automatic pa
per fastener (or legal writer.
F, S, Dearborn,
The iimlcrMlBiictl hcroby announces
himself as 11 citiullilnte for the olllcoof
county bcIiooI Mitiorlntcndcnt, mibjeot
to tlio notion of tlio Ucpubllcnti
county convention.
II. II. Smith.
Prof. Z. M. l'ttrvliiwcntto Albany
Alonzo flintier went to Portlnctl this
0. D. Ford returned lust nluhb from
0 eo. Urnco arrived In Salem today
from tlio south.
Charles Ilelleubrand, Jr., returned
to Albany today.
Geo. W, DavlHwima morning pass
Ingcr to Albany.
J. M.TCylo was a niis-scnger for Port
laud tlila morning.
Joint A. Dlttcr, of Sublimity, wiih a
Salem visitor today.
l- E. EUlrledgo, of Kalrlleld, I u
Salem visitor today.
J. II. McCrow, tlio butcher, went to
llalscy thin mornlng.2
County Jmlgo W. 0. Hubbard went
to Albany this morning.
Will Wongenroth,of Cliiimpocg, wutt
a Salem visitor today.
Guy Powers went to Albuny this
morning and will return tomorrow.
Police Oillcer Dllley was a ictiirn
log passenger from the south today.
.1. W. Vogcl, tbo optician, camo
homo twlay from a trip among towns
J. M. Wallace, president of tlio Sa
loin Water coninany, returned from
Portland lubt night.
C. V. Yeaton, of Seattle, arrived In
tlio city today and Is tlio guest or his
brother, A. F. Yeaton.
J. II. Waters, of Hrownsvllle, re
turned homo today, after a short visit
with his cousin, Frank Waters, In
this city.
Nov. P. S. Knight returned lust
night from Portluud, whero ho de
livered, a sermon nt the First Cong re
uatlonal ehuruh,
Wesley Smith, of Tumor, a cauill
ditto for county assessor and one of
tbo Itepubllcan Smith family, was
lu town today.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
torn wxxxxxxxx
m 1 1 s- m . -.
But still selling groceries low as the lowest
Having moved into the old Van Eaton cotv
ner, aud increased our stock as well as
room, we are better prepared than ever to
serve our patoonXXXXXXXXX
303 Comxmrdal strttt,
i .... -. miiaai tt tfT"i nun
The Deux Temps club will enjoy
their third club dance tonlgbt at the
opera house
rioa Mitivntr. nf Omiyon Cltv. Is the
guest of her brother, James Mill
vey, of this city.
nriDO -Pmiiv sfnltrnr Is lvlntr very 111
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mon
roe, on L bcrty street.
xra ArMmr AVtlsoti returned last
night from Scott's Mills, wnerosne
has been visiting menus.
Mrs. It. C. Gccr, of Vancouver, Is
the guest of Miss Aiitm uavenport,
and will visit for several weeks with
Marlon county friends.
On account of dangerous Illness In
bis family Pros. Chapman will not bo
In Salem tonight to deliver bis
Shakespearian lecture.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Joy, of Hoist
fort, Wash., arrived on the 11 o'clock
train today, being summoned to the
bedside of their son, W. II. Joy, who
Is lying quite 111 at his home In North
Salem, of congestion of the brain.
Itcv. und Mrs. C. K. Kllcwcr, Henry
Lcnikc and John It. Roth left -this
morning to attend a meeting or the
nnrtimti ltnnf Int. conference, which
convenes In Portland on the 12th nnd
holding until the mn.
Companies H. and I., 0. N. G.,
played another game or Indoor base
ball at the Armory last night, Co. u.
winning by u score or 13 to :i. This
was the Hrst game or tho second scries,
and the next one will be played Mon
day night or next week.
A court for tho Foresters of Amer
ica will be organized at Popular hall,
Tuesday, March 10, at 7:.'10 p. in. This
Is 0110 of tho most popular orders In
tho world. It rurnlslies, rrce or charge
to Its members while sick, medical
attendanco and medicine and $7.C0
each per week; $75 funeral benefits,
anil $10 at the death of a member's
wife. There Is also an Insurance for
Its members, from WOOtoMOOO, which
Is optional. Thts order paid to Its
members last year, lu sick licncllts,
$012,2:10.07 (benevolent benefits, $00,000,
nnd has cash on hand, and Invested
tbo sum of $78i),a')2.28. All arc Invited
to attend. 0-2t
Foil Tub Lk(iiblavuki:. It seems
to bo conceded by all elements of the
Itepubllcan party that Hon. David
Craig, of Maclcuy, will be renomi
nated on the Republican ticket for
the legislature. Another good farmer
and a Republican who Is mentioned
and who has scon legislative servlco Is
K. W. Chapman, of Rrooks. He Is a
grand army man, a farmer and tax
payer, a clean and conservative gen
tleman who would make a good man
for the place. Ho Is a strong Mitchell
Thk Total Votk. In tho school
election was lt:i7. Tho total number
In tho county who paid a poll tax last
year were 21112. This would lcavo
only CM (tolls lu tho county outside of
Salem school district. Thero are
charges oil Illegal votlng,but probably
110110 can Iw substantiated, and tbo
result will not bo contested.
Tin: SuitVKY. Tho survey or tho
StateSotver on Court street was begun
today by Engineer W. 11. llarr, us-
Istcd by Hodman St. Earloand Willie
Hodgkln. Mr. llarr Is taklnir tho
levels, beginning at tho river and go-
lug eastward.
A Ykllow. AVI liters & Albert
received a lino "Yellow Follow," as
tho Stearns bicycle Is called, at their
agency this morning. Tho days of
cycling como on apace.
m 1
To WKD.-County Clerk Ehlen
Issued a marriage license today to J.
II. Jonberg and Nora 1). Hldnlgor, on
request of tho lady's father, Mr. John
A. Rldnlger.
CtmuNrt.-Pred Dose, a natlvoof
Germany, and L. J. Durronberger a
native of Fraiice.werograuted citizen
ship paiHJN today by the county
TUB FAIR for bargains. iKWod
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powfre
1 avenfer to all otktrs.
Result in Salem and Other
Oregon Towns.
Wm. Cherrington, tho Photograper,
Wins by 67 Majority,
livid Chcrrlimton
Salem No. 1 bv
Salem No. 2 130
Salem No. 3 28(1
Salem No. !.
Total 731
Mr. (Jlicrringiotrs majority, ui.
The total vote polled Monday ex
ceeds by nearly -100 the largest vote of
any school election heretofore held In
Salem or district No. 24. During tho
00's the totals have been as follews:
1800 l,f33
'Plin lnrrrn viiln 111 lfti)2 wns CM'Wl-
sloncd by the contest for school clerk,
who was then elected by popular vote
Instead of by tho lxmrd, as at present.
There were three candidates then,
viz: Henry Shomaker, Democrat; J.
II. Urldgcs, Republican, and Wyllc A.
Moorcs, Independent-Republican. Mr.
Shomaker received f23 votes, Mr.
Bridges, 81; Mr. Moorcs, f47, and theic
were three scattering. YV. L. Wade,
for director, received 1147, there being
no opposition.
With the new director as a member
of the board, that body will be com
posed as follews: 11. A. Johnson Jr.,
15. M. Waltc, Adorn Ohmart, Thomas
Bruce and Win. Cherrington. Mr.
Cherrington is a Republican nnd is
elected for live years. Mr.E.M.Waite
will be chairman of the board.
Dr. Byrd's defeat at Salem Is attri
buted to tho vote of the North Salem
precinct, including Highland. In the
other three precincts ho had 5 ma
jority. The people of Highland got
tho Impression In some manner
that Dr. Byrd was against them in
their effort to geta school, and they
voted accordingly.
Portland Probably the most excit
ing school election in tbo history of
Portland took place yesterday. It was
a straight Issue between tho A. P. A.
and those opposed to the principles or
that organization. Prof. It. K. War
ren was elected by a majority of (130
over J. II. Flnlcy. who was nut for
ward by the A. P. A. Tho total vote
of tho city was 7,000. Long before 2
p. m., tho hour set for opening tho
polls, dozens or carriages, placarded
with tho names or tho candidates,
were bringing peoplo In to vote.
Challengers for both sides wero at
every polling place and many quarrels
occurred though no serious trouble
took place.
Pendleton -Thomas G. Halley, nntl
A. P. A. candidate, was elected school
director yesterday by a majority or 10
In a total vote or 370.
Tho Dalles-Tho antl-A. P. A. can
didate was elected school director by
100 majority.
Eugene An cxcltlngschool election
brought out about 8T0 votes and re
sulted In tho choice or C. S. Frank.tho
A. P. A. candidate, by a majority or
l.m over U. li. Dorrls, tho opposition
Astoria A hotly-contested election
for school director took place yester
day. Three candidates were In the
Held: Hon. C. W. Fulton, Mrs. C. A.
Gonrheart and County Judge J. 11. n,
Gray. Fulton was elected by a largo
majority, it being considered, locally,
a victory for tho Catholics. As soon
as It was noised about that tho A. P.
A.'swero going to support Gray, tlio
Catholics turned out en masso aud
voted for Fulton. Thts helped bis
victory, although It Is conceded that
ho would have been elected anyway.
Mrs. Gearhart secured the next
highest number of votes.
Ono of tho largest votes over polled
In tho city at a school election was
counted last night at the closo or tho
polls. Women wero driven to tho
polling places In hacks and cast their
ballots, not all for tho lady candidate.
The Fight nt Eugene.
There was much strife anil rnntnn.
tlon, and a great deal or bittor foollm
was manifested. Mr. Dorrls made a
bitter light against tho A. P. A. and
tho Christian Alllnnce, but was
brought to task sharply by bis oppon
eats, who seemed as fertile as he In
resources. Circulars wero distributed
on the streets denounclm.' tii niri
school board, Trofcssor Reld and tho
so-cauert "school machine:" also,
Children Crv U
I ltnhr' Castorla.
taking Mr. Dorrls to task for the re'
marks he made In his public speeches
tvliMi wnrn Htismntlble of COnstrUC'
tlon dlllorcrit from the one Intended
by him; also, charges that bribery had
been attempted by the rrienas ot mr.
Dorrls, and nil manner or campaign
litirnt,iirrt. These utterances were
not responded to, but allowed to go
for what they wero wortn.
Roth sides did everything to bring
out votes, and ladies were almost as
prominent as as the men, as election
strikers. Every available carriage
was pressed into servlco nnd kept
When the polls closed at 0 o'clock,
877 votes had been recorded, which Is
alroiit 300 more than ever before.
Frank received C03 and Dorrls 373.
This Is considered a decided victory
for the A. P. A., although it is said
several other matters were Instru
mental In the result. George F. Craw
was elected clerk without opposition.
Portland's Election.
roiiTLAND, March 10. The ofllelal
returns rrom yesterday's election for
school director give Warren a major
of 032 over FJ nicy.
Tho Elmore will conic up tonight.
The O. R. & N. Co.'s steamer Ruth
loft for Portland this morning, laden
with 100 tons of Hour
The river stands' at 0:0.i today, hav
ing fnllcn a very little since yester
The following letters remain in
tho Salem post olllco uncalled for.
persons calling for the same, please
say "advertised."
Oscar Mr
Burket Dennis
Berlon Martini
Bardsley Alfred
Rnl ley Dora Mrs
Cummlugs Jack
Casslty J as
Darling J R
Davis Homer
Fnncstock F M
Goodc Josle Miss
Geo II Wr
Gregolr David
Gran 7. Dora
Glascock Albert
Htbbard Eveline
Hammer & Co
Hunt II M
Jordan B & W
Kays C E
Kly ver Chas
Lundo Anna
Lewis Albert
Molllt Lillle Mrs
M alone J D
Morris 1) M
McClung Fay
McKcnzlo Wm
Procdsson Mrs S
Plgg Ruben
Patton .las
Rylward Ettlo
Somtners Arnold
Swart. Thos
Spanial Mary
Smith J II
Schmitt Pauline
Smith T J
Smith Lottie
Trulsen Hans
Turner Jas
Thompson Geo
Thomas J K
Taylor Sarah
Wood Jos
Wills Ella Mrs
Wilson Abble
Webb Bert
White Wesley
Walker M A Mrs
Watson M E Miss
State Board of H
School Clerk Prln-
glo School
F. Boniiam, P. M.
Police Court.
A plain everyday drunk got
days today ol Recorder Edes.
Two young men from Chemawa
Indian school got thirty days apleco
for resisting an olllccr when he tried
to put them under arrest.
Prof. II. II. Smith, of Rosedale,
whose card as candidate for county
superintendent of schools appears lu
this paper, was lu town today.
Frank Hofer. nrcssman of The
Journal, who has been prostrated by
lullammatorv rheumatism the nast
threo months, was down town today
for tho llrst time, having practically
receive red
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis, Alderman. Chi
cago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New
Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for
Coughs, Colds nnd Lung Complaints,
having used It in lay family for tho
last live years, to tho exclusion of phy
sicians' prcscrldtlons or other prepara
tions." Rev. Joha Burgus, Keokuk. Iowa,
writes: "I have been a Minister of
tho Methodist Episcopal Church for
fifty years or more, nnd havo never
found anything so bonellclnl, or that
gave mo such speedy relief ns Dr.
King's New Discovery." Try this
Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bot
tles Iree Fred A. Legg's Drug Store.
1ion Baby wm 6lck, wo c her Castorla,
When bhe was a Child, the cried for CastorU.
When the became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When kha had Children, she sato them Castorla,
Cheap Rates to 'Frisco,
The cheap rates of ilvo dollars cabin
and two-lif ty steerage lucludlng meals
and berth are still In otlect on the
p.R. & N. Co's.. steamers from Port
land to San Francisco.
, Steamers leave Portland every live
days. 3-0-1 m d
LOST A medium siicd black leather hand
Crip, containing letters, nenslon nsner ami
other articles, including a bottle of bear's
oil. D, L. McLaln. Report to this office.
DKNHAM-At tho homo of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Denham, cor
nor of Church nnd Center streets,
at 12:33 a. iu Monday, March 10,
1800, Howard Denham, aged 8 years
and 1 month.
Tho llttlo fellow had been ill but
ono week. Ills ailment was conges
tion of tho brain. The funeral will
bo held Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the
First Presbyterian church. Tho re
mains will bo Intorred in the Itural
Frcel and Simons Bound Over Kreel
Makes His Escape.
The men Simons and Frcci: arrested
for stealing chickens, etc., were
brought bcrorc Justice F. F. Clark
and waived examination. Their ball
was llxcd at $250 each. They were
unable to supply bonds and wero
placed under guard. The preliminary
examination will take place Wcducs-.
dny at 10 a. m.
A coop of lino blooded Wyandotte
chickens was also found In their pos
session belonging to Frank Faulk,
who lives at the oak grove.
T..iar. nwnlmr wliilo Frecl was In
charge of Oatle Walt and the two
were on their way up the canyon,
Frcel made his cscapo In the dark.aud
has not been seen since.
i - i
In Poutland. The school elec
tion at Portland excites much com
ment at Salem. It Is understood
linrn. to moan the defeat of Joseph
Simon In local politics. It probably
means that votes hitvo been counted
nnd Mint, Mr. HtllllC mill ills fflcllds
nnd the antl-l)olph Republicans arc
In the majority. It means tlic down
fall of the SI moii-Dolph machine.
THE FAIR for bargains. 3-Ti-eod
20 Ounces for 5c.
P. O, Grocery.
TJtie Original 25-cent Squirrel Poison,
x raSSk
)mBBBBmmMmmSm Mm
WV$t)ammmmT)aPw iBaMmammw
Populist Meetings
will be held as follows, to be addressed
by T. J.McChtry.orGatcs, and other
good speakers as follews: At Salem,
March 10; at Rickey school house,
March 20; at Chemawa, March 21; at
Frlltland, March 23.
Any other speakers from other
parties will bo given equal chance.
Everybody Invited. Ladles especi
ally. Respectfully,
10-01 It. It. Ryan, Com.
Resolutions of Sympathy.
"Whereas, It has pleased God In his
allwlso provldenco to take from our
midst our beloved slstor In Christ,
Clara M. Rlggs, be it
Resolved, That we, tho Christian
Eudcnvorers of the First Christian
church, extend to the bereaved par
ents our heartfelt sympathy; and
would commend them 10 our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, as the only
source or real contort.
Resolved, Further, that a copy or
theso resolutions bo spread upon tho
records or our society, and a copy lw
given to the parents; and also a copy
bo furnished cacli of tho city papers
for publication.
Auck c. Pkrrikk,
Dan Clark,
Minnib Morris,
II-A. Denton,
Tho partnership llrm or Smith &
Schlndicr, blacksmiths, having been
dissolved on January 1, 1800, all per
sons Indebted to said Smith & Schlnd
craro hereby notified to call at the
blacksmith shop, No. COStato street,
balcm. Orecon. nnd unttin Hmi. ..
counts nt once.othorwlso said accounts
in uo iiiaceu in tne hands or an at
torney for collection. 2-14-d2w
Salem, Or.. Feb. 14, 1890.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Pair.
IMost Perfect Mide.
Spbcial .Sale!
T ndies' Sleeveless Vests
Ladles' Sleeveless Vests, all
Indies' Vests, with sleeves
All muslin underwear reduced.
Night robes from 47c up, ;
Large line of sateen skirts also included in this sale,
Woolen underwear at cost.
Sale prices for one day only.
S. M. & E. ft. STOcfi
257 Commercial street,
Phone 112.
In 1-pound cans. Guarantee!. Thousands
of fa rmers fiom all nver this state have
at 25 cents is as good or bitter than more
expensive foreign brands ol uncertain
strength. Fry's Ui he genuine and most re
liable poison. Use no other. For sale by
Geo. L. Itaskett, Fred A. Legp, Lunn &
Brooks. (J. W. I'ulnani, and Sieiner Drue Co. .
druRgUts, .Salem.
Important to Farmers.
Wakelco's Squirrel Exterminator
the original and only article of it,
kind crlvlnf nntlinWh cnHcfnntlnn
Now reduced from CO to 30 cents per
can. a; or sale oy Ktclncr Drug Co.
Lunn & Brooks and G. W.Putmnn.
Salein.Orcgon. 3-4-lm
Chicago. March lo. Wheat, cash 63VJC.
May 65 Q
New York, March 10. Sllver,G6c; lead,
3 3.
San Francisco. Nt.irrh m Wl.m. m
Wool Oregon; cjioice, ioo; inferior 3
c, valley, 9mc.
nops yu
notable nt t(n)tr.
Pntatrv.c rn tn rw n eM
Oats Milling, 75(360.
Portland, March 10. Wheat valley,6Vc;
Walla Walla, 60,
FlourPortland, $3.15; Benton county.
3.15; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.25 per bbl,
Oats White, 23(2705 grey, 2223;
in bags, 54.255.25. barrels, 4.50 7.00
$, 3.75. y"
I otatocs.. New Oregon, 253oc per sack.
Hay.. Good, S.Soffiaoo per ton. a
Wool.. Valley, oioc; Eastern Oregon.
Millstufls..I3ran( $ll.Soi3.so; shorts,Ji2
Poultry.. Hens, 5c; rocsters. Ji.So per doi
and not wanted; ducks, 2.5oj.oo per doz..
turkeys, live 7c; eggs 15 cents cash.
Hidesgreen, salted 60 lbs 5c; under
it I' $heeP Pe,Ki o7oo.
Hops.. Oregon, 4 to 6c, according to qual.
Butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 5o55;
fancy dairy, 45; fair to good, 3o
common, 7jc, j-vsJ3
Cheese .Oregon full cream, MisJ.rolc
Eggs. .Oregon. 15 per doz.
Poultry.. CTiitkens, 3.0033.50 per doz;
ducks, $3.5o4 50; geese. $6.oo7.oo; tur
keys, oioc; dressed. 1 ii2c.
,nr?0pSteT,-?23-5c per lb; fair
to good steers 2Ji2 3.5c; cowi,aKaWC:
dressed beef, 45jc. ' '
Mutton.. Best heet trjn.. ,,
ewes, i.s.oojdrissed,; '
Hogs .Choice, heavy, 2.5o3,eo2 linlu
Veal.. Small, choice, 5; large, 34c
Wheat. .530 per bu., market firm.
Oats., 17c.
lIaV..Balrrl. rtiMt t. r- .. .. .
56 ?o ' "t,3vi'' umoiny,
Hour.. In wholesale lots, 3.00: retail
3.20; bran, bulk n.oo; 'd S
tSoo8.' I2-00,35 cP feed.'u.oo
VeaL.D.-essed, 4.
llogj Dressed. 3.
live Cattle. .2zyt.
Sheejj,. Live, 2.50.
Wool.. Best, I2ic.
Hopi. .Best, 4($5o.
Eggs.. Cash. 8c.
Butter.. Best dairy, 20c; fancy creamery,
Cheese .I2i3c.
Jffi5S? ,, Ml
Potatoes.. 20c per bu
Onions.. 1 Jc.
shades 5t
Supreme Court,
The case of the American Brlfei
Contract company, n corporation! t!
pollant, vs. tho Mullen Bridge L
pany und J. E. Willard, rcsC
nppcnl from Multnomah count; n
argued and submitted today, t
Tanner, attorney for &
Itufus Mallory, attorney for rc
Delegates.-Today Oavcrnotlaj
on request of Governor JlcOonneHi
Idaho, appointed ns delegates ton
Immigration congress to beheidi
r,.i,. on.. 11.. ..n
uwiou ji.y LIIU uiuewing: D, J
Thompson, Ellis G. Hughes and Cls
II. Dodd, of PortlandjTIieo.G.Hife
Pniidlnt.nn: .T. II. roinfolio. c.
, ...... , Kit,,.,.,, uiraun
Tho latter Is to make an addrw a
Horace Dunlap returned to Lib
vlow Inst week from his trln to Tn
Orleans, where ho took two caitai
or mules, lie did not find tlictuAs
nsgood as expected, but will tryl
ngnln In tho near future. Kttb
he will take inures, as lie knowj itr
ho can do with them. He Mm
the Southorii Pacific road, koIm ft
Los Angeles.'
Dealer in groceries, paints, o&
window glass, varnishes, d
the most complete stoce i
brushes of all kinds in a
state, Artists' materials, lm
hair, cement and shingles, J
finest quality of grass seeds.
LOST A gold watch-cluln, initUI Z.U.LI
class 01 00. tlic nnuer win w smuu;
warded by leaving at the Journal offict. II
M. I'arvin. 3L
FOR lo-'An almost new flattop, polaUl
solid oak offiee desk, Enquire at l?jCj
mcrciai street. V?
WANTED An honest, active centltauf
lady to travol for reliable established w
salary ijbo, payauie 515 wecsir
penses. Situation permanent. 5Rea)
Encloso self-addressed stamped RWJ
The Dominion Company, 316 Omhi w
ine. Chicaco.
FOR SALE Eight milch cowl nJ tM
year olds. Inquire or M . fcgw, 7
Or. J
Iness houses can obtain all newspp "
matlon from the press of the tte.w
(Allen's) Union Uloclc. I'ortUnd. "3
P. O. NEWS 5TAND.-Locl .Saks
Agency for all newspapers and mf?
Fine atock of cigaia and confectioner;. r
Miller. Prou. J"i
PAPERS. Portland, Sacramento, S
Tacoma nnd San Francisco paperi ea
M(llir'e VrntnlTtr hlock -
n'.nngli i,.llril I ., lot Ol ty
brown wrapping paper for sale caep. r
ine imng lor puuiiijj uiwu v.r
Journal office.
... . r rr.XinB-1
v. a. uusick j ,r,AI
Ireldent. r
Transact a general banking boja.
Miss Ballou's Sc
Will receive children from 3 1"?.. fy
OUCC1S1 BIICUUUU . :, ..nsht. I"
branches for theolder pupils .?"' oJ I
ing drawing, modeling. wc.P' jit
tlstic ..eedle work. All work do t j
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