Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 09, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 8.
aiM8 t.
some fine bargains in
Call in and get special
275 Commercial street
h?C No Trouble to Show You
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies. Stoves and Machinery at
pExaminc our large and complete
of the Willamette University.
P Modern method. Up to date. Same as In
t. None nut the best is good enough fur beginners
Goodale Ltatber CoERpany
tYardts on Twelfth
Keep tliO'mostJcompletC'Stock of common, dimension and flnlshedlumbcr
n the city, nnd sell on the most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles
Our stock Is made at our own mills,
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates.: Management liberal. Electric cars leave ho;el for all public buildings
and points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
Stable on Jones' Hill, So. Commercial,
Beit equipment for all kinds of heavy draying and express haulingj Teams found ar Red
Front Dntg Store at .11 times. g R1ESENER,
Onlygood horseuMd. - Satisfaction guaranteed.
And we are going to
keep abreast of all
competition in quality
quantity and styles
In our odd pair de
partment you can get
shoes at all times,
prices now offered at
Through and Give Prices, 7C
stock. Always prompt and
the eaitern and European Conservatories
oa won as lor more aavancea pupus,
w., nviYLii, rrcnucni
U. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Itntrumcntal Director.
arid Trade, Streets;
of the best lumber In the state.
Truck Co.
Stable bicker; State Insurance block
Riots Against the Americans
on All Hands.
Reported Losses by the rsurgonts
in Cuba.' s- . .
Biluoa, Spain, March 0. Thoro was
another American riot hero today.
About 12,000 people took patt. The
authorities did everything possible to
maintain order. The crowds armed
themselves with sticks and cudgels,
the police wero swept aside and an
Immense crowd marched towards the
resldencc.of the" United States consul
shouting "Long live Spaln,down with
Yankees." When the mob ncarcd the
United States consulate it was con
fronted by the police with drawn
swords. The mob halted and then
began pelting tho police vigorously
with stones and bricks. A squad of
gendarmes charged the rioters and
tho latter fired pistols at the police
men, two of whom were Injured.
This caused the police to charge In a
body, using swords with good effect.
Tho rioters were dispersed, yelling
and hooting at tho authorities, and
shouting. "Down with the Yankees'
and "Long live Spain."
During the wholo afternoon there
was more or less disturbance. The
United- States consulate is now
guarded by a strong detachment of
gendarmes armed with carbines,
revolvers and swords, and Instructed
to protect tho consulate at any cost.
. .Madrid, March 0.A dispatch from
Havana says Colonel Vicuna has de
feated Macco with a loss of seventy
two killed and a great number of
wounded. Tho Spanish troops cap
tured two hundred and ten horscs,and
a large quantity of arms. Tho Span
lards, who lost only twenty-two
wounded, aro still pursuing the enemy.
WAR talk.
Madrid, March 0. Several military
'officers, Including somo Englishmen,
have offered their services to tho
Spanish minister of war, Scnor Mar
cello do Azoarraga, ln the event of
war between Spain nnd tho United
States. The official belief, howover,
Is expressed that no conflict will oc
cur. Patriotic demonstrations have
occured throughout the country since
the action of the United States con
gress on tho Cuban question, and
wealthy Spaniards aro offering money
to tho government. Several towns
have sent messages, offering money
and the lives of their citizens in de
fense of tho country. Shipowners of
Seville have offered to place 60 steam
ers at the disposal of tho government.
In tho Basque provinces subscription
has been opened to present a warship
to the government.
Valencia, March 0, This city was
again In a trubulent state yesterday
oyer tho conditions of tho relations
between Spain and the United States.
A mob gathered and wus proceeding
toward the American consulate with
tho Intention of causing a disturbance
but a force of police and gendarmes
opposed Its passage through the
streets. A desperate struggle ensued
and several persons were Injured, In
cluding a gendarme. Tho mob suc
ceeded In returning to tho Plaza del
Torres, by destroying tho gates lead
ing to the bullring. TMey held a
meeting In the Arena. A state of
lege has been proclaimed.
London, March 0. A Madrid dis
patch says ten persons engaged In a
demonstration at Valencia, led by a
well-known Republican. They made
a noisy display before the French con
sulate before going to the American
eoniulate, where tho civil guards op-
posed them. Bttots wero heard, amTA
the guards respctuled with their car
bines, and clmrgrcd repeatedly, before j
they dispersed Sho mob. Those ar
rested were fotihjl to bo chiefly Repub
licans. The affair caused great alarm.
Tlic pollco also dispersed a garnering
at Saragossa. -
European Politics.
Bkrlin, Marc? 0. Tho long visits
of Emperor William to Chancellor
von Hohcnlohc,Bnron von BJobersteln,
the minister foV foreign affairs and
tho Austrian unibus.sador, Saturday,
liavo given an JiSSuIbo to speculation
In the press, niuijn political circles on
the subject oftUp visit, this weak to
Berlin of Count; Golucluiwskl, the
Austrian minister for foreign iiffalrs,
and the future relations of Italy to
tho drclbund, which are undoubtedly
the subject of- Count Goluchowskl's
The papers geierally counsel Italy
to make tho utmost sacrifice to save
her honor, and -they hint that Ger
many and Austria will support this
policy. Tho Bocrscn Curler, on the
contrary, contends that Italy's posi
tion would not be weakened ;if she
withdrew from! tho African ad
venture. Tho VJmvacrets leads the
Democratic section of tho press, with
a ferocious attack upon Italy, and
SignorCrlspi, dtibbing the latter tho
hero of tho Banco Romano scandal
and tho Blcuth-honnd of Italy, who
lacks the courage to faco parliament.
These papers naturally welcome the
collapse of tho drclbund, but in tho
face of Italy's d I fllcultlcs at homo and
abroad, and tho doubtful attitude of
Russia toward Italy, it Is not easy to
predict the outcome of Goluchowskl's
conference here. There aro even ru
mors that Humbert will abdicate In
favor of his boh? Tho fear of Eng
land's, attitude since the Transvaal
affaIr'.'l'ifalso ajfactor.
The Italian Ministry.
.Rome, March IK There Is much dif
ficulty found In the task of forming a
new ministry. Slgnor Saracco ljas de
clined tho responsibility, whllo the
attempt to form a Saracco and Rud
In! combination has also failed. It
Is announced tonight, however, that
Marquis dl Rudlnl has succeeded In
forming a cabinet, with himself as
premier and minister of tho Interior;
General RIci Ml, minister of wrtrjSlgnor
Brln, minister of foreign affalrs;Scnor
Perazzl, minister of tho treasury, and
suiiuinu iiuccuiu, iiiuiisturoi marine.
Itdovclopcd later that tho forma
tlou of tho cabinet has been under
taken by General RIcottl. King
Humbert conferred with General
RIcottl at 7 o'clock yesterday evening
and charged him with tho formation
of a cabinet. The result wan a cabinet
made up as already sent, RIcottl
yielding to tho Marquis dl Rudlnl the
premiership, anil himself assuming
the portfolio of wur, us Indicated
above. Further members of tho cabi
net are:
.Slgnor Guicclardlnl, minister of
finance, and Senor Granturlo, minis
ter of Justice.
An Offensive Campaign.
London, March 9. Tho Dally Nows
correspondent at Home wires as fol fel fol
eows: "The choice of General RIcottl as
minister of war shows that the king's
Ideas have prevailed In favor of reop
ening an ollenslve campaign at the
end of the rainy season."
A Severe Plre.
Pittsburgi, March 0. A Jlro 'this
morning destroyed a block of 10 houses
on Aurella street, rendering ten fam
ilies homeless, and causing a loss of
$50,000. Capt. Fred Breckcr, of Engine
Co. 10, was terlously Injured by a fall.
Seating Dupont.
Wvbiunoton, March 0. At 3:10
in. Mitchell pressed hla resolution
seating Dupont us. senator from Dela
ware, and It was held to bo a question
of higher privilege than the confer
ence report on the Cuban resolutions,
so the latter went over.
Chief Justice Dead.
Dover, N. II., March D.Chlef
Justice Charles Dee was fatally
stricken with paralysis today.
Effort to Stampede Republl-
cans to Carlisle.
Situation of tho Great Battlo on
FifANiCFORT, Ky., March 9. The
Republican leaders in the houto be
ciimo confused early In tho morning,
when thoy permitted tho postpone
ment of the Dtinlap-Kauffinan contest
till Monday, instead of carrying out
the decree of Inst night's caucus to
oust Kauffmau the first thing and get
Duiilap In before tho senate could
retaliate, previous to the Joint ballot.
The key to the contest was tho pair
between Welsslnger, a hard-money
Democrat, and Chambers, Rcpuhll
llcan.' When It became evident that
unless this pair was broken Black
burn would bo elected, Welsslngor,
from his slck-bcd In tho hotel, released
Chambers, If tho latter would vote for
Carlisle. This defeated Blackburn, as
tho stampede had reached Its climax.
Tho "sound-money" Democrats had
gono to Blackburn, whllo tho Repub
licans wero rushing to Carlisle. The
vote of Chambers for Carlisle did more
than all gavels, presiding officers and
Borgeants-ut-anns for order.
Both sides are holding conferences
for tho contest today, and tho feel
ing again tho so-called bolters Is In
tense on both sides. Without Welssln
ger unconditionally paired Blackburn
cannot be elected. Tho Republicans
will pair with Wolsalngor only on con
dition that tho member pairing with
ill iu will bo allowed to vote for
Carlisle. VIolett and Carroll muy
come to Blackburn. Speight voted for
Blackburn today, but declares ho will
never do so uguln. Tho Republicans
Insist that thoy will scat Duulap In
Kuuffimin's place today before there
Is another Joint ballot.
After the roll-cull was completed
Populist Poor isald he bcllovcd tho
time hud arrived to elect Blackburn.
He cast his vote's for Blackburn
Then one by one, amid cheers from
tho friends of Blackburn, tho follow
ing Democrats changed to Blackburn
from Carllslo; Ellison, Smltt, Witt,
Stephenson, Dougherty, Noo, Sailer,
Balrd, Holloway, Rice, Norman.
Balrd said ho was opposed to tho
Democratic nominee's views on tho
currency question, but would cast his
vote for Blackburn. Holloway and
Sailer also said that thoy thought. It
their duty to vote for the nominee
whenever tlierowasa chance to elect
Representative Chambers, who wub
paired with Senator Welsslnger, said
ho wished to vote. Senator Broustono
protested, but Mr. Chambers cast his
vote for John G. Carlisle.
At this Representative Lyons
caused wild excitement "by saying
that if any attempt wus made to elect
John G. Carllslo he would voto for
Blackburn. Tho (statement was
wildly cheered by the friends of
Speaker Blanford said that when
it became certain that a sound-money
Republican could not lie elected, he
would follow his people's wishes and
vote for a sound-money Democrat. Ho
changed his vote to Carllslo amid tho
wildest excitement. A dozen mem
bers clamored for recognition and the
chair rapped forordorfor five minutes
In vain.
Senator Bronstone finally got the
floor. He wild Chambers, who voted !
In spite of his pair for Carlisle,
wus nob entitled to his vote at all.
Tho point of order was raised here,
and a motion made to recall the roll.
i Tlio chair ordered the galleries cleared.
This was done after somo confusion.
Tho scene on the floor bafllcd descrip
tion. The sound-money men held a
consultation and urged one another
to change to Carlisle.
Howard moved to adjourn, but
Bronstone objected.
"I want to glvo an opportunity to
tho sound-money Democrats to elcot
Carlisle," said ho.
'Tho roll was ordered called on tho
motion to ndjourn and tho motion was
Representative Lyons sworo ho
would try to defeat any attempt to
elect Carllslo Sailor called him to
order, and Lyons said as ho was called
to order by tho friends of Carllslo ho
would vote not to adjourn. Ho was
cheered by Blackburn's friends.
Representative Chambers received h
note from Welsslnger, with whom ho
was paired, Baying: "I release you
from your pair, and you aro at liberty
to vote as you please." Tho announce
ment of the refusal of tho assembly to
adjourn raised Interest to a fovcr heat
Speaker Blanford moved to adjourn
until Monday at 12 o'clock, and the
Republicans filibustered In an at
tempt to stave off another ballot. Tho
chair ruled that when tho assembly
adjourned It would bo until 11:50 Mon
day. Senator Bronstono tried to porsu
ado tho chair that tho ruling was In
correct, but without effect.
"I say," ljo cried away with theso
dilatory motions. Let us horo and
now elect somo one, bo It Boyle,
Blackburn or Carllslo."
"Speaker Blanford withdrew his
motion to adjourn, and tho roll wab
ordered called for another ballot.
Senator Clark refused to yotc.
Senator Bronstone. asked that he
bo required to vote, but tho chair
ruled that no member was required to
Souutor Elllstou voted for Carlisle.
This seemed to I ml lea to Blackbnrn's
defeat. Senator Holloway voted for
Carlisle, as did Noo, Sailer and Smith.
Most of tho Republicans refused to
voto. Representative Balrd voted for
Carlisle, and Representative Cham
bers (rep.) voted for Carlisle.
Speight protested against Chambers
casting a voto until tho slgnaturo of
Welsslnger had been proven. Cham
borH withdraw his voto for Carllslo
(for tho present only, ho said).
Dougherty.Furnlsh, Norman, Speight,
Stout, Walker and VIolett voted for
Carlisle. Populists Poor and Edrlng
ton again voted for Blackburn.
Tho second ballot stood, Blackburn
40, Carlisle 15, and tho speaker de
cided there was no quorum. An effort
was then made to udjouru, but It was
Senator .lonos mov.ed that tho as
sembly adjourn until Monday noon.
Boforo tho vote on tho motion was
completed, Senator Bronstone said
that ho understood Senator Ogllvlo
was getting very sick, nnd he, there-
fivii it 1 1 liflfjui; l.lu nltfnf.t 1st.. 4 . 41..-.
lull;. Iliuiuiuii win wl'JLlsklWH IW Mil;
motion to adjourn, and It carried.
Frankfort. Ky March 0. Sena
tor Rossell Wesslngor, tho sound
inonev Democrat. Is tills mornlntr re
ported dying.
a bknator duad.
Senator Wolssliwer died at 11:10.
WcliHluer constituted tho back bono
of the Democratic opposition to Black-
nurii. tho uauio loyal is ucLwccn
Carlisle and Blackburn. If It conic to
a choice between the two tho Repub
licans will voto for Carllslo.
Tho ubovo Is clored by tho Associ
ated Press report which Ic sent out by
gold standard paiiers. Lyon, a Re
publican gavo notice Saturday that
lie would vote for Blackburn, and It
Is not certain that other Republicans
will not do tho same. Tho Indications
nro now favorable to Blackburn,
Editor Journal.
no iiallot today.
Frankfort, Murch U. Owing to
tho death of Wolssiuger, no attempt
will 1k mado to elect a senator today.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latet U. S. Gov't Report
Royal KE?
Eight Men Shot by a Lunatic
at Brockvillo, Ont,
A Fatal Stabbing Affray at Central
Point, Oregon.
Brooicvillk, Ont., March 0,-A
maniac, who alighted from the 11:15
train today, shot eight men. Two,
Mooro and Boyd, aro dead. Chief of
Pollco Rose was fatally Injuied. The
maniac himself was shot through the
body nnd Is In Jail. Ills namo Is said
to bo L. A. Polnto. Policeman Tinsel
Is shot In the arm, Dave Rouglc, an
Indian; and two Stagg brothers and a
man named Kllburu nro the ethnrs
An Oregon Crime.
Central Point, March 9. Thos.G.
Elliott was stabbed and probably fa
tally wounded Sunday by John A.
Penntnger. The affray took pluco at
tho Central Point hotel, nnd was
without doubt premeditated. Tho
two men had bcon attending a dance,
which broko up at 12 o'clock, and, as
Elliott stepped out of tho front en
trance of tho hotel, Pcnnlnger put his
hand on Elliott's right Bhoulder and
stabbed him In tho breast with a dirk-
knife, tho blatlo of which was thrco
and a half Inches long. Tho knlfo
entered tho breast at tho Jutlon of
tho sixth rib, und, as yet, Its course Is
Elliott Is a woll-rcspcoted young
man 20 years of ago. Ho camo here
from Canada, about twoycarsago,and
worked for Pennlngor's father until
August last, at which tlmo young
Pcnnlnger mado an attempt to Btab
him with a pockqt-knlfo, and cut a
gash across Elliott's abdomen six
Inches long. Elliott has no relatives
nearer than Iowa, where his parents
now reside. He docs not drink, and
has always had tho namo of being, a
quiet young man.
Tho city marshal wasan eye-witness
of tho stabbing, and, when he at.
tempted to arrest Pcnnlnger, Barton
Patrick attempted to help Pcnnlnger,
hence ho has been arrostcd as an ac
cessory to tho crime.
To Increase Circulation.
Washington, March O.Tho house
commltteo on banking nnd enrrency
today voted to report favorably on tho
houso bill Introduced by Johnson of
Indiana, to permit national banks to
Issue notes to tho amount of the par
value of bonds deposited by them In
tho treasury, ai security for their
Issue of notes.
Watson Nominated.
Coi.umiiuh, Ohio, March 9. Da
vid K. Watson was today nominated
by tho Republicans for congress In tho
twelfth district, which Is usually
Democratic, Watson breaking tho
record by defeating Outhwalto In the
political landslide two years ago.
Rhodes to 13 e Arrested.
London, March 0. It Is admitted
by tho pollco authorities that a war
rant hus been tatted for tho arrest of
of Cecil Rhodes, charged with com
plicity In tho' Importation of arms
into tho Transvaal territory, for uso
against the authorities of that repub
lic. A irnrtv of Davton nrosnectora have
gone Into tho coast range to develop
a mine.