Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 06, 1896, Image 1

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VOIi. 8.
NO. .
I some fine bargains
Call in and get special
Kraussb Bros.
275 Commercial street,
TC No Trouble to Show You
?Hai3 ware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
3 .
Examine our large and complete
of the Willamette University.
r i ,
Modern methods. Up to date. Same ai in the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best is good enough for becinncrs an wolt as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEV. President
R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, InHrumcntal Director.
Goodale Uintber Company
Yards on Twelfth
Kecpitho'inostlcomplete-stock of common, dimension and fintshcdlumbcr
h n the city, and 6ell on the most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles
Our stock Is mado at our own mills,
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates.' Manacement liberal. Electric cars lesvs hovel lor all public buildings
and points of interest, fcpecul rates mil be
Willamette Truck Co.
Stable on Jones' Hill, So Commercial,
Best equipment for all kinds of heavy draying and express hauling; Teams found ar Red
Front Drug Sto-e at .11 times. RiESENER.
Onlygood honeslused. Satltbction giuranteed.
And we are going to
keep- abreast of all
competition in quality
quantity and styles,
In our odd pair de
partment.you can get
in shoes at all times,
prices now offered at
Through and Give Prices, C
stock. Always prompt and
.and Trade Streets
of tho best lumber In the state.
given to permanent patrons.
Stable backjof State insurance block
The Excitement Continues in
. Italy,
Burning Spanish Flags in
Kansas City,
President Cleveland Misrepresented.
.on Cuban Question,
Romk, March 0. Rioting, caused
by the anger of the people at the con
duct of the Abyssinian campaign, was
continued last night In nearly every
large city In Italy, although a rain
storm cleared the streets of the cap
ital. At Milan a mob marched
through the principal streets, smash
ing windows right and left, yelling
execrations on Crlspl and the minis
ters. The rioters went to the railway
station with the intention of prevent
ing the departure from Milan of the
army reserve of that city and neigh
borhood. A sharp encounter followed.
Soldiers and carablnlcrt were pelted
with stones, and bayonets and swords
were used to drive back tho crowds.
Somo soldiers and policemen wcro In
jured. Scores of rioters were slightly
wounded. The disturbances contin
ued until 2 a. in., when troops at the
point of tho bayonet, cleared the rail
road station and neighborhood. Bus
iness Is proceeding as usual and tho
only ovldcnco hero of recent disturb
ances aro strong additional guards of
soldiers about tho palaco and all pub
lic buildings. There wns serious
rioting at Parma Inst night. Munici
pal buildings were besieged by angry
mobs, windows smashed and troops
fired a volley over the heads of a most
riotous mob. Several leaders wcro ar
The Fopolo Romano this morning
refers to the fact that there Is con
siderable anxiety felt for tho safoty of
the Italian garrison at Adigrat The
troops there havo only a three days
supply of provisions and are sur
rounded by the Shoan army. Unless
promptly relieved Adigrat must fall,
and a further mashacro of Italians
will follow.
Kansas City, March 0. S. E.
Archer, a well-to-do business man,
showed sympathy for Cuba by publicly
burning a Spanish flag In front of tho
crowded theatre. Tho act was loudly
cheered. Archer lias a Htock of Span
ish flags and says ho will burn ono
each night till his stock Is exhausted.
London, March 0. Times has! In
formation from Curacoa In tho Dan
ish West Indies, that tho authorities
of that place have bcon advised that
a British squadron of live ships will
arrive there shortly. Curacoa Is
about scventy,-llve miles from tho
Venezuelan coast.
Washington, March 0. The presi
dent said to a representative of j tho
Associated Press today;
"I see it is assumed in certain
quarters that a deliverance published
a few days ago on the Cuban question
may be taken as defining the attitude
of the administration on tho subject.
I wish you would say.'I never sawjthe
statement nor heard of It until I read
it In the newspapers. Even then I
neglected to read all of it, supposing
it represented nothing more than
newspaper gush. I do not know how
i. Children Cry for
I f!tohr's Castorla.
It originated, nor by whom It was
constructed or Inspired, but I do
know I nm In no manner responsible
for It or In any way related to it. I
only desire to say lli addition that I
do not know whether the publication
referred to represents the views of
the administration on Cuban ques
tion or notf, and that T never found
any dllllculty In communicating with
the people In a ma
mer which leaves
no doubt ns to the, authenticity of a
statement purporting to toprcsont
my views."
Stopping itro's Mall.
San Francisco. March 0. Mayor
Sutro was f urlousbvuen he heard of
tlio seizure by thefpost onico author
ities of his communications to the
congressmen mid Iwjnntou at Wash
ington warning (hem of tho fclicmes
of Huntington to compass the pas
sage of tho funding bill. Ills anger
wns occasioned not so much by the
stoppngoof tho tpttcrs as from the
fact that he had Apt been notified by
the postmaster f the MsUiire. He
considered that 'lie holding of tho
letters had causei the loss or valunblo
time In the fight igaltist the funding
bill, and that he . should have been
told that tho dc artment considered
tho envelopes objectionable so that
he might havo devised other means
of placing tuemfn the hands of tho
members of congress.
Tho Inscription on the cnvclopo to
which the postnllauthoritles object Is,
In the opinion of the mayor, nothing
but nn expression of truth, and there
fore not in tho least libelous or scur
rilous. Ho bclloved the statement
that 'Huntington -would not steal a
red-hot stovoJ' with tho Inference
that ho might, be capablo of stealing
something far .more valuable and
easily handled, to bo strictly In accor
dance with vcrnclty, In the light of
past events and wonders that the
ppstoulccjlgpartraont should seize up
on such an expression to stop tho mis
sive to the men he wishes to reach.
Corea'n Ministry Beheaded.
San Francisco, March 0. Tho
steamer China arrived from Yoka
homa, bringlngnows of another coup
d'ctat on an cxtenslvo scalo at Seoul,
Corea. February 10, a detachment of
Russian marines, numbering 107, ar
rived in Seoul from Jinscn. Tho
Corean king and crown prince went
into the Russian legation and formed
a new government, dismissing nil
former cabinet ministers. Premier
Kim Hong Isto nnd soven other cabi
net ministers known as pro-Japancso
statesmen wcro beheaded nnd their
corpses dragged around tho streets.
A decree said to havo been signed by
tho king nt the Russian legation or
dered thnt tho heads of tho five mtir
dercd ministers bo mounted on spikes
and exposed.
Kentucky Senatorsihp.
Frankfort, Ky., March 0 At the
Republican Joint caucus last night,
by an agreement between Senator
Dcboe and Judge Holt, the Hon. John
Royle, of Louisville, was declared tho
Republican nominee for United States
senator by acclamation. Thcro were
five absentees. It was on a motion to
declare Doboo tho caucus nominee
that Senator Deboo declined and pro
posed Royle. In this he was immedi
ately Joined by Judge Holt. Then
followed a love feast of enthusiastic
Republicans, in which Boyle was
chosen by acclamation. Tho Demo
cratic caucus adopted stirring reso
lutions In -support of Blackburn, and
adjourned determined to support him
to the end.
The Short Line Case.
New York, March 0. Tho rcor.
ganlzation committee, representing
all tho intorestslof tho Oregon Short
Lino property, bas prepared a plan
which will be submitted to the secur
ity holders Mnrch 10. VnrJous depos
itories of this city havo been ap
pointed to receive tho respective
classes of securities.
Children Cryfo;
Pitcher's Castorla.
The Yaqulna Bay Steamer a Complete
Tolrdo, March ((.(Special.) Tho
"Western Trans)xirtatlon C'oi steam
lwat Volnuta, running between Ya
qulna and Newport, caught lire nt tho
Newiwrt dock hwt night at 1 p. nt.
and burned to the water's t-dge. The
mate who wan sleeping In the pilot
house, wns awakened by the heat, but
the boat was In flames. She wns cut
loose from the dock and towed Into
shallow wnter, where she sank a total
wreck. Tho causo of the fire Is un
known, but no blame Is attached to
the crew. Insurance 61,000. The cost
of tho boat was about $S,4',0
Nearinir Havana.
Nmv York, March 0. A upeclnl
from Havana says!
Nobody has paid much nt lent ion to
reports from tho Held lately, Wash
ington and Madrid have been tho sole
centers of Interest. Yet, within a
few days, Gomez and Mucco havo
achieved other successes In t lie face of
strong opposing coluiqns, which havo
made the world wonder how It can be
General "Woylor, apparently bcllov
lng ho had driven them to their
stronghold In tho everglades of Cien
gi. Sopata, has been hurrying thou
sands of troops Into Santa Clara by
land and sea with ono purpose of
hemming tho enemy In nt that point.
General Pando, In command In Santa
Clara, only awaited the arrival of
these troop to strike hard blows. Hut
Gomez and Mncco having jleft In the
ovcrglado's hospitals all their wounded
and ill, taken cast frcm their raids In
tho western provinces, strengthened
their forces with now troops fresh
from Puerto Prlnclpo nnd San Diego,
and then, whllo the Spanish bat
talions wero enroute to catch them,
they unexpectedly turned west again,
slipping past all obstructions with
only n fow skirmishes.
Now Gomez is In tho heart of Vat
anzas and Mncco Is onco mora almost
In tho gates of the capital. Trains
have been fired on Jtut beyond tho
city on the Matanzas road, and Mon
day night there was a sharp skirmish
only three miles beyond tho suburb of
Jesus del Monto, a settlement to
which Havana horse-cars and omni
buses make regular trips. Thcro wiih
no ofllclul report of tho affair given
The Arizona- School Bill.
WAsiiiNaTON,Mnrch 0. Tho sonato
committee on public lands prnctlc
allytlcclded today to report back tho
Arizona school land bill recently
vetoed by tho prcsldont, with tho
recommendation thnt It bo passed
over tho veto,
Indian Appointments.
Washington, March 0. It Is under
stood that the president will transmit
to tho senate next Monday tho follow
ing nominations to fill important
vacancies In tho Indian service:
Indian Inspectors J. O. Wright,
South Dakota; John Lnuo, Oregon. .
Holocaust in Wisconsin.
Alma, Wis., March 0. A firo last
night destroyed tho house of G. Old
house, a carpenter. Oldhouso's wife
and five children woro burned to
An Illinois Man.
"Washington, Mnrch Ow-Scnntor
Cullom today formally announced his
candidacy for president.
Reports from Umatilla county say
that range cattle and horses which de
pend upon tho grass alone, aro dying,
and If the snow continues to fall and
remains very long, thousands of cattlo
and horses will die.
A now steamer is being built In San
Francisco for the Coqulllc River traf
fic. Tho vessel is 131 feet In length.
.12 feet beam, and Is to bo light
Several hundred cranberry plants
havo been received by persons on tho
Nehalcin beach, and It Is though largo
crops can be raised, as tho wild cran
berries do well these.
Coos county was treated ton thunder
storm lately, which was followed by a
fall of about eight Incncsof snow.
Editor Jeurnal: Tho following
cdltorlnl was clipped from the Dally
"Tho two school elections Monday
In which tho A. P. A.issuo was clearly
defined, woro nt Oregon City and Ba
ker City. Each A. P.A. candidate was
defeated. This Is likely to be tho case
wherever ft full vote can bo got out.
Religious prescription Is not approved
by tho American Idea ot fair play.
Tho only dnnger Is tho conservative,
modcrato may not take enough
Interest In tho election to turn out
and vote."
Tho question Is: shall the voters of
school district No. 24 permit n person
to bo elected director, who is tho
representative or an organization
which has turned nolghbor against
nolghbor and created strlfo In tho
community unknown since It showed
Its cloven hoor immediately preced
ing tho late war? "Will our voters
allow W. M. Chcrrlngton to bo elected
director, who would bo unthought of,
If it had not been Tor tho A. P. A.
organization, which It Is reported
nominated htm and at their last
meeting appropriated out of tho funds
of tho organization $25 for hack hire
and "incidental" expenses on election
day? "Why should tho A. P. A.
organization nomluato a man for
Bchool director ana demand his
olcctlon.nny moro thnn tho Methodist,
Prcsbyterlnn, Unitarian, Catholic,
Baptist, Christian, Congregational,
Masonic, Odd Fellows, or Knights of
Pythias organizations? With our
present largo indebtedness In this dis
trict, It Is a serious problem how wo
arc to contiuuo our public schools.
"Who Is tho better qualified to carry
out the Interests of tho district In a
business manner? MivChorrlnglon Is
wholly unfamiliar wltlr tho needs of
our schools, and was never known to
attend a school mooting slnco his
residence In this district, while on tho
other hand Dr. Byrd has been chair
man of tho board for the past yenry
and Is thoroughly familiar with all
tho details of tho management of tho
schools and tho requirements of tho
district. It Is to bo hoped our voters
will not permit such a calamity to
overtake us, as tho election of Mr.
Chcrrlngton, who represents all tho
prejudices nnd bigotry of the dark
ages, nnd nil that is vicious in our
political system. It is un-Amorlcan
to turn back tho "whcols of time" 300
years and array our people against ono
another, as they woro thon. Dr. Bynl
Is a gentleman In ovcry sonso, nnd Is
not In tho habit of telling smutty nnd
vilo stories to "split tho enrs of tho
groundlings." It Is not a matter of
Republican, Democratic or Populist
success. The tarju, gold nnd silver
standards aro not in question. It is a
contest for tho proper management of
the schools and of tho success of tho
bettor elcmont In tho community
against n secret and "dark cellar"
conspiracy, to'subvort tho lxist Inter
ests of our public schools. Mr. Chcr
rlngton represents the latter element.
Ho has been n resident of our city but
a short time, whllo Dr. Byrd was born
and raised in our midst. Thcro Is hut
one courso left for thoso who wish to
sco a proper management of our
schools, and that Is: to vote for Dr.
Byrd, who has given general satlsfac
faction to all persons who have de
sired the continuance of our excellent
schools. Taxpayers and friends of
good government, do not allow your
selves to be mislead by any false Issues.
Friend ok Puiilio Schools.
Ex-Attornoy-Goncral Geo. II. Wil
liams lectured on tlio reconstruction
period. State Superintendent Irwin
will lecture on Lincoln, and Attorney-
General Idlemau will lecture on
genius. Tho gentlemen should grab
a live wire.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Bound for Ldn'don to Promote Santlam
Mining Interests.
Portland, March O.-Mr. William
11. Lawlor, managing director of the
Lawlcrgold mines, limited, exten
sively engaged In mining operations
ot Quartsvllle, Linn count', was a
guest at tho Portland, accompanied
by Mrs. Lawlcr. Mr. Lawler and his
wire left this morning' over the
Northern Pacific for Now York and
thenco go to London where he wfll re
main about six weeks on business con
nected with tho further advancement
of mining operations In tho Santlam
and adjacent countries.
Talking of tho work so far pro
gressed nt Quartzvllle, nnd the out
look,Mr. Lawlor speaks very encourag
ingly. Tho 20-statnp mill, sot up im
dor so many difficulties, owing to tho
lateness or tho season, Is crushing' 00
tons or tiro each day and meeting all
expectations. Tho clean-up, after a
run of ono week, proved entlroly satis-
ractory, and ruturo results will doubt
less prove amply sufficient to Justify
tho groat oxpenso Incurred In a prac
tical development or tho mineral
wealth or tho country.
"Quartzvllle and tho surrounding
country Is rich In mineral," said Mr.
Lawlcr, "but the character or tho ore
Is such that it should provontnny
stampede to thnt section. It Is not a
poor mnn's country, nnd tho mines
must lw operated on n largo scale In
order to ninko thorn pay. Tho ore Is
not free, nnd it will not only tnko
capital, but plenty of it, to bring
about good results."
Mr. Lawlcr has bonded a number of
properties In tho Blue river country.
Tho mines owned by the Lnno county,
Bluo river nnd Lucky Boy companies,
havo each been bonded for $15,000, the
Turner clalnrfor $0000, nnd other hi
sldo grounds nt various sums. It Is
tho Intention ot Mr. Lawler to com
monco actlvo work on thoso properties
early next Juno, and his London trip
will bo made as oxpediously as possi
ble on this account.
All mllcago fees for legislators and
county sheriffs should bo abolished
and only actual traveling expenses
paid. That was what mllcago was
Intended for any way simply a guar
ontco of expenses and not the excel
lent and profitable rakc-olf from tho
public funds It now affords. The day
was when fares wcro ton cents a mile,
and mllcago fees generally corres
ponded, but fares In our own state
have conio down to four conts a milo
and mileage fees havo conio down not
a cent. Medford Mall.
Tho gold 1 to republican press of tho
stato aro very profuse In thelrcondem
nation of the republican senators who
voted against taking up tho tariff bill
for consideration last week, but wo
have failed to see tho fact mentioned
editorially that Sonator Mitchell
voted In favor of it. If ho had
voted against It every one of thoso
papors would havo used columns In
condemning him. But ho did his
duty, so they Ignore hi notion.
Shamol-North Yamhill Record.
Dentistry Is opening a now and
wide field forwomen. Tills peculiarly
nervous and delicate work seems to bo
especially adapted to them, and most
or tho women who havo undertaken
to prnctlco In this profession havo
Hindu a success or It. Chicago, alone,
luis fifteen women dentists, who nro
milking n substantial living by it.
Tho question for our producers to
decide Is simply between Bimetallism
and higher prices, and gold mononio
talllsm nnd lower prices. Philadel
phia American.
Latest U, S. Gov't Report