Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 05, 1896, Image 1

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vol. 8.
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flVBBBHBfll t. Iff Mil OBt" JT!? Wft HI V -J
B New York Racket
Has just received a full line of
Direct from Chicago, Wc have a fine line of black worsted
suits and cashmere suits for boy's and youths, Wc have just
received a large lot of goods from New York, consisting of a
fine line of Fedora Hats, and men's, boys' and youths' caps,
with a large line of notions,
Our "Star 5
arc kept on hand
Call and see ixs, We
v. ?
TC No Trouble to Show You
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wife
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryfat
, Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
of the Willamette flniversity.
Modern methods. Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conscrvatoriee
None but the best Is rood enough for beginners as well as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEV. President
R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Invtrumcntal Director.
Goodale Ltintb?r Company
p Yards on Twelftfci
Kcep.tho'most'complete.steok of common, dimension and flnlshedllumbor
n tho city, and sell on the m'ost favorable terms. Lath and Shingles
Our stock is made afc'our own mills, of the best lumber in tlio state.
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates, Management liberal.
and points of interest. Special rates will be
Stable on Jores Hill, So. Commercial,
Best equipment for all kinds of heavy draying and express hauling; Teams found ar Red
TrontDruR Store at all times. R1ESENER
Onlygol horse'ute1. Satlffaetioit. guaranteed.
Star" Shoes
all the time,
will save you money,
Through and Give Prices,
and Trade Streets
Electric cars leave hoel tor all public buildings
given to permanent patrons.
Truck Co,
Stabln bwkjjf tte Insurance block
Students Rioting in the City
of Madrid,
Tho Safe Arrival of Four Separate
MADitiD,'MnrcU G. Numerous stud
ents, armed with clubs, took part in a
patriotic meeting at Buen llctlro
park today. A strong force of police
dispersed them. The police arc guard
lug tho university, veterinary college
and medical college. It Is stated here
that several English ship owners have
offered tho government to equip a
privateer on their own account in
case of war between Spain and tho
United States.
The government has decided to
purchase two additional cruisers. It
Is stated that the situation In Cuba
appears to improve.
Cuban Filibusters Safe,
New Yomc, March f. Rafael Por
turondo, secretary of state of the re
public of Cuba, has received cipher
dispatches which announce tho safo
arrival In Cuba of four expeditions
which have sailed from different
American ports during February. Tho
urgent necessity of ammunition in
tho Insurgent army Induced Secretary
Forturondo to mako arrangements for
tho departure of several small expedi
tions to sail from southern ports of
the United States.
Tho first left thhTcbuhtry February
l.cnrrylng 2"0 rifles and 170,000 rounds
of ammunition. Accompanying tho
expenditlou were 17 men. Tho second
expedition left February 7 with 1C0
rifles, 103,000 cartridges and 12 men;
tho third loft February 12 with 2T0
rifles and 20 men. The fourth sailed
February 10 and carried 100 rifles and
80,000 rounds of ammunition and 10
Each of these expeditions, It Is said,
landed on different partsof tho Cuban
coiist, thrcoon the south coast and
tho fourth on tho north shore.
St. Louis, March r, Agents of tho
Cuban revolutionists, working from
St. Louis as a common center, aro
sending from this city and tho sur
rounding country from 30 to GO. men
each week to Join tho forces of Gomez
on the Island.
Active work was begun shortly after
tho middle of February, when aCreolo
from New Orleans appeared In tho
city, armed with plenty of funds, and
mado himself known to a small clrclo
of Cuban sympathizers. No tlmo was
lost In getting to work, and between
February 20 and 23, 40 or 50 recruits
left this city for Cuba. Since tho date
last mentioned at least 100 more have
gone. I
The men are enlisted with tho
understanding that they are to take
chances on tho success of the revolu
tion. They aro promised nothing un
less the cause of Cuba wins. If It
docs they aro given a 'guarantee that
they will bo well-taken care of. No
salary Is offered. Transporatlon Is
furnished them to tho point whero
they embark for Cuba, and It Is guar
anteed to them that food and cloth
ing will bo provided for them during
their stay at tho beat of hostilities.
Every man enlisted In St. Louis Is
cnulnned at once with side arms
bought from a largo hardware store
in St. Louis.
New York, March 5. The Herald
Dr. Joaquin Castillo has been ap
pointed chancellor of the Cuban lega-
Pltchtr's Gattorla.
tlon In America. Tho appointment
was made' by Tomns Estrada Talma, '
president of tho revolutionary party!
or Junta. Mr. Palma has had more
work than ho could personally attend
to, and ho requested Dr. Castillo to
remain In this country and take
charge of, tho Junta's work In this
city, while Mri Palma will devote his
tlmo to diplomatic matters In Wash
Ing ton. &
Dr. CastllJIrwas educated In Paris,
and came to IhlsHountry In 1870. He
Isn graduate of tho university of
Pennsylvania. Bcforo tho United
naval board 'Dr. Castillo passed ahlgl
competltlvo'cxamlnatlon and was dc-
tailed to tho United States steam-
ship Wnbash'ih Boston. ,
Ho volunteered his services as
surgeon of tho llbdgcrs, which wont
ln search of the Jeamcttc expedition.
Ho'. served "eighteen months In the
Arctic- seas, Jasslstcd In the rescue
of tho, JeRnfttto survivors and ro-
turncdo thojclty.
JameaQ.j Blaine's Remains,
Washington, March 4. "It has
been tho cherished wish of Mrs.
Blaine," jemarked Joseph II. Manloy,
formerly postmaster at Augusta, Me.,
whero tho Blalno family resided, "that
tho remains .of her family should bo
removed from their temporary resting
place In Oakhlll cemetery, Washing
ton, nnd placed at Augusta. Mrs.
Blaine has been negotiating with u
gentleman at. Augusta for thopur
purchaso of a sultablo site whero tho
remains of tho Blalno family may bo
interred, and It Is quite likely that
the work of romovlng tho bodies from
Oakhlll cometery will be dono during
this spring From tho fact of tho
publication In regard to Mrs. Blalno's
Intentions In this respect, I Infer that
the negotiations have had a satis
factory conclusion.
It Is tho deslro of Mrs. Blalno to
havo her deaTfbncs at tho old farm,
for she thinks, In common with citi
zens of her state, that all tho honors
heaped upon hor Illustrious husband,
cuino to him as a citizen of Maine.
Whatever action the state may de
slro to take In regard to tho erection
of a monument over Mr. Blalno's last
resting place will bo entirely satis
factory to Mrs. Blaine, but sho will
insist on removing tho remains from
Oakhlll and having them Interred on
tho site she has selected at Augusta,
at her own expense.
"It would bo dltllcult to picture a
more beautiful spot than that chosen
by Mrs. Blaine, located as it Is on tho
brow of a hill overlooking tho pic
turesque Kennebec river. A number
of communications havo passed be
tween Mrs. Blalno nnd tho state
authorities In regard to the disposi
tion of her husband's remains, but
everything was held In abeyance pend
ing tho settlement of negotiations for
a site."
Dolph Opens His Campaign.
Portland, March O.Ex-Senator J.
N. Dolph delivered an elaborate ad
dress bcforo a large audience, under
the auspices of the Mt. Tabor Repub
lican club, last night. Tho occasion
Is regarded as an announcement that
the ex-senator will take an active part
In tho coming campaign. Tho speaker
devoted a largo portion of his address
to the money question, making u
strong plea for "sound monoy."
Appeal To Business Men.
Nbw York, March C At tho reg
ular monthly meeting of tho Chamber
of Commerce today there was adopted
an appeal to commercial bodys and
business men throughout tho United
States to uso tliolr Influence to secure
tho election of only such delegates to
both National Conventions an will
favor the present gold standard.
Coal Mine Victims.
Berlin, March f. 71 bodles.vlctlms
of tho Cleophas coal mine disaster nt
Kattowltz, Prussian Silesia, havo been
broifght to the surface. This Included
four volunteers in work rescue who
werp overcome by heat. It Is, believed
about 50 miners are still unaccounted
Single Standard Democrats
Bolt in Kentucky,"
iSorious South American Robollion
in Progress,
Frankfort. March 5. Eighteen
or tho leading gold standard Demo
crats of tho general assombly havo
made a formal request of Senator
Blackburn to withdraw from tho race
for senator. The refusal to comply
was tho result of nt least eighteen
members withdrawing their support
from him. Flvo gold standard mem
bers who havo been standing out
against Blackburn did not sign.
Washington, Mnrch 5. At open
ing of tho house today, at request of
Hltt, chairman of tho foreign affairs
committee, tho senate request for a
conference on tho Cuban resolutions
was agreed to.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras,March P.
Tho government has declared tho de
partments of Tegucigalpa, Paz Vallo,
Choluteca, Paralso, Olanclio and
Colon under martial law. This step
was taken as a result of tho rebellion
of tho Lconlsts against tho govern
ment of President Zclayu, of Nlar
agua, and there Is possibility of
trouble hero.
Blackburn says If tho Democrats, at
tho open caucus tonight, after u full
non-partisan discussion, vote tonHk
him to withdraw, ho will do so.
Hartmanmitcpubllcan, of Montona,
iiuulo an attack on President Clove
land In the houso Into this afternoon
for his speech boforo tho Presbyterian
homo mission board In Now York,
which ho declared was a slander on
western states, and grossly Improper.
Ifartmaun declared tho greatest need
of a mlssloncry exists In tho white
houso. '$
"Washington, Mnrc'i fS.Tho Con
ferees on tho Cuban resolution after a
conferenco of 40 minutes, today agreed
upon the Hojibo substitute. At 3.
o'clock Sherman presented the confer
ence report to the Senate.
The objection by Halo prevented
tho consideration of tho conferenco
report at tho present time. Upon tho
requestor Sherman It was mado a
speslal order of business for Monday.
In dlscusslotuif the sublcct Chandler
declared that tho resolutions were not
strong enough. He was In favor of
tho recognition and maintenance of
Cuban Independence by the United
Huwley advised caution saying,
"We might bo Involved In war, not
only with one nation but with several.
Without an adequate navy, and coast
defenses, there should bo great care
exercised In giving offenso to other
nations." Ho hoped tho men so vigor
ously supporting a warllko resolution
would vote for liberal appropriations
for Increasing the navy and nrmy and
coast defenses.
Tho Salem Statesman, some time
ago, said last year's Democrats mado
good Republicans thls.ycar. It sjioko
by tho card.
Hood'4 is Wonderful.
No less wonderful aro tho cures ac
complished by Hood's Sarsaparllla,
nvcti after other reparations and
physicians' prescriptions havo fulled.
Tho reason, however, Is simple.
When tho blood Is enricued and purl
tn1 A ten. nan rllu'inrutn m nrifft rrAvl
t health returns, and Hood's Sarsapa-
rllia is the ono true wood pnriuer.
Hood's puis aro prompt atuicmcicm
and do not purge, pain or gripe,
25 cents.
Give us cleaner streets, alloys, poli
tics and" religion.
Declare for
the Sintrlo Gold Standard
In New York.
New York, March G. Tho World
today says:
"Mr. Harrlty, chairman of tho
national Democratic committee, has
maintained silence for many months
In respect to candidates and Issues,
but ho spoke frankly yesterday to tho
World. Ho mado threo extremely
Important as well as Interesting
First That he no longer considers
Mr. Cleveland as among the possible
candidates for president. .
Second That tho Domocratlo party
In Its platform must declare for
sound money as against free tlud un
limited silver coinage at 10 to 1.
Third That tho democrats are not
more divided now than they were six
months before the Tlldeu campaign.
"Mr. Harrlty has recently returned
from Chicago, where he arranged tho
preliminaries of tho next Democratic
national convention, to which ho will
go as a delegate, with Pennsylvania's
01 delegates at his back."
Affairs in Bulgaria.
New York,-March 4; A dispatch
to tho Herald from St. Petersburg
Tho Vcdomlsts Sofia correspondent
says that tho Bulgarians aro prepar
ing ror a Macedonian rising In tho
autumn, to show dissatisfaction at
tho lowers for recognizing Prlnco
Ferdinand, whom it hoped to get
rid of.
The Vcdomlst draws attention to
nit extract from tho Bulgarian news
papor Moldt, saying that Bulgaria Is
disillusionized by Russia's policy
recognizing tho prince. Opinion hero
Is growing- Irritated respecting Bul
garian pretensions.
Tho Uedoubtable McCIary Beards The
Old Elephant.
Tho Salem Post last night prints
tho follewing:
Tho Pont is Informed that an elfort
1h bolng made by tho Populist, party
of this section to get up a Joint dobato
on' tho political Issues of tho day on or
about, tho 10 of this month. T. J. Mc
CIary, of Gates, will bo tho expounder
of tho Populist faith, whllo anyone of
tho following will bo challenged to
meot him: Bo v. Barkloy, 13. Hofcr or
Charles II. Moores.
It Is not known whothor Mr. Bark
loy will bo homo from Ohio by that
tlmo but tho elder would make a
lively match for tho tortguoy McCIary
any day on any subject.
Deafness Cannot bo Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portions or the car.
Thoro Is only ono way to euro deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
intlamed condition of the mucous
lining of tho Eustachian tube. When
this tube gots Inllamcd you havo a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed deaf
ness is tho result, nnd unless tho In
flammation can 1)0 taken nut and this
tubo restored to Its normal condition,
hearing will bo destroyed forever;
ntno cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which Is nothing but an In
flamed condition or tho mucous sur
face. .
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars
for any caso of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free.
" l J. Chenney &Co., Toledo. O.
CirSoId by Druggists, 7G cents.
It will bo a pretty light between
Mitchell and Dolph for tho United
States senate. Etigeno Guard.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Hnioka Yon
Life Away
it the truthful ttartllng title of a book about
No-To-Hac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacce
habit cure that brace up nlcotinUed nervet,
eliminate the nicotine polton, makei wako
men gain ilrenght, vigor and manhood. You
run no physical or fmanclan rUk, ai No-To.
Hie ii told by D. J Fry agent under a guar
aatee to' cure or refunded, book free. Ad
dieia Sterling itemed Co., New York o
Chicago 8 I lyw
HigncH of all ia tcaveamg Tower. LateU U.S. Govt Kepoft
AMoanrnv pub
Grispi Says the King of Italy
And 17,500 Men Were EnffJ
All Artillery Lost. "
IIomk, March 5. Tho ministry an
nounced tholr resignation In the
Chamber of deputies today. Premier
Orlspa added that It had been nwprt
by tho King.
the number killkd
Bome, Mnrch fi. Tho war oWce to
day admitted that "at lfaH 1W)
Italian otllcers wore killed," but the
olllclals still refuse to admit that over
C.OOO men wore killed. They say how
ever, that "they bellovo 0,500 Italian
troops and 8,000 native troops In tho
Italian sarvlco wore engaged, and that
nearly all the artillery, ammunition
and supplies fell into tho hands of the
The unilclals and private residences
of tho cabinet ministers the Boyal
Palace, the embassies and all import
public buildings hero wcro guarded by
troops throughout tho night and the
soldiers aro still on duty this morning.
Later advices from Massowaha slrow
that although tho rout of tho Ital
ians was complete, tho extent of the
disaster is somewhat less than rumor
had' it. ThcShoaus did not pursue
tho Italians to Asmara as first re
ported and stragglers who were be
lieved to havo perished aro arriving
thoro. This has caused a renewal of
cotmlalnts against tho government
for not giving an oniolal estimate of
tho number killed and wounded which
Is still believed to bo over 0,000. It
appears a majority of tho generals up
proved Gouoral Baratlorv's attack.
Every reader of The Jouiwal
should look up tho list at premiums
given absolutely freo with this paper.
Tho Weekly Journal at $1 a year Is
tho cheapest imycr on tho Paoiflo
coast, yet with it wo give yearly sub
scriptions to any of tho following
valuable publications, each known to
the world as a standard in its field:
Tho Toledo Blade,
Tho Queen of Fashions,
Tho Farm Nowt
Tho Child Garden.
Thcso valuablo publications are
each worth a $1 a year, yot wo give
you your cholco, ono year freo, for a
$1.60 subscription to The Journal,
either tho Daily for six months or
tho Weekly for eighteen months.
Seotho list, nnd don't neglect to profit
by It.
Don't bo deceived Into paying for
so-called premiums offered with high
priced papers at a slight advance,
Hemembor The Journal Is tlw
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premiums without additional r.hargo
Two Uvea Svd.
Mrs. riiuibo Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by hor doctors b!kj
had Consumption and that there was
no hope for hor, but two bottles of Dr.
King's Now Discovery completely
cured hor and sho Bays it saved her
life. Mr.Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida
street, San Prunelsco, suffered from n
dreadful cold, approaching consump
tion, tried without result, everything
else thou bought ono bottle of Dr.
King's Now Discovery ami in two
weeks wus cured, lie lanaturnHy
thankful. It is such results, of which
theso are samples, that prove the
wonderful clllcacy of this medicine lu
rv.nf.lia mill rvririd- Vron rrlnl kcvttlett
at Fred P. Legg's drugstore. wlx
f l
' Aa '-''