wvmvpwwxT? segvyw:'" v to . f, ..-afrH i fi rf3W (J MSF , ' : J t ' ttLV ? .1M R ! 1 t?9 ' m h w . .-. s. If m y" It i . Hi- s SML I ai 'i " XiM iu ?ir" j.mi WW ?w :l)l 31 !&' t bT? 1 ! J i i3 'f,l I f,W' " ttfc. ' fri" Hi?- -1 ' s'A , fd hi v I ,r u LI i NOTES ON WHEELING, If you Want a ure relief for palw limbs, use an Allcock BBAR IN MlND-Not one tlons is as good as the genuine, la the fcck, side, chest; or Porous Plaster of the host of counterfeits and imita- , The American League members. 'd . lldR M0,000 A wheel of tasteful design stamps Vw rider jih a person of refinement. Daily Capital Joufoal BY HOrnCR BROTHERS. WEDNESDAY, FEU. 20, 1890. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tho olllcc of COUNTY ASSESSOR subject to the will of the county Republican convention. d.w J. A. VAN EATON. Wheat at Salem lHfi.il cents. Silver has gone up to 70 cents an ounce. Impertant: llkoMc.Klnlcy. The Statesman don't Our foreign wars arc all equally successful up to date. Who will take 13111 Nyc'fl place ? We mean In this world. -j , .. i With corrupted primaries what good Is thopurlllcd Australian ballot? THE ISSUE OREGON. It Is your privilege to Join It If you can or find fault with It If you can't tho Illlhcoclub. it must not bo forgotten George Washington was n irood man and a good politician. .fust how nearly representative the present congress Is. of tho people can bettor Iks Judged ten years hence. Talking about whether tarlll or finance Is tho greater Issue, It Isn't to Iks forgotten that bosslsm Is tho boss Issue In Oregon. In theso days the cnt-ln-a-bag poli tician Ingrowing himself to get Into tho next legislature and make what he can out of It. an IIMM Jt will bo lust as tcuslble for the Stayton pcoplo to say Salem has too many newspapers as for a-Salcm paper to say Ktayton has too mnny. If tho taxpayers of Lincoln county do their duty at tho primaries the old ring that has cursed that young county will lie taught a lesson. Tho Oregonlau has Congressman EllU.of Eastern Oregon,safely beaten. It Is now the duty of tho people to confirm Its orders at tho primaries. Tho great majority of tho present congress were novor heard of beforo, were nominated wtoen their election was not expected, and will never bo heard of again. The political issue in Oregon is not silver or antirsllvcr, McKlnley orantl MeKlnlcy, Mitchell or anti-Mitchell. It Is whether the political machine with headquarters at Portland and a few paid parasites In each county shall govern this state, control its legislature, and dictate Its federal patronage for the next four years. These lnlluenccs In the past have been In control too much. These cor rupt Influences In the last legislature were defeated on all their pet under takings. They should not be put In control this spring at tho bidding of the old Portland ring. They will not be If the masses of Republicans assert themselves. They were giving us a state govern ment that cost twice as much as it should. They were scattering costly Institutions over the state that were not needed. They were creating places for their pets and favorites for life. -They promised reforms two years ago which they never Intended to carry out. They have control or the state and county and congres sional committees and many of the party newspapers. They now propose to regain their grasp on the necks of Republicans and make them to do tholr bidding for Tour years to come. Tho fight Is not on tho silver ques tion. Republicans should not be de ceived by that cry. It Is a matter or record that men who were supporting Dolph last winter were willing to throw him down at any moment If they could gain by It. Jo. Simon was nursing tho silver votes In hopes to displace Dolph himself. Thero Is not a rlmr Republican ut Portland or Salem who would not have taken an election at tho hands of tho silver men In tho last legislature, could he have gotten It. Several promised In ndvanco to be good silver senators If elected. The ring politician has no principles to nnnoy him. Mr. Dolph we believe Is a squarcr man on this question than his managers were In tho last legislature. Rut tho light Is not over sliver. It Is for control of party patronage. It Is tho true Interest or tho Republican party to break up tho old machine completely and throw party power and patronage Into other hands than those of life-long professional onlce-holdcrs. That Is tho real Issue In Oregon. It Is tho old gang and an appropriation' or an office against tho people and good government. When a congressman represents tho people on all questions It Is high time ho were retired. Mr. Hermann, of Oregon, should know letter than go on the way ho has. TEACHING WAR. Merchant Keyt, of Perrydale, was In the last legislature. Ills friends want to mako him senator. If tho men with muddy boots do their duty a few hldowalk politicians with polnt-od-toed shoos will not down Koyt ut tho primaries. Mr. Dolph, you would mako friends and perform a graceful act that would give you not a llttlo popularity If you wo vdd now move to inuko John H. Mitchell's election to tho senate tumultuous. - , . .. .hi A predlutlou that tho Salem poll. Damns who uro using one mint to throw down former friends with, will throw him down harder still when Miey uro through with ltlm. Rut those things are too common. Mrs. Frances W. Letter, superin tendent or tho physical culture de partment of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Is send ing out urgent letters to arouso pul- llc sentiment against the Carter bill pending In congress to secure military training In lite public schools. Her arguments are sottna. Tho public schools are not. the place to teach war. Intelligence and Immunity are tho prime motives that should underlie all public education. Military educa tion and discipline are valuable to any young man, and can be obtained In tho mlllttu organizations of any statu In the Union. Hut tho nubile schools are to furnish children tho rudiments of education, not of war. Thus early In the seu3oiTthl' number of new wheels and new lady riders Is quite large. . A bicycle Is like a lxy sent on tin errand by his mother It runs best when blown up hard. The League of American Wheel men has spent $120,000 since Its organization to advance the cause of road improvement. r, The Ulnck Mfg. Co., Eric, Pa., sends out an art catalogue in black and brown upon yellow. It has forty pages beside tho cover tosct forth the merits of the "Tribune" wheels and the Interests of vr heeling In general. Itoads In Oregon have not been so bad as usual the past winter. Last year saw it great improvement. Rut the greatest benellt will come when owners or property realize that no better Investment can be made than a good road In rrontor It. Wheel Talk ror February says: The woman who takes a morning spin on a wheel puts a velvety bloom on her cheek not found at the druggists. . . . The rider who, In his racing, Is all head cannot expect to get there, while the one who Is all legs cannot bo ex pected to stay there. The dalntcst '00 catalogue Is by the Eclipse Rlcycle Co., Elmlra, N. Y. One Illustration shows sixteen men on along plank laid over tho top of a nlicd-total weight 2,448 pounds. One of theso wheels Tom Winder rode around the rim of tho United States 21,000 miles. The delivery bicycle Is a machine such as nnyono engaged In merchan dising of any kind will find ready use for almost every hour In the day; be ing especially adapted for laundry men, clothiers, department stores, and In fact all kinds of trade. Morgan & Wright, Chicago, will no longer send out Wheel Talk free, but have decided to olfer It at 91.50 per year, or at 75 cents for six months. All tho Illustrations, outsldo and In side, nlso the Illustrated "Wise and Otherwise" heading, are changed every week, and each copy during the year will contain a largo card bearing tho portrait of a well-known racing mnn fifty-two during the year. The Peerless Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, sends out one of the largest catalogues for 1800, "The Story of tho Rlcycle." Ic concludes with this eloquent peroration for the wheel as a health giver: "Out of the valley of sickness and despair many an Invalid has ridden Into health and that keen enjoyment or lire which health nlono can give. It Isa sovereign remedy for tho 'blues.' Dull care mounts not be hind tho saddle of this now steed, which paradoxically Increases the weight of the thin and decreases tho avoirdupois or the stout; while It Is of the greatest value as a remedial and A FARM GIVEN AWAY nf PAHM BUILDINGS rind, ono chept &MlMALS, etc. Those, .. to grttrdo ?. tbuB malctn, a completo Miniature Form Yard. rnfl.atlnK of ono shoot of FARM BUU,uiu --- of 78 SubJoqtB, DOMbBHu """ -.. 'a umi Animals can OZLJL jt. TT "T (ViniiMCia! Slrecl, ('orner Slate 'Ilia Capital Printing Company has re moved to that location. Call on us. 3 Ways to Get This Farm : i 0 Coupons j or SenCl 1 Coupon and 0 Cento ; or OC7HU io Cents without any Coupon, to Through lj T0 TlE rmoUAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM, M.l.; ILACKWCLL'S LACivwn.i.0 '"""'" , POSTPAID. You will una onodC?upFo tW UPOnD taBldo oach 4 ounco baff of BlacH's m: to Xofiaoco Ruv a bat: of this Celebrated Smoking; Tobacco .and read he rnuiMn. whfch rives a list of oilier premiums ....u ., b 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. In all towns ami localities throughout the United States and territories to sell the Fount ain Washer and Steam Cooker, tho best In use. It saves Us own price In the wear of clothes In less than six months. Sent C. O. D. by express, prepaid, for $3.50, In tin; $5 In copper. For particular, address " ' J... B. BROWN, 156 Statu street. Salem, Oregon. I EAST AND SOUTH EAS' V1A THE Union Pacific between nccl,'( lGltTr.AT . Ti,,0Cj Uur trains ate Iimi.4 i TimetoNewVoki!'! Which Is msi, d'-'l petltors. nr ""WM .PfyT'm ecseseGooe -VIA- WANTED An honest, active ccntleman or lady to travel for reliable established bouses Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and ex penses. Situation permanent. 'Referenco r- 1 ..if ..i.irer.l tamned envelope. The Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Build Ing, Chicago 2 25 im OR SAl.lJ-Iiigbt mllcli cows ear olds, lnnuiro of M J. Eg: I1 year Or. and two 2- nan. uervais, 224 tf in- vnit WANT A bounuetmide to order, or choice cut flowers ring up telephone U4 . Avenue Green Houses. 2'22 3t FOUND-d'atent leather memorandum book containing valuable papers. Call at this of- fice and prove property. 2 2' 3 GROCERY STOCK FOR SALE-At ft bargain. Address A. B care JoJrnal. 21 3 PAPERS Portland, Sacramento, Seattle, Tacoma and San Fiancisco papers on sale at Miller's Postoflice block PUtlLfC MEN, I'OLlTCIANS AND lfUb iness houses can obtain all newspaper infor mation from the press of tho state, coast and country from the Press Clipping Bureau, f Allcn'.l Union Block. PortUnd. !2-2otf P. O. NEWS STAND. Local subscription Agency for all newspapers and magazines. Fine atock of cigaifl and confectionery. I-. w. Miller. Prop. LHiL FOlTSALE OR TRADE.- The best hay fruit and stock ranch in Oregon, containing 200 acres. Will sell cherp, on easy tcrrm, or trade for good hotol. For particulars inquire at this i,fhce. II. A. B. 1 31 im MONEY TO LOAN Special U Bush On farm land security. rates on larce loans. lxans consideied without delay HAMILTON & MOIR Bank buildinS. MONEY TO LOAN! Orl'clty or farm property. Over.Bush's Bank, T. K. FORD) HARD TIMES PRICES I'hc times are hard and I propose to give the public hard limes prices. New factory shoes.plain 1 po With toes and calks 1 50 Hand. made steel shoes...., 2 00 Track shoeing 2 50 ' 'JacU" llavlctns, 100 Chcmeketa street. C. H. LANK, nil linn nil 1 nn 11 1 MI iL WOLZ'S illPhasta Route; I3TFREE DELIVERY. W:LZ & MIESCKE, Props. Dealars In alt kinds of fresh and salt meats !'Fresli sausago a specialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST. GEO. I? EX I) !i WW 8 MEAT MARKET. 2l Commercial st. Cottle Block Successor to C. M Beck & Co. flist meats in tho city, Prompt delivery at lowest prlci'Sj efhtiip: Southern Pacific Co. SALEM WATER CO. Offiwi W.llamctte llot BuWncr. For water service apply at olTici'. Bills payable monthly In advance. M.ike all complaints at the office. Open splcket to prevent freczji;, pud lively prohibited. Care &hrli 1 1. tU'i if in danger of freezing to luve -' inn waste gate closed sco section j rules .1110 it in itiation. No deduction in liiio wi'i . lowed for absence or fcrany cause wji. .. unless water is cut of fro.n preniivs THE WAR IS OVER and no one is hurt. The undersigned have dissolved partnership on State street, and has opened n waon and carriage shop at 320 Commercial st in connection with Spraguc & Crounk's blacksmith shop, opposite the State Insurance building, where 1 will carry a complete line of carriage and wagon wood material, and I am ready to build or repnir any kind of vehicles on thort notice, from the heaviett to the lightest, and will give prices which hayc never been heaid of before, I guarantee all work to give perfect satisfaction. Give me a call. It. J. HERSCIIBACII, 1 28 Salem, Oregon. FREE TO AIL.LADIESI I have a very simple home frcatment which I will send free to all suffering women. Cures female troubles of every nature. Mott won derful remedy ever known The half has never been told; For could we with ink the ocean fill, Were every blade of grass a quill, Were the whole world of parenment made And every woman a scribe by trade To tell the merits of Balm of Figs, Ifwould drain the ocean dry. Nor would the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky. Address Mrs. J. W. B., box 9G, Tallman, Linn county, Or. 2.12-imt 2tt Commercial St., Sdem Or tSTSuits $15 upwards. I'antsS upwands.jT Capital Transfer Co, HARRY TOWN. TROP. Express, baggage and all kinds cf work done promptly. Leave orders at Pat ton storo. 12-3-t DEPOT EXPRESS. Meets all mail and passenger trains Bag. gage and express to all parts of the city. Prompt service, Telephone No. 70. JAMES RADER TO THE FARMERS! We have just completed a new feed yard, one-half block south of the court house. Please give us a call. Team 10c. 2 6 BUSSARD & SIMPKINS. California Express TrainRun dai.y between Portland and San Francisco. South I North 8150 p. m. 11:00 p.m. i 0:45 a. m. TvT lv ar. Portland oiT Salem lv. San Fran, lv, Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon City, Wo dburu, Salem, Turner, Marion; Jefferson, Albany, Albany Junction, Irving, Eugene, Crcswtll, Drain, and all stations from Roicburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSRllURR MAIL DAILY. .South j I North 8:!10 a.m. lv. Portland ar. 4:40 p.m. 11:00 a.m. lv. Salem lv. 2:20 p.ru'. fi:20 p.iu. 1 ar. Kosch't? lv. 8:3Q a.m. SALKM PAS8ENOEK. "South" I I North" 4:00 p.m. lv. Portland ar. 10:03 a,m. 0:15 p.'D. ar. Snlcm lv. 8:00 n.m. DIN. Mi CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS and second-class sleeping cars attached to all trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex cept Sunday.) Z 7:30 a.m. I Lv. 12:15 p.m. I Ar. Portland. Corvallis. Ar. 1 6:20 p, 1 135 P. Lv At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Contral & Eastern Railroad. Express train dally except Sunday; uu; l). in I Lv. Portland Ar. I 7:25 p. m. J Ar. McMinville Lv 6:50 a. m. Ar. I 0:25 a. m. THROUGH TICKETS to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei from W.W. SINNER, Agent, Salem. E. P, ROGERS, Asat. G. F. & P. A., Portland, Or. R. KOEHLER, Manager. Chicago j 1 !" 1 I Mi wanb.p. ii""ii & Si. Paul Ry., w. A. Cusick President. J. II. Albert. Cashier. tonlo agent lii numerous ailments." OREQON AND DAKOTA. Uuckleu's Arnica Salvo The Vest Salve In the world for Cuts, lliulitt foict. Ulcers. Salt Uhcmn. Fever S)e. IVttcr. Chspprd hnd, Chllbltlns, 1 - uym mum, miiDiims, Aiul all bkln Erupiloni, and positively cure. J'lles or no pay nquhtd. U It guaranteed of or money reiutt4,d. For tale by Fred A'. Civ reifect Mtimcilon Or monev rehmJ.l. 1. .. -- - . . : -- rr.' 1 rice zj cemi a box Children Cry for Pitcher's Caitoria. Tho per capita Indohtedness of North Dakota was fcil.oa In ibtX). Of South Dakota It was $20.11. Of Ore gon In 1800 In 1890 It was tt.90. While Oregon's Htate deht wast nothing each of the Dakotas owed about a million. Oregon's assessed valuation per capita In 1890 was 1529.14, North Dakota 1&U3, South Dakota M20.25. We havcnio figures as to cost of govern ment In tho Dakotas, or the tax levy there, or basis or assessment, but we believe OregomvlU compare favorably In these respects. If Kdltor Fletcher, who is rather severe on Oregon In his erUldlsms at times, would print the lact.s we. will copy them, AN OPEN FIGHT. Hesldes soveral anonymous attacks on Hermann, tho Salem Statesman has this In a long article by "Repub lican:" 1 have no hesitation In declaring my belief that the ne.t congressional election In this state will demonstrate tho fact that three out of four of our national law makers from Oregon are today openly misrepresenting the sentiments of tho Republican party In Oregon on tho question of (diver coin age. Will tho Statesman say who It wants ror congressman and senator, and who for the legislature. Tho public understands who It don't want. Will It please tell who It does want, or is it ashamed to advocate what It wants openly? A llttlo candor Is good for the soul, brother. toil National Baal, OK SALEM, Transact general banking business. f. ti. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a spwlalty of fine repair work, Seth Thomas clock, etc., 215 Commercial Street F. VAN DER BAAN, Carpenter, Builder and Jobber. 481 Winter street. lyllard times prices always. ZZSSulNWEAFbTis I RlflNE0TAS$O J IT" MILWAUKElSf -BOISEjiiJ AIRil til USTIW Street. 1 R'. W. BAXTER, &rr;T a.... iya 0. m e.m'neill.rkJ TO THE EAST GIVES 1 0F-. Two Transcoi Routes, Via Spokane MinneaM&j-. ver Omaha and KstuuGr eastern cities. OCEAN cms roruana-buFas Steamers leave Almrrrii. Feb. 7th, lath, I7ih,aidrt 29th at 8 pm. Fare Cabin, $5; ncwnf vjL.L.nnii 11&. K1U' PortlMa-&p icauicis culture ina f& for Eucene and CornlliiSft. Tuesdays and Thursditiiiri i-eavc lor l'ortlisi M Thursdays and SatnrJini!i Lowest freight and ri&tu Round-trip tickets rcnes 1 ickets sold and Mggjjii to all points without tint is F01 full details alien b agents, Salem, OrewD.criia W.HX Gen'lru.Ajti roriuiiaeuusniioacrfc 0.K1 Foot of Tradest. N mm PAWW RUNS Pullman Sleeping Tourist Ste To St. Paul, MinnMpfc!j Grand Forks. Crooloftl IlelenstadEal THROUGH To Chicago, wajnuipoii, w York, Boston, will3 litjt tmxa For inforroatjon, time as ticKets, can on or wnw THOMAS, AGENR 265 CommercidBKjyi A Tl. Charlton. Attt. wj Morrison st., cormTte . )! n polonou t (icnorrnoes. it. riiiinrpliM. IVI.t.JL. ......!. ..rJ . T."' f ......., .. 1, it ), , I, mi uia iau". ' m.y inrUmma. 011, nrliMiiiii or ulccra. ttOll i ill 1. n 11 11 ti.Atti. THtEUNjCHtliiiCHCo. brar Nn-mtrlDgeut, CMClKaiTI.0.BH li"", "y l'"BUU, or in it, plain wrapper, by eiirtK, prrpalil, for tl.OO. ur 3 lottlra, tl.75. Clrcuur eut on reuuet. 'lot tntJJi. ircuca id 14 lUUiur. IPriftau cvaucton. FARM FOR SALE! 360 acres, located 1 miles west of Wap ata station, Yamhill county, and t1 miles south of (Jaston, 17 acres of hops, large hop house, 20 acres wheat land, 10 acres ol meadow and beaver dam; most or the bal rnce well set In a variety of tame grasses. Good soil, no rock, easily put in cultivation, wuh spring or creek on every 40 acres. Will sell in tracts of 40 acres or more, at prices fiom $iSo upward, according to location and implements. Easy terms. For further particulars Inquire of W'M, II, EGAN, 2 24 t Gervals, Or A CARD. GLANCEiiATlHISiMAP. Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway and note its connection with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha, and remember when going east that its trains are lighted with electricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, library, smoking and sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car iKJithhas an electric reading lamp, and It dining cars aro the best in the wld. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above lux unous accommodations. These are sufficient reasons for the popularity or "Tho Milwau , .CouPr ticket agents In every rail road office will give yon further information, or address C.J.EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland; ODE-HALF SIZE OF OCX Children Cry fc toner's Castorla. To the cltbens of Salemi 1, J. Rubinstein, desire to inform you that I liave opened up a general tailoring estab lishment at No. 204 Commercial steeet Suits made to order from $12.50 upward. Pant made to order from $4.50 upward. As I formerly charged $3.30 for cleaning and pressing suits I now charge only $1 .30. 1 will open up my establishment Monday, February 24 24 4 J. RUBINSTEIN. POZZONI'S COMPLEXION Pnwni I uj bn tub jtandard for fortT rear .f , Is mow popular fcxllj tSa ever bSJ!."fi1 I AdSSS'iiT' h"Mul and harouial' I A aueaf, lnvuible protection tothn facfc i I AV. S SIM? J.Waqsw a mac -" nrniiii'ai 11111 i iiiiii.- n . uoxiKi,;nirlTt.1"r 1 AT DBUQaiSTS xsd VANOY BTOBE3. ji Sclcntlflo American A& Agency fVA I n.K'jiig (UW1TI. TRAna Hiiin. DKSION PATEKT' vn.i.f. , vr"wT. 11 riiu "i'SS uu tn9 nana book mu w -EtT. IS!" lor "oirt PMtaU to Awtifea, Uw putllo by a notlco ttrea (no of chine ta tu 1L,t!,'??.0,,"1?' Lanmt drniMim .-rt. .. ... .v. ?n .h,Ce?dlal? JUuitrateil. Kolntolllattt f'.'l1,0"" ho wllliout It. WklT, 3.a iTk.nuihi.3Ul Broaaway.New-VoxkCKT. OREGON C( ,and-: Eastern R, It ' YAQUINA BAY I- Connecting at YflJ H STEAMER . Ti and firswU" bg from Yaquina for SaJW 1tf,nrtnr aC00mi Skortest route bet t and California. Fare from Albw; , Francisce: wwb,.-j1 round trip, good 6odp, For safting dates pfgj ,-mtaq niARK. Corr!l6J WnSffiSSl A. p. w. ; KS.WAKKrf BOOK AND AJI0-J Legal BUH1 Iksh'sNejvWL T71 1 QYNJ PruwVR W HiK mAfl m7ri Hav Vxjj ui -- . . - frwltbM h5 .&.J -l;