Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 25, 1896, Image 1

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)Ii. 8.
M New York Racket
has just received its first installment of
Oxford Tics, of latest styles, in tan and
and black, also a large lot of ladies',
gents' and children's "Star 5 Star"
Shoes, in all grades, They also have a
large line of men's, boys' and youths'
k ar
inlfull suits and in single pants,'in wool
and cottonadc, overalls, hats, caps, work
and fancy shirts, gloves, suspenders,
light gossamers and mackintoshes, etc,
All winter underwear to be closed out
at a great reduction. Call and save 15
to 25 per cent,
', s"
No Trouble to Show You
dwar e, Tinware, Barbed Wife
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryjjat
inc our large and complete
taf the Willamette University.
Medorn'methods. Up to date.
bstjthe best Is good enough
filodale Uinib?r Company
ixdfcj on Twelfth
fcep themost complete stock of common, dimension and ilnishcdlumber
jclty, and sell on the most favorable
TOar.stock is made at our own mills,
lie Willamette Hotel.
educed rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave novel lor all public buildings
tints of interest. Special rates will be given
Stable at South Commercial St. Bridge.
julpment for all kiuds of heavy draying
uf store at au limes.
horses used, Satisfaction guaranteed.
Through and Give Prices, X
stock, Always prompt arid
Same as In the eastern and European Conservatories
for beginners as well as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. IIAWLEV. President
R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
and Trade tStreetsa
terms. Lath and Shingles,
of the best lumber in tlio state.
to permanent patrons.
Truck Co,
ni cxpress.haulingi Teams found ar Red
Stable. tack of State Insurance block
Having a Conflict Over Anapa
The Two .Departments at War Arc
Raising an Army.
Paius, Feb. 20, The Polltlcutc Col
nlalo publishes an alleged telegram
from the French consular agent in
Brazil reporting that conflcts have
taken place in the disputed territory
of Anapa, between French Gulnaua
and Brazil. It is added that the
French troops half destroyed Anapa,
after losing 100 killed and wounded,
including four otllccrs.
Managua, Nicargtm via Galveston,
Texas, Feb. 25. Reports are rcclovcd
from the North this morning allow
ing the wholo district north of Lake
Managua, including the departments
of the west and north, are in open re
bellion against the present Zclaya.
Martial law has been proclaimed, and
the Impressing of men into an army
is being pushed rapidly. The presi
dent Is supported by a wing of the
Liberal party. Two thousand men
arc already under arms. The capltol
Is being mado ready for defense.
Oregon's Dead.
La Ghande, Or., Feb. 23. Tlio
death of Margaret, the wife of .lames
P. Halley, occurred at the family
home near Island City Monday. Mrs.
Halley had been in poor health for a
year, and her death is ascribed to
pneumonia, complicated by other ail
ments. Sho was a sister of W. G.
Ilunter, Mrs. T. S. Smith, Mrs. Julia
Grlmmct. Sho left a husband and
four children, tho oldest of which is
eighteen, and youngest threo years of
Thomas "W. Ncbcrgail, aged 73, died
at the family residence in La Grande,
Sunday evening, at G o'clock. Ho left
a widow and several chUdrcn. Tho
youngest son, Philip Ncbergall, wan
summoned from Baker City and ar
rived on tho evening train, about flvo
minutes after his father's death. The
funeral will take place from tho Bap
tist church.
Albany, Or., Feb. 25. John Priest,
ex-collector of customs at Yaqulna,
died Saturday, and was burled at
Millersburg, Linn county, Monday.
Six Men Missing.
Astoria, Or., Feb. 23. Six men In
a bout started from the camp of the
brldge-bullders, on Young's bay, tho
new railroad bridge, tocomo down tho
river iclamming near Fort Stevens.
They have not since been heard from,
although a searching party went after
them. The friends of tho men fear
they have been blown to sea and
drowned. Tho superintendent of con
struction says ho does not think any
more serious accident has happened
than somo Blight damage to the boat,
necessitating their laying up for re
pairs. No heavy storms have pre
vailed since they went out, and two of
the men are old sailors.
Linn County Horsemen.
Albany, Or., Feb. 25. Linn county
horsemen met Monday and organized
the Linn County Speed & Driving As
sociation. Tlieofllcers elected are:
A. Hacklcman, president; E. W.
Langdon, vice-president; A. S. Hart,
secretary; J. M. Ralston, treasures;
directors, J. A. "Wilson, John Howard
and J. A. dimming.
A committee was appointed to con
fer with the horsemen of Independ
ence and Salem to arrange a pro
gramme for tho spring races with tho
North Association, at Albany, May, 28
20 and 30.
A (louring mill is to be built at
Monroe during the season, Guy Laws
and M. llrlcblc aro to bo tho builders.
A. F. limit and Peter Bamcburg, of
Hshlandjjhavo been buying cnttlo for
for thclfi range, and have secured
about 206hicad.
. A lcdgojbt high grado ore, one and
one-half feet thick, has recently been
discovered In tho North Polo mine, at
Cracker Crock.
Ilcrmlori Lodge, No. -10, K. of P., of
Long Creel, celebrated tho 32d anni
versary of tho order, over 100 mem
bers and. guests being present.
"Work on tbo new woolen mills at
Pendleton, is being pushed rapidly,
and by tho ilmc tho wool season openi
the mill will bo ready for operation.
John Smith, of Corvaills charges
three loggers with stealing fir and
balm logs tojtho amount of 10,000 feet.
The defendants have not been ar
The five-year-old daughter of Wm.
Baker, of Corvaills, fell from u gate
cutting.! lorjg deep gash above her
eye.. The cut was sewed up by a
physician. '
Mrs. Carson, of Poplar, rami needle
Into her hand recently, while brush
ing the dust off a pin-cushion. Tin
needle broke off In her palm, and she
suffered greatly until It was removed.
Messrs. Frank, of Eugene, will soon
erect a line no brick, by tho sldo of
tho oho now occupied by them. Tho
contract for furnishing tho lumber,
has been awarded Mr. Van Sycle, of
Tho Odd Follows and Rebckah's of
Junction iClty recently enjoyed n
social time, thoro belng a large num
berof visiting brethren prcscnt,among
them being B. i Davis, of Eugene,
II. Plymalc, of Halsey, and D. P. Rur
ton, of Cottago Grove.
Robert Erwl n, a soldier In tho civil
war, dicdiat tho family rcsldcnco In
Corvaills, February 21, of consump
tlon, aged 40 years. Ho amis u mem
ber of 'the I. O. O.F. lodgo and fought
In Company G, 8th New York, -heavy
artillery, and was in many colcbrated
battles. ;
Qarfleld to the Front.
Tho Republican voters of Garlleld
precinct Marion county Oregon mot
pursuant to call for tho purposo of or
ganizing a Republican club. Meeting
called to order by Hon. J. S. RJches
at Scotts Mills, Feb. 18.
On motion Jno. Irwin wns chosen
temporary chairman and J. W. IIo
bart temporary secretary.
Tho namo chosen for tlio club was
"Garlleld" and the date of regular
meeting the llrst Monday in each
Tho constitution and by-laws wcro
adopted and the following olllcers
elected for tho ensuing two years:
John Irwin president; O. D. Hartinan
vice president; .1. W. Hoburt secre
tary; J. S. Rees treasurer.
Several short addresses wcro listened
to. Good feeling and harmony pre
vailed. A cordial invitation Is ex
tended to all Republican aspirants for
legislative honors to address tho club
at Its rcgulur meetings. Those desir
ing to do so should correspond
with tho secretary, J. W. Ilobart, Sll
verton, Oregon.
9 i
Oregon Postmasters.
Washisoton, Feb. 25. These have
been appointed postmasters in Oregon
Castle Rock, Morrow county, Mrs.
Mattlo Teeters; Orville, Clackamas
county, R. H. Snow; Rcdlund, Cluck
amas county, Mrs. Sarah Baylow.
Two Vessels Collide.
San Fhancisco. Feb, 25. In a
heavy fog this morning tho steamer
Queen, inward bound from Portland,
collided with the Brltislnbark Strath
dot), anchored In the stream. Both
vei.sclssustalned considerable damage.
Dry House Burns.
Tacoma, Feb. 25. The dry houso of
tho Gushing Young Shingle Co. burned
this morning, causing i;iossof $20,000.
Insurance, $10,000.
To "Wed. A marriage license was
issued today to P, L. Kcnady and Mrs.
Carrlo O. Lentils, W. C. Hubbard,
witness Mr. Kenady resides one mile
south of "Wood burn. Mrs. Dennis is
a widow, whoso husband was killed in
a stecct car accident at Portland, sev
eral years ago. Ilor maiden name
was Hovenden.
Pleasant Entkktawment. There
will bo glvcnat thoScvcntcenthhtrect
Evangelical church "Wednesday oven
mg, February 10, a musical and liter
ary entertainment. Admission 10
cents; all Invited. 24 1 2t
The Defeat of All Sectarian
School Appropriations.
And the Lines Are Closely Drawn on
Church Matters,
Washington, Feb. 23. Tho house
yesterday In committee of tho whole
after a very Interesting debate, by a
vote of 03 to 04, decided that none of
the'nppropalatlons In the Indian ap
propriation bill for Indian schools
should go to tho scctarlvn schools.
Tho only sectarian schools to which
money now goes arc Roman Catholic
In denomination, and the tight today
was led by Linton, a Michigan Repub
lican, who Is tho most pronounced and
openly avowed A. P. A. member on
tho lloor.
I'll last year's bill tho appropriation
was cut down 28 per cent, with tho
understanding that It should bo re
duced 20 per cent each 3car until It
ceased, at the end of llvo years. Tho
committee on Indian affairs tills year
resolved that this appropriation bo
reduced 20 per cent, but Linton moved
mi amendment that no portion of this
appropriation should go to sectarian
schools. In his speech In support of
It, lie attributed tho defeat of many
members two years ago to their re
fusal to abolish secretariat! schools,
and predicted disaster to those who
still stood out against their abolition.
Ho also referred Indignantly to a
statue of Pero Marquette, robed in
tho gown of n Jesuit priest and deco
rated with the parahematin of his
church, which soon Is to bo erected in
statuary hall, in tho presence of tho
high dignitaries of the Catholic
In the debate which followed,
Cooper (Republican, of "Wisconsin),
"Watson (Republican, of Ohio), Ilnincr
(Republican, of Nebraska), McLachlun
(Republican, of California), and Gros
venor (Republican, of Ohio) supiortcd
tho amendment, while Eddy (Republi
can, of Minnesota), Gamble (Republi
can, of South Dakota), "Walsh (Demo
crat, of New York) and Sherman (of
Ohio), argued in favor of carrying out
tho policy of reducing tho appropria
tions by 20 per cent por year. The
latter recalled that General Orant
hud proposed tho system, utid that for
25 years congress had encouraged tho
churchcB to carry on their educational
work among tho Indians.
Washington, Feb. 25. Tho Houso
today passed tho Indlun appropria
tion bill.
A Heavy Fire Loss.
Binohampton, N. Y., Feb. 25. Flro
broke out in tho block occupied by the
Biughampton Houso Furnishing Co.,
early today. It sproad to tho adjoin
ing block, Decupled by Babcock &
Stowell, hurdwaro dealers. Tlie-btocks
of both 11 rin s were entirely consumed,
and the buildings gutted. Loss $250,
000. Insurance unknown.
To Exterminate Seals.
Washington, Feb. 20. Tlio house
has passed tho Dingley bill to exterm
inate the Alaskan fur seal herds In
caso a modus vlvendi cannot bo con
cluded for tho protection of seals
pending the adoption of proper and
uud effective regulations by the coun
tries interested.
Dill Nye's Funeral.
Ahsville, N. O. Feb. 25, Tho body
of Edgar W. Nye was burled ut the
Calvary Episcopal church near Arden
today. Mr. Nye was u member of
this church and. a regular attendant
when lie was at home.
Weatheh FoKKOAST,-Ruln tonight
and "Wednesday.
Quite a number of our young folks
attended tho mask ball at Mill city
the 21st lust.
DJamcs. II. Calllns Is working in
Quartzvlllc feeding ore to the big
R. G. Plcrco returned froni Salem
the first of the week, and reports that
the capital city Is composed mostly of
ofllco scckcrsjust at present.
Henry Joost has his largo boot and
shoe storo about ooniplotod and will
bo a resident of Gates In a few days.
Conductor John Twny Is having his
lot cleared and will commenco erect
ing n 48x00, two story, store and oillco
building In a short time.
Mr. Robert Brown came out from
Quurtzvlllo today and reports that tho
quartz mill Is running steady day and
night crushing about 00 tons of ore
per day.
Col. Reed of Lyons is a resident of
Gates. Ho has purchased a lot adjoin
ing Cox's hotel and will commence
building u butcher shop. Inn few days.
There Is a move on foot to build a
wagon road from hero to Elkhoru set
tlement on the Little North Fork.
Capt. Nat. Bowman came out from
Quurtzvlllo Sunday Ho says tlio
Lawler Mining Company Intends
doubling their force of minors. Tho
present forco Is uuablo to keop tho big
crushors supplied with ore.
Mr. Lawlormade a trip to Quartz
vlllo during tho week.
Jim Qucenor Is up from Lines with
his stump-puller. Ho has just lln
Ishcd a four aero job of stump pulling
for D. A. Smith and Intends starting
on R. G. Plorco's ranch In a few days.
Thomas & Hester havo Just com
pleted tholr largo livery stable. They
intend to run a dally stago from hero
to Quartsvlllo this summer. Success
to them.
Mr. J. B. lrvlno was up from Al
bany during tho week to soo about or
ganizing a Muccubco lodgo In this
Mr. L. Jacobs moved his stock of
general merchandise down from De
troit Monday, and bus been busy since
unpacking goods and getting ready
for business.
Gates will probably bo tho base of
supplies for two mining camps In tho
near future, as considerable Interest
Is being manifested in tho gold mines
on tho North Sautlam above the
Elkhoru settlement. Sovoral pros
pecting parties havo gouo In this
spring and there uro others Intending
to start In a short time.
Fish are biting.
Business is booming.
Mr. Bert Kaylor, of Salem, came up
luBt week and Is chief cook at Lcedy's
saw mill. Mr. Fred Rich, of Spring-
Hold, camo up Saturday and Is to ba.
head sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lehman havo
returned homo from a visit at their
father's near Salem. Their little boy
Is bettor.
Mr. Jas. Agio killed two largo coons
neighing CO pounds each. This shows
who the neighbors were that stolo the
Thero will bo a dunco und basket
supper ut the MInto hall next week.
All aro invited, A good time Is ex
pected. MInto Is not booming but coming
to stay.
To Repeal the S. P. Charter.
Fhanictokt, Feb. 25. This after
noon's session of tho sciiuto was de
voted to Senator Goobcl's bill to re
peal tho charter of tho Southern Pad
lie. Indications aro that tlio bill
will pass tho scnuto, though n hard
light Is being mado against It. A
volo on tne bill Is expected tonight.
DivoucK. Return has been mado
at tho county clerk's oillco In tho
divorce suit of Ella E. Doran vs.
Frank W. Doran, M. W. Hunt, at
torney for plaintiff. Grounds nlicgcd
are desertion and failure to provide,
Chits. P. Strain, a school teacher
und deputy assessor who lost a hand
by accident last summer In u candi
date for county assessor.
Highut of all In Leavening Power. Lateat U.S. Gov't XtfKwt
Royal !K?
That's What Fryo Says of the
At Malatla and Seven Othor Points
in Armenlai
Washington, Fob. 23. Merrill,
chairman of tho finance committee
moved in the sonate today that the
tariff bill l)o Uikcn up. Ho spoke
briefly, urging tho needs of tho treas
ury, and that business demanded
action. On roll caU Merrill's motion
was defeated, yeas 22, nays 33. After
tho vote had lxcn announced it sen
sational colloquy occurred between
Merrill, Teller und Sherniun. Merrill
said that tho tariff bill was dead, and
he added that it was not shown that
thoro ws not a Republican majority
In tho senate. Teller responded with
Intcnso feeling. Ho declared that he
and his sllvor Republican associates
could not be read out of tbo Republi
can party.
Sherman followed with a sovero ar
raignment on tho inaction of congress,
saying it was a crime against tho
country and against civilization.
Ho declared that ho would con
tlntio to urgo action on the tariff
bill. Fryo of Malno took tho floor
to dcclaro that tho tariff bill
was as dead as Julius Caeser. Busi
ness Interests demand that tho state
ment 1ms emphatically made that tho
blllwaH dead. Ho hoped It would
nover bo heard from again and let tho
responsibility rest where It belonged,
At 2:10 Morgan resumed his speech
on tho Cuban revolution.
aoainst silvku.
Wabhinoton, Feb. 25. Senators
Piatt and Aldrlch in answer to direct
questions, statu emphatically that
tho Republicans would not accept tho
tariff bill with tho freo silver attach
ment. MOKK MABflACllKfl.
..Constantinoi'lk, Feb, 23. Reports
havo been received here of fresh mas
sacres at Malatla, and seven other
points In Armenia. Tlio Turkish gov
ernment asserts that the stories tiro
creations or tho Imagination of Ar
menian agitators.
Dr. Jameson Arraigned.
London, Feb. 25. Jnmehon and 14
fellow prisoners wore arraigned today
and charged with "warring against
a friendly state." Tho caso was ad
journed for two weeks, tho prisoners
being admitted to bail or 2,000 iKiunds
Involuntary Murder.
Washington, Feb. 25. Miss Eliza
beth Flagler, daughter of General
Flagler, chlof of Ordinance of the
United States urmy, who last spring
shot a colored boy named Green, a bon
of a treasury department messenger,
oleaded guilty to Involuntary murder
today, and was sentenced to three
hours In Jull and to pay a tine of $700.
Tacoma's Two Treasurers,
Tacoma, Feb. 25. McCauloy, the
lute ulty treasurer, sentenced to serve
four years for appropriating publlo
funds, spent yesterday and Sunday in
tho county jail, in company with his
predecessor Inotllee.George W. Boggs,
who, u few mouths ago, was sentenced
to Walla Wnlla for six years.