vXttvxwwr "' - jitiii'- VrdtWf?404NfcbtiiAAvfav4lff6lMPMifc ifi: W i t t .. 4 Mi mmiuiiuww Daily Capital Journal EV HOFSR BROTHERS. TUESDAY, FEB. 18, 1896. STEAMERS Altona and Ramona LEAVE SUNDAY. 9x0 a.m. ' IOSI5 a-n'- 6394 A.m. riAILY. Portland. 6i4S a. m. Salem, 7145 a. m. Independence, 6130 a FROM TUB SANTIAM MINES. jyFrelglit recehed up to c lo p. H1..& and cheap ck time, regular service rates ... ( I'. BALDWIN, Agent, Salem TITTUP? J.Jjtfr.ffiS ' y . ... .. 11 . " 1 Pi 1 n , if 0! Almost A blaze. Early HiIh morning Mrs. Ed Fallon, who with her husband, lms rooms opposite the Hjwrry pillory In tho Ilush-Urey block on Commercial utreot, was deterred from bleeping by tho disturbance mudo by a canary limiting In tho room, Upon liivosllgntliiK, she dls covered the room to bo tilled with MiioMi, mm ai 1110 saino time saw a bhuo through tho window, li lielng located In u wotxl closet off the hall. She Iminodlatoly entered the place and found a lox of rubbish to bo allre. .-ue ruibcii an aiarm or nro, mil 110 ono resiwndcd, so sho covered tho box with n blanket and she dragged II dowu xtalrs Into tho street. Then still clnd only in her night minis Mie ran to tho restaurant and Informed her husband of what had transpired. H) this tlmoslio as fulnt from ex haustion, and fright and had to be helped back to her rooms. It Is not known how the rubbish caught, but must havo Inon tho wrk of a trump or Miioklngt'hlnamaii, Mrs. Fallon showed good courage In carrying out tho burning box, and without doubt wived great damage being done the building from lire and water, ir in fact ho was not the muausof having the entire block. A Minn Hm Hi Byw Mlovra Out by a Blast. Latcit newe from ths eantiam mines were brought by Kllcy Thomas of Salem, who returned today, and Is buying packhorses for his livery outfit at Gates. He says a miner named Uhaa. Bishop had both eyes injured by the explos ion of a blast, and may lose one eye.. He put the blast in himself and went near it before it was discharged. A physician went Into tho mines on horseback and had not yet returned when Mr. Thomas left. .Mr. Thomas Is putting In it largo livery and pack train outfit, to handle the business between Gates and the mines. He says times are lively up there and the boom is on. Our people here need not go to Cripple Creek, Trail Creek, or any other far-away boomed mining camps, for wc have better ground right here In Marlon county. Tho Santlam mines arc richer than any of these much-boomed camps of Colorado and tho Urltlsh poiR'bslons. The Quartz villo ore yields richer results than any mine now being worked, and hun dreds of miners are headed for these rich Holds In this county. TUB LAWLKR MINE. Dr. E. 0. Smith, the mining expert, returned Sunday from Quartzvllle, Linn county ,-where the W. B. Law ler Mining Company Is extensively en gaged In the development of San tlam tunes. The 20-stomp mill was started up on last Tuesday, and the dropping of stamps was a signal of great rejoicing In the camp. The massive machinery, through delays in shipment, had to be freighted over tho summit of the Cascade mountains while covered to the depth of several feet wlthsnow, hut, struggllngngalnst all odds, every piece of machinery was Anally got In nlace. A run of two weeks will likely be made Iwforo the first clean-up. and when this is done Manager Lawler will leave for Loudon, taking with him the tirst product of the mines, on which so much money and time have been expended. The condition of the mine Dr. Smith thinks exceedingly llattcrlng, and the ore body Increases In size and value as the work In the three tunnels progresses. The aver age assay value of tho ore is 815 per ton, hut at les than one-half that fig ure the property will prove a paying one, and there arc now, without any Htopplngbclugdouc,thousandsot tons of rock to go to the mill. The capacity of the now mill will be about 40 tons per day, but It Is to bo Increiibcd tho coming season by tho addition of two new stamps. Very little has lieon slid concerning the progress of work at these mines, but, from tho reports now nl hand, the Santlam country promises to make an excellent showing as n gold producer. Dr. Smith also brought to Portland a number of copper ore specimens found In the Cascade range, which are now In the handsof the assaycr. Some are rich In cold. CHRONICLE. Social and Fraternal SOCIETY Local News of Events. Sire. Werner Brayman was a paweD eer for Portland this morning, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Tracl. Miss Eva McKce, who has been the guest of Miss Alice Scott lu this city, for a few days, returned to her home at McKce's Station todav. Mrs. Homer Davenport and child left last night for San Franclsco.af tcr a visit of a week with the family of T. W. Davenport. Mrs. Davenport will leave for New York, to Join her hus band, March 11th. GRAND CONCERT. Do not forget the concerts to be given by the Salem Choral Society, March 2 and 3. Box sheet at Dearborn's opened to honorary mem bers the 20th and to the public tho 21st. COMPLIMENTARY MUSIC. Tho II. A C. band this afternoon wentontto the asylum and compli mented Supt. Paine and the other of ficials, as well as the patients with a fine program. The boys played on the grand lawn, and rendered some tine music. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rennle,of South Salem, celebrated the 8th anniversary of their wedding last night. Dancing and games were indulged in and an elegant lunch was partaken of. About twenty couples were present nndnll departed wishing them many returns of the day. RELIEF COIU'S SOCIAL. The social and entertainment given by tho ladles of the W. K. C. last night was a pronounced success from all points of vlow. The hull was prettily dcocratcd, and the pictures of George and Martha Washington and Abraham Lincoln hung on the wall. Judge George H. Iliirnett de livered the nppropriace address and recitations and musical selections were rendered by Miss Merle Davey, Miss Edna Knight, Miss Mabel Crelgh ton, Miss Mattle Southwlck, Murry Wnde, G. II. Irwin, and Miss Irwin. The program was announced by Mrs. S. A. Jones dressed as Martha Wash ington. Those in chargo may feel Justly proud of their success. ESCAPED Little by DROWNING. Laura Bennett Rescued Will Tarpley. Between 4 and 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon white at play the little daughter of Win. Bennett, redding at No. 223 Trade street, fell into the mill race, and was rapidly carried down stream. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tarpley heard the screams of her playmates, and soon discovered the trouble. They hastened to the Church street bridge, and as the child passed under, Mrs. Tarpley made a strenuous effort to clutch her clothing, but was unsuc cessful. Mr. Tarpley then endeavored to plungo into the race, but was pre vented by wire fences bordering the stream. By running down stream, and climbing two fences he reached tho High street bridge ahead of the floating body, and as it passed under the bridge he succeeded In rescuing tho child. Several people had by this time arrived upon the scene, among them belncr Mrs. O. D. Hutton. who directed the work of resuscitation, and as none present knew tho child she ordered it taken to her home, and Immediately commenced nil needful preparations for thoroughly reviving and warming the little one. When the child was recognized word was sent to her home. At the time of the accident the mother was visiting n sick friend, the elder daughter was employed indoors, and the father still engaged at work, hcbcingnncmploycc of the Salem Water Company- The little one was taken to her home last night, well-nigh recovered from her cold bath and terrible fright, and is comfortable today. DEPARTMENT NO. t. Judgo Burnett Presides Over the Circuit Court. Ed, L. Elsie vraa acquitted after a Jury trial, and able defenca 07 Peter D'Arcy. He wns cttargea wuu nuwuy of a hop receipt. In the supreme court notes Monday the names D'Arcy & Richardson were Inadvertently omitted as counsel for Mr. Schreyer In the Turner mill case. Credit was given to Mr, Bingham alone, when D'Arcy & Richardson were In tho case with him all through, including the final argument In the supreme court. Peter Feller Jr. vs. Win. Veether, action for money; default and Judg ment. Harritt & Mclntyre vs. Lewis Pet tyjohn, appeal from Justice court; Judgment for plaintiffs on verdict against appellants and sureties. State vs. Orln Morgan, indictment for assault with intent to commit rape; continued on motion of district attorney. State vs. John Balley,indlted for burglary, demurerrer to Indictment filed. Overruled. Jury trial on plea of not guilty; entered by defendent. The trial Jurors were discharged for this term ntuoon today, there remain ing but the one case on trial to dis pose of. Jtisl fliriv?d. A grand collection of the latest effects woolen and wash fables, in New dress goods, New silks, New zephyrs, New Organdies, New batistes, New crepes, New outings, New Swisses, New ginghams Ncw'Llamas, New plaids, New percales, New ducks, Ncw prints, And all the latest effects and materials, Call and see them S. M. & E. ft STOCK 257 Commercial street Phone 112. Hl.ru IlO.XHfl OR Tl!ONK40.-Klth' er 111 do to coll a bicycle iiio.Nongor from tho l.ookood mesNonger oillce. Nnw Nor.Miv.-J. 1. Iluoklfiumi or Albany was appointed a notarv public Uk1h. China J?kw Year Celeuhation. Tho Chinese of Salem celebrated the event of their New Year-In a char acteristic manner last nlgnt. Re ligion with them, like patriotism with us, consists of more noise than aught else, at certain seasons. At 8 o'clock hundreds of jicoplo were as sembled lietween State and Trade streets on High to to wo and hear the explosion of tho thousand of lire crackers, bomb and rockets. The noise continued for 15 or 20 minutes, w Ithout cessation and at the end tho air for blocks around was blue with sincke 11 ml redolent of powder. If the object was to frighten away tho devil for tho whole year, surely It was sun eoMfiilly accomplished. hucklen'a Arnica Salvo. v The best Salve in the world foi Cull. Krulie. Bores, Ulcers. Sail Hheuw. l'eer Sotcj. teller. Channel tnn.lt n. 111,1, i. aiul all SUn Eruptions, and positively cure' I'lle or no jay ranked. U guaranteed of K..I. ,-vnc! uiituciion or money refunded. 1'itce 35 cents a box For sale by Fred A. l-Kl.'. K. 01' I. CELEURATION. Tho thirty-second anniversary of tho establishment of the order of Knights of Pythias will bo celebrated In a ilttlug manner by Central lodge No. 18 of this city nt their hall lu the State Insurance building tonight. The following program will be rendered: Instrumental duett, Misses Hutton and .StutCMiian; opening ad dress, vocal solo, Mrs. W. 1-'. SkllT; ad dress, Rev. J. P. Farmer of the First Baptist church; rccltation.MIss Mario Vandcrsol; vocal solo, Miss Adda Davenport; address Itev. W. E. Cope land of tho Unity church; vocal solo, Miss Mattle bouthwlck; recitation, JtoBll II. Wagner. At tho conclusion social amusements and a banquet will l)c indulged in. PERSONAL. li.Minit Kxciianok. A meeting in tho Interest of tho labor exchange to bo addressed by H. J. Sharp will bo held at tho Kalzer school house on Wednesday evening, February iPth Kverybody Invited. Tu)o We?ks ' Grace! ?"??& $ach tune Vu can get the ben, efitof the 10 per cent discount on all gro, cents except sugar. March 1st we move to the Van Eaton corner, Goods going like hot cakes, H-M. BRANSON Co, 303 Commercial tft Anion Strong was a Turner visitor today. J. V. McCulloch went to Turner today. W. J D'Arcy went to Portlaud this morning. J. A. Cook was a passenger for Port land today. Miss Allco lirown was a Chcmwa visitor today . 1). II. Looney returned to JelTerson this morning. Hlk Dearborn returned home from Portland today. Mro. Wm. P. Lord wont to Portland this afternoon. Itev. F. H.G wynne went to Port land this morning. Mrs. D. K. Urewer, of California, was In tho city today. E. C. Clodfeltcr, of Independence, was a Salem visitor today. 0. 11. Wlttaker, representing a. Sehelllng & Co., went to Newport to day. E. 0. Herrcn will make a two day's uuaini;3 visa in Koscburg, gone up today. Itev. Geo. Batchelor. of Oregon's Constitution. "All the public Institutions of the state, hereafter provided for by the legislative assembly, shall be -located at the seat of government." "This provision of Oregon's consti tution would seem to be as plain and certain as language can make it. It was adopted after ten years of bar gaining of the then territorial insti tutions, during which they were twlcd or thrice located and relocated, scat tered and rescnttcrcd, kept "upon wheels," as was at the time commonly said logrolled through every legisla ture, corrupting all legislation nnd offending the public sense. The mem bers of the constitutional convention met In 18o7, on the heel of that exper ience and ns with one determined volco sought to put an end to it, and did not doubt that they had so done in the above-quoted provision. Nor was their work questioned during the more than a quarter of a century wheh followed, up to tho open contempt nnd violation of It by Governor Pennoyer's appointed board trustees In locating the Solders' Home, and by the legisla ture in providing for a branch asylum. The plain citizen are tho candid law yer have no dlillculty In understating and construing it in knowing it means what It says. And the conven tion could not have foreseen that there covld be dlllculty lu enforcing It. Hut three several attempts, ex tending over a period of years, have been foiled lu the supreme court of the stnte, and through technical ob jection, artificial reasoning nnd stud led endeavor the constitutional quest Ion has been ovaded, nnd the cases sent out of court. Eacli time the district court met tho question with directness, nnd declared nnd upheld the constitution, and each time the supreme court trilled with and avoided It. The spectnelo Is not cred itable to the utate. "And one may bo pardoned for not lug here, generally, what the people nro widely commentlnc- unon thn DO NOT THINK S3 Si Because you pay a high price for Tea that you thus iw sure the quality Unscrupulous dealers will fix the price -regardless of quality. Wc wish to say that wc arc proud of our line of Teas, and want you to come and look at them. Your arc not obliged to buy, Our 30'ccnt Japan uncolored, cannot be beat in quality by any 50cent Tea in town. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS" Hi Vnt! MliMi'.e 1 . ckushorie.; full PlatV.,,ni ,. f? cooa anu strong, or n two-seated orwn ' very cheap, add res at once, Xife, '7-31' nace oftico. I silk, satin, ribbon nnd fancy fabrics ! dldly adapted for "craiy" work.on -Z at "Vhc Path," 295 Commerchj "1 HARRITT LAWRENCE R O Grocery, An Enthusiastic Cuban. Emporia, Kan., Feb. 18. Charles Christy, of Wavcrly, Kansas, a i oung lawyer well known here, has Just ar alved from Cuba, where lie was a pris oner. He, with about JOOotherr., were captured in ono battle naar Hnvana but hcandlGothcr Americans were All lined up and shot. The American consul saved them. Christy is a member of ouo of the pioneer families of Coffev countv. He Is an enthusiastic Cuban patriot. and claims they have everything on me island except Havana, and that that will soon fall. He also says that since, tho now Spanish general has taken command no prisoners taken. THE MARKETS. P.O.NEWS STAND. -Headquarter, for ts. leading daily newspapers ol ihe com Sti acnptioni t.iken for the Weekly Eumuw me Mock of cigar nnd conf. cnonery. V vt Miller. Pro). i 14 , " PAPERS Portland, Sacramento, fcjtik lacoma and San Kinncisco paper, on tab ,' Miller's Postoflicc block ' ' nM'1' 18. Wheat, cash 62jic iS.-Silver, 66c;lead, nro Munitions for the Insurgents. New YortK, Feb. 18 A dispatch to the World from Kingston, Jamaica, says: Several invalid Cubans who have ar rived hero report that Immense stores of munitions of wnr havo been re ceived by the insurgents, which have enabled them to take measures for the occupation of the city of Santiago the moment the United States recognizes them. General Wcyler's advent has compelled them to take prompt and decisive nctton. Condensed Testimony. Chas. B. Hood, Broker aud Manufacturer ' oBcni, .uiumDuj, umo, certifies that Dr. .K Chicago, Feb. M 5 Nt York, Feb. 3 3- SAN l'UAN'CISCO MARKET. San Francisco. Feb. 18 --Wheat, l.2lt Wool. Oregon, choice, 1 00; inferior 7 Sc, valley, 9dc Hops Quotable at t(3,6c. Potatoes 50 to 80c per sack. Oats Milling. 8(85. FOR I'LAN'D MARKET. Portland, Feb 18 Wheat valley, 6zy,c; Walla Walla. 60. " ' ' Flour Portland, $3; Benton county, 3; graham, $2 20; superfine. $2. 15 per bbl. Oats-White, 2324c;grey, I92i;rolled In bags, 4 25S25. barrels, 4.50 7.00; cases, 3.75. Potatoes. . New Oregon, 30(0)500 per sack. Hay.. Good, 5.50(5)850 per ton. 5Y.?1Jl"Va,,ey 9c; Eastern Oregon, o8iC. Millstufls..Bran, Stl.5012.50; shorts,$i2 AipiCS.,40C. Poultry. .Hens. Ce; roetten. 'iHnn,l. and not wanted; ducks, 2.5o(ar.co per doz.. turkey h, live 7c; eggs I2ji cents cash. perc under o7i 5c, according to qual PUBLIC MEN, POLITCIANS AND IiU mess houses can obtain all newjpjper M. maiion from the press of tho state, coast u) (Allen's) Union Ulock, Portland. i2 2"l FOR SALE OR TRADE - liie U h, nun ami hock rancn in urcgon, conUiom 200 acres. Will sell chcrp, on easy termed trade lor good hotel. For particular inqwt at this office. II. A B. , 3,V UAKl'IiT PAPER Large lot of brown wrapping paper for A J l)p id tiling lor putting under c.ir,. . CU j'lurnai oincc. hwrj last 1U1! Poultry and Yard toil We sell all kinds of fence material iWIm etc , at lowest prices. Morley & Patnck.ff 8tate st., Salem. Opposite Tiger Erm House. 2JOwif ciiv,cnopiecu,i2(j9i5 per ton; rye. 80c HidcH., green, salted 60 lbs 5c; 60 lbs 44c; sheep pelts, lo7oo. 4045; 3o35J s New Discovery hns Cough remadv. u. glaring evidence thnt ollicers of state rm" "oieit ! "ayue, ind., l?"i" v?.r? ?i?7n r S. -ceTuii ws,wr. ....i.v.h.,m v,i uiu IIIIUUUCU CIICCKS ttlUI WMCOVCrV. U. F. Merrill Urown, Ptop 0f St, es that no equal as a ip tesufl years stand Kine's New T) 1 rl v 1 n t 1 1 1 a Ma$S, S3YS that he lia Uteri nml r.m....l and never knew It to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because it alwav lllllls? for nrxrWt mwl r.1.-... ....-... t.. ! nun nl.... 1 ... l.rV "Aln St., "-'' nn-uuiiiiiuuiii r-- restraints or the constitution. Its founders did not expect thnt Instru ment to become n rope of sand aud n 'J he above was sent to a rortlnnd paper from Salem and Is thought to . w Hum mc ih;u 01 n man wno was u member of tho constitutional con- touiioii, uiero Doing two such still living In Marlon county. They evi dently did not Intend to make our constitution a mere rooo of sand. SUPREME COURT DECISION. Tho case of Aaron Rose, appellant, vs. H. 'Wallenburg.resnondent. nnneni having from Douglas county, was nrgued'and suumitted today. Y. y. Card well Boston, mid 11. Miillony attorneys for nnruo. secretary of the Unitarian association, tont nnd Jiuucs W. Hamilton, nttor- nrrlved In Salem today. Frank Anrys went to Portland this mornlug, where ho has been employed by tho Wiley H. Allen music company aiiiwriiiioiuienc and Mrs. O. m. ney for respondent. A ComiECTitw. There ts nothlug si range in tho actions of Prof. KateS 1.0. as stated in your nancr. Chicago, always keeps It at hand and has n'o learofCroun. heea.it, I, in..-.i.. 1: Sore1 U0U'CS St FrCd A Lege' Dn Clover Hay. Brewster & White, the feed store men nt 01 Court street, havo just re ceived a carload of iirstclass clover ua- 2-l8dtf DIED. A?wtrAAt,, stat0 roform school, Monday, lebrimry 17, 1890. at 3 p Sed llS'i'8 AUrC( Abldl rni. .- -. iciwiins were Interred this luuriung in u10 school's cemeterv. H?rvTlE6RiMAfltnIr?ok;8l SVnda'. Feb' SJ.V.WL!!Mp- '.. Geo. Deceased leaves a wife and three children. The funeral was held vp,. tertiay ot 10 o'clock. burlnii;i lions. .Oregon, a to Ity. " - Butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, fancy dairy, 35; fair to good, common, 17c. Cheese .Oregon full cream, I2i2.c. Eggs.. Oregon, 15 per dor, rouitry..Uiltkens, 250 per doz : ducks, $5.oo6; geese, $6.oo7.oo; tur' keys, pioc; dressed. III2VC. Beef Topeers.22 3.5c per lb; fair dreffl fiSSIIgSS 3 5C5 ""' 2m2l'Ci JTjILW's 2:2-2S; choice S. ivuuiu:. Heavy, andeeders; 2 75; dressed v ci., smau, cnoicc, 51 per lb. ' a SALEM rARKET. heat. .55c per bu., market firm. Oats .17c Hay .Baled, cheat, 4.5o5.oo; timothy, iXrd" .?!e$aLe.,ot. 5-S; retail. ihZ. ,'ijsy,. . : ,,"' 'v'.", cuop jeed, 12.00 VeaL.Dressed, 4. Hogs.. Dressed. 3. Live Cattle.. 1 ij. anee,.Llve, 2.00. wooi..uebt. l2Mc. "15c; 'fancy creamery, . 3 00(33.40; Ugh . 4&c per Id. 5oc; large, 34c FOR TRADE In Salem, Oregon, s 1. story house; with 5 lots and a choice selecuce of growing fruits; well situated and clear rf an encumbrance. Would pay some cith it ference for a farm, all or mostly improtd Address Uoodc's Auction and Commiua House. 313 Commercial st., Salem 2:owli JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stoce of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists materials, limcj hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of grass seeds, Grand Military Ball! VlQllnra ClllL'irott PAtnntA... rwln went to Corvallls today, where aro a,wvs welcome In their reception ROBlNsrw t ,. ., .eIIMeoturottheagriculturalcoT. '' A. T. Waonkh ffuMitVa fcj ? I Kat Cake. -While eggs are down! 5iond iSP-... M2J!8 Baker' is l"'. iSK WS3, ag'edTa'ySs lege U. M. Mendenhall, for somn iimn n HVt. wa? taken to cakes at gtductS Irt'l.naurll! W roil cakes and angel , ": " """ Willis u sad spec- uuced from 2. lUl'll'. J. A-Scln'ood vejit to lortland this mornlug, and will, bo present "aVthb marriage of his niece. mu w... nolle iSclwood, to Mr. Arthur llosburg, The U. wli ch will take place at St. Davids rto -iw.viMi cnurcu tonight. . .. iiiiu 0 mnnrnc - -... i-oug ieuy r..;., - ':! forwl P!iL-0 wv. A-4lt" was caused bvmrnlrcla ei. cents to 15 cents. ...mi was boru ' Buffalo. N. v.. nn,i .. .,, , , - v nniftM1.. Hua i-hj.h;kcs cm dowirtrom 20 cents to "'""" Ul P'onecr settlers of Slskivou 10 cents. Thaw as well as the oount?' California. About two years cbwpcjtcakcf5t strong's. f 8 s,o came to Salem to make her ' - z , homo with iio,. ,i.,i., ,. -t'ier - , , ; """guw. ev. w. E 5. Gov't Reports AflV Royal lixklar Pau,U mtf tJHft, i ' eorlnnd..of JTnitv ..)..,-..!. .,'.. 1..... .---""""" win con uuu, toe lunernl at tho resFdehcel Wednesday at 2 p. ,., ad the remains will interred In Kural cemLtS? Hops.. Best, 45o. KE..-asn. 12c. Butter.. Best dairy, 25c. " Cheese .ioi2jc. .To5rder,T17c?Iea,5''BaCn' hara Potatoes.. 20c per bu. Onions., 2c. Awarded Highest HonorsWorld's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. w CREAM BAMNfi POWDtfi jMost Perfect Mad. Ytaji.lHMMUil,. Given by Companies Band I at the Armory on State street on Friday, February 21, 1896. Tickets may be had of Lieot A, Evans, Lieut R, W. Hohma Corporal Wm, Fiester, Corporal Geo, Hunter, Musician Howard and F. Tirfirrif. C A Music by Elysian Orchestra. General Admission, 50 Cents EEHSai m ONe-HAU 6ttE OFOOX. POZZONI'5 COIPLEXION POWHI I ! hAiin h tf.-.t m tnrlY Ttf I U more popular to-darthaneTerlwJ I POf.'.ntlMS.I refreiblos, cleanlr, healthful .SaTi I A deUcate. InTUtbla protection to the J I liMlr,t Ki-oTlll-n OOVU lTJ K.W m .. . OlaArffVt. ta. w kikh "-z-rx-a.1 1 AT DBUaGISTS ako VAKOT aivr . 'lit.