Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 17, 1896, Image 4

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Mi Capital Journal
MONDAY, FEB. 17, 1890,
Altona and Ramona'
Portland. 6:45 a- m'
Salem, 745 "
Independence, 0:30 a
9:00 a.m.
10:15 '"
GTFrelfiht received up to 10 p. m.J&
C ek time, regular 'service and cheap
Agent, balem.
Goo.GrarJr.Tentto Portland to-
Kay went to Waterloo this
o r-H g
0 ii
. CO a S I
Local News of Social and Fraternal
Mr. iintl Mrs. 1. L. Patterson enter
tilnetl soveral friends In a dellKht
ftllly litformiil inuntior Friday oun
lnK al tliolr homo on (lalety la 111.
Thoo enjoying tliolr hospitality were:
Mr. mulMrti. A. I. Wagner, Mr. and
Mr. C. D. Onbrlolson, Mr. nnd Mn..
K.C.Cross, Mlssoa Anna Motsclmn,
Amelia Motsohiin and Mr. II. F.
Tlio Woman? llellof Corns will Uo
hi entertainment and tKuiquetai Hie
u. A. It. hall tonlt'litt and iuiioiik
ntlior foutiiM'h Course and Marllia
Washington will lolm)0ioiititel.
lMl'OUTANT CASK, (iuo. G. UlllR-
liant feels elated oor tlio supreme
ooiirt decision today In favor of his
ollont, Mr. Sohroyor, ofTnrnor, Tlio
dt'ClHlun It to tlio effect that ti tlutit
Inclined for tlio corporation before Its
legal oxlstoneo was perfected Is not
binding against tlio corporation.
Dr. T. L. Golden was a Turner vlsl
tor today.
Dr. J. W. Meredith left today for
The Dalle9.
Rev. G. W. Grannls was a Portland
visitor today
M.Klingcr, the brewer, went to
Gervals today.
Mrs. Jos. Albert went to Portland
this morning.
Secretary of State Klncald returned
today from Kugcnc, accompanied by
his little son.
Hon. Phil Mctschan retimed this
morning from Portland.
Rev. W. C. Aldcrson came up from
Portland this morning.
Contractor F. B. Soutliwlck trans
acted business In Portland today.
John II. Porter of Ale, and Wm. II.
Smith of Sublimity, were In town to-
Dr. John Grltllth spent Saturday
and Sunday In the Waldo bills, on a
bunting trip.
Alta Glcsy, adjuster for a big Frlco
Insurance company, spent bunctay in
tierlty with his mother.
Mrs. Reuse 11, Lea bo and Miss Lena
llubor went to Portland today, and
will visit friends In that city.
K.C. GHtncr went to Portland to
ddy, and will loave for San Francisco
tonight for a two weeks' stay.
Mrs. A. S. llrasflcld will be tlio
guet of Portland friends for n few
days, having gone to that city today.
Mrs. Hal I). Patton will be at home
at the Mrs. E. N. Cooko residence, 31.r,
Court street, on Tuesday after March
Mrs. .Tas. Mapcltborpe leturncd to
her home In Waterloo today, after a
visit of several weeks with her sister,
Mrs. WcIIb Latourcttc.
.1. J. Read, traveling salesman for
tho Salem Woolen Mills Store, left
this morning for Portland, Astoria
and points on the Sound.
J. L. Chase, the Kugcnc commission
merchant, returned home on the
overland Saturday night after a short
business visit, in Salem.
N. II. Hurley left thin morning for
Hosoburg, ntul from there he will go
to Wolf Creek, Douglas county, on a
trip of several days' duration.
1j. IC. Wilson, who has been attend-
Inir Willamette university, went to
Portland -Sunday morning, whore lie
will accept a position In tlio Wiley II.
Allen music store.
Geo. J). Goodhuo left this morning
for a few day's sojourn In Linn county
on business connected with the
Poultry Journal and tho state fair
poultry exhibit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Illnkle, J. W.
Carter and Miss Raima Carter, father
and sister of Miss Mabel Carter, who
died in tills city Saturday, left today
for Tho Dalles, where the remains of
the latter will lie Interred.
W. W. Sklnner.tho Southern Pacltio
depot agent, went to Portland this
morning to undergo with other em
ployes, an examination by the com
pany's physician as to the state of
eyesight and hearing.
Rev. P. S. Knight left this after
noon for The Dalles, where ho will dc.
liver a lectero Tuesday night before
tlio Congregational church upon? tho
"Practical IdeaLIst," his being 0110 of
a course in tho Interests of charity.
Harry Town of Salem visited his
patents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Town, In
this city this week. Mrs
John Clark of Scott's Mills, who was
brought to this city for a surgical
nitration, Is Improving nicely and
will NMin bo able to return to her
homo.- Sllvorton Appeal.
LUt of Officen and Employ Vaiioua
Walter Lyon in Orcgonlan, Febru
ary 17: Below is a list 01 me uiwiio
and employes anu nieir wiium-a,
some of the state Institutions. It
shows the monthly payroll at the pen
itentiary, reform school, deaf mute
school and blind school to be W.224, or
$38,788 per year. Of the '08. employes
the Btato furnishes board, room, laun
dry and physicians, service to 67. Sev
eral families are also cared for by the
state. Five families arc supported at
the reform school alone. If the asy
lum records were accessible the num
ber of cmyloycs would be Increased to
nearly 200 and the monthly payroll to
about 8,324, or nearly $100,000 per
..nr Tim ntiinlnvpi and their sal-
arlcs arc:
by the board and In favor of the per
son to whom tho came is auuweu, .
like manner as other warrants are
drawn for the payment of claims
against the state."
Referring to the duties 01 mo j
lum board of trustees, the law says:
"Timv Himll pause to be kept a full
and correct record of their proceed
ings, which shall be open at all times
to the inspection or nny citizen uw
Ing to examine the same."
l. b...i.i. indlaa of That
.t..m r n raiiiuuw "-
Town to E UJ
A.N. Gilbert, superintendent.. 125
ir tj llmnliv. wnrflnn 100
t . 'p siiprwnnfl. n sslstant warden 100
II. F. Meredith, clerk
E. H. Phllbrook, physician
D. D. Dickey, commissary
Thomas King, enginnecr
D. J. Cooper, farmer
T. W. Riches, turnkey.
A. D. Mccdy, chapel guard
J. A. Poland, shop guard.
John Stapleton, shop guard
II. P. junto, SHOP guaru
J. Hamilton, watchman
danrifa iniL-ann. watchman
J. J. Coffey, watchman 0
II. C. Tarpley, wntenman
J.Janes, guard "j"
IT riruua cri nr1 -10
J .B. Arbogast, guard -j"
J. D. Gregol re, guard
T T Tnlnnr irimrrl -1U
d. b Loose, cuatd "I0
D. J. Fcrrel, guard "
William P. Lord, lnsector !
Total monthly payroll 1,535
Total number on payioll, 25. There
are now -100 convicts In prison, or 10
for every oltlcer or employe.
Reform school
It. J. Hendricks, superintendent. 125
Mrs. It. J. Hendricks, matron. ... 50
F.II. Klnsey, onglnccr 100
J. D. Robb, teacher. 50
Mm .1. n. Robb. assistant house.
'w. ...--- r
keeper "
T. J. Huford, farmer 50
Mrs. T. J. Uurord, inuncrcss anu
nnt iMcrn.kennnr 3.1
G. 1, Stabl, family manager. . . . . 10
Mra. n. r. stnhl. charcro of dlninir
rrwim nnd (lalrv.. 30
F. M. Miles, farm olllccr 30
Mrs. F. M. .Miles, nouscKccpcr
and tiurso 3.
T. C. Shaw, woodchooplng, road
fenco olllccr 30
John W. King, farm olllccr . 0
William Martin, nlghtwatch. . . . Jo
G. Grossonbacher, shoemaker. ... 3.)
Miss Emily Stalger. tallorcss.... 30
iUlSO TJU AJtu, ivtlbitv..
IIj. kj. iicnucnHiii, m;au tuiiu i
Mrs. McKlnnou, cook 25
Total monthly payroll $813
The total number of officers is It),
and the number of boys In the school
Is 123, making an average of 0 8-10
Iwys to each efficer:
Deaf Mute School
J. 11. Early, superintendent. . . . 100
Mrs. J. B. Early, matron 50
N. E. Lltlierland, teacher 40
Mrs. N. E. Lltlierland. teacher 10
Benjamin Irving, teacher 70
Mrs. Mitchell, glrlb' supervisor 30
Columbus Cleaver, boys' sup'r. . !15
Mrs. M. Mackay, cook 35
Otto Scliellberg, tlrcman. 40
J. M. Peebles, fanner 40
Mrs. Fannie Lamuel, laundress 15
Frank Macy.tcanister (estimate) 30
Chemawa Woman Assaulter
for Insanity.
Orln Morgan, who assaulted a
woman nt Chemawa, is pleading in
sanity. When he was collared by the
woman's husband, ho said: "Take mo
to tho asylum. That is whole I be
long." Ills brother, who resides In this
county, filed n complaint alleging in
sanity and unfitness to bo at large
and he had a hearing before County
Judge Hubbard at 0 a. m. The court
proccedtd very carefully anu sum
moned two physicians ucncraiij
only one Is employed, ins orotucr
testified that when he was n young
man he was subject to fits. Frank
trnianr nf "Nnrtb Salem, says he
..m.v, - -
chopped wood for him nnd staneu
himself to pay a debt he oweu aim at
times gave way to uncontrollable fits
of anger.
Drs.Cuslckand Byrd asked for time
to consider the case and hear more
witnesses, so the Inquiry was ad
journed to 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Morgan Is undoubtedly debiltintou
physically and mentally and hardly
knew what he was about when he as
saulted Mrs. Hammock at Chemawa.
The physlclniu decided at 2 p. m.
that Morgan Is an imbecile and so
weakened mentally that tho Judge
committed him to tho asylum.
O. N. Q.
Saturday night was a gala occasion
nt, the live town oi uuuumu
Women's Relief Corps, under tn um
of Mrs. W. J. Grim, nnd as Isted b
,11 tho patriotic ladles of the town,
gave a grand banquet to E0o.,0..
G. The armory was decorated with
rt. m, now state showing oft to
fine 'advantage; two long tables set
and glowing with while linen, glass
ware, and china; tue taoics immj
with a banquet of good things dis
played in the most tempting manner,
the cookery belugas tineas con bo
found in the United States.
There was a double file of mllltla In
neat uniforms drawn up on one side
of the hall as the Grand Army post
filed In with "old-glory" borne before
nt 8 o'clock. A squad of veterans from
WnnHhiim nostG. A. R. had walked
down to Hubbard nnd walked homo
again after midnight. They had a
place of nonor on this occasion.
With visitors nnd all about five
hundred were present when the pro
gram opened with several patriotic
songs by the choir and audience.
Hubbard has the making of an excel-
Dress goods, percales, ginghams, crepes,
Swisses and prints, and all the latest effects
in spring and summer wears, Also a
complete line of underwear and hose,
Call and see them,
M. & E. H. STOCK
257 Commercial street,
Phone 112,
the Circuit
i' JJ1IL1.JU. HU- J '-
Men's Shoes ! . ' '
Ladies1 Shoes !
Boys' Shoes !
Children's Shoes !
Solid stock at prices that cannot be met. Don't fail to sec them,
Union Bargain
Judge Burnett Presides Over
Court adjourned Saturday to Mon
day at 0 a. m.
State vs Andrew Robinson, indicted
for rape, plea of not guilty, continued ient glee -club with a llltl
on motion or uerenuant. There were bpecches iv
State vs John liaiicy, inuicteu ior
burglary, plea of ifot guilty.
Store !
I'reMi iitackoral at Souuomaiiii's.
Nkw Cows ut.vrioNK.- -Tho G. lloll
komporJeuolrj Co., Portland, stock
l.'i.ooo; natulan Mock Coal Co., stock
W.U0US Pioneer Heal liitnto Co., Port
land, otock 1M,000; l.a Grande Com
luervlaU'luh, stock $2,500; won In
i'noratl today.
llaiinnas at KoniKMiiaitV
Oranges at Sonncmanu's.
Sad Dkath. -At Auiusvllle,Sunday
atS:30oVlwk Mi. Bayuanl, wife of
Section, l'oroman George Haynard
died arter childbirth and her remains
were hurled today at 11 a. in., Elder
Roberts conducting tho funeral. Sho
loaos three hinall children and a grief
stricken husband to mourn her un
timely and sad death.
Choicest dates at Sonneman's.
Total monthly pay roll $525
At the dtfaf mute school arc 13 officers
and employes to 02 pupils, making an
average of 4 3-10 pupils to each officer.
Mind school
J. L. Carter, superintendent. . . .$ 83
Mrs. J. L. Carter, matron 50
Miss M. J. McFnddcn, teacher. . 50
Bertha Hubbard, music tacher 50
Sadie Brlstow, teacher 10
KttaSkeele, industrial teacher. 12
Mrs. Melntlro, cook
.i. it. i ni n lap, waiter ami uciper
John Lainme, fireman 20
Mrs. McGuffey, laundress 15
Mrs. Renfrew, sweeping 5
the co...-
mander of the Hubbard pest, com
rades Ilardcastlc and Dimlck and
Jessie A. Rohrer vs Isabel Simon, rwtnln Grim, of E Co., who Is one of
plaintiff' motion for new trial argued, the most devoted mllltla officei- In
Ladd & Bush vs Win. W. Egan, the state. He described In a hiimoi-
default and Judgment with order to 0iH Wnv the difficulties and prejudices
sell attached property. I which were encountered In keeping
The Jury was summoned to appear ul,fiiU., ,m organization. The state
at 1 p. in. money did not go to the officers as so
many thought, as over jw.uw mm
' been spent at Hubbard and It was
'distributed to the people for neccs-
15. Wheal, caih 65XC
Feb. 15 Silver, 66Xc;lead,
:lor 7
Thos. II. Tongue Exonerated of all
C J. Schreyer, respondent, vs,
tier Flouring 51111s Co., appellant, ap
peal from Marlon county; Judgment
of tho lower court nf tinned by opinion
by Wolvorton, C. J.
J. W. Whnlley, plaintiff, vs. Thos.
II. Tongue, defendant, after care
fully examining tho testimony
neither of -the charges against Mr.
Tongue were In the opinion of tho
court sustained by the evidence
opinion perciirlamc.
isarv exnenses 111 Keeping up tuo
r ! armory and other incidentals. He
I11IIUC 11 lllViliiUB aim iiituMu v...,v...
whole meeting resulting, as was its
original purpose, In a strong acces
sion of first-rate material for recruits.
Under the energetic labors of Adjut
ant General Tuttle the Oregon
National Guard Is growing stronger
and more satisfactory all the tlmo to
officers nnd men.
There is talk of a big camplire of
Hubbard, Woodburn and Sllvcrton
posts of the Grand Army nt Hubbard
Total monthly pay roll $ 354
The number of officers and employes
at tho blind school Is 11, and tho num
ber of pupils 25, making 2 2-11 pupils
to each officer.
Tho names and salaries of the offi
cers and employes at tho asylum can
only lie guessed at. It Is Bald thero
are from 123 to 120 011 the regular
monthly payroll, drawing about $5000
per month or $00,000 a year. The
asylum is the largest of the stato in
stitutions; has more on Its payroll,
and Its maintenance Is the biggest
Hem of expense Imposed upon tho
state. Tho public, however, is denied
access to its payroll, Who hayo the
care of Oregon's insane and what
they are paid thorror, Is known only
to the officials. Tho manner In which
thelcglelaturo contemplated tho asy
lum record should bo kept Is found In
tho following statutory law,
"At tho end of each month, tho
superintendent shall cause a payroll
to be made, which shall show the
name of each person employed in or
about the asylum, giving the capacity
In which each Is employed, the rate
of wilary or wages, and the amount
due each; upon receiving this payroll.
iU Vnn E?W -.. r .1- . ' tn ,duly certified by tho superintendent
. TMuwuvuuiu, vyuuab going UKe and audited, by the board, the secre-
llOt Cakes, . taryof state shall..draw, his warrant
' m the treasurer in payment of the
" Noxcral amounts audited and allowed
TwJo Weeks' Grace!
During which time you can get the benx
cfit of the 10 per cent discount on all etc
cencs except sugar, March 1st wc move to
School Report.
Following Is a report of the Lincoln
school, for the month, beginning
January 13, and ending February 7,
Whole number enrolled boys, 20;
girls, 15; total, 41.
Whole number of days present, "20.
Whole number of days nbsent, CO.
Average dally attendance, 30.
Average number belonging, 39.
Number of visitors, 7.
Those present every day were Rob
blo Duncan, Bertha Elliott. Elbert
Hamilton, Edna Hamilton, Mabel
Hamilton, Harry Iladford, Hazel
Price, Paul Reld, Lorln Walling,
Vcrono York, Jno. Flnnn, Havoy
riunn.Llzzle riunn, Anna Blvelenger,
W. S. Sanfohd, Teacher.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot lie cured by Hnll's Catarrh
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo.O.
Wo tho undersigned, havo known F.
J.Cheney for tho Inst 15 years, and
bcllovo him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
about the 25th of February. What
ever tho people of Hubbard undertake
of this kind Is bound to prove n great
Bticccss.as tho patriotic spirit Is strong
among the people of that good town.
dence of II. A. Johnson, Justice of
tue peace, baiem district, at u:w p,
m., Saturday. February 15, 1890,
Miss May Vallett to W. M. Tarpley,
ooiuoi tins city.
by their firm.
H, M. BRANSON CS. '4 Children Cry W
303 Commercial street ltohrT Cattorla.
'EST& TnCAX.AVhnlftsnln DriiDrpfRts.
'Plnlr. rv ' "" '
salo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Prlco 75c. iter bottle. Sold byriill
dnigglsts. Testimonials free. ;
When mbjr wm tfck, we sr her CftstorU.
When kh ni ChlU, the crid for GutorU.
Whu th beauno Mlsa, the clung to CastwU.
When tho h4 ChOdrea, tho st thew Cattori.
CARTER-At tho lesldenco of Jlr.
and Mrs. F. A. Legg, on High street,
Saturday February 15, 1895 at 3
o'clock p. m., Mabel Carter, aged 14
Death resulted from brain fever.
Deceased came hero from Antelope,
Eastern Oregon, during last fall nnd
has been attending the South Salem
public school. On Monday last she
complained of her head hurting her,
and that night took sick. Tuesday
she became unconscious nnd remained
In that condition until death ensued.
She was tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Carter Ilcr mother having
died when deceased was a year old,
8he was placed under tho caro and
guidance of ler aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. ninklo, of Antelope
"ci ' wis ucen conaucting a
farm near Newberg since that time.
ine remains wero shipped to Tho
Dalles for Interment. Mabel was an
exceptionally bright girl, and her
many virtues made for her scores of
warm mends nnd ndrulress, who will
mourn her sudden demise.
May 7V.
Ne York,
3 3-
San Francisco, Feb. 15 Wheat, l.u
Vool..Orecon, choite, loc inferior
(ffiSc, valley, 9 lie
Hops Quotable at 46c.
Totatoes 50 to 80c per lack.
Oats MilfinR. 8o8j.
Portland, Feb. 15. Wheat valley, 6ac;
Walla walla, 00.
Flour Portland, $3: Benton county,
3; graham, $2.20; superfine. $2.15 per bbl.
Oats White, 23-MC5 grey, io2ijrolled
in bags, $4.255-25 barrels, 4.50 7.00;
cases, 3.75.
Potatoes.. New Oregon, 30Q350C per sack.
Hay . .Good, S.So8.So per ton.
Wool.. Valley, oioc; Eastern Orecon.
MUlstufls..Bran, Slt.s012.50: shorts,$t2
Apples.. 40c.
Poultry. .Hens, 5c; rocsters, Jl.So per doz
and not wanted; ducks, 2, 50(0)3.00 per doz..
turkeys, live 7c; egg 12 cents cash.
tv,chop feed,i2l5 per ton; rye, 80c per c.
Hides.. green, salted 60 lbs 5c; under
60 lbs 44c; sheep pelts, io7oo.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 5c, according to qual
ity. Butter. .Oregon fancy creamery, 40 15;
fancy dairy, 35; fair to good, 3oJ5;
common, 17c.
Cheese .Oregon full cream, I2l2,c.
tggs.. urecon, 15 per uoz.
Poultry.. Chltkens, 2.50 per doz;
ducks, $5.oo6; geese, $6.oo7.oo; tur
keys, oioc; dressed, ii2Vc.
Beef.. Topsteers. 2ltz 3.5c per lb; fair
to good jteers, 2j2 3 5c; cows, 2iac;
dressed beef, 45Vc.
Mutton.. Best beef, 3.ooa.25; choice
ewes, i.5o2.oo; dressed, 4c.
Hoes.. Choice, heavy, t oo(3ii.ao! Huh
andeeders; 2 75; dressed, 4VJC per Id.
Veal ..bmall. choice. qfo!6c: larce. i(3ac:
per lb. -.-w-.
Wheat. .55c per bu., market firm.
Oats .17c.
Hay .Baled, cheat, $4.5o5.oo; timothy,
5o 50.
Hour.. In wholesale lots, 2.85; retail,
j.uo, man, puik 9.00J sacked, 1200;
shorts, 11.0012.00; chop feed, 12.00
13.00. w
VeaL.Dressed, a.
Hogs.. Dressed. 3I4.
Uve Cattle.. 1 42.
Sheep.. Live, 2.00.
Wool.. Bent, I2ic.
Hop..Best. 45o.
KBgs..Cash. 12c.
Butten. Best dairy, I5c;;fancy creamery,
Cheese ,ioi2Vc.
FarraSmoktd Meats M Baccn, 7jc; hams
loo; shoulders, 7c.
Potatoes, ,20c per bu.
Onions.. 2c.
ir VOU WANT a fine, large teamont.
cl.iishorsea; a full platfoim spring wagon
good and strong, or n two-seated open cr'
riage very cheap, addrcs at once, X this
ofTico. 17 3H
WE DO NO T WAN 1 Hoys o"r loTflTTbul
men of ability. $300 to $500 u month it
hustlers. State and general ngrm- Salarv
and commission. Rncine lire fnglne Co,
nncine. wis. co 141
'It) THE LADIES. Beautifiileninamrcr
silk, satin, ribbon and fancy fabrics, spUn.
didly adapted for "crazy" work.on sale cheap
at " The Paris," 295 Commercial st. 14
nrt will give a phonograph concert IrttbeWett
Salem hall on Saturday evening next Adm
sion, gentlemen, 20c; ladies, loc; childrcntoe
12 3t'
FOR SALE. A first class team of large, hu
hores, god workers, and fine traeler. Wll
be sold eiv cheap If taken at once. Inquire
of X, care journal. j;
FOR SALE Some very fine thoroughly,,
Poland China brood sows Will sell verr
cheap if sold soon. Inquire of X, Journal.:;
A WOMAN With baby three months eld
wants a position to do general housework,
Enquire at C. W. Scriber's.South bilcm. 241!
P.O. NEWS STAND. Headquarters for "the
leading dally newspapers of the coast. Sub
acriptions tiikcn for the Weekly Examiner
Fine stock of cigars and conftctionery, P. W,
Miller, Prop. 1 14 lm'
PAPERS Portland, Sacramento, bcattle,
Tacoma and San Fiancisco papers on sale tt
Miller's Postoffice block
iness houses can obtain all newspaper infor
mation from the press of tho state, coast and
country from the Press Clipping Bureai,
(Allen's) Union Block. Portland. :otf
FOR SALE OR TRADE -The best hi;
fruit and stock ranch In Oregon, containing
200 acres. Will sell chcrp, on easy term, or
trade lor good hotol. For particulars Inquire
at this office. II. A B. 1 3' "'
CARPET' PAPER Large lot of bearj
Call st
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap, hit
the tiling lor putting under carpets.
Journal office.
The JU. 5. Gov't . Resorts
w KQyai BaklRg lwme
Warrant Call No.i
Office County TKCASunEu, i
Marion County, OkeooW, t
Salem, Feb. 1,189a)
ft?,t,COi,8ho,r519r Slve that I have
funds on hand to pay all outstanding
county warrants Issued prior to Felv
rtiary lst.,1895. and that interest will
stopjmsame from this date.
It . S-iyfWWWiiCounty. TrSr.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists materials, Iim.
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
.Grand Military Balll
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
i&ott Perfect Had.
Given by Companies Band I
at the Armory on State street
on Friday, February 21, 1896.
Tickets may be had of Lieut
A, Evans, Lieut, K, W. Holmao.
Corporal Wm, Fiestcr, Corporal
Geo, Hunter, Musician Howard
and F, Tichenor, i
Music by Elysian Orchestra
General Admission, 50 Ccflfc
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