Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 12, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journa
Local New
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12,1890.
r(rtnrrmi?a!iitJ'M '"i i'1
Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6:45 a m. 9:00 a.m.
Salem, 7145 . m. 10:15 a.m.
Independence, 6:30 a. m. 6o a m.
tyFrelght received up to 10 p. m..3
and cheap
ck time, regular service
, rates -...
Agent, Salem.
i-l' rJ--liM:.
o r 1 0
1 o
.B. T k
I CO 6 1
of Social
Tlia "Do Stomp" select, dancing
club gave party atltecd'a lastnlgtat.
Unity Club meets tomorrow (Thurs
day) night nnd read the last act of
The graduating exercises of the class
of the first term for the present year
in the Salem public schools tako place
at 8 o'clock this evening In the opera
Monday evening the members of
Central Chapel Congregational church
on cast State street, dropped In on
Mrs. 11. J. Sharp, at her home on 21st
street, between Ferry and Trade, and
gave her a complete surprise. The
evening was passed very pleasantly In
a social way nnd several musical and
literary selections were rendered. Mrs.
Sharp has led the music In the little
church during the past two years and
the members of It, assisted by the Sun
day school, felt that she must be ten
dered a vole of thanks for the kind
ness shown. This wasoneof the prin
cipal objects of the gathering Monday
m r ra-i-i hi 1
Father J. fcj. "White went to Oregon
(Jlty on the morning local.
Attorney bears, or rortlnml, re
turned homo this mumlng.
Hanker Jo Hlrschberg, of Indopoud-
I'liciMuuno to over Salem this morning
and left on the local for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs.MlltonCavanaugh left
this morning for Walla Walla, whore
Mrs. v. will remain while ho makes a
trip Into llrltlsh Columbia.
To Tub I'kn.-O. Uolllln, com
mltted for one year for larceny; J. I).
Wulle, two yeitrs, for larceny, and
Hank Hawkins, live years for burglary,
vvoro received at the penitentiary from
Onion county Tuesday. Chinaman
Leo bentenccd to three years for lar
ceny, was recolvcd from Marlon
county, making the number of con-vlcts40O.
to circuit court being In senslon
County Superintendent Graham has
wen obliged to hold his quarterly
examinations on the lower floor of tho
hlato house at tho room he has Iwforo
occupied. The session titieiied at 1 p.
m. today.
Nkw NoTAiiiK8.-Mrs, a. .1. Con
gers. of Clatsknlne; Win. Schrooder,
of Arago, and John V. OTnrnill, of
Silver Lake, were today unpointed
notaries, public.
The institute Is nourishing an usual.
About llfly young men nnd women
assembln here day after day, earnestly
"building In the walls of time" and
each scctiiH to realize that he Is the
architect of his own fortune.
The normal department Is putting
In thoumgh work, preparing for ex
amination which begins next Wednes
day. Some are growing a little ner
vous over It. The primary and
kindergarten Is progressing llnely uu-
The Highland literary society has
grown to abouK seventy and lias been
separated into twodlvlslons under the
leadership of Mr. Apple and Miss
Lcona Smith, each side taking chargo
of tho program alternately. A fine
program was rendered under the
leadership of Miss Smith on last Fri
day evening.
Tho Y. M. C. A reorganized on
Saturday evening. Fred Ilorncman
was olected president, Ilert Prcsnal
vice president and Leo Kraps secre
tary. Tho people of Highland aro deeply
Interested in the piospcctot a public
school In the rooms of tho Polytechnic
'building. An offer has been made to
the city board to rent one-half the
building for public school purposes
during the present hard times. This
will accommodate many who are un
able to pay for their children's school
Ingand are unable to send to the
North school for many reasons. Tho
matter will be decided by the tax.
payers In March. It Is hoped that
they will give the boys nnd girls a
chanco equal to those in the more
favored parts oftho city.
Fraternal jgg Burnett P4ide Ovoc the Circuit
At 2:30 p. in. the court proceeded
with action against Frank Brchra,
Indicted with C. D. Combs and Frank
Garrison for the crime of striking
and assaulting Sheriff Knight in the
main corridor of the county Jail on
the evening of February 10, 1803.
Brclim is a convict at the penitentiary,
serving a four-year term for larceny
from a store at Sllvcrton. He has
three years yet to serve for that
offense. The result of his trial yester
day was that a Jury found him guilty
of the charge nnd the court Imposed a
thirteen-year Bentcnce upon him. He
was returned to the penitentiary dur
ing the evening.
Edward Weaver, indicted on tho
charge of passing lottery tickets in
Salem last fall, and wns bound over In
the sum of $100, fulled to appear in
court when his case was called nnd the
court declared the ball forfeited and
the cause continued. A bench warrant
was ordered to Issue for Weaver. His
pal, Albert Lee, not being financially
able to furnish ball, is awaiting trial.
The replevin suit of Thompson &
Co. agaliiBt Victor Cambas ct nl, was
set for trlnl today.
M. M. Ellis vs. T. J. Ford, action
for money; continued.
Wayland Stayton vs. 1). E. Stayton,
action for moneypion-sultby plalntlir.
"W. W. Kimball & Co. vs. L. H. Mc
Malum, action for money; dismissed
for want of prosecution.
Olive S. Euglund vs. Win. England,
action for money; settled.
John F. Miller vs. Mary J. Crayton,
action for meney: demurrer to answer
overruled and motion to strike out
part of answer overruled .
Jessie E. Kolircr vs. Isabel mid
Charles Simon, action for money; tie
The Peoples Party Issues Its Convention
The People-'o Party state central
committee met pursuant to the call
of Chairman "W. H. Spaugh at Salem
Tuesday to consider tho nuestlon of
Uncle Jo3h Spruceby.
Tho old fashioned "husking bee"
with It country dance and harvest
festivities occupies oao act of "Undo
Josh. Spruceby," the Stow Eagland
cotricdy'drama. The sceno Is laid in
Uncle Josh's barn on the old Maine
farm. Tho heaps of yellow" corn, tho
fixing a date for holding tho state ' stacks of golden pumpkins, the mows
convention later than February 22.
The following members of the com
mittee were present or represented
by prexies: J. 1. Sturgell, of linker:
W. T. Hoffmnu, of Benton; Win. II.
Spaugh, of Lane; II. M. Martin, of
Douglas, W. II. Hull, of Coos; W. C.
Matcer, of Morrow:.!. B. Grllllth, of
Klamath; J. It. Clark, of Gilliam; J.
C. Oliver, of Lake, John A. Taylor, of
Wasco; George Meader, of Sherman ;J.
W. Hnwklns, of Tillamook; John
Campbell, of Columbia; Frank Wil
liams, of Jackson, J. L. Hill, of Linn,
K. L. Illbbard, of Marion; W. S.
U'Ben, of Clackamas; A. P.Nclsnn.of
Multnomah; A. O. Hrown, of Wash
ington; E. J. Wood, of Yamhill; T.
V. B. Embree, of Polk; Jnspcr Davis,
of Harney; Win. Parsons.of Umatilla:
Charles A. Fitch, of Clackamas; ,1. W,
Markbiuy.of Jaekson;L.H. McMahon,
of Marlon; W. D. Hare, of Wash-
Chairman Spaugh stated the object
of the meeting.
Win. Parsons was cIkmmi .cere
tary pro teni.
W.H. Spaugh was elected chairman
of the state central committee.
L. n. McMahon was rc-olected sec-
letary of the fctate central committee.
It was then voted that the dale of
holding the stale convention '.should
be changed from February -'.', to
Thursday, March 20, at 1 o'clock p.m.,
and the convention meet at Salem.
The following call for a convention
was then 'adopted by a unanimous
J.o tiic people s party of the Mate
stuffed to burstlntr with hay and fod
Anr. nil nrnclnlm Hint the harvest is
over and the farmer's work is done.
After the husking comc& the siippcr
and dance, which Is keDt up until tho
Jingling sleigh bells at the door pro
claim the time to depart. At opera
hotw tomorrow night.
1 v-wr ;v
rz f&irnZMa
JV-WSTy it.
Victims of Lost Manhood chould bond at
nnco lor a iook
full innnly vlcor
Is r:iclli'. nnluklv
end cru)nnsntly
rcsiorci. .toman
uirorlnit from
aikncm can nf.
fold folirnnrnthb
M 1 1 tn 0 1 y n 1 vlo c
Hook tolls Uovr
full ntrntinlli. rin.
veloiimcnt and tono uro Ininartfd to every
portion of tho body. Font v.-Itli ihwHIvc
jiroof (scaled) free to nny miin on application.
As wc arc closing out of this line wc will offer any pajr
the house at onehalf of the regular price at this sale.
To make room for our new spring stock, which is
arriving, we will offer all winter goods at a great sacrifice
5. M. & E. ft. STOCK
257 Commercial street
Men's Shoes !
Ladies Shoes !
Boys' Shoes !
Children's Shoes !
Probata Court.
County Judfjo Hubbard has lllcd his
decision in tho matter of the heirs of
thoT. MoP. 1'atton estate vs. J. II.
Albert, administrator. Objections
wero mado to tho amount of commis
sion and attorney's fees charged. Tho
Una! decision or tho court allows 13
as commission, and 1&0 attorney's
Children Cry foi
'hnr's Caatorla-
Lincoln Annivkkbaky. The Mul
topor club, of Portland tonight cele
brates tho birth of Abraham Lincoln
with n banquet. Gov. Lord, Secre
tary Klncald, Treasurer Metschan,
State Printer .Leeds, MaJ. Dunlway,
and P. K. Lovell aro niuong tho Salem
Kiiests. Tho chief toast of tho even
ing will bo by Hon. Geo. H. Williams
on Lincoln, and Gov. Lord will re
spond for tho '-state of Oregon."
No dltferenco If It does. Send a
messenger. They aro tlxcd for It.
Telephono No. 40, or tho blue boxes.
" i i
Don't forget tho regular monthly
soclablo at Cliannlug hall, Prlday
evening, February 11. Music by the
ij.mo orcnestra. u-3t
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla,
murrcr of Isabel Simon to complaint,
overruled and by consent Judgment Is
rendered for plalntlir against her as
demanded In the complaint with a
stay of execution for sixty days.
Plaintiff is to have an order to sell
attached property.
J. It. Loughmlller vs. W. E. Lough
miller ct ul., action for money; default
of defendant W. E. Loughnilllercn-tcrcd.
Henry II. Slevers vs. Samuel 11.
Brown, action for money; demurrer to
complaint sustained and, by consent,
plaintiffs arc to (lie an amended com
plaint by February 17th.
Hamilton & Molr vs. .1. It. and
Rachael E. Thomas.actlon for money;
default and Judgment.
Sam II. Brown vs. Southern Paclllc
of Oregon:-At a meeting of the state
central committee of the people's
party of Oregon, held at Salem, Oic
gon, this 11th day of February, 18M, It
was ordered that the slate convention
of said party be called to meet at Sa
lem, Oregon, Thursday, the 20th day
of March, 1800, at the hour of 1 o'clock
p.m., of said day, for tho purpose of
placing In nomination candidates of
said party for the following olllces, to
wlt: One congressman for the, llrst
district, one congressman for the sec
ond district, one supremo Judge, four
presidential electors, and dlhtrlct of
ileers, also delegates to the national
convention, and the transaction .of
such other business as may properly
come uerore said convention. The
baslsof representation shall ho nn
Solid stock at prices that cannot be met Don't fail to sec them,
Store !
art wl! clvc a phonograph concm In the We
Sak-m linll on isaturdoy evening next AHrai
slon, gentlemen, aoc; ladle,, ! children
r , ' 31
WAN'I LD-Mocoio ila KcncrarTSi
by Kltl about i4 years of uCe. Apply
h. ICIciwer, North Cottage t tijt
FOR SALE.-,A first class team nf larne fin
hore, g.KKl workers, nnd fine traveler" v, i
be sold verv cheap If taken at once Inn, !
FOR SALE Some very fine ilinmiiiMJ.
brood sows Will ll ..
Inquire of X, Journal.:
WOMAN-With baby three
ofX, caro ioutnal
Poland China
cheap if sold soon.
Co., action for damages; by consent "degato at large for each county nnd
reply to bo filed by February 171 h nnd u,,u uu,cK"o " encii iiwvotcs or ma-
and cause continued. Jor fr"ctlon thereof cast In .Mine, 1804,
Curg Ilunsaker, appellant, vs. Hank for tno P-'0!''" party candidate for
of Woodburn, action for replevin; ap- Bover"or-
peal from Justice's court; plaintiff's "It Is recommended Hint In all coun-
cross motion for rule on court below ties where county conventions hae
to complete transcript and on consta- not been called, that county conven
bio to amend return of notice of ap- Uons be called for the purpose of
peal to conform to facts allowed. electing delegates to said state ennvon.
John Mclntlro vs. A. O. Dllley, re- lln at such time and place as may bo
plevln, appeal dismissed. designated by tho county contral com-
Win Horn ct nl. vs. F. C. Provost "llttcea of such counties,
ct nl. appeal from Justice, motion to "Proxies to thostnte convention will
dismiss overruled, and record con- t bo allowed unless the bearer there-
Hiuereu corrected. or is a citizen of the county ho as-
State vs. Lee, Chinaman, for steal- snnics to represent.
Ing sacks, three years In pen. The committee finished Its business
Dolph Iloycr vs. L. II. McMahon, t 0 o'clock p. m.
appeal from Justlco court, dismissed. Heforc adjournment tho committee
J. G. Mlllor vs. Hen Dlmlck, motion adopted a resolution of thnnks to tho
to dismiss ovcrrullcd, demurrer to city of Salem for tho uso .of the conn-
complaint sustained; action dismissed dl chamber for tho meeting of ue
and motion to amend denied. committee.
N. Goodman &S0118 vs. U. .1. Egun, "
dofaulu Hound OVEU.-In Justice Johnson's
John F. StelWer. VS. P. Van Huron COUrt this mnrnlmr Hrln M..,.... ...i.
' .... --... Willi 4'lWlKllllt (till!
No coloring or poisonous oil
used in the manufacture of
rrys delicious flavoring ex
tracts. Thcv arc cure. Trv
them. Cost Iflc. 9Rc and Rflr.
Removal Sale!
nx ?Vlng t0. Ul5.fact that wc wilt remove
mareii ist, to inc van taton
a reduction of
Si G. W. Epplcr, Judgment with order Hves near Chemawa, was brought to
o.iiem xuesuay, on a charge or assault
ing Mrs. Mary F. Hammock, wife of
Fred Hammock, and bound over to
the grand Jury. Mr. Hummock ar
rested the man and brought him to
Salem himself. Ho confessed guilty
nnd is ically on the veigo of Insanity.
He knocked Mrs. Hnmtnock down ami
attempted to nsswult her person. He
la now In Jail, nwnltlng Indlctmout.
He nppears to bo about llf ty years old.
to sell attached proparty.
Samuel Itamp vs. J. O. Johnson et
nl,, settled.
11. S. Sabln vs. same, sottlcd.
Rtato vs. Chas. Nelson, continued
on motion ol district attorney.
Since tho editor of an alleged news
paper, published at Aumsvllle, has
prostituted the function of tho
Journalist to tho atmosphere of
billingsgate by con wo persoHnl at
tacks on private citizens, I wish to
say that ho occupies a p)ano far
beneath tho contempt of nil self
respecting people. 11. W. Powem..
Aumsvllle, Feb. 10, 1890.
Nkau the Cu)SE.-Tho Van Eaton
stock of groceries Is about to boclosed
out within n few days. This presents
a tine opportunity for bargnlns on
what Is still there In stewk. n,.n
our grocery store,
corner, wc will sell all groceries at
Ten Per Cent Off for Cash
on All Goods except sugar,
303 Commercial street.
Postponed. The LiuIIp.'m ai,i
Society of the First M.E. churckhavn
lKKstponcd their entertainment "Tho
wiurymanrs itweptlou" until AVed
uesday evening, February 10. Watch
for further announcement.
Court Rush. Tho cltv t irmv.i,i
during this week of court, and 0110 of
uiu piucea wnera you will always And
a large number Is at Kenworthy &
George's restaurant.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
ou Can Ballevo.
ti'1 ??timonial published in bjhMf ol
HooiU Sawaparilla. They ore written liy
honest people, who huve actually found lu
heir own experience that HiHid' SaMpat
iUpunhes the blood, create an uupcihe,
itrensthen the yaen and absolutely and m
manem y cure all disease cUUfced by Impure
or deheient blood.
Hood' Pill for the liver and lxweli, act
piompily, easily and efTectlvely.
When lUby m ck, we ptre' her QistorU.
WhM she was a, ChlJJ, she cried for CastorU.
AVheu she became Mix, she clung to Outorta.
Whn she had ChDJrtn.ahe gate them Cajtoria,
A Christian Chinama 1.
, Wc do not know whether the China
man who performed 1 10 nc of c ni liy
below has been converge I to tho
Christian religion or not, but tin fol
lowing letter from the Wells, Fargo
Sc Co. express agent at Albany, to
Thos. II. .Reynolds, agent at Salem,
disclosed a remarkably Christian
spirit. Tho letter Is dated Albany,
x-eoruary w, jbuo, and reads as fol fel fol
eows: 'Dear, Si:-On offering package of
coin of $0 from Sun Sing to Wing ICeo
Co., consignee, says party wiote.that
he had to pawn his children's Jewelry
to raise this money, and as he did not
want him to mako such sacrifices to
pay ills debts, returns same to liim."
How's Thlsl
We offer One Hundred Dollars He-
wuru lorany case or Catarrh that
jannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
F.J. Ciieney & Co., Props.,Toledo,0.
We tho undernlirnoil. imv bnmvn'p
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable lu nil
business transactions and tlnancially
nblo to 1 carry out any obligation made
by their linn.
Toff T5UAXw,l0,e0 Druggists,
Waluino, Xinnan & Marnin.WIioIc
salo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hairs Catarrh c.nm k ti-in ..fi
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces or tho system.
Price i5c. jier bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Tho grocery firm or Mclntlro &
Davis has dissolved partnership, and
tho undersigned will continue the
business under tho llrm nanio or
Chas. T. Mclntlro & Co. Tho thanks
or the establishment aro extended to
all patrons for past favors, and it
will bo tho ambition of the new man.
agement to merit a continuant nf
the same.
JDhas. T. MoIntire.
Warrant Call No.i
Office County treasurer.
Marion County. Onrnnw
KAT.lnf Trtl. . .
S!S? !' !SJl!n ""it 'l have
Mi y.
.New Vork
3 3.
Feb. 12 Wheat, cash 63 c.
Feb. 12. Silver, G6fc; lead,
San FrancUco. Feb. 12. Whtiat, i.iaVJ
Wool. Oregon, choice, tocj inferior
8c, valley 9tic
Hops Q.iotable at 6c.
Potatoe--so to 80c per sack.
OMi-Millintr. &Sc.
mnnfli. ntJ
nuiua I'wiviuu o uo general hfiusewotk
Enquire ntj:. WScribcr'n.tJumh Silcm. ltf
''.CTTEvys i-S IVVNDTIalqrTeTJTor IF
leading dally newspaper ol the coat. Sub
aenption tken for the Weekly l.m,...
Fine stock of cigar and confectionery, P W
Miller. Prop. t 14 ln) '
PAPERS -Portland. Sacramento, ixxut
Tacoma nnd San Kiancisco paport on sale !
Miller's I'ostulfice block ' ' "
i-uiiLic men, 1-eLiTciANbTvMJTiUS:
Iness house can obtain all newspaper infor
mation from the press of tin state, cont nJ
country from the Press Clipping lturcan
(Allen'a) Union block, PoriUnd. iisotf'
12. Wheat valley. CaJcj
Portland. Feb
Walla Walla. 60.
Flour Portland, $3; Ucnton county,
3! graham, $2 20; uperrine. 52 IS per bhl.
uats-white, 2324c; grey, io2i;rolled
cai.es, 3.7c
FOR SALE OR TRADE - The best h
fruit and stock ranch in Oregon, containing
200 acre. Will sell cherp, on easy termt, or
trade lor cood hotel. For nartleuLiM innmr.
at this xulce. II. A. D. 31 tn
In bags, $.J2SS.2S. barrel, 4.50' 7.00;
""l J.J.
jotatoes.. New Oregon, 30soc persack.
!iay: G,?il' S S"8 So Per ton.
-JJ,?'"' "alley, otoc; Eastern Oregon,
Millstufls..l)ran. S11.eorB12.en i)innci.
Apple.. 40c.
Puhry.. Hem, Sc; rocster. ?t.8o per doz
nnd not wanted; ducks, 2.5caj.co per doz..
turkeys, live 7c; cegs 12JJ cent cash.
l3;chopfeed,i2Is per ton; rye, Socperc.
. Jum.. green, salted 60 lbs 5c; under
uu iuj 4iai47',c; sneep pelt, lo7oo.
Hops.. Oregon, 4 to 5c, according to qual.
uiicr.,wrcgou lancy creamery,
fancy dairy, 355 fair to good,
common. 17c.
Cheese .Oregon full cream, I2l2j.c.
Eggs.. Oregon. 15 per doz.
Poultry.. Chkkcns, 230 per doz;
duck, $5oo6j geese. 16.oorl7.oA. .,'
Dealer in arrtripa nninfc !(
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete sto:c of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
Iicef Topsteer. 2tfj 3.5c per lb; fair
to good jteer. 22 3.5c; cow, 22 Vc;
dresed beef, -lSc. ' '
tunusoiuiandtopay all outstanding
county warrants Issued pr or to Fe
nary lst.,1895. and that Interest win
stop on same from this date. U
Jap Minto,
County Treasurer,
Clare for Headache.
FitVM!!'? "" '" of llelachei
be h:,, ""Pf'V"1 the very
b!i' .i. Pft u Peman-ni cure nnd the
P,UI Uri boU,cLnJ.cWe thi, temedy a fair
ri?Biim ,,.Ofhb,,0,, c"'Pion Elco
,hl !, ?Urt$ H Gingthn nee led tone
LJnfHeU'?,a few case, long mist the
use of this. rued cine. Trv I.L. mr...
crnis and $1.00 M Kr,.l i i." ".I n" i
ttwe. ' -" '"K
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Aledal, Midwinter Pair.
wutton..llct beef, 2.oo2.2i;:
-"-, i.jw- uu,uicucu, 4c.
Iocs.. Choice, heavy 3 003.40; ligh
andeeden; a 7S:bessed, 4cpe7lo.' k
per?b. m ' SKi ,arEe'34C
Wheat, .ssc per bu., market firm.
Oat .17c.
Hay.. Baled, cheat, $4.5oS.ooj timothy,
Hour, .In wholesale lots, 2 8s : retail
j , mail, iiuik 9,00; sacked,
worts, n.ooi2.oo; chop feed.
13.00. '
VeaL.Dressed. 4.
Hogs.. Dressed. 3.
Live Cattle.. 1 Ji2X.
aheew. Live, 2.00.
Wool..Ueht, I2c.
Hops.. Best, 45o.
i-KK..v-a,n. 12c.
12 00:
The masterpiece
of human interest
and superb scenic
Uncle Josh.
The New England Comedy Snrresi. N
scenery, new mechanical elTccts, new ipedil
Butter.. Best dairy, 15c; .fancy creamery,
Baccn, 7jc; hams
t-heese .ioi2yc.
rarmbmoktd Meats
ino; shoulder, 7c.
Potatoes.. 20c per bu.
Union ,2c.
Uucblen's Arnica Salve.
1 he best Salve in the world for
U.M..CJ, cores, ulcer. Sab Ri,.,,m
Sore. TV,.., ' oI'. "v. T" vue"nj- ?cver
and all Sk In Pr,TtFpea nna, n'lbUliw,
PIIm or ni EruPtio,n. and positively cure
Kl. "tisfaction or money refunded.
iricea5 cents a box ForsaleV Fred A.
Reed Opera houssi
Feb. 13.
We have just completed a new feed yui
one-half block south or the coart bouts.
Please give us a call. Team 10c.
,Most Peifect Made.
FREE TO All lAnitroi
J hh ha never been told;
For could we with ink the ocean fill
Were every blade ofEras a aulll
AnTetvWh,e WMl J oi Wfi t made
To t3ly Wor?aD a ,cribe bJ trade
one4iMj size op cox
1. r -r. "? "... -Lk j
. w awn popular tcMlay una ever dbiv.
1 POJ-.XOItfll'fi
! ll ih Mul Mmnlnvlnn MwlnvKf.flntlfTtOl.
refrethlnfl, elonlr, hcallhfu) aud barole-!
I A delicate, InTlilblo protactlon to the act.
. WHtteTfiyboxof VOZZOSVHaw'S'l
VOX in trliu fro ol ctinrge.
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