mjppxflpT ' tw?l?wWPIFB ar;" TA r f 'i TnTr TJJP r , !' I I ( i I ' t ii mi " PAINE'S The Best Remedy in the WorldIt Makes People Well. ... ilia " ' ill There Is one true npcclilc for diseases arising from Impure blood and a de bilitated nervous system, and that Is Palne's celery compound, so generally prescribed by physicians. It Is probably the most remarkable remedy that tho sclcntlllc research of this country has produced. Prof. Kdward K. Phelps, M. D., LL. D.,of Dartmouth College, llrst preached what Is now known the world over as Palno's celery compound, a positive cure for dyspepsia, bilious ness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nci vous diseases and kidney troubles. For the latter, Palno's celery compound lias .succeeded again and again where everything cl&o has failed. Daiiy Capital Journal DY HOPttK DROTHICR3 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12,1800. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce mvhelf as a l.niwllilntn tnr Mm nllli.fi fif PniT'N'PV WIIHUtlltl.VtIUt fc.lW WII.I.W J. WWWA1 -. - ASSESSOR subject to tlio will of tho county Republican convention. d-v J. A. VAN EATON. Own your homo If you can. Marlon county Is well govornod. Salem can't Imj made too good a home market. Principle will defeat fusion oven In this degenerate age. As the campaign comes on every body has friends, This Is department No. 1 week of Marlon county politics. A muter lino from Albany to Leb anon nnd Sodavllle Is talked of, A llepubllcan rooster with a Popu list namo makes a bad breed to cross. There aio a good many congress men named Dollttle, down nt Wash lustoti. A writer In tho Democrat brings out II, a WutMMnf Albany for su premo Judge. Tho Iowa legislature wants to apply tfio "Milot tax to all drug .stores that ell liquor. Oregon Is ahead of any westom tnlu In ha lug no dbt and lmv. taxes. Not a bad reputation. How will Jo Simon get along with out Boimtors Coggswell and Ruley to "tall out" his bohomes with Demo crat irt votes. Tho Salem Statesman calls silver a putrescent corpse. For want of it tlioro'a betiii ninny a newspaper fun eral. Don Carlos Royrt hns started tho Klnmnth Falls Independent. Iho llrnt number contains n great deal of information uuuut that part of Ore. gou. If vrm uriufr iur LUr -. Jlmbi, we m M u " clw. - Allrfrlfc Porous rxitWVIV o Plaster ai- The peoploare talking about taking a hand In tho prlmarlcw this joar. It Is to be hoped that they will do more than talk.' Tho Portland Republican clubs seemed to bo used lo knock out what little brains there Is left the party down there. Oiegou wants more employment for , . . i - ,uuoror8 am ,m cmpioymcnif lor politicians; more farmers and fewer onicc-holders. Harry E. AVagoncr has become pro prietor of tho Independence Enter prise, and his first, number Is a excel lent local paper for that Hvo town. Tim .TouKNAii reporter that chron icled Montaguo Lord's rcscuo of tho little girl from drowning, forgot to J tell whether tho little girl's doll was saved or not. Tho latest report has It that at tho last moment tho friends of a dark horso .will present his namo to tho Marlon county Republican convention asacandldatofor congress and carry tho convention with u hurrah. Tho Portland political economists will do well to remember that thoy had nbsoluto control of tho general appropriation bill mid restored In tho seniito tho reductions the houso did tnako. To hear some people talk, one would think Oregon supported forty normal schools. Oregon docs not now and has novcr, so far as wo can learn, appropriated monoy for more than two such schools, at Monmouth and Weston. In W. 1. Vawter Southern Oregon Oregon has a strong and leading young llepubllcan. Although a cap italist, banker and lawyer, ho Is a progressive and Intelligent Repub lican. Leasuie'u Squeal, Eoitou Jeuhnal: In your issuo of February 10 is noticed tho wall of J, 0. Leasure-and why? If Mr. L. had practiced what ho preached ho would not have been defeated. Mr. Carey had no opinion, or If ho had, ho kopt U; but Leasnro expressed his as vou oaa see by his article. x. WoonuriLV, February 11. ( T T -WWWB . . : ' ' J .. - fl a m vm CELEHLOOMHUIHU POlrfflAAD niNO HANDS OFFI TUeslgnB.Hefrln to appear tbatMho olcfPortland rlnu will scok to d(ct5t5TEf0UKij the press' of thaStatc Tnafc legislative methods In the coming couuty conventions. Isn't It time for those fellows to take their hands off this state? - .Solong as the Portland ring can get 11 followlncr In the state It will be a ,. .,-.. t, - power for evil in Multnomah county. '"Strip it of its support in the interior of the etatp, and It Is powerless for harm at home. The rlngstcrs are then thrown back upon the people who know them best, nnd they will deal with them. So long as they can control either branch of the lcglsla- turc, their ambition will be to rule Portlund, not with home rule, but with state aid. "What claim have the Portland rlngsteis to control Republicans in the Interior of tho &tntc ? Is It their ability, sagacity and Intelligence? In tho hist leglslatuie they did not possess enough of cither to do nny- tho Inner circle of the llepubllcan or thlng, and would not let anyone else ganlzatlon. Slnco 0 rover Cleveland do anything If they could help. They can show no good government and lng a federal appointment. For some only bad financiering nt home. Let reason ho failed to get one. He had them keep hnndsoff thciest of the an ambition to be United States dls state. trlct attorney. His failure to secure Let members of the legislature Ikj recognition at Washington-may have nut un who aro .responsible to the had something to do with his change people of their own counties Instead or to tho Portland ring. Tho Port land gang made tho last general ap piopilatlonblll whnt It was, put In slices for all the ring senators and tools who served the machlnc,nnd nro directly responsible for tho Increase of tho state tax levy to 4.8 mills. Give tho people of Oregon home rule for the people Instead of machlno rulo for the Portland gang. COUNTY POLITICS. Tho Salem Statesman prints a col umn review of candidates for county olllces. It says Henry Hall of 'Wood burn nnd Sam Kerr of St. Paul are not candidates for county commissioner, and It begins to look as If J. F. Ander son of Howell might succeed himself. Levi llrowcr of McClcuy Is mentioned also. For sheriff It says the most active candidates are Deputy F. T. Wright man and Thomas Sims, of Salem, David II. Looncy of Jefferson, J. E. Hammond ofSllverton, George 'Whit ney of Woodburn. For county clerk and recorder there Is no opposition. Deputy Clerk R. D. Alln and Ed. McKlnney nro men tioned ns possible candidates for clerk two years hence. For trensurer Jap Mlnto, (serving part of a term by appointment), J. F. Stclworof Jefferson, Scott Rozorth of docs not brook that to any oxtcnt. Salem, A.W. Dragcr of Yew Park and Mnrlon'a taxes nro tho lowest In tho J. II. McCormlck of North Salem aie state; Multnomah's tho highest, mentioned. Mnrlon has no debt; Multnomnh sev- For county superintendent the pres- end millions. Mnrlon has no defal cut very competent oillclnl, who has cations; Multnomnh county has bund- had two terms, declines to run. D.W. roderofWoodburn, E. H.Anderson Y and P. S. Knight of Salem, G. W. frco I)ress Multnomnh is padlocked wasc Baw cbied seo secilon rules and reg Joncs. principal of the Turner schools with tho OrcgoninnTclcgrnm fraud. gSS"for absence SS iSuVlVatevi' aro mentioned. For county Judge "W. C. Hubbard, Falrlleld, present Incumbent; Ed T. Juddof Aumsville, W. T. Grimm of Ilubbanl, (1. P. Terrell of Mchama and S. T. Richardson of Salem arc In tho Held. One J. F. Wlsner, a Klamath county Populist, Is reported In the Independent as follews: "Ho brought to tho notice of tho meeting the fact that while It only cost tho city of Snlcim. comprising "00 Milium miles, $5,000 por annum to light tho city with electric lights, tho last legislature appropriated $30,000 to defray tho expense of lighting, the state grouuds and buildings for ouo year." The legislature appropriated 130,000 for two years for light at tho state Institutions and grounds, or $l8,000n year, and tho lato charged for tho aro -lights and Incandescents used is tho same per month ns Is paid by tho city. Tho only difference Is the state buys more lights than tho city. Tho bill authorizing nnd direct ing a contract to bo made at those rates for ten years was passed by tho imrUlntiiwt lu.Fnw. .1.. 1 ... . . P.H..V M.UIU luu ,ahl.im mo UUt. Our Pomiltst frloiul Is nvr happy as when he is lyB about tho last legislature. It la your duty to itell tho truth about people you don't llko as well as thoso you do. 'POLITICS' FOR REVENUE fbNLY. !ini.ni.a a rvmaivnll ntinntinccsL l ""uuaiiws . vwgp""" -- js no longer a JX'inocrat. Mr. Cogswell is a citizen of Lake county, anj represented Crook, Klamath and Lake count les" In the senate forelght ycarfli a t9 n inwyerf -and -also- an iimhlt.lntm. nhlr. shrewd little man. ........ ..u.., . , His defection from tho Democratic party will not materially disrupt the' organization or interfere with any nr- rangements already completed for tho ( juno campaign. For years Sena- tor Cogswell has dnnc nothing 'moic to signalize his democracy Mian lo vote for the caucus nominees of his party at Salem; In his legislative ne- tlon he has always worked and voted with the ItcpubllcaiH. Democrats hnvo been forced to leave him out of their calculations when they needed him. lie Is a warm friend and ad mirer of Joe Simon, and can In ex pected lo loco I vo early recognition in took olllcc Mr. Cogswell hns lwenscek- of heart, as he Is not in politics for( his health. Mr. Cogswell's public an- j nouncement simply means this: "Ifi there nre no olllces for me in tlio Dom- ocratlc party J can no longer continue in it. I am therefore a Republican." Astoria Hudgcl. Dcm. THE PRIMARIES. No scciet primaries should be tolei atcd by Republicans. Lot the prlmnrlcs be held open and public. Let delegates bo chosen by ballot and give all Republicans or thoso wishing to vote the Republican ticket a chance to vote. Let each man's name bo recorded as ho casts his ballot. Then lot the ballots bo counted and pieserved with the tally sheet. Purlllcd primaries, free from ring rulo nro a pre-requlslteof good govern ment. There Is a law governing holding primaries for city elections, but It does not apply to gcncrnl state elections. Every Republican In every precinct should have a chance to vote at tho precinct prlmarlct nnd have his vote count. Mnrlon county Republicans need ask no favors of Multnomnh. Marlon county Is well governed; Multnomnh Is not. Multnomah knows nothing but abject ring rule; Marlon county reds of thousands In burstcd banks. Marlon county has freo speech, nnd a Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT- PELLETS SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, Oh- CONSTIPATION, tCM ... . UASkJ llNUlUtiifllUIN, 'UTW4 ,UU DYSPEPSIA, POOR APPETITE, "KtJ d alt deraugments of tht - Oi l r f n t. , tMumatn, jjixr ana -aoutis. ' Of all druggists. ONCE USED ALWAYS IN FAVOR. YOUNQ vigorous body and robust itreneth fol. SPIRITS, low trood health. But alt fail when the vital debietncd,dNiervour ganty'porermuu powers are irom ma tiaDiis, con tracted by theyounff through ignorance of their ruinous con sequences, tow ImWT tmor morose or Im'tahip temper, fear ofltnpendlB? calamity and a thousand and one derantretnents of hi- SKS K58 Improved methods of treatment without the Ptlent leivlno' hrmf. A ,nie,dic) treatise written in plain but chute language, treating of the nature, ymptoras ancf curability of uch dlseaaS rwlofthUnot iee.wlth locenuilnatamp; l5- A.ddre. World's Dispkk. ARV MkDlCAt AssocUTIOJUf Jtefjalo, N.y, ' ' r-i wkktfjtK -Testit anv i .... i way you like . uii 'dAV ' ' f r 7 9 Measure and vou larriesi piece of GOOD tobacco ever sold for io cents CAKPE'lr"TATE'U-..arge ioi o. brawn wrapping paper for sale clicii heavy Jim lint the thing for pultinx'undcr curptts Cn Journal office INSURANCE J N. Ferg'i.on, agent for Western Aurance ofToroito, Phoenix of London, Now Zealand Insuronce company anil the Htm Life and AccMcnt, has moved his office In with the Gloho Real Estate office, up utairi In pot office build Inc. t.2 im ws in Ml WOLZ A MIESCKE, Props. Dealars In all klmh of freili and silt meats KPrre;h sausagi, a specialty, 171 COMMERCIAL ST GEO. FMNDRLCWS MEAT MARKET. 32! Commercial st Cottle Mock Succcsor to C. M Deck & Co. j licit meats In tho city, Prompt delivery lowest prices. at SALEM WATER CO. Office: V'llainette Hotel Oulldliir, For water service apply at office. Hills payable monthly In advance. Make all complaints at the olhce. ' Ollfn snlrlrf in nrrvrn, rVfoInn nul. iffirflVn? !! 'TJ'S unless water Is cut of from premu.es. THE WAR IS OVER, and no one Is hurt. The undersigned have j dissolved partnership on State street, and has I op.ned a waon and carriage shop at 320 commercial st in connection with Spraguc & Crounk's blacksmith shop, oppo-ite the Stalt Insurance building where 1 will carry a complete line of carriage and wugon wwm! material, and I am ready to build or repulr any kind of vehicles on thort notice, from the neavifi t to the lightest, and will give prices which haye never been heaid of before. I guarantee all ork to give perfect sati.factlon. dive me a call. R. J. HERSCIIBACII, 1 2S Salem, Oregon. A C R QIWIITM X, PH ' '"" ' vu,l (Successors, to Smith & Schindler,) ml llladisiiiillis. 1 CHorseshoeing a specialty. New shoe full set. $1.50. Only the best woik done Job work a specialty. Price the lowest, 1 HARD TIMES PRICLJl ,v rhe. !!m? a,n hard and l propose to give Ibr public hard tirnes pricn New frtctorv shoes.plain , With toes and calks , So Handmade steel shoe 2 , track shoeing ' 3 So 'ir. t Jnk" Hari'tiitt, 100 Chemeleta street. J. H HAAS WATC1I.MAKEU AND JEWELER, Thomas clock., ctt.. t; Commercial Street Tako Your Wifo w nandiomn ivn. n '. They.reKlrnfreewUheaehhn. of pd"! iSrzsiEm f-ti?vii,rltifc - "vVRpvnjlHcA iPTfiew it will una IJ AND SOUTH !" 4 .VIA- Shasta Route. OF THE Southern Pacific Co, California Express Trnln Run daii between Portland and Sin Francisco, .South I J North ,S;5 p. m. ii:oo p. m, l o:45ta. m. Port.ana Salem S;in Fran at. Iv. IV, AI)ove trains st p at East Portland, Oregon Oity, Wo illmrn, Salem, Turner, Maiion, Jelson, Albany. Albany Junction. Irving, Kugene; Grwiwll, Drain, and all stations from Roeburg to Ashland. Inclusive. nOSEDURG MAIL DAILY. bouth North 4M0 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:I!0 a.m. Iv. Portland ar. Iv. Salem lv. ar. Itoseb'g lv. 11:00 a.m. f:20 p.m. SALEM I'ASSENOKU. South North 4:00 p.m. C:15 p.m. lv. Portland nr. ar. Salera lv. 10:05 a.m. 8:00 a.m. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS and second-class sleeping cars attached to all Irainx. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex cept Sunday. 1 7:30 am. Lv. iZMSpm.f Ar. Portland, Corvallis. Ar (6:zo p. m MrM3Sp, m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trams of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Express train daily except Sunday. 4:45 P. m TjiSy. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. 8:25 a. m. 6:50 a. m 1 Ar. Mc McMlnville Lv 1 THROUGH TICKErS to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and burope can be obtained at lowest ratel K n oMjER. Agent. Salem. E. P, ROGERS, Asst. G. P. & P. A.. R. KOEHLER, Manager. rwh0r 01VIIT. Tllairw uiaif DE8IOH PATaeNTII, GOPVRIQHTS, (, 'nf"nnattnnBna ri V m Tt - fclOABWiT. Nmw Vnar u.uv uurvau re !WSSSasHSSBSJeSi Or BMniHtun..AiiblH Im..,. Uipt ,t elrciilMlnp of any KlnU papci'ta m 'l 1 .ul K wlHwm j, Weekly' tJ3, .. '. Nc' York; City, JH H ,.'1 'lrn PoUonou lS,fai.! '" ""orrlioea rill"- "",'"4l d. ''," '- - ' '" lcr. w:i..:r.j .nerlsan L Aflcnoy for v Zil v ui ziik mgr- I OKfe'la 1 1 t j.. 3 fcanlrmtm:'., nr ' .rtUFro '.l,TClt 7frr r-ll'l. ft ' '. ti.m.i. .r Capital A"?"KY TOWN. PR0p "T ". u!'EKee and ill vt.Y. . uresi. done promptly. Leavt orders -.-M. ri ' store N DEPOT EXPRFw "M Meets all mall and passeneer Z 'gage and express top,111' Prompt service. TdA: v, riht -r..ullv .mn m r t .-.'" Jts RAn in 1 In all towns and loclltle ir,,. , Unilcd States and terruojies to J fc sin Washer and Steam Convt " vhe.F iiKf, It saves its own d '.'"li ...... u oicuin loob.. ,1.,- clothes in lew than six months C.'fl . by express, prepaid, for it t.1 C U copper. For particul.us, ad,,'M, ""i UROVW '"n. Oreji. I C1 mmerciaIStrcet, Corner SteJ Tho Capital Printing Compny i,,,! ...u,.u m ii.u, ,m.aiiuil, V.BII nn ., W. A. Cosick 1 Prefildent, QJ. H. Auiit. ICuiel National i OF SALEM. Transact a general btnklng bittintj., MONEY On farm land security, bpeeiil rates on lnrge loans. Jun, consulcied without iKIjv . 1 . ,, ""'lONSMijrJ Bush naiin iiuiiuinn. MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property, Oycrjnuidi's Hank, MONEY TO T.K.roti 1 nave 5uoo to loan in oneiumat-l fractional part not less than Stoo TofciJ Salem during tho next 3odayi. Alhl nun particulars, J. II. 1IAWLEV. 200J, Stark street, : IVtiuUl Miss Ballou's St OI'KNKU UN CTTANNHfG UAll, Will receive children from 3 yeanine special attention to Icglnncr4. All c branches for theolder puplU tancM, irt ing drawing, modeling, music pliuuli tistic t.eedlc work. All work dune os&i dlvldunl plan in which each chili " vanced according to Its own capiciir terms and particulars apply to Mb u lou. Twentieth and Chemckcta its. German Lesson Given by a qualified teacher, a man oiuetmany. Classes lor cmwres a Kat irrlav nt Channinif Hall. Mrs. Rapsev. 454 M"1! BANJO LESSONS, Given on reasonable terms ty an miwJi teacher. W. A. RAFbEll 4ImI C. H. LANE, iim n Ii! .. ---!l . QtlomOf iq?-Sults Jis upwards. PanH$ upifclf j GLANCE ATI HIS MAfl Of the Chicago, Milwaukee mJ J,, Railway and note its conned" and remember ?ben going. " lx"jt or. i;nK,. will, flrrtncUV ) fcJ, team. Its equipment is WW BilTet, library, smokine and slrtp with free reclining cna,r. - - car iieith as an eiecini. "-, j,v.tA iU dining cars are ihe 'w, Other lines arc longer than ita. are shorter, and nooilu-r r,'h.e,JS unous accommodation. - - p reasons for the'iP".""0.'. ,BW kee." Coupon tic ICkCI bkcu.. ; .tva road office will give Ull It""" -- furinpr iuw.- or address i aiisier r. "i AGENTSWA 156 State street. uapitiil ro LOAN LOAN. a irrv Jtt i lTmm wmm Chicago, Mital & Si. fail ft. "iiailNtjEAr'oUB " "i I MINN B80.TAiSlst'V ,1 O W 'A V vyBtof fife CLM C.J.EDDY.CenepMWU, J, VV.CASEV.Trav.P Genepl Af ''-fc'ii &.. . - U IcUMt,1