Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 10, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.;
Altona and Ramona
Portland. 6:45 a. m. 900 a. m.
Salem, 7:4s a. m. 101 15 a.m.
Independence, 6130 a. m.
6o a m.
tyl'Veight received up lo lo p. m.d
etc time, regular service and cheap
.... rates ...
Agent, Salem
1111 ju. j 1.1 j.ji. m ji'ji j'u' '-i iiu'iic
Local News of Social
MIM Edna Prlco returned this after-
! noon from a short visit with her pa.
rent", nt Albany.
Miss Florence Moilor went to
"V.'ofKlburu this afternoon to accept a
! tuition Inn millinery establUtiient.
I Mm. L. 0. Adair, of Eugene, re
J turned homo today, after a short visit
In this city, tne guest or .irs. rucnara
A New England supper will 1m?
given In the parlors of the Baptist
church Tuesday evening, from fi to 8.
Supper will be served by maids In
costumes' of yc olden times, and an
entertaining program has been pre
pared. Admission 2.V.
The graduating exercises of the Sa
lem public schools will take place
Wednesday night, and as much Inter
1 -it Is taken In the coming event the
r.Uendani'o will doubt Ic-s be large.
TIckeLs arc now on sale at Dearborn's
and 1'at ton Bro.
CHRONICLE ("Science and iferilth Key to the!
. I Scriptures." Then all repeat the
fTa 1 1 Lord's prayer and the scientific state-
I incut of being. Tbo Scripture read
ings aro tuo rererencce in tuc uiuie to
the International Sunday school les
son and the lesson Itself. The chil
dren arc taught the ten command
ments, Lord's prayer, sermon on the
Mount, psalms nnd passages of Scrip
ture they can understand. In the
Sunday service there Is no talk or
sermon, and no reading but from the
two books read. The service is
marked by the utmost 'primitive sim
plicity, and the reporter was surprised
at the absolute adherence to Scrip
ture and the absence of all demon
strations. 2o collection was taken
nnd beyond hearty hand slinking, cor
dial greetings, and no Inquiries after
the health of the members, which
seemed to be taken for granted, It
was a gathering not marked from
other religious gatherings and com
posed of very much the same class of
people. Thinking our readers
might be curious to know about tbo
new "church" In our midst, wo print
the above facts.
Judge Burnett Prendea Over the Circuit
Court. '"
At 9 n. uj, Judgo Geo. H. Burnett
called department No. 1 Marlon coun
ty circuit court. Followlngofflccrs in
flttGllclnnpn'"' .
L. V.Ehleti, clerk, F. T. jWrljht;
mnn, deputy sheriff; uco. u. ,unns,
bailiff. ,J
Following attorneys were in ntfen
nnce. ' xc
WT Slater
I'll D'Arcy
It 0 Fleming
Wm II Holmes
.1 U .Johnson
Samuel Ilayden
J) 0 Sherman
A I' Hough
Grant B Dnnlck
J McCain distatty
Reed's Opera House,
Wedesday, Feb 19th;
Scats on sale for Saus's Con
cert Band Friday morning, Feb,
7,'at 9 o'clock sharp, to sub
scribcrs only.
The new club under the above np-
; roprfate name will hold its initial
'club (Inure Tuesday evening at the
Itocd, lielng the lint of a series of six.
All will be of an Informal character,
j'nd doubtless highly enjoyable, as the
club Is composed of a M'lcot member-Milp.
All excellent entertainment will bo
given at the Congregational church
this evening, a splendid program hav
ing been prepared for the occasion, in
which tepi't'seiitativc musician and
elocutionists are iiiimbeied. All ircl
tatlons will be ilcllvvrwl In costume,
rendering tlicin doubly liiteiesllug.
Reserved scats, $1 and $1,50,
Local Managers for Sousa's
Concert Band,
-J 'J 'S"
Charged With Stealing a Hop Receipt
Valued at $130,
Sunday morning Chief of Police
DUluy returned from St. Helens,
Columbia county, where bo arrested
Ed L Elslcy, charged with tbo theft
of a hop receltit, from which he real-
ued$130. The- receipt was tbo per
sonal property of Mrs. Plmibo Carter,
but the complaining witness Is Frank
Kaiser, from whom tlio receipt was
Rtolcn. The- theft occurred on or
about October, 180,1. Tlio Kaiser boya
secured their man with tlio Intention
of delivering him over to the police nt
Salem. Journal readers aro tic
lualtited with the cscajw of Mr. Els
ley, 11 full account of which was
printed In this paper at the time. Ho
escaped our vigilant pollccnioii and
was not haard of until last week,
wlioro It was learned that he was liv
ing In iho mountains, soven tulles
from St. IIcIoiih.
Ho was arranged before Recorder
i-.ucs mis morning, ami, in order
10 Bscuro an Iniincdlalo trial, Mr.
Elsley wul ved examination and was
bound over to the grand Jtuy In the
8umof$ilo, in default of which ho
was committed to tlio county Jail.
ifea5?iw"1 J'fl'Iy lw examined at
this session of the circuit court. As
tlio evldenco Is wild tolw very con
elusive, It Is probable that ho may
Korvo a term In the penitentiary.
South Salkm Mbktincib. - Tlio
meetings at Leslie M. E. church will
hi cuiuiiiuvii miring the present week.
iturirai services at 7: 10
The "Hayseed Hand" of the "Cncle
Josh Sprucoby" company will parade
the city blasts at noon Thursday, all
members being dressed In New Eng
land country style. "Uncle Josh"
himself will lead, umbrella nnd car
pet sack In hand, and while their ap
pearance Is most laughable, their
music Is of the best, the band being
one of unusual merit.
Two prominent young men of this
city were Invited to attend nn
evening party. Jn fact it was a leap
year allalr, and they had been Invited
by the respective young ladles to call
for thorn at their homes. One young
mnn was directed to call at the proper
house, but called at the wrong place
the first break. At the second placo
he was Invited In ami conversed with
the hostess for about l!0 minutes bo
fore ho discovered his mistake. Fin
ally, aiier another attempt or two ho
reached tbo right house. The other
Bontlcmen too had a time.- Tlio young
lady whom ho was to accompany to the
party resembled her sister so much,
that ho made a mlstako and went
with the latter, and did not learn the
difference until they start ccUo return
Home. Kugene Guard.
The inarrlago of Miss Klla M. llrov-
man, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
K. A. Hreymaii, to Mr. Hal 1). l'atton,
of Salem, will bo solemnized at the
homo of the bride's parents in Port
land, February 11, at 2::w o'clock in
the afternoon. No cards.
Miss llreynian Is (111U0 well known
here; having many friends l .iim
uipitai city. She Is a charming young
lady, possessed of many accomplish
nients and an amiable dlsixwitin,.
Mr. I'atton Is 0110 of the most progres
sive of Salem's young business men,
and Is possessed of sterling qualities,
Wllll'll t-iin.l I.I .. .... '
v" " mill lllliil lKipilllir.
After tt itmi.win.. ,i. 1...1 -...
IMIlOinvn. I- ....... v"v ' l"" "'"
Ulblo readings at axo ... m. ,i "' XT . V. V" " im'otn ".
noon and children's meetings at -I n
u. The Interest Ims inervuscd. A
great work has Ikmjii done in tlio
church: soveral eonvoiir,i ,ki...a ..m
ll. r..- "V pi ill
mi greater llilugH.
vltcd to attend.
All are In.
l he tt S,lve
Arnica Salvo
in the world fm
2:rv yf; .;u.!eZ &r
tuiv, icucr. Llnntv.l !.. I. t.i. ...
where they will reside In the future,
their home belnir tho tileLnmt. v.. v
Cooke mansion on Court st reot.
a reiKirter witnessed the Christian
bolClll'O rellKloilS SOrvlcn ,mwln..,..t
Sundays at 10::w In the Woman's lie-
net uirps null, Insuranco block, by
Mesdames WlNonand Wlulp. im,,.
tlsts of tho Cliurcli off Christ."
About forty were present, and tlio
service counted of hinging, threo
fourths ivadlng of the Serlnm .,!
oue-fourth from Mary linker Kddy's
Y. M. C. A. 11AXQUKT.
The most pleasant event In tbU
winter's social life of the Y. M. C. A.
took place Saturday night at the Y.
M. C. A. rooms, the occasion being the
enjoyment of the banquet tendered
the members of the competing
membership teams. The ladles
auxiliary bad prepared a feast for the
Iteds, the prominent feature of which
was turkey, and mush and milk for
the Yellows. The tables were set in a
most tasteful manner, nnd presented
a fine appearance. At 8 o'clock the
Hcils and Yellows marched In and took
their places, the former accompanied
by the new members secured by tlioiu.
Mr. J. 11. T. Tuthlll then called the
assemblage to older, and Deacon
Hatch offered an invocation. When
tho Yellows had proven their willing
ness to giacefully acknowledge their
defeat by partaking or their humble
faro with avidity they were invited to
partake of tho turkey bauquet upon a
motion of Mr. Wiggins to that effect.
When appetites were appeased a Hash
light picture of the scene wns taken,
then toasts wore proposed and re
sponded to In an appropriate manner
by Messrs. Albert and Sroat, captains
of the competing teams, Hon. C. 13.
.Moores, John H. Albert, Prof. F. S.
Dunn and Frank K. llodgkln. Vocal
solos and duets wero rendered by II.
S. Glle, and I'ror. Herltngo and Miss
Huelat, they being heartily encored.
W. 0. Paige, secretary of the associa
tion, spoke In a very encourag
ing manner to the workers nnd their
mentis, as did Gen. Odell In his ad
dress, "The Fruits or the Contest."
One of the most nleasliiL'. as wnll n
most appioprlatc, was Prof. Dunn's
response to the toast "Our Hest
Helpers-tho Ladles," pnylmr them a
well-merited tribute for the zeal and
labor in preparing theelegant banquet,
nnd threo rousing cheers were given
them In token of the appreciation or
all. The alTalr which was most suc
cessfully managed In all respects, was
closed with the singing of the dox
ology. The Y. M. C. A. now has a
meinoorsuip or.uo.., a very creditable
number for tho slzo or tho elty, and
rellects much credit upon those whose
elforts Increased tho number so ma
terially. A fresh Impetus lias been
given the association, and It Is hoped
that tho zeal will not diminish, as the
Institution Is of Inestimable benefit.
OANTKNllKIN-To Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Gantenbeln, Salem, Saturday.
February 8, 1890, a son. '
R?nwal Sale!
a vi..ii ' J van eat0" corner, we will scl all avcsL.i ,1
Ten Per Cent Off for Cash
on All Goods except sugar,
a rcductlcn of
303 Commerce! Street,
DIMKLKlt.-At tho Salem hospital,
isrsw. 18,H, Fwd I),,,,clor:
Docciibcd was for many years a resl
dent or North Salem, and engaged in
the mowing machine business. H0
leaves a wlfo and four children. His
funeral will bo held attl.n n.,ti.nii
ehuiyh TmiMlay at 2 p. m. lturial In
mo m. .iosopii'8 cemetery.
Fred Dlmclor has for many years
lieen a helpless Invalid. Three weeks
ago an operation was performed but
brought no relief. His many friends
will regret to learn or his death.
Indian Wau Vctbhans-AiuI the
widows or deceased veterans who de
sire tho pasago or the bill now bcrore
congress, granting them pensions,
should nt once address General Com!
mamler T. A. Wood, Portland, Or.,
who has thn nmtfAP i.. i .. '
requlros your assistance in this Im
portant work. Glvo your present full
i-vaiviiiiLo auiiress, and tho
captain served under.
Tllmo n I-'ord
S T Illchanlson
.Tno ACaison
Geo Hollister
M W Hunt
J J Shaw
John II McNary
Win Kaiser
Geo G ninghntii
Warren Tmltt
A O Coudlt
Chas Park
Snell, Heitschu & Woodward vs.
II. AV. Cox, continued.
J. V. Goodnle vs. L. .f. Henscl, con
tinued' Tor service.
Wood Harvester Co. vs. T..I. Chand
ler, continued.
A. M. Smith and II. T. Coleman vs.
Gljbert Hro"., continued.
A. Hush vs. 11. A. Wltzell, default.
Judgment and ordered to sell attached
Wru. Hall vs. Geo. K. Aplln ct til,
default and Judgment.
Geo. Collins vs. C. II. Moores ctnl,
Don Poy vs. Chan Hock Way, Fung
Sing ot al, non-suit.
C. M. Henderson & Co., vl. C. W.
Head A: ion, default and Judgment.
Thos. Charnmn vs. 0. 1. licardsley,
default and Judgment.
It. Veal Si Sons. Pacific Loumre Co..
and 11. L. Snblii, Macoiulry Co., vs.
Keller Si Sons, default.
N. Goodman &Sons vs. Nancy Keene
ctal, settled.
Mason Khrnmii & Co., Ladd & Hush
and Goo. J. Pearcc vs. J. II. McCor
mlck, settled.
H. l Mulkcy vh. Tho. Towtisend,
C. W. HolUs and C. J. Whltaker vi.
D. N. Itlchardson. continued.
Snmuel Hamp vs. W. 11. Murphy,
J. P. Stelwer vs. P. VnnBurcii and
G. W. Epler, default.
A. E. DjKcny vs O. J. Goflln. de
The Ho.enlleld Smith Co., and
Allen & Lewis vs. J. A. VauEaton,
default and Judgment with order to
sell attached property.
Capital Lumbering Co. vs. N. M.
Learned. Same order.
Dltmar vs. Uldrldge, sale confirmed.
Court appointed follewing: W. D.
Cox, bailiff to grand Jvry; A. J.
Itlchardson ballllT to court.
was drawn as rollews: Goo. Krnuse,
Aurora; II. G. Sonnemann, Salem;
Chas. Ilartinnn, Scotts Mills; J. T.
Ross, It. Angel; W. D. Claggctt,
Salem; Harry Ilelmko. Turner: James
oimpson, saiem. Ed. Hall nnd Geo.
Gray wore excused.
Geo. Krauso was appointed foreman
or the grand Jury.
Judge Hurnctt's Instructions wero
strong and clear in the Interests or
Justlco nnd economy. It tnkes fivo
Jurors to indict.
Following arc In tho Marlon county
jaiiuwamng action or tho Jury:
Ed. L. Lisle, larceny by bailee, of
hop receipt or Frank Kaiser.
W. W. Hall, attctnp. to commit
burglary at Woodburn.
Lee, Chinaman, larceny at Salem.
Andrew Hcnllne, burglary nt Stay
ton. Otto Hurson, Stayton burglary.
Albert Lee, passing lottery tickets.
Judgo Humett issued an order tnrinv
to Superintendent Gilbert, or the Ore
gon state prison, to produce P. R.
MulTett, a convict who Is wanted as a
witness in the cases of State vs. C. A.
Combs, Frank nrelin and Prnnk- s
Hadlcy Hobson, liveryman, Mc
hamav . v ,rTV
JE.' II. Flagg, printer, Sulci.
W. D Claggctt, faruior, Salem.
J. T. Itoeo, farmer, Mt. Angel.
Ed Ilall, farmer, Salem.
C. Bi McElhaney, farmer, Sublimity,
ep. Kraus, famer, Aurorii.
rEd'ard Johm, fnrnicrj-VSalem. t
' .1. It.Hesy,JeVelerurora. ,
'"WntWiVolfer, farnier,lIObbard.V
1 It. GFPle'rce. farmer. Gatca? I
C. LAarntenterftcarponfer, Sal6m. f
FVfe PordJ'niiirciianiV Woitli?u"rii, ,
Alex Clark, hotel keeper, Salem.
Chas. Leinbi-ke, farmer, Huttevllle. '
C. W. Knox, plumber, Salem. j
Jas. Simpson, motornian, Solcin. i
Clarence Sinicral, farmer, Macleay.
Chas. Hrlggs, fanner, Stayton.
i -ir r 1...11... l, ,.. I
i. .11. Linn uiiui,!, itiiiiiur, xiiuuhp.
M. A. Wade, farmer, Gervals.
Sam Conner, farmer, St. Paul.
T. H. Hlaclcerby, me'rchnht, 'Silver
Jlotir.v Hall, farmer, Wnodtiurn.
Uathsl'Uathsl Baths!
Go to the porccla'lif baths, blx baths
forSl. Children's halrcuttlug, under j
12 years of age, 15 cents. ;
1-1-lni .1. C. MiLi.ii, Prop,
Special for Wednesday,
s "
nosierw !
It IS tho
There is nothing in the city that can equal our new p
of allwool 38 and 40inch selWicured Drrcc nj c
ttn1rr. rnrxro rrenc riftrra rrA m 4 t?r . '
viut.jw, "uiu g'wu bvrru niiv ICUJS, Ul 3UC
greatest values ever offered, , ,
Nowhere will you find a more complete line of D
goods than you will at 257 Commercial st.
at Zc and 50c,
Ask to sec our line of Silks'
arc beauties, V ,
Phone 112,
257 Commercial street,
Bargains at Union Bargain Store,
Wc don't wind our mouth up to hear It go Just for our own amusement,
but for the benefit or the whole community, If they will only bo kind enough
to listen to It ror a few minutes. We have Just finished Invoicing and find a
list or
1 lot boys' knee pant suits $.1.00 Reduced to $2.00.
1 ot or boys' knee pant stilts, 'J.L'3 Reduced to $2.25.
1 ot or boys knee pant suits. $2.00 Reduced to 81.35.
Chicago, Feb.
May 6i fi,
New York, Feb,
3 30.
lo -Wlieat, cwh tyje.
lo.Silvcr, CejicjleiJ,
1 lot or boys' kneo nant suits. 2.no. .
1 lot or men's suits, only rew, $5.2:), .
1 lot or men's strong pants, $1.25...
I lot or nied's strong p;liits, 8rT
1 lot or children's wool mitts, JOc. .
1 lot or children's wool gloves, 25c.
1 lot or children' plush hats, 00c...
1 lot or baby hool. 40c and 75c
1 lot or men's hutvy winter cap, .". .i-
1 lot or ladies line dress shoes, l."o
1 lot of cotton back ribbon, foruici p
Still a row men's and bojs' hhia ,
Decorated and white dishes at t
M, J, Matson, ?
Reduced to $1.50,
Reduced to $3.00.
Reduced to 75c.
Reduced to 05c.
Reduced to 5c
Reduced to 15c.
.-. Reduced to 25c.
Reduced to 20c nnd -10c.
I 'and 20c Reduced to 20c.
Now $1.0.
! 4c, 5c, Ocund 7c yd Now 2c.
. i looer uooib at cost.
. All winter woolen goods at cost
ban r-rancisuo, Feb. io Wh-at i ,
Wool Oremm. rl,n.- ..?' ,bffl
io nr.. ..r. v,uci micrii
Hop Quotable at 6c.
I'otatoes 50 to 80c wcr sack
Mill inc. Hiifri;B
or j
nc S.ifiTfc?.
to. Wheat valley, 6,
142 State st
Woirer, or Hubbard Is in the
Tlionias Golden, or the firm or
Oolden & Sprague, conrccUnery
deal rs, went to Tortland this nrter-
Uuttevllle, Is In ,100'
i Rev. C. II. Sh!il(ln. nf rnrti, m,i
Hamilton "Fletcher, of Sidney, Is In who occupied the pulpit of the First
I'rcsbyterlan cliurcli Sunday, returned
Wm. Lembkc, -or
the city
Wagner spent Sunday In
came up from
name of
it a rcmrily
for Headache,
tor all fjrrui of IlenUchrs
Ui 1. .r.: .",,,MVM ."' evry
lt influence. Wc ihm all who ,re aflUc ed o
pio-uit n bottle, ant Eive thU remedy f. u
to the fourth.,. i'r B",nB, nt-'M tone
cms and fi.oo m Ft'ed A.
It once.
Thoso summoned to act as Jurymen
for the term aro as follews:
H. G. Sonueinan, merchant, Salem.
Henry Keene, farmer, Aumsvllle.
S. T. Ilobart, farmer, Sllvcrton.
Chas. Hartman, farmer, Scott's
Chas. Rurggraf, architect, Salem.
Harry Helmke, miller, Turner.
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair
Medal, Midwinter Pair,
the city
McKlnley Mitchell
Geryals today.
13. C. Glltner made a trln in
and return today.
Alex LaFollcttc.or Mission Uottoni,
a. is. uusii was a south bound
sengcr this morning.
J. W. Vogel, the-occullst, went -to
urownsvine this mornlug.
Adjutantiencral R. R. Tuttlo
came up rrom Portland today.
Geo. Krans nnd E. II. Glese, tho
jewoicr, or Aurora, are In town.
Prosecuting Attorney J. A. McCain
returned to McMinnvlllo Sunday.
Rev. J. Rowersox was a passenger to
Waterloo on the local this morning.
Victor Cambas, constable or Ger
vals district, was In the city Saturday.
Geo. W. Holllstflr nrrlviwl I.. tl.
city this morning rrom SanFrancisco.
vwn.niiieary, Henry Helmke and
J. h. Shanks, or Turner, are In tho
Rev. W. E. Copcland conducted ser
vices at Eugene Sunday returning
homo today.
F. W. Settlemler, tlio Woodura
...wijiiijui, spent Sunday with Sa
lem frleuds.
P. K. Johnson. T.nim. tri, .-.,.. . .
bcrt Morris and Judge Eskew, orMe
hamn, are In town.
J.George.or tho lunch counter, firm of
Kenworthy & George, wns an Oregon
City visitor today.
John Dugan will leave for Sau
YiuuiMu lomorrow where ho will r0
side In the future.
C. VanPatten returned to Cheinawa
this morning after a Sunday visit
wltn his family In this city.
secretary of State Klncald returned
from Eugene this afternoon where he
"Pent Sunday with his family.
Dr. J. M, Kitchen, nf fif..
l thoclty today to visit htodaughSr
a student nt the woman's Mii Jf W'
home this afternoon.
Amos Beach, F. A. Ford, Henry
Ilall and Walter Tooze, in escort of
i-01 iceman x'leisiininnn, came Sp from
Woodburn this morning.
Cooper Si Rcasenor, the draylng
firm that has leased the Ryan outfit.
have taken nosscsslon of tlio iimr
barn on the Jones placo on , South
Commercial street.
S. R. Scott.a pioneer of BrooldJMio
helped make the constitution oV'Ore-
gon, wns in tue city today. Ho de
clares that the supremo court, in re
ruslngto declare that the constitu
tion places any .limit on the legisla
ture on the Eastern Oregon asylum
case, has set a dangerous precedent.
When Baby was slclc, wo guvo hr Castorla.
When sho was a Child, tho crloil for Castorla,
When Blio becamo Miss, sho dung to Castorla.
When aho hid Children, h8 eavo them CastorU.
Children Crv for
'Pitcher's 0ttorI.
Most Perfect Made.
oman's colWn.
uiijeu, of Albany, are In tho city.
icKiost, G. a. R., is confined to lii
home on Rural avenue by Illness.
Wm Ilabcock wnt.tn ... 1. .....
mornliiPin ti. '":.r."r.u "w
To Jolin Knight. Sheriff of
Marion Countyi
Sheriff Ford of Washing
county hat circulated a states
ment that you, as representative
of the Sheriffs' Association, at
the last sessfon of the legishv
ture, paid mc the sum of $300
as a bribe to get the sheriffs'
mtlcnrrA UiU ii j r.
6- " uii-uueu. uid you
or did you not? If you will
affirm it opportunity will be
sivenyou'to be heard index
Portland.. Feb.
Wnlla Walla. 60.
Flour-I'oriland, $3; Uenton count,
3; graham. 52 20; supcrfiiic. $2.15 per Lhl '"
Oai.-VWif. a324c;grey, igtai;iollci
In bags, J4 2Ss 25, barrel j, 4.30 jjl.
cases, 3 73. ,
Potaioe. . New Oregon, 30(3,500 tier tacl
"Jy ; G,?' S 5"8 S Per ion.
y,?'j'''Va,,cy 'oc; Kastern Ox-.m
oygoc. -
Millstuns..Uran, $t 1.5012.50; ihorti.lu
Apples 40c. '
I'nuhry Hem. 5c; rocstcri. i.to perdot
and not wnnted ; ducks, 2 5oj.ro per dor .
turkeys, live 7c; cyga lajjcenticaih.
njchop fce(l,i2l5 per ton; rye. Socperc.
I IdeHj.arcen, salted Co ll.s 5c; under
60 lbi44jc;iheep pelts. io7oe.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 5c, according to qua).
Butter. .Oregon fancy creamery, offiit
fancy dairy, 35 j (air to good, 3$j
common. 17c J
Clictse .Oregon full cream, I2iilc
KKg..Orccon. 15 per doz.
Poultry.. Chickens, 250 per dot'
ducks, $5oo6; gcesc. $6 oo7.oo; ur!
keys. qiec: dressed. tti2Vc.
beef. .Tonstcers. 2lirtil2 tec ner iK.r.i.
lo good jteers. aJi2 3.5c; cows, iiMlv.
tlreiaed beef. -JQsc
Mutton.. Ilest beef, 2.00(5)2.25; choice
cwm, t5o2 oo; dressed, 4c.
Hogs.. (.holcc. heavy. 3 00 J.40J HA
and ceders; 2 75; dressed, aVsi per In.
Vtfal..l)mall, choice, 5(c; large, 3c
Wheat, ,55c per bu., market firm.
Oats .17c
Hay Paled, cheat, US5-00' ttmotliy,
Hour,. In wholesale lots, 28?; retail,
300; bran, bulk 9.00; sacked, t:ooj
shorts, 11.00 12.005 chop feed, 12.00Q
13 00.
VeaL.Dressfd, 41,.
Hogs.. Dressed. 3.
Live Cattle.. 1 A(ii.2lA.
Sheep.. Live, 2.00.
Wool..Uet, I2c.
Hops.. first, 45o.
KBes..Cash. 12c.
Ilutter.. Pest dairy, I5c;;fancy creame,
Cheese .loi2c.
Farm Smoked Meats Uacoi, 7jc; nmi
loj shoulders, 7c.
Potatoes.. 2oc per bu.
Onions,. 2c.
FOR SALE. .A first class team nf large, fine
hCe. pKxJ workers, and fine traveler. Will
be sold verv cheap If taken at once. Inquire
X, care lournal. i
P' JR'SALfcl Some very due ihnrotiihhmlj,
uihuu k.nna brood sows Will sell very
cheap if sold soon,
Inquire of X Jnurnal.a?
tirv (
1 31 6l
WOMAN With babv three month off
L'ood stock at a bargain.
mukicay, ur,
wants a position to do ironer.il homework,
Enquire at C.W. Scribcr's.S.uth Stlem. Jif
UIV1NE" HliALlNa SEKVlCli-On Su7
day, Feb. 9. 1896, at 2 p. m, at US H'
street, h-tlem, Oregon. All earnest PPk
are welcome. Bring your bibles. 2 3l
Headquarters for tie
up from
Archbishop Grow camn
l'ortlanil this niorulug and win ,
: . ..
ine very next time you need
a flavoring extract try Fry's.
They are fine. Made in Salem.'
ct 10c, 25c and 50c.
one!haVfVlr,ae,oef1,l,neW .
cfiiYeS.call,.h Team?ocCUrt '
leamng dally newspapers ol the cont. wb
Fine stock of cigars and confectionery, f. W,
Miller. Prop. i it l"i
PAPERS -Portland, tjacramenio, MJttle,
Tacoma onj in p,ancjwo pai)ers on isle U
Miller's Postoffice block
publKTmen, PoLlfciANii aFdTjU?
IKCKj houses run nhnln nil noivsnaner In0f
rnaiion from the press of th state, coast sw
country from the Press Clipping Bureau,
(Allen's) Ualon Ulock. Portland.
FOR SALE OR TRADE -The best b7
fruit ana stock ranch in Oregon, containing
200 acres. Will sell cherp, on easy term,
trade lor pood hot..! Fnr nantculars inquire
at this office. H A. D. I 3 ,m
Dealer in errvries. oaints, oifei
window glass, varnishes, an
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
State. ArtiW materials. Uvad
hair, cement and shingles, and
&nwt quality of gem d
V, i
'jpvvw1iVffi$9blPiffMi 11 ' ijm 1,