Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 04, 1896, Image 1

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YUTj. .
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a Reliable
We sell shoes that fit and wear welL
Bought for cash and sold for cash That's
why we save you money.
C No Trouble to Show You
Hardware Tinware, Barbed Wife
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryjat
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment,
R S, Dearborn,
, and Stationer.
Special lints of office supplies. Ledgers,
journals, records. Special ruled books man.
ufactured to order. Office files nf all kinds
of the Willamette University.
' Modern methods. JUp to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best isf Good enough for beginners a well as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEV. President
R. A HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
Wf " "
Nowjthat we are located in our new quarters we
announce ourselyes ready for buatneM, and by
the way we would have you, understand we
mean business when we say that
This Stock Is to Be Closed Out,
and that right soon. So
ment is complete. You will find us in No, 115
State street next to Gray Bros,
kV Ms" Mfc y
MS Lf Mk' f fc
W. R, ALUN, ,. . Agent Mortgce,
Through and Give Prices, 3
come while our assort
d i J r il ii t a
KepOrtOQ tor the HOtlSe I aritt
To the Senate Sobstitute for Its
Bend Bill.
Washington, Feb. A. The finance
committee of the senate has agreed to
report for the houso tarltf bill a sub-
stltuto providing fur tho free coinage
of silver. The substitute was sug
gested by Setmtor Vest, and agreed to
by a mnjorlty of one, Senator .Tones,
of Nevada, voting with the Democrats
for tho substitute, and all tho Repub
lican? present voting against It. Tho
substitute agreed to is in oxact word?
the silver substitute for the bond bill
which passed thusenalcSaturday. It
provides for tho free coinage of silver
at a ratio of 10 to 1.
Tho bill directs tho Immediate coin
age into standard dollars of tho silver
seigniorage in tho treasury, accumu
lated by purchases under the Sherman
act; prohibits tho Issuance of national
batik notes of smaller denomination
tnun 910; directs tho secretary of tho
treasury to redeem greenbacks and
treasury notes In cither gold or silver
exclusively at tho option of the secre
tary, and to rc-lssuo tho greenbacks.
When tho substitute for tho tariff
bill was read In tho senate Quay
moved to recommond tho bill and
substitute back to the. finance com-
mlttco with Instructions to report tho
original bill and tho amendment
separately. Tho finance committee's
report proved a complete surprlso to
tho silver Republicans, and was un
favorably received by them. Thoy
immediately began a movement to
havo two propositions, the tariff and
and silver, separated, and will gener
ally support Quay's motion to this
effect. Mitchell, of Oregon, said:
"It is a Democratic move to defeat
thctttrlff. I won't vote for it."
As was expected, action on tho sen
ate substitute for tho house bond bill
was taken by the committee on ways
and means today. Crisp moved that
tho committee recommend to the
house to concur in the sonata amend
ment. On tho vote all Republicans
voted no, and so did two Democrats
Turner and Tarsney.
The National Farmers Alliance and
Industrial union meet hero today.
While tho leaders of tho Alliance havo
long hold that tho organization is non
political, It is understood that great
pressure Is being brought to bear to
havo resolutions adopted which will
bring the Alliance as a body into the
financial tight on tho silver side. It
claimed that the Alliance is stronger
than ever before in its history.
The Salem Journal challenges the
Orcgonian to print the records of tho
last legislature, that tho public may
decide who broke the pledges. Ex
change. We predict they will never print it,
They will print nil fiorts of garbled
reports, but never the record itself.
The record is. fatal to some of the
Oregoulan's strikers, and tho old
Portland ring don't want it done.
We can't afford to lose a good man
because of some of bis minor idiosyn
crasies. We ought not to ostracise a
good neighbor and citizen because he
may believe In sprjnullng for admis
sion to church privileges Instead of
immersion. Tho silver question is
practically Involved in, and will be
settled ty a return to the true "Amer
ican policy," protection, and Mitchell
Is aa able protectionist. Ho will do.
Rowpurg Plalndealer.
Greets Howard Catleton Tripp
In His
! rir(4 1,j.r.W1ftr A7rrl?.
1 WWW. ... ..W..
A flno audience greeted Howard
J Curlcton Trippof Iowa, at his first
week day meeting nt the First M. E.
Church, considering tho stormy oven-
lng. Itwnsn splendid nnd Intelli
gent audience, and, before the speaker
had talked ten minutes those present
were thoroughly responsive to his
platform appeals. "
Beforo half an hour was over all
were satisfied that '.the Iowa temper
ance cyclone had struck them.
If hewcro In iffo only to make
money he would quit at once and go
back to Ills homo lnjlowa, wrlto books
or publish his newspaper. Hut money
was secondary to derating humanity
to a higher plane of living.
A man at the town' of Buttovllle.
who wasa total abstainer and a church
member, still Insisted on growing
P5 wn was noxmore respectnuio
than kcenlnir a saloon, from the
standpoint of Immunity and God's
higher moral law, ;
He soon became Intensely dramatic
as ho proceeded nnddicld tho breath
less attention of tho' mixed audlenco
of men, women nri'd children. Ho
said an ingnornmus or a parsimonious
man seldom or never fell a victim to
drink. Ho showed tho composition of
liquors, as analyzed by Dr. Cox, tho
Now York government, chemist, that
would nauseate any intelligent man's
Ills depletion of the analysis of a
drunkard's brain was as lurid as the
flames, hosald, that mounted from the
fluids that flowed out of that brain
when a match was touched to them.
Ills recitations from his own poems
aro Interspersed with eloquent appeals
to tho young to abstain from drink.
Ills glances backward and forward
over tho horoscopo of lives ho know,
and who havo fallen into liquor, were
dramatic and entertaining.
Thoro wero a largo number of peo
ple who would never go into a temper
ance organization. It was not popu
lar enough. There wero people who
were so loaded down with social and
religious duties that they could do
nothing for humanity.
There had been two .templar's
lodges in Salem but now only ono was
working. This order had 8,000,000
members enrolled In all since 1851, and
400,000 drunkards redeemed. It had
today 800,000 members in good stand
ing. It was practical. It was n step
ping stono to tho church. Tho time
would como when tho man who would
sell liquor would be ns little thought
of as a man who would soil slaves.
At a certain point in tho address,
temperance workers went through tho
audlenco and enrolled nil who had over
been in tho order or would join, and
each ono of Mr. Tripp's mcotlngn be
comes tho nucleus of a now lodge.
His work is done in so thorough and
conscientious n manner that It gener
ally endures and is not transient in
its character. Tho power, strength
and eloquence of his addresses was
fortified by facts, such as that GO per
cent of all Oregon convicts attributed
their downfall to strong drink. About
80 per cent of nil criminals wero men
addicted to tho usoof liquors.
Tho speaker closed in an eloquent
peroration in behalf of temperance
and the clasping of hands of all friends
of temperance. Ills hearers wero In
fluenced, ns an audlenco seldom has
been in this city, to expressions of
sympathy and enthusiasm.
Did our government rest upon its
state houses, courts, prisons and
asylums? No. It rests on its chris
tian citizenship. Keep tho homo
pure, clean and wholesome and the
nation would grow in uprightness,
moral power and truo christian civil
ization. Mr. Tripp speaks again to
night. Republican Cluba.
Portland, Feb. 4. Tho stato con
vention of Republican clubs met this
forenoon, after tho appointment of
tho usual committees a recess till 1 p.
m. was taken.
When the convention reconvened
this afternoon the committee on cre
dentials reported that tho principal
interest of the convention centers in
tho election of ofllccrs, it being gen
erally understood that no question of
party policy will be brought before
tho convention. Candidates for pres
ident ore J. O. Lcttsure, and O. II.
Carey both of Portland. President
Beekmandocs not desire a re-election.
A no v constitution will also bo
brought before tho convention for
Too silver question was quickly dis
posed of this uf teruoon by the unaul
mous adoption of a resolution, re
ported by the committee on order of
business, declaring that no expression
of party policy shall be mado by the
Republican leaguo club.
Tht U. S. Gov't Reports
aJuxur Daval flaLlai n "
ha. flMMgfeg
The Cubans Fight Well With
Small Loss.
Insurgents Keop Out of the
Way of tho Enemy,
Havana, Feb. -J. Insurgents under
tho leadership of Nunez attacked a
detachment of Spanish troops while
tho lattor wero repairing tho railroad
between Espornnzu and .TIcotea.ln the
province of Santa Clara. They mado
n gallant, defenso, and lost Lieutenant
Edunrdo Borgcs. Ono sergeant and
fourteen soldiers were killed and had
live wounded.
General Murln has had nu engage
ment with a body of insurgents that
ho reports to bo tho main force tinder
Gomez, and that wns put to flight
with a loss of 20 killed. Tho entire
absence of details as to tho number of
insurgents 1n the body attacked leaves
some ground for doubt as to whether
It was, In truth, Gomez's Immediate
Pretty1 much tho whole of tho com
bined columns under General Marin
Including 1700 cavalry, seem to havo
been engaged. This force was equip
ped with n special ylew to running
down and cornering tho Insurgents,
once It should como faco to face with
them, and great expectations were
founded on Its supposed ability to do
this. But tho report of today's en
gagement, although It indicates that
tho attack was mado with great dash
and vigor, seems to Indicate that tho
insurgents were as successful In
evading tho Spanish forces as thoy
havo been at any time heretofore.
The St. Paul Afloat.
New York, Fob. 4. Tho steamer
St. Paul was floated this morning,
after being on tho sand about a week.
Tho Porto Will Admit Anothor U. S,
Dispatch Boat,
GreatBritain MayTUnito With Us to
Save Armonians,
Constantinople, Feb. 4. It Is de
nied that tho porta has refused to
udmit a second dispatch boat for tho
sorvlco of tho United States legation.
Tho matter is not settled. Tho porto
does not contest tho right of entry,
but contends that tho moment for
such reinforcement Is Inopportune.
It hns beou much remarked in ofll-
clal -circles that slnco tho rigorous
action of United Slates Minister
Tcrrill in behalf of tho American
missionaries, ho alono is mentioned
in tho court circulars as a guest nt
court dinners. Tho Impression pre
vails In diplomatic circle? that tho
United States and Great Britain may
eventually unite to save tho Ar
menians. Kentucky Deadlock.
Frankfort, Fob. 4. Hunters
speech III tho Republican caucus last
night, followed by the decision of tho
Republican majority In tho Werner-
Tompkins contested election com
mittee this morning to turn out
Tompklns.hasangored the Democrats.
They uow threaten to rctallato by
ejecting four Republican senators.
These say they will attend a Joint
session and run the risk of being rec
ognized by Lieutenant Governor
Worthlnglon. Tho Democrats, how
ever, are laying a plan to prevent j
them going Inside. Today's ball if
resulted Huntor, 02: Blackburn, 6d:
lWttor,ntf' 8
The Hymns of The Notions.
It Is not generally known that soven
years ago John rhlllp Sousn, then
leader of tho Marino Band tit Wash
ington, commenced, In co-operation
with the United States Government,
a collection of the national songs of
tho world. A writer in St. Louis
Post Dispatch says that tho Stato De
partment sent out requests to nil tho
nation? for their national and typical
songs. When these arrived Sousa di
vided them Into thrco classes. Tho
first contained thoso which olllclul or
popular voice had mado the principal
patriotic nlrs of their respective coun
tries; the second, thoso occasionally
used In till? way ; and tho third, those
typical songs Indigenous to tho people
The whole collection contains nearly
thrco hundred specimens, nud thrco
years wero spent In arranging them.
Tho national songs of United States,
England, Franco and Germany arc, of
courso, well known. Austria's na
tional hymn was composed by Ilaydcn,
says tho writer, after tho pattern of
'G0d Save tho King"; nnd tho na
tional air of Zanzibar Is but a slight
variation. Turkey has no national
song, but, instead, certain hymns,
called tho Bultau's hymn or prayer
apparently changing with each rulorlTby tho state central committee at It?
Syria's typical nlr Is written back
wards, like tho Arabic. Tho Servian
national song, "Rise, Servians!" Is very
melodious, and ends curiously with a
note hlghor than the keynote. San
Marino a wee llttlo ropubllc, has tho
longest of all national nlrs, it cover
ing ten pages of note-paper. Tho
Phlllpplno Islands havo a practically
unlimited number of typical songs.
The words aro generally Improvised
for tho occasion, nnd changed without
any attomptnt rhythm. Lapland has
a curious rotndcer galop; and the na
tional song of Jumlca Is said to be
repeating tho llrst lino thrco times:
"Monkey, monkey, play tho llldle
Mako tho baboon dance."
This is u great deal to bcl love, but If
such words stir tho patriotism of the
Jamaclans, It Just shows what coffee-
drinking can do. But to return to our
own country, only ono of tho various
national songs Is said to bo of Amor
lean origin in both words und music.
This is "Hall Columbia."
The Guests at Hotel Gllsoy Badly
Some Daring Escapes Before tho
FireBIs Suppressed.
New York, Fob. 4. A ilro Btartcd
In tho drying-room basement of tho
Gllsoy house early this morning and
caused much excitement niuong
224 guests, who woro aroused from
tholr sleep by automatic signals.
Many women becamo hysterical.
Others fell down stairs In their efforts
tocscapotrom tho buildings.
Several servants on tho sixth floor,
thinking retreat had boon cut off by
tho flames, climbed down tho llro ct
cupes In sight of hundreds of people.
In a short time tho ilro was ex
tinguished, tho guests falling back to
their apartments. Total damage not
mora than W00.
Switzerland Will Arbitrate.
Bernk, Switzerland, Feb. 4 Tho
Federal council lias authorized tho
president of tho Swiss ropubllo to ac
cept tho proposal tendered by tho
government of Grcnt Britain and tho
United States, that in tho event of a
disagreement as to choice of arbitra
tor, for tho Canadian scalers claims.
South African Millionaire.
London, Feb, 4. Cecil Rhodes has
arrived In London from Capo Colony.
Ho refused to bo Interviewed regard
ing South African affairs.
HAGGERTY.- To Mr. and Mrs
Alonzo Hnggerty of Hazel Green
northeast of Salem, Snnday, Febru
ary 3, 1800, a girl.
Highest of all in Lt aveaing Power. LatMt U. S. Gov't Rtfwrt
Ho Will Not Again Be a Can
didate for President.
Says This: Is His Final Answer to
Indianavolw, Feb. 4.-Captiilu
John K. Gowdy, chairman of the l;.
publican state contral conunltt.-e.
called on General Harrison last, ou-n-lng
by Invitation and thoox-prcsldcu
handed tilin the appended " sclfr -plnnntory
letter written by himself,
"In view of tho resolution iinswii
recent meeting, and of tho fact that
delegates to the national Republican
convention aro soon to be oho3ii In
this slate, I have concluded th.il
somo statement from mo as to my
wishes and purposes should now be
mado to my Indiana friends. Hitherto
I havo declined tospcak to the public
on this mutter, but scores of friends
too whom I havo talked and many
scores moro to whom I havo written
will rccognlzo in this expression tho
substance, of what 1 havo said to
"To ovory ono who has proposed to
promote my nomination I havo said
'no.' Thoro has novor been nn hour
slnco 1 loft tho Whlto Houso that I
over felt a wlBh to return to It. My
Indiana friends havo been most de
voted nnd faithful, and I am their
grateful debtor, Tho Republican
party has twico In national conven
tion given mo Its endorsement, and
that Is enough. I think tho voters of
our party aro now entitled to havo a
now nnmo. For tho sentiment, great
or small, which has bcon manifested
for my nomination, I am grateful;
and of that wtdor respect nnd kind
nessbreaking party lines which
have been shown mo in so many ways,
I am profoundly appreciative.
"I cannot consent that my namo bo
presented to or used In tho St. Louis
convention nnd must kindly ask my
friends to accopt this ns n stneore mid
flnnl expression upon the subject."
OOOD reading for the family
Every rcador of The Journal
should look up tho list of premiums
given absolutely free with this paper.
Tho Wkekly Journal at $1 n year is
tho cheapest paper on tho Pacific
coast, yet with it wo glvo yearly sub
scriptions to any of tho following
vnluablo publications, ench known to
tho world as a standard in its field:
Tho Toledo Blade,
Tho Queen of Fashions,
Tho Farm News,
Tho Clilld Garden.
Theso valuable publications are
each worth a SI a year, yet wo glvo
you your choice, ono ycarfreo, for a
91,60 subscription to Tub Journal,
either the Daily for six months or
tho Weeicly for eighteen months.
See tho list, nud don't ncgloct to profit
by It.
Don't be deceived into paying for
so-called premiums offered with high
priced papers at n slight advance.
Remember Tim Journal is the
cheapest newspaper on tho Pacific
coast, and It glvos you high grnde
premiums without additional chargo
Tho attorney fees In the Oregon
recolvcrshlpa listed by Referee Wood
cock wero $81,330,73. The attorneys
wero modest to claim so llttlo of the