Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 01, 1896, Image 4

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Kwffnwanrtf"if Pumftwi laMcew.JK'UM'J i"?
Dally Capital Journa
lv- HOFI'.R BriTHttRS
i).vo a, III.
10U5 a.m.
fJ:ooa m,
SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1890.
.11 llNl I II "..-!
.- - jrrvjrjy-jjf jriWpSairfW"" I
iAltona and Ramona
JCortlond, 6145 a m.
1 LIa1tn fMf a. ni
Independence, 6130 a. m.
EyFrelght received up to 10 p, m,Jl
? ck tlrpf, regular senrlce and cheap
.... rates ...
- - - ..I
Sal cm,
Reed's Opera House,
Wedesday, Feb, 19th,
The advance sale will be
opened shortly, Kindly put
your name on the subscription
list. Subscribers will have the
first choice of scats,
Reserved seats $1 and 1.50,
Local Managers for Sousa's
Concert Band,
Dr. 'J. M. Kecno'ls In l'orLliuitl.
Hon. A. (Icsncr wiih In Portlnml to
tiny. W. U. Morso l lioino from a visit
nl I'ortliuii.
lion. .lohii Mlntu wns a Portliintl
visitor today.
Dr. H L. Ht coven went to Portland
tills iiiornlnir,
Hon. 0. P. Terrell, or Mchiiiuii, was
n'Ralcm visitor today.
V. A. Irwin, palusman forMeC'nll
Ilros., Is vIbUIiik In Portland.
Jolm Oray, tlio contractor, trans-
acted business In Portland today.
Hon II. V. Gates, of Hlllsboro, was
a iiasbeiiKcr to Portland tills morning.
A. II. Hunt, the Hebubllenn black-
Hinltli or Marlon, was In town today,
Julius Wolf, of tho-llrniof A. Wolf
&Co.,ofSllverton, Is In tlio city to
day. W. M. Davis, an cmployo of tin
balcm Consolidated Street Hallway
company left last evening for u
luontirs vacation at San Francisco,
Los Angeles and other points In Cali
fornia. Hov. A. L. Hutchison, pastor or tho
First Presbyterian church, left for
Seattlo this morning whore ho will
conduct cervices Sunday. llov.GHbcrt,
of Eugene, will occupy tho Salem
pulpllt In tho meantime.
Tm: Fahkwkli. Nkiiit.-TIiIs will
bo tho last night In Salem for tlio
Chase company, ror tho present, at
least, and should they return thoy
will bonccorded a hearty welcome.
Last night "Tho Sea or Ice" was prc
iiontcil, with lino acting and scenlo
elfects. A souvcnlor cabinet photo
graph or tho nuleiu'o or Monday night
was presented to each lady present.
Tho lucky recipients or presentihlast
night In tho order as follows, were:
Mrs. W. M. Melntlr... mi a i
AVflBuer.Aiinlo Wright, Fred Uyrne,
O.P. Husboll, Mis. AUa Hendricks,
Hom McCormlck, Mrs, Harry Down
I ng, ltosa .loliiiMin, and Harry Prior
tho latter rcrolvlng tho gold watch!
Tlio absent ones who ailu.s Wt.lx)
(lulled were ('has, M. Hel, Miss II.
iiiiugo i, Jiessio Simpson 2, ,. Clarka
Harry Albert a, C. F. Smith fl. Perry
neamcr 0, W. M. Plyn.alo 8, Henry
S,08'1 "'Bl't the Irish drama,
'Colleen Uhuo" will lw presonted.lt
Ksliigailnupiay.rullor humor and
pathos TWre will , tWull,y ,)ri,8!
onta distributed tonight, ioIuau.ff
'm0?151'08'1 'kKolcl tilled iS
with 20 year guarantoo by the ,nkl,ri
HwiriiMUAN Hoat. Tho Klmoro
will leave Salem for State Convent Ion
ltoituhllnui olulH nt INtrllmul at tt a
in. Monday. Special into l.m fur
khuuI trip. TiokoUgiHHlto the nth
Quo. M. Powhus, Agt.
riiANui: ok l.ocATiON.-Oolden &
Nliruguo lmu rented the-toro worn
H.cuplod by tho Wiley II. Allen Music
lomjuny, and will move tholreon
focilouery business to that place soon.
Local Newa of Social and Fraternal
Mice May Banner is tho gu5t of In-
dependence friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dlnsmorc went
to Turner today to visit friends.
Misses Mabel Janes and Jessie Sct-
llmiilcirwerit to Woodburn this morn-
1 intf.
Mis. 0. G. Lownsdule and Miss
Augusta have returned from it visit
in Portland.
Mr. and Mr. Win. Brown were
Portland passengers on the Salem
local this morn lug.
Mm. F. B. South wiclc went to
Brownsville this morning in the in
terest of Woodmen work.
Miss Roach, a sister or Mrs. Archie
Mason, arrived in the city rrom Wis
consin last night and will visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowcrsox, or
Corvnllls, will leave ror Sacramento
Friday morning, where they will re
side In the future.
Mis. Unlpli Gecr, who has been the
guest or lier cousin, Miss Adda
Davenport, ror several days, returned
to her home In Vancouver this morn
ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. W. Hoover, or
Portland, are in the city, having ar
rived this mornlug.and arc tlio inicsts
or Mr. and Mw. L B. McClalne.
special mkiitinos.
Very Interesting meetings arc being
held at Leslie M. E. church. South
Salem. Itev. C. M. Brynn Is assisting
the pastor. He Is an clllclent and
thorough worker. The meetings will
bo continued each evening at 7;30.
Services Sabbath morning nt 10:30.
Happening ct Old Willamette the Past
Prof 'Heritage, of tho college of
music, returned "Wednesday mornirff
from Eugene where ho participated in
a concert the evening berore with
grcnt success.
The Y. W. and Y. M. (J. A. meeting
Sunday nriernoon will be conducted
by Prof. Matthews,
niinnnl vImIIdts t.lin. nnst week were:
Bert Savage, Bay Parvln, Luke Lynn,
Miss Jitfltii irizzcii, waiter snepara,
Chester Hodges and Miss Ella Shipp.
Itlictorlcals In chapel the past week
were as follows, Tuesday, essay, Miss
Bpsslft Biirklinrt Wednesday, oration.
D. C. East; Thursday, recitation, Mr.
Eatly; Friday, essay, Miss Field.
Thursday was tho day of prayer for
colleges and was observed at the uni
versity. Prof. Matthews gave n ten
Sol M. Stock, of this city, and Miss
Marguerite Jacob, or San Francisco,
will be united In matrimony tomor
row, tho ceremony talcing place In
that city. Mr. Stock Is or the linn or
St(K!k Bros. After the ceremony tho
couple will make an extended bridal
tour of Southern California, and will
then como to Salem to make their
Tho club met at Murphy's hall last
night to enjoy another season of danc
ing. There was a large attendance of
members, and one guest, Mrs. 01111
land, of Portland. The evening was
highly enjoyed by all and the next
club night is looked forward to In
pleasant anticipation.
Tho Friday night club meets on tho
first nnd third Friday of each month.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Chatmimi wern
pleasantly surprised Wednesday night
attholr homo on the Garden mail hv
a largo number of tholr friends nnd
nelglilHirs. A very enjoyable evening
wns passed. Thoso present wero Mr.
and Mrs. II. W. Savago and family,
Jir.niHi .Mrs. T. II. Savage, Mr. and
Mrs. Alt Savage and family, Mr. and
Mrs. L. D.Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Pooler, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Lansing,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lyons, Mr. and
Mrs. Spauldlng and fnmlly, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Larson and famlly,Mrs.Wecburir.
Mr. and Mrs. Dodge, Mr. nnd Mrs. !
Jolm Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Munson '
and family, Mrs. Bartlett. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ev Urown.Mr.aud Mrs. C. Miller
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ilurchani
and Mr. and Mrs. K. Taylor and
minutes talk in chapel on "Tho
Meaning of College Association
Work." The address was very inter
esting and contained many vnlunblc
suggestions for the Christian Associ
ation. At 12:10 o nravcr mcctlnir wns
held In room 13 conducted by Itev. II.
A. Denton nnd a like service was also
conducted at .1:30 o'clock in the after
noon by Prof. F. S. Dunn. In tho
evening the Y. M. C. A. of tho uni
versity, conducted tho prayer meeting
service at tlio First Mcthodlstchurcli.
Miss Mnbel Cotton wns tendered a
surnrlse nartv last Mondav evening
at the womnn's college, by about 20 of
her young friends. The cvenlncr
passed rapidly nwny, the young folks
heartily engaging in numerous games,
nfter which light rerrcshments were
served. Those present were: Misses
Mnbel Cotton, Bessie Shepard, Bessie
Burkliart.Pcarl Applcgatc,Itlta Bake
straw, Dean Kitchen, Boxy Thomp
son, Einilo Henry and Miss Bnxtcr,
nnd Messrs. R. L. Matthews, Harvey
Heritage, J. G. Calllson, Box Byars,
W. 0. Ogle and Ralph Watson. Miss
Cotton will leave next week for Sautu
Fe, New Mexico, where she will reside
In the future.
The second term for the current
'year will close next Friday. The
classes are busy reviewing the term's
work, and examination will take place
Thursday and Friday of next week.
M Iss Laura Sharp was given a birth-
day party at her home comer of
Twcnty-lirst and Trade streets last
Tuesday evening. Games and music
were tho order of tho evening, con
cluding with an "old fnsliloncd candy
pull" which wns greatly enjoyed by
tho young folks. At a late hour the
young folks departed for their homes
wishing their young hostess many
happy icturns of the dny Those pres
ent wero Misses Laura Sharp, Lula
Conover, Carrie Ilatchelor.
Morning services at 10;30. Preach
tag b7 tho Pastor, P.sv. J P. Tanner.
Topic, 'The Inaccuracjc of the noly
Scrlptmcs." Sunday school nt 12
o'clock. Y. P, S. C. E. at 0:30 p. in
Evening services nt 7:30, Subject:
"TheDllemn of IngeKoll." Offertory
by tho orchestra. All aie cordially
Invited to Ihchc services.
Rev. W. C. Jvantner, D. I), pastor.
Preaching at 10:30 a. in. Subject
'The Man Who Followed the Lord
Fully." Sunday school at 12 m. Jun
ior Endeavor 3 p, m. Y. P. S. 0. E. nt
0:30 p. in., leader, John Roberts.
Evening sermon "A Message From
the Dead."
Sunday evening the pastor of the
First Christian church will begin n
Bcrles of expository sermons on Acts
of Apostles. Theso sermons will bo
delivered on Sunday evenings for the
next 3 or 4 months, and will cover 30
years of the most Important history of
the church.
Services at 10:30 a. in, and 7:30 p.
Sunday school at 11M5. Rev. V.
Copcland pastor. Subject of morn
ing sermon "But." Subject of even
ing lecture "Tlio tin th about Thomas
Paine, tlio author of the Ameri
can Revolution."
Cottage street. J. Bowcrsox. nistor.
Rev. N. S. Ballantync, the Presiding
cider, will preach tills eve at 7:30:
and tomorrow at 10:30 and 7:30. Th e
Lordls Supper after the morning ser
mon. Sunday school at 12.
u n. CHURCH.
Services on the following Sabbath
as rollews: Rev. P. B. Williams will
preach at llva. m also at 7:30 p. m.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Y. P. C.
E. at 0:30 in the evening. W. Reynolds.
Y, M. c. A.
Wm. Howard C. Tlpp, of Town,
Grand Lecturer of the Good Templars
will address tho men's incoing nt 1 p.
m. All men arc invited toattend,
Usual services tomorrow at 10 a. in.
11 a. in. nnd 7:30 p. in. i8th nnd State
Warrant- Call Nb.I
Office County treasurer,
Marion County, Oreoon,
Salem, Feb. 1, 1800 )
Notice is hereby given that I have
fnnrio nn ivorrt to nnv all outstanding
county warrants issued prior to Feb-
,1 . OAI .1 ,!... lnrtllA.1 tt'lll
illlU UllilU JIIIVIVOU "
this date.
JAP minto,
County Treasurer,
we mm
ruary J8i.,iovu,
stop on same from
Return Thanks. The board of
control of tho Salem hospital wish to
tlinnk tlic Chase dramatic company
for their liberality In giving n benefit
entertainment for that Institution.
A neat sum was realized and is highly
Ciiicago. Jan. 31. Wheat, cash Cijfc
May 65 r
New Voik, Jan. 31. Silver, 66J.c; lead,
3 3'
.San Francisco, Jan 31. Wheat, 1. 12
Wool,. Oregon, choice, itc; Inferior J
(5.8c, valley, 9Mc.
Mops fjuoiable at (nj6c.
Totatoesco to Soc per sack.
Oal Mllfing, 8o(p5.
Portland, fan 11 Wlicnl vnlli-i- fS
Walla Walla, 60.
FlourPortland, 53; Demon county,
3; graham, $2.20; superfine. 52.15 per bbl.
Uats -While, 2324c; grey, io2ijrollccl,
In hagi, 4.255 25, barrcli, 4.50 7,00;
caw. 3 75-
I'oinioei .New Oregon, 30500 per sack.
liny. .Good, 5.5850 per Ion.
W0.1I.. Valley, rX&ioc; Eastern Oiegon,
AtillttnfU .IIr.in rr.cn3f FnuliAttiCi.
(i3;chopfeed,i2i5 per ton; rye. Soc perc.
Hides.. green, salted 60 Ins 5c; under
,vo io mai7,c; ineep peas, 10(31700.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 5c, according to qual
ity. Ilulier.. Oregon fancy creamery, 40(45;
fancy dairy. 35! fair to lioJ. .ui:
common, 17c.
Cheise .Oieijon full cream, 1r12J.Jc.
Egg,. Oregon, IS per iloz
l'oilltrv. ('Mi km- 1 en r.r .1...
ducks, 55 oe6: ueesc, 4(j.o 7.00: tin.
You willfind our establishment at 257 Commcrc' 1
where we arc now prepared to show you ih "
complete line of Dry Goods and Ladies' FurnisF1
Goods to be seen in the city at prices that are thelcj
We have already received one shioment of .?. .
ClnnAc rA iUla CMicnn wr will limm i . CSS
Goods, and this
excel all others.
season wc will have a line that
1 1 Call and see us at our new quarters, f
i. M. & E. fl. STOci
257 Commercial street.
OPERA HOUSE Third and last Week of.
Chase 2 Stock J3
s V" 4s 1L" A &
key. ulec: ilrexwil. u(7lia(
lljef. . lontlecH. 2V.Q1 c 1 ct II
"Colleen Rhue,"
to yood steers. 2Yt($i 3 er:mv. iCn
urenscu ittcr, (HjjiC.
Mutton.. Ilcil ttvt, I.i(i l.'jt; f,(!ci
cwm, 1.50112 0.1; diowl. .i .
Hogs.,(.linicc. lifMt-t . t . ,Ji 1 4.J. !ich
ami eeder: 52 75! I i' v '"
Veal., Small, choice. (ptwt larec. lOT i
per lb. b J
The same pleasing price of admission,
" 10c, 20 and 30c
Unsolved seats at 1'ntton's Bros.' bookstore without extra charge.
B .-autiful Presents Given Away Every Night This Week
and Twenty on Saturday Night
Services at 10:30 a. m., In State In
surancc hall. All welcome.
r.HASE Announce. Prof. How
ard C. Tripp, Deputy Grand Chief
Templar of the State of Orciron. will
deliver a free, public lecture on Tem
perance and kindred reform subjects
at the First M. E. Church, Sunday,
.Monday nnd Tuesday evenings
You are cordially Invited to attend.
1 ,.! i A eolli'cl Inn will lu tnl.-,.n (. ),... ,.,,
.....w.w, .......v illllVIIVIUI) UIIUIU ( -.-..... ..... w v....... k, 1,U till
Cochran, Lizzie Aschonbrenner, Her-j opportunity to all friends to aid in
Ilia Jones, G nice Long, Ilessie John- tl10 temperance cause. Tell your
.n. n -r i -. -. . i fin..in i i. i
HoroSuiiTiiB.-DavId Guthrloto.
oBycousigneu hlsuippoflV.000 ixuud
v uviw u x.nguinti.
A delight mi surprlso party was ten
dered Miss lUanche Albert by a num
ber or her friends last nio-ht. n... ,..,.
slon Iwlng her birthday anniversary.
1'iuii, biiiiics, earns and dancing wero
Indulged In. nnd tlm linur iv,.r.. iin.i
wltli mirth and pleasure fornll. Miss
AllR'rt received many beautiful tokens
ui mo irgani or lier friends In addl
tlonto tholr hearty good wishes for
many happy returns of tin. ,i.,i- . ..
K-asonnblo hour an elegant lunch was
partaken of with much enjoymoiit.
1 hose present were: Mioses Hlaiieho
Allwrt, Jessie stumn. itm-M.,. n i
Qeorgla Glltnor, M,iIk. llutton, Lucy
U llllains, Zaldeo lalmer, Ada Simile.
ion. Jessie llreymaii, Alice Stlnor,
and Mrs. Jos. Albert; Messrs. George
IttHlgers, Claronco Hamilton, Charles
McMiry, n.cster Murphy, Oswald
Nest, John Olesy, Mlltou Myers, Jos.
"iiuiiiKuiuieruiHi unrry Alliert.
"Tho Old Uiiilin1'7inwlilch the
lwpular comedienne, Katie I'utiiain,
will lx seen at tho opera houso hereon
next Tliursdnv 1.1,0,1 ia ;.,
drama In which tho several elements
. nuccwsriii dramatic pi-oduetlons
"" "" wno-aiuiiulroltb- handled.
U author, CT. D.uey, whoo com
panlon play -m Old Kentucky," ,W1
iKou the greatest sumiss In a
decade, has furnlhlin.i ,. tn .......
and. jovel intent. enilwlllshingw,
btrlkliiir luudoiiu. ....1.
witlons and sustalneddramatle vigor,
lhoaeton of the piece Is largely ,
son, Grace Vandervort, Gertrude Pot
ter, iiabel Harrington, Lydla Van
dervort, and Anna Irvine; Messrs.
Win. Matthews, Carl Khrot, Geo. Cal
llson, Hoy Burton, Chester Hodges,
Geo. Aschonbrennor, Ilolnnd JIat
thews, Hay Parvln, Dick Vandervort,
Sam Aschenbrenner. Oscar lllnlr.
Chester Parvln, Mr. Coomer. Hownni
and Earl Sharp, Mrs. A. A. Burton
and Jlrs. It. B. Conover, Mr. and Mrs.
.Major Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. .T. B.
When a person begins to grow thin
there Is something wrong. Tho
waste Is greater than tlio supply nnd
Is only u question oftlmo when
tho end must come.
In nine cases out or ten tho trouble
Is with tho digest I vo organs. If you
can restoro them to a healthy condi
tion you will stop tho waste, put on
. uj-nii mm caiiso mem to reel
better In every way. The food thr
eat will lie digested and appropriated
to the needs of tho system, nnd a
normal appetito will appear.
Consumption frequently follows a
wnstlng of bodily tissues becnuse
nearly al consumptives have Indi
gestion. Tho Shaker Digestive Cor-
in,.i.i,n ro?.t.(lro .th0 Kt'ncli ton
healthy condition In a vast majority
or cases. Get one or their books from
j ii iiniggsi aim lear about this new
friends nnd bo sure to come votirsoir
Mr. Tripp Is an experienced speaker.
Hohas delivered over two tlinusnn,i
addresses, spoken In eighteen states
and territories on the tenmnmimn
question, is an ex-editor, elomitinniaf.
and nuthor, and comes to tills locality
wen rccommcnucu as n zealous Chris
tian worker for God, home and native
land. ),
They have arrived at Salem in the form of
Luncn Boxes, and can be had for 15c, Large
size 20c More durable than tin pails,
The Salem
Woolen Mills Store,
P O, Grocery,
this factual, Z7..." '.a,u
has n oii!.n...i. -... .. ... .'.".r4 uiiiain
of lowly anamiiX,,l,,,l,1Iwl ''
Children Cry'
ojhor'g Cattoria.
and valuablo remedy.
When tho children need Castor Oil.
give them Lnxol,-lt Is palatable.
"" - ii
Indoor Baskhai.i. Tonwht. Tho
llnal game betweo.i the yellows and
mis will bo played at tho Y. M. O. A.
tonight. If you want to seo an excit
ing contest you should plan to attend.
Which side will win Is tho great ques
tlon, as both sides think tliev nro tbr,
sure winners. u0 sure and attend.
Admission 10 cents. Members ad
mitted five.
Deware Of Ointments for Catanh
contain Mercury.
at mercury will turely destroy the ien of
mell and completely derange the whole ays.
lem when entering it through the raucom
jurfoces Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions reputable physician,
r.i the damage they will do is ten fold to il.
good you can derive from them. Hall's
t-atanh Cure, manufadtured l.v v. i n,n...
Si Co , Toledo, p , contains no mercury, and
s taken Intrrn. IK. o.I .11. ...... '
blood and mucous surfaces of the systen. In
uuihkiibiii -iarrn uure be sun- you net
C5Solh by Druggists, price 75 cents a bot
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Frnnels. Aliirn,n ri.i-
eago, sjiys: "I regard Dr. Klne's New
Discovery as an Ideal Panncea for
last ilvp years, to tho exclusion or phy
tlons" I,rescrhu,onsorot,1er preparli-
vte l ,Bl,re8, Keokuk. Iowa,
writes: i havo been a Min stor of
the Methodist Episcopal Church for
lirty years or more, nnd have nover
found anything so beneficial, or that
ti0i v''n?"' r0110 "8 Dr,
t.i T ?, v. discovery.'
Ideal Pnni.li Tr.in,i ......
.!. i "1" VHIKMJ IIU1T
uesiree 'retiA.Li
1,000 Dozen Chickens,
What price will they pay ? The high,
est price ever oaid in SaUm. TW u Jzi
of bringing too much, as all can be taken
a r?uY must be Hvered on Feb,
3 or 4, Gall and see us,
Trv this
'Prlnl 1W-
-egg's Drug Store.
Our Patent Poultry Car will
Must have poultry by that time.
The Common People.
AsAbrtihain Lincoln called them, do
not eitaj to arguo about tholr ailments.
hat they wan is a niedloluo that will
,niUlTi-. rolHle. honest statol
uunt. "I know that Hood's Sarsana
r lla cured me." Is tho best argimient
in favor or this medicine, iiiurtl a a
what many thousands voluntarily say!
Wi eontf lHKeSt,0n' CUro
U.osiNu Out Musio Sale.-TIio
Hoy 11. Allen Co., No. 235 Comtner
t'lal street, liavlnv sub-lot their prem
isos, will vacate tho store Ju a very
few days: and In tbn mnni.i... ..
article In tho stom win 1 i.i A
about cost to save boxlug andtrans-
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Par,
kMost Perftct Made.
0?u .'ijrc30 P" bU" market firm
f6y-.Blcd, cheat, $4.Sos.ooj ,mo,hy
Hour. .In wholesale lt. a.. .......
3oo; bran, bulk 900; sackej' Voo'
Jhorts. .oou.oo? chop I'et' t
Veal..Dressed, j,
HoCs.. Dressed. 3VJ.
Live Paul .!,!
ui. ;, '
""u,,i.ive. 2.00.
Scj fancy creamery,
W00l..lJebt. I2ye.
I'CES..Cash. ice.
25c. "
Cheese., to i2c.
Onions.. 2c.
Apples. ,4oc.
toullrv lfn. - ..
nd not n 5 doVk.-r peSdoz
Baths! Bathsl Bathsl
Gotntlmivr.inlni .....
J. C. Mills, prop.
Wtoher't Castoria.
The clotliincr busi
ness in Salem durin?
the past year has, In
a general way, had its
rough sailing, But the
Woolen Mills Store
has stood like Gibral
ter and sold the most
and best goods. It's
hornexmade and all
wool goods, couoled
with square dealing,
has done that bus!
ness, and the intention
of the managers is to
put m a large stock the
coining season at
prices that will coires
pond with small ifl'
comes, and at the
same time the standi
afd of these popular
goods will be fully
kept up, and its many 'I
1 j I
inends and patrons
can rely m the future
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. on getting reliable
goods, the same as in
the past,
Leave Salem February 5
fiS'SB- ."MESS!
P.O.NEWS4 stamiS rrr- ' 4"
.. : -iiiy. iirnnnni.u 1
iSL "WffiSsSf
TArER.SPn..i"l TT 4 '2
Tacoma and San F andsco f?0' Seulf.
vi? r;, 1 ttv ..e-
" - UJ All riVAVT , - .
men of ability. $100 to Vy or ,oafers h"
busilers. Sti te .3n?J month to
nd commission. R?tae FlKSSiX
"'""c. WIS.
. . -, K
' Fire Engine Co.,
f" n 11
mationfromth.'3.'",.1 nevspiper info.
country from he iK..,."?.,,te.te.Mt and
iH2UfU2Li!lWomnB 3S
S.,0L00d hotel
Will sell V:T'.cou
iraue lor good hotol rr' vu.casy terms, or
at ths office ffi J' B P3"'"18" inquire
' ' 1 3 im"
Dealer in croeeriW oalnts. oik
window glass, varnishes, and
uie most complete stoce 01
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists materials, lintt
hair. CCmint nnrl cliJnolcS. 31W
finest quality of crass seeds.
W. F, R. SMITH & CO,
(Successors to Smith & Schindler,)
General Blacksmiths.
, I3?Horseshoelng a specialty. New sbo
full set, $1.50. Only the best woik done.
Job work a specialty, Price the lowet-
j, h;.vhaas,
Makes a specialty of fin; repair work. ScA
Thomas clocks, etc.. sis CommercUl Stt.