Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 30, 1896, Image 4

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Baity Capital Jouma
TH.URSDAY, JAN. 30, 1800.
Social and Fraternal
Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6145 a. m. 9:00 a. m.
Salem, 7145 a, m, 10115 "
Independence, 6:30 a, tit, 6o a m,
E9"Frc!ghl received up 10 to p. m.EJ
C ck time, regular ervlce and cheap
... rate ,..
Agent, Salem,
, Band ' ,
Reed's Opera House
Wedesday, Feb, 19th,
The advance sale will be
opened shortly, Kindly put
your name on the subscription
list, Subscribers will liavc the
first choice of scats,
Reserved scats, SI and 1.50.
Local Managers for Sousa's
Concert Band.
K. C. Olltncr loft tills afternoon for
Dr.W. A. Ciislck wont to Albany
Mil morning.
b'd.ilro Kurrnr went to Wnmllitirn
tills afternoon.
At. E. I'oKtiu roturiietl today front a
trip to Marlon.
.I.C. Kletclior, of McCoy, was ap
pointed notary today.
Honry LiiiikiIsIii tlut city, having
como tip from Portland today.
Adjutant-Oencral II. II. Tnttlccnmo
up from Portland tills morning.
T. J. Kulllvan, tlio tailor, removed
ton uuwstoro on Ktato street, noxt
door to Cook Ilros. bccoimI IiiuhI store.
H. 1. Young, .). II. Williams mid
Win. Carlton, of Calhoun t'ounty,
Town, liuvo arrived In tliocltynnd
will make tliolr future homes In Ore
Ron. (loo. 1. .Sargent, Into secretary of
, tho stato board of horticulture, wan
In the city today. He Is now a mem.
her of tho David M. l)inuio& Co. tlrm
of rortlmul, who haiidlo horticultural
City j.i:vy.-TIio city council will
linvo to hold a brief session right
nway to levy tho city tax. Tho levy
will protiably bo only olght mills.
Ihls may leave a small dellclt, but It
will form tho basis of readjustment of
salaries and oxponses next year. At
nil events a light levy with oven n tie-
hoii. is proreraoio to high taxes this
year. Tlio big Items of city cxtxjiises
aro SOO0 intcrost and WOQO lights.
A PiioiMtiHTOic A mlrcw Hansen
ba iKjiiKht tho Iluflli Interest In the
Clturohlll sjtsh mid door factory, mid
talMii n placo thei-o as an netlvo work
liiK imiprlotcir. Mr. Hanson Is one of
o.num most competent machine
wotx workers, havhiK' lxon with Ira
Krb for olKht years.
Dihtmiot F.uit.- Tho Eastern Ore
gtm fnlr roimrt tiled today shows m
lbUl.a. p iid out ftir expends. There
Is H report of gaiu receipts.
tQrv &. i in jjip-R
From Live Dry Goods PcopC.
We start out on the year I8xi to fn
ever beforo. ( " ? " "
Rive Mfuruotiw, n ur mSm b
ww i"l IlllVOrrUfUiinnl i:""
tti . li,,,! 1.. 't'H(
im KiKMhiy or W(iin
VV L-tum
lfc HINHIS, tun
from us. j on dnn'i ,avo to tmv .i.i,
lr cus to cover other im i $ 'ft
uv visu iirv m.uuij rii.i.i... -.::. .
tw HaiiiA ' ' . -",""lKHUU
I lew of
Iii that oldest of nil histories tlio
bible woman stands out prominently
In Mm nrwnaalnn nf rOmmntnrS. lltld
Sarah, Ruth, Esther, Delilah and the
Marys are the Incnrnntlons of all the
varied passions that move the world.
Thn wnmrn (iftlin tircscnt time arc
nnv na vtt. mnkliitr their hlstorv.
Tlio mother of Washington and the
heroines of Lexington will be better
remembered In tho centuries to come
than they arc now. It was a woman
that put heart Into the weary soldiers
with the grandest wnr song over writ
ten. It was n woman's taste In built
in? thnt, envo im the clorlous stars nnd
strlpcs,nnd It was for women, mothers,
wives. Hlstnra nnd invent hearts that
-""'I w-
these same soldiers sang, nnd singing
died. I believe that Intelligence nnd
a senso of freedom nnd equality with
men docs not unlit a woman for the
cares of home and children; rather
that rontact with the world of
thought and action widens her sym
pathies and strengthens her Judgment.
And her Inlluenco with her sons and
diitnrhtcrs us thev ltow tin Is ten fold
greater than that of the old fashioned
mother, hue may be less conlldlng,
less cIIiil'Iiil'. but mote kuowlin?. Let
us educate our daughters not only to
love, honor and obey)?) their husbands
but to have other alms in life than
the timid, yielding, old fashioned
mother to whom n frown was as a
blow, while a enm word saddened her
for a weelr. Marriage need not
necessarily lie a failure. Like
every high condition It Is dltll-
culL of attainment; but It is ho
line in Us perfection that one success
compensates for nmiir noii-sticeossns.
A woman's soul nnd mind must reach
out nnd bean Inspiration to Iter bus-
band. Learn something of his affairs;
Interest yourself In his work. AVhnt
you don't possess, cultivate. A hus
band soon ccase9 to caro very much
for a wlfo who Is mentally greatly
hla Inferior. Thackcry says. "Love Is
Immeasurably above all ambition
more precious than wealth, more
noblo than nnmc. Ho knows not llfo
who knows not that; he hath not felt
tho slightest faculty of the soul who
hath not enjoyed It." While I ho
new woman asks, "is lovu nlim,.
worth living for worth dying for? "
is 11 mo only satisfying Kltml we
can grasp among the shifting
shadows of our brief existence?
Ill Its various llliases nml
different workings Is It after ill tho
brightest radiance known In the
struggling darkness of our lives?
And does lovo ulways satisfy? Men
mill iiicir pay for 1 v inr In wi-inm
ways. Hope- may llo to them.but thoy
always bollove hor, nevertheless. The
better things to come of which she
tolls nil men become Indeed the sub
stance of the thing desired; that
Is, expectation Is a constant Joy and
Inspiration. The pay for this day's
trouble and toll Is in tho reward
which Is expected tomorrow. That
reward may never come but the hope
remains, and so long as that remains,
and so long as that lives It pays them
to live that thev innv nniu-n ........
and command tho power tliatmoney
brings. Ifatruthltlstht "man's
nu m ii ins tiro a thing apart," why
should It bo "woman's whole exist
ence?" To what enormous toll nnd
sacrllicos the love and pursuit of
money urge a great multitude of men
until thoy becoino so absorbed In the
oxcltlngstrugglousto nlniost forgot
tho thlnu's that wnm nimn c.. .1 ...
,. " . "w "' "" nu.ll ill
ilium: or nt least forirnt, ini.in.
bum to words or acts that mean so
inuch to our own, given us to bo good
p. Often times they loVO dearly, yet
mo n stlnBy, msorly Hfo , ,
o their richest Inwartl tmtst.ros,
whoiin few wonls or deeds expressive
of this love would make them both so
much happier. And ,m
so weak, so heljiloss, ooself-sacrlllolng,
.H.....K.iMrong anil steady arm to
lea., upon, it is vry dinieulc for
cither man or w)an to go on boliov
"g In a lovo that never takus hoed
foi he object loved. The greatest
loroUnU have ever found In human
mturo has been In the II vest.f ,,..
I ho man who risks hu ,,. u,.. .. '
rosotio some drawniiiir ..... i
w brave as many H wife who endures
" H.cct. iiHiure.vi.ee, and uvondlslov-'
alti frtiiu ono who has sworn to Ik her '
Protector; nnd ,ts thmugh long,
''"oy tnonlngs at home, looks allm
"""i'""i oniinno eyes, and turns
wo .' V1"? " mm r to tho
mlddlo aJo. hZ :..r...ra,,!MI
IHUL-.I nf ... ;"".."" .'"" "v 'K'Ilt
" "iiiiiiy iiro if WMnniv
uimii. or., January no. isw.
and Miss Watklnds.who Is an accomp
lished elocutionist and musician, was
assisted by some of our best musicians
la an able manner. A program con
sisting of the following numbers was
rendered: Piano 6olo, "Tho Palms,"
Miss Watklnds; rccItatlon'Tho Bald
headed Man," Miss Wntklnds; piano
solo, "Valsc Urllllant," Miss May
Tilson; recitation, ,'Tho Witch of
Wenhain"' Miss Wntklndsjvocal solo,
"Mold of the Mill." Miss Huelat: rec
itation, "The going Man," Miss Wat
klnds; piano solo, "Till We Meet
Again," Miss Watklpds; vocal solo,
"Once In n Purple Twilight," Air.
A special meeting of the parish of
St. Paul's Episcopal Church will bo
held in the Guild room this. Thurs
day, evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp, to
which nil communicants of the parish
and the friends of the church are
cordially invited. The business of
tho meeting will be to make arrange
ments, If possible, to secure tho ser
vices of a rector, nnd It Is to bo hoped
thnt all will show their Interest In the
matter by being present on this occa
sion. The ladles of the Gu d will
prepare light refreshments, and a
pleasant social occasion Is assured.
Let all who feel an Interest In the
church be sure to attend.
Ten among the leading society
ladles of Salem have organized a bowl
ing club, and once each week meet at
the bowling alley on Commercial
street to Indulge In the Interesting
nnd decldcdlv benellcnl everp.lsi.
They enter Into tho snort with much
enthusiasm, and it Is a pleasant sight
torfsco theirlithennd graceful forms as
the balls arc sent rolling down the
alleys. Those composing the mem
bership of this club arc: Airs. I. L.
Patterson, Airs. E. II. Philbrook, Airs.
Hugh Thompson, Airs. P.. P.Boise Jr.,
Airs. Henry Alyers, Allsscs Ethel and
Fay Thompson nml .Icsslo Brcymun.
Tlio club met and practiced this
afternoon. It would be a line exer
cise for many women, nnd It Is to bo
Hoped that other clubs will form.
adopting an unrestricted style of dress
for tlio occasion, and nrartlc ncr nt
least once- a week.
Four Mills Voted nt the Annual School
Tho annual school meeting of tho
taxpayers of school district jSo. 21 was
held at the council chamber Wcdnes-
flnv nvnnlnrr with "Hr. W. TI Ttvrtl.
president of the board of directors, In
mo cnair. There were nenny iorty
rcnrctcntntlve citizens nreserit aside
from thn lmnirl of illrnetms.
School Clerk Scott Bozorth rend the
report nnd recommendations published
In Tun Jouknal. John Q. Wilson
moved that the report of tho directors
be approved and that it. levy of four
mills be made for the ensuing year.
The motion was seconded by Eugene
Ilermnn Pohle expressed a fear that
the proposed levy would not be
sufllclent nnd moved to amend by
making It live mills.
President Byrd explained that the
district Indebtedness had been cut
down on a six-mill levy, but under a
four-mill levy he thought no reduc
tions of existing debt could be made,
though ho thought the district busi
ness could be carried on wlthoutcreat
Incr further Indebtedness.
Air. Pohle's motion was not seconded
and the original motion was carried
After a vote of thanks to the cltv
authorities for the use of the council
clinmber the meeting ndjouriipd.
ClilcaRu Jn. 30. Wheat, cah 03jc.
New York, Tan. 30. Silver, 65$c;ead,
3 3-
Kan Franclico. Jan 30, Wheat, 1.12
Wmil . . Orrron. .choice, (rtlioe: Inferior
8c, valley, 9 tic.
uops yuotaDie at 4(&uc.
Potatoes 50 to Soc per tack.
Oils-Milling. .W85. . .-
Portland. Jan. 30.-WI1e.it valley, 63
Walla Walla, 6o.
Flour Portland, $3; Denton county
V. craliam. $2.20: auncrhnc, S2.K per bbl
. grey,
2.IC ncr I
Uats-White, 2324c;grey, io2i;rolled,
cases, 3.75
In bags, S4.2J5 25,
4.50 7.00;
A class of ten ladles mot at the
home of Airs. Emily Philbrook on
Court street Wednesday nftnrnnnn.
gl vlngconsidcratlon toselectlons from
drowning. There are two classes
composed of a different tncmbershln.
each class meeting every two weeks.
Such gatherings aro or a very enter
taining and bcnellclal character, and
tho exatnplo of theso ladles might well
lie emulated by others, In a similar
Aliss Emily Henry returned to her
home In Salem after a short visit with
her friend,4 AIlss Anna Aldcrson.
C. Travcr and family nro home.
after a brief visit at Allnto.
Airs. Butler, who has been sick for
aliout two week's, Is reported worse
this morning, and fears aro enter
tained for hor her recovery.
Airs. Rents, of Salem, has been vis
iting friends In Aumsville for tho nnst
fow days.
John Bolxrtbon has ntruln cone to
work tor Juke Hcllebower.
The MoKlnley club held a very en
thusiastic meetlntr last Snhirdnv
afternoon. They elected ofilcers for the
ensuing year, also six delegates to at
tend tho moot ncr of Benubllcnn Clulm
at Portland February 4th. The fol
lowing arc tho names of thn miicnra
elected: Ed. T. Judd president; G. B.
Cornelius and F. L. Pound vice presi
dent; I). W. Smith secretary. Tho
delegates to Portland wore 11. t
Judd, H.C. Partcr, Abner Lewis. II.
A. Keen, Chas. Vnnevso. nnd O. n
Cornelius. The club Is in a veyr
healthy and growing condition.
Potatoes.. New Oregon, 305oc per sack.
tiay.,uooa, 5.50550 per ton.
Wonl..Vallev. otaltec: Kastern Oreeon.
iMillstufls. .Uran, SU.5012.50; shorts,$t2
t3;chopfccil,i2Is per ton; rve, Socperc.
HideH.. green, halted Co lbs 5c; under
Co lb 44c; sheep pelts, lo7ou.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 5c, according to qual.
Iluttcr.. Oregon fancy creamery, 4045;
fancy dairy, 35; fair to good, 3o35;
common, 17c.
Chcrsc .Oregon full cream, I2l2c,
Hfi'. .Orci'on. IC ner dnt.
Poultry.. Chickens, 250 per doz ;
ducks, $5.oo6; ceesc. J6.oo7.oo; tur
keys, otec: dressed, Ilt2c.
Keel.. Topsleers, 22 3.5c per lb; fair
to cood steers. 2lfnl2 t ce: cows. zVtrhii.i".
drensed beef, j5jic.
Mutton.. Iicsc beef, 2.oo2.25l choice
ewes, l. total 2. oe: dressed. 4c.
I log' Choice, heavy, $3 oe3.4o: lieht
Watch this space foi? further annouacc,
and ccders; $2 75; dressed. 4c ier Id.
u ..t . '- .. '- .
veai,. sm.111, cnoicc, ifejioc; large, 3(o4c
5. M. & E. h. STOCK
257 Commercial street
MHyji'j'Hm.'-iiijii 1
ncr lb
Wheat. .53c per bu., market firm.
Oats .17c.
Ilav .Dated, cheat. SA.tcfihc.nm ilmmhu
$6 50: ' """
Hour.. In wholesale lots, 2.85; retail,
3 00; bran, bulk 9.00; sacked, 12 00;
short, 11.00(512.00; chop feed, 12.00
Veal..Drcsscd, 4.
tiotfs.. Dressed, y
uve LattlcHifn
Shcct..Livc. 2 00.
oI.,1!cbL 2c.
Hon.. Besil atmtc.
I''ggs..Cash. 15c.
huttcr..IVst dairv. Kc: hacv ciunwn
2Sc .-.-. - ,
Cheese.. ioi2i:c.
I-nnn SmokcU Mean. . 15ac-i,
iii'1; siiouluers, 7c.
Potatoes,. 20c per bu,
Onions, ,2c.
OPERA HOUSE j Third and last Week of. I OPERA HOIlcn
Stock 2 Company,
- .!VI?
, "J-Jrt hsm
" " " m" w
"Unclefs Darling'
SiS f SS
1 he same pleasing pnee of admission, ' 10c, 20 and 30c
Beserved seats at Pat ton's Bros.' bookstoro without extra charge.
Ten Beautiful Presents Given Away Every Night Tliis Week
and Twenty on Saturday Night
The Salem
Woolen Mills Store,
Airs John Allnto Is home from Portland.
.Miss Komi Woodruff returned yes
tcrday from a short visit In Portland.
AIlss Hello Orllllu went to
this afternoon, to remain several days
AIlss Clara Churchill rnrnrm.ii
In tjh: PouNn.-Threo Jersey cows,
belonging to E. V. Ryder, residing m,
the corner of Oak and Broadway
streets, North Salem, were impounded
Wednesday. They wandered Insldo
tho city limits and shortly jifrflrivnwio
tho police onlcers rounded them up.
Mr. Ryder released them hvnnvin
Portland tlio necessary fee.
TlP nrd-i-rr Ut.l
Full assortment home packed fruit in half, Jjff in,Salem f"
l Tile oast veat hac. in
gallon jars, 30c a jar, Best thing on
the market for the money,
Thk Nkw Yokic Rnckct IsolferlnL'
Woodbum today aftora short visit at i ,uls of ossamors and ninckln
homo. toshes nt a irreat reduction t ninc
Airs. E.M. Laroro went to Jefferson
today to visit her urnndtiiirnntii. Mi
ami Airs. Walters.
Airs. F. . Alexander returned to
her home U. Eugene today, after a
short visit In Salem.
The Now York Rneknt, lw m.i..
twelve line, all wool. inmiiiii,iin..
suits for Indies In stock. Prlco $2.:i5.
Will close out balance for $1.75. ,io-2t
Sousa as tin Adapter nnd Arranger.
Prom the St. Louis Pott.Dlspatch.J
"I think Lender Sousa has tho
greatest faculty of any band leader I
iiavoever seen for adapting all kinds
of mush to S i,rasH Wtrmcut,"
wild a local nuisledealerand composer
but lght. "lonce heart! Sousa and
Count Lolll. Minn. s,iipiiiu i...,i
dlxcusslng an old opera, tho elections
i iwncuwcro nil tin? time played on
string Instriiinenls. The Count did
not think Soumi could make usoofn
certain election on this account.
whei-euiKintho grout leader responded
lm.ghl.igly: -Why, this band can
llay anything." Truer words never
were spoken. It makes nodllTerence
..,,wr i no original Is a death march
at ou a transformation takes place,
which makes It ixrf.,.n,. ...i
bjjMlMiu! t This Is a great art. am
few lHissess It to the extent that Mr.
out this line. Children's gossamers as
low as 80 cents, nnd $1 with capo and
hood; also ladles' mackintoshes as low
as $2; a good gossamer $1.25. All
higher priced mackintoshes fnrinfiic
nnd gents, at a greater reduction In
proportion. Call and snvo money.
Baths! Baths! Baths!
fn?r?il0Pi,eiW)pce,,n.hl.batl18' S,X batW
rorsi. Children's hrinrtinr ,,n,in
nt n.... IE :1 . "'"'" "."IV.I
1 i m ill
years of age.M cents.
I-Mm J. C. AIills, Prop.
.!?.?" ..u MW,V "Wit liv AliLl
iAknv HoM.-Tl.roo weeks ago
laM Alo.ulay, i)r.s. CartwrKht m.d
Mott porformod .-. ..M i ..!. ..""
J-; Mart.., Montzou, of awlla ?vl
Ihooase necessitating theoiwratlon
was ,,,, nl)SCW!i on tl() Bll(n1(Jcr
..... ll3Sum..ssruiiy treated. Tho
J h " au so rar recovered that
no was taken homo today. AV. h
iX.wnlug. the liveryman, kindly VrZ
vldodarlgnud Alfred Sauvaln S.
ere, his services. Whll fn Sale
Mr. Alorltzou was quurtored with m"
Sa.miln.Sr.. In East Salem.
LWBUK AI. E. Dun., r... . .
wrvloo this evening. niv. 5 " I
"ryan will imprint. 1,
To Water Consumers; The
mams and hvdMntc r.n u
flushed out in general tomor
row, Jan. 31. Consumers on
laterals from Centre st. will
govern themselves accordingly
as part of the time there will k
no water in those pipes.
Supt, Salem Water Co.
UUOl OZCIl lnriloa linn ,,11 ...l
,,,., . u "" ""u'l tUIII-
ulnatlon suits ii . iiu, v. v i.
Backet. Will sell at 9i.?s tn ,.wv
out. nn .
1,000 Dozen Chickens.
What price will thev oav ? Th uiu .
est price ever paid in Salem, Don't be afraid
bringing too much, as all can be taken
3 o; 4 r mUSt be deIivefed on Feb-
or 1, Lall and see us,
k,.. Patc P?u1 Car will
lL'gXg. poultry by that time.
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair
Medal, Al.JwInter Pnlr.
Vuk? ft H
vMost Pwftrt Mde.
Apples 40c.
luuiirv rnn f - i.
---.y . .ik. kV; lUCSICn "I Kn n.. .1 - -
A Painful Accident, -Yesterday
t noon, ns Mrs. 3f. j. Lottrltz book,
keeper for the Salem Flo, rI n MHU
;vs walking on Ferry ht eel a o I
??ki". l,l8lvalk broke e -
bru Bcdnndscmtohal and her nnklo
badly sprained. It will b j paS 1
injury for somo time.
CiUEATHEnrrrypinvr - ...... .
Wlntnr .,.!... ".rt y ' u" KUldSOf
en. ,;;; .v.""?r,w um w or
-....,... h.U)US, overcoats, wool swWa
"d stockings at tho Now York
Racket. Wo want to close out thest
Call and save money. diwlt
A SlMPT.K Pnrvnr.,.. ....
1... .. v-. -1I0W
" no iiniintitii
Leave Salem February
.. i au-5iiuatlon by a Elrl to dn ,n. i
housework. AddIv or Vn,gn"J?.u.0 Bepel
Sale -. ".. wi, somi,
WANTKH-a i,...: "
A WOMAN-Wt.K i..u ..": 28 ''-
"- ijiiiir n vak . . -
the past year has, in
a general way, had its
rough sailing, But the
Woolen Mills Store
has stood like Gibral
ter and sold the most
and best oods, It's
homemade and aU
wool goods, coupled
with square dealing
has done that busk
ness, and the intention
of the managers is to
put in a large stock the
coaling season at
prices that will corres'
pond with small in
comes, and at the
same time the standi
ard of these popular
goods will be fullv
kept up, and its manv
friends and patrons
can rely in the future
on getting reliable
goods, the same' as in
the past
tlal .. ... ' :i"
acriminn. ." r! " "H-itra ot the coaxt. Sk
-..r..w... u'Kcn lor the W..I.I.. r, ' : -
k of clears n,l rZZlL """Plner.
"- -iCWllUI
Fine stivl-
Miller. Proj,
confectionery," p, y
14 im"
van I An
msiuin.ln.l. ..
your suppiios of Ar,.n,.n ,,-. liUy
. ,uo1 tll0
Court street grocers.
nrnK irr.l..i ..
Tacoma and San lWnrff men,0 Seattle.
Miller', r,officebTockCOpaPef,onle a!
WE DONnTiwiv, ..
men of ability, ttoa ' iViS? or ,oafe but
nusiiers. State and PenenU raomh
and commti V: BeDel aents. s,i...
nd commission.
Micine, WjS
-"Kine Co.,
E2K.?. ?ourc77ZZ
aitaftS SKSrS newtpr 1f":
countrir fm lrre.r'h State. eW .i
fAII.. tt.. ... UIIDDin ll
' ' VBM WOCk. rbrtlnS ""'""l
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the niOSt rftmr1it etnne- ftf
brushes of all kinds in the
State, Artists' mnt'atc lime.
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
W. F. R. SMITH & CO,
iSllCrntCnrt r Om!L P. C?.Uf..ll
-..w-wi, iu 4JUIUU 4X OCJIIIIU1CI,
taeral Blacksmiths.-
KrI-TnrcirtI ... -t L...
flirie tie nBi specialty. iMewsiiua
job work a specialty. Price the lowest.
J. H. HY4b'r
WATCH MA VPt AMr. inrociDD
iaUaf Ti,!.keVcWVoffi,wpI' work. Seth
aotf Thomas clocks, eta.r" 3.J Commtrdsl Street,
A yu