Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 30, 1896, Image 1

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    ,f I
VOL. 8.
Reliable Sbo?s
n tiwit
We sell shoes that fit and wear well.
Bought for cash and sold for cash, That's
why we save you money,
X No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices. X
Hat dwafe, Tinware, Barbed Wife
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryfat
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment.
.v Can save you money on Underwear, .
hosiery, boysf clothing, table linen,
overalls, gloves, tinware Keep your
eye on THE FAIR,
r r r r
of the Willamette University.
Modern methods. ;Up to date. Same as In the eastern and European Conservatories
tNone but the best is cood enounh for beginners aB well as for mere advanced pupils,
W. C. 1IAWLEV. President
R. A HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLKR, Instrumental Director.
Now that we are located in our nev quarters we
announce ourselves ready for business, and by
the way we would have you understand we
mean business when we say that
This Stock Is to Be Closed Out,
and that right soon. So come while our assort '
ment is complete. You will find us in No. 115
State street, next to Gray Bros.
s v
MkV "
Agent Mortgagee,
No Vote on Silver Bill Until
Shows Up the True Situation On
the Subject.
Denvrq, Jan. 30. A special to tho
Times from Washington sayH a vote
on tho free coinage bill will probably
not be reached in the senate today,
notwithstanding Senator Jones gave
notice that he will ask the senato to
sit until tho vote is taken, even
though it is not taken all night. Tho
vote will probably be reached to-morrow
or Saturday. There Is little doubt
but the bill will pass the senate,
though by a slim majority, probably
not to exceed three, or at most five.
There are certnln senators on both
the Republican and Democratic sides
who make propositions favorable to
silver, who will ily tho track when tho
test comes. These Include Squlro of
Washington, McBridc of Oregon,
Thurston, of Nebraska, Baker of
Kansas, and Faulkner, Mills and
Gordon, Democrats. The margin is
so close as to render silver men un
Washington, Jan. 30. Mitchell, of
Oregon, today addressed tho senato on
the bond bill. Mitchell said that the
question presented was whether It
was necessary to Increaso the bonded
indebtedness to maintain tho gold
standard, or by a greater issue of
silver, to restore It to Its primary
place as money of tho constitution.
Mitchell pointed out that our foreign
indebtedness during tho past 25
years had greatly increased. "There
nrc in my judgment two remedies to
bo applied, viz: first, our shipping
laws must be amended, our merchant
.marine must be encouraged and built
up and wo must become our own car
riers. And, second, we must legislate
to increase tho value of our export
commodities, so as to enable us to
meet, reduce, and, if possible, wipe
out the debt which today makes tho
people of this country virtually slaves
to the money lenders of Great Britain.
Wo must reduce our expenses, and
instead of Issuing now bonds, stop
incurring obligations abroad, and in
crease, if possible, tho value of our
commodities, including silver, with
which to meet this indebtedness."
As to the bond bill as it camo from
tho house, ho said, "I decline to give
further authority to tho secretary of
tho treasury to issue additional bonds
in time of peace. lam unwilling un
der any plea of necessity, to aid tho
party to which I belong in doing that
which as a party It has emphatic
ally condemned in others."
Jackson Populist.
Jacksonville, Jan. 30. Tho Popu
lists, who were successful at tho last
election, are divided upon tho ques
tion of taxing railroad property in
this county. Unless tho division can
be united, which now seems to be im
probable, tho Republicans will almost
certainly carry tho county. Tho con
servative element in tho Populist
party has found it Impossible to meet
the unreasonable demands of the
radicals and, should the nominations
fail to give satisfaction to the latter,
a disastrous bolt is by no means im
probable. Two Steamers Launched.
New Poirr News, Va. Jan. 30.
The ''Grand Duchess," a large mer
chant ship, and tho warship "Helena"
were successfully launched hero todoy.
Thm U. S. Gov't ReportM
akwr Reyat Baking Pw4ke
Boat Hallway Bill. ;
Washington, Jan. 29. Senator
Mitchell Iim Introduced the following
boat- railway bill,:
"That there bo, and hereby is, ap -
proprlntedjluUf nny moneys in tho
trcasuryRotlTtherwlso appropriated,
tho Hitm of&KXW, In addition to the
amount herctoforo appropriated, for
the construction and equipment of a
boat-railway; from the foot of TholflVE PEOPLE ARE KILLED
Dalles rnplds to the head of Celllol
Falls, In Oregen: tho same to bo con
structed under tho direction of tho
secretary tlf war, In accordance
with the J-plans and spcclllca
tlonHJktrf'jJAlic engineer depart
mcntluif tlTO United States; pro
vided, that contracts may bo entered
into by tho secretary of war for such
materials and work as may be neces
sary to complete the present project
of improvement of the Columbia river
at that point by the construction of a
boat-railway, hi aforesaid, to bo paid
for as appropriations may from time
to time be matloby law, hot exceeding
In the aggregato 91,704,407, exclusive
of tho amount .herein and .heretofore
appropriated. 'J
Iftliia measure goes through it will
be:apart of the river and harbor bill,
ns must all other measures looking to
tho Improvement of waterways. Her
mann in tho hoiisc, and Mitchell, In
tho senate, have introduced hills, or
proposed amendments to the river and
harbor bill, Covering all tho Improve
ments for Oregon.
It probably gives some promlncnco
to tho Improvements to have them
presented In this way, and calls tho
attention of congress inoro directly to
thoblg projects on tho Pacific coast.
Mitchell's bill, however, will first go
to tho comtnlttco on transportation
routes to tho seaboard, where ho is
sure toworkoutra favorablo report.,
This will give tho project some stand
ing in the senate.
Tho Lato Minister to Berlin Given
High Honors,
A Beautiful Tribute to Americanism
Floral Offerings,
BERLiN,Jan. 30. Memorial services
wcro hold at noon toduy at St. Gcorgo
chapel in honor of tho lato Mr. Theo
dore Runyon, United States ambassa
dor toGermany. Seats wcro occupied
by distinguished congressmen. Tho
floral offerings Included tributes from
Emperor William, tho empress, and
ex-Empress Frcdrloka. Tho omporor,.
who was kept away by an Important
cabinet meeting, was represented by
Adjutant Count von Pussen. Tho
empress and cx-cmprcss wore repre
sented by high court otliclals. Prlnco
Fredrick Leopold, of Prussia, was
present. Hov. Dr. Dickie's funeral
address was a touching trlbuto to
Americanism, and tho sterling vir
tues of tho deceased.
Wm. H. English is III.
Indianoi'olib, Jan. 30. William
H.English is lying seriously 111 at tho
English hotel, having luflamatory
Tuuneh Cluh. The Turner Young
Men's Republican Leaguo met lust
night and elected tho following as
delegates to the convention at Port
land, which convenes February -I:
non. E. II. Belknap, Frank Robinson,
O. P. II. Cornelius and G. W. Jones.
Tito club has a membership of 85.
Received Bounties. Mrs. A. O.
Murray was In tho city yesterday for
the purpose of claiming a bounty war
rant for four wildcat scalps. One was
killed by hcr-fatnmrhdQg, another
met death in a steel trapyjind the
thQ others were exterminated By'
means of a shot gun Chrlso Gor-
ber was paid 35 cents for squirrel and
gopher scalps.
The Poultuv Show. It Is all
over, but there Is still a good show of
chickens to be had at Salem. At reg
ular intervuls Kenworthy & Gcorgo
serve a full chicken dinner, and that
at tho usual 15-cent price.
Thrown ThT60 Hundred Foet
iin ilr aj-
lU l "'
i ,
And ManY SoriOUsly Injured-
HOLLlDAYSIIUItCt, Pcilll., .lull. 30.
Five peoplo wcro killed and many
severely injured, somo fatally, by tho
explosion of a thirty-inch cylinder
holler at the works of the Hnllldays
burg Iron & Nail company this morn
ing. Tho dead are: -George Lane,
mason; Con Evans, helper; Merrill
Treese, IB years old; two unknown
tramps lying near the furnace. Tho
boiler was blown through tho roof
three hundred foot Into tho nlr. The
explosion broke hundreds of windows
a quarter of a mile from the mill.
Tho Aurora, a Populist paper, of
Wallowa, says nonunion for Wallowa
Tho expenses of tho last circuit
court terms at Roscburg.not counting
salaries of oflkials. amounted to
It Is stated that Dr. Deltrlch con
templates Inducing a colony of Ger
mans to locato In Wasco county and
engage In tobacco culture.
An Astoria banker Is authority for
the statement that a number of bids
nro being placed by Astorlans for tho
now government 4 per cents.
Attorney General Idleman Intends
to make a careful examination of tho
opinion of tho supremo court In tho
branch asylum case, with a view to
deciding whether It will bo proper to
bring another suit.
Drunken Indians have become
numorous, nbuslvo and pugnacious of
late, says tho Pendleton Tribune.
Last Monday ono tltrow a stono
through a window of a car passing
tho Umatilla reservation. No ono
was Injured, howover.
Tho Ilutnbolt Mining Company, of
Canyon City, is engaged in running a
350- foot tunnel, which will bo com
pleted for tho spring run. Tho com
pany will work 8-hour shifts until Its
completion. There now ditch, being
dug under contract, Is about finished.
A report is current In Eugcno that
Mrs. Gcorgo M. Mllllcr, of that city,
who Is now In Chicago, has won tho
prize recently offered for tho best
poem on "Beautiful Snow." Thero
wore a number of literary peoplo who
contested for tho prize, among them
John Vanco Chcnoy.
Keep the Rascals Out.
Nobody every expected Governor
Lord to call an extraordinary session
of tho legislature, but ho probably Is
misinformed as to tho drift of public
sentiment throughout tho state. If
tho taxpayors of Oregon do not want
an extraordinary session, it Is because
they distrust tho legislature, and do
not bollova that It will do any mora
now to cut down expenses and dimin
ish tho burdens of taxation than It
did last winter. This distrust Is an
evil omen for the next election or
for such members of tho legislature us
shall bo candldatesagain. Orcgonlan,
Tho peoplo distrust tho Scott-
Slmon gang. Unfortunately, Scott
and Simon cannot Ik readied by tho
Keep tho rascals from Multnomah
county ut homo Mr. Scott, and givo
us a legislature presided over In both
houses by men who aro not under
their control, nnd wo will guarantee
you a session of tho legislature that
will keep its pledges.
Beware Of Ointments (or Catanb. that
contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the schtc of
smell and completely derange die whole sys
tem when entering it through the mucous
surfaces, Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions reputable physician,
rs the damage they will do is ten told to ih
good you can derive from them. Hull'
Catarrh Cure manufadlured by I I.Chcnrt
& Co , Toledo. O , contain no mercury, and '
lcil iiuciiiaiiy, atllllK MIICWIIJT UJur l"T
blool ami mucous surface of I he system. In
buying Hall' Catarrh Cure be sur you gt
the genuine. It is taken internally, and made
InT.'HoOMo. by F.I. Cheny&Co. Te.
timonlals free.
, E7So.h by Druggists, pr!w 75 ccnt a bo(.
I tie,
Chine Stock Company.
Tho company was mot by an un-
mually full house last night, and tho
play. "The Shadows or 11 Great City"
was very meritorious several of tho
, actors surpassing tho rendition of
former roles. Tho play tonight will
j bo "Uncle's Darling," repented by ro-
quest, nnd U for the benefit of tho
Salem hospital. The company evince
their genuroslty.and the people should
do likewise by general attendance.
Prizes will be given as usual. Tho
vote for the handsomest lady gave tho
opera glnssos to Miss IdaChllders,
who received 71, votes, Miss Lottlo
Hellcnbrand received f7, Miss Mary
Chat Held 32 and Miss Georgia Whit
tier 20. Tho prize received by the
homllcsl man pioved fo bo a small
live pig, and was gratefully (?) ao-
ccprcd by Wm. Kllnger, an Insurance
man, who made a neat s)ecch of
thanks, .los. Aiken and E. 11. Flagg
occupied third and fourth places on
the list. Thoo drawing prizes were
Mrs. W. Buck, Willlo Sheridan,
Chauncey Bishop, Freda Krecse, Max
Miller, Joe Haines, Walter Davis,
Miss Pearl Skiff, Ed. Payne, Gluts.
Ilollenbrand, Jr., tho latter getting
tho gold watch. Those whoso names
were called but wcro not present, and
tho number of the prlzo for which
they were called, aro as follews:
Arthur Dabncy, 2; Maud Flagg, 3; M.
L. MoHuliln, 4; Richard Smith, 5; F.
W. Powct, u; Sam Foster, 0;Dr. Vogel,
0;John Ford, 0;W. V. Skinner, 10.
On Saturday afternoon toys will bo
given to each and every child attend
ing the performance.
City Hall Talk.
According to tho Statesman, tho
contractors aro going ahead and com
plete tho city linll. They ha vo ordered
tho twisted Iron, cement and gravel
for tho floors, and tho material will
soon bo here. Unless tho council
takes somo action, tlioro will bo no
cessation until the work Is completed.
Thero was no economy In building it.
Thero Is no economy In occupying It
after It Is built. It will Increaso the
expenses of tho city $300 a month,
Interest and all to Unish It. But It
seems It cannot bo stopped without a
lawsuit. Tho city could not stop It
without paying contractors a blgprlco
to throw up tho contract at least
$5000. It Is a very unfortunato state
of affairs, that tho City must, at this
time, bo run $20,000 to $30,000 In debt
still farther.
What n Priest is Doing.
An actlvo W. C. T. U. woman, ono
who Is actuated by a broad and liberal
Christian spirit, handed tho following
clipping to The Journal for publi publi
cateon: "Father John Gmolnor is
loaded with work. In addition to his
duties as chaplain of tho Catholic
orphan asylum and of tho house of tho
Good Shepard, St. Paul, ho Is nn
actlvo Good Templar and Is constantly
lecturing under tho auspices of that
organization, tho prohibition partv or
tho W. O. T. U. Then, too, ho often
lectures on literary topics. "Ancient
Egypt; Its Religion and Influence on
the Peoplo of Israel, " was tho subject
of a recent lecture by him beforo tho
students and faculty of tho new Hill
Supreme Court.
Tho Nlcolla Brother Company, ap
pellant, vs. J. Kimble, respondent,
appeal from Multnomah county;
argued and submitted. A. C. Em
mons attorney for appellant and
Robert O. Wright attorney for re
John C. Matthlcscu, respondent, vs.
S. A. Arata otnl., appellant, ordered
on motion that respondent have until
March 1, 1800, to servo nnd fill n reply
Citation. W. E. Copland was
granted 11 petition today by Judge
Hubbard, appointing L. L. Rowland
guiiidlau. February 11, 10 a. m., was
set for hearing.
The Weatheh. Flno clear warm
winter weather, but no frost to speak
of. Friday rain, warmer.
Puiilio Lands. Governor Lord to
day received a draft for $1440.61 ns &
per cent on sales of public lands In
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
4ouurxv pukc
Governor Lord Says the Peo
ple Do Not Demand It,
Oregon's Executive Says It Would
Be Unprofitable.
Thoro will bo no special session of
tho legislature. Governor Lord gives
to the press the following authori
tative statement on the questien:
"Thoro will be no extra session
Thero Is no public sentiment asking
for It, nor have I any assurances, If I
should call one, that Its results
would Justify tho expense. 1 have
received numerous letters front tax
payers and Influential citizens
througout the suite, nnd, barring two
exceptions, the sentiments expressed
In such letters nro averse to an extra
session. I have also talked with
soveral mombers of tho legislature,
and received letters from somo others,
and, with ono exception, they nro nil
opposed to an extra session, or believe
that It would not bo productive of
any good. I am In rccolpt or somo
thirty papers from different nortions
of tho stato, nnd they also with tho
exception of tho Orcgonlan nnd Tele
gram and two others, express vlows
against an extra session. Taking
theso views as representative of tho
public thought In their different
localities, they Indicate that thoro is
no publlo sentiment nsklng for an
extra session, nor do thoy afford any
assurnnco that tho results of a session
would Justify its cost. Under such
circumstances, It would bo neltktr-"
wlso nor profltablo to call nn extra
session, nor shall I call ono."
Tho abovo declaration Is a distinct
victory for tho people Tho only call
canto from tho rlngstors at Portland.
Tho prlmo mover was a mero corpora
tion stnlking-horso politician who on
tho ways and meanB commlttco of the
last legislature helped load up tho bill
with all sorts of Improper and ques
tionable Items, and entered a comblno
to provont tho bill being reported to
tho house for dobato and revision us
had beon demanded by tho governor
and tho house
Thero was for a tlmo danger of
this clement headed by Bancroft
forcing a special session. But
when Bancroft's corporation bosses
saw that a special session
would result In an uprising of
tho peoplo to demand real reform
measures they pulled him off nnd
dropped tho subject like a live coal,
Fifty thousand Oregon citizens would
havo como to Salem to see that such a
spolcal session was not 11 mere politi
cal farce, or else deal with tho sham
reformers as they would deservo If
they again assembled on pretense of
relieving tho peoplo nnd proceeded ns
they did last winter to relievo them
only of their hard cash.
Governor Lord drew. the lino on tho
Portland gang and their camp-followers
over tho stato Just right. Ho said,
I will not call a special session unless
tho people demand It. Thoy soon
learned that if a people's special ses
sion wcro held It would go hard with
them, This leaves tho fight for re
form measures In tho hands of tho
people. Thoy have tho task beforo
them of electing a legislature of the
right sort.
Oiieoon IIanoinos. Soveral aro to
tako place Friday early and full re
ports will bo found in Friday's Jour
nal. Letters and telegrams poured
In on Governor Lord all day for re
prieves, but at tho hour of going to
pjess thero bud been no Interruption
with tho course of Justice, nor woro
there any indlcatlomof a likelihood
of executive clemency being displayed
Sheriff Knight has Invitations to sev
eral executions. ShorliT Sears will
assist Sheriff McForou at Albany at d
a Jouhnal roportor will bo present fit
tho execution.
Latett U.S. Gov't Report
1 r