Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 27, 1896, Image 1

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V0I '4.
HAIKM, OUMOO, MOlfty, .fAlTUAItY 27, I8.
Here if is, mama ! '
. jfji m ivy
-tfSfmAlKr M 111
are leaders in their line, and are making
some big reductions, and odds and ends and
single pair lots we. will follow the crowd
and call in at 275 Commercial street
X No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices. X
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryjat
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courtcdus treatment.
" r
, ,
overalls, gloxcs, tinwaEl Keep your .
on IHb FA1K,
3 zz y X
of the Willamette Oniversiiy,
Modern method. ;Uptodate. Same u in the eastern and Eunpcu Conservatories
None but the best is;Bood enough for ben,",e pSnt
R, A HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Innrumental Director.
It'll Be
- fl SHAME ! -
Really it will, .to let such a chance pass you for buying
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
as we wuoffcr for the next fifteen days at our
Removal Sale
as we will after Feb. 1st occupy the room at 115 State st.
a sale of afew lots or things, but
All the Clothing . -5 , X
All tit. Fiufiiehincr Goods. '
All the
Must go if it costs us
257 Commercial Street.
4ks W
The Shoe Store they
all talk about where
you can get just what
you want and do not
have to pay the two
prices either, as
- r
It isn't
Hats and Caps, X
All the Trunks and Valises.
a fortune in losses
" s
Nowspaper Commont .Upon
Chamberlain's Speech,
The Alleged Russian-Turkish Treaty
of Alliance.
London, Jim. 27. TIio Chronicle,
In nn editorial on Colonial Secretary
Chamberlain's statement in thoVenc
zueln speech at Birmingham, Katur
dny, says:
"We must regard this statement as
expressing tho deliberate conclusions
of the government, and It seems to
render arbitration In some form or
other unavoidable."
An article in another part of the
Chronicle, declares all tho recent evi
dence of reapproohoment between Eng
land and America loaves the essential
part of tho matter untouched. It
"The effects of the Increase of mu
tual kindliness are bei.HR allowed to
evaporate, and while from every point
of Europe's horizon grim anxiety and
possible peril confront us, the golden
moments for permanent peace with
America arc slipping by. If tho gov
ernment, of which Mr. Chamberlain
Is so brilliantly successful a member,
would forget minor matters and boldly
conclude on arbitration treaty with
America, tho spetaclo Mr. Chamber
lain pictured of tho two peoples rescu
ing Armenia, Instead of being an ideal,
might become within a short tlnioa
world-shaking fact."
An editorial in tho Times on the
American attitude towards Armenia,
'iTt?f,8.BHtto bo expected that Amer
ica will so far depart from tho saga'
clous principles of Washington's fare'
well message (address) as to draw tho
sword In behalf . of tho Armenians.
Dub the American pcoplo nro tho only
people, except ourselves, not pcrhops
wholly incapable of making war in be
half of the oppressed without regard
to national Interests."
The Times, In another artlcal, says:
"It seems unlikely that Russia has
done more than establish good rela
tions with Turkey on an understand
ing that sho shall bo no party toother
than platonlc remonstrances over the
Armenian grievances."
Tho Standard, In an editorial,
thinks Mr. Chamberlain's views of
American feeling arc rather optimis
tic. It says:
"Wo may bo pretty sure that, If tho
United States wanted to pick a quar
rel with us, they would soon devise
somo interpretation of tho Monroe
doctrine that would have tho desired
effect. Our best guarantee of peace Is
tho consciousness In both countries of
the horrible misery and losses which a
conflict would Involve."
London, Jan. 27. Tho Dally News
states that when Sir Philip Currlo,
British ambassador at Constantinople
presented the queen's letter to the
sultan, he and his dragoman were
kept waiting In a cold room without
overcoats for nearly n hour. As a
jesult both caught violent colds. It
is reported that Sir Philip was dlwrnt.
isfled with the Interview
Constantinople, Jan. 27. In re
sponse to the representations made by
the Hon. W. A. Terrell, United States
minister, tho porte consents to per
mit any one whom Mr. Terrell, rec
ommends to distribute In Anatolia,
wlthont distinction of race or religion
the funds subscribed In America for
The a S. ClOV't Reports
$k ICynl frkimz lWt
fJ; mU .
Preparation for HfdK Execution Will
Not De, beUyed bV tho Appeal.
Notwlthilandliiifjtuo appeal of tho
Lloyd Montgomcryiiiflirder case to tho
supremo court, Shorlff McFcron Is
going; forward wliii.All the necessary
ftrrangcmf'htd for the' exeout loti next
Friday, tho date not,5 by Judge Bur
nett. Being armed w.ith the warrant
for execution, ho catl only carry out
Its directions tiniest; Judge Burnett or
tho supreme court udders a stay of
execution. This May possibly bo
granted, but owing to the late date of
tho (.'ointiidnccntcnt jof the appeal
there Is cohsldernbledoubt about It.
In tho meantime Sheriff MeFeton
has contracted with tjonn & Medics
ney for tho const rucMon of tho gallows
mid tho enclosure nttho Jail for tho
execution. Work on.the same will bo
commenced tomorrow. It will all bo
framed nt the shops jnd will not be
put in place until a tiny or two beforo
the date of tho execution. The en
closure will be 3ox40 feet, 10 feet high.
A model of the gallows and trap has
been mado, so that there can bo no
hitch lu Its working. The platform
upon which tho trap ivlll bo pullt will
bo eight feet high. Besides tho
twclvo citizens required by law to bo
present, there will be a number of
newspapor reporter, a fow doctors
and ministers, and ajfew sheriffs from
neighboring counties who are usually
invited through courtesy.
It may bo that th6 hanging will bo
postponed, but the sheriff will have
all Iho preparations mado for the exe
cution on Friday next. Tho hour will
not bo known untlll Just beforo that
Montgomery docs not appear to bo
greatly disturbed dver tho near ap
proach of tho date fixed for his death
on tho gallows. Tho sheriff says ho
cats heartily and sleeps well. No op
portunity Is offered for him to commit
suicldo if ho should desire such a
thing, as not oven a penknife is al
lowed In his cell, and a prisoner In
Jail for a minor offcuso has latejy been
In tho coll with Montgomery. Al
bany Ilcrald Sunday.
Woman Robbed.
Oregon CiTV.Ja n.20. Mrs.Osborne,
a music teacher residing in Falls
View, was assaulted near tho comer
of Madison rnd Sixth streets, Satur
day evening by a man who slipped up
behind her and struck her a heavy
blow with a club, Inflicting a wonnd
on tho head that bled freely. Tho
lady fell and mado an outcry that
brought assistance and her assailant
fled. Ills object Is supposed , to have
been robbery.
Still Aground.
Lono Branch, N. J., Jan. 27. Four
tugs made a strong effort to release
tho steamer St. Paul at high tido this
morning, but they wcro. unsuccessful.
Tho vessel lies In tho samo position as
French Meeting. There will bo
gospel meetings at the Bov. Muohl
huupt's church on cornor of Marlon
and Capital strccts,commcncing Mon
day, tho 27th, at 8 p.m., remaining all
week. Everybody Is Invited. Chris
tians come and lot our light slilno.
Elder L. P. Lardon. 27-2t
Papers Served. In tho suits of
The Puget Sound National Saving and
Loan Association vs. Chas. Mosh
berger et al., aud J. II. Stolwer vs. a,
W. Epler et al., Deputy Sheriffs Wain
and Cooper served papers Friday.
Lots of Hay. Good hay is growing
scarcer, but Brewster & White, tho
oyer-rustllng feed house, havo plenty
of tho best In tho land, and like every
thing else In their line, It is being
sold on tho closest margins.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison, of Worthlngton,
Trwi.. "Run." writes: "You havo a
valuable prescription in Electric Bit-
ters, and lean cheerfully recommend
It for Constipation and Sick Headache,
and as a general system tonic it has no
ontinl ." Mrs. Ann e Stehlc. 2025 Cot
tage Grove. Ayc., Chicago, was all run
down, could not eat nor digest food,
Had a oacKacne which never icii ucr
and felt tired and weary, but six bot-n.-..t
Dnnff ties of Electric Bitters restored her
es or n$ '
Minister Runyan Dies Sud
denly at Berlin.
Poet Campbell, of Chicago.
Dies Suddenly.
Berlin, Jan. 27. The remains of
United States Ambassador Bunyon,
who died early this morning, will bo
accorded a state funeral at tho Amer
ican church heic Wednesday. Tho
body will 1)0 embalmed and taken to
his homo at Newark, N. J. The death
resulted from heart failure. Only tho
family of tho umba&sador was present
when he passed away. Hunyon had
two previous attacks of heart failure,
but they were not considered danger
Tomeroy, Jan. 27. Jnmcs Edwin
Campbell, of Chicago, poet and story
writer, died hero Inst night. His rep
utation extends all over tho United
Russia and Turkey.
London, Jon. 20. The most start
ling political news of tho week was
the announcement. Thursday, in a
dispatch from Constantinople to tho
Pall Mall Gazette, that an offensive
and dofcnslvo alliance had been
formed between Busla and Turkey.
Truo or untrue, tho story Iuib aroused
tho keenest discussion throughout
Great Britain and tho continent, and
tho specials from different European
capitals contain admissions which
lend color to the roport. Turkey's
terrible llnanchtl plight, it Is believed,
may havo driven tho sultan Into tho
arms of Russia.
Tho Information In tho Constanti
nople dispatch to tho Pall Mall Gaz
ette la confirmed today from an excel
lent source,a letter from tho Speaker's
correspondent at Constantinople, In
which tho writer declares tho Russo
Turklsh treaty Is an actual fact,
although It doos not exist on paper.
Tho correspondent adds:
"Russia is absoluto master of tho
situation, nnd It Is believed here that
tho enormous backsheesh sent by tho
sultan to tho czar, valued at 35,000,
and including one of tho most famous
Jewels In tho imperial collection,
marks n secret treaty of alliance by
which Russia guarantees tho Integrity
of tho Ottoman empire and agrees to
assist In tho restoration of order in
Kurdistan and also In tho defonso of
tho Dardanelles
"Franco follows Russia as a blind
man follows his dog. Franco was tho
first to denounce tho treaty of Unklar
Skclcssl; now sho Is silent.
"Tho attitude of Germany Is more
despicable than Unit of France; sho Is
trying to win favor with Russia by
out-Herodlng Herod. Tho outcome of
tho Armenian dlfllciilty has been tho
triumph of Russian and the humilia
tion of Great Brltnln."-
Tho English newspapers generally
accept this view of tho dofcat of their
diplomacy. Tho Chronicle, almost
alone, views tho situation with com
placency and thinks it ought to lead
to a complete entente between Russia
nndGreat Britain on tho wholo Asiatic
question, Including Egypt.
Mitchell for Free Coinage.
Washington, Jim. 27. Rumors
havo been in circulation here for
several. days that Senator Mitchell, of
Oregon, had decided
to voto against
1 1 , ,. inncm hill Tim KAnntnr
. t,,e free coma ll10 w
says ho will voto for tho bill, and ho
says that It will bo passed wlthont
tho votes of the Utah senators.
A Snai. A tweiity-llvo dollar
lounge for bale for cost of repairing
" Court sreet.
I -T-t
Woodburn Lincoln Club.
Woodiiuun, Ore., Jan. 20. Tho
Ahrahatn Lincoln Republican Club
held a rousing meeting Saturday from
two till live and elected the following
delegates to the state convention of
tho republican clubs:
J. C. Johnson, Elmer Flnzcr, C. W.
Corby, John Dlmmlck, A. C. Hough,
M. McCnrmtek, 13. I Morcom, A. S
Autoi-fOii, II. II. Miller and J. Hard
ing; delegate at large, II. L. Barkley.
The club roll shows a membership
of 240. E. 1 Infer, of Salem, and II. L.
Barkley addressed the club.
Tho Lincoln club Is growing very
fast. Lending farmers of all parlies
say they will support men In tho Rc
publlcan party who tailored earnestly
and consistently for a new deal and
reform measures.
An Amendment to Fire Turkey's
Utah's New Senators Arc Now Al
Sworn In,
Washington, Jan. 27. In the
house today Hepburn, Republican,
of Iowa, gavo notlco of nn amendment
to tho Armenian resolution Instruct
ing tho president to give tho Turkish
minister his passport and cud all di
plomatic relations with Turkey.
Hint, tho chairman of foreign af
fairs, rebuked Hepburn for his extra
ordinary proposal to sovcr diplomacy
relations with friendly powers.
"Wo want no relation with that
murderer," replied Hepburn.
Hepburn's amendment to tho
Armenian resolution to glvo tho
Turkish minister his passports wbb
missionaries disturuers.
Boston, Jan. 27. Tho American
board has received tho following
cablegram from Constantinople, by
way of riillllpopolls, this merning:
"Turkey refuses Rev. Barnttm lcavo
to go to ErzcrOum to engage In relief
work for tho Armenians, saying that
.bnlsslonuclfliLPVOved disturbers."
Washington, Jnn. 27. Tho now
senators from Utah, Frank J. Cannon
and Arthur Brown, were sworn In to
day. South Salem Republicans.
All enthusiastic meeting of tho
South Salem iRopubllcan club was
held Saturday night at Dane's brick
store and was called to order by J.
Macy, president of tho club. Tho
principal object of this meeting was
to elect tlirco delegates to tho stato
club convention nnd tho following
wcro elected: Delegates at largo,
Fred Hurst with JolinNowsomo, Alex
Dauo as tho other two.
On motion Scott Bozorth, Fred
Hurst and Adam Ohmnrt wcro ap
pointed a committee to procuro a hall
and arrange to hold regular meetings.
J. A. Carhon arrived at tho meeting
it llttlo late, but In time to mako it
very nlco speech.
In tho absence of the regular secre
tary F. J. Macy performed these
duties. Thero wero boiuo thirty-llvo
Ropubllcnn voters present and tho
best of feeling prevailed.
MORGAN. At tho Marlon county
poflr farm, on Saturday, January
25, 1800, wm. Morgan, aged 85.
Deceased had been an Inmate for
four years and has gradutilly been
losing his physical and mental powers.
Ho was burled Sunday at Rural cem
etery by Coroner Clougli and Poor,
master Stephens.
Da thai Baths! Dathsl
Go to tho porcelain baths, six baths
for$l. Children's hair cutting, under
12 years of ogo,15 cents.
1-1-lm J. 0. Mills, Prop.
Revival Services-At Lcsllo M.
E. church each night during this
week, beginning at 7:30. Rov. 0. M.
TiHwn.i nf ITnlvnralt.v Vnrt Pnrt.lnnil. In
expected to assist tho pastor,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latet U. S. Gov't Report
A Coal Mine in, Wales pom
pletely Wrecked.
Many Bodies Recovered and More
Are Missing. "
Cardiff. Wales, Jan. 27. A terrl
blo explosion has taken place lit tho
colliery at Taylorstown. Tho shafts
wcro shattered and tho whole town
shaken, t'auslng wild excitement.
Fifty-four inlucn wcro below when
tho explosion occurred. A dozen bod
ies havo been recovered from tho col
liery, nnd twelve men nro still miss
ing, i
Later. Fifteen bodies havo been
rescued this afternoon. Forty-two
miners arc said to Iks missing in all.
J. Sloat Fassct who parts his hair
andhisnnma In tho middle, Is out In
tho wild nnd wooly west rustling the
corporation politicians to tho support
of Piatt's candidate for prcsldcnoy
Mr, Morton.
Cut Prices In Musical Oobds.
From this on tho Wiley B. Allen
Co., will mako most astounding
reductions on all kinds of musical
Instruments, including pianos and
organs. In fact everything will b
offered henceforth at tho wholesalo
prices. Now goods will arrive dally
and any article not In stock can bo
obtained from the Portland house
within 21 hours. All sheet music at
one-half off, and 10 cont music-only 'fi
cents per copy.
Bubinebs Change. Tho Farmer's
store conducted for the past few
years by J. W. Thomas, has been
bouglit back by Ben Forstnor, and
will hereafter bo conducted by him.
Mr. Forstnor la a pioneer busi
ness man of Salem, and his
many fi lends will bo glad to
see him at his old familiar stand
Mr. Thomas will start on Sunday next
for California, where ho will mako
his future home.
Special School Meeting.
Notlco Is hereby given to tho legal
voters of school district number 21
of Marlon County, Stato of Oregon,
that by order of tho Board of Direc
tors of said district mado onthooth
day of January, 1800, a special meet
ing of tho legal voters of said district
Isheroby called, and will bo held in
tho city council chamlicrs at tho
Bouthwcst cornor of Stato and Llbolty
streets in said district on tho 20th day
of January, A. D. 1800, at tho hour of
7:30 p. in. of S2ld day, for tho purpose
of levying a school tax on tho taxable
property In said district, according to
law as In such cases madoand provided.
Dated this tho 14th day of January
W.II. Byrd,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Scott Bozorth, District Clerk.
General Invitation. Tho mem
bers of tho Catholic Ladles' Social
arid Relief society hereby Invito the,
gonoroiiB nnd liberal people of Salem
to a literary nnd musical program and
oyster supper with sandwiches, coffee,
etc., at St. Joseph's hall, Chomekcta
street, near Winter, Tuesday ovenlng
next, tho 28th. Tho charge will be 2$
cents for adults and 15 cents for child
ron, payablo at tho door and tho pro
ceeds will go to replenish tho treasury
that tho chorl table work of tho society
may be continued as vigorously as pos
sible. A pleasant entertainment and
nice supper Is promised.
Yew Park Meetings, At tins
United Brethren church in Yew Park
meetings will bo held all this week,
iieirlnnlnQ- at 7:30 I). III. ROV. P. H.
Williams will conduct tho services,
tf w-'
.. . V
Agent Mortgaged