Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 25, 1896, Image 4

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    ' wr iwynijjy -pr t it!
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)o- fnar tiiiiit
Daily Capital Journal
SATURDAY, JAN. 2T, 1890.-
I wwairnr rnrrijiiiMmiiii
Altona and Famona
9:00 a.m.
tons a.m.
6 o a.m.
Portland, 645 a m.
Salem, 7145 a. m.
Independence, 6S30 a. m.
I tSTFrelght received up to 10 p. m, JJ
(? ck time, regular service and cheap
. . , raid . . .
Agent, Salem.
iMjaa uiumjini" "xssst
Sousa's Concert Band
The Finest in the World.
"I consider Konsa today tlio greatest
batulmastcr living." Maor .1. 11.
Vond, the Brent Lecture Manager.
"Lot me bear cordial testimony to
f.lio excellence or Sonsn's band, and
his masterly leadership of It." Dud
ley Huck, tho grent composer.
'Tito effects Sotisacan produce with
tils band arc wonderful." Alex Lam
bert, piano vlrtuso. and head of tho
New York College of Music.
Extracts from the Great Papcrsi
New York Herald: It Is a new sen
sation to hear Hiich music from a mil
itary band. . .
New York Tribune: Sousa's band
seems to have fairly Jumped Into pop
ular favor.
Now York Werld: In tone the pleco
was as soft and smooth as If played on
muted strings.
Now York Times: It Is simple Jus
tice to say that Sousa's Is tho best of
our concert bands.
Tho subscription list Is growing
"!lly. If you'dcMro to hear tho won
irftil band, put your name on the
. subscription list at
Pattons' Book Store
- 1 11
Phil K. Frets went to Jefferson to
day. Geo. 8. KUno returned toWoodhnrn
A. C. -Woodcock went to Eugene
Oliver .lory wami W(Kdbum visitor
A. T. Gllhcrl returned last night
from Portland.
.r. W. Wlinllcy, a Portland attorney,
came up last night.
Adjutant II, II.' Tuttlo returned to
Portland this morning.
P. II. Raymond returned last night
from a short sojourn In Portland,
Virgil Johnson, of Orison City, Is
In Snloin, having coino tip this morn-liiHT-
Prof. K. II. MoKlroy, of Eiikcuo,
passed through Salem this morning
for Portland.
II. I). Patton went to Portland this
morning where he will spend Sunday
with friends.
F. A. Plkowasa Portland passenger
thlH morning where ho will accept a
position In the custom olllce.
Mr. ltobort Catlln, or Portland, re
turned to that city this aflornoou
after 11 short sojourn In Salem.
Mrs. Sophia Scott returned to her
home In llrooks today, after n Uslt
with relatives here. Sho was accom
panied by Iter cousin, Miss Lena
Don't do It. -Don't bellovofora
,. moment you ciin'l got the Ix'st grocer
ies for the lowoM prices at. McCall
Jlroii'. Court street More. They pride
themselves that their service cannot
1 o.celled.
I'll.!. Ui. Not on politics, or wind,
but If yon waul to satisfy your appe
tite font good meal, goto the Ken
worthy & George's restaurant. The
Ixist lft cent meals In Oregon.
Tin: PitWBs.-Thars tho subject of
greatest liuciwt. HeinomlKtr, the
Van Eaton stock is closing out at
tlgures surprisingly low. Calf and bo
Big Reductions
Winter Dress Goods . .
Woolen Underwear , , .
Men's and Boys' Suits and
AH must, bo mild. Prices cut deep.
Call mid get a liargnln. Our Drew
Goods lViwrtment Is full of good
tilings. Same with our Shoo Depart
ment, Try them.
HlTow" "
Local Newa of Social and Fraternal
Miss Mario Cundlff returned from
Corvnllls todny.
Miss Corn Winters went to Brooks
this afternooon.
Mrs. Louis McCoy returned to Cot
tage drove this morning.
Mrs. Wm. Itrown Is In Portland, tho
guest of her friend, Miss OllUland.
Little Howard and Itutli Leeds went
to Turner this morning for n visit.
State Printer nnd Mrs. W. II.
Leeds arc visiting friends In the me
tropolis. Mrs. F. E. Hodgkln returned last
nlgfit from n visit with relatives in
Oregon City,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tooze returned
to Woodburn today, nftcr a short visit
with friends here.
Governor nnd Mrs. Win. P. Lord,
were passengers to Portland on the
Salem local this morning.
There will be another gaino of In
door baseball at the Y. M. C. A. to
night, between the contesting fac
tions, the yellows and reds.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dlnsmore arri
ved in the city this morning from
New York, and will visit relatives
Mrs. S. F. Clmdwlck nnd daughter
Miss Mary went to Oakland, Or., to
day for a visit with friends nnd rela
tives. Mrs. L. M. Ilaker nnd Mrs. Frank
Uaker left this morning forTacoma,
Tor a visit with relatives. They were
accompanied to Portland by Frank
Mrs. Tiros. S. Kncovcs, nco Etta
Calvert, arrived this morning rrom
Los Angeles, Cal., and will visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cal veil, I
and other relatives for a few weeks. I
The Salem Mandolln.cliib composed '
or Messis. Tlchenor, .MiiiImj, Smith. '
Ilaker, Buckingham, It lee, and Shri
ve r, went to Turner today to take
pail In social festivities there tonight.
Mrs. Helen Sotithwlck and daughter
arrived 011 the noon train from Salem
today. Mrs. Southwlek Is state
organizer rortho Woodmen Circle, the
ladles' adjunct to the AVoodmcn lodge,
nnd Is here for tho purpose of organiz
ing n circle. Tlincs-Mobntalneer.'J.'Id.
ProL Z. M, Parvln came down rrom
Albany this morning. lie reports
everything progressing nicely towards
a successful presentation or the can
tata entitled "Tho Hay Makers," to
be given In the Albany opera house,
next Friday evening, by Albany sing
ers, assisted by Miss Marguerite Alder
son, or this city.
Tho Anuoke Jans International
Union has called a meeting to be held
February -I, at their headquarters, No.
018 Jennings Avenue, Cleveland. O.
All associations of claimants against
tho Trinity Church corporation, are
earnestly requested to send delegates
;o this convention. Tho object or tho
meeting Is to consolidate nil organiza
tions, and to perfect plans for Imme
diate legal action. All Anneko Jans
heirs not members of any association,
nre urged to Join this movement at
once, as n recent law passed In Now
York Is considered as favorablo to tho
Issue. By order of tho committee.
Mrs. E. Kepler, secretary.
Another Interesting game or Indoor
imseballut tho A'. M.C. A. tonight.
Coino and cheer for your favorites.
Admission 10 cento. Meinlcrs ad
mitted five
Tho llereah Bible class, or the First
Presbyterian church, met at tho resi
dence or John Molr last evening ror 11
social time. Kach member or the
class Invited a friend and a most en
joyable time was had. The party
numbered iiIkhU thlrty-llvo all of
whom heartily engaged in a miinlier
or games. Light refreshments were
served at the proper time.
Mix. Fred Loekley, ijr., m,. y. f,
Boothhy and Mlis Lizzie MoNary
entertained the meinlws of tholr
Sunday school clnv-es at -ho ivsideiico
of Nov. A. L. Hutchison, on Cottage
street Wednesday evening. Each
lnomlwr Invited a friend mid tho
party numbered alwut fort v. Tim
evening was pleasantly spent lit
games and was brought ton pleasant
conclusion by serving a dellolous
Tho Mlltonlan literary society or
the Oregon m!ioo1 for tho blind was
ruvorcd last evening with 11 lecture
rrom Dr. AV. A. Cuslck or this city.
His subject was tho "Soloneoof Lire,"
and was one of the ablest lecture-,
over.dellvored before the society It
wasuigui) appanilated o the nt.-m-bots
and all present. This K'hool now 1
hasu larger ntteudaiico than at an
previous Unto since Its organization. '
Mr. and Mrs, Henry W. Myers en- !
ivuaiimin number of their friend
at tho residence of Mrs. George A.
E-lw' only bin lastnghLU, iwnor
of Mrs. Myers' uuest. mL .i..n..
(O'Meani.ofSJUitaHosjt. Qui,' Drive
whist wis tho chief fenturo of tho
nvonlno'd ontortalnmont, which, to
gether with social plcanntry, oauded
tho tltno to pass rnpiiuy, nu enjoying
to the utmost tho exceedingly favor -
able opportunity for plcamuu. Dt -
llclous rcfrcshmcnlH were wcrved to
the throng of about forty-llvo guests
jiresent.and It was at a'lato hour that
they regretfully retired to their
tunTiiriAV 1AUTV.
At the residence of Mr.' and Mrs. E.
F. Ncnl In North Salem, n very pleas
ant birthday party was held In cclc
bratltn of tho 13th anniversary of
Miss Millie Ncnl. Those present
were: Mrs. E. F. Ncal, Clifford Ncal,
Cora Reno, Perry Mauzey, Pearl
Black, Otto Reno, Ombra Ncal, AVill
McDonough, Nettle Hugglns, George
Crousc, Hnrold Crousc, Clinton Mc
Cormlck, Millie Ncal.
The club met ut the home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. AVm. England last Monday
night, nnd nt the close of tho games It
was found that Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G.
AVrlght hnd proven themselves deserv
Ing or the llrst prize, and Miss Jessie
Ilrcvmnn and Mr. S. C. Adams tnc
"boobies." Tho contcstnnts for the
two prizes were: Mr. and Mrs. AVm.
England, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Murphy,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M.AVnlte, Mr. Eugene
Brcyman nnd Miss Jessie Breymnn,
Mr. nnd Mrs. AV. II. Leeds, Mr. and
Mrs. J. 1). Sutherland, Mr. nnd Mrs.
John AVrlght, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D.
Onbrlelson, Mr. nnd Mrs. S.C. Adnms,
Mrs. AVhitc, ex-Governor Z. F. Moody,
nnd Judge and Mrs. C. E. AVolverton.
Mrs. Emily H. Phllbrook pleasantly
entertained a few Indies on AVednes
day afternoon, nt her home on Lib
erty Micct. Tea was served during
tho afternoon, and Sir Francis Racon
and his essay of "Truth," was tho sub
ject or general discussion. Each lady
present had something liiterestlngand
original to oirer on the subject; for
wlio has not often considered the evil
0,' the good of the social white lie?
Those present concluded b'y forming
themselves Into a class which may bo
called an Essay Class. As the success
of such a class largely depends upon u
continuous conversation upon the
topic In hand, It was thought licst to
keep the class small In number of at
tendants. Other classes or a like
character arc forming In Salem.
Tho 'residence or Mr. and Mrs.
AVcrner Brcyman was the sccno or a
very merry social gathering last
night. Singing nnd dancing formed
a pleasant variation ot tho evening's
entertainment and a magnificent
luncheon was served by the kind
hostess. Midnight hail arrived ere
tho guests were aware. Those enjoy
ing the hospitality or .Mr. and Mrs.
Breymnn were: Judge and Mrs.O. E.
AVolverton, Judge nnd Mrs It. S.
Bean, Judge and Mrs. George 11.
Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Hodgkln,
Mr. nod Mrs. G. G. Dinghum, Mr. and
Mrs. C. II. Moorcs, Judge nnd Mrs. F.
A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. P. II, Ray
mond, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. N. Moorct),
Dr. and Mrs. It. Cartwrigltt, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Walte, Mr. and Mrs. AVm.
Brown, Mrs. M. N. Chapman, Mrs.
Gllllland, or Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
J. I). Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
'P Tnl 1.111 Vim mii.i rra x -r t ..
...v....,, o. nun .uiiit yj iU. L.U
foie, Mr. and Mrs. Lot Pearce, Mr. !
and Mrs. Claud Gatch. Mr. and Mrs.
It. II. Fleming,' Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Gilbert, Miss Nora Chainbcrllu, Miss
?nu r i!wlTiVv,nkM9,w,itti.Moore I
Foot1U.,.v Cut.-Asoi, ofJ.
McDowell, living In Tolk county tlvo
miles west or Salem, met with a pain-
fill accident yesterday whllo splitting
wood. The ax u a need. -nttlmr i.i!
foot alinost tot hu Inston. A tSilm..
K ll- 1
physician was called anil
properly cared for.
the wound
When Bby wm dele, r gT ber OutorU.
Wbca Um wm i ChlM, Bho crlot for OutorU.
Wtf a khe Invanio MUa, iho clung to (utorU,
AVtca ulia had CbUJrvu, ibo gto thim Cutork.
Baths) Baths! Baths I
m Go to tho lKircelatii baths
Sttnl!X .mfw
tuning, uiuler
torsi, uuidrcn'iinalr
i years or ngo.lfi cents,
J. C. Miu.8, Prop.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Teifcct Made,
40 Year the Standard.
iwmimi " nflami
in mm sFSfiinil.
1 in 1 iiiru. 111.UUIUI11
' . ,
. GOVOmor LOfti Has U0I10 10
All Want Relief But No Political
If tliero Is a special session of the
legislature It wlllbc a people's session
or not at all.
Tho people do not wnntn session
with the old ring In the saddle and
the machine In control. That ring Is
odious. That machine lias been tried
and defeated and will not be trusted
gain with the coiient or the people.
Governor Lord Is In Portland today
to consult with leaders there, on tho
advisability or a special session. The
governor Is nfrnld ir he calls the legis
lature even for specific reforms that
they will re-apportion the slate In tho
interest of the machine, nnd pass a
charter bill that will fasten the Dolph
Scott, Simon gang upon tho stato
A special session to abolish the
railroad commission, lower tho legal
rate of Interest, reduce court expenses,
and other practical measures would
be welcome to many, but thePortlnnd
ring don't want any of these measures
that the people want.
lion. AVm. Barlow, of Clackamas
county, was In the city today ror tho
purpose of informing Governor Lord
of the action or n meeting or voters
In his precinct in regard to an extra
session. The meeting held there yes
terday was in response to the gov
ernor's expressed wish to hear from
the jwople. Tho sentiment expressed
was squarely In favor or nn extra ses
sion provided the proper restrictions
were placed upon it. A resolution was
adopted requesting tho governor to
get the pledge or each member in writ
ing for certain stated reforms, before
calling the same.
Services at 10:30 a. m., In State In
stirance hall. All welcome.
Itesular services tomorrow, 10 a. in.
11 a. m. and 7:.'!0 p. in.
I.KSMK M. i:. (.'HUltCII.
Services 10:30 a. in; preaehinir by i
pastor; Sunday school :i. p. in; scrvlccH
7:30 p. in.
In the morning at 10:30 a. in. the
pastor will deliver his annual sermon.
All members aro expected to bo pres
ent. In the evening "Tho Second
Coming of Christ" will bo the theme.
On Cottage st., .1. Bowcrsox pastor.
Preaching at 10:30 nnd 7:30 tomorrow.
Sunday shhool at 12. Endeavor bo
clety nt 0:15. Increased Interest was
"nu (lurlllB the nightly meetings nnd
they will be continued during noxt
u. n. cnuitcii.
J,relnB t 11 n. in., also7:30 p. in.
"thschooltl0a.m. and Y. P.
Iv- ut 0:30 p. m. Also tliero will bo
Zlt ?!? J1"1;
lloV 1 B' V IUIau,8 of Portland, will
lullvo hereon the 20th to aid us in
the meeting. W. Reynolds, pastor,
UNITY chuuch
Services at 10:20 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. in.
'Sunday school at 11:45; llov. W. K.
Copeland pastor; subject of sermon
Siiudny morning "Suffer Llttlo Uhll-
t (lieu to Coino to Mo." Subject of
evening lecture "Robert Hums" with
. music appropriate to tho occasion.
Y. M. C. A.
, The "Reds" will have charge of tho
meeting at 4p.m. Tho meeting will
; will bo open to both Indies nnd gentle
men, Prof. Dunn, 0r tho University,
Will Dttnnl fill -....I . . I
...... oiii-un. xnere win oo n special
,m,,9lcftl VBmm consisting of a vocal
so0( vlolln M,0 orchestral seicctlou
and vocal
selections by a trio nnd a
Hov. AV. C. Kanter. D. D.. nastor.
Preaching at 10:30 n. in; subject.
"Oiwn Doors." Sunday school nfia i
Hi.wumor Kiuieavor nt : p.m.; Y.T.S.
CivnE' ttt 0:3 p m Lcdor. "Ernest
N Ilson. Eveiiingsermon,"God,s Great
Imii-vIm a ... 1 .. . .
vmui rtn invitation to Jn n t
.tiia iw,c , .::.; .-
,-.. v , iuusiu at, nieso services,
and an Invitation to everybody. I
I Morning sorvlces at 10:30. Subject
I "Tho Ten Virgins," the last of the
. R'rles. Sunday school at 12 o'clock.
. - u.w, ji, m. X.VCI11 lg'
, bided Man." The sermon will bo fol-1
1 v. a. v. K. nt, n?an m v....i..
lowed by a Bantlsmnl
evening Ollertory
chestnt. All are cordially
iiu'mj services.
service. Tho P.o np.vv wn-n
Will be bv thoo leading daHr nVw.n-.""" fr'-'fce
Vt i nm i m wifwx
Till! MARKBT8.
Chicago, Jan. t$ -Whial h 6j y,e,
Mr.65M. . ,.. ,,,.,u.i
Kew roiK, jtn, aj. ohtm, iaw-"
j j"'
UAtJ tUANmW.'nMAKKlilTit
.. . . . 11 .j tml
iin hmclKo, Jan 35 -Wljp Mfc .
Wool..Oreoti, choice, MtSrlnfcrfor 7
8c, Wiley, 9 -
JIopi-Qnotsble t ($(,
l'ottoe so to 75c iki
OatJ-Mlinne. 8o(538j.
r tick,
I'nrtUnil. Jan 3 $.-Whet vuey, 00
Walla Walla, 55
Flonr-I'oilUml. IJ.75) I'0" couiuy,
s.ooj graluin, i Jo) itiperllnc. U per bill.
Oat-While, 3SW 6,CY iW2l'!2"t,'
In baci, 4.a?5 JS. barrcli,'" 'soj.oo',
Potalbe. .New Oicgon, fjosoc peAack.
Hay, .Good, $S S V" ton -,
AVoiil. .Vnlley, lies tfatttrn Oregon, 7oc,
Millstufli..llran, 511.5013.50; ihortt.Jti
Mjchop fced,l2l5 per ton; rye, 75 Per,c'
Hides.. gteen, wiled 60 lln 5c; under
Co lli 44c; theep pelu, lo7or.
Hop .Oregon, .jto 5c, according lo.cnm.
butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 4($45i
fancy dairy, 35; air to good, 335i
common, I7(gc.
Cheese .Oiegonfull cream, ul2c,
Ivggi .Oregon, lizopcr iku ; hattern,
Poultry.. Chickens 25 . I,cr ,,0 '
ducks .oe6; cefsci $o.ooH7oi tnr
Ie, S9c;drcsied, ioi2c.
llecf. .Topsteem. 243 3'5c per ll; fair
to ijood ttccM. iyti 3-Sc; cowi, 22c;
dresed beef, 4SXAC-
Mutton.. Pest beef, 2.oo2.2s; choice
cwri, I.5i(l2 00; dressed, 4c.
Hogs. .Choice, heavy, 3 oo3.4o; light
and eeders; $2 75: dressed, 4Vc per In.
Veal .Small, choice, 56c; large, 34C
per lb.
Wheat, ,50c per bu., market firmer.
Oats .17c.
Hay Haled, cheat, $4.5o5.oo; timothy,
$0 50
Hour .In wholesale lots 3 5! re'a"i
bran, bulk Q.oo; sacked,
II. 00 12. 00; chop feed,
Veal..Dresifd, 4VJ
Hogi..nie.sed. 3.
Live Cattle.. 1 JifnuK.
Sheep.. Live, 2.00,
Wool.. bent, iJiie.
Hops nt.' ACTS''-
Kggi.,Caih. 10,'je.
lluiter. .liiil dairy,
creamer)1. 25c
Cheese., iitf Uj,e.
Farm Snok-d .Mi . lit
In ; shoulders 71.
Potatoes. .20c per bu.
Onions, ,2c.
re i
Full assortment home packed fruit in halt-
gallon jars, 30c a jar, Best thing on
the market for the money
100 Dozen Chickens.
What price will they pay ? The higlv
est price ever paid in Salem, Don't be afraid
of bringing too much, as all can be taken
care of, Poultry must be delivered on Feb,
3 or 4, Call and see us,
Our Patent Poultry Car will
Must have poultry by that time,
Pouliry .Hen, 5c;roter$. Jl.Soperdoi
nd not wanted; ducks, "i.5o.co per doi..
turkeys, live 7c; eggs
12; cent cash.
LAUIbS-I make big wage doing pleasant
home work, ami will gladly send full partlu.
iar to 111 sending 2c stamp
Stebbins, Lawrence, Mich.
Miss M. A.
25 3tl
A WOMAN-With baby three months old
rnl,t ft S,?. wo.Beneral housework.
" t C. W. Scriber's.South S.lcm. 24tf
WANTED.-A bell-a farm bell. Drop in
formaton in Lock Box 36S, Salem 123.3"
FOR SALE Pal!,,.,, . !... .
rnai, n.. ii?::r 'i"-,n. m
,!."i.T " "i. ror sale cheap,
egct law ufr'ce' Dush blok. 22 3t
WANTED Man ami wlf- ir. t.i . -1
a comfortable house and fruit farm at Sunny'
Jlde for a term of three months or loncer and
-fLfiwyii, iuaress ,, this omce, :
1. choppers
mVllfir.. U ""w cnoppers to cut
: . omney, uf i.Uvr
iwitcd to foVTLV'wSTirr
tf m '"K.? C,B" "J confectlcaery. P. VV
u" 1 14 im-
wit iotiiTiig!glgiMtTSMfirw'w' "'' ''''.?
Close At Hand
Jfinuaty 27tli wc will commence to move (o 257
Commercial street the building now occupied by
0 W, Johnson cS Son, Our removal sale will
close on Saturday next, to take advantage of our
extremely low prices while you have an foppoiv
The Last Week, y
As this is our last wccoJn..lStatc street, wc will
offer all remnants and broken lines regardless of
Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods,
The remainder of these lines wc will close out
at half price this week, . Call before the sizes and
styles arc broken.
5. M. & E. fl. STOCK
OPERA HOUSE Grand Successful Week. OPERA HOUSE,
-r. y
Entirely New
-W- "
., Saturday,
2C Tanuarv 25, T
V,. Cc--" -- V" " W "
Ten Dollars Given Away Every Night
The srune pleating price of admission, 10c, 20 and 30c
Kescrvetl seats al Patton 's Uros.' bookstore without extra charge.
Leave Salem February 5
WE DO NOT WANT-Uoys or loafers but
men of ability. $300 to ?oo a month to
hustlers. State and general agents. Salary
and commission. Rucine Fire Engine Co ,
Racine, Wis. eoi4t
mn0fU$e'nobtai,., "epaper infor
mation from the press of the state, coast and
5T,,?U.,.'?m'he Pre" Clipping Bureau
Allen's Union Block, PortlinS. B 12 20"? '
paperi ira: 1. . L
.""PPfoBFIwfor sale cheap. Just
VBofrjmins undor " Ca'Ut
VAlilKii-rortland, Sacramento, Seattle.'
INWN?E-j N- FcrE0n, agent for
TTj Ti.' v7 iana insurance
"u UB him ute and
Accident, lisa
uoyea nit 0 hee In
.nllU .U. . . V .
Estate office, p itair, SJS
i-2 ira
gig2TrTcling XgeB't. KlWA,
horse, weighinc T about 1 iVowhlm " Y
forhead, b?and?d on UftffldS h f V'Allo
abavmarr n- ,: l... . Kr ' Also.
shoulder 1 , f
u-mt t mh.. 1
!,. 7 iC 'X"" 1,200! brand not
I CZ""' .L8' w"I be paid for he
ttriia iiiierai rin ..111 i . . - "-
..-..a w iiituimsiinr. niwi .1. - 1 .
uujscoriniormatlon about them.
Adam bynder, Salem, Or.
.. . " t-, uitiii. Annrafs
I-l6 6t
ymf - "
i " r
'is oxock voinpanv.
Repertoire of Plays.
" - " '
Railroad Men,
" n
The Salem
Woolen Mills Store,
The clothing busk
ness in Salem during
the past year has, in
a general way, had its
rough sailing, But the
Woolen Mills Store
has stood like Gibral
ter and sold the most
and best goods, It's
home-made and all'
wool goods, coupled
with square dealing,
has done that busb
ness, and the intention
of the managers is to
put in a large stock the
coining season at
prices that will corTes
pond with small in'
comes, and at the
same time the stand'
ard of these popular
goods will be fully
kept up, and its many
friends and patrons
can rely in the future
on getting reliable
goods, the same as in
the past.
Dealet in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
W. F. R. SMITH & CO.
(Successors to 8mith & Schindler.)
QTHorseshoelng a specialty. New shoes
full set, $1.30. Only the best work done.
Job work a specialty. Prices the lowest.
Makesa specialty of fine repair work, Seih
Thomas clocks, etc., 315 Commtrrial Strtetr