Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 25, 1896, Image 2

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"iT" TT I. ""
, ., t f . --nil,,', II 1 jJHml-" . M
Col. F, G, Pierce Was Made a Well Man by Paine's Celery!-;::
' ! inn ml In
Compound. . --
,,' I.
miiii"i"T "-
At tlio door of every newspaper of-l very annoying. I have taken n number
flee might bo posted tho general of dirfercut mcdlelnps whlrh liave
orcicr nusii!
The busiest concerns In the busiest
streets tiro sluggards compared with
theso newegntherlng hives where
human Angers and brnlnsnrc matched
to keop up with machinery.
Tho brunt or this fatiguing mental
strain, unavoidable In getting nut one
of tho big city dallies, for example,
tho Chicago Evening Journal, falls on
Its business manager In tho caso of
this oldest dally In Illinois, Colonel
Frederick 0. Pierce.
Colonel ricrco Is ono of tho busiest
men In Chicago, a city of early and
lato workers, llraln workers In every
profession will thank Colonel Tierce
for tho following statement recently
made by him:
"For several years 1 havo been
troubled with Blck headache caused
by constipation; otherwise 1 havo
nlways Wen in perfect health,
nnd never sick but for two weeks In
my life. This sick headache has been
t) the seat of the trouble. That
..... .......... .....1 I.Mvtn Mn.il lA. T)llttAfc
ui uiiil'ii;iii iiiciiiciik' which uiiu', (jii'iiiuuiii; iiuu uiiiuiii-jiuiLi, iimn. .i
been used and recommended by others, celery compound, docsget rid of them
I a . ilt 1- -ail. t t t i1.l ..iiiB.!
but not until I took Pa I no's celery
compound did I llnd any relief.
"This season I took one bottle nnd
was not tiotiblod with headache for at
least six mouths. Since that time 1
have kept tho medicine In the olllcc
and used it occasionally, and have not
hcou troubled with headache since.
"I have recommended It to a
number of my friends, who have been
benefitted as 1 have. For a person
who Is disposed to constipation, It Is
iiniiucstlonably one of the liest medi
cines that there Is on the market to
day. Yours respect fully,
"K. C. Pibiici:.
"Huslness Manager Chicago Evening
A black cloud Is no surer Indication
of an approaching storm than porsls-
tcnt headaches are of dangerous de
bility. i
i nereis ono spocllle that can per
manetly cure headaeho unless It goes celery compound
and leaves no chance for their return
because the deep-seated cause the
weakened nervous system at last Is
supplied with tho food It has so sadly
felt the need of.
The best physicians In every city In
tills country prescribe Pulno'tf celery
compound, where a rapid building up
or mo system is imperative, as an
lnvlgorator In wises of nervous ex
haustion, sleeplessness nnd a poor
state of the blood It Is tho mainstay
of the ablest practloncrs throughout
the United States.
A mere glance at the faces of weak,
nervous, run down persons after they
havo begun to use this greatest of all
remedies, shows how rapid Is the
nourishing effect of Paine's celery
There are thousands unon thousands
well today because they used Palnc's
I hurehy nnnounee myself as a
candidate for the olllco of COUNTY
A&SKSSOll subject to tho will of the
county ltcpubllcan convent Ion.
ilw J. A. YAK KATON.
Tho -sooner .the United States sir
rlvcsut a point where she Is unable to
sell any more IhhuIs In Kuropc, tho
sooner site will havo to carry on her
huthifssouii paying basis. As long
as she can borrow money In
Kuropc, she will continue to borrow
it, and when old money ligs incomes
llllfTv. nnil liianl.ni It. I.lu ilit .1.
$ and InterroL'atlons. then Him win
hustle around, cut down oxpensef,
Increase the revenues, and get her
business on u paying basis. Tho
wealthier and most productive na
tion in tho world has no occasion to bo
uneasy oer the attitude of Hoths
chlhls & sous.
All government ImndsMild In future
Hhould bo pj.yable. principal and In
terest to Amuiltwiii citizen only. Wo
should protect Americans of unborn
ttviivniuuiis against neaping up any
more Interest bunions.
We do not want u foreign war ex
cept to sell produce. U tiny- afe
bound to tight wo will sell them beef
Secretary of State Klncnld is iccelv
lug unjust blame for tho Itoms In tho
laitgenerai appropriation bill. It Is
but Justice to that gentleman to say
that ho had nothing to do with get
ting up tho bill.
.hist how that 1)111 was got up, and
whatlntlueuccs were brought to bear
to pro out Its proiHjr revision and
overhauling In tho Interests of
economy would lw an Interesting
Tint .Iouunal would like to live in
Oregon long enough to see an appro
priation bill got up by tho legislature
Itself and not by Interested partlos.
Tiik Cu'Itai. .louuNAMrep.ils after
tho Portland ring as any honest man
should go after a lot of pirate, llofor
was u member or tho legislature and
hoknowsjust whore the money wont,
and because he exposal thorn on the
floor or the house, he was ostracised
by his party as being a traitor. Tho
s:les have now turned and the Iwl-
ance Is In his faor. lie Is taking ad
mulatto or uio bltuatlon and Iwforu
An exchange says: The mileage
allowed to the members of the last
legislature was 9.P,IM2.40. Tills of
course Included the Junketing trips of
various committees. It Is doubtful If
financial question is involved and
many sided. It is "loaded." How
dangerous, therefore, ilnnnclnl cxpcrl
ments are was too well demonstrated
an extra session would affect a saving "' ' i"cnnn'a '' "on
of this amount to the state, however ' Wch ,IM takon and stlU
it Is claimed that all the senators nnd :"kinK ml"lonsof ut of the
representatives can, at 4 cents a mile, ! trtas"rr'-rcS" City Courier
w ...v "uunvin L Jti. unuer me
A bill hnVbecn Introduced In con
, grcs3 for' "tho' free and gratuitous'
j -vliiage of gold acd citor at tba ratio
ot 1:I6J." It nrov'ifluf tliat tin: trenv
Issue, for gold or silver de-
cert Iflcates redeemable ou do-
inond itiflthergoldorslher but "not
j specifying wltetlier"goiri orfllver was
deposited, and that loth the silver
i mid gold ciiln and t-i'ititlcates lned
diall Ik legal tender for nil clobt. pul
He and private. The bill provides
that It shall become operative only
when England, France and Genininy
shall have passed similar laws for the
unlimited coinage of gold and "ilvcr
bullion at tin: ratio of 1 :!.".
John Sherman and .lher so-called
(Sold'hugiiatorsfiKlor' I lie nee coin
age of both gold and silver by inter-
nallotiiil agreement at a llxed ratio.
Hut win international agreement, lie
secured, and If It can be. can t he price
of silver loralrdinthenlHi(' ratio by
the tint of the governments in the
monctury compact? There Is no doubt
that gold maintains its high pi ice in
comparison with silver largely through,
the Hat of law, and that sihei- has
sunk to a low value bec-iu-." of the
lack of this support. During the
centuries that It circulated on equal
footing wltli gold it never reached
its presenl price In gold, Innnj part
'of the world. Sliver can be mined
cheaply, but so can gold a recent
Miitlsties, show. If sliver had
i been bolstered up In Kill ope and
Ameiica by legal enactments, and not
jgolil, the latter would now Ik? consld-
t .twilill .lt.tiiki-i ii !.. !. ...-... 1
WttiJ.T MIVIirvi, Ul ICtl'.L, III ;i.lIIJfUI 1-
son with silver. The negative way of
rehabilitating silver, lecomniendcd
by Thomas Jefferson, would be to
withdraw legal support from cold.
'and to allow both metals, coined In
pclces of certain weight and fineness,
to circulate nt thlr market rate. This
measure would raise the price of silver
and would convert all money or metal
circulating medium Into ounces of
cold or silver, and if the market value
of these were fluctuating, there would
lw no medium of exchange of uniform
value with which to measure mcr-
chantile transactions. It is true that
heretofore before 1873, the legal ratio
between gold and silver was innln.
talned with dlnlculty. But any and
all such measures will avail us little
unless they are so devised that they
relieve the national treasury from tho
necessity of maintaining a gold re-
, .. u"' WOLZ L MIESCKE. Pmns.
i.ir money ana silver coinage. The UeaUr, in all kind of frh kn i sTt mM.
fhetltnei are ..,1 ..i , .
th public hard tlnM pries, P05e H
mw laciorj noa,piaiii
With tot and calks .. " I e
Hand.made steel hoej ' Ji
, Track shoeing t J
loo Chemeketa street. "S,
f t.
uduiim i ransrer
I HARRV Tnwuf ,.....
1 Express, baggage nnd 'ah kind's cf t
j done promptly. U order, J ftgj
f i " i-3
Meets airmail and pssscnger train, i
gage and express to all parts of the J
I Prompt service,
Telephone No. 70.
Say! mister! youVe dropped your
Condition powders, liniment,, u,,
IngJotions and ointments, bliie n !r
menls, purgativejplllf and colic medleScfsL
njt M 1 Hk r
wnvs on hand a rliMn
graduate of Onf. & ,! ."fl
The largest piece of
Good tobacco '
ever sold for 10 cents
TS Will
Local agents in all towns and lociliii.,
and throughout the United States and tenL
tories to sell the best washer in use comiC
ing its price from $31055. For particoUr,'
156 State street
Salem, Oregon.
To Arms to Arms,1 EAST AND SOUTH
jfk, TT T
Cummerclal Streel, Corner State
Tho Capital Printing Company hit re
moved to that, location. Call on us.
Another War,
50.000 men. women and childem wanted to
buy the stock of furniture, carpets, mattings,
etc., of J, A. Rotan for the next 60 days at
cost or less, to make room for pring goods.
I mean what I say, am also going to add a
large line of wall paper and mouldinetomv
Stock. r.A. KOTAN.
Shasta Route.
ffK'S 111(1!
Southern Pacific Co,
On farm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loan,
consideied without delay
Dank buildinS.
On city or farm property.
Over Push's Dank,
lint cnfsi tn ftfvts, . t . 1
"" " " "KU,B u" l"'xl 01l8ls WCn . ,,ronnt ,u,ll-. .,
onl-, they will c
Nearly all the members rode free If f?ii.e T", ,l?Wer8 will drlvo them
thev wanted to. ! 2f "I,d "lB,,er b' nil,k,nK WW
contemplatliiK an extra
lev .if 11. .,-,. .,.., 1.. ,.,
--- - r"vj v iu llltJlIUI 111 I'll II
session, only, they will constantly advance In
Governor Lord will notcnll a special ' sr -v w nrlVT
session of the legislature unless the tlULI ll" N.
demand for it etmm fmm n,n ,..i --r JL1
Tlio kind of a .special session the neo- Mpnir A I
..1..1.. . . ., - 1 iavfc
i-iu iiuiii.iiui unit mo only kind they
want or will have would bo jiolson to
tho Portland Hiitf. If they thought
there was danger of a people's special
sttesion they would opjwse It.
jy. years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce,
- - wuhuiijk paysician 10 tue invalids' Hotel
balem school beard: If you have a l SiurF!?)1 ,ns,'tHle' Duflalo, N. Y com.
iuuuucu mil inriiirini nt voitmima mai
int. ..i,7,:, --"?--'." v",v ,u'-
CPFreh sausaeo a specialty,
California Express TrainRun dii.7 between
rortianu ana san francuco.
South I
8:50 p. m.
.1 1:00 p.m.
0:45 a m.
San Fran.
I NortF
no am.
I have $5000 to loan in one sum or snr
fractional part not less than $300 To losa in
Salem during the next 30 days. Address
wun particulars,
a,, c , J " "AWLEY,
266J Stark street, : Portland, Or
.Abov,e trains stop at East Portland, Oregon & acres. located 1 miles west of Wapati
City, Wo Uburu, Salem, Turner. Marion, t,a'n. Yamhill count v, and miles sonlh
Jeflerson, Albany. Albany Junction. Irvine, "'""ton. 17 acres of hops, large hop house,
Kunfnr. Procivxll II;.. .l .,1 ....i.r 20 arret u)ii, U,l . .. . 1. .J
i..vm iniiu. ,u blic. iiiiraiiiir ina
ri Commercial st. TCoiile ninnli
Success to C. M Deck & Co. j
Dest meats In tho city, Prompt delivery at
lowest prices.
Eugene. Criwell. Ilr-iin n.i -n ....,.'
from Uoseburu to Ashland. Inclusive.
Glvo us a people's special, or none
' L.'l
... TJW0 L,VM 8Vd-
C'ltivJll., was told by her doctors she
Itad Consuinptlon and that there was
no how f r her, hut two lot Uo or J)r.
IvIiiks .New Discovery complotely
bitnH.li l'rnnotxj. suifered from n
dreadful cold, npprtmehlinf coihuini
1 101). tried wltlirtin tnli ......... .,.,..
elso then bouulit ono bottle of Dr
KlncH uw niscovery and In two
weeks was cuwU. llo Is naturally
thankful. It is such results, of which
U?6, V0. winples, that provo tho
wonderful cfHeacy of this niMllelno In
CnulH 1 am .CWda, Free trial bottles
Office: Willamette Hotel Bulldln"-.
For water service apply at office. Hills
payable monthly in advance. Make all
complaints at the office.
Open (picket to prevent freezing, posi.
lively prohibited. Care should bo taken
It In danger of freezing to have stop and
waste (rat rlncd ta .!. . , --S .
ulation. No deduction In hill, will 1.. .1"
lowed for absence or for any cause whatever
unless water is cut of from premises. ' '
W. A. Cusick
3J. II, Al.BF.RT.
8::w n.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
lv. Salem lv.
ar. Roscb'tf lv.
I North
2:20 p.m.
8:30 n.m.
4:00 p.mT
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland nr.
nr. Salem lv.
10:05 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
PULLMAN HIJFFF.t or vpdpdc
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
Between Portland and Cnrvallis, daily (ex
cept Sunday. 1
7:30 am.! Lv.
15 pro. Ar.
Ar 10:20 o. m
Lv H35P. ro.
(I (
Transact a general banking business.
Ilrst-elass principal at a good salary. nt which had an especial effect upon the
a llrsMas, nrofessloinillv nln.l hl.a.!..V.!Le' "??.,BJ5 lSS" ?
thovxinibOMiloii talk Is ondod ih Wlmary twichorat a wkmI s;il.irv ,,,,,1 !.Bc?e.J?4. r ucU meaiii the
T - ..." ...... nvunu isu 10c nerves arc supplied with
JOUHNAL will lot the eat out of the i ,1 tellers at W0 a mouth, good. pure blood ey will not do duty without it
; ""-" lovuuiouvc can run wun.
TT".""""iM Ollt rA9l V.. JMM HA. ,.-.1 m
r 1 ,"i".'kcu lasiiug cure 01 ... .'. "o V . . '"-ivcu until ful).
...... . , PVffPJ or IndlKsiTon, br taflnjt arU. ' Va7,3-'JO6. o'clock, a. m., for a hos-
Wllleast more to finish off the fic'r Rested foods orpepslu-thestom. P" building at the Soldiers' Horm ( r2T
hall and furuUl. l. !.,.., .. . ST "r" "?!"? ,u.s own way. "rB.
nniiui.iiuti.iooMmon, I)awM)n& fo.
will get their eyes Mimtchod out by
tho unbagu'ed cat.-AlUtny Imprint.
Notice Is hereby civen that sealed plan,
nd specifications wVII be received until Feb!
Old People.
J? l H U'WHo.ivnuire medlelno to
rvRuatotlieUmelsand kidneys will
Ind the true remedy In Kleetrle Hit.
tors. 1 nis inedlclne does not stlmn
tonle and
Uit V hull am) fnr.,li. t. .1 ..- . ?,c" ?" H lls wn work lu its own war. I UurC' Oregon. Said buildine 10 1 nf u,i
, ;, " "mini, wis 10 upi Pm your nerves to a eep w th so- "e story h ch, with bameni .,,... '
build I,. Hoanl.tup,untll thew Is ffitefl
money tooahetul with. ? on the food they Kqulr . Dnpcpiff cee'd S T esVniL'ed ?" not '."
Jtlon, Biliousness and NerVous At. imu inX.ieit ,E S and Pfirton
: - fections, such as sleeplessness and weak. fw ..'"..? '"" hin-' necessary for a com-
Giveu-iikvmi..'.nAi.,i 1 ii,.ni '"""6 completely cured by 2V" '-. nouernunuauon strict y ob-
viu IS a iwople a SJKclal session or &e 'Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh. J5.rcd.-,and addressed to the underlined
ui inv rriir4 hai. 1 i .. ; . .-ship 11 ntit vi o d -
-.- ..wu.v, .-iciu, uregon.
r. D. F. Alley,
Chairman Executive Committee.
m Aioanv ami r-ruiu. -. . - i.l
tra,ns of Oregon Central Eastern Railroad.
Express train daily except Snnday.
4:45 P. m 1 ur. fortland Ar.
7i5 P. m. Ar. McMinville Lv
8:25 a m.
6:50 a. m
to all points in the Eastern States, Canada
and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei
from W.W. SINNER, Agent. Salem
E. P, ROGERS, Asst. G. 1 l V A..
R.KOEHLER, Manager. T'
20 acres
beaver dam; mn.l nt 1 lie hil.nn ..,.11 ... .-.
a variety of tame grasses. Good soil, no
rock, easily put in cultivation, with spring or
creek on everr An ii-m win ..n't!. ....
' 4o.acres or more at prices from J2S0 np.
.u, unuiuing io location anal improve,
ments. Easy terms. For further paruculsn
inquire of wm. II. EGAN,
1 4 Im rnnl. Or
too 00 for every $10 invested can be madebjf
our new Systematic Piau of Speculation.
$10 00 and more made da'ly on small inves-
ments, by many persons who live away from
All we ask is to investigate our new and or-
jgnal methods. Past workings of plan and
highiist references furnished. Our Booklet
"POintS fiml Hint. ' linu. ,n mil-a m
even when on the wrong side of the market
and other information sent FREE.
uiLMUKE & Co., Bankers and Brokers
Open Boardof Trade Bldg., Chicago, HJ
lo 3o-3m d&w
lnt n 1. ,.', .V1 WIIW ",?-1 llot 8tll,u-' 3 II 1KOme a 'J001"1 Son Or ! "Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh'
?..Ln." ?,,li!',owhlskey,iorothor none at all. fiowrnnr. hm. ! SSW (! sleeS.nd Fnvllorafeathe
AY. .."' lIMl "v"4 s a tonle and . . ,u " lU0 wuolc sjstem.
"toShan b!iw'oi!S,wV,.,,U,,y "10 ,Mst,,,l,1B earth the Portland ma- . k. Hekk. of. v. W Wa,
or tlio school
1 K'ooil salary.
M Hi..
uuiirrini .(HiA
r ,: Ukla Dr Were?-.
. CoUcu Mcvlktl DU-
tax; payprlncl- wwyiocoontctioa
Quit paying 20 MW'iJVeS5S
month teachers WO to C0, pmUuK K'KJI;
oa strtD.tb, 11
Uttrw.s JraJfulli
jnur, d and I su
It Mould vxwt mom t,i m mu, And now It Is thoKvenlngSplrltua
: 1 u -i;. ..
Children Crj
tnhr'8 Cjistorla.
Jer trtstly from
S? .U Kit
Now, after two
Children Cry for ff&XFS
t-iwntr'. CMtorln. S$ w rr
Mat. HsaiKx.
uiiiiv FKAtwva.
jt ' j eK& jrsmi
.': -vv.'jsssssl.
VA "riEIIU.t
1 l aM b7ar
H tciuV;3a A.;rlcau
a Agency for
w HW w 9tr
TN w JI lkii
JifcDIClNR en
t.v. . T '
Tin.y vizl-
Tot taitam.,,. ... "','" WHT- .
UONM SET mi 2. f"w wjiu la
rSSSP yfiSftfrXss JSHWsxm i.
ii. u wiihouiKsc."1'J J"SaE?i
- ,s wYcrkctirr
Miss Balk's Sclioo
Will receive children from 3 years upward
Special atrentinn in k,.!...,. a 11 .u.tr.l
branches for theolder pupilu taneht, includ
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and r
lie, I laJl. .., Al. . JT .LIm
.jw .mute worK nn worx aonc on uic w
dividual plan in which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity For
terms and particulars apply to MUs 0. Bal
lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts
world, b
man ihou
CttJf Jiff J a non.BolM.
"Tnnr!KXu0-'r Uoaonhiil
' U l u d.,.. IVMlT. u ,. .V r r f" " .
V.iy, H .I? I1.'?? unlurl dli!
m v. ,uu. u 1 ,1 , ,' ,,,ir 'nflamms
MfniulUi, ,J; " r ulm.
'44. LsVi.01 I
German Lessons
Given by a qualified teacher, a native
of Germany. Classes for children on
KltlnUu , n....!.. I-7.lt
. .M M, lllllllll t.,
Mrs. Rapsey. 454 Marion St
Given on reasonable terms Vy an experienced
teacher, w. A. RAPSEY,
. 4?4 Marion st
C. H.
ill Commercial St., Salem Or
CireJ4r fcu, wu f;u GTSuiu $15 upwards. Pants upwandj-BP