Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 25, 1896, Image 1

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    w- v T-jr
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P)&i:SS DvlJLV.
-,dfc ..'''flUrrr
rcL .
. No2
u M (J U JKN AJUytfU
a Reliable Sho?s
We sell shoes that fit and wear well
Bought for cash and sold -for cash. That's
why we save you money?
C No Trouble to Show You
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryat
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment.
la- ara- rtf ' 'viirtiir -rvn T T4r'W
; x vjcux oavv y-wi jxavjaai y wax wuwvi rvvtuj
-M hosiery, boys' clothing, table linen, c
overalls, gloves, tinware. Keep your
eye on THE FAIR,
of the Willamette -University.
Modern methods. JUp to date. Same as In the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best is rood enough for beginners as well as for mere advanced pupils,
V. C. HAWLEY. President
It A HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
It'll Be
- R SHAME ! -
Really it will, to let such a chance pass you for buying
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
as we willoffer for the next fifteen days at our
Removal Sale
as we will after Feb. 1st occupy the room at 115 State st
a sale of afew lots or things, but
All the Clothing . , X
All the Fumishinc Goods. X
All the Hats and Caps, ZC
All the Trunks and Valises.
Must go if it costs us a fortune in losses.
s s Wis f
257 Commercial Street.
w W- Wk'- " "
W, R, ALLIN, Agent Mortgagee,
Through and Give Prices.
" '
It isn't
Demanded By the United
States Senate.
American Flag Would
Saved 20,000 Lives,
"Washington, Jan. 25. Mnny mc-
morlalH coneernlniiio Turkish and
Armenian question-were presented to
the senate Friday. This led Hill to
ask what had become of the resolution
for energcntlcnctlonby the president.
Culloni, who reported the Turkish
resolution from tho committee on
foreign relations, said he desired to
speed tho best posslblo notion, and
later in tho day would nsk for a vote
on the resolution. There was n brief
flurry when Cullom sought to fcccurc
tho passage of a Joint resolution
amending the act relative to the
Bloomlngton, 111., public buildings.
Allen said there seemed to bo n little
ring In tho senate as to favorable
action on public buildings. Tne enst
secured public buildings but tho
states of tho far west did not.
Onlligcr protested against tho ex
travagance of Allen's language and
there was an extended debate an to
the sections which received public
Allen yielded and tha resolution
Tho Turkish-Armenian resolution
was then called up by Cullom. He
spoke of the condition prevailing
In Turkey. A massacre of IriftdConts"
unparalcllcd for ages had been perpe
trated. Evldenco of bloody encount
ers was given by all clnssess nnd
nationalities until it was beyond tho
slightest doubt. Tho Turkish army
had bayonted, robbed, murdered and
flayed nlivo the people of Armenin.
There wns'no war, but a pltless,merc(
lcss tornado of ruin, bloodshed nnd
The demon fanaticism bad been let
loose. There was a responsibility
somewhere. It did not rest with the
ruler of Turkey, the sultan. Hack of
this were tho disputes of the coun
tries of tho European nlllauce, seek
ing territorial advantages. Tho sul
tan was but u pupct In there hands.
It was a matter of regret nnd embar
rassment that tho policy of tho United
States was such ns to prevent sending
a licet to Turkish waters to put a stop
to the bloody rule prevailing, but
Europe had assumed the obligation of
the protection of Armenia. Tho pco
plo of tho United States were Inten
sely Interested In seeing tho obliga
tion executed and tho purpose of these
resolutions was to plead with tho
greatest earnestnes for tho protec
tion of Armenia.
It was amusing to the pcoplo of tho
United States to witness tho appal
ling slaughter and to sco the indif
ference of tho Christian power.
Thero was n double obligation on
England, yet nothing hud been done
to stay tho hand of tho sultan, except
byfrultless diplomatic correspondence.
The powers appeared to bo waiting
for the dissolution of the Ottoman
Cullom expressed a doubt "as tho
reported alliance between Russia aud
Turkey. The United states had spoken
in the name of humanity In theaffaira
of Greece and nungary. No event for
centuries called so loudly to the civil
ized world us this slaughter In Turkey,
the greatest, the senator believed, In
the history of the world.
Blanchnrd said that for more than a
year the world had been shocked by
the massacres in Turkey, and, in the
Thm U, S. Gov't Reports
akw ft? Bkl Annfcr
cases of women, worse than massacre.
Ah n great free nation, it wfnsthe duty
of the United Sin ten to' express Its
offlclnl repudiation nnd protest again!
the course of Turkey.
Fryc of Made, made a speech of Hitch
vehemence that tho galleries repeat
edly Interrupted with long-continued
applause. Kryo snld lliu. committee
on foreign relations had heard Armen
ian missionaries who stat'ed (hat the
establishment of United States con
suls at Erzeronm and Ilnrpoot would
glvo effcctlvcr protection.
"If tho American ling had Iwen
raised over tnoconsuluto;at Ilarpoot,"
continued Fryc, wlthOraumllr em
phasis. "It would havoj&ivcri 20,000
lives. j?
Tho resolution reported by the com
mittee, on foreign rain Ions passed
unanimously. v
A Bllfaiyrtiuj Coinagd of Subsid
.S, . lary Piece
Newileglslaition foi4he Disposal
of Extra Bunion,
Denver. A special 40 the Times
from "Washington sajs: Tho bill
which Is on tho program to bo put
through both houses fit congress in
short order provides fojtho coinage of
811,000,000 sllvcrvbulli(rt stored In the
into mints subsidiary) pieces. Tho
government wonld derlvo an extra
profit from this, as thcJsclgniorngc on
token coins Is about life cenrs mora
on the dollar than that on sliver dol
lar. '
As it is now, there arc $53,000,000
sclgnorugc, available for tho proposed
Increase of subsidiary coinage. AUltho
rest of tho sliver Is required by tho
Spcman law to bo used only for tho
coinngo of standard dollars, hence the
need of tho proposed now legislation.
The order may amount to $100,000,000.
From the Transvaal.
Washington, Jan. 25. Tho state
department today gave out the follow
ing statement: Mnnlnn, consular
agent nt Johnncsburg. cables to Sec
retary Olney that all American
prisoners are out on perolo except
Hammond, whose caso Is different
from that of the others, In that Ham
mond signed ii constlturlonal invita
tion to Jameson to como to Johannes
burg in caso of cxtremo peril.
Jameson marched townrds Johan
nesburg, however, before tho trouble
nrose. When this was discovered
American and other leaders issued a
proclamation calling on tho pcoplo to
refrain from hostilities, instead of
inciting rebellion, naminend, In tho
beginning, raised tho Transvaal flag,
and all In the movement sworo nllc
glance. The cases against American pris
oners arrested will 1m tried in court,
Mnnlnn adds that tho Transvaal gov
ernment acted magnanimously. In
view of tho foregoing It is bclloved
here that neither Hammond nor any
other Americans are In serious peril.
Attempted Robbery,
Wooduurn, Or., Jnn. 25. Spcclnl
to Tiik Journal. At nn early hour
this morning tho nlghtwntchmnn dis
covered four suspicious looking char
acters trying to break Into the South
ern Pacific depot at this place. Before
they had accomplished their purpose
they wero arrested by tho otllcers. and
are now lying in Jail awaiting trial.
Great Wool Company Fail.
Chicago. TU "Wagg Anderson
wool company, one of the largest of Its
kind In the west was closed by tho
sheriff today on Judgements aggrega
ting over 870,000.
Shot His Father.
Brownsville, Or.. Jan, 25, Yes
terday of ternooii Han ford Cochran and
his 17-year old ton Bert were out trap
ping near Horso Rock point. In the
vicinity of John Morgan's mill. Bert
shot his father, mistaking him for a
deer. Ho lived two hours, and leaves
a wife and two children.
Market Excitement.
Chicago, Jan. 25. Wheat shot up
2 cents u bushel today. The bears
were crazy, covered, and tho trading
enormous. May touched 651 and
finally closed atiKf,
Fire Engine and Men Plunge
,. r, ,. b
Steamer St, Paul Runs Aground Off
Sandy Hook,
G'lf.veland, Jnn, 2"i. A tiro engine
being drawn at n rapid mtc to a fire
In the lumber district nt 2:S0 this
morning, plunged through nn open
draw bridge, spanning tho river nt
Senecn strcot. Four firemen were on
the engine, two of whom.jumpcd In
time to nvoid going down. Tho
driver, "William Hurgcss, and the as
sistant engineer, Chas. Coolldgc, who
went down with tho engine, wero In
jured but not fatally. It Is believed
tho horses wore drowned, and the
engine lies a wreck uttho bottom of
the river.
Sandy Hook, Jnn. 25. The Amer
ican llnorSt. Paul, from Southampton
fortfew York, struck tho outer bar
otT Hotel Brighton, at Long Branch,
N. J,, (luring n dense fog, between 1
nnd 2 o'clock this morning. Tho ves
sel Is In no danger!' Sho struck on 11
sand bar n quarter of a mile from tho
Iron pier, nnd her noso ran about 100
feet into the sand boforo hor engines
could bo stopped. Sho Is pointing
When tho otcamcr ran ashoro, It Is
Bald there was only four feet of
water above tho bar. Old seamen
along tho shoro say tho vessel mny not
bo floated In n week or more.
Two tugs nro beside tho ntcmnor
and another Is on tho way from Now
York. These thrco will bo used In
removing passongcrs and freight.
No Senator for Kentucky,
Frankfort ICy. Jnn. 25. It now
nppcnrs thero will bo no election of
senntor this session. Tho supporters
of Hunter say no other Republican
can win.
The Chase Stock Company.
Again tho Clinso Stock Company
had n crowded house, one reason no
doubt being n combination of vanity
and curiosity. Tho play, "A Ken
tucky Thoroughbred," was one of tho
best presented by this popular troupe,
which has won wclMnerltcd pralso
from Salem people. Thero wero many
fluo and Interesting scenes, somo of
them being heartily applauded, Tho
play tonight will bo "Our Railroad
Men," In four acts, wltuu lino cast,
Tho result of tho ballot for tho hand
somest lady was that Miss Ncttlo
Porter received tho highest number of
votes. Tho generous npplauso greet
ing tho announcement showed tho re
sult to meet with popular favor.
The prize was n pair of hundsomo
pearl opera glusscs. Miss Oeorglo
Whlttlcr and Miss Lllllo Bornardl
also received lnrgo votes, ns did oth
ers Harry Prior received tho prizo
for being tho homeliest man, Joe,
Altkcn being a close second, Mr.
Frceland, of the linn of Frcoland &
Loulslgnot, drow tho $10 prize.
Stock Asaeusments.
Atn meeting of tho Woolen mill
company yesterday an assessment
was levied for one-half tho stock sub
scribed. Tlioso wishing can pay up
tho entire assessments nnd get certifi
cates for tho same: Payments to bo
mndo ut the woolen mill ofllco, or ut
tho First National hank. The ma
chinery haw been bought and work on
the building Is undor way.
-1 1
meeting of tho Phllodorlun society
of Willamette university last evening,
the challego of the State university of
Eugene for a Joint debate was ac
cepted. A committee consisting of J.
P. Calllson, P. L. Brown and H. G.
Hlbbard was appointed to complete
arrangements for tho debate,
Although WUlumctto is not conlldent
of success she will bo ably represented
In tho contest. Such contests will
tend to maintain a better feeling be
tween the institutions participating
therein, - -
a . "'- , is. c ,rsyiH"l told her sho would havt
Actrc.Rcp.rd Stagc-Slruck Innko arrangement!. With Mr.Chr. .
Olm. I Tim vnnnir In.) k , , . .
How an
It Is a common
supposition nmong!
tho general public that nn actress has
..., !...;
I ltt,tI '" f"r nn.w1,t !)c,sl,lt ,,or p'f
Islou.nnd that her Interests are nar-
luntii in iiiiv iiaiu oi nur uwii yhtk.
and ambitions. For many reasons
stage people 1110 enabled to study
and understand human nature ns few
can, and It Is tenrccly possible for
them to witness Its variations as
shown In tlioso about them, without
becoming Interested. And It Is also a
pleasure to them to meet pcoplo In the
light of n friend -to have somo one
evince an Interest hi them aside from
11 dispassionate contemplation and
I consideration of their dramatic abil
ity. This fact received a vorllical Ion
hi the cordial ircoptlon accorded a
woman by it 11 actress who has spent
a couple of weeks in ourclty when tho
former called upon herns a friend nnd
a womnn, not with reference to her
profession. Tho actress was llottlo
Bernard Chase, and the woman one
who was nttrneted toward Mrs. Chase
(for such she Is in private life) nfter
witnessing her performance In 0110 of
her favorite roles "Little Coquotte,"
Mrs. Clinso possesses ns charming a
personality off tho stage as on, for tho
reason that sho seeks to appear
nothing but what sho Is a pleasant
mid intelligent womnn. Of course,
other women nro curious as to herper-
sonal appearance, so It Is only kind to
them to state nt once that, In tho first
placo sho was neatly nnd becomingly
dressed. Her faco, which is of tho
Ingenue type, childishly Innocent In
expression, was not guilty of paint or
powdor. Not a harsh lino marred her
features, nor was a wrlnklo to bo seen
except between hor brows tho up
nnd down ones occasioned by a slight
frown whon thinking Intently. She
has lino, well cured for teeth, bright
eyes, nnd n ready laugh, ns Infectious
ns n child's.
Mrs, Chnso Is an interested reader of
the chlof topics of tho day, Is thor
oughly familiar with tho chlof liter
ary contributors, and Is capable of ex
pressing sensible views of different
subjects. "Bab" is 0110 of hor favor
ites, nnd sho never falls to rend her
articles. "Somo way," sho said, "sho
goes right to my licart in nil sho says.'
Mrs. Chnso has been on tho stage
tho greater part of tho tlmo for seven
teen years, and has travelled exten
sively In tho East mid South, but has
never been 011 this coast before. She
prefers tho cllmnto of tho South, nnd
says Oregon weather makes hor sleepy.
"But oh!" said she, "they are hot
headed down thero! Why, In
0110 company that I was with, 0110 of
tho men sought tho acquaintance of a
young lady in n lty whoro wo played,
and hor brother learned of It nnd was
going to kill him. Wo had to sneak
him out tho back door of tho opera
house, nnd out of town."
Three years of tho soveutccn slnco
sho first went 011 tho stngo, were spent
at home, housekeeping. Mrs. Chnso
expressed horself ns liking very much
to keep house, and said sho learned
how at homo when quite u young girl.
She said her llfo wns not a hard 0110,
ns somo might think, though thero
wero many minor nnnoynnccs to bo
borne. That tho hard work enmo
when now plays woro being learned, or
when now players woro taken Into
the company, each Instnnco necessitat
ing many rehearsals. That 0110 must
glvo considerable thought to hor
wardrobe and make-up for different
parts, hut that It becomes second na
ture to havo everything convenient for
Immediate use.
When aslccd If dramatic companies
did not encounter many stage-struck
people, sho replied In tho alllnnallve,
and told of 1111 Incident of
rather recent occurrence, A
young girl from an Oregon town
became Infatuated with stage life ns
sho viewed It, and wished to Join tho
company following them to their
next stopping placo and making hor
wishes known. She possessed no ex
perience, and If ability, It was yot un
developed. Sho did possess deter
mination however, and pressed her re
quest with diligence. Sho boarded at
the samo hotel as did tho troupe. In
n few days tho girl's brother followed
her nnd tried to porsundo her tore
turn, but met with a decided refusal,
Haying sho had joined tho company,
and asking Mrs, Chaso to endorse hor
Highwt of all in Leavening Power.
statement. Mrs. Chase refused to .
:in(i ors8ocl !n ,.r mflllin, "
. ' . . " '"""ii
111 one interview with Mrs. Chaso.
- ! nnkcu that lady it she smoked
Wl3 tohl No, that's one vice I
. I
don I
possess." She then proposed tohipi
beer brought to 1 he room, and w a
again refused. She gave Mrs. Cli: t
her picture, which shows her to b. a
very pretty girl of about 18 years of
age. She Is of good parentago nnd
never has had enres to trouble her.
"I nover felt so sorry for anyone in
my life," wild Mrn. Chase, with the
utmost compassion. "What n pity
some girls do not know when they nro
well off, nnd lemaln with a good home
when they have tine. Instead of In
coming Infatuated with something or
which they know nothing nnd have
no ability for?"
Mrs. Chase discussed tho "bloomer"
question, which nroso Incidentally,
and expressed herself ns being quite
In favor of n bloomer costume for
some occasions, considering tin 111
most appropriate. "But my husband
would never consent to my wearing
such," sho laughingly said! (That's
It! Only those who have no husbai d
can adopt It, nnd few or them dare
Mrs, Chaso in discussing her work
said she heartily disliked all tmglo
roles, und did not consider hen?lf
suited by nature to tholr require
ments. "But," said she, "It Is not a
question of what I want to play, hut
of whnt I must play."
Mrs. Chaso Is tho mother of two
children, one of whom Is living, ami
with tho company Mnstor Charlie.
A sister of hers Is also with them.
Altogether, Mrs. Chase lmprc-s.
one ns being nn unusually Intelligent .
kind dlsposltloncd, llvoly llttlo wom
an, nnd 0110 whom It is a pleasure to
meet nnd converse with. Conversation
docs not lag when with her, nor does
It lack variety nnd Interest.
Probatk Court. Sitting as a pro
bate court yesterday County Jutlgo
Hubbard hnnded down his findings In
tho matter of tho objections of tho
holrs of T. McF. Patton, deceased, to
that portion of the nccountofJ.il.
Albert, administrator, which al
lowed tho sum of 9300 attorney's
fees In tho administration of tho
estate. Tho court decided that tho
claim should bo reduced to 9150; nlso
that tho administrator should bo
charged up with Interest nt tho rate
of 8 percent for nil nionoy retained In
his possession beyond ono year from
Ills appointment, und that amount bo
deducted from his commission. Tho
interest has not yot been computed by
tho court, hut It will vory likely, bo
between $300 nnd WOO. Tho matter
wns heard somo tlmo ago.
Graduating Exkrcibks. The first
term of the current year In the Salem
public schools will closo February 14th,
at which term a class of young ladles
and gentlemen, numbering about
thirty, will rccolvo diplomas. City
Superintendent Peebles has decided to
hold the graduating evorclscs, how
ever, on tho evening of Lincoln's
birthday, February 12th, at tho opera
To the Reform School. Herbert
Tlchnor, n wayward and Incorrigible
youth of 13 summers, wns recommit
ted to tho reform school Friday. Tho
Immediate cause of his commitment
was that of stealing nn nxo nnd dis
posing of It nt tho Junk shop for 25
cents. Tho boy has served, a term in
tho reformatory before, nnd wns out
on parole.
An Accident. - While splltlng
wood Friday, nsonof J. W. McDowell,
residing nvo miles west of Salem, met
with an accident. Tho ax glanced
nnd split tho middle too of tho right
foot nearly Its entire lenghth. A
Snlcin physician dressed tho wound,
Baitibm. At tho First Baptist
church Sunday evening a baptismal
sorvlco will bo conducted nnd a
number will bo taken Into Rev, Far
mer's church.
residence of Mrs. H. M. Calvort,
near Woodburn, Wednesday, Janu
ary 22, 1805, Miss Bcsslo Cnlvort to
S. O. Campbell, Rev. H. B. JRIs
worthy otllciatlng.
Latest U. S. Gov's Xepstt
.A " -V
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