- -t v it-, wfi lyp-" piaifji m' 4 4 m. vj-Mt-r", ) Wm9 IP iff?' HBrt tjE i rah i In? ,! U "..?( Daily Capital Journal JBY HOrTiCR DROTMBKS, FBIDAY, JAN. 24, 1888. STEAMERS Altona and Ramona LEAVE DAILY. IbXtUY. KPortJsnd, 6145 xn. 9:00 a.m. saiem, 7145 a, m. !$ ; Independence, 6130 ft. rn, 6o a.m. I V3T Freieht received up to 10 p. m.3 ck lime, regular service and cheap .... rate s . . . M. P. IIALDWIN. Agent, Salem. SOCIETY CHRONICLE. Local Hews of 8ocIl and Fraternal Eventii. PARTY ATMAO.EAY. The Misses Hcartly.of Moclcay.aavc n party on Tuesday evening', at their grand old home In honor of their cousin, Joseph Hartley, of Washing ton, who left for bis home on auurs day of this week. Before 8:30 from all parts oftho neighborhood came those who participated In this happy event. Many merry games wero AGAINST CITY HALL. Business Men Say the Council Should Walt Awhile. A canvass of Balem buslncsn men and taxpayers who pay taxes shows almost an unanimous sentiment against completing the city hall this year. A number express themselves In favoring of finishing it up and moving In the city oniccs and saving tho rent now paid. A larger number express fears that THE BALD HEADS. But Mttlo II played while quickly sped tho flying! It will run the city In debt too much mux. gjujmu jmeaBssaBesasBaaxxam nra PERSONAL. lion. Geo. D. Porrls returned to Eu gene this morning. Mr. and Mm. ('. Furlow, of Marion, are Snlen visitors twliij. Sheriff Catlienri returned this morning fro-n rortlaml. It. T. FnbJ returned this lLornlng from a visit In rortlaml. Rev. F. II. Owyniie rettirnrd this morning from linker City. Itov. P. C. Hetzlur Is home from a trjp to Seattle and other Sound cities. T-W. Davciiport,of the State Land ofilce, Is reported as Improving slowly from his attack of la grippe. Carey Martin Is not a nephew of Secretary Klncald'snotwlthslandlng tills information was telegraphed to tho Oregon I a 11 by Its correspondent nt Salem and has been copied by the stale press. Mr. Martin Is no way re lated to Mr. Klncald. He Is a young man who started In poor, and worked his way through tho University of Oregon. He Is holding Ills present position on his merits alone, and the malicious attack made by tho Oregon Inn's correspondent, from purely per sonal motives Is unjust, and basely misrepresents the statements which ho made. Kugeno Guard. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hofer arrived in Salem from Chicago by last ovenlug's train, In company with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hofor, Jr., and two children, who went to Portland to meet them. Thoy will mako a protracted visit with tholr three sons, Kmst, A. F., Jr., nnd F, X., tho well-known news papar men. Tho elder Mr. Hofer Is also a veteran In newspaper work, having lcen editor and proprietor of tho McGregor, Iown, News, a republi can paper, for some llfteen years. Ho was a trenchant writer and highly re- HpcctcJ. HtwinilJ. Fred Meyers, of tiioiH'iiInon.n-nwfordrouuty.Uovlow, wero powerful factors for a long time In holding tho German voters of Iowa la tho republican party when that party adopted prohibition, which was repugnant to tho natives of the Fatherland as well as to many others. Salem Statesman, Jan. 21. hours. Between tho hour of 11 ana z the party were Invited to tho dining room where a most delicious lunch was served. The evening passed away pleasantly In social convcrsatlon.solos and new and entertaining game", 111 which all took a lively Interest. The party was voted a decided success In cTcrr respcct.J Miss Marie CuudlfT of Corvallls, Is In the city. Miss Alice Stelnor is the guest of Portland friends. Mrs. L. C. Young, the artist, went to Albany this morning. The Bcrenn club will give a party at the home of John Molr tonight. MissCallsta Moore returned today from a short visit at the reform school The Unity club hold their regular monthly social and dance at Chanulng hall this evening. Mrs. K. 0. Small is home from Al bany, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. T. G. Hopkins. Mrs. Henry W. Myers will entertain n party of friends nt her home on Gaiety Hill tonight. Miss Rose Fry, of Albany, Is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. R. A. Kirk and Mrs. Mel Hamilton in this city. Miss. Daisy Ogdcn, who has been attending tho Academy of the Sac rod Heart, left today on her return to her home In Pendleton. Mrs. R. P. Boise, Jr., Mrs. II. 11. Thompson, Mrs. Henry W. Myers and others have arranged to give a leap year ball on Tuesday night, January 28th, at the Murphy hall. It will be a hclccl affair, and no doubt very enjoyable. and say it will cost more to finish nnd furnish the building than It has to put It up, nnd that electric lighting, heating, watchman nnd Janitor hire would co3t twice as much as rent now costs. In this view of the matter, It would both run the city in debt nnd Increase expenses to go ahead with It In 1800. Two Lives Saved. rrB,,I,,ltt,b0.'-V,.,oll"wi of Junction C ity, 111., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was in nimu ior ner. urn 1 wo bott Ics of Dr. King's hew DlMovery completely' cured her ; and she says It saved her "".TJ'w-, 131) Florida street, ban Pranclbco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump t on, tried without result everything elso then bought 0110 lottlo of Dr. King's hew Discovery nnd In two thnnkful. It is such results, of which meso are samn es. tiint, nmrn tim Si'Kcui, SnsaioN. There are a number of Portland olliclals In tho city, nnd tho general opinion among them Is there will lw no special ses sion. Tho bankers of Portland arc said to bo opjKised to a special session. Tlie governor has locn In conference with n number of his friends today on tlie subject, but no formal consul tation has yet taken place. Tin: Journal has Ixicn tumble to learn anything direct on tho subject from the governor, nnd no action has been taken. From Pike County. Editor Jeurnal: Ithcemsllkc the Great Dally Statesman does not relish the Idea of a possible nomination of T. T. Gecr for congress from this dis trict. Is not this the great western Journal that elected J. N.Dolph to the United States senate lust spring, built the beautiful post ofilce building nt Salem, cleaned out the Willamette river from source to mouth, built a three story crenmery nnd scvernl hun dred miles of railroad, and mnde many other and valuable Improve ments to the "Willamette valley? If It is, and siifllclcnt public patronngc can be nbtnlucd to add another page to the already eight, it may cause an earthquake or dispatch an expedition to .search for the North Pole. When I lived In Pike county Mis souri, they did not allow Democrats to run Republican papers, but I left theic years ago, and Journalism had not fully developed. Let this mon strosity keep up Its "sarcassum" nod It may assist the farmers of the Wil lamette valley In nominating Mr. Geer. ".Sarcassum" may go in Pike county, Mlssourl,but It won't In Web- foot. Mr. Gecr has friends who will stand by him and who would be proud to sec him nominated for congress, notwithstanding this Pike county Journalism. Yours truly, Sai.km, .Inn. 23 Pike. A Local Club of Which Known. There used to bo lots of bald headed men, and women too, In Eugene but there isn't any more, snya tlie Guard. About throe inoiillyjitfo these hair less denizens put their head) together In private consult:! lion for their own mutual good, with the result that a Bald head club was organized, with place of meeting at Jerry Horn's bar ber shop. And now thoc men who have for so long been defraiKll rig the honest and hardworking barber out of a few cents for cutting their hair, visit his place of business quite frequently to have the smooth and gloosy surface of their upper sphere raked nnd scraped and rubbed and scrubbed until tlie blood oozes out In tlie niaces where the hair ought to be. But they don't mind this, ihey would foe Mining to go tlimiidh the severist test If the wore only Inspired with confidence In the assurance tiiat said tct would bring back the long lost but still longed for hair. And the scheme ! succeeding admirably, hi several members of tlie club can tostif to. As n consequence all yoitiof bald heads wend tuelr way toward this place or oic-cd deliverance from the distasteful roglonsof foaldheadcdhood. There are big bald lieadi, llttlo b:ild heads and medium sized bald heads; louiid bald heads, square bald heads, and tl.it bald heads; red bald heads, white bald heads nnd glossy bald heads: bald heads with a little hair THE MARKETS. Jan. 34 -Wheal, caih l6c. Stiver, WjfciiMd, ,34 Chicago, Mav 64K New York, Jan 3 3' SAN FRANCISCO MARKKT. San Franclaco, Jan 24. Wheat; 1.07 Wool.. Oregon, choice. ltof Inferior 7 8c, valley, CX3JIIC J(f.1' Hop Quotable at d6c. ' Potatoes 50 1075c per sack. ; Oatl Milling. SoV$. PORTLAND MARKET. Portland, Jan. 24. Wheat valley, 60 Walla Walla, 55. FlourPortland, tt.75', Henton county, 3.60; graham, it 20; superfine, S3 per bbi. Close At Hand, X X Oati-White, 33(33405 grey, ioji;rolled, cases, 3.75 Inbagi, 4.355-35. barrel, 4-50 7-i January 27th wc will commence to move to 257 Commercial street, the building.now occupied by G W, Johnson & Son, Our removal sale will close on Saturday next, to take advantage of our extremely low prices while you have an opporv (unity, Potatoes,. NewOreeon. IhcOsoc per lack. Hay.. Good, 5.50(3850 per ton. Wool. .Valley, 11c; Eastern Oregon, 7oc. Mlltstufls. . IJran. Stt.50i2.50; ahorts, 13 n;chapfeed,!2l5 per ion; rjre. 75c per c. lltaen..gieen, &aneu 00 10550; unuer 60 Ibi -((Sc; heep pelts, lo"oc. Horn. Oregon, 4 to SCi according to qual. ily. Duller.. Ureeon fancy creamery, 400945; fancy dairy, 35; fair to good, 3o35J common, I7c. Cheese .Uiegon full cream, izi3c, Enes . . Orecon. 1820 per dozthastern, iSc pcrdoz. Poultry.. Chiikens, 250 per doz J ducks, J4 oo6; geese, S6.oo7.oo; tur keys, S9c; dressed, iot2c. Jieet.. lopsteers, 2(0)23.50 per lb; lair to good steers. 2y,2 3-sc; cows, 22c; dressed beef, J5VtC. Mutton.. Heat beef, 2.oo2.25; choice ewes, i.craU 00: dressed, 4C Hogs.. Choice, heavy, $3 0003.40; light and eeders; $2 75; dressed, 4VJe per Id. Veal., Small, choice, 56c; large, 34c uer id, SALEM MARKET. Wheat, .50c per bu., market firmer. Oats .17c. on them and bnlrl hear! with tin linlr .,"' .. 4.505.oo; timothy, .. !..., ., 11 ir... ..t .1... ii J 5 The Last Week, As tills is our last week on 1Stte street, we win offer all remnants and broken lines regardless of cost, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods, The remainder of these lines' we will close out at half price this week, Call before the sizes and styles are broken, 5. M. & E. ii. STOCK 115 STATE) STREET, OPEKA HOUSE Grand Successful Week. OPERA HOUSE on them at all. Most of the bald heads belong to the sterner sex, but the club lias a special dispensation which grants ladles with l:Id heads tlie privilege of lcroniliic members of the club with all the rights that the male members have in regard to talcing the test, And theynre taking advantage of the opportunity afforded, toe: for there are several Indie who have hcemiie members of the bald head elub and are taking the pre scribed course of treatment. HARD TIMES FACTS. KAMII.Y wonderful elllcaey of this medicine In nM&ii,,,iCo1' -, I'wtrlnl bottles at J' red 1. Lemr'Milrnt'iitnm i,.nin. sire ROo and 91. h LKawLATOKB.-Hiraiii Smith of the city council. J. T. Mntiiinun ..r Knglowood nnd K. M. Wnite, tho printer, aw mentioned by their friend for legislative honors. that Ocwate Of Ointmsnts for Catarrh contain Mercury, JmSii' ". "Ve,i ,U,,ry e sense of smtll and completely deiangc U whole y(. tern whii enieilPE U ihrouch the uuewi wifKM Such anlclfs sl.ould never be uinl eseept on prcscilptiont icpuiable physician "the damage hc- will do U ten folj to , ih ft f a Jri;e Iron. then.. U Catann Cui. inanufa,iiu,rd by V. J. Cheney ft Ui , lolli O . 101m in u .S In.n. II.. .-.!." .."...""" I " u Moiii'iiiNK Victim. Kdgnr M. Ilrynn, of Wlllamlna. Yamhill county, brought lwforo County Judge Hubbard today .by K. It. Scelcy, on charge of insanity. A llttlo Inquiry revealed tlie fact that he Is a morphine tlcnd. Judgo Hubbard telephoned to County Judgo Mngers at McMlnnvllle, and ho would not stnnd more tlinn tho ex lenso of a doctor's examination. Judgo Hubbard declined to try the man for Insanity unless .Mngers would guarantee tho entire o.xpemo of tho Investigation. Nkw Majoh. An election has been ordered to tako place lit this city on the 3d of nuxt moth for the selection of a major to tho Second lteglinent, to 1111 tho vacancy caused by the roslg nation of Major 1). C. Sherman. Lieutenant-Colonel M. V. Hunt. nltl. de-campon tlio start of Governor Lord, win act us Inspector or the election. Maolkay.-T. T. (ieor, AV. T. Unuis(l(ii..lriliii Crtili. Up .,11, 1 rin. Slineral were chosen delogatos to tho lortlUllil t'liimmttini 1 tf P.iiMii.ii 0,ni,M,.,iT,.lc c,Hh ls lw,nK re-orgaulmi ! linn inn in- iiiui in ino strongest 11 Oregon. IlK Is a "Con." -Con. Kellohor. wiitencedto tlie penitentiary for ten yours, was brought up from Portland last oenlng by ShOrllf George C. Soars, the crliuo, for which he will do time, was burglary. Republican Ctubs. The McKlnley Republican club of South Salem meets at Dane's brick store Saturday evening nt 7::t0 to elect delegates. The Abraham Lincoln Bimetallic Republican club will meet at Uarron's hall at Woodburn, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, Saturday, January 23, 1890, for the puriioso of electing delegates to the stato convention of the Young Men's State Republican club, to bo hold at Portland, February 4. Music will bo furnished by the Glee club.and an address will be delivered by I). Hofer, of Salem. E. 1 MOKCOM, S. TOMMNSON, President. Secretary. A meeting of the McKlnley Repub lican club, of Woodburn, will bo held Saturday afternoon, February 1st, commencing at 1:30 o'clock. HonT. T. Geer and other prominent speakers will address the club. Campaign songs will bo sung by tho Woodburn Glee club. Delegates will bo elected to at tend the State Republican Leacuo convention In Portland, February 4th, u ne annual election of olllccrsof tho club will also take place. . layman, w. W. Hall, President. Secretary. aOOD HKADINO FOK Till'. CIHCLK. hvcry reader of Tin: Journal should look up the list of premiums given absolutely free with this paper. The Weukly Journal at SI a year Is the cheapest paper on the Pacific coast, yet with It we give yearly sub scriptions to any of the following valuable publications, each known to tho world as a standard In Its Held: Tho Toledo Illado, The Queen of Fashions, Womankind, The Farm ?ews, The Child Garden. mi...... .... i....i ... nicsu wuuauie puoucations are each worth a SI a year, yet woglve you your choice, one year free, for a Sl.f0 subscription to Tiik Journal. either the Daily for six months or the Weekly for eighteen months. See the list, nnd don't neglect to profit i by it. uon't do deceived Into paying for Mj-caucd premiums offered with high priced papers at a slight advance. Kcmeinber The Journal Is the cheapest newspaper on tho Pacific coast, and It gives you high grade premiums without additional charge. Hour .In wholesale lots, 3.50; retail, 2 80; bran,, bulk 9.00; sacked, 12 00; shorts, M. oo 1 2.00; chop feed, 2.oo 13.00. VeaL.Dressed. , 1 1 os.. Dressed, 3&. Live Cattle., 1 ;2f. Mieep..Live, 2.00. Vool .Rest, I2c. " nop ocst, 4(Se. Fk'us..Ca.h. Ih'c. Huitcr.,Rf dairy, 150; fancv creamery, 25c Cheese.. Iu(h,I2c. lann Smoked ileus. . Itaci, 7.; ham t" J shoulders, 70. Potatoes.. 20c per bit. Onions, ,2c. Chase kV kV ky t oiocK c onit)ariv. Entirely New Repertoire of Plays, -- Wfx: A Kentucky Janu.ary.2A . TU4mrU'UuJ Night s r n tr r ms VX'VVV Ten Dollars Given Away Every AND S20 ON SATURDAY NIGHT. The same pleasing price of admission, 10c, 20 and 30c rtus-M-Vf d eats at Patton's Bros.' bookstore without extra charge. ' $1.20 Fresh Arrivals, $1,20 The Union Bargain Stare has just opened some great bargains in Shoes- Ladies Fine Shoes, Worth $1,50 for $120, This is a fine dress shoe, and is sold by some dealers as high us mgii as oi.o3, r ou cannot attord to buy shoes without seeing us. $1,20, M, J, Matson, $1,20, The Salem Woolen Mills Store, IlLen ta)lt.BIUil'. CMwih fu,e U su'VS el" tho cenulne hUii.ni ,i..' . M - ii iiiit hiiii inkii n ai,i, i ii.. .. .... .- iliM.l.frr y,,J' thenC.Te .Soll, by nrujguu. ptM ccllf a U( '! JJMUtlJf! WKlS I Big Reductions -IN Winter Drc&3 Goods . , Woolen Underwear . , , Mens and Boys' Suits Overcoats Mackintoshes. . . .'. and All must Ik wild. Prices out deep. te&!'1 Ji W of Jni wSr Try thefir r OMUe ,tmtu mhhis Hitos. & co, ru i wil V?rt ?,ua HS'ty street. lNCOIH)ItATHl.--Tllu Xnrlli Pm.lil.. lu.nu spirit of Portland has urucius or lucoriKinitlon secretary. tiled with the lUl'MOVHU SHRVIUK.-TII0 Uwk- iHM.Mussongor System Is now giving a much Improved sorvlco having Me.s. muni; iiuiiinieii on hlcyclos. Wbatiikh FoiutoAST. - Saturday there is rain In store for the injoplo f AN esturu Oregon. Hood'? u WonderfulT o iuM wonderful are the curtum. wunpllshed by H.hkIV ,11." cttiSpiwrS m do u li ? 1'ro'" wcnielem 25 cents. ' ,hV' 1M,n or Rl. Children Cry for . Pitohr'i Onftor!. Till". I.I.OYI) MONTOOMURY C8K. The Albany attorneys for Lloyd Mont gomory, have received a letter from Judge llurnott, stating that ho would not render a decision upon tho bill of exceptions for an appeal to tho sn. promo court until the attorneys on lH)th sides have lieon heard. Wednes day, January 20, was set for tho hear ing. As this Is only two davs before tho date bet for tho execution of tho iiiumcror, u is almost certain a stay or execution w 111 be granted. HORN. KX'K"-A-1, tl'o famllv home, corner "'"'I'l'lrteontlistreeS&Uem vk .Wi m,0H,nK. Janary 24 Sit.' a,ul Mrs" JauMW K. Oaths! Dathsl Dathsl , aitoyo porcelain baths, six baths or . Children's hair ou tt ng, Sffir 12 years of age.16 cents. K' r l'l J. C. Miu3, Prop. The Chase Stock Company. "Damon and Pythias" was played at the opera house last night by tho favorite company, every member proving himself to bo an artist In tho strictest sensojof tho word. They . ii iiiiyiiiuig, uetter lifted to uaiuiio legltmate nnd blank versn parts than melo drama and farce comedy, which however, Judging from tho respective size of tho audience, please their patrons bettor. "Dr." T. C. Smith was called for the $10, but bolug absent, .Mrs. A. M. Patrick received It upon the second call. To night tho wants of tho masses will be catered to and a sensational and comedy drama entitled "A Kentucky -Thoroughbred" will bo presented; a very realistic horse racoseonn win. special scenery and effects will be one oi uu mam teatures of the play. In lfl1 1 1 trtt A 41.. ... . " ..V.M.V.U.. IU VW 3,0 glVen Uway Kin, me liaiulsoinost. in,iv nr.j homellst man will each receive presents. Their qualifications to cla m theso gifts by vote of tho "' ?."CeA For th0 mat,neo tomorrow Little Coquette" w bo repeated by request when every child attend- Jng will receive a package of candy WANTED FOR CASH ! 100 Dozen Chickens. EIC.T.D0TY& COMPANY What price will they pay ? The higlv est price ever paid in Salem, Don't be afraid of bringing too much, as all can be taken care of, Poultry must be delivered on Feb, nj or 4, Call and see us, Our Patent Poultry Car will Leave Salem Fcbruarv 5 Must have poultry by that time, rcoruary b NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, iniynMAMNyilh h?y thr" month, old " - - K. .:. ,u uo General houjework Enquire at C. W. ScrllwSomh Salem WANTED.-A bell-a arm bell formaton in Lock box 368, Salem trTl oav .. -' ijSatKi'ff "Kt; iw omce. nth ki. v.. .. . . r: '' UIUCX, 24tf Urop In ' 3-3t OM People. Old people who require medlcinn vgu ato u,o tawoia And Udnffw "! "VV,? wly In Electric II vif 1 uih iiiinirMiik iIaa . BaWB to 111 Hit intoxicant iieni(it l aCtS as IttnillPnml It acts inildlv 1.1, .1... aYA 'pbowels. adding stwng h i.v.Miirt..t..;.L;.i" "'."'" is an old PoOT mitu , Children Cry for Itohr'i Ottorlii. Awarded (Ilfrliest Honors World's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. BAKING vMoit Perftct Made. j 4oVtntbSta4ft(iL 32 3f WANTED-Man and lf ,n ..... ...I " . lde for a term of three monthi or loneer ad Wrd proprietor, AddreX. this office. "J WANTEn t. ...". : . P.O.NEWS STAMn if... - . leadine dllv nlZZZ.JVK" " the ription, .4en for The Weekly C' f"b Rne toek of eieau n.l wl.-' hxa",her. Miller Prop eCOnfec,,0ne,y W. . 1 LL I 14 Im "When Baby wm tick, wa care her Oaatoria. When aha w am, the cried for Caatorla. Vhca iho became Jllsa, tho clang to CaatorU. Wh the had Children, the WT8 them c,,, 5WaIbrn Ete. Vh of d Ai tnTufc and !i"uTP The clothing busk ness in Salem during the past year has, in a general way, had its rough sailing, But the Woolen Mills Store has stood like Gibral ter and sold the most and best goods, It's home-made and all' wool goods, coupled with square dealing, nas done that busi ness, and the intention of the managers is to put in a large stock the coaling season at prices that will corres pond with small in' comes, and at the same time the standi ard of these popular goods will be fully kept up, and its many friends and patrons can rely in the future on getting reliable goods, the same as in the past. mcnoffinu?rg MdeooHntaton. IuSmK, ' Kacine, Wu. -i,' uo., maiion from JrSof 2.7uff nfot7 country from the lWri-,e,C01$t a"J (Allen',, vSX&kSSSir .B-UL"?. TT-r ---.., mj nrr moved Inc. LAk'F iiinisr: : brown Zr.n';r-w io . Vk- -rrun HPr ior sale chfm y aD6o&Ul,ln8 Undtr - 'baft! hi. IS :-" ", "r. c?t, bat EU,e office, up"sair, SZSTJffi i-a im COMBINATION OIL CURP 2SS. 1ff5?SSdg2S iclatic rheumatism eat' AUTn' filtu,J We have a SSSSffih i?1"0' d"e, wonder. Box 169, CO.. for We cure a ... 011 wmch is irorkinn Traveling AEent, Eugene, Or, STRAYED OR STOLEN i a 1 . horse, weighing utaot 1 ,to..d,,k XY forhead. hr.ndXi:.",,'-VIS0:.wh"e tar in y mate weUJhuTg abou, , Z ' h ' 'W knuwn. Liberal reward i.,:.ra?d uorsw or Information ibaat ,C v a l?r Ulc AdamSm, c..7?Sut wera. Address LiAirm. .--. . .., w,, JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stoce of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime. hair, cement and shincles. and finest quality of grass seeds. W. F. R. SMITH & CO. (Successors to Smith & Schindier.) Tftnfid R afthmit k viuuviUJ. UlWVllULlllVUVt IHorseshoelng a specialty. New shois full set, $1.50. Only the best work done. Job work a specialty. Prices the lowest J H. HAAS, " " WATCIIMAKFR AMn IPUTTFH. I XftaVd n. .tl. r c : 1. CI. T .it it I m "t J'BVWuiy uiunc repair wuik. " t.io 6t JThwuH cloekj, t9., 315 CornmercUl Straet. -