DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL V ASSOCIATED STRESS DAIJV. it VOL. . SALEM, OREGON, PKIBAY, JAIOJAKY 34, 8. - NO. ?'4 ' Here if , II I L iu Vjk Bfflhk t,'''zJiLML. til N WW Kraussb Bros. are leaders in their some big reductions, single pair lots we will follow the crowd land call in at 275 Commercial street u No Trouble to Show You Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machincryfat GRAY Examine our large and complete courteous lx " w x THE FAIR ! rt-r vrMi vtAnxr uTTr i4j tmrmztf hosiery, boysf clothing, table linen, X overalls, gloves, tinware Keep your eye on THE FAIR, 274 COMMERCIAL STf s" X 3T - COLLEGE of fbe Willamette Oniversify. JUNDR NEW Modern methods, ;Up to date. Same m in fone but the best Is good enough for beginners it'll Be - fl SHAME! - a Really it will, to let such a chance paw you for buying Ming; Furnishing Goods, as we willjoffer for the Removal Sale as we will after Feb, 1st occupy a sale or. aiew All the Clothing X X X AH the Furnishing Good, All the Hatsand Caps, X All the Trunks and Valises, Must go if it costs us a fortune in losses, G, W, JOHNSON & SON, 257 Commercial Street, W, R ALUN, is, mama The Shoe Store they all talk about, where you can get just what you want and do not have to pay the two prices, either as line, and are making and odds and ends and Through and Give Prices. stock. Always prompt and treatment. STORE! . X X OF MUSIC MANAGEMENT - the eastern and European Contervatorlcj aa well as for more advanced pupils, BROS W. V.. IIAWL.E.I. KC3IUCIII R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director. next fifteen days at our the room at 115 State st, It isn't iois or uungs, uui " Agent Mortgagee. HIGH STORMS RAGNG New York and Now England the Victims. TELEGRAPH WIRES ARE DOWN. Heavy Sleet Storms Throughout the Canadas. Sew Yojik, Jnn. 24. A severe storm of wind, nitn and sleet Is pre vailing In tho East today. Telegraph comniuntcatlon between this city and points In Now England Is entirely suspended. Along the coast the wind has a velocity of 40 to 00 mlle9 an hour. Storm In Cinada. Toronto, Jan. 24.- This city n cut oft from communication with all tke rest of Canada and the United States. It has been snowing terribly. An awful bIccL storm has rendered tele graph wires useless. It Is not known how far the trouble extends through Ontario. After Murderer Brown. RosEiiurta, Jan. 24. Yesterday morning two suspicious looking men were seen near tho 19-nillc house on the old Coos bay stage road. As soon as they were observed one of them, who was carrying a rltle and a bundle on his shoulder, Jumped down the. low grado and disappeared In tho timber. Tho othor came to the house, ate breakfast and bought a lunch to carry with him. He answered the descrip tion of Andy Fool, brother .of Jim Peel, who was convicted of robbing tho train at Cow Creek Canyon July last. Andy, It was thought, was hclplug Murder Sam G. Drown, who escaped from tho county -Jail Decem ber 30, and has since been nt large. District Attorney Brown, in working on tho case this weok, discovered a plan to take Brown to Coos county, where his parents live, and had men on the lookout. Jim Laird, Jim Moss, and two oth ers kept the man supposed to bo Peel insight. He went slowly, presum ably to allow his companion to keep near him, as ho appeared much fatigued when ficen in tho morning. Peel would whistlo at intervals to warn Brown, who remained under cover of the timber, whenever any one was in sight. At 11 o'clock last night all reached a point near Dora, In Coos county, 42 miles from ,Roso burg. Laird and Moss made a detour and hid in a barn. Brown and Peel 6oon appeared in company, and were allowed to pass the barn. Then they were ordered to throw up their hands. Peel promptly did so, and is now un der guard at Dora. Brown Jumped over a fenee,and Moss tlrcd'twice. Brown fell, but beforo his pursuers reached him he disappeared in a thick clump of brush, where he is now sup posed to be, possibly wounded. Albert Peel Arretted. Roseduro, Or. Jan. 24. Albert Peel recently acquitted by tho federal court for complicity in tho Cow Creek train robbery of July, 1895, was ar rested this afternoon charged with assisting Murderer Sam G. Brown to escape. A preliminary examination will be held tomorrow. Panic at a Fire. Chicago, Jan. 24. A tire in the old stock exchange building, at tho north east corner of Dearborn and Monroe streets, today, caused a panic among tho occupants. All escaped with but slight Injuries. Wants to Be Qovemor. On. Tinto "Inn 91.Tn fin nrun letter to Dr. Pretorlus, editor ol tho Westllcho Post of this city, Mayor C. P. "Walbrldge has announced his can didacy for the Republican nomlna- tlon for governor. THE COttORESSMANSHIlN The Salem Statesman makes a mis take In Us warfare on Geer and Her mann. Gccr hits foeon loyal too loyal for his own goid to the machlno whence the Statesman derives Its sus tenance. But Mr. Geer Is gentleman of brains ahd Intelligence, and great ability as a campaigner for the party. He has not agreed with us on tho money question. We did not agree with his vote to repeal tho mortgage tax law. But there Is no man wo would go farther o help Into a public position than MrGccr. Ho deserves well of tho Ropilhllenu party. Llko other Republicans, he has to take his chances on his record and on his views; but ho Is a talented man and it Is an honor to tho party, to have such ti man In It. nc has never made money out of the party. HeVis not an unprin cipled hireling Hessian. I To Isnclcuu, honorable party man. We do not know how any party could get along without soino men In It with more brains than a mosquito, or how it can got along without giving such. men offices onco In a wiille. The Statesman's1 abuse of Hermann is all dictated by tho old Portland ring. Ho is in u position where ho Is worth millions to the state of Oregon. Ojngrc&s Is no longer a deliberate body. fey The 300 members, all representing a multiplicity of interests can only transact business under tho prcbcnt rules by placing almost autocratic power In tho hands of the speaker and a fow committees. A new -member from Oregon would bo lost llko a needle in a hay stack. He would get no chairmanship, no second place on a committee and onto very few com mittees. Hermann is the only Paclllu coast couferco on the river nnd har bor bill, and will bo worth millions to Oregon river and harbor Improve ments. Why shouicTtho old ring and machine orgnns llko the Orcgonlan, Telegram and Statesman make war on Hermann and belittle his influence If they have nuy regard for tho Inter ests of Oregon ? The Republican party of Oregon Is made up of men who have novcr yet been dictated to successfully. They have, when nrouscd to tho truo inter est of the party nnd the people, tliuo and again overthrown dictators and can do It again. Wo do not mean to nay that no man is good enough to be a candidate against Hermann. Wo bcllovo Marlon county has ssvcral men who would in time make a? good, or oven a better congressman than 'Hermann. But tho way to get them to the front Is not by abusing nermann. The Journal will cordi ally support any Republican who is a fairly representative man of tho people and fairly nominated, and wo believe none other will bo put up. Tho editor of The Jouhnal Is not a candidate as Is represented by some Salem papers. In the absence of an active well-supported Marlon county candidate It prefers Mr. Hermann In the truo Interest of the party and tho people. Ills ten years experience nnd acquaintance with public men and the departments at Washington renders him nn almost Invaluable man for the people of this state. Be sides, he has broken away from ring dictation nnd control and stands with tho people. A Salem correspondent of the Rose burg Plalndealer replies to a Rose burg correspondent of tho Orcgonlan as follews: "Republican" should kuow, If he understands the situation, that tho next congressman from this district if he be a republican, will bo nomi nated by a utilon of the elements thut were In opposition last winter. And the next senator if he be a republican will be elected by those who supported Mr. Dolph and thoso who opposed him. In short, by those who can do what "Republican" seems lncapablo of do ingsink their past differences and antagonisms for tho honor of tho party and good of the state. Tho Orcgonlan and Statesman are carrying their fight too far In abusing men like nermann and.Gcerand read ing them out of the party, RELIEF IS PERMITTED Turks Permit Miss Barton to Assist the ArmenianSi GEN, GOMEZ A CONSUMPTIVE Tho Cuban General Cannot Llvo Sixty Days, Keller Permitted. Washington, Jan. 24. Owing to the energetic cllorls of Minister Ter- rlll, Miss Barton and party will bo permitted by tho Turkish government to distribute relief to tho'dlstrcssed Armenians, nlthorgh tho Red Cross will not llgure in the work. THE BKNATB AM. ItldHT. "Washington, Jan. 21. Senator Lodge, In a canvass of the city on tho Monroe doctrine, has been able to ilnd only eight votes against tho Davis resolution. An Armenian Resolution. Washington, Jan. 21. Call offorcd in tho Hcunto n radical resolution in demanding either through peaceful negotiations or by force of arms that the Armenian atrocities bo stopped. Tho resolution was defeated without division. A resolution reported by the committee on foreign relatives passed unanimously. Gomez Dying. Havana, Jnn. 21. It is stated up on excellent authority that Gonl. Maximo Gomez, commander In chief of tho insurgent forces, has consump tion In an advanced stago, compli cated with fever, nmVtho'dootors aro agreed that he can llvo about two months longor. Insurgents Victorious. ' Chicago, Jnn. 24. A dispatch from Havana says: Desplto oniclnl denials, the report has spread hero that Macco 1ms cap tured the city of Plnnr del Rio. A warship left Havana hurriedly nt a late hour, carrying ubnttallon of rein forcements and sovcrnl light Held pieces. Reports of big rebel dofcats around Plnar dol Rto are being given out from military headquarters In or der to counteract uuoniclnls nows and to encourage the Spanish resi dents, In tho town ofSabanllla on Mon day, while a party of Platados were looting stores and terrorlzsng tho cltlzcnH, n company of regular Cuban cavalry dashed Into tho place and, calling upon the mayor and citizens to co-operate with them, captured the marauders and promptly lynched them on the outskirts of tho place. From Cardenas comes the news that a majority of tho able-bodied mon of the outlying town of LaGulnallas, led by the mayor, have risen agaliiBo tho government, openly declaring for revolution. Troops have been sent from Cardenas to attack them. Five Spanish forts around tho town of Macuaga, province of Mntanzns, have been captured during the weok by Lu Crete's Cuban forces. Ih Oood Health. London, Jan. 23. A report that Queen Victoria was somewhat seri ously Indisposed, and tho announce ment that a treaty providing for an offensive and defensive alllanco had been concluded between Russia and Turkey had a disturbing Influence upon the stock exchange today. Con sols receded 1-10 below their price yes terday. The last bulletin from Osborne House announces the queen In good health, but overwhelmed with grief at the death of Prince Henry of Battcnbcrg. Children Cry foe Pihr's Cttorl. In Jackson's Hole. Helena, Mont.,Jnn!24, Prlvato ad vices received by letter are that tho In. dlnns In Jaokson's Holo nre commenc- lng to grow restless, nnd troublo of a erlous n itina Is dally expected, Tho Bannock Indian ringleaders have been made to bellove by a man named Jack son, husband of n half-breed wife. that If Agent Teter could be gotten i out of tho way he would succeed him. With this Idea In mind, they attacked Tctcr's house, attempting to carry him off bodily, but railed, The In dlans aro said to bo well armed, and a general uprising Is looked for any day, Tho Indian leaders are Big Keck, Sagnwancc, Big Horse nnd Red Bear. Chicctro Wheat. I Chioaoo, Jan. 24. Wheat Jtimhcd as follows teday: Chicago time. U:30 a. in., 02 j, 021-, 021; 11 a. in., 028-1: 12 in., 02M; 1 p.m., CUj.'lp in., 015. UNION PACIFIC SCHEME For Foreclosure on tho First Mort gage Bonds, Three Government Commissioners to Adjust Matters, New Yomc, Jnn 24. Attorney Morrison, who represents tho first mortgago bondholders of the Union Pacific railroad, whoso holdings amount to over $50,000 has prepared a hill which will ask Congressman Powers, chairman of the commlttco on Pacific railroads to bring beforo congress. Tho plan Includes the appointment of three government commissioners, who shall sccurctho co-operation of alt tho other creditors they can enlist to bringing .about a foreclosure through tho company's failure to pay Interest on tho last throo coupons due, and buy tho road at such sale. An organi zation wotild bo mndo by Issuing now first mortgago bonds for tho full amount of tho debt at a rato which tho commissioners might dccldo was Justified by tho not earnings of tho road. Broko tho Color Line. Chicago, Jan. 21. After fighting over a woman's complexion for 14 months, tho Chicago Woman's club has eliminated the color lino nnd elected Mrs. Fannlo Barrier Williams, a well-known colored woman, to full membership nt a'n executive session of the club. Tho greatest effort was made to suppress oniclnl Information on n subject which had become one of popular Interest on account of tho prolonged opposition to tho candi date's admission. Preceding tho meeting there was u lively session of tho membership com mittee, which had tho nnmo of Mrs. Williams under ndvlscmcnt for the second time. Four inoiiibors of tho committee were prompted by racial prejudice to vote against n favorable report on her application. Another negative voto would have success fully blackballed tho candidate. Dr. Sarah llackot Stevens and Mrs. Cath erine Waugh McCulloch championed the causo of tho colored woman, tho nut majority of tho commlteo roportcd their sentiments. Tho committee's report provallcd until presented to tho meeting. While tho majority of the club have welcomed tho intellectual colored lecturer to their sisterhood, a fow members have threatened to resign unless Mrs. Williams dpes. When tho cause of contention hoard their threats she positively announced ner Intention to remain in tho club regardless of the actions of a minor ity, whom she designated as pre judiced, mean and hopeless, Highest of all in Leavoing Powcr.Late U.S. Gov't Xtpert R AMhWUOTWW MJK TWO MURDERERS HANGED A Chorokofi Indian Nsmd Ward Cut Off Short, Henry C, Foster Swings for the Murder of George Wells, Van BuitEN, Ark. Jan. 21. Gtio. Ward.n Cherokee Indian, was hangnl this forenoon for murdering Henry Bacon In July of last year. Hewa. a noted dosjicmdn and nn nil-round criminal. A Voot-Pad Hung. GHlTAOO,.Jnn. 21. -Henry U. Foster, colored, was hanged in the county jail today for the murder of a saloon keeper, named Geo. W. WelK win i tho latter was attempting to savou citizen Foster had waylaid and w ;t robbing on the street In front of "Wells' wiloon. On tho scaffold Fost r confessed and hoped his execution would bo a lesson to nil. Street Car Collision. Knoxvim.ii, Term., Jnn. 24. An electric car on tho Knoxvllle street railway and n switch engine on the Southcjn Railway collided at tho nsy- him street crossing today. Several persons wcro Injured, and twopcrhnps fatally. Woman's Suffragists. Washington, Jnn. 24. Tho nn nual convention of tho Nntlonrl Women's Suffrage association began horo yesterday and 3,000 delegates uro prcsont. Tho ropoi t of tho correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Rachnol Foster Avery, of Philadelphia, said that work had been hindered by tho gen eral mlsconcoptlon of tho relation of tho so-called "woman's Bible" to tho association. As an organization, this, body hnd been held responsible for the action or an Individual In Issuing a volume with a protcntlous title, cov ering a Jumblo or comment without literary valuo, sot forth in n spirit nelthor reverent nor Inquiring. She urged that tho association, by resolu tion, disavow responsibility for tho publication. A number of personal colloquies re sulted nnd the report finally was tabled by a voto of 60 to 10. In tho course of tho report, Mrs. Avery urged that tho success of tho cnuso in Utah clearly demonstrates tho ndvlsablllty of securing tho aid of political parties through tho planks of their respective platforms. "Wo now have," she said, "slxscnators and representatives from three states on the floor of congress, all of whom stand thoro with an ovcr-prcscnt sense that an Important part of their con stituents aro tho femalo sox." Tho Kentucky Senatorshlp. Fkanicfokt, Ky., Jau. 24. Senator Blackburn's election seems almost im possible, as tho sound money Demo crats hnvo declared that thoy will net support Blnckburn on account of his free silver vlows. Tho ballot today resulted ns follews: Hunter, 07; Blackburn, 68; McCrcnry, 4; Carlisle 1; M. W. Read, 1; Bucknor, 2; Wilson, l;Hazelrlgg,l;Edrlngton, (pop.) voted for Blackburn, and seems to bo tin movable. Harrison at Washington. Washington, Jan. 24, Tho su premo court room was tho center of attraction at tho capital today. Ex president narrlson appeared there as attorney in a California irrigation caso. Baking f -1A h o i "1 to J - 5& ' -,V ? f ' v r TV i 'iiTiffii wjflfr-frf r?ihi 1 tfrfr - - A ArWl"