Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 22, 1896, Image 4

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Dally Capita! Journal
Altona and Ramona
9:00 a. m.
10:15 a.m.
6:00 a.m.
P'ortland, 6:45 a m-
Micm, 7145 n. in.
Independence, 6130 a. m.
ryFrelghl received'up'to 10 p. v.Jd
C ck time, regular service and cheap
.. rates ...
Agent, Salem.
Geo. II. 6-ttlnn went to Fortlnnd
toilny. .
Vr. Mott visited patients nt Clicm
nwn today.
Chns. L. Dalloy wuh n pin-digcr to
Jefferson today.
I. L. Patterson wni n paiwiiKer to
Portland today.
Dr. J. A. L-nmbcrnon returned to
Lebanon tills lnortilnjr.
Ooo. W. Tayno returned to Corvnllls
today, after a visit at home.
J. S. Cooper, the Independence
hanker, went to Albany today.
Senator Geo. C. Ilrowncll, of Clackn
man county, Is at the Willamette.
II. W. Savage, the nurseryman, re
turned last night from n trip down
the road.
Hon. David Craig of Mnclcny wnH
In town today, Ho Um been requested
by many Jtcpublleanu to again bo u
cundlduto on the Republican ticket
for representative and has consented
to do 60.
Every reader of Tub Journal
Hhould look up tho list of premium!)
given absolutely frco with this paper.
Tho Wekkly Journal at $1 a year Is
tho cheapest papor an the Pacific
coast, yet with It wo give- yearly sub
Bcrlptlons to any of tho following
valuablo publications, each known to
tho world as a standard In Its Held:
Tho Toledo lllado,
Tho Queen of Fashions,
Tho Farm Nows,
Tho Child Harden.
TIicao valuablu publications arc
each worth a $1 a year, yet wo glvo
you your choice, 0110 year free, for a
$1.50 subscription lo Tub Journal,
either tho Daily for six months or
tho Weekly for eighteen months.
See tho list, and don't ucglcot to profit
by It.
Don't bo dccolvcd Into paying for
so-called premiums offered with high
priced papers at a slight advance.
Remember The Journal Is tho
cheapest nowspaiwr on tho Pacltlo
coast, and it gives you high grado
premiums without additional charge.
Ueware Of Ointments (or Catarih that
contain Mercury,
mercury will surely destroy llie seme o(
smell and completely derange die whole ays
tern wlicu entering It through the mucous
i.urftcei Sucli article should never be used
except on prcKriptlom icputntile physician,
ti the damage they will do it ten fold to tlw
wxt yon can derive Irom them. lUIIV
Laiarrh Cure, nunufadturcd by F. J. Cheney
& Co , loledn. 0 , contain no mercury, and
1 taken Internally, acting illitctly upon the
blood and mucoui surface uf the lyitcni. In
buying Hall' Catarrh Cure bcsuryou g(.
jhu genuine. It I taken internally, and made
In Toledo Ohio, by I'. J. ChenykCo. Tc$.
ttmonlali free.
lySolh by DruggUls, price 75 cent a hot
Itivnu Hoominu. -A telegram from
Albany received this tirtoriuxm nivs
tho river Is rising at that place almiit
two-tenths of a foot per hour. It now
stands at 22 feet thero and 20.fi hero;
ami Is still rising.
wejejjL'ai. jljlii.
Big Reductions
Winter Dress Goods , ,
Woolen Underwear . , ,
Men's and Boys Suits and
Al must be sold. Prices cut deep.
Caill and get n barjjaln. Our Drcs
floods ltepartiiiciu Is full of good
tNlnKs, Samowlth our Shw Depart,
fcenu Try them.
WI T.T.IK liimv t-rv
.m r ,(.urt mul Liberty street.
-!!- Wr'JB ' I
Local Newn of Boclal and Fraternal
This society, which Is a singing
Boclcty, will meet In their hall in the
postofflcc block on the evening or
February 1, to enjoy a musical and
literary program which lias been ar
ranged. The program will be followed
iwn,innrrn. and tho affair will no
doubt Iks quite enjoyable.
At their Joint Installation of olll
cent last night tho Knlghtsand Ladles
of tho Maccabees highly entertained
their friends, and themselves enjoyed
a Jolly good time. A large number
were present and were tientcd to a
lino literary and musical entertain
ment, besides witnessing tho Installa
tion ceremonies of tho Lady "Decs,"
which wero performed with tho tit
most grace, dignity nnd precision,
though the limited space prevented n
full display of their ability. The
work or Installation of tho Knights
was very brief, owing to luck of time.
The Hrst number on the program
was musle by Messrs. Denton, Law
reusou and McElroy, whlcn wits fol
lowed by a recitation by Miss Merle
Davey. The zither duct by Misses
Ida Adolph and Daihoy Ogen, was
heartily nppieclatrd, and encored.
Mr. Hunter declaimed In 11 pleasing
manner, and Miss Helen Crawford re
eled In a very able manner. Messrs.
Hcllcnbntiid and Payne rendered an
Instrumental selection, MIbs Mctta
Davis a charming vocal solo, followed
by a laugntcr-provoklng character
sketch, In which Win. Tarplcy and
Uasll Wagner Impersonated Clilnn
men. Fred David, 0110 of the officers,
delivered an appropriate speech, and
Mr. Denton with violin, accompanied
by Miss Denton, as pianist, rendered
n beautiful selection, wuicu cioseti
tho nroirmtn. Dr. Lambcrson, of
LnhniKin. the orator of the evening.
dollvered it most appropriate and ear
nest address, which received tiionp
nrnelntlon so well merited. At the
closo of tho address a hountcots lunch
eon was served, to tho enjoyment of
all present, nnd aftora season of hoclal
converse a most cnjoyahlo affair was
brought to n close,
Ono of tho most novel socials en
Joyed In Salem took place in tho par
lors of the Presbyterian church last
night under tho auspices of tho ladles
of the church. Tho largo rooms wero
thickly "set" to small forest trees,
nnd all present wero In picnic array,
wearing light dresses and summer
suits. Merry romping games wero in
dulged in, all entering heartily into
tho spirit of tho affair, especially
when 1 11 licit I lino arrived. Long
cloths wore spread Uon the Door and
the Jolly crowd heated thomselves as
comfortnbly as possible upon the lloor
and partook of tho umia 1 picnic
dainties served In the orthodox style.
There wero nbout bovonty-llvo present
and a moro Jovial crowd was never
A HUIU'llIHi:.
Last evening a largo number of tho
friends of Mr. and Mrs. I). II. irvln
assembled mid proceeded tothclrhomo
In Kast Salem to glvo them a surprise.
Tho evening was spent In social con
verse, Interspersed with mero'-maklng
Inthoshapo of games, and splendid
refreshments wero served. Thero
wore nlxnit forty present, and tho
affair was a long round or Jollity.
Miss Mamie Crawford was a pas
senger to Corvnllls today. The fam
ily oxpcctB to move to that city In
the near future.
Mrs. F. 11. Southwlck, stitto organ
tror of tho woodmen circle, luff vnstnr.
day for the Dalles. Her daughter,
Miss Jsclllo, accompanied hernial will
visit friends at White Salmon, Wash.
Notice, Taxpayers! .
Tiik .lot'iiNAi. tomorrow will print
an Installment of tho record of
members In the last legislature on!
measures of inform and ivmimnv i
l'nvutno thoe papers for reference. " !
Fun: Alaiim. -At 12:30 this mom.
iugsomo rubbish In tho mnrnrtim1
building formerly occupied by tho dyo ;
works on IVmmorciiil htrini '
found to U on lire. An alarm wns'
turned In at thooiiL'Ino linns.vmni n.. 1
doiKtrttnent arrived tiKiu the scono
cry qtiicKiy.
Fl.ouit llinuiiw -.Tin u,.i.. in..
. ' " "iiiuill nuns
advanced Hour "ft oiii i..rw.i .1.1.,
.. ....... .,,lv, M(13
morning and wheat went to CO conts it
bushel. Shortago In Australia Is ono j
cause of the nthnncu nn.i iii.. ...,.
prOlCCtH Is nilOtlini' mn ll'l
and Hour are going tin stondlh- nn.i
farmers Uxik more hopeful.
IVJl'l.THY Show 1 'v ixt. .. i.
N buying up poultry for the San
nimiN market, and will ship a oar
lebnmry Sth.ls In OervaUaud UrtKiks
mis ituernoon mwii . n,., i.,..i.... ..
HO Will Visit iimiiv ,vf ti...
, . . -"V "V VUIIIIIY
owns In this Interost and rlvo ovory
iKMly a chance to get In ttctr n nil try
and mjII It for cash.
Children Cry for
ltclw'f Ctttorla.
In Which Special Tax Will Be
County Clerk Ehlcn today bent out
the total valuation of property for
purpose of taxation to district cicws
In school districts whjch have noti
fied him of their Intention to levy a
speclul tax for nny purpose whatever.
Thcdlstrlctsnnd totalsarc as followf;
Xo.3 8 84,110
No. 4. "2,031
Ko. f 10,888
N0.8 0,307
No.10 .Cs
No. 11 'Jj.;8
No. 10 "
No. 17 .M
No. 10 18.8M
y0 00 , 10l,J8.)
No. 21 .
No. 07 M.2W
No. GS W"
No. 71 1 M,M
Tin. in ai.f)04
No, 74 1 . 25,303
78, i . 1 .s'iMi
70 I I I I t t I t I I I I V.A'ihn
00 .. w.i"l
07 l'lilld
00 14,450
103 170,000
100 .("'
Ill 4.W-
112 20,088
1IR 41f,4il4
121 8,078
122 40,322
Easy to Make Beautiful Colors With the
Reliable Diamond Dyes.
Scores of women In Salem arc today
wnnrlmr dresses of fashionable color
that would have been thrown aside
long ngo hud it not been for Diamond
Dyes. With a ten cent package of
these simple home dyes, even the
novice can dye ft fast and beautiful
color equal to the work of a pro
fessional dye-hotfe.
Cloaks, capos and shawls are readily
dyed, so that a faded garment will
look as though It was right from the
Out of the GO different kinds of Dia
mond Dyes, 12 are special fast colors
for cotton and mixed goods, that will
not crock or fade, even when washed
In strong soapsuds. These dyes arc
made from a peculiar combination of
dyestuffs, and cannot be had except
In tho Diamond.
For over twenty years Diamond
Dyes have Iwen tho standard home
dyes, and have taken tho placo of
crude dyestuffs mid unreliable pack
age dyes In all parts of tho world.
This marvelous success lias naturally
Inspired more or less worthless Imita
tions, sold to tho trade at a less price,
and which a few unscrupulous dealers
urge upon their customers. The only
way to ensure success In home dying
Is to use only tho Diamond, the
strongest, fastest, and most successful
of all dyes.
Joint Dhiiatk. A Joint discussion
was held at Siniiiysldo school hoiitc,
Yew I'nrk precinct, Thursday even
ing at which tho question debated was
tho Populist money Idea. Prof, .lory,
Cleveland, Shaw and IMckley, spoko
for tho Pops., Webster, Kiiln, llalley,
Savage and l'iof. Smith took the
negative. A Jury consisting of Messrs.
Wagner, KdmuuiUou and Chamlicrs,
ono of each party, decided in favor of
tho negative.
SUI'l'KH SUl'lT.H Stll'l'KH. At
Channliig Hull next Friday evening,
from ft to 8 o'clock. Music, Kllte Or
chest m, for tho social entertainment.
Mkiiama. Delegates elected to tho
Young Mens' ltepuhllcan club to
meet at Portland February I, 18D0,
arc Dudley Ilobson, I. N. Irvine, 0,
l Terrell.
Hkmiimiihu That the remainder of
Van Knton grocery stock Is being
closed out as rapidly as possible nnd
at very low figures, it Is to tho
Interest of all local! nndseo Tor them
selves. Faumhks' Ilo.Mi:-Aswell as head,
quarters for business men to get
lunch Is Kenworth.v Ocorge's
KmiKH Will Do,- Umg the blue
lox or call for tho telophono nunilwr
40 for 11 swift mcsNongor.
lOWULL.-At tho family ivsldenco
in niiM!! uu'oii, .Marion county
luosjlay , .lanuary 21. 1800, to Mr
and Mrs. II, O. Powoll, a daughter
in 1HU.U1 urcoi. .Marion ennntv
Ollll Lkllllnk... 1 11J. . . .
Baths) Bathsl Baths)
forll. Chlldron'shalrcutttng, under
12 years of age.lft cents.
M'lm .1. C. M1I.I.S. Pnm
Old P-ople.
Old neonlo who require medlolno to
rogulatothelwwelsnnd kldnoys will
hid the true remedy In Elcctrio lilt'
tors. ThU i,h.,ii,.i.. .1,,,,., . ".1"'
Into and contains no whiskey norothor
iitoxlcant hut acts as .f tonic land
uuvnuMc 11 nets mild y on tho
st - "iiolt nnbowols. adding strength
and giving tono to tho orpins, tliorabr
alo.ng Naturo In tho performa c or
the uuct Ions. Electric blttow Is an
excollent luipctlur and aids digestion
Old People Unci It Jitstoxactlv wlint
hey nee, . Price Wad S?to S
tt 1 w A. Legg'a drug store.
Children Cry for
Jlohtr! Caetoria,
City Offlccra' Salaries 'Cut Squire
rar Elected Aldcrfaan.
The city 'council met in regular
session last evening with all members
nnd officers present. '
A. .1. Van '. 7 20
.l.C. (loodale , 8 02
Hobort McKIUop 1 18 76
Elmer White v 22 50
J.P. Vcatch ' 25 60
F. II. Lynch 2 35
Brown & Smith 14 00
A. J. Coss 15 10
II. (I.S'onuemiin..... 5 15
Drown & Smith 1 70
Salem GasCo 27 60
Salem Water Co Ill 02
II. Pohle .'125
H Vandervorl ,,,... 100
1.. Larson.. ,,.,,., ,.f. 60
Salem Con, HW Ms- Co. , 12 83
Pcwt - - 2 1ft
Cnl.n. 'P V. It '.. .'I -,
Pulton Dies.,
Stclner Dnitf Co..........
Kcnwovlhy Ocorgo
Salem PhkIuco Co
l.llulll t. kl i't .......... ..... '
1 43
7 50
2 70
5 00
r, 00
L 00
lot) SO
0 50
Kd. N. Edcs
Salem (Ja ('0
Salem Has Co
I lil MH
Salem Con. St. Ity. Co
Glover & Pugh
The cor.nqlttoo mt licences reported
In favor of granting a liquor license
toE.l. Anderson. Alderman Smith
suggested that It should, lint l
granted, hut s no soeond could ho
had l such a motion, tho report of
the couimUtfo was adopted and the
license granted.
The special committee to which
was referred the matter of creating a
fifth ward reported, against such
p;tlon, On motion the leport was
adopted, and then.' will ha no new
ward created.
The special committee to whom was
referred the mayor's ineiierajnrted
that the message ho segicgated and
reforro'l to thu various committees
and city olllce. Adopted
0. 1). Hultoii, chelf of the fire de
partment ma.lt' tho following rcco-
F. A. Welch, asslst.int engineer; El
mer White, L. It. Murphy, Walter S.
Low, W. J, Soha.n,llalph King, Albert
Macy, Don Trultt, : Wallace Williams
hoscmen; Richard Carlson, night flrc-l
The report was adopted and the
men elected as rccommondod.,
Tho resignation of Alderman Bing
ham was read and upon motion ac
Upon motion the council proceeded
to elect nn alderman to (111 tho va
cancy. Alderman Lamport nomina
ted Squire Furrar for tho position nnd
he was duly elected by acclamation.
Alderman Itlgdon offered n report
on tho subject of collecting road tax
In cash. Ho had written to tho var
ious road supervisions or the county,
and received 30 replies, 21 of which
were opposed and 12 in favor of the
wish sy&u'in. -mnuo 01 me letters were
read. Includini' it troort ono hv v. i
Gouley, or Brooks. Souio wore very
entertaining. Tho report wns upon
motion received and with tho letters
placed on file,
Tho commlttco on city hall, to
whom was rcforrcd tho matter of ad
vancing money to tho contractors for
payment of freight on material, re
ported In favor or such warrants being
drawn, provided tho consent or tho
bondsmen was obtained. It was
moved that tho report bo adopted,
Sovoral or tho nldormon spoko upon
tho subject. Murphy objected to tho
motion, ns no specific amount was
stated In tho recommendation. He
thought tho contract was a liberal
ono to start with, and thatasrnras
he was concerned, ho nlwnys wanted
to lw on tho side of tho barrel next to
tho bung-hole, whenever tliero was n
leak. Ho offered an nmendmont that
tho written consent of tho bondsmen
should bo obtained by the contractors,
and tho matter re-referred until such
consent wns obtained. Mr. Rlgdon
stated that this was what tho report
contemplated, as tho money wns not
to bo advanced until tho necessary
consjnt wns to bo obtained.
At this Juncture Squlro Farrar, tho
newly elected councilman appeared,
took tho oath of olllco and nssumed
tho responsibilities of tho same.
Mr. Murphy's amondinont wns ac
cepted, and tho report so adopted.
Tho commlttco on city hall recom
mended tho payment of llutchlns &
Southwlck's bill of $000.60. and W. D.
Pngh's bill of 024. Adopted!
Petitions signed by 54 citizens, ask
ing tho reduction ofsalarles.were read
and rererred.
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair
Medal, Midwinter Pair.
iMost Fwfcct Muk.
Anordlnauco reducing thotltyro
corder.s salary from $1000 to 8800 per
year, was read the urst nna sorouu
time. Kef erred to the, committee on
accounts nnd current expenses.
A olmllnr nrdtlinnCC. reducing tllO
city marshal's salary from $1000 to
$800, was also read tho first nnd second
time, and referred to same committee.
Tho mayor appointed alderman Far
rar to fill the vacancies on the various
committees, caused by the resignation
of Mr. Bingham.
Mr. Illgdon asked thnt tho ordinance
commfttco draw up an ordinance re
quiring a change In tho grade of
Nortli Commercial street, to meet tho
demands of it petition recently pre
sented. On motion such request wns
acted upon.
Before the couticll adjourned, Al
del man Farrar asked permission to
speak, and In his felicitous rcmaiKs
thanked the council for the honor it
had conferred upou him. Ho compli
mented tho council as being a lino
body of men, and hoped to prove- wor
thy of his place among them.
At the Hospital. Thero are now
five patients at the Salem hospital,
and yesterday members of the Wil
lamette university medical stall per
formed an opsratlon for lumbar ubcess
on Mrs. .Tames Matthews, ono of tho
five. Tomorrow n Mr. Henth will bo
operated upon for cancer of tho lower
jaw, and on Friday, Mr. Dlmler. who
suffers from hip-Joint disease, will un
dergo nn opctnrlon.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phuobc Thomas, of Junction
Cltv, 111., was told by hor doctors she
had Consumption nnd that there wns
no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr.
King's Now Discovery completely
cured her nnd sho says It saved her
life. Mr.Thos. Eggcrs, 130 Florida
street. San Francisco, suffered from it
dreadful cold, approaching consump
tion, tried without result everything
else then lKiught one bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery nnd In two
weeks was cured. Ho is naturally
thankful. It Is such tcsults, or which
these nrc samples tli.it prove the
wonderful elHcuiw of this medicine In
Coughs and CohN. Five Mini bottles
at Fred P. Legg's drugstore. Regular
size 60c and ?l.
$1,20 Fresh
The, Union Bargain Store has just opcicd some great bargains
in S pes
Ladies' Fine Shoes, Worth $1,50 for $1,20,
Tliis is a fine dress shoe, and is sold by some dealers as high
as high as $1.65. You cannot afford to buy
shoes without seeing us, .
M, J,
Chicago, Jan
May 6t
33 Wheat, cah 6oy,c,
New Vork,
Jan. 22. Silver, C6Jc; lead,
3 3.
San Franchco Jan 20 Wheat, t.07
Wool Orrcon choice. CSi loe: Interior 1
8c, valley, 9llc.
nop yuotalile nt 5S7C
Potatoe 25 to 40c per sack.
Oats -Milling. 6s72l.
Portland. Jan 22. Wheat valley, 60
Walla Walla, . "
Flour Poniand. $2 60; Benton county,
2 60: graham. $2 20; nupertinc. it per bhl.
Oau- White, 2224c; grey, 202i;rolled
n hat;, $4 25$ 25, bacrelj, 4 50 7.00;
. 3 7S
Potatoe . . Ne w Oregon, 2S4oc per sack.
I lay.. Good, 5S 50 per ton.
Wmil. .Valley. 11c; Kastcrn Oregon, 79C
MIIiitun..Uran. Jn.soi2; shorts, i2
Ujchop feed, I2ls per ton; rye. 73c pcrc
IJidea. .ureen, mlted 60 lb 44;cj under
60 i 36c; heep pelts. lo7oo.
Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 7c, according to qual.
Butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 2j27l;
ancv d.ilry. J22j fair to j;ood, I5l7j:
common, 10c.
Cherse. .Oregon full cream, 9ioc,
tggs.. Oregon, i82oper doi ; Eastern,
lec perdoz.
Poultry. .Chickens, -i. so3 00 per doi ;
ducks, $4 oo4 50; geese, 6.oo7.oo; tur'
keys, eiic: dressed. ioi2c.
Beef. . I'opsteern. 22 3-sc per Ihj fair
to good Meers.2K23.Sc; cows, 2f2lic;
drensed beef, 4sc.
Mutton.. Ilc.i beef, 2.oo2.jcj choice
e, 1. 5o2 00; dressed, 40 '
Hogs..Clioice. heavy, 3 o3 40: light
and erders; fa 75 j dreued, 4 lT,.' B
wtlb, ' 5 ! UrSe34c
Wheat.. 50c per bu., market firmer.
Oats .17c
J6""y--Baled. cheat, $4.sos.ooj timothy,
Miiur..In wholesale lots, 350;
3 80: bran, hulk n nn n,-l,..l
horts, 11.0012.00j chop feed,'
Veal..Dres$fd. 4.
IIogs..Dresed. 3.
Uve Cattle.. 1 i2VJ.
Sheep.. Live, 200.
Wool..Be.t, I2c.
Hop., Best. 4sc.
Eggs.. Cash. 15c.
Uutter..B-si dairy,
cretmery, I52ric
Onions, ,2c.
Apples.. 4s6oc.
.uui.ry tiens. sc; rocsters. ri.Soperdoi
nd no, wanted. duek Xss'nplfdT
turkey., lle 7c5eggs lafeenufSh? '
Children Cry for
Pitohr' Caitoriai.
Close At Hand
January 27th wc will commence to move to 257
Commercial street, the building nowoccupied by
G W, Johnson L Son. Our removal sale will
close on Saturday next, to take advantage of our
extremely low prices while you have an oppor-
tunity. '
The Last Week,
As this is our last
offer all remnants ana Dronen nnes regardless of
Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods,
The remainder of these lines wc will close out
at half price this week, Call before the sizes and
styles arc broken.
5. ft & E. rl. STOCK
OPERA HOUSE I Grand Successful Week. OPERA HOUSE.
Chase 2 Stock J3C Company,
Entirely New Repertoire of Plays,
s f s W " '
$S23f3& 'Pawn Ticket 210'
TC January 22, Z
VIS T 1 A. "
x onipm, v
v " "
Ten Dollars Given Away Every Night,
The tame pleasing price of admission, 10c, 20 and 30c,
Reserved mmu at Pulton's Bros.' bookstore without extra charge.
Ai - rlvals, $1,20
. 3
The Salem
Woolen Mills Store,
The clothing busi
ness in Salem during
the past year has, m
a general way, had its
rough sailing, But the
Woolen Mills Store
has stood like Gibral
ter and sold the most
and best goods, It's
homemade and alk
wool goods, coupled
with square dealing,
has done that busi
ness, and the intention
of the managers is to
pi it in a large stock the
coaling season at
prices that will corres
pond with small in
comes, and at the
same time the standi
ard of these popular
goods will be fully
rep up, and its many
Wends and patrons
can rely in the future
on getting reliable
goods, the same as in
the past,
lffi''lNr work. S,
' ' 3,s GwwmwW Suw.
-rtYv .
week on State n street, wc will
" " W '"
Greatest and
i Most Successful Comedy
FOR SALE fallRraph typewriter. In good
repair. Does excellent work. Fur sale cheap.
Bigger'i law office, Bush bank block. 22 31
WANTED-Man and wife to take charge of
a comfortable house and fruit farm nt bunny
side for a term of three months or longer and
board proprietoi, Address X. this office. 20
WANTED - Two wood choppers to cut
smill fir at 60 cents a cord, for cash. April
IS. Milton Bri,wn, Sidney, Or I-i w
P.O.NEWS STAND. -UealquarteM for the
leading dally newspapers ot the coast. Sub
acriptioni t. ken for the Weekly Examiner.
Fine stock of cigars and confectionery, t W,
Miller. Prop. 1 14 im
WE DO NO r WAN P-Boys or loafers but
men of ability. J300 to 1500 a month to
hus lers. State and general agents Salary
and commission. Rucinc Fire Engine Co.,
Rncine, Wis. e o s 41
iness houses can obtain all newsmner Infor
mation from the press of tlw state, coast and
country from the Press CliDointr Bureau.
(Allen's) Union Block. Portland. 12 2otf
CARPET PAPER Urge lot of heavy
brown wrapping par er for sale cheap, lust
the thing for pulling under curpels. Call at
Journal office
PAPERS Portland, Sacramento, Seattle,
racoma nnd San Kianclsco papers on sale at
Miller's Postoflicc block.
INSURANCE J. N. Fcrg.uon, agent for
Western Assurance ofToro-ito, Phojnix of
London, New Zealand Insurance company
and the Aim Life and Accident, has
moved his office in with the Glo'w Real
Etate office, up stairs in post office build.
"E- t-2 im"
cancer and all malignant dUeaes. We cure
cancer, old ulcers, piles, tumors, fWiula
ciatic rheumatism.catarrh and minor disease.
We have a combination oil which is working
wonder. Address, H HhCKUAN,
Box 169, Traveling Agent. Eugene, Or.
horse, weighing about 1,150. white star 'in
lorhead, hranded on left shoulder I . Also
a bay mare weighing about 1,200; brand not
known. Liberal reward will be paid for the
horse or Information about them. Adlress
Adam Synder, Salem, 0 I 16 61
isgras- ? B
When BMy ras Blclr, we gave hor Castorta.
When aha wm a Child, she cried for CastorU.
When she became Miss, the clung to CastorU.
When she had Children, she gaTe them CastorU.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oilfi
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shinzles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
W. F. R. SMITH & CO,
(Successors to Smitii'SrSch ndler.)
rEyllorseshrlntr a. srurcialtv. New shot!
&'wi.i.5o. OnlythVbesi wo.k dwe.
Job waVa pecialt. ftkc the lowH.
LnnATinl Dlnnlromifho
U 01101(11 mttUilLOlllHlJO,