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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1896)
a - AttttOOIATJtJ .'FlfcESS DA1LV, -I9- V.)l. . liao'J ssssssstaeKJStta AlilfiM, OitJIGON, SATUItDAY, JAJMXJAltY 18, -IBM. Ko.j T A TT iY" n A DTTP A T TYTTPXT A T AH Ladies' and Gentlemen's Winter Weight Woolen Underwear Reduced to close out these lines at m l) m m m J Come and buy now ' while you can get them at extremely low prices, E.T.BARNES. ZC No Trouble to Show You Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery 'at GRAY BROS. 0 Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and courteous treatment X THE FAIF STORE! , Can save you money on Underwear, , 'hosiery, boys' clothing table linen, ei overalls, gloves, tinware, Keep your eve on THE FAIR, 274 COMMERCIAL ST J COLLEGE OF M05IC of the Willamette University. -.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.- Modern methods. JUp to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories None but the best is good enough for beginners aa well as for more advanced pupils, W. C. HAWLEV. President K. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director EMIL L. WINKLER, Incremental Director. It'll Be - ft" SHAME ! - Really it will, to let such a clrnnce pass you for buying Clothing, Furnish Goods, a we will offer for the next fifteen tus at our Removal Sale as we will after Feb, 1st occupy th room at 115 State st, a sale of afew lots or things, but -Ml .the Clothing X X All the Fitrmsliincr Goods X . All the Hats and Caps, X All the Trunks and Valises, Must go if it costs us a fortune in losses, G. W, JOHNSON & SON 257 Commercial Street. VsV If W SMS A W,R,ALUN, IT HI- Through and Give Prices. X ze " 1 ?C 3C It isn't X, Agent Mortgagee IC The Populist National ventlon. Con- THE FLYING SQUADRON, The Cuban GonoralCampos to Be Succeeded, ; St. Louis, Jan. 18. The work of the representatives of t ho different cities, working to secure tho national Populist convention, that will meet July 22d next, was resumed this morn ing, when the national commlttco re assembled. Fulwalto, of Arkansas, spoko for Chicago. He was followed by Dr. II. Taylor, Eugene Smith and W. J.Schcutts intimated that at lcat $20,000 could be raised for the Popu list cause, If they were given suffi cient time to collect It. E. S. Hclslcr and Jos. II. Schneider, who spoko for Kansas City, Kas., said they wcro prepared to erect a" tent 150x300 feet square, large enough to scat 20,000 people, within a block of tho court house. Hurry Tray, D. E. Lcidy and Mayor Holton spoko in behalf of Dallas, Texas. When they finished tho committe went into executive session. A rcsolurion to refer the selection of the place of meeting to the execu tive committee, to report within ten days was adopted without a dissent ing vote. The Flying Squadron. London, Jan. 18. Tho Admiralty informs the Associated Press that the destination of the flying-squadron of British warships now off theSplthcad has not been determined on oven by the Admirality. and that it Is n cer tainty that tho warships arc not going to Bermuda or anywhere in tho American waters at present. The-Cuban General. Madrid, Jan. 18. Tho cabinet has unanimously decided to supersede Captain-Gcnoral Martinez do Campos and his lieutenant, General Ardcrcus, owing to differences which exist bo tween them and the political parties in Cuba. General Martin and General Pando, who are in command of tho Spanish troops in tho province of Santiago do Cuba, will replace General Campos and General Ardcrcus, temporarily. ANXIOC8 AT HAVANA. Havana, Jan. 18. Tho anxiety felt over the situation paralyzes business so that many commercial houses closod their doors long before tho us ual hour. Groups of people gathered on the streets, discussing the situa tion, but were dispersed by tho police or military authorities on tho ground that they were violating orders by congregating in public thoroughfares. Everylhlng possible Is being done to keep tho city quiet. CUBANS JUBILANT. Washington, Jan. 18. When Gon zales Quesada, the secretary of tho Cuban party In the United States, was informed of tho intended ap pointment of PolavIJa to replace de Campos; lfcfcxclalmed with enthusia- ism; . , 'Good; that is worth ten battles to us. This Is considered as a confession of the fate of tho ppanlsh government in Cuba, for General Campos was tho first military chief in Spain and also one of the ablest politicians. CAMI'OS TO BAIL. Havana, Jan. 18. General Carapoo, who has resigned as captain general of Cuba, will sail for Spain Monday. TELEGRAPH NEWS German Celebration. Berlin, Jan. 18. Throughout the German empire today the 25th anni versary of the crowning at Versllles of King Williams, of Prussia, grand father of the present emperor, as tho emperor of Germany, and the conse quent re-establlshment of tho German empire, was celebrated. Children Cry for fltohr' 0f tr!. APPROPRIATION BILL, H6uso Concurrence- In Qsnata Amend ments hover Rocorded. The houso Jotlrnnl of tho laxt legis lative assembly, on which n commit lee of live Inpored assiduously for weeks after tiro adjournment of the Session to insure accuracy, Is now out. It contains 10o pages, besides a 17 page nddondunij Tho Journal nlwunds In conundrum! It Mmw members voted on the rjyo and no sltlo of tho same question.' It records members as absent and voting at tho entno time. One tiling it docs not show. which, to suyithc least, Is a danger ous omission; that Is. that the house concurred In thoVscnnte amendments to house bill tfl!n82. Tills was the general approwlatlon bill, mid was amended In tjuj'.senate hill among Other things as follews: Between linesc3 and (15, page 3, In sert the follewing: "For salary and ex penses of railroad commissioners and clerk, $26,000." ? It is said (lie 'house concurred In tho above-named amendments, but the Journal doosfoot show It. Authorities oro divided upon tho effect tho Journal Tecords may have upon the validity of an act. In tho case of A. E. Currle vs. the Southern Pacific Railwaylcompnny, it was held that where a bill has been regularly enrolled, signed by the presiding ofll ccrs of tho two houses of tho legisla tive assembly, npproved by the gover nor and filed with tho secretary of state, It will be Held a valid law, un less tho JournnWjf tfno house affirma tively shows thawsomo condition Im posed by tho Constitution on the enactment of 1 lwh has not been Ob it served. - This opinion w (s written by Chief Justice Strnhan niul concurred In by Justice Bean, with hesitation. Justice Lord expressed no' opinion. In the caseof thC8talV(rfl"T3.P; Rogers, It was held that whore It affirmatively appears from journals of tho legisla ture that a bill, as filed In tho office of secretary of state did not in fact pass tho legislature, the courts will pio nounco itiuvalld; butovery reasonable presumption Is to bo mado In favor of legislative proceedings; and when tho constitution does not require certain matters to be entered In tho Journal, tho absenco of such record will not invalidate tho law. This opinion was written by Justice Beau. An orratum Is Inserted in the new Journal by tho secretary of state, in which ho says It Is erroneously stated that tho canvass for governor was held on tho 8th of June. It should raad "4th of June." Tho orratum concludes by saying: "Other errors appearing in tho Journal are exact copies of the housp Journal manu scripts, as furnished by tho chief clerk and approved by the commlttco appointed to examo and corrcot tho Journal." W. Lyon's Letter. Prisoners Escape. Portland, Jan. 18. The discovery was mado today that three prisoners escaped fjom tho county Jail last night. They had by somo means un locked the cell door and quietly walked out. Two of them wero petty offenders. The third one was the notorious Con Kclllhcr, who was here to bo taken to Salem tonight to serve ten years for burglary. Receivership. Tho etltlon of Wm. Wirt for a receivership for tho Oregon Nursery Co. wub heard Ixsforo Judge Burnett at chambtrs today. Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys lem when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions reputable physician, rs the dawe they will do is ten fold to th good you can derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufadtured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O , contains no mercury, and a taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got the genuine. It is taken internally, and made In Toledo Ohio, by F.J. Cheny&Co. Tes timonials free. CrSolh by Drugglits, price 75 cents a bot tle. The U. S. Qov't Reports Jrw Ryat Bmklmg PBWfke THE ENGLISH ULTIMATUM Doinands Opening of West ' mver by China. HEAVY LOAN FOR CHINA, 100,000,000 Taels Supplied, by tho Deutsche Bank, Puking, Jan. 18. The British min ister has presented an ultimatum to tho Chlncso government demanding tho opening of tho West river. hkavy chinesk loan. Hong Kong, Jan. 18. The Deutcho bank has obtained a contract to Issue a Chinese loan of 100,000,000 taels, with Interest at fi per cent., to cost 8DJ and lie Issued at ftr. NOT TRUK. London, Jan. 18. An official foreign office dispatch from Peking' saying that the British minister there has presented an ultimatum to tho Chinese government, demanding the opening of Went river Is untrue. Another Landslide. KosKBuuoJnn. 18. Another slldo larger than tho first occurred nt tho west end of tho tunnel No. 12, three miles south of West Fork, when tho first one was about cleared away. A largo force of men aro at work and ex pect tohnvo tho track clear-by Mon day. Fasse&ger trains will transfcrin tho meantime. RIVER NEWS. Tho Altona left for Portland at 7:45 ,9'clocfctUi8-in8rnlngi and will roturn tomorrow afternoon. Tho Bamona will nrrlvo up from Portland this evening and will leave Salem for the metropolis at I0:l.r Sun day morning. Tho Alice A makes hor regular dally trips lwtwcen Salem and Independence- Steamer Elmore will lxs up from Portland this evening bound for Portland. Tho Buth loft for Portland atO o'clock this morning. Tho Hoag Is expected to arrlvo down from Corvallls this afternoon or Sunday morning on her way to Cor vallls. Tho.Gypsy makes trips betwecu Eu gene and Corvallls connecting at tho latter placo with tho Elmoro and Ruth. Tho river registered 1(1.0 feet above low water mark at noon today- nnd Is slowly raising. The river men exicct a further ralsoof aboutS feet. Should tho river attain a stage of 20 fot atovo lojv water mark, tho locks at Oregon City will bo closed. All freight had to bo removed from lxth thoO. It. &N. and O. C. T. Co's. docks this morning as thoy are Hooded. Tho following special was received by Thk Journal from Portland this merning: River nt Albany rising rapidly since yesterday morning' Stood eighteen feet 0 a. in. Your river will rlj rap Idly to Sunday morning. No danger of any flood at present. Storm condi tion and general rain over entire coast continue. Dakst Will Cask. Arguments wcro conducted today beforo County Judge Hubbard In tno Darst will case Mr. Condlt for tho contestants spoko about one and one-half hours. Ea U. S. Attorney General Geo. H. Will iams spoko two hours, ably reviewing tho case and authorities bearing upon it. A masterly concluding argument in support of tho will was mado this afternoon by Tllmon Ford who spoko two and one-half hours, This closed ono of tho greatest will contests on record in the history of this county. It will be taken under udvlscmont by tho court and a decision rendered at 6omo futuro time. I Much Worse. W. E. Konnoy, tho young man south of Salem who had his leg prokeh by a grubbing machlno recently, Is reported much worse, Blood poisoning has set In mid his pcoplo are very much alarmed over i his condition. Wkatiier rain; cooler. Forecast. Sunday, A WOMAN'8 LETTER. A Short Sermon to the Tardy and Those Not to He Depended Upon. There Is u snylng, "better Into than never." Sometimes Ills ciullommll ,nhU'' lmt "' rci,,ly WI,S ni -f tuorc were times when one had better re main at home, and done with It, than nrrlvo late. Ono may go to any church In any city, nnd several min utes nfter the prcnchcrhitscommcuccd to deliver his sermon, men nnd women will conic creaking in In a pair of aqucaky shoes, or rustling skirts. The nttentlun of the wholo congregation Is at onco attracted to tho lato comer, to lKtth his own nnd tho preacher's disgust. But tho lardy one Is the only one deserving of being vexed. Thoro probably was no reason, what ever, for his lato arrival except that ho failed to commence to "get ready" early enough. Ho knew exactly the hour when ho should bo at church, but was too Indolent to begin his prep arations In time. If you're going at all THKltK'R NO KXGUBi: for being late, If you know tho hour you should bo on hand, nnd If you don't you'd letter apprise yourself of It. If you're old enough to go any where nlonoyour'o old enough to know how long It will take you to complete your preparations. If you can com pute figures nt all you can tell exactly when yon should commence to dross. Don't say "O. I've plenty of time It won't take me long." Go right at It, and If you'vo time to spare, so much tho bettor. You should make allow ance for tho fact that you may have kid luck In tying your tie, or In "doing" your hair or perhaps you may have mislaid something. Don't run tho risk of being Into, or If being obliged to skip to church mid put your gloves cm nfter you're there. I once know a man who novcr hur ried until tho last mlnute,and then ho Just How all to pieces. Onco ho was eating awny very leisurely while tho train stopped nt a station. Ho was told by tho rest of tho party that ho'd not have finished when tho tlmo wan up.but he wouldn't hurry. So, nt the last minute ho could'nt find his hat, and thoy had to hold tho train a mo ment. Ashnmed? Not a bit. Ho only remarked that ho know ho'd imvo "time enough." Another occasion when you should bo punctual Is when you make an ap pointment.' Women aro tho worst about this. Ono will agrco with (mother to meet her at a certain placo t a certain hour, and porhaps It will l)o long afterward cro sho makes her appearance. Meantime tho friend has fretted and wondered whether sho was coming or not, and whether or not to proceed alone; sho has been compelled to lose time, which to her mny bo mi Important matter. You may bo sure of ono thing; sho won't bo nearly so pleased to see you as though you had como at tlio appointed hour. And what an excuse you inadot You said you didn't think slio'd bo ready. What reason hnd you for thinking might clso than that she would Iw V One cannot retain friends and at tho same tlmo Impose upon their good nnturo and Infrlngo upon tlmo In In such ways, People prize tho friends upon whom thoy can rely at times, oven when unimportant Issues aro at stake. Maiiion. Our Poultry Exhibit. Geo. D. Goodhuo writes as follows, from Pertland: "Please mention In Tin: Journal that tho Salem exhibit of fowls will bo up on Monday's evening boat,Alto na's wharf. Will got all scoro cards tomorrow, The show will bo very successful, notwithstanding the weather has lcen very unfavorable. Sternberg has scoring completed and has generally given satisfaction. Though some think ho has been a little too severe on weights and condi tion; but all agrco his Judging has been Impartial. It could have been nothing clso as ho has had no means of knowing tho owners, and expressed himself as not wishing to." THE MORNING MYSTERY. Who will tho Morning Mystery next bo supporting for congress? Inpoor BasehalLj Contest To night at tho Y. M. C. A. Yel? lows, vs. Reds. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Royal ABtOWTSfcY KJK VVOODlltJRN LOCALS, J. M. roorman nndwlro' went to Snlcm last Thursday orcntng to at tend public" Installation and banqUet of the Knight Template of that city. Mr. M. W. Cowlpfl left for U(Ht6n last Monday. V. W. Scttlemler spent last Sunday In Salem. Miss Phoebe Yoder left cm Thur. day mrtrntog'M local for n few dnj ' visit with relatives and friends In Oregon City and Portland. Mrs. L. W. Gulss came down from Salem last Saturday afternoon. She was met at the dopot by Members s f Kobckah Iodgo of thlsilncc, and ml proceeded toGorVtils to asslstlln r. Installation of officers ofGirvals lodg All report njolh tlmo. Last Friday evening Mrs. ('. Iltii sakerand Mrs. Dr.Shoreyeutertahii.i u largo numlierof friends at Hie -soclatlon hall. Dancing and whl' was Indulged in till quite, it late hot! During the evening tho guests wcr served to a delicious lunch. Tie Ehlen orchestra, of Aurora, furnished the music. Dr. L. W. Gtilss and family moved buck to Wnodburn on Thursday. Dr. Gulss will take charge of the dnlg store previously kept by S. I. Gulss, while 8. 1. Is to measure ribbon In the store building recently vacated by A. Welch. He expects to carry a now and complete lino of merchandise. From Thomao Kay. Tho Journal received the follow ing dispatch yesterday, too lato for publicatien: Providknck, It. I. Jan. 17, 181)0. Thos. Kny AVoollcn Mill Co., Salem; Oregen: IIuvo Just bought ono largo set of worsted and two sets of woolen -machinery. Rush tho building. Tiiob, Kay. This Is good news for Salem people. Tho mill will bo twice its former size and In addition will have tho ma chinery for manufacturing clay wors teds, tho only machlnory of tho sort this side of tho Rooky mountains. r . . - inrffniiron ri'i.n xrA... Un.b tj publicau club met at H. A. C. bund hall and elected delegates as follews: John Carson, D. S. Kaln, D.M. Crousc, O. II. Burggraf, A. W. Drager. Mahon-Fiuslmmons Fight.. El Paso, Jan. 18. Julian unci Oul mi have agreed on Gcorgo Slier, of Chicago, as rcforco In the Million Fltzslmmons light and James Lawlor, of Houston, Texas, tho final stake holder. HARD TIMES FACTS. GOOD ItKADINO FOR THK FAMILY OIHOLK. Every render of Tub Journal should look up tho list of premiums given absolutely free with this paper. Tho Weekly Journal at 91 a year Is tho cheapest paper on tho Pacltlo coast, yet with It wo givo yearly sub scriptions to any of tho following vnltiablo publications, each known to tho world ns a standard in its field; Tho Toledo Blado, Tho Queen of Fashions, Womankind, Tho Farm Nows, Tho Child Garden. These valuable publications aro each worth a $1 a year, yet wq give you your cholco, ono year frco, for a I1.B0 subscription to Tub Journal, either the Daily for six months or tho Weekly for eighteen months. Sco tho list, and don't neglect to profit by It. Don't bo deceived Into paying for eo-callcd premiums olfcrcd with high priced papers nt a slight advance. Remember Tub Journal Is the cheapest newspaper on the Pacific; coast, and It gives you high grado premiums without additional charge. Free Pills. Rend your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and got a frco samplo box of Dr. King's Now LI fo Pills. A trial will convlnco you ofthelr merits These pills are easy In action nnd aro particularly effectlvo in tho euro of Constipation nnd Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo iwrfectly frco from overy deleterious substance and to bo purely vegetable. Thoy do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly lnvograte tho system. Rcgulur slzo 25o. per box. Sold by Fred A. Legg, druggist. Latett U.S. Gov't Ktpoct Baking Powder ,