itmn milium i M !! in ii I imlWiiiiliHiiiMMilMIIMi UHMMlMliMllltll As an Athlete It is nocoi sarjr that ay system should be In first clans condition. Whether In train ing for running, sparring or heavyweight juggling, I always begin by taking Hood's Bursaparllla. It kesps ay system In good condition and I gladly recomrnond It." I. 0. JAqUEfl, ICO 11th Ht., Saa Francisco. Hood's Sarsapariila Is tho only Truo Dlood Purifier Promt ncntly in tho Fubllo Eye. Get HOOD'S Hood's puis syn: r1Saientc..nitlpv THE INSUFFICIENCY OF GOLD. The champions of gold mononictal llsm take great comfort from the llgurcs wlileli show a considerable In crease In the world's output of that metal. The claim that nearly $180, 000,000 was mined Inl804,and an aver age of $140,715,280 for .the five years beginning with 1800. They claim that when tho figures for 1895 are In they will hIiow a large advance upon this, yet their own llgurcs aro snlll dent evidence agaliiBt their theory and their policy. Jn the llvo years 18..-18rt0 -the average annual addition to the world's stock of gold was $134, 033,000. Since then we have had an Increase of but $12,000,000 n year to meet the increased demand for money caused by tho world's growth in pop ulation, In trado and industry. What other interest of Importance has achieved a growth of less than eight percent In thirty-live years? Put that trilling growth alongside the vast-expansion of merchant shipping, of iron maklng,or of tho manufactures of textiles, and it is seen at once that the gold supply has advanced like tho tortoise, while everything else has gone ahead with tho strides of a Hercules. Besides this, In 18501860 the mints of tho world wore open to silver as well as gold, and found tho supply of tho .latter, although but 8 per cent less than at present, insulllclcnt to meet is need for money. How much greater the present lnsulllcioncy of gold for prcscht needs, Philadelphia American: Advcntlsni. lie was tobtml man phlBcnlly mid. an eloquent and porsit aslve nncrtclinr, wltli u voice of grertt compass, llownsu native of llliudu Island nnd was bobnil out asan ap prentice to n cabinet maker when a youth. LEGISLATIVE RECORD. It should bo said that Hpcnkcr Moorcs voted with tho Portland ring lllibustcrers, probably out of n feeling that It would have been a discourtesy to tho senate for him, as presiding olllccr, to have voted otherwise. Tho legislature adjourned February 23. The resolution above was adopted by tho house February 0. Tho house had passed n number of reform bills which tho senate simply Ignored. The house showed In various ways that a majority of that body were disposed to keep their pledges. Tho house, 18 days before adjourn ment, called the attention of tho sen ate to the fact that It was not exped iting reform measures, when, as a body, It could transact btfalncs much more rapidly than the house. When it ignored 'Mr. Gates' resolution of Inquiry, It put Its foot In a trap from which some of Its members are now howling loudly to extricate them selves. Lifci ill m FIVE PRIZES!! 'Z -rn r . v .Vi'&L.v.-JSJ'. r.-tvsrtA-LjiS ! iMSH" -Vl I .iHXtf., M 1 1 Alt D TIMES FAOTS. aooD kkamno for the family OntOLE. Even- reader of Tm: JOURNAL should look up tho list of premiums given absolutely free with this paper. Tho Weekly Journal at $1 a year Is the cheapest paper on tho Pacific coast, yet with It we give yearly sub scriptions to any of the following valuable publications, each known o tho world as a standard In Its Held: Tho Toledo Blade, The Queen of Fashions, Womankind, Tho Farm Nows, Tho Child Garden. These valuable publications are each worth a $1 a year, yet we give you your choice, one year free, lor a $1.50 subscription to The Journal, either tho Daily for six months or the Weekly for eighteen months. Seethe list, and don't neglect to profit by it. Don't bo deceived Into paying for so-called premiums offered with high nrlced papers at a slight advance. Remember TriE Journal Is tho cheapest newspaper on tho Pacific coast, ana it gives juu uik kiuuv premlums without additional charge. for infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know ,.t . Batemau'a Drops, Godfrey's ConlUl, Many so-called Soothing flynipn, nnd inotj. remedies for children art composed of opium or morphine? tin Yon Know- that opium and morphine ore stupefying narcotic polonsr Ho You Know that In most countries Jrngglttsara not permitted toselt natvotlM frtthout labeling them tolsoiPif Tto You Know lliat you should uot penult nny medicine to be given your child ttoless you oryour phyildan Uiovr of what It Is composed ? Ho Votl Know that Castortilsa purely vegetable preparation, m that a Ustot lis Ingredients Is publUhed with every bottle ? Wo Yon Know that Castorla Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel rltcher. kat It has been In use for nearly thirty years, aud that more Castorla U mow sold than of all other remedies for chltdrcn combined t Io Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. rltcher and his nstlgus to use the word " Can tori a " and Its formula, aud that to Imitate them Is n state prison oflcnc ? T)o Yon Know that one of the reasons for grnutlnjf this government protection wis because Castorla had been proven to be aLooltttcly ImrmlcSB? Ho You Know that 35 average doses of Castorla are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dote? Ho Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, yourchlldron may lie kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, tltcac tlitngff are worth knowing. They are facts. .1 VV.73?SSra 1. h nniifiniiH nimfcsr I ' ' nrrn- t- ' tLLmmmm ssssWB sBBsBMLiaiar im' n 1 mm i i KvlllWt 1 I sw f m 1 UArlTAL JUUUML f 1 The fiic-wiiiUlo Hlgnnttire of JST ' 1b on every wrapper. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorla. J. C. GOODALE .4 . CT "" C. G. SCHRAMM Goodale Ltimbr Company OF SALEM Jilt Yards oriTwelfttiSand. Trade ,Streets3 AMONG THE PREACHERS. In denouncing unworthy Jews, the Hebrew Standard speaks thus: "Wej are sorry to say that thero aro quite a number of craven-hearted Jows who feel flattered when told that they look like Christians; weak-kneed Jows who aro ashamed of their faith; servile Jows who think that because they eat pork, peoplo will imaglno they aro pro gressive; greedy Jows who violate their Sabbath becauso they can make a few dollars; Bhoddy Jews who believe that a lavish display of Jewelry will atono for their uncouth manners; bolsteroijs Jews who pluy cards In their shirt sleeves at their hotel rooms with open windows on tho Christian Sabbath, and Indifferent Jows who only believe in Jewish weddings and Jewish funerals." Thero Is one Christian minister for every nine hundred of tho population In Great Brltlan. and thero is but ono in every 114,000 In Japan, ono In 105, 080 In India, ono In 222,000 In Africa ono in -137,000 In China. Tho Rev. II. W. Jones, who was pastorof tho First Baptist Church, Stepney, Conn., organized a law and order league thero some time ago, and started In to purify tho town. The members of his church told him In very strong language that they wero not In sympathy with his views on reform matters, and ho promptly re signed. In tweilty-Qvo years tho Presby terian women of tho parent woman's board have raised 82,090,050, and have 1C2 missionaries and 1,100 native readers and teachers in the Held. The lato Joshua Vaughan IIlme9, who dledtit Elk Point, "S. D., at the IlfTA of nlnnv-rtnA luinnnm fnmfillfl for the aid he gave' William Sillier in preaching the doctrines of Second , San Francisco has held a mass meet ing to denounce tho Turkish outrages committed on tho Armenians. Every American city in tho United States should do likewise. Prof. Heritage, of Willamette musical college, gives a concert at Eugene on tho 28th Inst. Z3 Keep tholiiost complete stock of common, dimension and finished lumber in tho city, and sell on tho most favorable terms. Lath and Shingles Our stock Is mado at our own mills, of thebes't lumber In tho stato. C. G, SCHRAMM, Manager. Give the people postal savings banks. . In most of tho counties there is a higher tax levy than last year. Organize tho poultry product. Thero Is wealth In poultry. TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST -VIA- fe TBI llffi CMl Rill. 0 PROGRESS. People wlfofcet the greatest degree of comfort and real en joyment out of life, are those who mate the most out of 1it nrmnrttltlltlp!!- """ Quick perception and , good judgment, lead such irAM.nlv tn nrinnt and rnalce use of those refined and improved products of modern inventive genius wntcu uesi serve uic needs of their physical being. Accordingly, the most Intelligent ond progressive people ... fminii tn rmnloff ). mnt refined and L perfect laxative to reg- Vulate and tone up the .stomach, liver, and bowels, when in need of such an agent hence the great popularity SrVf; ti.5.m Pleasant Pellets. These are BSSV3 iBSSSjRii Wm ZHUrWV Service mnd Scenery "Unequalled Through Palace and Tourist Slcepern ZDtntnff and Buffet Zibrary Cars Trains leave Portland and Seattle daily for the East. .p!.i.... ......!.. nA ti4rr(TnfT rlieclctd to all noints. 1II.KC13, ICXIiailUi" " "-hb-b" Vr 1 comfort in travel take the ureal norinem. a For BOZORTH BROS., Agents. R. C. STEVENS. G. W. V. A.. Seattle, Wasb. A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. & T. A., Portlaod.pi.l, made from the purest, most refined and concentrated vegetat extracts, and from forty-two to forty-four are contained in .....i. ioi iilrh U sold at the same price as the cheaper made and more ordinary pills found In the market. In curative vir tues there Is no comparison to be wade be twee'n them and the ordinary pills, as any one rnay easily learn by sending for a free sample, (four to seven doses) of the Pel lcta, wileb will be sent on receipt of name i nAAtm nn n nostal card. ANCe U3EDTHEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dfniness, costiveness. or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tOBu, taflfestlon, or dyspepsia: wlndv belcbings, "beart-buni,'' pain and d&aper c!tW. and kindred derange Menu of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up In glass vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, tale oncTach Jay after ilnner. To relieve distress from over-eatlng, they are : un equaled. They are, tiny. suMoated granules; any child will readily take them. Accept no substitute that maybe recom mended to be "lust as good.' It mav be better for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the one who World's Dispbnsary Medical AS30 CIATIO, U WWa tt,WW;, N. Y, The Willamette Hotel. o- LEADING HOTEL OF THE 'CITY. Reduced rates. MansCement liberal.- Electric csrs leave l.oteUor all public Uslldlng. and,points ol Interest, special rates win dc giTtii . r- A, I. WAGNER Willamette Truck Co. Stable at South Commercial St. Bridge. Dest equipment for'oi heavy drayinR and .wptess hauling. , founder gg Front Drug Sto e at all tlmoi. ' ' -EXc"BL,SIOR - STABLE- E. C, HANSEN, MANAGES; . ' Hi Q : tio', ' -1 a i( ' t im d(H.'H not do a lottery InmlnuM to swell Its olrculntlon; but In lultlitlon to glvhiK value received, It glvoa Its BUb scrllwra vnlunblo premiums. Now Is tho tlmo to order your rend ing nmtter.lnnd It will pay you to no tice the following speclnrolTers. Any one of I lie following live perl odleaU Tree, one year, to any suIh porllwrof THK JOURNAL who pays 81.G0 In advance for tho dally, by car rier, thrco months.- () cents a month) or by mall six months, (25o a month) or tho weekly 18 months, (81 a year. Pi OP FISH A K the best 10 page Illustrated f fashion magnzlne of Now York free for ono year. Tho above prices arc nci ciisn, and the clicaiwst combination over oi fercd. The "Queen" Is a high-class prnctlcal, homo magazine. The Child Garden: oTho delightful Chicago 'children's magazine. Just tho thing to read to tho little ones of tho homo circle. It brings tho klndorgarten into the homo. Song, games and story, Beau tifully illustrated, $1 a year, T"b llshod by tho Kindergarten Literature Co. TI FUN MIS. HA. nractlcnl farm paper, edited by a staff of experienced agricultural writers, contributed to by tho best known agriculturists of tho country. It contains what tho farmer wants. 1 1 I Mil ! is A handsome, attractive, homo pa per, to which every woman will glvo a henrty welcome. THE TOLE 1 RUM a. That 'great national newspaper, which Is known to everybody. S AMPLE K fli Vi 9cHl 5 - Of any of theso publications can bo imil hv calllnir at THE JOURNAL ofllcc or dropping us a postal card. Any two of tho anovo spriouicai can 1)0 secured by paying $3 and tak ing THE JOURNAL twlco as long aa required to sccuro ono. When tho extremely tow price ui THE JOURNAL 1b considered, this will Imj found the most uoorai oner made by any paper on tho coast. HOFER BROTHERS EDITORS, Salem, - Oregon. jaaasfcaa&gme "It K PRIZES M AjBfvilkM piaw Through Mels yQSJp' fll,( FAST ! VIA THE Union Pacific System. llirongli I'lillmsn 1'alnce Sleepers. Toutls Sleepers nlnl I'tcn declining Chairs dsilv between POHILA.SDio CJJ IG AGO Our trains arc hcitted by stesm and can llglilcd ly I'inlich llylit. Time tu Clilcaco, 3 t 2 (leys Time to New York, 4 t-3 uats. Which is many hours quicker thin cm petltot). Tor rales, lime table ami fall information spply to Agents, Sihui, Or. U. W. UAJiTKH, C. 11. WINN, (.irncinl Agent, Dm. l'ass. Agent, IJ5 'llilitl Street, 1'ortlAnd. 0. R. & N. CO. n. M'NEIl.I., RECEIVER. TO TUB BAST GIVES TUB CHOICI -OY- Two Transcontinental Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul and Den ver Omaha smt Kansas Cily. Low rstes M eastern cities. OCEAN CITIES. Portland San Rianclsce. Steamers leave Alniworth dock. Fortlnnd, Dec. 4th, 9th, 14th 19th, 34th, and 29th at 8 p. in. FareCabin, 855 steerage, 2.50. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Fortland Eucene. Steamers Elmore and Eugene leave Salem for Eugene and CorvallU Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays snd Thundays at about 5 p. w. Leave for Portland Mondsys, Tutsday, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a, m. Lowest freight and passenger rates, Round-trip tickets vera cheap. Tickets sold and bacaace checked through I to an points without extra transfer cnarges, Fot full details call on Dotso fc Barker, nMta UaIaih H.ilifnn w (Milv MVllt JMUIII VVLU"I W "" V. II. HURLWURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full details call on or address O. M. POWERS, Fool of Tradest. Local Agent. 9jmwm RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dinln Cars. Tourist Sleeping Cars To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dululh, Fargo, Grand Forks, Crookstoo, Winnipeg, Helena and Uutte, THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Iloston, and all Points bast ani bourn For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write THOMAS, WATTJ&.C0. AGENTS, 265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A. D. Chsrlton, Ast. Gen'l. Pass. Act., Morrison St., corner Third Portland, Or, OREGON CENTRAL ,AND- Eastern R. K. Company VAQUINA 1UY ROUTE. Connecting at Yanulna Ray with the San Frsncisco & variulna Hay Steamship Co. STEAMER "FARALLON," , a I and fint.clau In every respect, balls from Yaqulna for San Francisco about every 8dy. . , , Passenger accommodations unsurpassed , Shortest route between the Willamette valley a .1 t".illfita " ""." i. ........ .c, m rare irom Aioany or i""inv nnj . Frsncltcoi Cabin. $U steersge.S cabin, J, round trip, gooa oouays, io. ror saiiinc uaies appiy 10 II fiAVALDEN. Acent. Albsny, Or. CHAS. CLARK. Corvallis, Or, EDWIN 8TONB, Manager, Cervallii, Or. A. J. CHURCHILL., Local Agent, bslew., R M. WAITErniNTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS ANr Legal BlanklukUhnt, Ilifthfs.New4ftlck over the bank Com'l HMt Onlygoxlb. '.Ufietton guaranteed. StablfJk of State Insurance block, Z&V9 j- r - v flHt", ' -'. '0 ttJHS jMlt IJrttf' kYtifc&tii22ti&Wfo ndftfc ri J JM 'v '.--r'-JLj-l h ,l-Ua i. -1 -M rt uJki .M'Ui,