Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 17, 1896, Image 1

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    "tyfu&tf w
,! xtmmmJSm
hauji, oitn:aoNlii,i)AvJ,fA-M't;uvfif m,
NO. ift
aMllJfci-A w ii,diii !! i -mmmm M
4.11m IMBm II II . i - wnn mi ..T""?.'''
. $2.
Here it
Kraxjsse: Bros.
are leaders in their line, and are making
some big reductions, and odds and ends and
single pair lots we will follow the crowd
and call in at 275 Commercial street
C No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices, TC
Hat dware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment,
Can save vou monev on Underwear 4
m hosiery, boys' clothing, table lineni
overalls, gloves, tinware. Keep your
eve on THE FAIR,
of the Willarneile University.
Modem methods. J Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best is flood enough for beginners an well as Tor more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEY. President
R. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
Really it will, to let sucn a chance pass you for buying
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
as we will offer for the next fifteen days at our
Removal Sale
as we will after Feb, 1st occupy the room at 115 State st, It isn't
a sale of afew lots or tilings, but
All the Clothing X TC 3C
All the Furnishing Goods, v
All the Hats and Caps, 2C
All the Trunks and Valises,
Must go if it costs us a fortune in losses,
A" f vi sV "
257 Commercial Street.
" S "
4 r V v
is, mama
The Shoe Store they
all talk about, where
you can get just what
you want and do not
have to pay the two
prices either, as
SflflME! -
v v
Agent Mortgagee,
Special Message on Railroad
Land Grants,
Another Bid of tho Big Third Torrh
Candidate. ' -v
Washington, .Tntijjlt. The Pros!,
dent has Unlay scntj'aiifpoclal message
to the lower houso of congress, urging
the necessity for Immediate lcglslntloii
to extend the limit of the time within
which sultH can bo brought by tho
government to annul railroad grants
of public lands. He called attention
to the numerous complications that
have arisen between tho railroads as
to the grants that overlapped, and
the necessity for their adjustment.
The time In which suits can bo
brought expires March 30, 1890, and if
tho tlmo limit were allowed to expire
then a portion of the adjustment act
would bo rendered nugatory. Tho
government, tho president says in
conclusion, should not be prevented
going into tho courts and righting
wrongs perpetrated by its agents.
The Murderer Who Has Broke
May Be Captured in Time for
Bobehuro, Jan. 17. Samuel G.
Brown, tho murderer of Alfred Kln-
cald, who escaped from Jail hero
December 30, Is said to be surrounded
In tho North Umpqua, a fow miles
miles from "Wilbur, tho same locality
where ho was found when ho
escaped last May. Brown Is supposed
to bo heavily armed. Sheriff Catch
cart and posso left last night for tho
Chicago Wins.
Washington, Jan. 17. Tho Demo
cratic national convention will meet
In Chicago, July 7. The decision was
reached last night by tho national
committee. Tho first ballot stoed:
Chicago; 0; Cincinnati, 11, St. Louis,
10; Now York, 14.
Up to tho 24th ballot there was littlo
change, then Chicago began gain
ing and on tho 20th ballot Chicago
was chosen by tho following vete:
Chicago, 20; Cincinnati, 1; St:Louis,24.
Slam Matter Settled.
Paris, Jan. 17. At tho cabinet
council yesterday M. ITcnthelot, min
ister of foreign alTalrs, announced
that tho Anglo-French agreement re
garding Slam was signed yesterday.
By Its terms tho Mekong becomes tho
boundary, and both powers undertake
to refrain from armed advances Into
tho Menam valley. But tho Siamese
territory west and cast of It Is ex
cluded from this clause.
Grover Not a Candidate.
CmoAGd, Jan. 17. Tho Post's Wash
ington special says: "A demand
having been made Informally upon
President Cleveland for an author
itative statement upon tho third tenn
proposition, ho has given It out that
tho Democracy will bo entirely safe
in proceeding upon tho theory that
he is not and will not bo a candidate."
A Fatality.
New yokk, Jan. 17. A light en
gine ran Into a crowd of car cleaners
walking on the new Haven und
Stratford railroad at 142nd street to
day killing two women, Injuring
twenty women and a man so badly
that they will probably die.
The a S. Gov't Reports
$kow Reyal Baking Pw4
fc wpigJW? - all 9tkf
Vat the uefmudns.
I'oirfwflOUTif, Jiiignwid, Jnu.7. - The
Hylitf WiflMrmi assembled nl Hplthcart.
tl l.t reported dfesllfiatlon squadron,
nftcf leaving IJantV '", Island
will fxs the Ilermudfu.
- -
Higher Frelftfti Kates.
San Francisco. Jan. n.-Tim
Pittilflc Mall has Issued a new tariff
fih'eet announcing Mid advance' of "0
per cent In tho freight rate from this
city to 3fow York, 'llio rate afreets
all Important commodities.
His Heart Stopped.'
CiiiOAao, Jan. 17A-Frnnk Lawlcr,
cx-congrcMnian nnd farot.ent alderman
of tho liltli -ward, dfea this afternoon
of heart failure. &
Is Warmed lb to I Big Round of
By tho Chaplain's grayer for Strug
gling iCm, '
WA8iiiNfiTON, JntiVlS. Thero was
a most unusnal demo'hstratlon at tho
opening of tho session of the houso
today. Tho blind vlmnluin, whoso
ardent Americanism lias frequently
occasioned remark, prayed fervently
today for struggling Cuba nnd "tho
success of her battle for Independ
ence." When ho concluded ho was
given a hearty round of applause.
Madrid, Jan. n.-DIspatches from
Havana say tho constitutional union
ists and reformists Jiavo cabled tho
Spanish government demanding tho
recall of General Campos.
Tho Willamette is rising rapidly,
having come up two feet since morn
ing, and now stands a littlo abovo 30
feet. River men look for 20 feet of
Tho steamer Ituth will bo down
from CorvalllB tonight, and leaves at
0 n. in. Saturdayfcfor Portland.
The Elmore wll bo tp tomorrow.
The government snag boat went
down tho river this morning nfter
pulling some snags out of tho wator
front here.
Depositors Will
Bo Paid in
New York Banker and
Columhus, O., Jan. 17. Warner's
national bank, of Portsmouth, Ohio,
suspended payment today, by ordor of
tho comptroller of currency. Tho
claim Is mado that depositors will bo
paid In full.
New Yonic, Jan. 17. Slgfrled L.
Scliwabach,junlou member of Chardon
& Co., bankers and brokcrs,committcd
suicide In his placo of business today
by shooting himself with a revolver.
No reason Is known.
Goodhue the Salem poultry king, Is
in high feather at the Portland state
poultry show. Ho Is proud of tho
Salem exhibit, don't you know. The
Journal's buff cochin, cockrcl "Gov
ernor Fletcher," proved tho highest
scoring bird in his class and got tho
blue ribbod and first prlzo, Goodhue
Jumped in the air and gavo three "I-l
lck-er-doodle-doos I"
Goodhuo writes that tho Portland
exhibitors nro unanimous in praising
tho Salem men for their big exhibit
and will return tho compliment by
attending tho next state fulr In a
body with their birds. Wo aro glad
to hear that tho Oregon Poultry
Journal Is meeting with good success
down there. Three- cheers for Good
hue and the Salem exhibit.
Or Flatlsts Rtilo tho Populist
Party ?
Meets Probable Outline
National Platform.
of tho
St. Louis, Jan. 17. Soventy-Hve
members of the north committee of
tho Peoples party assembled at tho
Lansdel hotel today.
Chairman H. E. Taulwncck an
nounced that the time up to l:.t0p.
in. Mould be devoted to hearing sug
gestions as to the time and place for
holding the convention, and what the
platform should contain. Speeches
wore limited tofi minutes each. Cap
tain Chnrlcs A. Power of Terro Haute,
said that silver was tho paramount
Issuo and If tho Populists would con
lino themselves to that they would
win. Clements, of Topckn, Kansas,
said ono of tho planks of tho Omaha
platform was government ownership
of railroads. That plank had been
particularly assasled, and now that
very thing was represented to con
gress In such a way as to make It Im
wosslblo for any honest man to grant
extension of the Pactllc railroad debt.
Amounting in Some Places to Four
The OvorlandDelaye(Lby.a..Lank
Sackamhnto, Jan. 17. Thero was a
tcrrlillc rain storm throughout North
ern California last night. Tho down
pour In tho mountains and foothills
district! along tho Central Pacific
railway amounted to nearly llvo
inches. The Otcgon express train
west bound, was delayed on account
of a landslide.
Latest Noveltiea.
Kid glovo oranges and California
persimmons. Also a now lino of fancy
crockery. Call In and got a now ele
gant calendar for 1600.
J. O. WmaiiT
1-17 2t Ploncor Grocer.
By a Large Majority In tho Japan
ese Government
For Abandoning the Liao Tung Pen
insula. Washington, Jan. 17. A telegram
has been received at tho Japanese
legation, stating that on tho 0th, Inst.,
a vote was taken Inst the diet upon tho
action of the present memorial to tho
emperor, attacking the foreign policy
of tho government, especially as
regards tho rolcnqulshment or tho
LldaTung Peninsula. Tho motion
was defeated by a Jvoto of 1700 to
103. This result is regarded as a de
cislvo vote of confidence In tho pres
ent government,
Hood's Is Wonderful.
No less wondorf ul aro tho cures ac
complished by Hood's Sarsanarllla.
oven after other preparations and
physicians' prescriptions have failed.
'PliA mnenn tiniifAWAM I.. filhnU
When tho blood Is enriched and purl-
ueu. uiseuse disappears anu goou
health returns, and Hood's Sarsapa
rllla la tho ono truo blood pnrlller.
Hood's pills aro prompt andetllclent
and do not purge, pain or gripe,
25 cents.
J4ucklH' Aralca ialte.
The best Salve In the world for Cuts,
Drulics, Borer, Ulceri, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains,
and all Skin Irruptions, and positively cures
Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed o
give perfect satisfaction or money refundedr
Price 35 cents a box. For sal by Fred A
Adopted by tho Last Republican State
Tho plnnk roads an follews:
"In our state of affairs wo demand
closest scrutiny and economy In ex
penditures. Wc condemn tho prod
igality and excess of past legislatures,
and call upon the next legislative as
sembly to keep all appropriations
within tho limit of the most econom
ical administration consistent with
ofllclency. Thoolllcersof tho admin
istrative department of the state have
become too expensive, and their ex
penses must Ikj reduced. When the
constitution Hxcs tho salary, only the
cotiHlttut tonal salary should Ikj paid,
without additional emoluments. Tho
practice or employing unnecessary
clerks and of paying fees in excess of
just payment for services needed .or
rendered, has become an nbuso that
must lie cut olT, and we pledgo the
Republican party to the prosecution
and accomplishment of this rofotm.
District attorneys and other olllclals
should be paid Hxcd salaries, since
payment of fees encourages litigation
and entails upon tho taxpayers heavy
and needless expense."
A Big Year.
Tho stockholders of tho Santlam
Lumhcrl ug company held their annual
meeting at Mill City, January 10, and
re-elected tho old otllcers, viz.: Leo
Brown, president; .lohn A. Shaw, bcc
rctary; W. II. Hobson, treasurer; J.E.
Brown, superintendent. Tho output
of the mills has been greater than any
previous year, amounting to 4,170,000
feet. Of this amount 3,070,000 feot
waB shipped and 800,000 put on tho
yards at tho mills. Thero was ship
ped to Albany 108 carloads or 00T,295
Every reader of Thk Journal
should look up tho list of premiums
given absolutely freo with this paper.
The Wkkkxy Journal at 31 a year Is
tho cheapest paper on tho Pacific
coast, yot with It wo glvo yearly sub
scriptions to any of tho following
valuablo publications, each known to
tho world as a standard in Its Held:
Tho Toledo Blade,
Tho Queen of Enshlons,
Tho Farm News,
Tho Child Garden.
TIicbo valuablo publications are
each worth a $1 a year, yet wo give
you your choice, ono year freo, for a
ai.w) subscription to Tin: Journal,
either tho Daily for six mouths or
tho Wkkicly for eltrhteon months.
Seo tho list, and don't neglect to profit
by it.
Don't bo deceived Into paying for
ho-callcd premiums offered with high
priced papers at a slight advance.
Itcuiembcr Tun Journal Is tho
cheapest newspaper on tho Paollio
coast, and It gives you high grado
premiums without additional charge.
DIrd Killers.
Tho boys of Oak Creek mot recently
nnd mado arrangements for a match
hunt. James Poster and Fred Church
Ill were captains. Each leader
selected seven assistants. Fred
Churchill's sldo was victorious, having
scored 1080 iiolnts, whilst James Fos
ter's sldo 020. Tho losing sldo pays
for an oystor suppor, which will 1 nt
Mr. Dorwln Caso's tho 17th, Inst.
Tho game killed consisted of ducks,
geese, Hiilpo, yollow-huinmors, blue
Jays, hawks, owls and klldecrs. Tho
largest score mado was by Arthur
Caso, who used tho gun F. M. Mitch
ell bought of E. W. Lungdon. Al
though Arthur's scoro was .105, yet ho
was on tho losing side.
Cliuso & Co., of Eugene, today
6hlp a carload of poultry to 'Frisco.
Higbt of all in Leavening Power.
iMnrk Twain takes the ground that
Herbert Spencer bos so forcibly d?
fended. It Is tho duly of every man
lo his nclghlKir to kirk- kick at over
petty Imposition; kick nf every act of
insubordination, Impudence, Burliness
on tho part of employee. t Kick at
the laxltv which permits n beast, M
spit and smoke in tho public vehicle
Ilcport tho conductor who refuses to
eject tho ruffian. Kirk to the
manager when tho usher Is rudo;to
the superintendent when tho clerk Is
Inattentive; to the highest available
authority when nn injury Is done. Jt
is not good nature Hint prevents kick
ing among usjlt Is an attempted fraud
to try and make It appear so. Mark
Twain ealls It timidity. Pcrhnns It
is, but that Is not its full name. It N
cowardice, mingled with Indifference
to duty, one's neighborly rights; and
sheer Indolence.
Of all the Englishman's qualltirs
tho most genuine nnd beneficent Is
his blank refusal to submit to im
position. Ho ncver'Mcts it go, what's
tho use?" He makes a point of find
ing a use. He Is not amiable, but he
Is Just, and his services to his fellow
men nro much more substantial than
would bo a few pleasant remarks. It
is for tho want of a spirit of "klcklnc"
that our public scrvlco Is so unlvcis
ally lax, that, indeed, wo have so
much In our own dally life and ex
porienco to kick about. It Is tho
friction that attends a practice that
leads to improvement. Let tho loafer,
tho negligent oltlclal, the impudent
clerk, tho Insolent corporation learn
In ovory Instance that good manners,
civility nnd decent service nro at
tended with less friction nnd pleat
nntcr consequences than their opposi
tion, nnd we shall havo more of tho
former and less of tho latter,
Prof. Heritage, of Willamette
musical college, gives n concert at
Eugene on tho 28th Inst.
Did You Ever.
Try Electric Ul iters as a remedy for your
trouble? It not, cet a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of
all Female Compla'uts, exert a wonderful
direct influence in giving strength and tone to
the organs. It you have loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sloeplest, F.xcttable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dluy Spell, Electric
bitters is tho mcdlcineyou need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by Its use. Fifty
cents and $1,00 at Fred A, I-egg, Drug Store
Condensed Testimony.
Chas. n. Hood, broker aud Manufacturer's
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr.
King's New Discovery has no equal as a
Cough remady. J. D. Drown, Prop of St,
lames Hotel, Ft. Wayue, Ind,, testifies that
lie was cured of a Cough of two years stand
ng, caueed by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. II. F. Merrill, Ualdwinivilte.
Mass, says that be has used and rcccomendad
It and never knew It to fall and would rather
have It than any doctor, because It alway
cures. Mr Hemming, 313 E. 3jth St.,
Chicago, always keeps It at hand and has no
fear of Croup, because it Instantly relieves.
Eree Trial bottles at Fred A. Lecc'i Drug
Catarrh In the Head.
Is due to impure Wool and cannot be cured
with local application. Hood's Sarsaparilla
has cured hundreds of cases of catarrh be
cause it purifies the blood and in this way re
moves tho causo of the disease. It also builds
up the system and prevents attacks of pneu
monia, usphtheria and typhoid fever
Hood's fills bocome the favorites cathartic
with every one who tries them, 35 en,
You Oaa Ballew.
The testimonials published In b.'islf bt
Howl's Sarsaparilla. They are written by
honest people, who have actually found lu
their own experience that Hood's Sarsapar
illa purifies the blood, creates an appetite,
strengthen the sysaen and absolutely and per
manently cures all diseases caused by impure
or deficient blood.
Hood's Fills for the liver and bowels, act
promptly, easily and effectively.
RheHatI Xuhb Xlot.
When there Is lactic acid in the blood.
Liniment and lotion will be of no permanent
iKnefit. A cure can be accomplished only by
neutralising this acid and for this purpose
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine be,
cause Hood.a Sarsaparilla is ihe only true
blood purifier prominently In the public evt.
is nils become the uvorite cathartic
with eyety one
who tries them. 35 cents.
-Latest U. S. Gov't Report