Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 15, 1896, Image 4

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ft. tt iterm foifffMl thirty Um
.fundi Ion,
....... . i. i -- - - -- - " iinitiiiianmM
MMMMWtafriM r
HAttOffMAIf fJft8Jl A't ilnWfiLt
. Mml&f fiw MWfibofe met fcl Jlw
I M ft itwli Hli InnnflMrteMflnW
fnllii liflm. Hll Htr;frffrt II flirt
fMlilMiw of If AH. .f. if. 0HffHfifflfi to I ff. A. TlfflmM WW focfiijr flpiwlftltol
Klvo film fl MiffifUfl. Hin ttoj ttlfif lilfl flnfflfj ffillr.
" Willi hlfUidtiy. ff niiffilfiK llii dwifi W. II. Limine n fid wife wifiid down
Ho vKfldomfilololy (niton bifk l eoo ff,f,i Alimitj fiWiiy,
Ififl no fftrtnyjpftfili tlniitlliiK flwiiil in ( Alfornpy.nofiofnl idlomno fBltiffipcl
I llfl f ffMli Till' CfflWtl MWII LOOK KWIN
Dab Capital Jouma
" WftirMfSflfJAY, JAN. I, MM.
nr firnln. of homip lffll uiynfl. tnflo
' ' iiig":Tl"- m wwrurt r f1; -- rtfjgrrzasfissffi
Altona and Ramona
l'Milml, (5M5 m ' m'
swum, 7M5 w '?" """'
indefwndefiee-, ftijfl it m, vtu rrt.
fcyFrt(iil fMeireVt H in f P- m..Cf
tieinint,itgati'te'trk iA ttp
Agent, Salem.
Itll' JUKI iWWlMilU'l'W "' """-'
Ltttte Local of Home Interest to Great
And Small.
Mro. W. K. McBlroy returned fiom
Eugene foday.
MIm Lena llrnndt, of Newport, for
fouryenrs mi employe at the stnto In
8.me nnyliifti. loft Sunday evening to
Join her brothers wlio arc .cattlo
ranchers In Oklahoma. Hlio lenvcs a
lartfo clrclo of friends who wlnli her
micccm In her new home.
"Gosh, I wish It would snow u
thouaiid fect,"yellcd an ciitliuilnstle
lud this iiiornliiir as the snow was
coming down.
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Hlclnur, will In u
fow weeks become residents of the
neat dwelling Ik-IuiikIiik to II. L.
Lainorcaux, on Oak street. Mr. and
Mrs. Lamorcatix expect to o to Port
land to permanently reside.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi Allen, of Hoists
City, Idaho, undo and aunt or Misses
Esther and Myrtle Williams of the
asylum staff, arc In the city visiting
their nieces and other relatives. Mrs.
WllllamsofCIacknmascounty, mother
of tlioyoiniK ladles accompanied them.
The monthly social and entertain
ment to 1)0 given tonight at the Y.
M. 0. A. by the Yong people of the
Christian church, will present it pleas
ing program, Free to all.
A "0001)" HICUNION.
At tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I
Good, lu North Biilom Tuesday eve
ning thcro was a very happy reunion
of tho Good family, numbering twenty
six persons and representing four gen
erations. Thcro wcro Mr. and Mrs.
A. I). Good, Mr. and Mrs. .r. V. Good,
Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. W. Good, Mr. and
Mrs. J. I). Good, Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Miotics, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shantz, Mrs.
J. II. Good, Misses HattloGood, Jen
nie Good, Lulu Good, Carrie Good,
Minn Good, Masters Frank Good,
Manuel Good, llafred Good, Goorglo
Good, Fred Rhodes, Ralph Shantz,
Ray Shantz nnd Miss Jcsslo Klinntz.
It was a good tlmo from beginning to
end mid the supper was composed of
nil tho good things known to tho cul
inary art.
"iiiwri:t down."
Tho Chaso Stock company produced
"Hunted Down" nt tho opera house
last night to a largo mid highly de
lighted audience. Miss Clmso Is eer-tnlnly-ono-of
tho brightest comediennes
seen hero for n long tlmo and she
laughed nnd sang herself Into tho
hearts of overylxxly. Mr. Chaso as
tho gambler and Mr. Geo. M. Hayes
as tho golden giant deserve espcolol
mention nnd tho entire cast wnsa
most ndinlroblo ono. Tonight "Tho
Two Orphans" will bo tho bill, with
Mrs. Chase as Louise, tho blind girl
and Mr. Clmso as Pleriv, tho cripple.
This Is ono of tho best plays over
written. It has not been Been In
otiiem in n number of years and It
win doubtless lo greeted by n large
iuiuicnco tonight. Tho Chase com
iMiiy carry t,ccliil scenery for Its
proper production. Sadlo Yost was
me uicKy person who drow tho W last
Friday evening will tie souvenir
night at the Reed. Every lady at
tending the performance will receive
n cabinet photograph of the members
of the Clmso Stock company.
Aloii fif f Up rtlffwiif Mini nud nflf ii
Kfini'fiil Imiid slinking-, dinner win
rtiiiioiifiwl. A sjsjpIiiI .fotTitWAf, re-
.oner wn ftflkoi (o survey Urn inrce
oiiK liihlos, on wlilidi lio roimtcd JO
nrgo PiikM, ;i7 plM fltid oinor good
things In proi(irllnri. IiicliKlliig tho
fuiillr. ilif rnporlor coimicd in
jk'Mousfll tinnier who wcro frco lu
llidlr o)tiif('loiis nt prnlso for tho
Indies who represent tho culinary tic
Iinrltiiffit lu Hip fntnlllei who wore
present. The remainder of Mio tlmo
was siKint In music mid conversation
nnd tho K'ltliorlng, which was a vory
plcnsaiit one throughout, did not dls
torc until I o'clock, whon Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hiiuglimnn were tendered good
wishes and Iiojh'B for many happy re
turns of tliodny.
Vat Mote Tioublesome to the Pcdestrlon
Than Rain.
Tuesday's weather bulletin said
"snow for Tuesday and Wednesday,
temperature stationary." Not much
attention wns paid to-tho forecast, but
some lime nfter midnight the white
llitkcs began to uppenr, and this morn
ing about six Inches of "the beauti
ful" blnnkcted the valley.
At JO o'clock a. m. the following
special was received from the govern
ment wenther bureau at Portland by
Tiik JouitNAi.:
1'oim.AND. Or. .Ian. lf. (Sjieclal to
JointNAi,.) Tho weather conditions
are favorable for freezing temperature
and heavy (.now In the Willamette
valley for tho next two days. The
temperature Is from eight to forty
degrees lielow zero tills morning all
over Montana, tho Dnkotns and the
Uritlsh possessions on tho north,
There Ik llttlo consolation In this
state of affairs, as all business Is now
blockaded and few people are stirring
out who arc not compelled to.
a Everybody In Salem Is busy at work
"clearing tho track" and trying to
make travel possible. Much good
natured fun Is being enjoyed while
there Is nothing else to do. Children
and old folks have been enjoying
"snow-balling," "facc-waslilng" nnd
"sliding" where they could.
All manner of contrivances In the
way of sleighs have been lu uso today.
Ono pair of genuine "bob-sleds" and
a rcnl "cutter" have been seen on the
Skylights, tin roofs and gutters,
which are Mil built for snow, have
suffered not a lilt lu today.
(o Portland thin nf (of noon.
I A 8lxlndli frill of Mio bcfldtlfiil dc
lighted nil lllo little folks when they
awoke this morning.
Kov. Louis A. JJfotisenti of Ml Tic
Ixir was In Hie city Iwlny, the guest of
Ilev. .f. 8. While.
J'ntil G. Kloppln cninc down from
J'hllomnlli today, and reiiorls the
snow much lighter up there than here.
F, 1j. Pound of Atimsvllle came
down to town today. Ho says there
was no snow whon ho Jolt homo .this
David Guthrlo, of Dallas, was lu
the oily today. lie nt 111 has his hop
crop of 110 bales. He Is offered n price
on ouo-thlrd of the crop, but will not
sell part of them.
Squire Poujadu, Henry Myerlng,
Win. Scollard, W. Scott Taylor nnd
McKluley Mitchell of Gorvnlsnrc In
tho city today. The latter says he Is
both a McKlnlcy man and a Mitchell
man first last nnd all the time,
C. II. Lnnc, tho tailor, Is home from
n trip to Portland where he took a
number of orders for suits from his
regular customers there. It Is a mat
ter of local pride that Salem has n
clothes nrtlst who holds n large pat
ronage which he gained while doing
business In that city.
Fno.M 'Wooiiil,hn. A proiosltlon
Is being agitated by the business men
and city nulcials to bond the city for
a Hiifllc.lent amount to put In n lirst-
clas water and electric light plant.
It Is estimated that $8,000 will be
sulllcleiit to erect nnd equip such a
plant. Councilman Spencer lias can
vnsH'd the city and feels confident of
success. The proposition to bond tho
city for this purpose will bo submitted
to the voters at the city election lu
.-uiircu. noouuurn nas no lire pro
tection whatever, and, consequently,
Insurance has been exceedingly high.
It is Iwllovcd that by careful and
judicious management the plant will
be able to pay for Itself In 10 years.
Tin: Pouj.TKY Snow. All reports
from the state poultry show at Port
laud nro to tho effect that It Is the
best ever held In the northwest. It
Is a success financially and the Salem
exhibit Is one of tho greatest attrac
tions. Tho biggest competition Is on
light brahmas and buff cochins, there
being about llilrtv entries lu each
clans. If Salem wins any prizes It Is
thought to lie lu other classes of
birds where there Is less competition.
Stop Insomnia Buforo It Bo
' comosa Habit.
Nogloctod, Shabbily Treated
Norvos the Cause
Rov. Dr, Smith, at tho Ago of 86,
Losos No More Sloop
Unbroken Rost Natural to a Fully
Nourished Brain,
Painc's Celery Compound
Never Failed to Cure,
From childhood to old age health is
very much a mnttcr of sound, re
freshing sleep.
No one can digest well, work well.
feel well, or bo well, who Is night
nfter nlghtdcprlvcd of good sleep. It
Is physically Impossible fornny brain
to keep on providing nervous energy
unless tho nights nrc devoted to nour
ishing Its used up parts. Protracted
sleeplessness, where no effort Is made
to feed nnd cnltn the Irritable ner
vous system, ends Is nervous prostra
tion nnd Insanity.
Today there are fnr more neuralgic
headaches, far more rheumatism,
sleeplessness nnd nervous prostration
thnn during the last generation.
Manager Frank Derby of the motor Geo. Goodhue of this city Is winning
railway company, came lir from Morn
lugslde this morning at tho helm of
the car. The motormeu pushed snow
off the rails, and Frank smiled us he
thought of the insignlllcunce of the
storm compnicd with Ills old Iowa
stumping grounds, where snow plows
10 foot high aie needed. Good work
has been done nil day at keeping tho
roads open.
Supt.McGrew, of the consolidated
street railway has been busy from
early this morning opening the tracks
and making an effort to keep cars
moving. It has been Impossible to
run cars on time, but sumo have liecu
moving most of tho time.
Hon. Phil. Metschan was out early
this morning with his Eastern Ore
gon snow tthovel, and handled It as
though ho had been there before.
Waldemar Nelson, tho jolly dyer,
this morning built u liugli snow man
In front or Ills place of business, In
nicmorv of his native northhind.
Bargains J Bargains J
42-lnoh nU-wool boucles, Wo per ynul.
l 'VY J' ru
In nil fc mis of
Wonderful val
drubs Boeds:
10 nion's Milts now mm
I " tl II QA
Roy's suits nil reduced-81.15 to l a
Ladles' 10 mackintoshes now 47
CheiUKsr onus nil reduced.
Men's nnd boy's mackintoshes and
oven?oiit8 at Uirgnln prlcck.
HUrtW,r,Aii ".l1!1 "y ""dcrwear
hllOEh All wild shoes, Hue ami
coarse, f i.w n imlr nnd up for ladles
and gentlemen. Children's nil wild
shoes, 91 a pair and up. Klegaut
nlues for J..V1 and w n pair.
m l"rt nnd Idlwrty street.
The following letters remain In
tho Salem post olllce uncalled for.
persons culling for tho same, please
say "advertised."
Aehtoss Ley
D.i vis Albert
Funuoninrk .laeob
Gibson Amanda
Hardwlek Atiiru t
Limenburger .Inn
many compliments for his enterprise
and Salem may win some prizes.
Firm WAiti). Tho proposition to
create the Fifth Wnrd of the city out
of the present Fourth Is being dis
cussed considerably. Tho people lu
the remote part of the Fourth Ward
lire saying they have never had n rep
icsentatlve lu tho city council.
Among those named for aldermen lu
tho new Wnrd nro Rx-aldermau Al
bert, Alderman liiiigham or tho First
(but soon to bo in the projiosed Fifth)
ami Senator Patterson.
ewapod Hi fejiivohiUlhtf, strengthen'
Ing power of l'nlho'n colery compound,
fnciaedofsowo liiitnlflfl rbouiui
Usui, licnrl palpitations, dysjwpilfi
rtntl homiH feebleness, Palno'n celery
compound Is tho only roint'dy that
goes to t ho root of llio trouble:, forti
fies the weakened system against
tlfeso disorders mid builds Up n si rung,
healthy tiody.
dmpos Oraxy.
(JmuAOo, .fun. If. A special from
Jloston says $
Startling Information has been re
ceived from Ilavmin by u prominent
Cuban tobacco-dealer here, whose Int
erests lu the Island forbid using his
"There Is n general opinion," says
tho letter, "both among Insurgents
nnd Spnnlnrds, that General Campos
has become demented. His notions,
not only in the direction of the cam
paign, but his private nnd ordinary
doings nre such ns to give good grounds
for his behalf".
"Gomez has no Idea of attacking
Havana, but his plan is to cut off the
city's supplies. There Is no doubt
that fully half of the citizens nnd pop
ulace arc Cuban sympathizers.
"The Americans are thoroughly de
tested by the Spaniards. The situa
tion la serious. A great deal of Amer
ican property has been destroyed, nud
terrible atrocities will be committed
upon Amcrlcnns. The United Stntes
needs n wnrshlp or two In Havana
757 Commercial St 757
-u l X X X X X x '
On and after Feb 1st wc will occupy
the building now occupied by G, W, John,
son Son 257 Commercial st
Our grand removal sale will close on Sat
urday, Jan 25, so take advantage of it while
you can icememoer our snoes, nats and
I furnishing goods must te scld regardless of
1. M. & E. fl. STOCK
Catarrh in the Head.
Is due to Impure blood and cannot be cured
nhh local application. Hood's Snrsipnnlla
hat cured hundred of caes of catarrh be
caue it purifies the blood nnd in this way re
move tho ciiusu of the dUeasc. It uUo build
up the svstcm and prevents attacks of pneu
monn, diphtheria and typhoid fever
Hood's 1'ills become the favorites cuhart
ttltb every one who tries them. 2? r
Amusement for Everybody at
Every night this week.
Wednesday Night, 'The Two Orphans'
The Famous
Chase 2 Stock 2 Company,
(An organization or recognized artists.)
Change of play nightly.
Prices to suit the times! Prices to please the people! Prieesnt whlchnll canco
10c 20c 30c
Res r ids it? nt T'atton's Bros. bookstore without extra chnrgc.
$1,20 Fresh Arrivals, $120
Tlu Union Bargain Stare has just cpeacd some great bargains
in Shoss-
Ladies' Fine Shoes, Worth $1,50 for $1,20,
s sts s
LOST.-,A $10 Rold piece bttween the pat.
office and HolversonV. Reward Arlll heWi,!
finilrr tw Ix-iulnr. ...1.1. ir n 11.11 . . . . " 'a
-j ....b ,, u.u.iiuiiiinn, 1331'
P.O.NEWS STAND. Headquarters for the
leading dally newspapers ol the coa. Sub
acriptionj t ken for the Weekly Examiner.
tine stock of cigars and confectionery. l W.
Miller. Prop, , ,'4 ,m.
Tins is a fine dress shoe, and is sold by some dealers as high
as high as $165. You cannot afford to buy
shoes without seeing us.
St.Kiainu:i.i.8.--Tlioeoiitlniu(l llglit
snow fall, and prospects good for
more, Is gottlug out everything on
runners from a handsled ton pair of
"hobs." Hells arejliigllng on all sides,
singles, tennis and tnudoms are seen
on the streets. The little Hurry of
snow makes the blood of the Canadian,
the New Knglander,. and Oregonlans
fromcoldor climes generally tingle.
ArgoJ .1
Cross W II
Davis II 11
Fahvell Frank
(lee V 11
llcndcnxm Addle
Kentner Wlllns
Iealoy Andrew
ljiuiKenlwrg Louis Parker Vay Miss
lteduiond Lottie ScholU'rlA .1
Singer Henry II Willis V H
West rick Aj Wallan M K
H. K, Honham,
J)iVUi 'Jl")' ornlng. Jim.
15, IBM, of whooping cough. Luster.
..,v .,,, liV(i ,m,r iDonius.
Tim funeral will Ihj hold nt the
homo ThurMlay t, im p. m Hov.
Datlul Builul nailil
W'lm J. i mills, Prop.
IIauuTuihs Piiickh.- King p the
blue boxes. Heasonnblo rates for tie
livery of notes and packages.
Children Cry for
!tohr' Cattorln.
PltOUATK COUUT. -The DQtltloil of
Clias. Smltli, guardian of Linn (
Smith, to soil real estate, was granted
today by County Judge Ilttbkud....
The contested u ill case of Mrs. C. K.
Darst was heard this afternoon.
Thero are quite nuiiiher of wit.
Uucklon's Arnica Halve.
Tlw lio.t Jvdve In the Woild for Cuts.
llruUes Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Kever
J'il fi'Vf. -hPPtl hands, Chilblains,
ami all Skin Uiupi.o.n, nd positively cures
I lies or no y r,o.uircd. It ii guaranteed o.
f.r.,,eJfcC' .MI,,l?c,on or money rcfundedr
IJS " a Kor y F,ed A
To combat this growing evil, Prof.
Edward K. I'lielps M. I), LL. D., of
nartmotilli colletre. mniln nurvmu
uisenses tils speclnl study. Tlio fruit-
rut outcome of his long years of profes
sional investigation was Palno's celery
compound. Dilllcult nervous dlsor
ders that had persisted despite long
treatment, nt once yclldcd to It. Men
nnd women who had suffered for years
rrom broken and ttnrcfreshlng sleep,
from headaches, rheumatism and ncu
ralgla, found thatPnlno's celery com
jMiund not only speedily cured these
troubles, but that they worked better
and felt more encouraged than had
been jiosslble to them for years.
As a practical instance or what this
remarkable remedy is doing nil over
the country, the following from Rev.
Hr. Win. A. Smith, one of tho best
M.uMii uivines in Southern New Kng
hind, deserves careful reading. Dr,
Smith Is today 8d years of age, yet en
Joys better health than over In his
life, nnd nover loses a single night's
oh-cji. jie writes
M, J, Matson,
FOUND-,A Yale lock key.
oflicufor same
Call atjoutnit
I I33t
Jan. 15. Wheat, cash 57Xc;
IS' Silver, 66c;lead,
May 60
New York, Jan
3 30.
San Francisco, Jan 15. Wheat, 1.05
Wool. Oregon, choice, 7tooj lnf
8c, valley, otic
Hops Quotable at 57c
Totatoes 35 to 40c per sack.
OatsMilling. 6zy
"""ftl Jn. "S.-Wheat valley, 56
.crlor, 7
The Salem
Woolen Mills Store,
TO TRADE-Wanted to trade good inside
rentable property small residence, coulee
preferred. Inquire II. S. Journal office. 1 n.jt
WE PO NO r WANT-Roys or loaf.ri but
men or abilty. $300 to oo n month to
nustlers. State nnd general ngnts. Salirr
and commission. Rucine Fire Engine r
- WV,,
c c$4t
Rcine, Wis.
ltii .....I.I...I ,r-
ki . ,7, A '. .foums 'or rent, enquire it
Mrs. tr. W. Smith, 48 Marion street.
IliKiiost Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
kMost Perfect Made.
my early davs. hv
great nnd prolonged mental suffering,
1 broke down In health and became
dyspeptic, being obliged at one tlmo
toglvoupmy work in tho ministry
on account of lll-healtli. 1 am now
M years of age, and during my long
life have suffered greatly from dys
pepsia, torpid liver, constipation and
liiKOiiinin, at times thinking that I
should tile for want of balinv (deep.
- ""iniui iu me cunt l am
nllve today with all that 1 have been
uiroiigu. i nm n wonder to myself,
and to tho.su who witness my lmblts
.....1 miow my age. I tell them that I
try to obey tho laws of nature, and
that I tnko Palne's celery compound
whenever I need It.
By the use of several bottles of
I allies celery compound, I have so
far recovered my health as to con
slder myself a well man for my ace
H regulates tho liver, stomach and
- w, u0ui, nny question. My
npietlte Is now crrvui. et.. 1..
freshing, lliy Uver uct,VCt am,
hun, unit my crutches not needed
MI can walk without n staff. People"
nresurprla-dnt my improved appei?
nnceand activity. Gratefully your,
Win. A. Smith
ston '"lu C?P ,comiH)Und not
f. 1.. !!. ristor,"r work till new
healthy tissues hnv th.n i ' ".."
uiuff ,i',,attewd lx,rl,ons-
13 UOt the dooivsr nnQ. ...1
tlon of the body, whether It be nerve
Walla Win. .
Flour I'orilaiul, $2 60; Benton county,
s.60; graham. $2 20: superfine. $2 per bbl.
Oats- White. 2224c; grey, 202i;rolled
11 bans, $4 25j 25, barreli, 4.So 7.00;
cases, 375. 5 ' '
I otatoes New Oregon, 254oc per sack.
I lay.. Good, SSo per ton.
"I. .Valley, nc; Kastern Oregon,7oc.
Mlistuni..Uran. iu.enfflli?. iC... T,t
!3;chop reed, i2l5 per ion; rye. 75c perc
. dcaA,ec?' ka,,ed "" 44Mc; under
60 bi36C; sheep pelts. io7oo.
Hops.. Oregon, 4 to 7c, according to qual.
Butler.. Oregon fancy creamery, 2?27V':
ancy dairy, iizy,- Ut to gooil, ISI7
Cheese., Oregon full cream, 9ioc.
tggs.. Oregon, i82opcr doi 5 Eastern,
loc pvrdoz, '
t r?uUy--9i,kkcns'-'-5o3 00 per doi ;
ducks, $4 oo4 50; geese, $6.oo7.oo; tur'
keys. euc: dressed. tot2c.
Hef..Topsteeri. aKJ3 5c per lb; fair
.- , ,vt,,, iy,y$i j.jc COWS, 2X2c.
circled beef, lSc. ' '
Mutton.. Hex beef. 2.oofi?,2.2: Fhn;
ii vvr W iiicmuU c
K, ,v,iio.ce
ana ecderi
.i..nmaii1cnoice, 5C?6c; large, 34
Wheat. ..14c perbu., market firmer.
Oats ,17c.
Hay .Baled, cheat, 4.soS.ooj timothy,
Hour .In wholesale lots, 3.50; retail
ih.i. , 'J..VJ. "ck5d ,20i
iioo w"-w "-""P icea, 12.00
.yojz 00; nresseii, 4C.
..Choice, heavy, $3 oo3.4o; light
le! ?, 75! 'hesed, 4VpiF Id. k
..Small, choice, 56c; large, 340
I3i2c; fancy
Dressed, 4jf .
jut..wreseu. y,u
Uve Cattle.. 1 zy,.
Sheep., Live, 200.
Wooi..Bet. I2C
Hops.. i)t, 4(.50,
Hii:s..uasn. i?w
Duller. . Rrtt dairy,
creamery, U2nc
Onions,, 2c.
Apples.. 354oc.
iuuiiry..Meii. e,c;rocsters. , KoDerdn.
nd not wanted; duck's. -M.cSa &?! f.l01
turkeys, Uve 7c; egs nJJ cents cash.
The clothine: bus!
ness in Salem during
tne past year has, in
a general way, had its
rough sailing, But the
Woolen Mills Store
has stood like Gibrak
ter and sold the most
and best goods, It's
homemade and all
wool goods, coupled
with square dealing.
flP rJ. jXi. 1
nessf and the intention
of the managers is to
put in a large stock the
coming season at
prices that will corres
pond with small' in
comes, and at the
same time the stand
ard of these popular
goods will be fully
kept upf and its many
friends and patrons
can rely in the future
on getting reliable
goods, the same as in
the past,
FARM TO RENT-oneasv i. ,!,.
one block west of theNorth Salem' school
R. it Crayton. , oot
FSiR bLE ,R TRADEA new cottae
witii all modt-rn Improvements, heaiini,
Plumbing, etc. A small payment down
balance on m.inthly payments. No reason
. ..uu,w 11 u, mis omce.
lo 10 dtf
pUhUumen, poUTTcTans and bus:
ines houses can obtain all newspiper Inror
mation trom the press orthn state, coast and
5AU.?lr-Y.f.r?m,hc l're" Clipping Bureau,
(Allen's Un.on Block. PortUn I. t 12 2otf
lot ol hear;
Children Cry for
PItohr' Ctorl.
.", etc., sis Commercial Stittt,
I irrtjk
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap, hit
i iK ior Pu,,in under carpets. Call at
)""W UII1CC.
Tar Iil2rt,Wd ,&enito. Seauki
INSUluNcii -I. n r . ... ; Z
V'"" A.H,uncf ot loro ito, Phinix of
London, New Zealand Insurance company
ihei.,Al2? L,,fc and Accident, hu
v ti,d o' 0(licc '," wilh ",e C'ohd Rul
fctate office, up stair in pot office build-
-i"g- , , t 2 im
cancer and all mahenant disea.M vv run.
cancer, old ulcers. Diles. um,ir. fi.mls
jcutlcrheiimatijm.catarrh and minor diseaie.
uc nave a combination oil which is working
Box 169, Traveling Agent. Eugene. Or.
Dealer in Groceries, naintc nils.
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and fi?nrrW nnd
finest quality of grass seeds,
. F. R. SMI Trl & A,
(Successors to Smith & Schlndler.)
1 1
1 DiacKsmi
BHorseshoetng a specialty. New shoe.
... ki, i.5o, uniy tne best worn uonc
Job work a specialty. Prices the lowrtt
Condition povvden. liniments, hI
mg lotions and ointments, blisteiing oin''
raents, purgative pills andcOlic medicines al-
VlkVS on hand as ehan as ehewberC.
Graduate of Ont. Vet. College, ToronW
Office and Despensary at Red Front UiJ
stable, Salem, Oregon,
. ulr