Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 15, 1896, Image 2

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uaiv lapia uoumfUi
muiii wuuiwi
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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1890.
Tlio Orcgonlnn very frequently puts
tho rest of mln ii hole nnd tramples
upon us nfter vc are there, but he pel
demdlgsa pit for his own feet, but
when the last legislature Is taken to
tns'c for Its electric light appropria
tion the Oreironlan scoop9 out a little
cavity In which It ought to nestle.
Ever since that papcr'scandltlntc for
17. R. senator was defeated, the leg'
Mature of 1893 has not been a favor
ltc. Hut the big organ ought to con
Ub history lesson better. Whatever
the lolntscRslon might do or not do
in thn RPimtorliil eontost no fault
Fhould be found with the legislative
nets, for the Oregonlnu's friends hud
cmiiJ tute control of the state senate,
nnd could have defeated that WOO
lto:n forllgbl as funis majorities go.
Tho Iioum;, our friends, tried to do It,
but found It was not u question of
majorities, but of a contract. It Is
this way.
Some years ago, when th science of
electric lighting was yet young, n
contract was mnde with a Halom com
iwmv to Illuminate the stale build
ings. Tho servlco was bad and was
unsatisfactory, so that tit, the 180.1 ses-ulon-one
of tho Orcgonlan'u white
sessions there was no United States
senator that yoar-the contract with
tho old company that had five years
to run, was cancelled by tho state
paying 0000. A new contract was
entered Into by the present company
for n term of ten years. It Is proper
to state hero that I'cnnoycr, tho eco
nomical, was then governor; that the
president of tho electric light Co.
mado soveral Saturday afternoon trips
to I'ortlund.tlio Orcgonlan's own city,
with tlio member of tho 1803 legisla
ture, though It Is not on record that
tlioro were any banquets eaten at tho
Portland hotel.
Therefore the 1805 appropriation
was mado to meet the terms of tho
1803 contract. Tho legislatures of
1807 and 1800 will make tho samo ap
propriations. Then another appro
priation for privilege- of cancelling
contract will bo In ordor. See? Is
there light enough?
Hut this brings to mind a llttlo
storyj When tho 1805 approprlrtlon
bill reached tho somite, Senator
Denny, of Multnomah, pointing to
the lighting Hems, spoke something
llko this: "Mr. President, It seems to
me there Is a prodigal provision hero
for lights. It Is more than liberal to
appropriate for
Cunltol bullUliiir t 0,200
School for tlcaf mutes 2,'M)
State reform school 4,700
htaco insane asylum ii,tu
Asylum cottages JJ.300
State penitentiary l,'i'0
School for tho blind 2,200
Total Wtl.OOO
If this Is a Joke, It Is a wjrry ono. It
bcems to me that all tliew lights aro
not necessary." Senator Patterson,
of Marlon, uullmbercd, and thus re
plied: "This appropriation has to bo
Hindu In pursuance of u contract exe
cuted by the last legislature, I am
not responsible for It. I was not hero.
I did not vote for It. Tho gentleman
from Multnomah voted for It. Ho
now has to vote for this appropria
tion." A goutlemau present states
that Senator Denny dropped Into his
heat llko an unstarched rag. It Is
only fair to tho senator to say that ho
did not vote for tho 1803 bill, though
ho evidently thought ho did. Ho was
abtont at tho time. Hut tho other
onatore from Multnomah did, and
they were and nro tho OrcBonlitn'a
Tho Republican party of Oregon Is
all right. Tho rank ami fllo nro all
right. Hut a gang In this state who
liavo been working it entirely for
selllsh purposes have got to bo sat
upon or tho rank nnd tlio will sit upon
them hard nnd will not discriminate
particularly between them and tboso
who mscclsto with tlicun' ,Tho house
cleaning begun In 1601 'will be con
tinued until the lob Is complete. The
new deal must bo carried out nnd
party sucker loyjori;oir.
Children Cry for
PMwhr, Gattorla.
mini " i "i ' " .
i.a.np-..i .. .
Mund money crank" tiinw up. He
. . . u
in tmnttnntw Rniitid und nanc on nil
other subject. Ho h In reality u
Koldbug but don't Mice to tell you so,
He won't advocate tho single gold
" " standard openly, though that Is what
he Is secretly laboring to bring about.
I .... 4 II. .
If you have a menu who uiikh
about sound money don't ask him
what he means, for If you do ho will
probably tell you that he means
honest money, and when you ask him
what ho means by honest monoy ho
may want to change the subject or
he may say he wants a money which
q worth the same whether the
stamp Is effaced from It or not.
Ho forgets that this was true of
silver as well as gold before the
government denied free coinage to
silver. The fact Is that sound money
Is a metal, sliver or gold, bearing the
stamp of the government, and a full
legal tender for Its face, and honest
money Is a money which Is neither
more or less valuable today than yes
terday or tomorrow. Gold under the
single standard Is not honest money
becaiiso Its value Is constantly In
creasing with the growth ofpopu
latson and demand.
The follows who talk about "sound
money" merely reflect the utterances
of the "Wall fitieet "sound money"
club of goldbng millionaires. Of
course, tbi'y are entirely iniselllsli in
spending thousands to circulate
"sound money" views.
Tho farmer, laborer or merchant Is
candid enough to admit that he Is
sclllsh aud If you ask him why lie
wants free coinage of silver ho will
say "becaiiho It would help me." Hut
the capitalist creditor will tell you
"free coinage would help me but I
want the gold standard so that the
laborer will getan honest dollar when
ho gots a dollar." Mark tho capitalist
says "when ho gets a dollar." Estnlh
llsh the gold standard puro and
simple, which Is tho ultimate aim of
Wnll street, and the "whens" will bo
few aud far between.
The Salem Statesman says auent a
special session of the legislature:
"For president of tho senate, Joseph
Simon would probably have no for
midable opposition, unless it might
possibly bo from Clias. A. C'oggswell I
of Lake county, who has abandoned
democracy and turned republican
since last session. Mr. C'oggswell as
a democrat was always a trusted friend
of tho sturdy little Portland chieftain,
but now that he has become a repub
lican he may wish to contest leader
ship with him.
Coggswell's nomocracy nnd Simon's mako you ridiculous In town and de
ltepubllcaulsm Is like I ho lawyer who splsed at home. Don't wear the llnshy
went to heaven -not enough to hurt, colors'or dudo clothes of any kind. 4.
Neither has originated a particle of plain dark suit of clothes with a black
legislation for tho Iwuellt of tho peo- necktie and hat aro good enough to
pie. llotli play tho game of politics walk tho streets of Now York or
for plunder and tersonal advantage. London. Loud checked or striped
Coggswcll got a W.000 slice for so r- trousers, a great swaggering overcont,
vices he never could have collected a or cowboy 1ml are a "give-away."
cent for at law. For this ho has Crow up natural and you will bo moro
turned Itepiibllcau. Hither ono of graceful than any amount of trim
Ihcm would mako a good reform pros- inlngsputou or borrowed plumage.
Idcnt of tho senate to suit tho States- Look at any trco In tho forest; singly
man. Whero aro we at V .or In a group, Its tlguro Is graceful,
: I oven tho gnarled or crooked oak has
Justus Claim spreekols lights tlio a rude symmetry and lines of beauty,
annexation of Hawaii, so tho Stand- Why? llecauso It has developed In
nnl oil trust and the sugar triM light true relation to nil It surroundings.
vwmViiiiiuiiuii-iiiKi. Tiiey wiiiii
to tax Cuba for her oil and America
for her sugar. When will tho Amorl.
cans get their ejes open r
Ucware 01 Ointments for Catarrh
contain Mercury,
as mercury will uirely destroy the sense of
unell and completely derange die whole ays-
Itm when entcrliiL' It ihromli the mucous
surfaces Such articles should never lie used
escepi on prescriptions leputalde physician,
rs the damage Ihcy will do Is icn fol.l to ths
good jou can derive from them. Hull'
Catarrh Cure, manufadtured by F. J. t heney
& Co , Toledo. O , contains no mercury, and
Wood and mucous surfaced of the system. In
buying lUII'a Caianh Cure be sup- )ou B,t
,. inniu.iijr, ncunj; nirectiy Uon Hie
1 UctoOhlo, by F.J. ChenyCo. Tes.
tlmonlils free
CVSoh by Drugghu, price 75 cents a bot
iBifaiiiu IIIlTlvaBUUU)
$r Kad Ucrm Oebltily.
Vn. of IW, ana
v-t."-!!:.". w..?
$RIE MEOIOAl CO., luffalo, N. V.
fnbiv, a?,,lsJ,tStiv, jiI "Is"512 Sla thr- Kussa
n ".'HJ'OOi.oXrvatmont. "i 8i'f l"; .V61' 8'M 25c. lHr u u lvo from narcotlca, perfoctly harm.
In lwIT!nSr.'vx!'.n ' Mllea. thruuirh MiK.i.ti..i -
kuuuinn. njknt
When the Devil wns sick,
Tho Devil n saint would bo
When the Devil wns well
The Devil a saint was lie.
Th lit vore
can describe
(Its us well as language
tho Portland senators
who nro clamoring for a special ses
sion of the legislature to redeem
themselves In ttic ejea of'tho people.
Under the strcfes of 'hard times and
the crushing force of public condem
nation, they seek nn opportunity to
retrieve their lost power. They
arc very meek nnd humble after they
have long robbed the jwople and
wasted the public funds. They have
turned saint and would play reformer.
Hard times and the distress of tho
farmer at low prices and lifgh taxes Is
their excuse for showing repentent
splilts, when the truth Is, they do not
know what it inrans to feel respon
sible to (ho people. It Is the Instinct
of self-preservation that moves the
Portland gang and their heelers
throughout the state. They realize
that unless they can better their
standing before the people their doom
Is sealed, and that their day is done
for controlling state conventions, be
coming delegates to national conven
tions, nnd making congressmen nnd
senators. Their game Is up and they
know It. They can no longer control
the party they have fattened upon at
tho public expense.
What do the Portland senators
know about hard times? They have
no more conception of the condition
of the people now than they had last
winter. They would live at Hotel
willaniotto at (on day, while poor
people beg the scraps from the tables
and little children pick bits of bread
and meat out of the swill barrels.
While they wcie employing fashion
able young women from Portland ns
clerks at $Ti a duy,many a good woman
at Portland and Salem was neglect
ing her Utile ones to carnbiead.
Those extra session patriots would
all like to come to Salem nnd display
signs of remorse by voting for a few
reform bills upon which to go lwforc
the people whom they have long
plundered and misrepresented. Tlicy
should be given no opportunity to
make records now that they disdained
to make, when they camo to Salem
with pledges of reform fresh upon
their lips. The hard times do not
worry these old rlngsters so much as
the thought or the oblivion awaiting
1 '
Don't try to be something you were
not cut out for. If you nro a country
boy don't put on city airs. They only
There Is an Intrlnsio viilun
to your
having been leared In tho country.
The Statesman refers to do. Simon,
the I'ortland boss, as "tho sturdy)
nuio roruanii chieftain." It refers
to a loyal Salem Republican us "tho
,, , ,
HUli' KlWCiHilT rwhllah 1" How long
villi IntolllKcnt Americans lie led
around by the nose In the name of
such Uepublteunliim V Oh, ruts !
. i.i
,nan " "Stlinly llttlo I'ortland Ohlef.
uu" ' .
rics cms.
Send your address to II. E. H
Co.. Chicago, and pot a free 1
box of Dr. King's New Llfo Pi
Free Pills,
ffift(KSTJ;MS .
l Hew ullls mo .enay In action unci nro
Km. ,iy effv,e.lu t-IOOUronf
Cnbtlmt Ion niul Nick Heat ache. For
K nwvo I ).lLuWeaV0ya ,WTO
sua L PtSif in' i V'iStt... V"L J!
".... . r.v r " iv"j iw 1 rum
Children Cry for
l-itchr's Cattorln.
ui'tiin aesjauKa . ----. v euu ui u vniiTin.rir
Tho controversy which lias arisen
between Sonator Hherninu, of Ohio,
and President Cleveland will bo much
enjoyed by tho free silver Democrats.
Mr. Cleveland announced In his mes
sage that only the retlrcmentof green
backs nnd trensury notes would bring
relief to the treasury, lie went
further thnti this nnd anticipated the
remedy afterwards proposed by the
Hopubllcans, nnd plainly demon
strated that an Increase In revenues
might be paid (and under existing
circumstances probably would be paid)
in money other than gold, so thnt the
treasury would II nd no more relief In
a surplus than it docs In n deficit.
Senator Sherman has now made a
speech In the senate In which he con
tends that an Increase In the revenues
would be a panacea for our financial
Ills. The World-Herald, acting as an
Impartial Judge, must award tho de
cision to Mr. Cleveland so far as this
point Is concerned. The president Is
right in his contention thnt our
financial troubles nre not due to the
lack of revenue. No matter how high
the tariff Is raised and no matter how
large the surplus (unless It absorbs all
of theoutstatnlng paper,) the process
of draining the trensury of gold enn
goon Just ns long us the administra
tion permits the note holder to select
the coin In which redemption shall be
Mr. Sherman, however, deals Mr.
Cleveland a very heavy blow when he
says that the retirement of the green
backs and the treasury notes would
increase tlio Interest-bearing debt
near $.'100,000,000 and thus "produce a
sharp contraction of the currency nnd
add greatly to the burden of existing
debts." On this question tho World
Herald Is bound to award the decision
to Senator Sherman. He Is right In
declaring that tho president's policy
would contract tho currency and
greatly Increase the burden of debt,
Omaha World-Herald.
Poultry productof 1890-$400,000,000!
1 food's Is Wonderful,
No less wonderful aro the cures ac
complished by Hood's Sarsaparllla,
even nfter other preparations nnd
physicians' prescriptions have failed.
Tho reason, however, Is simple.
When tho blood Is enriched and puri
fied, disease dlsannears and trood
health returns, and Hood's Sarsapa-
ruia is Mic one truo uiooci partner.
Hood's pills are prompt nndclllclcnt
nnd do not purge, pain or gripe,
25 cent,
Catarrh In the Head.
Is due to Impure hlool and cannot be cured
wlili local application. Hood's Saruparllla
ha currd hundreds of coses of catarrh b -
cause it purines the blood nnd In this way re
moves tno cause ot me uuease. 11 also builds
up the svstc'm and prevent attacks of pneu
monla, diphtheria and typluiid fever
Hood's Pills Income the favorites ca hartlc
with every one who tries them. 35 e ts,
Vfhea Baby was slot, we cave her Cutorti.
When ha wun ciud, aiiocrled for Caalorbw
When the beee WUa, the clung to Caatorta.
VThM the bad ChIMrn, ho gtt them Castori.
Througli Hla Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
7 WIDELY known Wlscousla publisher,
jr-m woo iMsiaet at Qrecn Uay,
March 8th. 1M4. as follows
"Flva years ago I became to nervous that
mental work was a burdon. I could not wst
t nlht ou account of aleepleasueas. My
Muntloa was called to Dr. Miles' liestora
live Nervine, and I commenced to use It
with the very best effect. Since then I
have kept bottle in mv hou. an.i .,i
-eaovr my nerves become unawune. with
always the wme cood aui tivf.'.
&. MUeS' V t for nTouano
K, Uh like never MDS
111.1 nuc
to thousands." 1 h trnn,..
-.,.. nirvme uoia 00 guarantoe
bowh will Uato moo., wtualeA 1
tucces. 1 Harnwwnm.
FSRSfmwii V fffis
Arms to Arms,
Another ar ,
50.00U men women and chlldern wanted to
buy the Hock of furniture, carpels, ma tings,
etc., of J. A. Rotan for llie next Co days at
cost or less, to make room for spring goods.
I mean what I say, am also going to add
large line of wall paper and moulding to my
stock J. A. ROTAN,
W0LZ & MIESCKE, Props.
Dealars In all kinds of fresh and u-ilt meats
ryFre-dr saui a specialty,
32I Commercial st Cotilf Work
Lbucccssor to U. Al llrck Uo J
Host meats In tho city,
lowest prices.
Prompt d -liver
Office: Willamette Hotel Building
For water service apply at office. Hill
payable monthly In advance, Make all
complaints at the office.
Open sptcket to prevent freezing, post
lively prohibited. Care tdumld bo taken
If In danger of freezing to have stop and
waste Kite closed sco section 3 rules and reg
ulation. N deducilou In bills will beat,
lowed for absence or for any cause whatever
unless water Is cut of from premises.
). II.
Transact a general banking business.
Capital Transfer Co.
Express, biggae and all kinds cf work
doie promptly. Leave orders at Potion'
to . 123.tf
Meets all mall and passenger trains Bag.
gage and express to all parts of the city.
Prompt service, Telephone No. 70.
Local agents In all towns nnd localities
and throughout the United States and terri
lories to sell tbe best washer In use consider
ing its price from S3 to $5, For particulars
J. 11. DROWN,
156 State street. Salem, Oregon.
The times arc hard aud I propose to clve
in- puhlic hard times pries.
.icw mciorv snoes, plain. ,
I 00
1 50
2 00
i 1111 iucs ami calks,...
Hand made steel shoes
Track shocino
100 Chemekcta street.
ait Commercial st , Salem Or.
Cs7Suii s
mZZh '';," upwands.ry j
Notice is herehy ,Uen that sealed plans
and specifications will he received until Feb
I, , o"u'"B "'''. , taolalcf Home. Uose
'b vnwu. ,34114 omuiinc
one siorv hinh. will, K-.......-J:
for four Inmates and a ward large
" "a int'Liiicni : Tki"
20 persons, and t e estima.e 1. " 7f " !" ?
r,50OO inese plans and snecifieiln.
.l . r. ---.-.. Mwfc .y cx.
must inclu
i'lecvery ihnc'ece.sarvforam
-ure. intern tanl.auon0,,,! Ml I
t1ai at.....,
I i t :. V ""isittwu III CIIV Oh.
I'lii. siiul hit1 miviaan ..!-.
nru ana a.ldresd to the under. limed
btatellou !.- n unucr.lyneo, .
mi ifrfiiiUiJ
v. i '
AfflTS I Ml.
A ill
I via Volume CXXXIl litems nnury, ira
I -VIA O-tlng IB (W. M.p(.l;, v , Vg,
iVhactQ KHI1TO
- r .-
SMirhnrn PflflrlP (ft
CnlifuitiKt V.xpUM Trnln -Run dlly botivceii
Purl lonil nfl San Ktniclwo. , .
""SmTih j I No"
tti; 1 i. in.
tlioop, m,
I o!45 n. ni.
San Trim.
no am,
Iv, I
AlKjve trains stop at Kat Portland, Oregon
City, Wo- dliurn, Salem, Turner, Mai Ion,
Iftlrrtntt Alli-tntf. Alhnlitf luncllnn. IrvltHT.
i.n.n. r,....)! n.ain ami all iiailom
from Itoseburg M Ashland, Inclusive. '
ROSKnuno mail dailv.
b:M a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:20 p.m.
Iv. Salem lv.
nr. Iloscb'g lv.
!,A . .'
10 11.111.
:0 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland nr.
nr. Salem lv.
10:0j a.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping car attached to all
Ilettteen I'ortland and Cnrvallis, dally (ex
cept Sunday. 1
7:30 a m.
12:15 p m.
Ar (6:20 p.
At Albany and Corvallls connect v. 1th
trams of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad.
Express train dally except Sunday.
4145 p. m I Lv. roil land Ar.
8:25 a. m,
6:50 a. m.
7:25 p. sn. j Ar. McMlnvllle Lv
to all points' In the Eastern States. Canada
and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratel
from W.W. SINNER, Anent, Salem.
E. P, ROGERS, Asst. G. F. & P. A..
Portland, Or.
R. KOEHLER, ManaCcr.
loo no fur every (10 invested can be made by
our new Syatcinadc Plau of Speculation,
Siooo anl mn'e tnde da lynn small Inves
nrn'.s, by many pirsons who live away from
All wn ask is in investigate our new nnd or
glial jnelhods. Past workings of plan and
iiidx'ftl references furnished. Our Booklet
Points anil Hints." how to make money
ven when on llie wrong side of the market
oid other Information sent FREE.
GIl.MOHE & Co., Hankers and Ilrokcts
Open Uoardof Trade Uldg., Chicago, II
10 3o-3m dS.w
Will receive children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginner. All desired
branches for theolder pupil taught, Includ.
tng drawing, modeling, music plain and ar
tistic needle work All work dune on the in
dividual plan in which each child Is ad
vanced according to its own capacity For
terms and particulars apply to Miss O. Dal.
lou. Twentieth and Chemekcta its.
German Lessons
Given by a qualified teacher, a native
of Germany. Classes for children on
Sat trday nt dunning Hall.
Mrs. Rapsey. 454 Marion St
Given oa reasonable terms y an experienced
'"Cher. W. A. RAPSEY,
44 Marion st
rf!l A" X1
C'ininercial Street, Corner State
The Capital Printing Company has re
moveu to mat location. Call on ui.
On farm land securiiy, Special
.iM uu larue loans, l-nint
consideied with ml delay
Bank building
On city or farm property.
Over Push's Dank.
rl.ihaVf S00 ! ,0ln n ote sum or ny
" Prt Wi Uu ,han 3o To loan In
,. .,.,
X Stark street, , 'Portland. Or
acre! l
meadow ami
r."'. V..T""i'"Hm "ne Mlnce well set In
rwflVtr I 4m. -. r . t . . - -- ww 1
r!Ji '1 ,,ni,e Erts$es Oood soil no
A "" .. .?"" -in "Wwilon. wth-sprinr. or
frl --.. .
V . "" "cr.v 4 acres. V sell ih r
of40 acres or more ., r..!,.- r. J'1,
llriii ,..r -e. .
"' sen in tracts
I 60 acrea lvii.l tt ii. ....
lot of wood, station. Varnhm un C ' 7 r"S F
P:"fJ5?? '7 es ofhonsT .YS4 WLZ
icai lanu. I o acre.
Valuable lilim nlmtit varum lirnh ), ,
Imhuliy whicli nte otien to women I rt ..
who live luccteiMI In them, '
' Dliciudonj of niuilcal u.J, cu i,i Deoni
lUiirfttrtl each mouth wlih tHiriralt a , ,
b,,,,i, ani one r mote isi,je oft mm, i '
"... I. ..1... ...Ill ..L J ..,!..., 1 '.. 'IMS
TI1I1 merles of nrtlcli'i Is a miliiue flB ,."
among iimnfily magiumes. The pi,t '.'
Interesting to nil reader, nnd are of ihuii,
value to thoc who piny or sliin . '
Till! stagi:;
Illustrated arllclus upon llm br,t Ma tlViVe
jilay and the foremost actors, p.nu, ulnrlV
the best American productions, riie. n
much more than gossip of players. I irv ate
entertaining dicul tu ol the ilr.imn U,
.- ,1L..I nix,,. 1. .. ; ,nl'
found in any other mmtailne
" imiwn " , u.,.i IIIMIIICIII II ti.l
..The Magailno will be well nnd tliorout-hl
'u'ea 'ro,n covrr ' cover Competent
Blum mm iiiiimuvvu minium ai max til! ami
printing the plate will be employed. k
' ,riii. ftnini' '
The covers nre different every month, 'llicy
arc designed by popular artists, nnd ihecomi
for n jcar will be valuable ns an uit collection
In themselves.
which for jears has given the latet fads ami
fashions, Is of particular Interest to women
Godey.s Is a magazine of this nountry and
of to-duy
larger scope than it had as the "lady's liouk"
It ii rnontlilyjfcastBf wholesome, interesting
reading, fit for every member of the house,
In addition to llie features mentioned above
each number will contain a lllieral annum, nr
11 u .uhiiij in'iuzinc, wnn a
- , hold.
fiction, bv the best writers, nrtlcleg on subjects
of genual Interest, book reviews, etc., etc
Sulucrldtion, St.oc. a year.
m Ten cents nuumber
send ten cent for 11 .ample copy. None free
52 Lafayette PI ice, New York.
To Our Subscribers,
We take subscriptions, at a club rate, to all
the Magazines In the country, In connection
with the Capilal Journal.
Among ill,- higher priced nnd well edited
publications I the New England Magzine,
which, with nil the teatutc of ucneral Int.
crest of the other gieat Illustrated monthlies,
has, be.ii'ei", Us own specialty In which lilt
unrivalled, As its name implies, this is the
art. history and literature ol New England,
To those of New England birth or unlni
therefore, It is especially welcome, and a year's
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ever else you voursell take, you want the
New Enghnd Migazinc. $3 per year. Club,
bed with this ppir.S2 40. Simple free.
Publinhers, lloston.
A. P. T. L.
Tho American Protective Tariff League
i: a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry " as explained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
"Trvotystof this L.oju shall b to proWct
Arrsncin lb(r by tariff on Imports, which thsll
adaqunLly uour American industrial product.
2ii ix th competition of foralgn labor."
There aro no personal or privato
piofits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships,
contributions and tho distribution of its
..fiIR9iT! c,0''.'P0'"'nea Ii aolielUd rajardinr
Mambarahip " and "Official Cor-Mpondanti."
. h50HD: nV,,n,,d nd loma contributions.
hathar amallor larga, to our cauia.
THIRD: VVa publiih a Ur(t lina of dooumants
aovannr all phatat of tha Tariff nu..Hnn. Cj,m.
Plata aat will ba maliad to any addraia fo. DO canta.
lliK it la a nnn polaonou,
rarueUy tut Uuiiorrtitta,
i!!'. bpurinaiorrhcra,
Vthitt'l. Ulin.nirt rill.
chares, or anv InUamma.
tiu. uyii, iriiuu.jii or uictrf
IflltEKilljCHruiCUni b""" ' Jon iMtrlngent.
bol.l It ISruirirlata,
,. '.'fr?'
I - - .1 ! iM. fer
i r, 1 I 1 . 1. .-..
ill. . 1 .1 U'lUrtU
PA Cb.rliu 1 . 1 Imuii... .liana.
tlrlaluiil BidOilit.iL lua
apc. alvajr. ttlUbit. b.Dica tia ,
U-tiflit for ("! . ' Pa
khJ J.raJ la llwd id .max
imim. utll villi Ua il' ' nte
tbn mud (Mll4rina u 6rKD14a,
In lump, for ptrtl.uiv t li S
'Keller for I.ft-tlt," ' n-tor
Uatl. II'.UOO T-.lln.cn .. rti.
kftrrl'krmlruU u, Mm.'.I.ii Hqgof
rt.M- 1 .Iaw S
rjiavamura. mtaA
1r.',lf?,nntlo, ! rre Uaadboel: wtl 1 1
MUNN a: CO.. 8cl BaoxrjWAT. Nw Yoat
oidcat buraau roe aecurtoc pawnu to Av!r
EreiJV!,cu"ke'x-y uls broaaht U'JJJ
the puUlo by a noUoe gtren free orc!urB "
Maxim &mxitm
Mf eaiaratu4
BBF la 1 tld.-BH
t.if 1
m Sa U.4
w a
W ' f " a
""" j t . . . &
.. t 1 k
i. iMrvBF .HhDICIKE CO.i
V !3; .VfyschenectadT. ;(.Y.
- . 1
n Solcctiqo American
n& Agenoy forA
W laaVJaaaF'
tarwat clnrulatlnn of any aeleaUOo paw,
man ShouU t Without k WMkty. 93. V?
1 ktrvais, Or.
rt-iiLdiirjif, 80 1 Broadway, NaT VorK CUT.
tan tUOaixmooUu. Xddr. JONT AH